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JobPulse: Job Portal Management System

JobPulse is a versatile job portal management system designed to streamline the recruitment process for companies and candidates alike. With distinct user roles for main system owners, job-providing companies, and candidates, JobPulse offers a tailored experience for each user type

Live Website

Demo Video

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Product Requirement and Roadmap
  4. Database Design
  5. Contact
  6. Acknowledgments

About The Project

Main system owners have full control over the system, managing companies, job listings, blogs, and other system components. Job-providing companies can register, login, and effortlessly manage their job postings and blogs. Candidates can easily register, login, and apply to job listings posted by companies.

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Built With


  • JQuery
  • Bootstrap


  • Laravel
  • MySql


  • Breeze

Tools and Library

  • Axios
  • DataTable
  • Toastify
  • Postman
  • PHPStorm
  • Faker
  • Fontawesome

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Getting Started


  • PHP 8.1+
  • Laravel 10.x+
  • Composer (dependency manager for PHP)
  • Database (MySQL/ PostgreSQL/ SQLite/ SQL Server)
  • Git


Please Follow the steps to install this project Locally.

1. Clone the repo

Open your terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to install the Laravel project. Then run the following command:

git clone

2. Navigate to Project Directory

Move into the project directory:

cd JobPulse

3. Install Dependencies

Once you are in the project directory, use Composer to install the required dependencies:

composer install

4. Create Environment File

Laravel requires an environment file for configuration. Duplicate the .env.example file and save it as .env:

cp .env.example .env

5. Generate Application Key

Run the following command to generate a unique application key:

php artisan key:generate

6. Run Migrations

Use the following command to run database migrations:

php artisan migrate

7. Run Database Seeding

To populate your database with initial or test data, use the following command:

php artisan db:seed

8. Serve the Application

You can use Laravel's built-in development server to run the application locally. Execute the following command:

php artisan serve

This will start a development server, and you can access your Laravel application at in your web browser.

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Project Requirement and Roadmap

User Types:

  1. Main System Owner:
  • Responsible for managing the entire system.
  1. Companies:
  • Job-providing companies that post job listings.
  1. Candidates:
  • Individuals seeking job opportunities.

Roles & Permissions:

Main System Owner has full control over the system. Job-providing companies can register, login, and manage their job postings. Candidates can apply to job listings after logging in.


  1. Main System Owner:
  • Frontend: Home, About, Jobs, Contact, Login pages.
  • Backend: Dashboard, Companies, Jobs, Blogs, Pages, Plugins, Account Settings.
  1. Job Providing Companies:
  • Frontend: Login, Registration, Forget Password. Backend: Dashboard, Jobs, Blogs, Plugins, Account Settings.
  1. Candidates:
  • Frontend: Login, Registration, Forget Password.
  • Backend: Dashboard, Jobs, Profiles, Account Settings.
  1. Optional Modules:
  • Employee Module: Can be developed with roles and permissions or kept as a plugin card.
  • Blogs Feature: For job-providing companies, this feature is added as a plugin.


  • Main System Owner manages the overall system, including companies, jobs, blogs, and pages.
  • Companies can register, login, and manage their job listings and blogs.
  • Candidates can register, login, and apply to job listings.
  • Blogs feature is available for both companies and the main system owner.
  • Frontend and Backend:
  • Separate frontend and backend components are developed for each user type.
  • Frontend includes pages for user interaction, such as home, about, jobs, contact, login, registration, and account settings.
  • Backend includes dashboards for managing various aspects of the system, such as jobs, profiles, blogs, plugins, and account settings.


  • Employee module and blogs feature are implemented as plugins.
  • Plugins can be added or removed based on system requirements and preferences.

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Sabbir Hossain- [email protected]

Project Link:

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This project uses the following third-party resources:

  • HTML and CSS Template: JobFinderPortal by Colorlib

    • While the template provided the foundation for the user interface, I implemented additional JavaScript and JQuery functionalities to enhance interactivity and user experience.
  • Unsplash for Images.