The slowness of our evolution is caused by our inability to experience, learn, let go, and move forward. Before we give ourselves a chance to learn from an experience, we either forget we had the experience, or we obsess over it so much that we cannot see the importance of what it has to teach. We don’t want to learn the lesson, because we don’t want to feel the feelings involved. It is from those feelings that the lessons are learned, but emotional denial blocks our natural wisdom from reaching consciousness. In turn, this prevents us from “being the change we want to see in the world”- and in our own personal lives.
If we don’t want to fully experience something, the mind refuses to “go there” and switches itself off from the feelings, creating loss of memory – loss of awareness. And when we switch our emotions off like that, we must then find something to switch on – something to distract us. These become habits which we seldom question, and this routine keeps us trudging along in a karmic loop where history forever repeats itself. We accept this as ‘normal’, (“that’s life!”) and see no reason to change things. We close our minds to the reality of the situation. And of course, closed minds cannot see reason or be reasoned with. So, we keep making the same old mistakes, again and again. And we stay in that rut until the lesson is learned.
Karma is ’cause and effect’. Our inability to understand this natural law is the cause of the obstruction, delay, viciousness, destruction, insanity – and all the adverse effects we are experiencing on Earth today.
We must be honest with ourselves, and admit – let in – the real reasons we cannot make the changes we want and need to make. To begin with, the belief that we should already know the answers prevents us from learning anything new. As evolving beings, the learning never ends. We learn from experience – and we are all experiencing new things at this point in time.
The power we gain from learning as we go, from our mistakes and successes – is experience itself. To learn as we go teaches us what works and what doesn’t, and gives us the flexibility to know what is appropriate for a particular situation. On the road of life, one size does NOT fit all! Learning as we go teaches us right from wrong. To learn as we go is to experience the fullness of life and our ever-expanding potential.
So, don’t fight off the memories that are flooding back to you now. They are your unfinished business. They are your own wisdom trying to catch up with you. Don’t beat yourself up for things that happened in the past or are happening in the present. Those events, and the feelings they generate, are your life’s lessons from which you will discover what makes you happy and what does not and, ultimately, what you came into this lifetime to do.