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GettingStarted on Linux

will edited this page Feb 21, 2020 · 5 revisions

On Linux settings can be found on user home under:


Read this page:

If it helps the following bash snippet will let you launch Sikuli ...

    export JAVA_HOME="/opt/lib/java/jre/${JDK_08}"
#   ------------------------------------
##  echo  "nohup  java -jar \"${PROG_PATH}/sikulixide-2.0.3.jar\""   "${@}"  "  > /dev/null "
    nohup  java -jar "${PROG_PATH}/sikulixide-2.0.3.jar"  "${@}"    > /dev/null  2>&1  &
#   ------------------------------------
exit 0

Obviously put your own paths in to point to where you have unzipped Sikuli and where you keep your other files.

Any paths names or environment variables needed (say a Python path) should be exported inside the script before Sikuli strats.

The line beginning nohup ... launches your process in the background. You can keep using the terminal or launch this script with a .Desktop file. I use "${JDK_08}" to be a specific Java release. If things go wrong comment-out the " > /def/null" part.

to be filled