diff --git a/docs/inputs.md b/docs/inputs.md index 48634c13b..d481194c4 100644 --- a/docs/inputs.md +++ b/docs/inputs.md @@ -88,7 +88,11 @@ The table below contains brief descriptions of the input files required to execu | [externalExternalTripsByYear.csv](#external_trip) (raw inputs have these by year) | External origin-destination station trip matrix | CSV | Transportation Modelers | | | | | | [externalInternalControlTotalsByYear.csv](#external_internal) (raw inputs have these by year) | External Internal station control totals read by GISDK | CSV | Transportation Modelers | | | | | | [internalExternal_tourTOD.csv](#internal_external_tod) | Internal-External Model tour time-of-day frequency distribution | CSV | Transportation Modelers | +| **CVM Establishment Synthesis** | +| land_use | MGRA based land use file | CSV | | +| percent_of_establishments_by_luz_size_emp_cat.xlsx | Percent of establishments in LUZ that belong in each size category by industry sector | Excel Workbook | | | **Commercial Vehicle Model** (TO BE UPDATED) | | | | +| SynthEstablishments.csv | Output from CVM establishment synthesis, similar description as previous part | CSV | | | tazcentroids_cvm.csv | Zone centroid coordinates in state plane feet and albers | CSV | Transportation Modelers | | commVehFF.csv | Commercial Vehicle Model friction factors | CSV | Transportation Modelers | | OE.csv | Commercial vehicle model parameters file for off-peak early (OE) period | CSV | Transportation Modelers | @@ -110,6 +114,9 @@ The table below contains brief descriptions of the input files required to execu | regionalIEtrips.csv | Truck model data: Truck internal to external data | CSV | Transportation Modelers | | regionalEEtrips.csv | Truck model data: Truck external to external data | CSV | Transportation Modelers | | specialGenerators.csv | Truck model data: Truck special generator data | CSV | Transportation Modelers | +| **Heavy Truck Model ( HTM )** | +| inputs_sandag_htm_.xlsx | Contains all the required inputs ( in different sheets) for the Heavy Truck Model | Excel Workbook | | +| FAF5_BaseAndFutureYears_Oct27_2023.csv | FAF5 Data (filtered) containing FAF flows for required years | CSV | | | **Other** | | | | | [parametersByYears.csv](#parametersbyyearscsv) | Parameters by scenario years. Includes AOC, aiport enplanements, cross-border tours, cross-border sentri share. | CSV | Transportation Modelers | | [filesByYears.csv](#filesbyyearscsv) | File names by scenario years. | CSV | Transportation Modelers | @@ -1260,6 +1267,167 @@ regional_pass: 10.90 + + +### CVM Establishment Synthesis +#### `PERCENT_OF_ESTABLISHMENTS_BY_LUZ_SIZE_EMP_CAT.CSV` + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Column NameDescription
Info + Basic information of the data, and the size class definitions included +
DataDetailed industry sector breakdown by size class and LUZ
+ + + +### Commercial Vehicle Model ( CVM ) +#### `SYNTHESTABLISHMENTS.CSV` + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Column NameDescription
Establishment_ID + Unique establishment id ( index ) for each establishment +
Industry_NoThe category of industry that the establishment belongs to (range: 1 - 12 )
Industry_NameThe name of industry that the establishment belongs to ( EPO, AGM, CON etc.)/td> +
LUZLand Use Zone ( Or the TAZ) to which the establishment belongs to
MGRAThe MGRA number to which establishment belongs to
EmployeesThe number of employees in the establishment
Size_ClassThe categorized size of the establishment based on the number of employees
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Industry NoIndustry NameDescription
1 + AGM + Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting, and Mining
2 + MFG + Manufacturing
3 + IUT + Industrial Utilities
4 + RET + Retail Trade
5 + WHL + Wholesale Trade
6 + CON + Construction
7 + TRN + Transportation and Warehousing
8 + IFR + Information, Financial, Insurance, Real Estate, and Professional Services
9 + EPO + Education, Public, and Other Services
10 + MHS + Medical and Health Services
11 + LAF + Leisure, Accomodations, and Food
12 + MIL + Military
+ @@ -1750,6 +1918,416 @@ regional_pass: 10.90 +### Inputs SANDAG HTM +#### `INPUTS_SANDAG_HTM_.XLSX` + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Sheet NameDescription
FAZ_CountyCounty-FAZ Mapping
TAZ_FAZIdentifies in which FAZ, each TAZ is located
OtherMode_TruckDetermines what percentage of each mode belongs to trucks
SD_FlowsIdentifies all OD pairs that have at least one end in SANDAG region or passes through the SANDAG region.
FAZ_GatewayA look up table that corresponds FAF FAZ that are outside the SANDAG region to one/many SANDAG Gateways. This table also includes area code of each FAZ that is outside SANDAG region. +
Commodity_GroupDetermines the commodity group (15 categories) to which each of the 43 commodities from the FAF data belongs.
EMP_CalcCalculate the share of each of the 3 digits NAICS employee categories withing the 19 categories SANDAG ABM employee for each of the 5 FAZs in San Diego County
EMP_ConverterProvides a table that correlates SANDAG model employee categories with corresponding NAICS employee categories. +
CG_Emp_PEstablishes the relationship between each commodity group and the NAICS employee category for the production end.
CG_Emp_AEstablishes the relationship between each commodity group and the NAICS employee category for the attraction end.
Annual_FactorNumber of business days in a year.
Truck_DistProvides the percent distribution of truck type based on OD distance.
PayloadAverage pounds of load that each truck type can carry based on commodity groups. +
Time_of_DayProvides distribution of trucks throughout the day.
