Saurabh Jamadagni
4th October, 2022
- Review and Challenge day for project 11 - Bookworm
- Validate input in some way
- I chose to use the disabled modifier that checks if the title and author textfields are entry.
- If even one of them is empty, then the Save button is disabled.
- Also add a default image for when the genre is not selected and defaults to 'Unknown'.
func checkInput() -> Bool {
return title.isEmpty || author.isEmpty
// Adding the disabled modifier to the Save button section.
Section {
Button("Save") {
// Adds the book
let newBook = Book(context: moc) // Create an instance of class Book = UUID()
newBook.title = title = author
newBook.genre = genre.isEmpty ? "Unknown" : genre = review
newBook.rating = Int16(rating)
- Modify such that books that are rated one star and highlighted differently.
- Add .foreground modifier to title in ContentView
.foregroundColor(book.rating == 1 ? .red : .primary)
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