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Step 2: Bootstrap

Before we can do something with OpenUI5, we need to load and initialize it. This process of loading and initializing OpenUI5 is called bootstrapping. Once this bootstrapping is finished, we simply display an alert.



An alert "UI5 is ready" is displayed

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First, let's set up our UI5 Tooling to use the OpenUI5 framework for our project. We also need to add the necessary OpenUI5 libraries as dependencies to the project's UI5 Tooling configuration.

We open a terminal in the root folder of our app and execute the following command:

ui5 use OpenUI5

This command tells the UI5 Tooling to use the OpenUI5 framework to build and run the application. Next, we configure some runtime dependencies by executing the following command:

ui5 add sap.ui.core themelib_sap_horizon

The ui5 add command adds specific libraries as dependency to the projects UI5 Tooling configuration. In this case, we'e adding the sap.ui.core library, which provides core functionality of the OpenUI5 framework. This library is essential for bootstrapping OpenUI5. Additionally, we're adding the themelib_sap_horizon library which provides the visual styles for the Horizon theme. We'll use this theme with our application.


To work with TypeScript, we must install it in our project. To do this, we execute the following command in the terminal:

npm install typescript --save-dev

By running this command, npm will download the TypeScript package from the npm registry and install it in our project's "node_modules" directory. It will also add an entry for TypeScript in the "devDependencies" section of our package.json file, so that other developers working on the project can easily install the same version of TypeScript.

tsconfig.json (New)

As a next step, we need to create the file tsconfig.json in the app root directory to indicate that this folder is the root of a TypeScript project. This file specifies various compiler options and project settings that affect how TypeScript code is compiled into JavaScript.

We specify the compiler options as follow:

    "compilerOptions": {
      "target": "es2023",
      "module": "es2022",
      "moduleResolution": "node",
      "skipLibCheck": true,
      "allowJs": true,
      "strict": true,
      "strictPropertyInitialization": false,
      "rootDir": "webapp",
      "baseUrl": "./",
      "paths": {
        "ui5/walkthrough/*": ["webapp/*"]
    "include": ["webapp/**/*"]

Let's go through the compiler options specified in the file:

  • "target": "es2022": The target parameter sets the JavaScript language level that the TypeScript code should be compiled down to. We set it to ES2022, which means the generated JavaScript code will be compatible with ECMAScript 2022.

  • "module": "es2022": The module parameter specifies the module code generation for the compiled JavaScript. We configured it to ES2022, which means the generated JavaScript will use ECMAScript modules.

  • "moduleResolution": "node": The moduleResolution parameter specifies how module dependencies should be resolved. We set it to "node", which means the compiler will use Node.js-style module resolution.

  • "skipLibCheck": true: When the skipLibCheck parameter is set to true, it tells the compiler to skip type checking of declaration files (.d.ts files) that are part of external libraries. This can improve compilation speed.

  • "allowJs": true: The allwJs parameter allows JavaScript files to be included in the TypeScript project. This option enables TypeScript to compile JavaScript code along with TypeScript code.

  • "strict": true: When set to "true" the strict parameter enables a wide range of type checking behavior that results in more type-safe programs. It includes settings like noImplicitAny, noImplicitThis, alwaysStrict and others.

  • "strictPropertyInitialization": false: The strictPropertyInitialization parameter is a specific type of strict check that ensures that each instance property of a class gets initialized in the constructor body, or by a property initializer. By setting this to false, it disables strict checking of uninitialized class properties. This means that class properties can be left uninitialized or assigned the value undefined without causing a compiler error.

  • "rootDir": "webapp": The rootDir paraemter specifies the root directory of the TypeScript source files. The compiler will consider this directory as the starting point for resolving file paths. We set it to our webapp folder.

  • "baseUrl": "./": The baseUrl parameter is used to resolve non-relative module names. We specified that non-relative module names are resolved relative to the location of the tsconfig.json file.

  • "paths": { "ui5/walkthrough/*": ["webapp/*"] }: The path paramter specifies path mappings for module resolution. It allows you to define custom module paths that map to specific directories or files. In this case, it maps the module path ui5/walkthrough/*


webapp/index.ts (New)

Now let's move on to the UI work. We create a new index.ts script in the webapp folder. In this script, we add a native alert() method with the message "UI5 is ready".

alert("UI5 is ready");


Next, we'll integrate the script we just created into the index.html page to signal when the OpenUI5 framework has finished loading. This process involves first incorporating the OpenUI5 framework into our HTML page by adding a script tag specifically for loading OpenUI5.

We initialize the core modules with the following configuration options:

  • The id attribute of the <script> tag has to be exactly "sap-ui-bootstrap" to ensure proper booting of the OpenUI5 runtime.

  • The src attribute of the <script> tag tells the browser where to find the OpenUI5 core library – it initializes the OpenUI5 runtime and loads additional resources, such as the theme specified in the data-sap-ui-theme attribute.