External_CountThe Inbound and outbound truck counts by type at each of the 12 SANDAG gateways. For base year, this is the daily truck counts at the gateways. +
SRA_DistThe overall distribution of trucks when they cross each of the gateway from/to each of the 63 SRAs. For base year this information is calculated from truck GPS data
+ +### FAF5_BaseAndFutureYears_Oct27_2023 (Possible values for : 2017, 2025,2030,2035,2040,2045,2050) +#### `FAF5_BaseAndFutureYears_Oct27_2023.CSV` + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Column NameDescription
dms_origFAF region or state where a freight movement begins the domestic portion of shipment. For imports, this is the US entry region where an import enters United States. +
dms_destFAF region or state where a freight movement ends the domestic portion of shipment. For exports, this is the US exit region where an export leaves United States. +
ModeMode used between domestic origins and destinations
Commodity2-digit level of the Standard Classification of Transported Goods ( SCTG)
DirectionTrade Direction : II or XI +
TradeTrade Type : Domestic or Foreign
fr_origForeign region of shipment origin
fr_destForeign region of shipment destination +
fr_inmodeMode used between a foreign region and the US entry region for the imported goods
fr_outmodeMode used between the US exit region and foreign region for the exported goods
distons_yearTotal weight of commodities shipped (unit: Thousand Tons) in year
disvalue_yearTotal value (in 2017 constant dollar) of commodities shipped (unit: Million Dollars) in year
+ +### Mode Dictionary + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Numeric LabelDescription
1Truck +
2Rail +
4Air ( include truck-air)
5Multiple modes & mail +
7Other and unknown
8No domestic mode +
+ +### Commodity Groups Dictionary + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Numeric LabelDescription
01Live animals/fish +
02Cereal grains +
03Other ag prods.
04Animal feed
05Meat/seafood +
06Milled grain prods.
07Other foodstuffs
08Alcoholic Beverages +
09Tobacco prods +
10Building stone +
11Natural sands +
12Gravel +
13Nonmetallic minerals +
14Metallic ores +
15Coal +
16Crude Petroleum +
17Gasoline +
18Fuel oils +
19Natural gas and other fossil products +
20Basic chemicals +
21Pharmaceuticals +
22Fertilizers +
23Chemical prods. +
24Plastics/rubber +
25Logs +
26Wood prods +
27Newsprint/paper +
28Paper articles +
29Printed prods. +
30Textiles/leather +
31Nonmetal min. prods. +
32Base metals +
33Articles-base metal +
34Machinery +
35Electronics +
36Motorized Vehicles +
37Transport equip. +
38Precision instruments +
39Furniture +
40Misc. mfg. prods. +
41Waste/scrap +
43Mixed freight +
+ ### Parameters by Scenario Years #### `PARAMETERSBYYEARS.CSV` diff --git a/docs/outputs.md b/docs/outputs.md index 7254ad5ef..45774fa95 100644 --- a/docs/outputs.md +++ b/docs/outputs.md @@ -3371,6 +3371,248 @@ This directory contains outputs from the Crossborder model, which represents all +### CVM Establishment Synthesis (.\cvm_establishment_synthesis) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
File + Description +
MGRAEmpByEstSize.csv + MGRA based synthetically generated establishments. Used for diagnostic purposes, not for simulation +
SummarySynthEstabs.csv + Total count summary by size class and industry sector +
SynthEstablishments.csv + Contains information about synthetically generated establishments to be used as inputs to the commercial vehicle model +
+ +#### CVM Establishment Synthesis File ( MGRAEmpByEstSize.csv ) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Field + Description +
mgra + MGRA id +
taz + TAZ id +
luz + Land use zone + +
emp_Sector_Size_Class + Employment numbers, where Sector is gov, mil, ag_min, bus_svcs, +fin_res_mgm, educ, hlth, ret, trn_wrh, con, utl, mnf, whl, ent, accm, food, +oth; where Size_Class ranges 1-7. + +
+ +#### CVM Establishment Synthesis File ( SummarySynthEstabs.csv ) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Field + Description +
Industry_No + Industry No +
Industry_Name + Industry name +
Size_Class + Size class +
Count + Total number +
+ +#### CVM Establishment Synthesis File (SynthEstablishments.csv ) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Field + Description +
Establishment_ID + Unique establishment id ( index ) for each establishment +
Industry_NoThe category of industry that the establishment belongs to (range: 1 - 12 )
Industry_NameThe name of industry that the establishment belongs to ( EPO, AGM, CON etc.)/td> +
LUZLand Use Zone ( Or the TAZ) to which the establishment belongs to
MGRAThe MGRA number to which establishment belongs to
EmployeesThe number of employees in the establishment
Size_ClassThe categorized size of the establishment based on the number of employees
+ +#### Industry No and Industry Name + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Industry NoIndustry NameDescription
1 + AGM + Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting, and Mining
2 + MFG + Manufacturing
3 + IUT + Industrial Utilities
4 + RET + Retail Trade
5 + WHL + Wholesale Trade
6 + CON + Construction
7 + TRN + Transportation and Warehousing
8 + IFR + Information, Financial, Insurance, Real Estate, and Professional Services
9 + EPO + Education, Public, and Other Services
10 + MHS + Medical and Health Services
11 + LAF + Leisure, Accomodations, and Food
12 + MIL + Military
### Commercial Vehicle Model (.\cvm) @@ -4578,6 +4820,271 @@ This directory contains San Diego commercial travel model outputs. +#### Commerical Vehicle Model Trip File ( final_routes.csv ) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Field + Description +
establishment_id + Establishment ID ( Industry ID ) +
business_type + Name of the industry +
route_purpose + Primary purpose of the route: +

