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Introduction to HPX

Part 1

Overview of the HPX Framework/Runtime


Topics to cover

What are lightweight threads

  • and how are they different from normal threads

What do we mean by a "Runtime system/framework"

  • the dividing line between OS and application

How do you write/design "Task based" programs

  • it requires rethinking of some codes

Where does HPX stop and your code begin

  • how deep into the internals should you go

Why is the HPX code repo so big and complicated

  • and how do you find our way around it

What about lightweight threads?

  • It's the job of the operating system to manage 'hardware level' or 'kernel level' OS threads.

    • OS threads are expensive to create/destroy
    • OS threads take a timeslice of CPU time
    • Creating too many of them can hamper performance
  • On Startup HPX creates one 'worker' thread per core

    • On each hardware thread, HPX runs its own Task Scheduler.
  • HPX (Threads)/Tasks are executed on the HPX worker thread

    • which is really an OS thread
    • (you must be careful not to block the underlying thread - if you do, no tasks can run on it)
    • each HPX 'task' is referred to as a lightweight thread
  • Wikipedia "A thread of execution is the smallest sequence of programmed instructions that can be managed independently by a scheduler, which is typically a part of the operating system"

Advantage of lightweight threads

  • The philosophy behind lightweight threads is to switch from one task to another as quickly as possible as soon as anything

    • finishes
    • needs to wait (suspend)
  • Suspended tasks

    • Many tasks can run on the same worker thread (one after another)
    • or intermixed as one task suspends and another resumes
  • HPX does not ever interrupt your task directly

    • the OS worker thread may be suspended as it loses its time slice
    • the HPX task running at the time is therefore suspended
    • other (dependent) tasks might in turn suspend
  • Many small tasks are the key to sucess

    • with minimal dependencies on other tasks (if possible)
    • not too small (overheads of management), not too big (starvation of worker threads)
    • enough tasks in the queue helps ensure that no CPU cycles are wasted

HPX runtime schematic

HPX runtime

  • Similar to OpenMP/TBB, but ...

    • OpenMP has parallel regions where a thread pool executes your loops/tasks
    • outside those regions, code runs as usual (on normal 'OS threads')
  • With HPX, the runtime is always active

    • the runtime is started on program startup
    • it stays active until program termination
    • there are no parallel regions
    • everything is running on an HPX thread
    • everything is part of a task
  • Disclaimer

    • you can manually start/stop the runtime (if you really want to)
    • See example in tutorials

HPX is a (only a) library

  • It's implemented as a C++ library/framework

    • provides threads/futures/locks/schedulers/etc
    • allows the user to ignore the threads/schedulers/locks
    • gives the user control over them too
  • The user doesn't manage threads directly (usually)

    • user creates tasks
    • synchronizes between/amongst them
    • shouldn't need to worry about low level synchronization primitives
    • (but sometimes needs to - see tutorial 'latency' example)
    • Threads can be 'managed' with special executors (e.g. OpenGL etc)
  • The runtime does its best to schedule tasks

    • but it can be abused easily
    • either by accident (careless programming)
    • or deliberately
  • A good understanding of how it all works really helps

Synchonization with futures

  • The principal means of synchronization in HPX is the future<T>

  • A future is the result of something that hasn't yet run

  • A future is set by one thread/task (directly, by using a promise)

    • using promise.set_value(stuff);
    • or by returing a value from a task/call such as
      future<T> x = async(...)
  • The value is retrieved by another thread/task

    • using auto value = future.get(); syntax
  • Futures in HPX are extended to support continuations

    • future2 = future1.then(something_else);
  • And when_xxx(one_or_more_futures) syntax

  • From these building blocks one can make complex DAGs

Task based programming

  • A different approach to writing your code
    • your program should be a tree of tasks
    • each task will depend on other tasks
    • and have child tasks
    • You don't have to have the same on all nodes (c.f. MPI)
* each one of these boxes will contain a sub-tree of (possibly millions) of tasks

The goal with tasks

  • Make these gaps as small as possible
    • Keep breaking tasks into smaller tasks so the scheduler can fill gaps
    • limit of task size/granularity is a function of overheads
      • context switch (actually swapping stack, registers etc)
      • time to create, queue, dequeue a task

Bad tasks (or scheduling)

Good tasks

Task decomposition

  • Breaking a program into tasks should be straightforward

  • More functional

    • tasks should accept inputs and return results
    • modifying global state should be avoided
      • race conditions and other thread related problems (deadlocks etc)
  • the leaf nodes of the tree are the smallest bits of work you can express

    • but those leaf nodes might be broken further by HPX
    • even parallel::for(...) loops decompose into tasks
    • all parallel::algorithm's are made up of tasks
  • HPX differs from (most) other libraries because the same API and the same scheduling/runtime can be used for the whole heirarchy of tasks

  • We aim to replace OpenMP+MPI+Acc with a single framework

    • based soundly on C++
    • from top to bottom (of the task tree)


  • Same code, same hardware, same compiler, same performance
  • Try to provide abstractions for tasks without excessive overheads.

