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Sensitivity Testing

Gregor Schroeder edited this page Sep 14, 2020 · 7 revisions

The Sensitivity Testing project contains SQL objects, a Python project, and a formatted Excel template. The main output product is one of two formatted and populated Excel workbooks, one for single scenario sensitivity testing and one of multiple scenario sensitivity testing. These workbooks contain all sensitivity measures of interest along with some basic graphs for visual interpretation.

To run the project

  • Pull the ABM-Reporting repository from GitHub into your local environment
  • Update the file located in the python\sensitivity folder to point at the correct SQL Server instance and database containing the sensitivity SQL objects created by the sensitivity.sql file in the sql\sensitivity folder
  • Use the environment.yml file located in the python\sensitivity folder to create the sensitivity Python virtual environment and set as the project interpreter
  • Run python\sensitivity\ from the top-level ABM-Reporting working directory


File Description
enviornment.yml conda environment used to run Sensitivity Testing python files orchestrator file used to populate Sensitivity Testing Excel Workbooks settings file used to run Sensitivity Testing python files


File Description
Multiple Scenarios Sensitivity_template.xlsx formatted Excel template to hold output from Sensitivity tests for multiple scenarios
Scenario Sensitivity_template.xlsx formatted Excel template to hold output from Sensitivity tests for a single scenario

SQL Objects

Object Name Category Description
stored procedure - SQL [sensitivity].[sp_ifc_metrics] highway network calculate a highway network based metric of interest (vehicle hours delayed, vehicle hours traveled, vehicle miles traveled) by highway link functional class
stored procedure - SQL [sensitivity].[sp_mode_metrics] trip-based mode metrics calculate a trip-based metric of interest (trip-based travel distance, mode share, travel time, or count of trips) using a user-specified weighting criteria (trip or person-trip) by ABM sub-model and mode
stored procedure - SQL [sensitivity].[sp_purpose_metrics] trip-based purpose metrics calculate a trip-based metric of interest (trip-based travel distance, purpose share, travel time, or count of trips) using a user-specified weighting criteria (trip or person-trip) by ABM sub-model and purpose
stored procedure - SQL [sensitivity].[sp_scenario] scenario metadata return ABM scenario metadata
stored procedure - SQL [sensitivity].[sp_transit_mode_metrics] trip-based mode metrics calculate a trip-based metric of interest (trip-based travel distance, mode share, travel time, or count of trips) restricted to transit-only modes using a user-specified weighting criteria (trip or person-trip) by ABM sub-model and mode
stored procedure - SQL [sensitivity].[sp_transit_onoff_metrics] transit network calculate transit on/off metric of interest (total boardings/transfers by line-haul mode, boardings/transfers share by line-haul mode, or boardings/transfers per transit trip/person trip) by ABM five time of day