make option for working from LCF or .library
make option for how many back-ups are allowed
make JSON with tree
make option for VERBOSE output
all operations are made in .TEMP folder
- copy LCF, .library, .xml, images and CODE to.TEMP folder
- if LCF- True - unpack LCF
- False - continue
- un-pack tree from .TEMP/.library to .TEMP/objects.jsonverbose
- diff between .TEMP/.library with .libraryoperation
- run LP_XMLcheck
- if .TEMP/.xml tree is same with .TEMP/objects.json- True - continue
- False - delete .TEMP and through error
- unpack from .xml to CODEcheck
- if .xml tree is same with .xml- if not than revert from backup and through error
- delete
.TEMP folder
- make .TEMP folder
- retain object_tree from CODE folder in variable
- delete .TEMP folder