A tool that generates pdfs containing printable name tags, split into groups
with the proper logo and separate pdfs based on subgroups that can be printed
on different colored paper.
The tool is made for tutors at DIKU, our students are divided into three large groups depending on which intro-trip there are goring on. Each groups is then further divided into subgroups for each tutor.
The directory logos
must contain the same number of logos as groups.
The syntax for names is
name, group, subgroup
Steve, 0, 0,
Adam, 0, 0,
Eve, 0, 1,
Alice, 1, 2,
To install the dopenendcies run the following commands (replace pip3
if you have python3 as default or a virtual environment):
pip install -r requirements.txt
npm install -g html-pdf
The script can be run by:
python generator.py
The pdfs will then be placed in the newly created output
The pdf is first generated as a html file formatted using bootstrap. The html file is generated by the python templating language Jinja2, once the html files has been generate the node module Node-html-pdf converts them to pdfs. Lastly the tool PyPDF2 merges the pdfs.