This procedure will describe how to quickly setup CentOS8 with a static ip on a KVM host using kickstart.
This procedure requires a working kvm setup on Fedora32.
Download the latest CentOS8 iso and store it in /var/lib/libvirt/imagesredhat
Change the url to a mirror near you. Find out which one here CentOS mirrorlist
Issue the following command
sudo curl -sLo /var/lib/libvirt/images/CentOS-8.2.2004-x86_64-dvd1.iso
Generate The kickstart iso
sudo genisoimage -output /var/lib/libvirt/images/centos-ks.iso -volid OEMDRV -joliet -rock /path/to/ks.cfg
This kickstart configures centos8 with the following
- minimal install + python3
- fqdn: ipa01.linux.lab
- ip:
- netmask:
- gw:
- dns:
- root_passwd: redhat
Create a sparse qcow2 image file on the command line for use by the linux guest.
As root issue the next command.
sudo qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o preallocation=metadata /var/lib/libvirt/images/ipa01_linux_lab_sda.qcow2 20G
As root issue the command
sudo virsh define --file /path/to/kvm_centos8.xml
This will result in a guest vm with 2 SATA cdroms attached.\
The first has the CentOS-8.2.2004-x86_64-dvd1.iso iso as source.
The second has the centos-ks.iso as source.
Start the vm and wait a couple minutes for it to finish.
sudo virsh start --domain ipa01.linux.lab
When you start the centos vm the installation media will wait in the boot menu for a short while.
You have the following options to choose from
- Do nothing
after a short while the iso will be checked
and the unattended install will proceed automatically after it is done. - Press enter
after which the iso will be checked
and the unattended install will proceed automatically after it is done. - Select the installation option and press enter
and the unattended install will start.
All cdrom devices can be removed as they are no longer needed.