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Solid archives

LancerComet edited this page Nov 19, 2023 · 9 revisions


Rulia has dropped the support of the solid archives since 0.13.0.

The solid archives are extremely slow and barely used for manga packing.

If someone opens a solid archive file after 0.13.0, a dialog will pop up and remind him what's going on.

What is Solid archives

Solid archives are the type of archives that have to unpack all files completely no matter which file is being accessed. No random access available.

How to solve it?

Please repack your solid archives into regular archives.

You can pack your images into .zip files, which are never to be the solid archives.

If you are going to pack them into .rar or .7z files, please check the options in your compress software to make sure that you are not going to build solid archives.