diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/GetUpFromBack.fbx b/Assets/Art/Animations/GetUpFromBack.fbx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f9dcfa1d68 Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/Art/Animations/GetUpFromBack.fbx differ diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/GetUpFromBack.fbx.meta b/Assets/Art/Animations/GetUpFromBack.fbx.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f598368c93 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Art/Animations/GetUpFromBack.fbx.meta @@ -0,0 +1,895 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 83207c9bf0069534487201e6d71c0de1 +ModelImporter: + serializedVersion: 21300 + internalIDToNameTable: [] + externalObjects: {} + materials: + materialImportMode: 2 + materialName: 0 + materialSearch: 1 + materialLocation: 1 + animations: + legacyGenerateAnimations: 4 + bakeSimulation: 0 + resampleCurves: 1 + optimizeGameObjects: 0 + removeConstantScaleCurves: 1 + motionNodeName: + rigImportErrors: + rigImportWarnings: + animationImportErrors: + animationImportWarnings: + animationRetargetingWarnings: + animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0 + importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0 + importConstraints: 0 + animationCompression: 3 + animationRotationError: 0.5 + animationPositionError: 0.5 + animationScaleError: 0.5 + animationWrapMode: 0 + extraExposedTransformPaths: [] + extraUserProperties: [] + clipAnimations: + - serializedVersion: 16 + name: GetUpFromBack + takeName: mixamo.com + internalID: -203655887218126122 + firstFrame: 0 + lastFrame: 81 + wrapMode: 0 + orientationOffsetY: 0 + level: 0 + cycleOffset: 0 + loop: 0 + hasAdditiveReferencePose: 0 + loopTime: 0 + loopBlend: 0 + loopBlendOrientation: 0 + loopBlendPositionY: 0 + loopBlendPositionXZ: 0 + keepOriginalOrientation: 0 + keepOriginalPositionY: 1 + keepOriginalPositionXZ: 0 + heightFromFeet: 0 + mirror: 0 + bodyMask: 01000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000 + curves: [] + events: [] + transformMask: [] + maskType: 3 + maskSource: {instanceID: 0} + additiveReferencePoseFrame: 0 + isReadable: 0 + meshes: + lODScreenPercentages: [] + globalScale: 1 + meshCompression: 0 + addColliders: 0 + useSRGBMaterialColor: 1 + sortHierarchyByName: 1 + importVisibility: 1 + importBlendShapes: 1 + importCameras: 1 + importLights: 1 + nodeNameCollisionStrategy: 1 + fileIdsGeneration: 2 + swapUVChannels: 0 + generateSecondaryUV: 0 + useFileUnits: 1 + keepQuads: 0 + weldVertices: 1 + bakeAxisConversion: 0 + preserveHierarchy: 0 + skinWeightsMode: 0 + maxBonesPerVertex: 4 + minBoneWeight: 0.001 + optimizeBones: 1 + meshOptimizationFlags: -1 + indexFormat: 0 + secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 + secondaryUVAreaDistortion: 15.000001 + secondaryUVHardAngle: 88 + secondaryUVMarginMethod: 1 + secondaryUVMinLightmapResolution: 40 + secondaryUVMinObjectScale: 1 + secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 + useFileScale: 1 + tangentSpace: + normalSmoothAngle: 60 + normalImportMode: 0 + tangentImportMode: 3 + normalCalculationMode: 4 + legacyComputeAllNormalsFromSmoothingGroupsWhenMeshHasBlendShapes: 0 + blendShapeNormalImportMode: 1 + normalSmoothingSource: 0 + referencedClips: [] + importAnimation: 1 + humanDescription: + serializedVersion: 3 + human: + - boneName: hips + humanName: Hips + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_l + humanName: LeftUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_r + humanName: RightUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_l + humanName: LeftLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_r + humanName: RightLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_l + humanName: LeftFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_r + humanName: RightFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: spine + humanName: Spine + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: neck + humanName: Neck + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: head + humanName: Head + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_l + humanName: LeftShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_r + humanName: RightShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_l + humanName: LeftUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_r + humanName: RightUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_l + humanName: LeftLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_r + humanName: RightLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_l + humanName: LeftHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_r + humanName: RightHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_l + humanName: LeftToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_r + humanName: RightToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_l + humanName: Left Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_l + humanName: Left Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_l + humanName: Left Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_l + humanName: Left Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_l + humanName: Left Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_l + humanName: Left Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_l + humanName: Left Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_l + humanName: Left Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_l + humanName: Left Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_l + humanName: Left Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_l + humanName: Left Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_l + humanName: Left Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_r + humanName: Right Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_r + humanName: Right Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_r + humanName: Right Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_r + humanName: Right Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_r + humanName: Right Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_r + humanName: Right Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_r + humanName: Right Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_r + humanName: Right Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_r + humanName: Right Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_r + humanName: Right Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_r + humanName: Right Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_r + humanName: Right Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: chest + humanName: Chest + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + skeleton: + - name: Human(Clone) + parentName: + position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human COMPLETE + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 1.1798787e-12, y: -0.000000052359955, z: 0.000000015905945} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.076661475, y: 1.3955941, z: 0.04250782} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.09472712, y: 1.3974037, z: 0.040297404} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.038126312, y: 1.4131447, z: 0.15032214} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eyes + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Head + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Torso + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0.9402349, z: 0.036055043} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanAppendix + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.04012108, y: 0.9274628, z: 0.104044564} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.03647864, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036478758, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanHeart + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.006746769, y: 1.1291152, z: 0.117190085} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineLarge + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0015628338, y: 0.94421047, z: 0.10589335} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineSmall + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0064120293, y: 0.9636725, z: 0.08935433} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLiver + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.015479565, y: 1.054116, z: 0.1051005} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.036902547, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375894} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036902428, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375895} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanStomach + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.021774769, y: 1.0252738, z: 0.10165389} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanBrain + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0009741783, y: 1.4594865, z: 0.030295096} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanArmature + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: hips + parentName: HumanArmature + position: {x: 1.149433e-13, y: -0.013241618, z: 0.83337724} + rotation: {x: 0.7404059, y: 0.0000055815894, z: 0.000006148301, w: 0.67216} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.99999994} + - name: thigh_l + parentName: hips + position: {x: -0.096564054, y: -0.024295717, z: 0.002351557} + rotation: {x: 0.99558604, y: -0.064399414, z: -0.005032787, w: 0.06808755} + scale: {x: 1.0000036, y: 1.000003, z: 1.0000107} + - name: lower_leg_l + parentName: thigh_l + position: {x: 0.000000015017577, y: 0.35762414, z: 0.000000034924597} + rotation: {x: 0.10202001, y: 0.0028012872, z: -0.009849284, w: 0.9947297} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000085, z: 1.0000061} + - name: foot_l + parentName: lower_leg_l + position: {x: -0.0000000018335413, y: 0.40961084, z: -0.000000004656613} + rotation: {x: -0.5585367, y: 0.13368261, z: -0.18853498, w: 0.79663056} + scale: {x: 1.0000013, y: 1.0000288, z: 0.9999941} + - name: toes_l + parentName: foot_l + position: {x: 0.000000016530976, y: 0.080526456, z: 0.0000000055879354} + rotation: {x: -0.05992987, y: -0.17405595, z: 0.04044075, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000367, y: 0.9999867, z: 0.99997807} + - name: thigh_r + parentName: hips + position: {x: 0.09656395, y: -0.024295837, z: 0.0023547793} + rotation: {x: 0.9955859, y: 0.06439856, z: 0.0050587305, w: 0.06808791} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.999999} + - name: lower_leg_r + parentName: thigh_r + position: {x: 0.0000000044237822, y: 0.35762426, z: 0.00000002514571} + rotation: {x: 0.1020204, y: -0.0028013631, z: 0.009850703, w: 0.99472964} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000057, z: 1.0000025} + - name: foot_r + parentName: lower_leg_r + position: {x: 0.0000000059662852, y: 0.40961078, z: -6.9849193e-10} + rotation: {x: -0.55854076, y: -0.13368613, z: 0.18853135, w: 0.796628} + scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 0.9999992, z: 1.000003} + - name: toes_r + parentName: foot_r + position: {x: -0.000000003958121, y: 0.0805272, z: 0.000000008381903} + rotation: {x: -0.05992934, y: 0.17405611, z: -0.040440965, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000099, z: 0.9999884} + - name: spine + parentName: hips + position: {x: 1.8356248e-12, y: 0.13786578, z: 0.000000013038516} + rotation: {x: -0.020161092, y: 0.0032923277, z: -0.00006672589, w: 0.9997914} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.9999998, z: 0.99999684} + - name: chest + parentName: spine + position: {x: -3.1419884e-11, y: 0.13744113, z: -0.000000003725594} + rotation: {x: -0.079870485, y: -0.0032907373, z: -0.00026367875, w: 0.9967998} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000005, z: 0.999999} + - name: neck + parentName: chest + position: {x: -4.507826e-11, y: 0.13796483, z: 0.000000011175871} + rotation: {x: 0.07572726, y: -0.0067067696, z: -0.00050935626, w: 0.99710584} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000023} + - name: head + parentName: neck + position: {x: 2.845278e-10, y: 0.08491398, z: 0.000000026080253} + rotation: {x: -0.021641804, y: 0.006758547, z: 0.00014482907, w: 0.9997429} + scale: {x: 0.9999991, y: 1.0000007, z: 1.0000015} + - name: shoulder_r + parentName: chest + position: {x: 0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.003932451} + rotation: {x: 0.5486401, y: 0.54864013, z: -0.4460875, w: 0.44608754} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 0.99999845, z: 1.0000019} + - name: upper_arm_r + parentName: shoulder_r + position: {x: 0.0000000056466725, y: 0.113623016, z: 0.000000080447336} + rotation: {x: -0.016802363, y: -0.728269, z: -0.03739515, w: 0.6840641} + scale: {x: 1.000008, y: 1.0000077, z: 1.0000037} + - name: forearm_r + parentName: upper_arm_r + position: {x: -0.0000002590059, y: 0.19655885, z: -0.0000000084983185} + rotation: {x: 0.07927109, y: -0.0007944402, z: 0.007752359, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 0.9999983, z: 0.999999} + - name: hand_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000000022293534, y: 0.23644204, z: -0.0000000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.0080038365, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328861, w: -0.6950444} + scale: {x: 1.0000069, y: 1.0000124, z: 1.0000093} + - name: c_thumb1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.043030325, y: 0.027325455, z: -0.029069485} + rotation: {x: -0.23810282, y: -0.6193094, z: 0.34018674, w: -0.6663602} + scale: {x: 1.0000025, y: 1.0000083, z: 0.99999624} + - name: c_thumb2_r + parentName: c_thumb1_r + position: {x: -0.00000006146729, y: 0.067762405, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.027055915, y: 0.1494991, z: -0.003029404, w: 0.988387} + scale: {x: 1.0000172, y: 0.99998325, z: 1.0000168} + - name: c_thumb3_r + parentName: c_thumb2_r + position: {x: 0.000000063329935, y: 0.034581296, z: 0.000000007450581} + rotation: {x: 0.16982022, y: -0.068780154, z: 0.066675395, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.999986, y: 0.9999816, z: 1.0000352} + - name: c_ring1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: -0.037961163, y: 0.08163366, z: 0.0126242135} + rotation: {x: -0.030043779, y: 0.0177473, z: -0.0146247605, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000018, y: 1.0000027, z: 0.9999998} + - name: c_ring2_r + parentName: c_ring1_r + position: {x: 0.000000007916242, y: 0.045393843, z: -0.000000037747668} + rotation: {x: -0.027954554, y: -0.02803783, z: -0.00021981988, w: 0.9992159} + scale: {x: 1.0000081, y: 0.9999979, z: 1.0000149} + - name: c_ring3_r + parentName: c_ring2_r + position: {x: -0, y: 0.030371627, z: -0.00000012342207} + rotation: {x: -0.09702881, y: 0.19158539, z: -0.05356502, w: 0.9751981} + scale: {x: 1.0000122, y: 1.000016, z: 0.9999991} + - name: c_middle1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.012728409, y: 0.095293984, z: 0.005345431} + rotation: {x: -0.020139333, y: 0.06533595, z: -0.0029693954, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000037, y: 1.0000066, z: 1.0000002} + - name: c_middle2_r + parentName: c_middle1_r + position: {x: -0.000000027939677, y: 0.04347191, z: 0.000000017229468} + rotation: {x: -0.02996826, y: 0.030963402, z: -0.0046559433, w: 0.9990603} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000036, z: 1.0000131} + - name: c_middle3_r + parentName: c_middle2_r + position: {x: -0.000000033527613, y: 0.0329716, z: 0.00000006053597} + rotation: {x: -0.1676397, y: 0.073116966, z: -0.021750906, w: 0.98289263} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 1.0000196, z: 0.99999374} + - name: c_index1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.059781943, y: 0.096780546, z: 0.014082293} + rotation: {x: -0.004635407, y: 0.005647418, z: 0.0077239904, w: 0.99994355} + scale: {x: 1.0000005, y: 1.0000036, z: 0.99999875} + - name: c_index2_r + parentName: c_index1_r + position: {x: 0.0000000034924597, y: 0.047904514, z: 0.00000005250331} + rotation: {x: -0.024433492, y: 0.10530338, z: -0.0018819352, w: 0.9941382} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000042} + - name: c_index3_r + parentName: c_index2_r + position: {x: -0.000000007450581, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.000000020489097} + rotation: {x: -0.080947846, y: -0.017785536, z: -0.01037631, w: 0.9965057} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000277, z: 1.0000005} + - name: hold.r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.0063287923, y: 0.08298412, z: -0.015038971} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: 0.47859132, z: -0.46639267, w: 0.53287977} + scale: {x: 0.9999997, y: 0.9999977, z: 1.0000002} + - name: forearm_twist_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000016324193, y: 0.1284726, z: -0.000006649643} + rotation: {x: -0.000018939374, y: 0.0012337323, z: -0.00016194968, w: 0.9999993} + scale: {x: 1.0000073, y: 1.0000048, z: 0.99999934} + - name: shoulder_l + parentName: chest + position: {x: -0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.0039324528} + rotation: {x: -0.5486401, y: 0.5486401, z: -0.44608748, w: -0.4460875} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 0.99999964, z: 1.0000043} + - name: upper_arm_l + parentName: shoulder_l + position: {x: -0.000000009391529, y: 0.11362299, z: -0.000000031237462} + rotation: {x: 0.016802428, y: -0.72826916, z: -0.037395176, w: -0.68406385} + scale: {x: 1.0000075, y: 1.0000076, z: 1.0000032} + - name: forearm_l + parentName: upper_arm_l + position: {x: -0.000000016112608, y: 0.19655891, z: 0.000000013969839} + rotation: {x: 0.07927141, y: 0.00079452974, z: -0.0077523375, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.99999756, y: 0.9999992, z: 0.99999774} + - name: hand_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: -0.00000014150282, y: 0.23644212, z: -0.000000009313226} + rotation: {x: 0.00800377, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328958, w: 0.6950446} + scale: {x: 1.0000067, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000058} + - name: c_thumb1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.043030314, y: 0.02732556, z: -0.02906935} + rotation: {x: 0.23810151, y: -0.6193099, z: 0.34018716, w: 0.66636} + scale: {x: 1.0000024, y: 1.0000248, z: 0.99998504} + - name: c_thumb2_l + parentName: c_thumb1_l + position: {x: 0.00000006519258, y: 0.06776242, z: 0.000000044703484} + rotation: {x: -0.027061354, y: -0.1494992, z: 0.0030296424, w: 0.98838687} + scale: {x: 1.0000145, y: 0.9999532, z: 1.0000383} + - name: c_thumb3_l + parentName: c_thumb2_l + position: {x: -0.000000078231096, y: 0.03458134, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0.16982007, y: 0.068780504, z: -0.06667551, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.99998635, y: 0.99988985, z: 1.0001268} + - name: c_ring1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: 0.03796115, y: 0.081633575, z: 0.0126242405} + rotation: {x: -0.030042524, y: -0.017746734, z: 0.014624785, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000144, y: 1.0000082, z: 1.000006} + - name: c_ring2_l + parentName: c_ring1_l + position: {x: 0.0000000018626451, y: 0.04539384, z: -0.00000013152021} + rotation: {x: 0.027963966, y: -0.028037718, z: -0.00022199283, w: -0.9992156} + scale: {x: 1.0000045, y: 0.99999386, z: 1.0000125} + - name: c_ring3_l + parentName: c_ring2_l + position: {x: -0.000000003259629, y: 0.030371798, z: 0.00000005106267} + rotation: {x: 0.097029544, y: 0.1915853, z: -0.053565085, w: -0.975198} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000107, z: 1.0000023} + - name: c_middle1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.012728396, y: 0.095294036, z: 0.0053454423} + rotation: {x: -0.020141035, y: -0.06533592, z: 0.0029690685, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000117, y: 1.0000049, z: 1.0000024} + - name: c_middle2_l + parentName: c_middle1_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.043471865, z: 0.00000004703179} + rotation: {x: -0.029964855, y: -0.030963589, z: 0.0046565477, w: 0.9990604} + scale: {x: 0.9999977, y: 0.99999636, z: 1.0000107} + - name: c_middle3_l + parentName: c_middle2_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.03297166, z: -0.00000006239861} + rotation: {x: -0.16763954, y: -0.07311703, z: 0.021750832, w: 0.9828926} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000006, z: 1.000013} + - name: c_index1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.059781928, y: 0.0967806, z: 0.014082292} + rotation: {x: -0.0046358937, y: -0.0056473566, z: -0.007723556, w: 0.9999435} + scale: {x: 1.0000126, y: 1.0000038, z: 