Try to follow the git flow development model.
The overall flow of Gitflow is:
- A develop branch is created from master
- A release branch is created from develop
- Feature branches are created from develop
- When a feature is complete it is merged into the develop branch
- When the release branch is done it is merged into develop and master
- If an issue in master is detected a hotfix branch is created from master
- Once the hotfix is complete it is merged to both develop and master
This project will try its best to adhere to semver i.e, a codified guide to versioning software. When a new feature is developed or a bug is fixed the version will need to be bumped to signify the change.
The semver string is built like this:
A major version bump means that a massive change took place.
A minor version is a addition or change to the core software. Most development activity will be this type of version bump. Example: A new or reworked feature.
A patch version is a bug fix or application configuration change.
Documentation doesn't require a version bump.