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258 lines (202 loc) · 11 KB


File metadata and controls

258 lines (202 loc) · 11 KB

Change Log


  • Allow setting Mailbox and Attendee-type attributes as plain strings, e.g.:
  • Renamed Message.from field to from is a Python keyword so from could only be accessed as Getattr(my_essage, 'from') which is just stupid.
  • Make EWSTimeZone Windows timezone name translation more robust
  • Add read-only Message.message_id which holds the Internet Message Id
  • Memory and speed improvements when sorting querysets using order_by() on a single field.

```python calendar_item.organizer = '[email protected]' calendar_item.required_attendees = ['[email protected]', '[email protected]']

message.to_recipients = ['[email protected]', '[email protected]']



  • Bugfix release


  • Account.fetch() and Folder.fetch() are now generators. They will do nothing before being evaluated.
  • Added optional page_size attribute to QuerySet.iterator() to specify the number of items to return per HTTP request for large query results. Default page_size is 100.
  • Many minor changes to make queries less greedy and return earlier


  • Add Python2 support


  • Implement attachments support. It's now possible to create, delete and get attachments connected to any item type:

    from exchangelib.folders import FileAttachment, ItemAttachment
    # Process attachments on existing items
    for item in my_folder.all():
        for attachment in item.attachments:
            local_path = os.path.join('/tmp',
            with open(local_path, 'wb') as f:
                print('Saved attachment to', local_path)
    # Create a new item with an attachment
    item = Message(...)
    binary_file_content = 'Hello from unicode æøå'.encode('utf-8')  # Or read from file, BytesIO etc.
    my_file = FileAttachment(name='my_file.txt', content=binary_file_content)
    my_calendar_item = CalendarItem(...)
    my_appointment = ItemAttachment(name='my_appointment', item=my_calendar_item)
    # Add an attachment on an existing item
    my_other_file = FileAttachment(name='my_other_file.txt', content=binary_file_content)
    # Remove the attachment again

    Be aware that adding and deleting attachments from items that are already created in Exchange (items that have an item_id) will update the changekey of the item.

  • Implement Item.headers which contains custom Internet message headers. Primarily useful for Message objects. Read-only for now.


  • Implement the Contact.physical_addresses attribute. This is a list of exchangelib.folders.PhysicalAddress items.

  • Implement the CalendarItem.is_all_day boolean to create all-day appointments.

  • Implement my_folder.export() and my_folder.upload(). Thanks to @SamCB!

  • Fixed Account.folders for non-distinguished folders

  • Added Folder.get_folder_by_name() to make it easier to get sub-folders by name.

  • Implement CalendarView searches as my_calendar.view(start=..., end=...). A view differs from a normal filter() in that a view expands recurring items and returns recurring item occurrences that are valid in the time span of the view.

  • Persistent storage location for autodiscover cache is now platform independent

  • Implemented custom extended properties. To add support for your own custom property, subclass exchangelib.folders.ExtendedProperty and call register() on the item class you want to use the extended property with. When you have registered your extended property, you can use it exactly like you would use any other attribute on this item type. If you change your mind, you can remove the extended property again with deregister():

    class LunchMenu(ExtendedProperty):
        property_id = '12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456781234'
        property_name = 'Catering from the cafeteria'
        property_type = 'String'
    CalendarItem.register('lunch_menu', LunchMenu)
    item = CalendarItem(..., lunch_menu='Foie gras et consommé de légumes')
  • Fixed a bug on folder items where an existing HTML body would be converted to text when calling save(). When creating or updating an item body, you can use the two new helper classes exchangelib.Body and exchangelib.HTMLBody to specify if your body should be saved as HTML or text. E.g.:

    item = CalendarItem(...)
    # Plain-text body
    item.body = Body('Hello UNIX-beard pine user!')
    # Also plain-text body, works as before
    item.body = 'Hello UNIX-beard pine user!'
    # Exchange will see this as an HTML body and display nicely in clients
    item.body = HTMLBody('<html><body>Hello happy <blink>OWA user!</blink></body></html>')


  • Fix bug where fetching items from a folder that can contain multiple item types (e.g. the Deleted Items folder) would only return one item type.

  • Added Item.move(to_folder=...) that moves an item to another folder, and Item.refresh() that updates the Item with data from EWS.