  • The OpenUI5 controls support different themes. With setting the data-sap-ui-theme attribute of the <script> tag to "sap_horizon" we specify the Horizon theme as our default theme.

  • To make use of the most recent functionality of OpenUI5 we specify the data-sap-ui-compat-version attribute as edge.

  • We configure the bootstrapping process to run asynchronously by setting the data-sap-ui-async attribute to "true". This means that the OpenUI5 resources can be loaded simultaneously in the background for performance reasons.

  • The data-sap-ui-on-init attribute is used in OpenUI5 to specify the name of a module that should be executed when the framework is fully loaded and initialized. This approach provides a way to avoid directly including executable JavaScript code in the HTML file, which improves the security of our application. To specify the name of the module, you need to provide the module name as the value of the data-sap-ui-on-init attribute. The module name should be in the format of a module path, which is a dot-separated string that represents the location of the module within the application's folder structure. When specifying the path to a module within the current project, it's important to include the namespace (explained below) and omit the file extension. We specify the index.ts script to the data-sap-ui-on-init attribute.

  • The data-sap-ui-resource-roots attribute lets you map a namespace to a specific path. We define the ui5.walkthrough namespace and map it relative to the location of index.html. This way, we tell OpenUI5 core that resources in the ui5.walkthrough namespace are located in the same folder as index.html.

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta charset="utf-8">
	<title>UI5 TypeScript Walkthrough</title>
			"ui5.walkthrough": "./"
	<div>Hello World</div>

📝 Note: The namespace is a unique identifier for your application file. It helps prevent naming conflicts with other modules or libraries.



Let's enhance our tooling setup once again by installing some custom middleware for the ui5-server. This will help us handle our development project more efficiently.

We open a terminal and navigate to the root folder of our app. Then, we execute the following command:

npm install ui5-middleware-livereload ui5-middleware-serveframework ui5-tooling-transpile --save-dev

When you run the command, npm will download the specified packages from the npm registry and store them in a folder called node_modules within your project directory. The --save-dev flag instructs npm to save these packages as development dependencies in the devDependencies section of the package.json file. Development dependencies are packages that are only needed during development and not in production. By separating them from production dependencies, we can keep our project clean and ensure that only the required packages are included when deploying the application.

Let's break down what each package does:

  • ui5-middleware-livereload is a middleware plugin for the UI5 Tooling that enables live reloading of your application in the browser. Live-reloading means that whenever you make changes to your code, the browser automatically refreshes and displays the updated version without requiring manual refreshes (e.g. upon Save).

  • ui5-middleware-serveframework is another middleware plugin for the UI5 Tooling that provides a web server to serve your OpenUI5 project during development. It allows you to easily serve the necessary OpenUI5 libraries and resources required by your application from your development environment.

  • ui5-tooling-transpile is a plugin for the UI5 Tooling that transpiles modern JavaScript (ES6+) and TypeScript into a compatible version for OpenUI5. OpenUI5 is based on older versions of JavaScript, so this plugin allows you to take advantage of the latest language features and syntax while ensuring that your code remains compatible with OpenUI5.


Next, we have to configure the tooling extension we installed from npm to our UI5 Tooling setup, so we can use them in our project. To hook a custom task into a certain build phase of a project, it needs to reference another task that will get executed before or after it. The same applies for a custom middleware:

  • For the ui5-tooling-transpile-task we specify that this should happen after thereplaceVersion task.

  • All our custom middleware extensions will be called after the compression middleware.

📌 Important:
Middleware configurations are applied in the order in which they are defined.

  name: OpenUI5
  version: "1.129.0"
    - name: sap.ui.core
    - name: themelib_sap_horizon
  - name: ui5-tooling-transpile-task
    afterTask: replaceVersion
  - name: ui5-tooling-transpile-middleware
    afterMiddleware: compression
  - name: ui5-middleware-serveframework
    afterMiddleware: compression
  - name: ui5-middleware-livereload
    afterMiddleware: compression

Now you can benefit from live reload on changes, built framework resources at development time, and make use of TypeScript in OpenUI5.

📝 Note:
During its initial run, the ui5-middleware-serveframework middleware will build the framework, which can take a while. In all following steps, the build will not happen again and the framework is served from the built resources.


Next: Step 3: Controls

Previous: Step 1: Hello World!

Related Information

UI5 Tooling: Consuming OpenUI5 Libaries

SAP Fiori with Horizon

What is a tsconfig.json

Bootstrapping: Loading and Initializing

Content Security Policy

NPM Package: ui5-middleware-livereload

NPM Package: ui5-middleware-serveframework

NPM Package: ui5-tooling-transpile

UI5 Tooling: Custom Tasks

UI5 Tooling: Custom Server Middleware