GUI Programming: [12 LH]
Introducing Swing; Creating a Frame; Displaying Intormation in a Component; Working with 2D Shapes;Using Color; Using Special Fonts for Text; Displaying Images; Event Handling: Event Handling Basics, Event Classes, Event Listeners and Adapter Classes; Swing and the MVC Design Parem, Layout Management; Basic Swing Components
Database Programming [7 LH]:
The Design of JDBC: JDBC Driver Types and Typical Uses of JDBC; the Structured Query Language JDBC Conliguration; Working with JDBC Statements; Query Execution; Scrollable and Updatable Result Sets; Row Sets
What Is a Java Bean? Advantages of Java Beans; Introspection; Properties, Events, and Methods Design Patterns; Using Beanlnfo Interface; Bound and Constrained Properties; Persistence; Customizers; the Java Beans API; Writing JavaBeans
Servlets and JSP: [14 LH]
Background; The Life Cyctle of a Servlet: A Simple Servlet; The Servlet API; The javax.servlet Package; Reading Servlet Parameters; The javax.servlet.http Package; Handling HTTP Requests and Responses; Using Cookies, Session Tracking; Introduction to JSP; Using ISP; Comparing JSP with Servlet; Java Web Frameworks
RMI: [5 LH]
What is RMI? The Roles of Client and Server, Remote Method Calls; Stubs and Parameter Marshalling: the RMI Programming Model; Interfaces and Implementations; the RMI Registry; Parameters and Retun Values in Remote Mathods; Remote Object Activation; Simple Client/Server Application using RMI; Comparing RMI with CORBA
1. To create GUl applications using swing, event handling, and layout management
2. To create applications to work with databases
3. To create JavaBeans
4. To create server side web programs using Servlet and JSP
5.To create distributed applications using RMI
1. Advanced Java Programming, Uttam K. Roy, Oxford University Press
2. Java: Advanced Features and Programming Techniques, Nathan Clark