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File metadata and controls

137 lines (103 loc) · 4.24 KB

Extension Mechanisms

You can extend SPARQL Anything by including new triplifiers. To this end, you have into include the engine module within your dependencies.


A maven project showing how to extend SPARQL Anything is available here.

This project includes defines a new triplifier, called MyTriplifier, which reads the input resource byte-by-byte, transforms each byte into a character, and adds the character as a slot of the root container. MyTriplifier is used to transform resources having mime type my-mime-type and extension myext.

Source code of the MyTriplifier

package sparqlanything.user;

import io.github.sparqlanything.model.FacadeXGraphBuilder;
import io.github.sparqlanything.model.SPARQLAnythingConstants;
import io.github.sparqlanything.model.Triplifier;
import io.github.sparqlanything.model.TriplifierHTTPException;

import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;

public class MyTriplifier implements Triplifier {

    public void triplify(Properties properties, FacadeXGraphBuilder facadeXGraphBuilder) throws IOException, TriplifierHTTPException {

        // Declare the identifier of the data source id, use the default data source id "".
        String dataSourceId = SPARQLAnythingConstants.DATA_SOURCE_ID;

        // Get the identifier of the root container
        String rootId = Triplifier.getRootArgument(properties);

        // Get the input stream form the resource
        InputStream inputStream = Triplifier.getInputStream(properties);

        // add the root container

        // add slots to the root container
        int slot = 1;
        for (int byteRead =; byteRead != -1; byteRead = {
            facadeXGraphBuilder.addValue(dataSourceId, rootId, slot++, (char) byteRead);

    Define the mime types of the triplifier
    public Set<String> getMimeTypes() {
        return Sets.newHashSet("my-mime-type");

    Define the mime types of the extensions
    public Set<String> getExtensions() {
        return Sets.newHashSet("myext");

Then, you can register the new triplifier via the following line.

FacadeX.Registry.registerTriplifier(MyTriplifier.class.getCanonicalName(), new String[]{"myext"}, new String[]{"my-mime-type"});

Finally, you can use the Triplifier as usual. For example, via a Java client

package sparqlanything.user ;

import io.github.sparqlanything.engine.FacadeX;
import io.github.sparqlanything.engine.TriplifierRegisterException;
import org.apache.jena.query.*;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.engine.main.QC;

public class SPARQLAnythingClientViaSPARQL {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws TriplifierRegisterException {

		// Set FacadeX OpExecutor as default executor factory
		QC.setFactory(ARQ.getContext(), FacadeX.ExecutorFactory);

		// Register the new Triplifier
		FacadeX.Registry.registerTriplifier(MyTriplifier.class.getCanonicalName(), new String[]{"myext"}, new String[]{"my-mime-type"});

		// Execute the query by using standard Jena ARQ's API
		Dataset kb = DatasetFactory.createGeneral();

		Query query = QueryFactory.create(
						"PREFIX fx:  <> " +
						"PREFIX xyz: <> " +
						"SELECT ?slotNumber ?o { " +
								"SERVICE <x-sparql-anything:> { " +
									"fx:properties fx:content 'abc' ; " +
										"fx:media-type 'my-mime-type' . " +
									"?s ?p ?o " +
									"BIND(fx:cardinal(?p) AS ?slotNumber) " +
									"FILTER(BOUND(?slotNumber))" +



which prints

| slotNumber | o   |
| 1          | "a" |
| 2          | "b" |
| 3          | "c" |