Saurabh Jamadagni
20th July, 2022
Unlike UIKit which uses classes for views, SwiftUI uses structs.
One of the reasons is speed. Structs are just faster and more efficient than classes. But that is not the only reason.
In UIKit, everything is inherited from a super class created by apple. Whereas in SwfitUI, if your struct has a single variable, that is all your view has, making it extremely light weight.
The difference is most noticed when changing values. Classes can change the values inside quite freely.
Structs contain exactly what we say.
Understand that their is nothing behind the main view.
There is no point reaching outside the content view. Just consider that as your screen and work with it.
- When we apply a modifier to a view, we create a copy of the view with the applied changes.
- Consider applying a frame to a button and then a colour.
// This will first create your view, then a red button and then a frame
// due to this the entire frame will not have the red color
// It will appear as if the button text is highlighted.
Button("Hello, world") { }
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
// the more optimal way to do this, considering you want the entire frame to be coloured
Button("Hello, world") { }
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
- How does SwiftUI figure out what is being returned from the VStack. It could literally be anything. A button, an image, we can't say.
- SwiftUI create something called as a
that is returned. - That's why we currently have the limitation of 10 views inside the VStack.
- SwiftUI internally currently only knows how to handle a
that has 10 views inside it.
- It automatically attaches the attribute
and the views inside are converted to a TupleView again. - That's why in our main view as well, we have the 10 view limitation.
- We can use the ternary operator to conditionally apply a certain modifier.
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var isCorrect = false
var body: some View {
Button("Answer") {
.foregroundColor(isCorrect ? .green : .red)
- We can directly apply a modifier to a container so that the modifier is applied to all views inside it.
- But the child modifier, i.e. any modifier to the views inside can override the environment modifier.
- But not all modifiers are environment modifiers.
- For example, if we apply a blur to a VStack so that all views have a blur, we cannot go in and add a child modifier that says this view has less blur.
- There's no actual way of telling which modifiers are environment modifiers. Only way is to read through the documentation.
- You can create a property out of a view that is later used in the body.
- This increases the readability of the body.
- Suppose you want to create two text views that have the same kind of formatting.
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 10) {
- This can be simplified by creating a new struct, let's call it
struct CapsuleText: View {
var text: String
var body: some View {
- Thus our main body is simplified to
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 10) {
CapsuleText(text: "First")
CapsuleText(text: "Second")
- It conforms to the
protocol and has to have the function body.
struct Title: ViewModifier {
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
- To use this custom modifier we can use
wherever we want to use it. - To make it easier to use the custom modifier, we can extend the
protocol as such.
extension View {
func titleStyle() -> some View {
- Remember, modifiers return new objects with some view attached. They can do much more than just apply other modifiers.
- When you have custom view modifiers, you can add custom properties.
- Custom containers utilize a bit of advanced Swift and make use of Generics.
- I would recommend checking the video out instead of the notes for the best explanation.
- link:
- Structs are used for views as they are faster and also because they will contain exactly what we want and expect. They are just simpler to work with.
- Modifier order is important as each time a modifier is applied a copy of the view is created with the applied changes.
is returned when working with multiple views. An automatic attribute calledViewBuilder
comes into play.- We can have conditional modifiers using the ternary operator.
- Break down views into smaller parts for better composition and understanding. Do not worry about efficiency.
- Custom modifiers can be made by adopting the
protocol. A convenient way to use them is to extend the View protocol.
Thanks for reading! Let's connect on Twitter 👋