Saurabh Jamadagni
7th July, 2022
- Sometimes you just don't want the properties to be able to be tampered openly. Thus access to them needs to be restricted.
- For example, funds in a bank account struct shouldn't be able to be modified by just anyone.
- The keyword
restricts the access to a property to the methods inside the struct only. No other external methods can access a private property. - Following are some of the access modifiers in swift
-> for access within the structfileprivate
-> for access within the filepublic
-> for anyone, anywhereprivate(set)
-> This allows anyone to read the properties, but only the internal methods can write to it.
- Swift cannot generate a memberwise initialiser on its own if any internal property is private.
- Basically declare a custom init whenever you have private properties.
- Sometimes you may want a property to be for the struct only and not for its instances.
- We cannot access non-static properties from static members.
static ≠> non-static
- Non-static members can read static members.
non-static => static
- We can just access the static member using the self keyword. No need to create an instance.
- Create a car struct that includes model, number of seats and current gear.
- add a method to change gears up or down
- don't allow invalid gears. a range of 1 to 10 is fine.
import Cocoa
enum ShiftingErrors: Error {
case invalidDownShift, invalidUpShift, invalidShiftString
struct Car {
let model: String
let numberOfSeats: Int
var currentGear: Int = 0 // car in neutral
mutating func shiftGears(shift: String) throws {
switch shift {
case "up":
if currentGear < 10 {
currentGear += 1
print("upshifting, current gear is now \(currentGear)")
} else {
throw ShiftingErrors.invalidUpShift
case "down":
if currentGear > 0 {
currentGear -= 1
print("downshifting, current gear is now \(currentGear)")
} else {
throw ShiftingErrors.invalidDownShift
throw ShiftingErrors.invalidUpShift
do {
var porsche = Car(model: "porsche 911", numberOfSeats: 2, currentGear: 5)
try porsche.shiftGears(shift: "up")
try porsche.shiftGears(shift: "down")
try porsche.shiftGears(shift: "down")
try porsche.shiftGears(shift: "down")
try porsche.shiftGears(shift: "down")
try porsche.shiftGears(shift: "down")
try porsche.shiftGears(shift: "down")
try porsche.shiftGears(shift: "down")
} catch ShiftingErrors.invalidUpShift {
print("Already at highest gear")
} catch ShiftingErrors.invalidDownShift {
print("Already at the lowest gear")
} catch {
print("Wrong input string")
// Output -------------------------------
// upshifting, current gear is now 6
// downshifting, current gear is now 5
// downshifting, current gear is now 4
// downshifting, current gear is now 3
// downshifting, current gear is now 2
// downshifting, current gear is now 1
// downshifting, current gear is now 0
// Already at the lowest gear
- learned about access modifiers in swift. They can restrict who has access to struct members.
- Static members are members of a struct and not any particular instance. They are common to all instances.
- Had Checkpoint 6.
Thanks for reading! Let's connect on Twitter 👋