All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Changed virual environment & build tool from pipenv to poetry, pyproject.toml replace pipfile
- Documentation readmes, html
- Removed build.yml for creating platform executables
- refactored source directory structure to fit pyPI package: src/anonymizer/*
- replaced coverage module with pytest-cov dev dependency
- more efficient AnonymizerModel serialization using pickle.dumps with highest protocol
- changed ProjectModel serialization from pickle to json using dataclass_json package
- display script file path in project settings after project created
- ProjectModel.abridged_path to handle display of storage directory and script path to depth of 4
- change Query => Search and Export => Send
- Distribution via pyPI, github action: release.yaml
- Unit testing via github action: tests.yaml
- src/utility unit testing
- Headless / Server mode via, start via rsna-anonmyizer <"path to ProjectModel.pkl">
- "View Pixels" and "View Index" buttons on dashboard with associated views
- menu bar handling refactored, resolve issue #14,
- remove menu font - * to verify on windows platforms
- Fix build.yml badge to point to correct github action build result in
- github action: build.yml change from python 3.11 to 3.12
- resolve issue #4:
- model/ default_local_server changed IP from to
- view/settings/dicom_node_dialog ensure "" is provided to IP address dropdown
- Moved trace of incoming file in ProjectController._handle_store to AnonymizeController.anonymize_dataset in pydicom logging true clause
- resturctured src directory for pypi: src/anonymizer/...
- release.yaml github action for managing pypi releases
- Add tcl/tk install and test to development setup in
- Addressing issue [#18] (#18)
- IF pydicom logging enabled then incoming datasets, either via network or file import, will be stored in private subdir or storage directory
- Classify all critial errors in AnonmyizerModel.capture_phi so logger output is clearer
{'LOC': 10367, 'LLOC': 5237, 'SLOC': 6990, 'Comments': 737, 'Multi': 1212, 'Blank': 1638, 'Single comments': 527}
- Module structure refactor into src/ anticipating pypi module rsna-anonymizer for V18 for server cmd line deployment
- Moved local_storage_path from storage module to ProjectController
- OSX build process now createds dmg using create-dmg
- utils.ux_fields string entry width mods
- DICOMNode DNS lookup width increased to 255, entry display width 40 chars
- Storage directory location default: user home folder / Documents / RSNA Anonymizer / ProjectName
- Full code documentation including mermaid class diagram
- Translation infrastructure using gettext subsystem
- for each language
- language and build status badges in readme
- German, Spanish, French translations for messages and html help files
- Mermaid class diagrams, full:, abridged in for Model, Controller, View
- ThemeManager controls all UI colors, ttk.Treeview customized, appearance mode tested
- pstuil module added for platform agnostic method of efficiently getting available memory
- Available memory and ProjectController backoff threshold used to implement backoff algo in _handle_store
{'LOC': 8624, 'LLOC': 4846, 'SLOC': 6686, 'Comments': 800, 'Multi': 31, 'Blank': 1309, 'Single comments': 598}
- Add Default, Select All buttons to Transfer Classes View
- Creating new project based on existing project settings, ie Clone Current Project Settings
- Add Open Recent Project to File Menu & auto open current project at startup
- Load PHI index files (XLSX format) from Java version of Anonymizer
- Add Series & Instance count to PHI CSV line
- Allow files with compressed transfer syntaxes
- Convert free text Modality field for in Query dialog to drop down with mapping to project's SOP (storage) Classes
- Study Level drop down for Move operation
- Notifying bulk move operation result via pop up summary dialog
- Verify all files are moved after bulk move operation
- AWS export full implemented
- Implementation Class UID and Implementation Version Name attributes RSNA specific
- Handle instances with blank/missing Patient Name and Patient ID - direct to single patient folder
- Removing all PHI from log output except if log level set to debug for pydicom
- Locating log files in storage directory accessible to user
- Query remote server before study export, implemented logic to prevent re-exporting study
- Importing File and Directory dialog provides inidividual file import status
- File/Import Directory able parse DICOMDIR for moveable media
- Import & Anonymize errors: move to error/quarantine sub-directory
- Add comprehensive documentation including explanation of Anonymization algorithms employed
- Provide logging levels for Anonymizer, Pynetdicom and Pydicom as project settings
- Allow Study Date Range entries: YYYYMMDD-, -YYYYMMDD, YYYYMMDD-YYYYMMDD
- Auto generate unique site_id
- Open Recent Project File Menu
- Clone Project settings File Menu
- Select All & Default buttons added for Transfer Syntaxes and SOP Classes dialogs
- Implement round operand and associated round_age() in AnonymizerController
- Added assets/images/ script to auto generate icns for osx
- GUI App initialisation creation exception handling
- Output tkinter and customtkinter version to log at startup
- Set log levels Anonymizer, pynetdicom, pydicom
- Moved de-identification string constants within AnonymizerController class
- unit-test.yml to build.yml, gh action build and upload steps for all platforms using (renamed with automatic release if version does not contain "RC"
- If running from pyinstaller set log file to /var/log/Anonymizer (Linux), /Library/Logs/Anonymizer (OSX), C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Anonymizer (Windows)
- Allow multiple concurrent file and directory import processes
- ProjectController.find_uids to get list of series_uids and instance_uids for study retrieval management
- If local server does start on open project (eg. due to local server start / port open error) then still open project
- Product Name = "Anonymizer" across platforms, File Description = "RSNA DICOM Anonymizer"
- Query & Retrieve import verification by verifying files in store
- Storage path naming, remove Series and Instance Number dependency, use uids
- Increased log file size to 60MB
- Removed