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Suzanne Prentice edited this page Oct 14, 2019 · 12 revisions

1. Home page

      1.1. User can upload Doc to page

            1.1.1. View of Doc appears in middle of screen

      1.2. Parameters

            1.2.1. TF-IDF parameters to overlay

         Print full output to file checkbox capable of being checked and unchecked

               If checked, document analysis information gets output to a file

         List of stop words text entry

               Whatever words are entered are used as “stop words” and are excluded from analysis

            1.2.2. Sentiment parameters

         Train vs. Test ratio entry allowed

               Algorithm reflects entry

         Number of topics entry

               Number of topics allowed/used reflects entry

         How many topics printed entry

               Number of topics allowed/used reflects entry

         Print full output to file checkbox capable of being checked and unchecked

               If checked, document analysis information gets output to a file

         List of stop words entry

               Whatever words are entered are used as “stop words” and are excluded from analysis

            1.2.3. IDA parameters

         Train vs. Test ratio entry allowed

               Algorithm reflects entry

         Print full output to file checkbox is capable of being checked and unchecked

               If checked, document analysis information gets output to a file

         List of stop words entry

               Whatever words are entered are used as “stop words” and are excluded from analysis

      1.3. Analyze document button begins analysis according to selected parameters and given documents

      1.4. User can drag file into window to upload document

      1.5. User can input the URL of article via text entry

            1.5.1. Article is pulled and used as doc for analysis

      1.6. User can Create a new project with Create Project button

            1.6.1. Name text entry

            1.6.2. Name of the project is reflected in title after creation, project is added to the list of projects, and documents uploaded into the project are grouped inside that project for analysis

            1.6.3. Submit button creates the new project

      1.7. Title accurately reflects current project

      1.8. User can View Files in project with View Files button

            1.8.1. List of files uploaded reflected in the view files overlay for the project

2. Output (Home)

      2.1. Same Requirements as “Home”

      2.2. Analyzed text and statistics of parameters shown accurately as an overlay

3. Sidebar

Please see the above images for the sidebar (both Home page and the output show the sidebar)

      3.1. Home link goes to Home page

      3.2. Recently Used link goes to Recently Used page

      3.3. Resources link goes to Resources page

      3.4. About link goes to About page

4. Login

      4.1. User can Continue as Guest → link goes to home page without login

      4.2. User can Create an Account

            4.2.1. Email Address text entry

            4.2.2. Password text entry

            4.2.3. Confirm Password text entry

         Both boxes do not show password as it is entered (“hidden”)

         If matching passwords entered, account creation validated

               Otherwise, error message

      4.3. Text entry in the email address box with format checking

      4.4. Text entry in the password box and entry is hidden

      4.5. Remember Me checkbox can be checked and unchecked

      4.6. If Remember Me checkbox checked, user is remembered next login

      4.7. Forgot password link goes to forgot password overlay

            4.7.1. Email Address text entry

            4.7.2. Account recovery email is received after email address entry

5. Resources

      5.1. Links to algorithms link correctly to information on the algorithms used by the site

      5.2. The remainder of the text contents of this page are displayed correctly

6. About

      6.1. Simply reflects information concerning the project correctly

7. Recently Used

      7.1. User can Create New Project

            7.1.1. Name text input

         Name of project accurately reflects input

            7.1.2. File browser for new project

         Allows for uploads and places uploads into new project titled by user entry

      7.2. Preview of projects reflects current projects’ names and contents accurately

      7.3. Right click on projects for dropdown menu

            7.3.1. Delete project button deletes project

            7.3.2. Rename project button allows for renaming project

      7.4. User can access other projects by clicking on them

            7.4.1. Goes to Home with View of document

8. Browser Extension

      8.1. User can go to home page by clicking “Home”

      8.2. User can go to login page by clicking “Login”

      8.3. TF-IDF button to TF-IDF view

            8.3.1. Stop words text entry

         Any words entered are excluded from analysis

            8.3.2. Run button runs analysis on currently open page

            8.3.3. Output box shows most frequent words used on the page after analysis

      8.4. Sentiment Analysis button to Sentiment Analysis view

            8.4.1. Train vs. Test Ratio entry allowed

         Algorithm uses train vs. test ratio entered

            8.4.2. Stop words text entry

         Any words entered are excluded from analysis

            8.4.3. Run button runs analysis on currently open page