+ • Goods - pickup and/or deliver goods +

+ • Service - provide services to customers +

+ • Maintenance - vehicle maintenance or driver business +

customer_type + Type of the customer ( residential; non-residential; mixed) +
vehicle_type + Type of the vehicle (LV, MUT, SUT) +
is_tnc + TRUE if route is a TNC, otherwise FALSE +
vehicle_type_abm3 + Type of the vehicle ( Passenger car, LHDU, MHDU, and HHDU) +
random + Random number used in route generation calculations +
start_time + Start Time ( half-hour intervals ) +
route_start_time_period_ + Start time period +
origin_stop_type + Origin Stop Type: +

+ • base - establishment location (any land use type) +

+ • warehouse - warehouse, distribution center land use type +

+ • commercial - commercial land use type (not warehouse) +

+ • residential - residential land use type +

origination_zone + Origin Zone for start of route +
destination_stop_type + Destination Stop Type: +

+ • base - establishment location (any land use type) +

+ • warehouse - warehouse, distribution center land use type +

+ • commercial - commercial land use type (not warehouse) +

+ • residential - residential land use type +

terminal_zone + Destination Zone for termination of route +
route_id + unique route id ( or trip id ) +
+ +#### Commerical Vehicle Model Trip File ( final_trips.csv ) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Field + Description +
route_id + the route id on which the trip is assigned to +
route_trip_num + the number of trips on the route_id +
trip_origin + origin zone (MGRA) of the trip +
trip_destination + destination zone (MGRA) of the trip +
trip_destination_purpose + purpose of the trip: +

+ • base - return to establishment +

+ • goods_delivery - deliver goods +

+ • goods_pickup - pickup goods +

+ • home - go to driver's home +

+ • maintenance - maintenance (refueling, vehicle maintenance, driver breaks/meals) +

+ • service - provide a service +

+ • terminate - end route (vehicle day), go to terminal destination chosen for route +

trip_destination_type + attraction land use type at the destination: +

+ • base - establishment location (any land use type) +

+ • warehouse - warehouse, distribution center land use type +

+ • intermodal - airport, seaport, rail intermodal land use type +

+ • commercial - commercial land use type (not warehouse or intermodal) +

+ • residential - residential land use type +

trip_start_time + start time of the trip (half hour intervals counted from beginning) +
trip_travel_time + travel time ( in motion time ) of the vehicle during the trip +
dwell_time + resting/dwelling time of the vehicle during the trip +
route_elapsed_time + total time elapsed during the trip ( trip_travel_time + route_trip_num) +
cv_trip_id + the unique trip id of the cv trip (route_id + route_trip_num) +
taz_origin + origin zone ( TAZ ) of the trip +
taz_destination + destination zone (TAZ) of the trip +
vehicle_type + Vehicle types: DRIVEALONE ( passenger car), LHGT, MHDT, or HHDT +
tod + Start time period of the trip ( ABM3 categories) +
distanceDrive + Trip distance, from traffic_skims_MD +
costTollDrive + Trip toll cost, from traffic_skims_MD +
costOperatingDrive + Trip operating costs (cents) +
### Parking cost calculations (.\parking)