Comparison of DPLASMA (PaRSEC scheduler) cholesky decomposition and HPX implementation (Oct 2017)



  • Even Microsoft are amazed!

Dear HPX: How?

— Billy O'Neal (@MalwareMinigun) June 29, 2017
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script> ] .right-column[ ![tweet](images/tweet-2.png) ]

Task scheduling and lifetime

  • Each task goes onto one of the schedulers

    • where a task goes is controlled by executors

    • schedulers maintain a high priority and normal queue

    • schedulers can steal (some do, some don't)

    • you can choose a scheduler when you create an executor (not really though)

  • Tasks can be

    • Running : context is active, code is running as it would on native thread

    • Suspended : task ran, but then had to wait for something

    • Staged : task has been created, but cannot be run yet

    • Pending :it is ready to run, but waiting in a queue

    • Terminated : awaiting cleanup

Suspended tasks #1

  • A task that is running requires a value from a future

    • the future is not ready (:disappointed:)

      • Use CPS - don't call get ever!
    • auto val = future->get() would block (if we were not HPX)

    • the current task cannot progress so it changes state to suspended

    • the scheduler puts it into the suspended list

    • the future that was needed has the suspended task added to its internal (shared state) waiting list

    • when that future become ready, the task will be changed (back) to pending

    • and go back onto the queue so that when a worker is free, it can run

Suspended tasks #2

  • The same process happens when a task tries to take a lock but can't get it

    • The shared state inside the mutex will notify the task and do the 'right thing'

    • the current task cannot progress so it changes state to suspended

      • Look for spinlock mutexes in the HPX source
      • Spin for a bit, then suspend when some deadline reached
    • the scheduler puts it into the suspended list

  • This is one reason why all the std::thread, std::mutex etc code has been reimplemented

    • You can use std::lock_guard<> etc, but not the mutexes inside them
    • the locks are just wrappers around the mutexes where the real work is done

Staged tasks

  • Like a suspended task, but it hasn't run yet

  • A staged task is what exists when a continuation or when_xxx creates a task but it can't run until the dependencies are satisfied

  • It's a suspended task that hasn't yet started

  • When is the task actually created?

    • When the code that instantiates it is executed

    • Inside continuations this might be when another task completes

      • future.then(another_task.then(more_tasks));
    • Outside continuations it can be 'up-front'

      • a loop generating futures and attaching to previous iterations future[i] = future[i-1].then(another_task);
      • it can be confusing
    • Session (Resource management) will look again at this question

Active Messages

  • MPI uses send/receive

    • (it has one sided RMA too)
    • there is an implied synchronization between the endpoints
  • HPX uses active messages

    • a remote function invocation + arguments
    • the arguments are the 'message' data
  • A remote funtion invocation create a task on the remote node

    • the task goes into the queue of the remote node
    • it is no different to any other task
    • it might not have any relation to other tasks running there
    • it can synchronize with other tasks
  • Channels

    • More about them later/tomorrow
    • Work locally or remotely and are a very nice abstraction (Go?)

AGAS and distributed mode

  • AGAS is the Active Global Address Space

    • A distributed in memory kev/value store
  • Active

    • Objects can move around, but their Id remains the same
      • Migration of things
    • execute a task on data object(id)
    • the task goes to where the data is
  • No communicators currently

    • but "Components" fill this gap.
    • Components are handles to objects on remote nodes
    • this pointer for distributed mode

Structure of an application

  • You can write an HPX application that only starts on locality 0

    • meaning int main runs on locality 0 but other nodes just sit in a waiting loop
    • node 0 triggers a do_work action on remote nodes
    • how you coordinate these tasks is up to you
  • You can run different binaries on differnt nodes

    • provising the actions on each node match up
  • Different platforms on differnt nodes are supported

    • but unlikey to be used for most of our HPC codes

Where does HPX end and your code start

  • HPX has a runtime
  • Everything is a task (at some level)
  • HPX provides a parallel STL ... and parallel for etc
    auto range = boost::irange<std::size_t>(0, hpx::get_os_thread_count());
      , std::begin(range), std::end(range)
        // For each element in the range, call the following lambda
      , [id](std::size_t num_thread)
              << "Hello, I am HPX Thread " << num_thread
              << " executed on Locality " << id << std::endl;
  • We are still writing C++, but HPX consumes this lambda and turns it into tasks
  • Those tasks can be as big or as small as you like

HPX is moving towards the future of C++

  • HPX is implementing the proposals for concurrency and parallelism in c++

  • What works and is successful will probably go into c++2x etc

    • what doesn't, will be subsumed into something else that does


"It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then."

Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

  • Watch the film "Memento"

A quick tour of the HPX resources

HPX github repo
Use the issue tracker to post your bug reports. Look at the examples and unit tests to get ideas.

HPX IRC channel

"You can get support via the #ste||ar IRC channels at freenode, where you will often find knowledgeable people willing to help with your problems and questions related to HPX."

HPX mailing list

Subscribe and post your questions here [email protected] (hardly anyone does, they use IRC and github issues)

HPX Docs
The best place to look for a first try

class: center, middle


Introduction to HPX : Part 2