1.0000052} + - name: c_index2_l + parentName: c_index1_l + position: {x: -0.000000009313226, y: 0.04790459, z: 0.000000045169145} + rotation: {x: -0.024431424, y: -0.10530303, z: 0.0018783653, w: 0.9941383} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000063} + - name: c_index3_l + parentName: c_index2_l + position: {x: 0.000000014901161, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.00000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.08094788, y: 0.017785553, z: 0.01037622, w: 0.9965056} + scale: {x: 1.000003, y: 0.999993, z: 1.0000157} + - name: hold.l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.0063287844, y: 0.082984276, z: -0.015038835} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: -0.47859147, z: 0.46639258, w: 0.5328798} + scale: {x: 1.000011, y: 1.0000129, z: 1.0000062} + - name: forearm_twist_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: 0.00001617195, y: 0.12847266, z: -0.000006655231} + rotation: {x: -0.00001891702, y: -0.001233861, z: 0.00016184966, w: 0.9999992} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000012, z: 1.0000024} + armTwist: 0.5 + foreArmTwist: 0.5 + upperLegTwist: 0.5 + legTwist: 0.5 + armStretch: 0.05 + legStretch: 0.05 + feetSpacing: 0 + globalScale: 1 + rootMotionBoneName: + hasTranslationDoF: 0 + hasExtraRoot: 1 + skeletonHasParents: 1 + lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {fileID: 9000000, guid: f553c8289710b5e4dab99c3bcbbb802e, type: 3} + autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1 + animationType: 3 + humanoidOversampling: 1 + avatarSetup: 2 + addHumanoidExtraRootOnlyWhenUsingAvatar: 1 + remapMaterialsIfMaterialImportModeIsNone: 0 + additionalBone: 0 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/GetUpFromFront.fbx b/Assets/Art/Animations/GetUpFromFront.fbx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6927107dbd Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/Art/Animations/GetUpFromFront.fbx differ diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/GetUpFromFront.fbx.meta b/Assets/Art/Animations/GetUpFromFront.fbx.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..afa3286f00 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Art/Animations/GetUpFromFront.fbx.meta @@ -0,0 +1,895 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: b45b348d9bf3bcd4f9c45e322acd2a50 +ModelImporter: + serializedVersion: 21300 + internalIDToNameTable: [] + externalObjects: {} + materials: + materialImportMode: 2 + materialName: 0 + materialSearch: 1 + materialLocation: 1 + animations: + legacyGenerateAnimations: 4 + bakeSimulation: 0 + resampleCurves: 1 + optimizeGameObjects: 0 + removeConstantScaleCurves: 1 + motionNodeName: + rigImportErrors: + rigImportWarnings: + animationImportErrors: + animationImportWarnings: + animationRetargetingWarnings: + animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0 + importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0 + importConstraints: 0 + animationCompression: 3 + animationRotationError: 0.5 + animationPositionError: 0.5 + animationScaleError: 0.5 + animationWrapMode: 0 + extraExposedTransformPaths: [] + extraUserProperties: [] + clipAnimations: + - serializedVersion: 16 + name: GetUpFromFront + takeName: mixamo.com + internalID: -203655887218126122 + firstFrame: 0 + lastFrame: 156 + wrapMode: 0 + orientationOffsetY: 0 + level: 0 + cycleOffset: 0 + loop: 0 + hasAdditiveReferencePose: 0 + loopTime: 0 + loopBlend: 0 + loopBlendOrientation: 0 + loopBlendPositionY: 0 + loopBlendPositionXZ: 0 + keepOriginalOrientation: 0 + keepOriginalPositionY: 1 + keepOriginalPositionXZ: 0 + heightFromFeet: 0 + mirror: 0 + bodyMask: 01000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000 + curves: [] + events: [] + transformMask: [] + maskType: 3 + maskSource: {instanceID: 0} + additiveReferencePoseFrame: 0 + isReadable: 0 + meshes: + lODScreenPercentages: [] + globalScale: 1 + meshCompression: 0 + addColliders: 0 + useSRGBMaterialColor: 1 + sortHierarchyByName: 1 + importVisibility: 1 + importBlendShapes: 1 + importCameras: 1 + importLights: 1 + nodeNameCollisionStrategy: 1 + fileIdsGeneration: 2 + swapUVChannels: 0 + generateSecondaryUV: 0 + useFileUnits: 1 + keepQuads: 0 + weldVertices: 1 + bakeAxisConversion: 0 + preserveHierarchy: 0 + skinWeightsMode: 0 + maxBonesPerVertex: 4 + minBoneWeight: 0.001 + optimizeBones: 1 + meshOptimizationFlags: -1 + indexFormat: 0 + secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 + secondaryUVAreaDistortion: 15.000001 + secondaryUVHardAngle: 88 + secondaryUVMarginMethod: 1 + secondaryUVMinLightmapResolution: 40 + secondaryUVMinObjectScale: 1 + secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 + useFileScale: 1 + tangentSpace: + normalSmoothAngle: 60 + normalImportMode: 0 + tangentImportMode: 3 + normalCalculationMode: 4 + legacyComputeAllNormalsFromSmoothingGroupsWhenMeshHasBlendShapes: 0 + blendShapeNormalImportMode: 1 + normalSmoothingSource: 0 + referencedClips: [] + importAnimation: 1 + humanDescription: + serializedVersion: 3 + human: + - boneName: hips + humanName: Hips + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_l + humanName: LeftUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_r + humanName: RightUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_l + humanName: LeftLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_r + humanName: RightLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_l + humanName: LeftFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_r + humanName: RightFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: spine + humanName: Spine + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: neck + humanName: Neck + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: head + humanName: Head + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_l + humanName: LeftShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_r + humanName: RightShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_l + humanName: LeftUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_r + humanName: RightUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_l + humanName: LeftLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_r + humanName: RightLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_l + humanName: LeftHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_r + humanName: RightHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_l + humanName: LeftToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_r + humanName: RightToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_l + humanName: Left Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_l + humanName: Left Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_l + humanName: Left Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_l + humanName: Left Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_l + humanName: Left Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_l + humanName: Left Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_l + humanName: Left Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_l + humanName: Left Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_l + humanName: Left Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_l + humanName: Left Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_l + humanName: Left Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_l + humanName: Left Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_r + humanName: Right Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_r + humanName: Right Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_r + humanName: Right Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_r + humanName: Right Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_r + humanName: Right Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_r + humanName: Right Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_r + humanName: Right Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_r + humanName: Right Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_r + humanName: Right Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_r + humanName: Right Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_r + humanName: Right Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_r + humanName: Right Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: chest + humanName: Chest + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + skeleton: + - name: Human(Clone) + parentName: + position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human COMPLETE + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 1.1798787e-12, y: -0.000000052359955, z: 0.000000015905945} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.076661475, y: 1.3955941, z: 0.04250782} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.09472712, y: 1.3974037, z: 0.040297404} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.038126312, y: 1.4131447, z: 0.15032214} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eyes + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Head + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Torso + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0.9402349, z: 0.036055043} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanAppendix + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.04012108, y: 0.9274628, z: 0.104044564} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.03647864, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036478758, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanHeart + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.006746769, y: 1.1291152, z: 0.117190085} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineLarge + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0015628338, y: 0.94421047, z: 0.10589335} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineSmall + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0064120293, y: 0.9636725, z: 0.08935433} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLiver + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.015479565, y: 1.054116, z: 0.1051005} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.036902547, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375894} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036902428, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375895} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanStomach + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.021774769, y: 1.0252738, z: 0.10165389} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanBrain + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0009741783, y: 1.4594865, z: 0.030295096} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanArmature + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: hips + parentName: HumanArmature + position: {x: 1.149433e-13, y: -0.013241618, z: 0.83337724} + rotation: {x: 0.7404059, y: 0.0000055815894, z: 0.000006148301, w: 0.67216} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.99999994} + - name: thigh_l + parentName: hips + position: {x: -0.096564054, y: -0.024295717, z: 0.002351557} + rotation: {x: 0.99558604, y: -0.064399414, z: -0.005032787, w: 0.06808755} + scale: {x: 1.0000036, y: 1.000003, z: 1.0000107} + - name: lower_leg_l + parentName: thigh_l + position: {x: 0.000000015017577, y: 0.35762414, z: 0.000000034924597} + rotation: {x: 0.10202001, y: 0.0028012872, z: -0.009849284, w: 0.9947297} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000085, z: 1.0000061} + - name: foot_l + parentName: lower_leg_l + position: {x: -0.0000000018335413, y: 0.40961084, z: -0.000000004656613} + rotation: {x: -0.5585367, y: 0.13368261, z: -0.18853498, w: 0.79663056} + scale: {x: 1.0000013, y: 1.0000288, z: 0.9999941} + - name: toes_l + parentName: foot_l + position: {x: 0.000000016530976, y: 0.080526456, z: 0.0000000055879354} + rotation: {x: -0.05992987, y: -0.17405595, z: 0.04044075, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000367, y: 0.9999867, z: 0.99997807} + - name: thigh_r + parentName: hips + position: {x: 0.09656395, y: -0.024295837, z: 0.0023547793} + rotation: {x: 0.9955859, y: 0.06439856, z: 0.0050587305, w: 0.06808791} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.999999} + - name: lower_leg_r + parentName: thigh_r + position: {x: 0.0000000044237822, y: 0.35762426, z: 0.00000002514571} + rotation: {x: 0.1020204, y: -0.0028013631, z: 0.009850703, w: 0.99472964} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000057, z: 1.0000025} + - name: foot_r + parentName: lower_leg_r + position: {x: 0.0000000059662852, y: 0.40961078, z: -6.9849193e-10} + rotation: {x: -0.55854076, y: -0.13368613, z: 0.18853135, w: 0.796628} + scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 0.9999992, z: 1.000003} + - name: toes_r + parentName: foot_r + position: {x: -0.000000003958121, y: 0.0805272, z: 0.000000008381903} + rotation: {x: -0.05992934, y: 0.17405611, z: -0.040440965, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000099, z: 0.9999884} + - name: spine + parentName: hips + position: {x: 1.8356248e-12, y: 0.13786578, z: 0.000000013038516} + rotation: {x: -0.020161092, y: 0.0032923277, z: -0.00006672589, w: 0.9997914} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.9999998, z: 0.99999684} + - name: chest + parentName: spine + position: {x: -3.1419884e-11, y: 0.13744113, z: -0.000000003725594} + rotation: {x: -0.079870485, y: -0.0032907373, z: -0.00026367875, w: 0.9967998} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000005, z: 0.999999} + - name: neck + parentName: chest + position: {x: -4.507826e-11, y: 0.13796483, z: 0.000000011175871} + rotation: {x: 0.07572726, y: -0.0067067696, z: -0.00050935626, w: 0.99710584} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000023} + - name: head + parentName: neck + position: {x: 2.845278e-10, y: 0.08491398, z: 0.000000026080253} + rotation: {x: -0.021641804, y: 0.006758547, z: 0.00014482907, w: 0.9997429} + scale: {x: 0.9999991, y: 1.0000007, z: 1.0000015} + - name: shoulder_r + parentName: chest + position: {x: 0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.003932451} + rotation: {x: 0.5486401, y: 0.54864013, z: -0.4460875, w: 0.44608754} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 0.99999845, z: 1.0000019} + - name: upper_arm_r + parentName: shoulder_r + position: {x: 0.0000000056466725, y: 0.113623016, z: 0.000000080447336} + rotation: {x: -0.016802363, y: -0.728269, z: -0.03739515, w: 0.6840641} + scale: {x: 1.000008, y: 1.0000077, z: 1.0000037} + - name: forearm_r + parentName: upper_arm_r + position: {x: -0.0000002590059, y: 0.19655885, z: -0.0000000084983185} + rotation: {x: 0.07927109, y: -0.0007944402, z: 0.007752359, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 0.9999983, z: 0.999999} + - name: hand_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000000022293534, y: 0.23644204, z: -0.0000000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.0080038365, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328861, w: -0.6950444} + scale: {x: 1.0000069, y: 1.0000124, z: 1.0000093} + - name: c_thumb1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.043030325, y: 0.027325455, z: -0.029069485} + rotation: {x: -0.23810282, y: -0.6193094, z: 0.34018674, w: -0.6663602} + scale: {x: 1.0000025, y: 1.0000083, z: 0.99999624} + - name: c_thumb2_r + parentName: c_thumb1_r + position: {x: -0.00000006146729, y: 0.067762405, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.027055915, y: 0.1494991, z: -0.003029404, w: 0.988387} + scale: {x: 1.0000172, y: 0.99998325, z: 1.0000168} + - name: c_thumb3_r + parentName: c_thumb2_r + position: {x: 0.000000063329935, y: 0.034581296, z: 0.000000007450581} + rotation: {x: 0.16982022, y: -0.068780154, z: 0.066675395, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.999986, y: 0.9999816, z: 1.0000352} + - name: c_ring1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: -0.037961163, y: 0.08163366, z: 0.0126242135} + rotation: {x: -0.030043779, y: 0.0177473, z: -0.0146247605, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000018, y: 1.0000027, z: 0.9999998} + - name: c_ring2_r + parentName: c_ring1_r + position: {x: 0.000000007916242, y: 0.045393843, z: -0.000000037747668} + rotation: {x: -0.027954554, y: -0.02803783, z: -0.00021981988, w: 0.9992159} + scale: {x: 1.0000081, y: 0.9999979, z: 1.0000149} + - name: c_ring3_r + parentName: c_ring2_r + position: {x: -0, y: 0.030371627, z: -0.00000012342207} + rotation: {x: -0.09702881, y: 0.19158539, z: -0.05356502, w: 0.9751981} + scale: {x: 1.0000122, y: 1.000016, z: 0.9999991} + - name: c_middle1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.012728409, y: 0.095293984, z: 0.005345431} + rotation: {x: -0.020139333, y: 0.06533595, z: -0.0029693954, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000037, y: 1.0000066, z: 1.0000002} + - name: c_middle2_r + parentName: c_middle1_r + position: {x: -0.000000027939677, y: 0.04347191, z: 0.000000017229468} + rotation: {x: -0.02996826, y: 0.030963402, z: -0.0046559433, w: 0.9990603} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000036, z: 1.0000131} + - name: c_middle3_r + parentName: c_middle2_r + position: {x: -0.000000033527613, y: 0.0329716, z: 0.00000006053597} + rotation: {x: -0.1676397, y: 0.073116966, z: -0.021750906, w: 0.98289263} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 1.0000196, z: 0.99999374} + - name: c_index1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.059781943, y: 0.096780546, z: 0.014082293} + rotation: {x: -0.004635407, y: 0.005647418, z: 0.0077239904, w: 0.99994355} + scale: {x: 1.0000005, y: 1.0000036, z: 0.99999875} + - name: c_index2_r + parentName: c_index1_r + position: {x: 0.0000000034924597, y: 0.047904514, z: 0.00000005250331} + rotation: {x: -0.024433492, y: 0.10530338, z: -0.0018819352, w: 0.9941382} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000042} + - name: c_index3_r + parentName: c_index2_r + position: {x: -0.000000007450581, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.000000020489097} + rotation: {x: -0.080947846, y: -0.017785536, z: -0.01037631, w: 0.9965057} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000277, z: 1.0000005} + - name: hold.r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.0063287923, y: 0.08298412, z: -0.015038971} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: 0.47859132, z: -0.46639267, w: 0.53287977} + scale: {x: 0.9999997, y: 0.9999977, z: 1.0000002} + - name: forearm_twist_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000016324193, y: 0.1284726, z: -0.000006649643} + rotation: {x: -0.000018939374, y: 0.0012337323, z: -0.00016194968, w: 0.9999993} + scale: {x: 1.0000073, y: 1.0000048, z: 0.99999934} + - name: shoulder_l + parentName: chest + position: {x: -0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.0039324528} + rotation: {x: -0.5486401, y: 0.5486401, z: -0.44608748, w: -0.4460875} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 0.99999964, z: 1.0000043} + - name: upper_arm_l + parentName: shoulder_l + position: {x: -0.000000009391529, y: 0.11362299, z: -0.000000031237462} + rotation: {x: 0.016802428, y: -0.72826916, z: -0.037395176, w: -0.68406385} + scale: {x: 1.0000075, y: 1.0000076, z: 1.0000032} + - name: forearm_l + parentName: upper_arm_l + position: {x: -0.000000016112608, y: 0.19655891, z: 0.000000013969839} + rotation: {x: 0.07927141, y: 0.00079452974, z: -0.0077523375, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.99999756, y: 0.9999992, z: 0.99999774} + - name: hand_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: -0.00000014150282, y: 0.23644212, z: -0.000000009313226} + rotation: {x: 0.00800377, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328958, w: 0.6950446} + scale: {x: 1.0000067, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000058} + - name: c_thumb1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.043030314, y: 0.02732556, z: -0.02906935} + rotation: {x: 0.23810151, y: -0.6193099, z: 0.34018716, w: 0.66636} + scale: {x: 1.0000024, y: 1.0000248, z: 0.99998504} + - name: c_thumb2_l + parentName: c_thumb1_l + position: {x: 0.00000006519258, y: 0.06776242, z: 0.000000044703484} + rotation: {x: -0.027061354, y: -0.1494992, z: 0.0030296424, w: 0.98838687} + scale: {x: 1.0000145, y: 0.9999532, z: 1.0000383} + - name: c_thumb3_l + parentName: c_thumb2_l + position: {x: -0.000000078231096, y: 0.03458134, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0.16982007, y: 0.068780504, z: -0.06667551, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.99998635, y: 0.99988985, z: 1.0001268} + - name: c_ring1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: 0.03796115, y: 0.081633575, z: 0.0126242405} + rotation: {x: -0.030042524, y: -0.017746734, z: 0.014624785, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000144, y: 1.0000082, z: 1.000006} + - name: c_ring2_l + parentName: c_ring1_l + position: {x: 0.0000000018626451, y: 0.04539384, z: -0.00000013152021} + rotation: {x: 0.027963966, y: -0.028037718, z: -0.00022199283, w: -0.9992156} + scale: {x: 1.0000045, y: 0.99999386, z: 1.0000125} + - name: c_ring3_l + parentName: c_ring2_l + position: {x: -0.000000003259629, y: 0.030371798, z: 0.00000005106267} + rotation: {x: 0.097029544, y: 0.1915853, z: -0.053565085, w: -0.975198} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000107, z: 1.0000023} + - name: c_middle1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.012728396, y: 0.095294036, z: 0.0053454423} + rotation: {x: -0.020141035, y: -0.06533592, z: 0.0029690685, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000117, y: 1.0000049, z: 1.0000024} + - name: c_middle2_l + parentName: c_middle1_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.043471865, z: 0.00000004703179} + rotation: {x: -0.029964855, y: -0.030963589, z: 0.0046565477, w: 0.9990604} + scale: {x: 0.9999977, y: 0.99999636, z: 1.0000107} + - name: c_middle3_l + parentName: c_middle2_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.03297166, z: -0.00000006239861} + rotation: {x: -0.16763954, y: -0.07311703, z: 0.021750832, w: 0.9828926} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000006, z: 1.000013} + - name: c_index1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.059781928, y: 0.0967806, z: 0.014082292} + rotation: {x: -0.0046358937, y: -0.0056473566, z: -0.007723556, w: 0.9999435} + scale: {x: 1.0000126, y: 1.0000038, z: 1.0000052} + - name: c_index2_l + parentName: c_index1_l + position: {x: -0.000000009313226, y: 0.04790459, z: 0.000000045169145} + rotation: {x: -0.024431424, y: -0.10530303, z: 0.0018783653, w: 0.9941383} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000063} + - name: c_index3_l + parentName: c_index2_l + position: {x: 0.000000014901161, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.00000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.08094788, y: 0.017785553, z: 0.01037622, w: 0.9965056} + scale: {x: 1.000003, y: 0.999993, z: 1.0000157} + - name: hold.l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.0063287844, y: 0.082984276, z: -0.015038835} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: -0.47859147, z: 0.46639258, w: 0.5328798} + scale: {x: 1.000011, y: 1.0000129, z: 1.0000062} + - name: forearm_twist_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: 0.00001617195, y: 0.12847266, z: -0.000006655231} + rotation: {x: -0.00001891702, y: -0.001233861, z: 0.00016184966, w: 0.9999992} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000012, z: 1.0000024} + armTwist: 0.5 + foreArmTwist: 0.5 + upperLegTwist: 0.5 + legTwist: 0.5 + armStretch: 0.05 + legStretch: 0.05 + feetSpacing: 0 + globalScale: 1 + rootMotionBoneName: + hasTranslationDoF: 0 + hasExtraRoot: 1 + skeletonHasParents: 1 + lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {fileID: 9000000, guid: f553c8289710b5e4dab99c3bcbbb802e, type: 3} + autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1 + animationType: 3 + humanoidOversampling: 1 + avatarSetup: 2 + addHumanoidExtraRootOnlyWhenUsingAvatar: 1 + remapMaterialsIfMaterialImportModeIsNone: 0 + additionalBone: 0 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanActionSetDEF.fbx b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanActionSetDEF.fbx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7a14bf69f7 Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanActionSetDEF.fbx differ diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanActionSetDEF.fbx.meta b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanActionSetDEF.fbx.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..39dad27bb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanActionSetDEF.fbx.meta @@ -0,0 +1,895 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 58e06c8c138d05748a0e9a81424c247a +ModelImporter: + serializedVersion: 21300 + internalIDToNameTable: [] + externalObjects: {} + materials: + materialImportMode: 2 + materialName: 0 + materialSearch: 1 + materialLocation: 1 + animations: + legacyGenerateAnimations: 4 + bakeSimulation: 0 + resampleCurves: 1 + optimizeGameObjects: 0 + removeConstantScaleCurves: 1 + motionNodeName: + rigImportErrors: + rigImportWarnings: + animationImportErrors: + animationImportWarnings: "\nClip 'ThrowItem' has import animation warnings that + might lower retargeting quality:\nNote: Activate translation DOF on avatar + to improve retargeting quality.\n\t'c_thumb1_r' has translation animation that + will be discarded.\n\t'c_ring1_r' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_middle1_r' + has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_index1_r' has translation + animation that will be discarded.\n\nClip 'Punch' has import animation warnings + that might lower retargeting quality:\nNote: Activate translation DOF on avatar + to improve retargeting quality.\n\t'c_thumb1_r' has translation animation that + will be discarded.\n\t'c_ring1_r' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_ring2_r' + has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_ring3_r' has translation + animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_middle1_r' has translation animation + that will be discarded.\n\t'c_middle2_r' has translation animation that will + be discarded.\n\t'c_middle3_r' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_index1_r' + has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_index2_r' has translation + animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_index3_r' has translation animation + that will be discarded.\n\nClip 'Interact' has import animation warnings that + might lower retargeting quality:\nNote: Activate translation DOF on avatar + to improve retargeting quality.\n\t'c_thumb1_r' has translation animation that + will be discarded.\n\t'c_ring1_r' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_middle1_r' + has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_index1_r' has translation + animation that will be discarded.\n\nClip 'DrawHandgun' has import animation + warnings that might lower retargeting quality:\nNote: Activate translation + DOF on avatar to improve retargeting quality.\n\t'c_thumb1_r' has translation + animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_ring1_r' has translation animation + that will be discarded.\n\t'c_ring2_r' has translation animation that will + be discarded.\n\t'c_ring3_r' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_middle1_r' + has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_middle3_r' has translation + animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_index1_r' has translation animation + that will be discarded.\n\t'c_index2_r' has translation animation that will + be discarded.\n" + animationRetargetingWarnings: + animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0 + importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0 + importConstraints: 0 + animationCompression: 3 + animationRotationError: 0.5 + animationPositionError: 0.5 + animationScaleError: 0.5 + animationWrapMode: 0 + extraExposedTransformPaths: [] + extraUserProperties: [] + clipAnimations: [] + isReadable: 0 + meshes: + lODScreenPercentages: [] + globalScale: 1 + meshCompression: 0 + addColliders: 0 + useSRGBMaterialColor: 1 + sortHierarchyByName: 1 + importVisibility: 1 + importBlendShapes: 1 + importCameras: 1 + importLights: 1 + nodeNameCollisionStrategy: 1 + fileIdsGeneration: 2 + swapUVChannels: 0 + generateSecondaryUV: 0 + useFileUnits: 1 + keepQuads: 0 + weldVertices: 1 + bakeAxisConversion: 0 + preserveHierarchy: 0 + skinWeightsMode: 0 + maxBonesPerVertex: 4 + minBoneWeight: 0.001 + optimizeBones: 1 + meshOptimizationFlags: -1 + indexFormat: 0 + secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 + secondaryUVAreaDistortion: 15.000001 + secondaryUVHardAngle: 88 + secondaryUVMarginMethod: 1 + secondaryUVMinLightmapResolution: 40 + secondaryUVMinObjectScale: 1 + secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 + useFileScale: 1 + tangentSpace: + normalSmoothAngle: 60 + normalImportMode: 0 + tangentImportMode: 3 + normalCalculationMode: 4 + legacyComputeAllNormalsFromSmoothingGroupsWhenMeshHasBlendShapes: 0 + blendShapeNormalImportMode: 1 + normalSmoothingSource: 0 + referencedClips: [] + importAnimation: 1 + humanDescription: + serializedVersion: 3 + human: + - boneName: hips + humanName: Hips + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_l + humanName: LeftUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_r + humanName: RightUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_l + humanName: LeftLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_r + humanName: RightLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_l + humanName: LeftFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_r + humanName: RightFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: spine + humanName: Spine + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: neck + humanName: Neck + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: head + humanName: Head + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_l + humanName: LeftShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_r + humanName: RightShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_l + humanName: LeftUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_r + humanName: RightUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_l + humanName: LeftLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_r + humanName: RightLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_l + humanName: LeftHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_r + humanName: RightHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_l + humanName: LeftToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_r + humanName: RightToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_l + humanName: Left Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_l + humanName: Left Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_l + humanName: Left Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_l + humanName: