Beeing able to access the GPIO's to blink a LED or getting stuff written to a console is fine but when getting to a point we would like to control external hardware connected to the Raspberry Pi (e.g. servo motors, sensors) we would need to go the next step and get access to the I²C Bus that is quite commonly used to control connected devices quite often referred to as "IoT devices".
This tutorial will intoduce the usage of the I²C API.
It is assumed that you have at least performed the initial setup as described in this README and that you have read the second tutorial 02_CONSOLE. In addition it's recommended to connect I²C enabled devices like the MPU-6050 (a device to mesure actual orientation), the PCA9685( a 16-channel PWM bridge to drive LED's or servo motors). Ensure that you properly connect the SDA/SCL/VCC/GND pins of the device with the corresponding GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi. (GPIO2/3 for SDA/SCL)
The easiest way to get a basic project struture to begin with is by using an existing project template. A mimimal version could be found here.
To use it you use the following command:
$> cargo generate --git --branch templates/01_minimal --name hello_i2c
To utilize the I²C API in your own crate you need the following dependencies to be setup in the
ruspiro-boot = { version = "0.3", features = [ "singlecore" ] }
ruspiro-allocator = "0.4"
ruspiro-i2c = "0.3"
ruspiro_pi3 = [
To keep things a bit simpler we also configured the ruspiro-boot
crate this time to be build in
single core mode which should be sufficiant for this tutorial.
The first and simplest attempt to utilize the I²C bus is to scan it for any connected device. As the communication and configuration of each individual device is implementation specific to this device this tutorial will not cover how to access a specific device and configure it.
// in addition to the other usages, refer to the I2C crate
use ruspiro_i2c::*;
pub fn kernel_alive(core: u32) {
// your one-time initialization goes here
println!("Kernel alive on core {}", core);
// if the main core is kicked off we can initialize the I2C bus and check for any device
// connected to the I2C bus using it's [scan()] function
if core == 0 {
I2C.take_for(|i2c| {
// initializing the I2C Bus assuming the default core speed of 250MHz
i2c.initialize(250_000_000, true).unwrap();
println!("scan I2C devices connected to RPi");
let devices = i2c.scan().unwrap();
for d in devices {
// using the [info!] macro to write to the console will also print the module name
// from where the message originates as a prefix to the text
info!("device detected at 0x{:2X}", d);
💡 HINT The listing above is not complete and shows only the parts code has been changed or added.
In this tutorial we only use the on-time initialization function to implement our functionality. The kernel_run
function could remain untouched or just contain a loop {}
If all tools has been successfully configured ( as described here), building the kernel could be done by executing one the following commands in the projects root folder:
Target Architecture | Command |
Aarch32 | $> cargo make pi3 --profile a32 |
Aarch64 | $> cargo make pi3 --profile a64 |
I'd highly recommend to use the bootloader approach as described in the previous tutorials to get the newly built kernel deployed to the Raspberry Pi. If you are on a Windows machine and you have a terminal programm installed named Tera Term the deployment and immediate call of the terminal programm will be done like so (assuming you build a 32Bit kernel):
$> cargo ruspiro-push -k ./target/kernel7.img -p COM5 && ttermpro /C=5 /BAUD=115200
If everything runs fine you should see a console output simmilar to mine:
The device address list will be different at your end, depending on the I2C devices you've connected.