A guide for promoting best practices among RTS code repositories.
The software industry is constantly evolving. Our own practices should similarly evolve to disseminate knowledge throughout teams, share ownership, make it easier for newcomers to start and for seasoned developers to contribute to any project.
The following guides are offered to help you improve your repository:
- Readme Guide: Write a great introductory text for your repository.
- Contributing Guide: Ensure smooth collaboration and contribution to your project.
- Code of Conduct Guide: Provide guidelines to ensure everyone can safely contribute.
- License Guide: Pick an appropriate license.
- Security Guide: Provide guidelines for optimizing the security of the repository and its content.
GitHub Community Standards are a great source of information and best practices. You can check that your project follows these standards at any time by checking Community Standards under the Insights section.
More sources are available online for further reading; you can start exploring them at opensource.guide.