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Releases: Rnen/AdminToolbox

Admintoolbox v.1.3.1

03 Jul 15:10
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AdminToolbox v.1.3.1 ChangeLog


  • Renamed config option admintoolbox_allow_extended_Intercom to admintoolbox_intercom_extended_whitelist_rolebadges


  • Fixed: Intercom config not reading badges correctly

Admintoolbox v.1.3 for SMod 3.1.6

02 Jul 11:43
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AdminToolbox v.1.3 ChangeLog


  • Re-Added Command: keepsettings / keep
  • Added Command: lockdown
  • Added Command: fullaccess / access

For how to use the new commands, look Here

  • Added Config Option: admintoolbox_enable
    • This is for enabling/disabling the plugin on different servers. Default: true
  • Added Config Option: admintoolbox_block_role_damage
    • Uses a dict with role numbers example:(admintoolbox_block_role_damage: 6:1,8:1) would make scientists and chaos unable to damage Dboys

For how to use the config options, look Here

  • Added per-player stats (Kills/Teamkills/Deaths). Use player command to display.
    • For now theese stats will reset on server reboot, this will most likely change in the future


  • Changed: lockdown command now is per player instead of globally. Use lockdown * to do a global lockdown.


  • Fixed: player command should list settings properly
  • Fixed: role * command works again

Admintoolbox v.1.2 for SMod3

11 Jun 18:08
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AdminToolbox v.1.2 ChangeLog


  • Added Command: breakdoors
  • Added Command: lockdown
  • Added Command: spectator
    • For how to use the new commands, look Here
  • Added Config Option: admintoolbox_intercom_extended_IDs_whitelist
  • Added Config Option: admintoolbox_intercom_extended_duration
  • Added Config Option: admintoolbox_intercom_extended_cooldown
    • For how to use the config options, look Here


  • Changed: keep command removed untill further development has been done
  • Changed: role command now works on spectators. Will set to role default spawnpoint if used on a spectator


  • Fixed: role command should work now

Admintoolbox v.1.1 for SMod3

07 Jun 06:07
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AdminToolbox v.1.1 ChangeLog


  • Added Command: pos
  • Added Command: warp
  • Added Command: player
  • Added Command: roundlock
    • For how to use the new commands, look Here
  • Added Config Option: admintoolbox_debug_player_player_joinANDleave
    • For how to use the config option, look Here


  • CHANGED: godmode list will list all players currently in godmode
  • CHANGED: nodmg list will list all players currently with noDmg enabled
  • CHANGED: What used to be command: CLASS is now ROLE
  • CHANGED: nodmg after GOD [PLAYER] (BOOL) will now also turn the NoDmg to the same BOOL as godmode for that player
    • example: god evan true nodmg will enable godmode and set nodmg to true
  • CHANGED: All commands can now be used on all players using * instead of Player
    • example: hp * 1 will set all players to 1HP


  • FIXED: Some config settings defaulted to wrong values, should be fixed now.