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73 lines (62 loc) · 2.83 KB

File metadata and controls

73 lines (62 loc) · 2.83 KB

Saurabh Jamadagni
10th July, 2022


  • Optionals imply that a requested value may or may not exist.
  • Optionals are represented by using a ? after the data type. Example, String? is a Optional String.
  • Swift likes data to be predictable. Thus to use optionals, we have to unwrap it first to make sure it has some form of data present in it.
  • One of the ways of unwrapping an optional is to use if let.
if let valueInside = optional {
    // do whatever you want with the valueInside.
  • The unwrapped constant can have the variable name itself. It is allowed and known as shadowing.
  • A nil variable implies the absence on data. For example a integer variable assigned with value 0 is still some data. Whereas a nil integer variable has no data at all.

Unwrapping optionals with guard

  • guard let will run the code inside the parenthesis if the optional has value nil.
guard let number = number else {
    // execute code that should run if number is nil
// code for when number has some form of data.
  • Swift requires you to return if a guard check fails.

Nil coalescing

  • We basically provide a defualt value if the optional has nil inside.
  • ?? is the nil coalescing operator.
  • Example,
let car: String? = nil
let facCar = car ?? "Porsche 911"

Optional chaining

  • Optional chaining allows us to run some code on an optional if it has a value.
  • Basically the next methods are chained using the optional using the dot operator.
  • If something returns an optional, it is followed by a ? in the chain.
  • If any of the optionals return nil in the chain, nil is returned instantly.

Handling function failures using optionals

  • If we care only care about if a function failed or succeeded, we can use try? when calling it.
  • If the function returns a value, that will be returned as an optional now.
  • But if it fails, we will be returned nil. But we can't know the cause of the failure.

Checkpoint 9

  • write a function that takes an optional integer array and spits out a random int from the array.
  • If the array is empty, then it has to return a random number in the range 1...100
  • The entire code needs to be in one line!
func getRandomElement(numbers: [Int]?) -> Int {
  numbers?.randomElement() ?? Int.random(in: 1...100)

print(getRandomElement(numbers: [5, 7, 1, 2]))
print(getRandomElement(numbers: nil))

// OUTPUT -------------
// 5
// 18


  • Optionals may or may not contain actual data. They can hold nil.
  • They need to be unwrapped before being used.
  • Ways to unwrap are if-let, guard-let-else, nil coalescing. We can also chain optionals.
  • Had checkpoint 9.

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