  • Support reverse sort on individual fields in order_by(), e.g. my_folder.all().order_by('subject', '-start')

  • Account.bulk_create() was added to create items that don't need a folder, e.g. Message.send()

  • Account.fetch() was added to fetch items without knowing the containing folder.

  • Implemented SendItem service to send existing messages.

  • Folder.bulk_delete() was moved to Account.bulk_delete()

  • Folder.bulk_update() was moved to Account.bulk_update() and changed to expect a list of (Item, fieldnames) tuples where Item is e.g. a Message instance and fieldnames is a list of attributes names that need updating. E.g.:

    items = []
    for i in range(4):
        item = Message(subject='Test %s' % i)
    item_changes = []
    for i, item in enumerate(items):
        item.subject = 'Changed subject' % i
        item_changes.append(item, ['subject'])


  • Added the is_service_account flag to Credentials. is_service_account=False disables the fault-tolerant error handling policy and enables immediate failures.
  • Configuration now expects a single credentials attribute instead of separate username and password attributes.
  • Added support for distinguished folders Account.trash, Account.drafts, Account.outbox, Account.sent and Account.junk.
  • Renamed Folder.find_items() to Folder.filter()
  • Renamed Folder.add_items() to Folder.bulk_create()
  • Renamed Folder.update_items() to Folder.bulk_update()
  • Renamed Folder.delete_items() to Folder.bulk_delete()
  • Renamed Folder.get_items() to Folder.fetch()
  • Made various policies for message saving, meeting invitation sending, conflict resolution, task occurrences and deletion available on bulk_create(), bulk_update() and bulk_delete().
  • Added convenience methods, Item.delete(), Item.soft_delete(), Item.move_to_trash(), and methods Message.send() and Message.send_and_save() that are specific to Message objects. These methods make it easier to create, update and delete single items.
  • Removed fetch(.., with_extra=True) in favor of the more fine-grained fetch(.., only_fields=[...])
  • Added a QuerySet class that supports QuerySet-returning methods filter(), exclude(), only(), order_by(), reverse()````values() and values_list() that all allow for chaining. QuerySet also has methods iterator(), get(), count(), exists() and delete(). All these methods behave like their counterparts in Django.


  • Use of my_folder.with_extra_fields = True to get the extra fields in Item.EXTRA_ITEM_FIELDS is deprecated (it was a kludge anyway). Instead, use my_folder.get_items(ids, with_extra=[True, False]). The default was also changed to True, to avoid head-scratching with newcomers.


  • Simplify Q objects and Restriction.from_source() by using Item attribute names in expressions and kwargs instead of EWS FieldURI values. Change Folder.find_items() to accept either a search expression, or a list of Q objects just like Django filter() does. E.g.:

    ids = account.calendar.find_items(
          "start < '2016-01-02T03:04:05T' and end > '2016-01-01T03:04:05T' and categories in ('foo', 'bar')",
    q1, q2 = (Q(subject__iexact='foo') | Q(subject__contains='bar')), ~Q(subject__startswith='baz')
    ids = account.calendar.find_items(q1, q2, shape=IdOnly)


  • Complete rewrite of Folder.find_items(). The old start, end, subject and categories args are deprecated in favor of a Django QuerySet filter() syntax. The supported lookup types are __gt, __lt, __gte, __lte, __range, __in, __exact, __iexact, __contains, __icontains, __contains, __icontains, __startswith, __istartswith, plus an additional __not which translates to !=. Additionally, all fields on the item are now supported in Folder.find_items().

    WARNING: This change is backwards-incompatible! Old uses of Folder.find_items() like this:

    ids = account.calendar.find_items(
        start=tz.localize(EWSDateTime(year, month, day)),
        end=tz.localize(EWSDateTime(year, month, day + 1)),
        categories=['foo', 'bar'],

    must be rewritten like this:

    ids = account.calendar.find_items(
        start__lt=tz.localize(EWSDateTime(year, month, day + 1)),
        end__gt=tz.localize(EWSDateTime(year, month, day)),
        categories__contains=['foo', 'bar'],

    failing to do so will most likely result in empty or wrong results.

  • Added a exchangelib.restrictions.Q class much like Django Q objects that can be used to create even more complex filtering. Q objects must be passed directly to


  • Don't require sequence arguments to Folder.*_items() methods to support len() (e.g. generators and map instances are now supported)
  • Allow empty sequences as argument to Folder.*_items() methods


  • Add support for required_attendees, optional_attendees and resources attribute on folders.CalendarItem. These are implemented with a new folders.Attendee class.


  • Add support for organizer attribute on CalendarItem. Implemented with a new folders.Mailbox class.


  • Initial import