diff --git a/docs/outputs.md b/docs/outputs.md index 7e4fafd41..7254ad5ef 100644 --- a/docs/outputs.md +++ b/docs/outputs.md @@ -3374,9 +3374,1209 @@ This directory contains outputs from the Crossborder model, which represents all ### Commercial Vehicle Model (.\cvm) -//TODO +This directory contains San Diego commercial travel model outputs. -Update with CVM results once model is updated + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
File + Description +
final_commercial_accessibility.csv + contains the commercial vehicle accessibility by category for each zone +
final_cv_trips.csv + contains the commercial vehicle trips by Origin-Destination, trip purpose and travel time +
final_establishments.csv + details of the establishments generated for each zone +
final_establishments_all.csv + +
final_households.csv + information of the households which attract CVM trips +
final_land use.csv + land use information of the MGRA Zones +
final_routes + route information of CVM trips +
final_trips + Final trip-based CVM summary +
Trip Tables (where TOD is AM, MD, PM or EV) +
cvmtrips_TOD.omx + contains the commercial vehicle trips of the TOD, has three components (modes): Car, light truck, medium truck and heavy truck +
+ +#### Commerical Vehicle Model Trip File ( final_commercial_accessibility.csv ) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Field + Description +
estab_acc_estab_group1 + Establishments access to establishment customer attractions:establishment_attraction_ret + establishment_attraction_whl + establishment_attraction_mfg +
estab_acc_estab_group2 + Establishments access to establishment customer attractions:establishment_attraction_iut + establishment_attraction_laf +
estab_acc_estab_group3 + Establishments access to establishment customer attractions:establishment_attraction_agm + establishment_attraction_con + establishment_attraction_epo + establishment_attraction_mhs + establishment_attraction_trn + +
estab_acc_estab_group4 + Establishments access to establishment customer attractions:establishment_attraction_ifr +
tnc_acc_estab_all + TNC access to establishment customer attractions (all industries) +
estab_acc_hh_food + Establishment access to household food delivery attractors +
estab_acc_hh_package + Establishment access to household package delivery attractors +
estab_acc_logsum + Establishment accessibility logsum (total establishment attractors – visits to non-residential customers of all types) +
household_acc_logsum + Household accessibility logsum (total household attractors – visits to residential customers) + +
accessibility + estab_acc_logsum + household_acc_logsum + +
acc_hh_goods + Accessibility to households for goods delivery only + +
zone_id + The MGRA id of the zone + +
+ +#### Commerical Vehicle Model Trip File ( final_cv_trips.csv ) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Field + Description +
route_id + the route id on which the trip is assigned to +
route_trip_num + the number of trips on the route_id +
trip_origin + origin zone (MGRA) of the trip + +
trip_destination + destination zone (MGRA) of the trip + +
trip_origin_purpose + purpose of the stop at the origin of the trip: +

+ • base - return to establishment +

+ • goods_delivery - deliver goods +

+ • goods_pickup - pickup goods +

+ • home - go to driver's home +

+ • maintenance - maintenance (refueling, vehicle maintenance, driver breaks/meals) +

+ • service - provide a service +

+ terminate - end route (vehicle day), go to terminal destination chosen for route +

trip_destination_purpose + purpose of the stop at the destination of the trip: +

+ • base - return to establishment +

+ • goods_delivery - deliver goods +

+ • goods_pickup - pickup goods +

+ • home - go to driver's home +

+ • maintenance - maintenance (refueling, vehicle maintenance, driver breaks/meals) +

+ • service - provide a service +

+ terminate - end route (vehicle day), go to terminal destination chosen for route +

