participant USRAVideo
participant SEMVideo
participant ContrastEnhancer
participant Tracker
participant Detector
USRAVideo->>SEMVideo: Create a video object for Media/Video C.avi
activate SEMVideo
SEMVideo->>USRAVideo: Returns SEMVideo object
deactivate SEMVideo
USRAVideo->>ContrastEnhancer: Create a enhancer that uses 30% as the threshold
activate ContrastEnhancer
ContrastEnhancer->>USRAVideo: Returns ContrastEnhancer object
deactivate ContrastEnhancer
USRAVideo->>Tracker: Create a tracker object for Media/Video C.avi with this detection model
activate Tracker
Tracker->>Detector: Create a detector object with this detection model
deactivate Tracker
activate Detector
Detector->>Tracker: Returns Detector object
deactivate Detector
activate Tracker
Tracker->>USRAVideo: Returns a Tracker object
deactivate Tracker
participant U as USRAVideo
participant V as VideoAnalyzer
U->>V: Analyze Media/Video C.avi using this ContrastEnhancer and this Tracker
%% Note right of VideoAnalyzer: Runs analysis
V->>V: Runs analysis
V->>U: Done! You can find the data here.
participant V as VideoAnalyzer
participant C as ContrastEnhancer
participant S as SEMVideo
V->>C: Enhance this SEMVideo object
activate C
C->>S: Extract your frames into a folder
deactivate C
activate S
S->>C: The frames are located in $DIR
deactivate S
activate C
loop EnhanceFrames
C->>C: Enhance Contrast
C->>C: Mean filter
C->>C: Threshold
C-->C: Despeckle
C->>S: Convert these frames in $DIR to a new SEMVideo
deactivate C
activate S
S->>C: Returns new SEMVideo
C->>V: Returns new SEMVideo
participant V as VideoAnalyzer
participant S as SEMVideo
participant T as Tracker
participant D as Detector
participant P as Pairer
V->>T: Track this SEMVideo object
activate T
T->>S: Where are your frames located?
deactivate T
activate S
S->>T: They are located in $DIR
deactivate S
activate T
loop DetectInFrames
T->>D: Where are the particles located in this frame?
activate D
D->>D: Detects particles with OpenCV
D->>T: Here are the positions of the particles.
deactivate D
loop GroupObjects
T->>P: Here are particles in 2 different frames. Pair them together.
activate P
Note over T,P: Pairing means determining out of the list, what pair of points corresponds to 1 particle
P->>T: These are the particles I paired
deactivate P
activate T
T->>T: Store pairings and combine with old
T->>V: Returns a list of particles, each containing a series of xy points
deactivate T
participant V as VideoAnalyzer
participant C as ContrastEnhancer
V->>C: Enhance this SEMVideo object
activate C
C->>S: Extract your frames into a folder
deactivate C
activate S
S->>C: The frames are located in $DIR
deactivate S
activate C
loop EnhanceFrames
C->>C: Enhance Contrast
C->>C: Mean filter
C->>C: Threshold
C-->C: Despeckle
C->>S: Convert these frames in $DIR to a new SEMVideo
deactivate C
activate S
S->>C: Returns new SEMVideo
C->>VideoAnalyzer: Returns new SEMVideo
participant S as SEMVideo
participant T as Tracker
participant D as Detector
participant P as Pairer
V->>T: Track this SEMVideo object
activate T
T->>S: Where are your frames located?
deactivate T
activate S
S->>T: They are located in $DIR
deactivate S
activate T
loop DetectInFrames
T->>D: Where are the particles located in this frame?
activate D
D->>D: Detects particles with OpenCV
D->>T: Here are the positions of the particles.
deactivate D
loop GroupObjects
T->>P: Here are particles in 2 different frames. Pair them together.
activate P
Note over T,P: Pairing means determining out of the list, what pair of points corresponds to 1 particle
P->>T: These are the particles I paired
deactivate P
activate T
T->>T: Store pairings and combine with old
T->>V: Returns a list of particles, each containing a series of xy points
deactivate T