Left Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_l + humanName: Left Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_l + humanName: Left Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_l + humanName: Left Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_l + humanName: Left Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_l + humanName: Left Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_l + humanName: Left Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_l + humanName: Left Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_l + humanName: Left Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_r + humanName: Right Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_r + humanName: Right Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_r + humanName: Right Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_r + humanName: Right Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_r + humanName: Right Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_r + humanName: Right Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_r + humanName: Right Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_r + humanName: Right Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_r + humanName: Right Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_r + humanName: Right Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_r + humanName: Right Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_r + humanName: Right Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: chest + humanName: Chest + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + skeleton: + - name: Human(Clone) + parentName: + position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human COMPLETE + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 1.1798787e-12, y: -0.000000052359955, z: 0.000000015905945} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.076661475, y: 1.3955941, z: 0.04250782} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.09472712, y: 1.3974037, z: 0.040297404} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.038126312, y: 1.4131447, z: 0.15032214} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eyes + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Head + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Torso + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0.9402349, z: 0.036055043} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanAppendix + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.04012108, y: 0.9274628, z: 0.104044564} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.03647864, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036478758, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanHeart + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.006746769, y: 1.1291152, z: 0.117190085} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineLarge + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0015628338, y: 0.94421047, z: 0.10589335} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineSmall + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0064120293, y: 0.9636725, z: 0.08935433} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLiver + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.015479565, y: 1.054116, z: 0.1051005} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.036902547, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375894} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036902428, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375895} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanStomach + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.021774769, y: 1.0252738, z: 0.10165389} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanBrain + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0009741783, y: 1.4594865, z: 0.030295096} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanArmature + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: hips + parentName: HumanArmature + position: {x: 1.149433e-13, y: -0.013241618, z: 0.83337724} + rotation: {x: 0.7404059, y: 0.0000055815894, z: 0.000006148301, w: 0.67216} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.99999994} + - name: thigh_l + parentName: hips + position: {x: -0.096564054, y: -0.024295717, z: 0.002351557} + rotation: {x: 0.99558604, y: -0.064399414, z: -0.005032787, w: 0.06808755} + scale: {x: 1.0000036, y: 1.000003, z: 1.0000107} + - name: lower_leg_l + parentName: thigh_l + position: {x: 0.000000015017577, y: 0.35762414, z: 0.000000034924597} + rotation: {x: 0.10202001, y: 0.0028012872, z: -0.009849284, w: 0.9947297} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000085, z: 1.0000061} + - name: foot_l + parentName: lower_leg_l + position: {x: -0.0000000018335413, y: 0.40961084, z: -0.000000004656613} + rotation: {x: -0.5585367, y: 0.13368261, z: -0.18853498, w: 0.79663056} + scale: {x: 1.0000013, y: 1.0000288, z: 0.9999941} + - name: toes_l + parentName: foot_l + position: {x: 0.000000016530976, y: 0.080526456, z: 0.0000000055879354} + rotation: {x: -0.05992987, y: -0.17405595, z: 0.04044075, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000367, y: 0.9999867, z: 0.99997807} + - name: thigh_r + parentName: hips + position: {x: 0.09656395, y: -0.024295837, z: 0.0023547793} + rotation: {x: 0.9955859, y: 0.06439856, z: 0.0050587305, w: 0.06808791} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.999999} + - name: lower_leg_r + parentName: thigh_r + position: {x: 0.0000000044237822, y: 0.35762426, z: 0.00000002514571} + rotation: {x: 0.1020204, y: -0.0028013631, z: 0.009850703, w: 0.99472964} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000057, z: 1.0000025} + - name: foot_r + parentName: lower_leg_r + position: {x: 0.0000000059662852, y: 0.40961078, z: -6.9849193e-10} + rotation: {x: -0.55854076, y: -0.13368613, z: 0.18853135, w: 0.796628} + scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 0.9999992, z: 1.000003} + - name: toes_r + parentName: foot_r + position: {x: -0.000000003958121, y: 0.0805272, z: 0.000000008381903} + rotation: {x: -0.05992934, y: 0.17405611, z: -0.040440965, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000099, z: 0.9999884} + - name: spine + parentName: hips + position: {x: 1.8356248e-12, y: 0.13786578, z: 0.000000013038516} + rotation: {x: -0.020161092, y: 0.0032923277, z: -0.00006672589, w: 0.9997914} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.9999998, z: 0.99999684} + - name: chest + parentName: spine + position: {x: -3.1419884e-11, y: 0.13744113, z: -0.000000003725594} + rotation: {x: -0.079870485, y: -0.0032907373, z: -0.00026367875, w: 0.9967998} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000005, z: 0.999999} + - name: neck + parentName: chest + position: {x: -4.507826e-11, y: 0.13796483, z: 0.000000011175871} + rotation: {x: 0.07572726, y: -0.0067067696, z: -0.00050935626, w: 0.99710584} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000023} + - name: head + parentName: neck + position: {x: 2.845278e-10, y: 0.08491398, z: 0.000000026080253} + rotation: {x: -0.021641804, y: 0.006758547, z: 0.00014482907, w: 0.9997429} + scale: {x: 0.9999991, y: 1.0000007, z: 1.0000015} + - name: shoulder_r + parentName: chest + position: {x: 0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.003932451} + rotation: {x: 0.5486401, y: 0.54864013, z: -0.4460875, w: 0.44608754} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 0.99999845, z: 1.0000019} + - name: upper_arm_r + parentName: shoulder_r + position: {x: 0.0000000056466725, y: 0.113623016, z: 0.000000080447336} + rotation: {x: -0.016802363, y: -0.728269, z: -0.03739515, w: 0.6840641} + scale: {x: 1.000008, y: 1.0000077, z: 1.0000037} + - name: forearm_r + parentName: upper_arm_r + position: {x: -0.0000002590059, y: 0.19655885, z: -0.0000000084983185} + rotation: {x: 0.07927109, y: -0.0007944402, z: 0.007752359, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 0.9999983, z: 0.999999} + - name: hand_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000000022293534, y: 0.23644204, z: -0.0000000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.0080038365, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328861, w: -0.6950444} + scale: {x: 1.0000069, y: 1.0000124, z: 1.0000093} + - name: c_thumb1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.043030325, y: 0.027325455, z: -0.029069485} + rotation: {x: -0.23810282, y: -0.6193094, z: 0.34018674, w: -0.6663602} + scale: {x: 1.0000025, y: 1.0000083, z: 0.99999624} + - name: c_thumb2_r + parentName: c_thumb1_r + position: {x: -0.00000006146729, y: 0.067762405, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.027055915, y: 0.1494991, z: -0.003029404, w: 0.988387} + scale: {x: 1.0000172, y: 0.99998325, z: 1.0000168} + - name: c_thumb3_r + parentName: c_thumb2_r + position: {x: 0.000000063329935, y: 0.034581296, z: 0.000000007450581} + rotation: {x: 0.16982022, y: -0.068780154, z: 0.066675395, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.999986, y: 0.9999816, z: 1.0000352} + - name: c_ring1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: -0.037961163, y: 0.08163366, z: 0.0126242135} + rotation: {x: -0.030043779, y: 0.0177473, z: -0.0146247605, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000018, y: 1.0000027, z: 0.9999998} + - name: c_ring2_r + parentName: c_ring1_r + position: {x: 0.000000007916242, y: 0.045393843, z: -0.000000037747668} + rotation: {x: -0.027954554, y: -0.02803783, z: -0.00021981988, w: 0.9992159} + scale: {x: 1.0000081, y: 0.9999979, z: 1.0000149} + - name: c_ring3_r + parentName: c_ring2_r + position: {x: -0, y: 0.030371627, z: -0.00000012342207} + rotation: {x: -0.09702881, y: 0.19158539, z: -0.05356502, w: 0.9751981} + scale: {x: 1.0000122, y: 1.000016, z: 0.9999991} + - name: c_middle1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.012728409, y: 0.095293984, z: 0.005345431} + rotation: {x: -0.020139333, y: 0.06533595, z: -0.0029693954, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000037, y: 1.0000066, z: 1.0000002} + - name: c_middle2_r + parentName: c_middle1_r + position: {x: -0.000000027939677, y: 0.04347191, z: 0.000000017229468} + rotation: {x: -0.02996826, y: 0.030963402, z: -0.0046559433, w: 0.9990603} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000036, z: 1.0000131} + - name: c_middle3_r + parentName: c_middle2_r + position: {x: -0.000000033527613, y: 0.0329716, z: 0.00000006053597} + rotation: {x: -0.1676397, y: 0.073116966, z: -0.021750906, w: 0.98289263} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 1.0000196, z: 0.99999374} + - name: c_index1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.059781943, y: 0.096780546, z: 0.014082293} + rotation: {x: -0.004635407, y: 0.005647418, z: 0.0077239904, w: 0.99994355} + scale: {x: 1.0000005, y: 1.0000036, z: 0.99999875} + - name: c_index2_r + parentName: c_index1_r + position: {x: 0.0000000034924597, y: 0.047904514, z: 0.00000005250331} + rotation: {x: -0.024433492, y: 0.10530338, z: -0.0018819352, w: 0.9941382} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000042} + - name: c_index3_r + parentName: c_index2_r + position: {x: -0.000000007450581, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.000000020489097} + rotation: {x: -0.080947846, y: -0.017785536, z: -0.01037631, w: 0.9965057} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000277, z: 1.0000005} + - name: hold.r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.0063287923, y: 0.08298412, z: -0.015038971} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: 0.47859132, z: -0.46639267, w: 0.53287977} + scale: {x: 0.9999997, y: 0.9999977, z: 1.0000002} + - name: forearm_twist_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000016324193, y: 0.1284726, z: -0.000006649643} + rotation: {x: -0.000018939374, y: 0.0012337323, z: -0.00016194968, w: 0.9999993} + scale: {x: 1.0000073, y: 1.0000048, z: 0.99999934} + - name: shoulder_l + parentName: chest + position: {x: -0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.0039324528} + rotation: {x: -0.5486401, y: 0.5486401, z: -0.44608748, w: -0.4460875} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 0.99999964, z: 1.0000043} + - name: upper_arm_l + parentName: shoulder_l + position: {x: -0.000000009391529, y: 0.11362299, z: -0.000000031237462} + rotation: {x: 0.016802428, y: -0.72826916, z: -0.037395176, w: -0.68406385} + scale: {x: 1.0000075, y: 1.0000076, z: 1.0000032} + - name: forearm_l + parentName: upper_arm_l + position: {x: -0.000000016112608, y: 0.19655891, z: 0.000000013969839} + rotation: {x: 0.07927141, y: 0.00079452974, z: -0.0077523375, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.99999756, y: 0.9999992, z: 0.99999774} + - name: hand_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: -0.00000014150282, y: 0.23644212, z: -0.000000009313226} + rotation: {x: 0.00800377, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328958, w: 0.6950446} + scale: {x: 1.0000067, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000058} + - name: c_thumb1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.043030314, y: 0.02732556, z: -0.02906935} + rotation: {x: 0.23810151, y: -0.6193099, z: 0.34018716, w: 0.66636} + scale: {x: 1.0000024, y: 1.0000248, z: 0.99998504} + - name: c_thumb2_l + parentName: c_thumb1_l + position: {x: 0.00000006519258, y: 0.06776242, z: 0.000000044703484} + rotation: {x: -0.027061354, y: -0.1494992, z: 0.0030296424, w: 0.98838687} + scale: {x: 1.0000145, y: 0.9999532, z: 1.0000383} + - name: c_thumb3_l + parentName: c_thumb2_l + position: {x: -0.000000078231096, y: 0.03458134, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0.16982007, y: 0.068780504, z: -0.06667551, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.99998635, y: 0.99988985, z: 1.0001268} + - name: c_ring1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: 0.03796115, y: 0.081633575, z: 0.0126242405} + rotation: {x: -0.030042524, y: -0.017746734, z: 0.014624785, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000144, y: 1.0000082, z: 1.000006} + - name: c_ring2_l + parentName: c_ring1_l + position: {x: 0.0000000018626451, y: 0.04539384, z: -0.00000013152021} + rotation: {x: 0.027963966, y: -0.028037718, z: -0.00022199283, w: -0.9992156} + scale: {x: 1.0000045, y: 0.99999386, z: 1.0000125} + - name: c_ring3_l + parentName: c_ring2_l + position: {x: -0.000000003259629, y: 0.030371798, z: 0.00000005106267} + rotation: {x: 0.097029544, y: 0.1915853, z: -0.053565085, w: -0.975198} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000107, z: 1.0000023} + - name: c_middle1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.012728396, y: 0.095294036, z: 0.0053454423} + rotation: {x: -0.020141035, y: -0.06533592, z: 0.0029690685, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000117, y: 1.0000049, z: 1.0000024} + - name: c_middle2_l + parentName: c_middle1_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.043471865, z: 0.00000004703179} + rotation: {x: -0.029964855, y: -0.030963589, z: 0.0046565477, w: 0.9990604} + scale: {x: 0.9999977, y: 0.99999636, z: 1.0000107} + - name: c_middle3_l + parentName: c_middle2_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.03297166, z: -0.00000006239861} + rotation: {x: -0.16763954, y: -0.07311703, z: 0.021750832, w: 0.9828926} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000006, z: 1.000013} + - name: c_index1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.059781928, y: 0.0967806, z: 0.014082292} + rotation: {x: -0.0046358937, y: -0.0056473566, z: -0.007723556, w: 0.9999435} + scale: {x: 1.0000126, y: 1.0000038, z: 1.0000052} + - name: c_index2_l + parentName: c_index1_l + position: {x: -0.000000009313226, y: 0.04790459, z: 0.000000045169145} + rotation: {x: -0.024431424, y: -0.10530303, z: 0.0018783653, w: 0.9941383} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000063} + - name: c_index3_l + parentName: c_index2_l + position: {x: 0.000000014901161, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.00000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.08094788, y: 0.017785553, z: 0.01037622, w: 0.9965056} + scale: {x: 1.000003, y: 0.999993, z: 1.0000157} + - name: hold.l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.0063287844, y: 0.082984276, z: -0.015038835} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: -0.47859147, z: 0.46639258, w: 0.5328798} + scale: {x: 1.000011, y: 1.0000129, z: 1.0000062} + - name: forearm_twist_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: 0.00001617195, y: 0.12847266, z: -0.000006655231} + rotation: {x: -0.00001891702, y: -0.001233861, z: 0.00016184966, w: 0.9999992} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000012, z: 1.0000024} + armTwist: 0.5 + foreArmTwist: 0.5 + upperLegTwist: 0.5 + legTwist: 0.5 + armStretch: 0.05 + legStretch: 0.05 + feetSpacing: 0 + globalScale: 1 + rootMotionBoneName: HumanArmature + hasTranslationDoF: 1 + hasExtraRoot: 1 + skeletonHasParents: 1 + lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {fileID: 9000000, guid: f553c8289710b5e4dab99c3bcbbb802e, type: 3} + autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1 + animationType: 3 + humanoidOversampling: 1 + avatarSetup: 2 + addHumanoidExtraRootOnlyWhenUsingAvatar: 1 + remapMaterialsIfMaterialImportModeIsNone: 0 + additionalBone: 0 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanBreath.fbx b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanBreath.fbx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f7b8a65636 Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanBreath.fbx differ diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanBreath.fbx.meta b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanBreath.fbx.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1c0127824b --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanBreath.fbx.meta @@ -0,0 +1,898 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 9effc996af8cf18499a3ffc2fe8a1c4b +ModelImporter: + serializedVersion: 21300 + internalIDToNameTable: [] + externalObjects: {} + materials: + materialImportMode: 2 + materialName: 0 + materialSearch: 1 + materialLocation: 1 + animations: + legacyGenerateAnimations: 4 + bakeSimulation: 0 + resampleCurves: 1 + optimizeGameObjects: 0 + removeConstantScaleCurves: 1 + motionNodeName: HumanArmature + rigImportErrors: + rigImportWarnings: "Copied Avatar Rig Configuration mis-match. Bone length in + copied configuration does not match position in animation file:\n\t'thigh_l' + : position error = 7.118051 mm\n\t'thigh_r' : position error = 7.503114 mm\n\t'spine' + : position error = 14.290064 mm\n\t'chest' : position error = 8.680725 mm\n" + animationImportErrors: + animationImportWarnings: + animationRetargetingWarnings: + animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0 + importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0 + importConstraints: 0 + animationCompression: 3 + animationRotationError: 0.5 + animationPositionError: 0.5 + animationScaleError: 0.5 + animationWrapMode: 0 + extraExposedTransformPaths: [] + extraUserProperties: [] + clipAnimations: + - serializedVersion: 16 + name: Breath + takeName: Take 001 + internalID: 1827226128182048838 + firstFrame: 0 + lastFrame: 60 + wrapMode: 0 + orientationOffsetY: 0 + level: 0 + cycleOffset: 0 + loop: 0 + hasAdditiveReferencePose: 0 + loopTime: 0 + loopBlend: 0 + loopBlendOrientation: 0 + loopBlendPositionY: 0 + loopBlendPositionXZ: 0 + keepOriginalOrientation: 0 + keepOriginalPositionY: 1 + keepOriginalPositionXZ: 0 + heightFromFeet: 0 + mirror: 0 + bodyMask: 01000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000 + curves: [] + events: [] + transformMask: [] + maskType: 3 + maskSource: {instanceID: 0} + additiveReferencePoseFrame: 0 + isReadable: 0 + meshes: + lODScreenPercentages: [] + globalScale: 1 + meshCompression: 0 + addColliders: 0 + useSRGBMaterialColor: 1 + sortHierarchyByName: 1 + importVisibility: 1 + importBlendShapes: 1 + importCameras: 1 + importLights: 1 + nodeNameCollisionStrategy: 1 + fileIdsGeneration: 2 + swapUVChannels: 0 + generateSecondaryUV: 0 + useFileUnits: 1 + keepQuads: 0 + weldVertices: 1 + bakeAxisConversion: 0 + preserveHierarchy: 0 + skinWeightsMode: 0 + maxBonesPerVertex: 4 + minBoneWeight: 0.001 + optimizeBones: 1 + meshOptimizationFlags: -1 + indexFormat: 0 + secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 + secondaryUVAreaDistortion: 15.000001 + secondaryUVHardAngle: 88 + secondaryUVMarginMethod: 1 + secondaryUVMinLightmapResolution: 40 + secondaryUVMinObjectScale: 1 + secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 + useFileScale: 1 + tangentSpace: + normalSmoothAngle: 60 + normalImportMode: 0 + tangentImportMode: 3 + normalCalculationMode: 