trip_destination_type + attraction land use type at the destination: +

+ • base - establishment location (any land use type) +

+ • warehouse - warehouse, distribution center land use type +

+ • intermodal - airport, seaport, rail intermodal land use type +

+ • commercial - commercial land use type (not warehouse or intermodal) +

+ • residential - residential land use type +

trip_start_time + start time of the trip (half-hour intervals counted from beginning) +
trip_travel_time + travel time (in motion time) of the vehicle during the trip + +
dwell_time + resting/dwelling time of the vehicle during the trip (stop duration) + +
route_elapsed_time + total time elapsed during the trip (trip_travel_time + dwell_time) + + +
cv_trip_id + the unique trip id of the cv trip (route_id + route_trip_num) + +
+ +#### Commerical Vehicle Model Trip File ( final_establishments.csv ) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Field + Description +
industry_number + The category of industry that the establishment belongs to range from 1 to 12 +
industry_name + The name of the industry that the establishment belongs to (EPO, AGM, CON etc.) +
LUZ + Land Use Zone ( TAZ Number) +
zone_id + MGRA Number + +
employees + The number of employees in the establishment +
size_class + The categorized size of the establishment based on the number of employees +(range: 1-7) +
sample_rate + the percentage of sample selected (generally 1) +
has_attraction + TRUE if the zone has trip attraction, otherwise FALSE +
attractions + number of trip attractions by the establishment +
has_generation + TRUE if the zone has trip generation, otherwise FALSE +
n_routes + number of routes the establishment generated +
accessibility + Total accessibility to household + establishment attractions +
establishment_id + unique id of the establishment +
+ +#### Commerical Vehicle Model Trip File ( final_establishments_all.csv ) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Field + Description +
industry_number + The category of industry that the establishment belongs to range from 1 to 12 +
industry_name + The name of the industry that the establishment belongs to (EPO, AGM, CON etc.) +
LUZ + Land Use Zone ( TAZ Number) +
zone_id + MGRA Number + +
employees + The number of employees in the establishment +
size_class + The categorized size of the establishment based on the number of employees +(range: 1-7) +
sample_rate + the percentage of sample selected (generally 1) +
attractions + number of trip attractions by the establishment +
industry_group + Range 1-5 +
beta_industry_group + Parameter used in the establishment attractions model +
constant + Parameter used in the establishment attractions model +
has_attraction_probability + Intermediate result of establishments attractor model. Probability that the establishment will have deliveries or service stops +
random + Random number used in attraction generation calculations +
has_attraction + TRUE if the zone has trip attraction, otherwise FALSE +
establishment_id + unique id of the establishment +
+ + +#### Commerical Vehicle Model Trip File ( final_households.csv ) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Field + Description +
home_zone_id + MGRA of the household +
income + annual household income +
hhsize + household size +
HHT + household type (ranges 1-7) + +
auto_ownership + number of vehicles owned by the household +
num_workers + number of workers in the household +
sample_rate + the percentage of sample selected (generally 1) +
num_adults + number of adults in the household +
num_nonworker_adults + number of non-working adults in the households +
num_children + number of children in the household +
has_attraction_food + TRUE if the household attracts food delivery trips, otherwise FALSE +
has_attraction_package + TRUE if the household attracts package delivery trips, otherwise FALSE +
has_attraction_service + TRUE if the household attracts service trips, otherwise FALSE +
household_id + unique household id +
+ +#### Commerical Vehicle Model Trip File ( final_land_use.csv ) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Field + Description +
mgra + MGRA id +
taz + TAZ number +
luz_id + LUZ id +
pop + population of the zone +
hhp + total household population ( excluding GQ population ) +
hh + number of households in the zone +
hhs + average household size +
gq_civ + GQ Civilian +
gq_mil + GQ Military +
i10 + number of households with income $200,000 or more +
emp_gov + Government employment +
emp_mil + Military employment +
emp_ag_min + Agriculture and mining employment +
emp_bus_svcs + Business services employment +
emp_bus_svcs + Business services employment +
emp_fin_res_mgm + Finance and Resource Management employment +
emp_educ + Education employment +
emp_hlth + Health employment +
emp_ret + Retail employment +
emp_trn_wrh + Transportation and warehouse employment +
emp_con + Construction employment +
emp_utl + Utilities employment +
emp_mnf + Manufacturing employment +
emp_whl + Wholesale employment +
emp_ent + Entertainment employment +
emp_accm + Accomodation employment +
emp_food + Food employment +
emp_oth + Other employment +
emp_non_ws_wfh + Non-wage and salary work from home employment +
emp_non_ws_oth + Non-wage and salary other employment +
emp_total + Total employment +
pseudomsa + Pseudo MSA - +

+ 1: Downtown +

+ 2: Central +

+ 3: North City +

+ 4: South Suburban +

+ 5: East Suburban +

+ 6: North County West +

+ 7: North County East +

+ 8: East County +

enrollgradekto8 + Grade School K-8 enrollment +
enrollgrade9to12 + Grade School 9-12 enrollment +
othercollegeenroll + Other College Enrollment +
hotelroomtotal + Total Number of hotel rooms +
parkactive + Acres of active park +
openspaceparkpreserve + Acres of Open Park or Preserve +
beachactive + Acres of active beaches +
district27 + District 27 +
milestocoast + Distance in miles to the nearest coast +
acres + Total acres in the MGRA +
land_acres + Acres of land in the MGRA +
effective_acres + Effective acres in the MGRA +
truckregiontype + Truck Region type +
exp_hourly + Hourly Parking Expenditure +
exp_daily + Daily Parking Expenditure +
exp_monthly + Monthly Parking Expenditure +
parking_type + Parking choice at destination: +

