Saurabh Jamadagni
1st December, 2022
- Wikipedia returns a very specific format of json, so decode accordingly.
- Use enum to switch between states. It is good practice and also so much simpler than guessing what a boolean will be at a certain state.
case .loaded:
ForEach(pages, id: \.pageid) { page in
+ Text(": ") +
Text("Page description here")
- Notice how we can use + to add text views together? This lets us create larger text views that mix and match different kinds of formatting.
- This will be done using the Comparable protocol.
- It allows us to compare different instances of a struct. (More on this protocol later, soon in a blog post)
- But, comparable compares every property of the struct for the instances to determine the relation.
- In this case we just have to compare the titles.
- So basically overload the comparison operator.
static func <(lhs: Page, rhs: Page) -> Bool {
lhs.title < rhs.title
- Notice it is a static function at it is a function of the struct and not a particular instance.
- Sometimes the result froma URL will have optionals and garbage conditionals that will only make your code messy.
- In this case create computed properties in the struct itself that do that to keep things cleaner.