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File metadata and controls

160 lines (131 loc) · 4.58 KB

Saurabh Jamadagni
8th July, 2022


  • There is one more way other than structs to create a custom type of data.
  • Swift won't generate a memberwise initialiser for classes.
  • You can inherit properties and methods in classes through inheritance
  • Class instances are copied by reference. A change in the copy will make a change in the original too.
  • Even if you declare a class instance to be constant, we can go ahead and change properties inside it as long as they are declared to be variables.
  • When all copies of a class instance are deleted, we can call the deinitialiser to get rid of the data which has no references pointing to it to cleanup.

Implementing class inheritance

  • The class from which you inherit from is known as the super or the parent class.
  • The class that inherits from the super class is known as the sub class or the child class.
class SubClass: SuperClass {
    // class body
  • If you want to override a method in a child class that was inherited from the parent class, we can use the keyword override before func.
class SuperClass {
    func display() {

class SubClass: SuperClass {
    override func display() {
        print("I took control now")
  • If you don't want another class to inherit from one class, we can use the keyword final. This way that class becomes the final class and no other class can inherit from it.

Class initialisers

  • Swift will never provide a initialiser for classes.
  • We have to either create a custom init or assign default values for all properties.
  • A child call should call the initaliser of its super class after assigning its properties.
  • This is done by calling super.init()

How to copy classes

  • Classes are reference types in Swift.
  • So how to copy without affecting the original?
  • We have to make a deep copy for it. This includes creating a copy function in the class that assigns all properties to the properties of the copy and returns the copy.

Deinitialisers in Swift

  • Just like initialisers, we do not use the word func at the start.
  • They never take parameters or return anything. They don't even have the ()
  • They are automatically called when the last copy of the class instance is destroyed.
  • Create a deinitializer using the keyword deinit.
class A {
    deinit {
        print("Calling the destroyer")

How to work with variables inside class instances

  • This can be done by making the instance variable too. By doing this, we can point to a whole other instance variable.

Checkpoint 7

  • Create an animal, dog, cat, corgi, poodle, lion, persian class
  • Dog inherits from animal and corgi and poodle inherit from dog.
  • Cat inherits from animal and persian and lion inherit from cat
  • All should have a method speak which is different for each animal
  • have a isTame property for cats and have correct initialisers.
class Animal {
  let legs: Int
  init(legs: Int) {
    self.legs = legs

class Dog: Animal {
  func speak() {
    print("I am a dog, woof woof!")

class Corgi: Dog {
  override func speak() {
    print("I am a corgi, woof woof!")

class Poodle: Dog {
  override func speak() {
    print("I am a poodle, woof woof!")

class Cat: Animal {
  var isTame: Bool
  init(isTame: Bool, legs: Int) {
    self.isTame = isTame
    super.init(legs: legs)
  func speak() {
    print("I am a cat")

class Persian: Cat {
  override func speak() {
    print("I am a cat and I purr")

class Lion: Cat {
  override func speak() {
    print("I am a cat and I roar")

let dog = Dog(legs: 4)
let corgi = Corgi(legs: 4)
let poodle = Poodle(legs: 4)

let cat = Cat(isTame: true, legs: 4)
let persian = Persian(isTame: true, legs: 4)
let lion = Lion(isTame: false, legs: 4)
print("Is a lion tameable? \(lion.isTame)")

// I am a dog, woof woof!
// I am a corgi, woof woof!
// I am a poodle, woof woof!
// I am a cat
// I am a cat and I purr
// I am a cat and I roar
// Is a lion tameable? false


  • Classes are similar to structs but they are reference type. We can also inherit in classes.
  • Classes can't generate a memberwise initializer.
  • We can create a deinitializer for classes that destroys the value when all the copies of a class instance are deleted.
  • Had checkpoint 7.

Thanks for reading! Let's connect on Twitter 👋