+ 0 = Not constrained to remote parking +

+ 1 = Park at destination +

+ 2 = Remote parking +

+ 3 = Park at home +

parking_spaces + Number of parking spaces available +
ech_dist + Elementary school district +
hch_dist + High School district +
remoteAVParking + Remote AV parking available at MGRA: +

+ 0 = Not available +

+ 1 = Available +

refueling_stations + Number of refueling stations in the MGRA +
MicroAccessTime + Micro-mobility access time (mins) +
microtransit + Number of micro transit facilities +
nev + Number of EV Charging stations +
toint + Total Intersection +
duden + Dwelling unit density +
empden + Employment density +
popden + Population density +
retempden + Retail Employment density +
totintbin + Total Intersection Bin +
empdenbin + Employment density bin +
dudenbin + Dwelling unit density per bin +
PopEmpDenPerMi + Population and employment density per mile +
TAZ + TAZ id +
poe_id + Port of Entry ID ( not used by CVM) +
external_work + number of workers if an external zone +
external_nonwork + number of nonworkers if an external zone +
external_TAZ + is an external TAZ ( 1 if true, 0 if false) +
external_MAZ + is an external MAZ ( 1 if true, 0 if false) +
walk_dist_local_bus + walking distance ( in miles) to nearest local bus +
walk_dist_premium_transit + walking distance ( in miles) to premium transit +
micro_dist_local_bus + micro district distance to local bus +
micro_dist_premium_transit + micro district distance to premium transit +
ML_DIST + distance in miles to managed lanes +
AVGTTS + Average travel time savings for all households in each zone across all possible destinations +
PCTDETOUR + Percent detour is the percent difference between the AM transponder travel time and the AM non-transponder travel time to sample zones when the general-purpose lanes parallel to all toll lanes using transponders are unavailable +
terminal_time + Terminal Time (0,3,4,5,7,10 minutes) +
num_hh_food_delivery + Number of households which attract food deliveries +
num_hh_package_delivery + Number of households which attract package deliveries +
num_hh_service + Number of households which attract service trips +
establishment_attraction + Attraction of establishments +
establishment_attraction_agm + Attraction of establishments for agriculture and mining +
establishment_attraction_con + Attraction of establishments for construction +
establishment_attraction_epo + Attraction of establishments for education +
establishment_attraction_ifr + Attraction of establishments for information, real estate, finance,professional services +
establishment_attraction_iut + Attraction of establishments for industrial and utilities +
establishment_attraction_laf + Attraction of establishments for leisure, accommodations, and food +
establishment_attraction_mfg + Attraction of establishments for manufacturing +
establishment_attraction_mhs + Attraction of establishments for medical and health services +
establishment_attraction_mil + Attraction of establishments for military +
establishment_attraction_ret + Attraction of establishments for retail trade +
establishment_attraction_trn + Attraction of establishments for transportation and warehousing +
establishment_attraction_whl + Attraction of establishments for wholesale trade +
is_port + TRUE if the zone is a port, otherwise FALSE +
zone_id + MGRA id +
### Parking cost calculations (.\parking) @@ -5529,6 +6729,127 @@ Resident Model vehicle file (final_vehicles.csv) +### Heavy Truck Model (.\htm) + +This directory contains San Diego heavy truck model outputs. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
File + Description +
htmtrips_(period).omx ((period) = EA, AM, MD, PM, EV) + + HTM trips of (period), by mode (Light, Medium or Heavy trucks) and type of trip (IE, EI or EE) +
Htmsummary_files.xlsx + OD-based HTM trip tables by Mode (Light, Medium or Heavy trucks) +
final_trips.csv + Aggregate all HTM trips by TAZ and truck type +
+ +#### Heavy Truck Model Trip File ( htmsummary_files.xlsx ) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Field + Description +
Light + OD-based HTM trip tables for light trucks (LHDT) +
Medium + OD-based HTM trip tables for medium trucks (MHDT) +
Heavy + OD-based HTM trip tables for heavy trucks (HHDT) +
+ +#### Heavy Truck Model Trip File ( final_trips.csv ) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Field + Description +
taz_p + origin zone (TAZ) of the trip +
taz_a + destination zone (TAZ) of the trip +
Truck_Type + Truck type (Light, Medium and High trucks) +
tod + Start time period of the trip (ABM3 time periods) +
trips + Sum of trips for corresponding TAZ and Truck Type +
distanceDrive + Trip distance, from traffic_skims_MD +
timeDrive + Trip time, from traffic_skims_MD +
costTollDrive + Trip toll cost, from traffic_skims_MD +
costOperatingDrive + Trip operation cost +
### Visitor model outputs (.\visitor)