Saurabh Jamadagni
11th July, 2022
- The
file is responsible for configuring the initial launch of our app. - The content view contains the main UI of the program.
- The
struct conforms to theView
protocol. It involves everything that you may see on your screen, all the images, buttons, nav bars, etc. - View protocol only requires the body property. Everything else is your choice to add.
- The preview will show you what your UI will look. Don't confuse it with a simulator. That is different
Pro tip: Use the shortcut
option + cmd + P
to resume preview whenever it is paused.
- Forms are scrolling lists of static views which can contain text and images but also interactie elements such as toggle switches, text fields, buttons and so on.
- Currently it is a limitation of forms that you cannot add more than 10 items to it.
- After that you need to start making groups.
- If you want to make the elements look visibly part of different groups, use
- A rectangular area is marked as the Safe Area so that our UI elements do not overlap with the System UI.
- Wrapping everything inside a navigation view provides us with a navigation bar. A navigation view does so much more but that shall be discussed later.
- Attaching the form with a
will give us a large Title. - We can also have a smaller titel using
- The active collection of the settings, the preferences at the instant is known as a program state.
SwiftUI's Views are a function of their state.
Button("String inside the button") {
// action that should be performed after the button is pressed.
- Swift will allow us to create a mutating struct but not a mutating computed property.
- So how do you makes changes to the view?
- This can be done using property wrappers.
property wrapper can tell that this property is part of our current active state. - This allows us to make change to the property.
- Apple reccommends we make these values local by using the private access modifier.
- Swift won't let us create a textfield unless we don't have an actual place to store it in the struct.
- It also won't allow us to create the field if the variable doesn't show exactly what is present in the field.
- Thus these two need to be bound together.
- This is done using the
sign. It tells swift that it should read from this variable but also write to it.
@State private var name = ""
var body: some View {
Form {
TextField("Enter you name: ", text: $name)
Text("Hello world")
- Useful when you want to loop to create views. For example, if you want to loop over an array and have each element in a new text view.
is not limited to 10 by SwiftUI.- This will run a closure each times for the mentioned number of times.
var body: some View {
Form {
ForEach(0..<20) { number in
Text("Row \(number)")
- A
takes aselection
parameter which has to be binded. - It is followed by a closure, which houses the options you want to show in the picker.
- We can do a simple
in here.
let students = ["Harry", "Hermoine", "Ron"]
@State private var selected = "Harry"
var body: some View {
Form {
Picker("Selected student", selection: $selected) {
ForEach(students, id: \.self) {
- Here the selecetion is stored inside
. - The for each takes an id for unique identification. If it were structs that we were passing, we could have a id property inside them.
- But for an array of strings, the most unique property is the string itself. Thus we make the string its own id. This would cause problems with duplicates.
essentially means show the element of the array as a text view.
Thanks for reading! Let's connect on Twitter 👋