- Bytecode (.pyc)
- Data structures (string, integer, list, tuple, dictionary, set)
- Operators: logical and arithmetic --> &, or, not ---> =, !=, >, <, =>, =<, +, -, *, /, %, //
- Basic methods: print, input, len, math, max, min, type, dir, help, range, enumerate, zip, round
- All the key-words
- What are the keywords/functions: pass, lambda, map, filter, any, yield
- Conditions: if, else, elif
- Loops: for, else, while and recursive, break, continue
- Exceptions: try, except, else, finally
- File handling: open, close, with, write, read, readline, readlines, seek, tell
- Common functions: map, filter and lambda
- Generators
- Decorators with arguments and multiple decorators, class based decorators(call)
- Regular expression
- Inbuilt libraries: os, sys, time, datetime, calendar, logging, random, json, subprocess, argparse
- Good libraries: numpy, matplot, openpyxl, openCV, pillow,
- Class, instant
- Class variable, class methods, normal methods,
- Method variables, semiPrivate variable,_ private variables, object.className_ private variables
- Dander methods: init,del, str, repr, iter, dir, name
- In build method: isintance, issubclass
- Multiple Inheritance and Method resolution(MRO): Single , Multi-Level, Hierarchical and Multiple
- Polymorphism: method overloading, method overriding, operation overloading
- Decorators: @property, @setter, @deleter, @class method, @staticmethod
- Threading and multithreading
- Multiprocessing
- Data structure and Algorithms
- Pytest
- Design patterns
- List is a collection which is ordered and changeable. Allows duplicate members.
- Tuple is a collection which is ordered and unchangeable. Allows duplicate members.
- Set is a collection which is unordered and unindexed. No duplicate members.
- Dictionary is a collection which is ordered and changeable. No duplicate members.
- list.append()
- list.clear()
- list.copy()
- list.count()
- list.extend()
- list.index()
- list.insert()
- list.pop()
- list.remove()
- list.reverse
- tuple.count()
- tuple.index()
- clear()
- copy()
- fromkeys()
- get()
- items()
- keys()
- pop()
- popitem()
- setdefault()
- update()
- values()
- add()
- clear()
- copy()
- difference()
- difference_update()
- discard()
- intersection()
- intersection_update()
- isdisjoint()
- issubset()
- issuperset()
- pop()
- remove()
- symmetric_difference()
- symmetric_difference_update()
- union()
- update()
- As of Python version 3.7, dictionaries are ordered. In Python 3.6 and earlier, dictionaries are unordered.
- From Python3 tuple compression is act as generators
- After slicing lists, change in the copied array will change the copying array elements
- Advance Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSiRzuSx120&list=PL7yh-TELLS1FuqLSjl5bgiQIEH25VEmIc
- 5 Mini Python Projects - For Beginners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLn3jOsNRVE