- tests must pass
- update package.json version
- update History.md using
git changelog
or similar. list the related ticket(s) #<TICKET_NUMBER> as well as a link to the github user who fixed it if applicable. - git commit -m 'release x.x.x'
- git tag x.x.x
- git push origin BRANCH --tags && npm publish
- update mongoosejs.com (see "updating the website" below)
- announce to google groups - include the relevant change log and links to issues
- tweet google group announcement from @mongoosejs
- announce on #mongoosejs irc room
- change package.json version to next patch version suffixed with '-pre' and commit "now working on x.x.x"
- execute
make docs
(when this process completes you'll be on the gh-pages branch) git add docs/*.html index.html
git commit -m 'website; regen <x.x.x>'
git push origin gh-pages