participant User
participant App as Native App
participant HSM
participant Client as MyCitadel Client
participant Node as MyCitadel Node
participant RGB
participant LNP
participant Electrum
Note over User, Electrum: Getting balances
Client ->> +Node: UpdateBalances
Node ->> Node: <compose list of descriptors<br> from generator template>
Node ->> +Electrum: listunspent()...
Electrum -->> -Node: (height, outpoint, value)
Node ->> +RGB: Assets(outpoint)
RGB -->> -Node: (ContractId => Value)
Node ->> Node: <aggregate data>
Node -->> -Client: (ContractId => <br> {balance,<br>outpoint => value})
Note over User, Electrum: Creating invoice
User ->> +App: Fills the form
App ->> +Client: invoice_prepare(json)
Client ->> +Node: PrepareInvoice<br>(invoice)
Node ->> Node: <store>
opt For RGB
Node ->> Node: <update balances,<br>check consignments>
Node ->> Node: <store blinding_secret>
opt For Lightning payment
Node ->> +LNP: NodeInfo()
LNP -->> -Node: (node_info)
Node -->> -Client: (invoice)
Client -->> -App: (blob, sighash)
App ->> +HSM: sign_message(sighash)
HSM -->> -App: (signature)
App ->> +Client: invoice_finalize(blob, signature)
Client -->> -App: (bech32)
App -->> -User: Bech32 or QR
Note over User, Electrum: Receiving payment by invoice
alt Onchain payments
Note right of Node: Later, when a<br>new block is mined
Electrum -->> +Node: (block)
Node ->> +LNP: GetConsignments()
LNP -->> -Node: ([Consingments])
Node ->> Node: <verify & accept consignments>
else Offchain payments
LNP -->> Node: (state update)
Node ->> Node: <check against<br>known invoices>
Node ->> Node: <update cache>
Node -->> -Client: invoice_paid<br>(invoice)
activate Client
Client -->> -App: invoice_paid<br>(invoice)
activate App
App -->> -User: Notify
Note over User, Electrum: Paying invoice
User ->> +App: Scans QR, pastes Bech32
App ->> +Client: parse_invoice(invoice)
Client -->> -App: (JSON)
App -->> -User: Displays invoice details
App ->> +Client: pay_invoice(invoice)
Client ->> +Node: PayInvoice(invoice)
Node ->> Node: <do coinselection>
Node ->> +RGB: Pay(invoice, psbt)
RGB -->> -Node: (consignment, psbt)