4 + legacyComputeAllNormalsFromSmoothingGroupsWhenMeshHasBlendShapes: 0 + blendShapeNormalImportMode: 1 + normalSmoothingSource: 0 + referencedClips: [] + importAnimation: 1 + humanDescription: + serializedVersion: 3 + human: + - boneName: hips + humanName: Hips + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_l + humanName: LeftUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_r + humanName: RightUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_l + humanName: LeftLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_r + humanName: RightLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_l + humanName: LeftFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_r + humanName: RightFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: spine + humanName: Spine + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: neck + humanName: Neck + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: head + humanName: Head + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_l + humanName: LeftShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_r + humanName: RightShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_l + humanName: LeftUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_r + humanName: RightUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_l + humanName: LeftLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_r + humanName: RightLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_l + humanName: LeftHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_r + humanName: RightHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_l + humanName: LeftToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_r + humanName: RightToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_l + humanName: Left Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_l + humanName: Left Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_l + humanName: Left Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_l + humanName: Left Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_l + humanName: Left Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_l + humanName: Left Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_l + humanName: Left Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_l + humanName: Left Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_l + humanName: Left Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_l + humanName: Left Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_l + humanName: Left Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_l + humanName: Left Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_r + humanName: Right Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_r + humanName: Right Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_r + humanName: Right Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_r + humanName: Right Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_r + humanName: Right Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_r + humanName: Right Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_r + humanName: Right Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_r + humanName: Right Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_r + humanName: Right Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_r + humanName: Right Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_r + humanName: Right Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_r + humanName: Right Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: chest + humanName: Chest + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + skeleton: + - name: Human(Clone) + parentName: + position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human COMPLETE + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 1.1798787e-12, y: -0.000000052359955, z: 0.000000015905945} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.076661475, y: 1.3955941, z: 0.04250782} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.09472712, y: 1.3974037, z: 0.040297404} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.038126312, y: 1.4131447, z: 0.15032214} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eyes + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Head + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Torso + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0.9402349, z: 0.036055043} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanAppendix + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.04012108, y: 0.9274628, z: 0.104044564} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.03647864, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036478758, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanHeart + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.006746769, y: 1.1291152, z: 0.117190085} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineLarge + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0015628338, y: 0.94421047, z: 0.10589335} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineSmall + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0064120293, y: 0.9636725, z: 0.08935433} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLiver + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.015479565, y: 1.054116, z: 0.1051005} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.036902547, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375894} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036902428, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375895} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanStomach + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.021774769, y: 1.0252738, z: 0.10165389} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanBrain + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0009741783, y: 1.4594865, z: 0.030295096} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanArmature + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: hips + parentName: HumanArmature + position: {x: 1.149433e-13, y: -0.013241618, z: 0.83337724} + rotation: {x: 0.7404059, y: 0.0000055815894, z: 0.000006148301, w: 0.67216} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.99999994} + - name: thigh_l + parentName: hips + position: {x: -0.096564054, y: -0.024295717, z: 0.002351557} + rotation: {x: 0.99558604, y: -0.064399414, z: -0.005032787, w: 0.06808755} + scale: {x: 1.0000036, y: 1.000003, z: 1.0000107} + - name: lower_leg_l + parentName: thigh_l + position: {x: 0.000000015017577, y: 0.35762414, z: 0.000000034924597} + rotation: {x: 0.10202001, y: 0.0028012872, z: -0.009849284, w: 0.9947297} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000085, z: 1.0000061} + - name: foot_l + parentName: lower_leg_l + position: {x: -0.0000000018335413, y: 0.40961084, z: -0.000000004656613} + rotation: {x: -0.5585367, y: 0.13368261, z: -0.18853498, w: 0.79663056} + scale: {x: 1.0000013, y: 1.0000288, z: 0.9999941} + - name: toes_l + parentName: foot_l + position: {x: 0.000000016530976, y: 0.080526456, z: 0.0000000055879354} + rotation: {x: -0.05992987, y: -0.17405595, z: 0.04044075, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000367, y: 0.9999867, z: 0.99997807} + - name: thigh_r + parentName: hips + position: {x: 0.09656395, y: -0.024295837, z: 0.0023547793} + rotation: {x: 0.9955859, y: 0.06439856, z: 0.0050587305, w: 0.06808791} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.999999} + - name: lower_leg_r + parentName: thigh_r + position: {x: 0.0000000044237822, y: 0.35762426, z: 0.00000002514571} + rotation: {x: 0.1020204, y: -0.0028013631, z: 0.009850703, w: 0.99472964} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000057, z: 1.0000025} + - name: foot_r + parentName: lower_leg_r + position: {x: 0.0000000059662852, y: 0.40961078, z: -6.9849193e-10} + rotation: {x: -0.55854076, y: -0.13368613, z: 0.18853135, w: 0.796628} + scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 0.9999992, z: 1.000003} + - name: toes_r + parentName: foot_r + position: {x: -0.000000003958121, y: 0.0805272, z: 0.000000008381903} + rotation: {x: -0.05992934, y: 0.17405611, z: -0.040440965, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000099, z: 0.9999884} + - name: spine + parentName: hips + position: {x: 1.8356248e-12, y: 0.13786578, z: 0.000000013038516} + rotation: {x: -0.020161092, y: 0.0032923277, z: -0.00006672589, w: 0.9997914} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.9999998, z: 0.99999684} + - name: chest + parentName: spine + position: {x: -3.1419884e-11, y: 0.13744113, z: -0.000000003725594} + rotation: {x: -0.079870485, y: -0.0032907373, z: -0.00026367875, w: 0.9967998} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000005, z: 0.999999} + - name: neck + parentName: chest + position: {x: -4.507826e-11, y: 0.13796483, z: 0.000000011175871} + rotation: {x: 0.07572726, y: -0.0067067696, z: -0.00050935626, w: 0.99710584} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000023} + - name: head + parentName: neck + position: {x: 2.845278e-10, y: 0.08491398, z: 0.000000026080253} + rotation: {x: -0.021641804, y: 0.006758547, z: 0.00014482907, w: 0.9997429} + scale: {x: 0.9999991, y: 1.0000007, z: 1.0000015} + - name: shoulder_r + parentName: chest + position: {x: 0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.003932451} + rotation: {x: 0.5486401, y: 0.54864013, z: -0.4460875, w: 0.44608754} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 0.99999845, z: 1.0000019} + - name: upper_arm_r + parentName: shoulder_r + position: {x: 0.0000000056466725, y: 0.113623016, z: 0.000000080447336} + rotation: {x: -0.016802363, y: -0.728269, z: -0.03739515, w: 0.6840641} + scale: {x: 1.000008, y: 1.0000077, z: 1.0000037} + - name: forearm_r + parentName: upper_arm_r + position: {x: -0.0000002590059, y: 0.19655885, z: -0.0000000084983185} + rotation: {x: 0.07927109, y: -0.0007944402, z: 0.007752359, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 0.9999983, z: 0.999999} + - name: hand_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000000022293534, y: 0.23644204, z: -0.0000000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.0080038365, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328861, w: -0.6950444} + scale: {x: 1.0000069, y: 1.0000124, z: 1.0000093} + - name: c_thumb1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.043030325, y: 0.027325455, z: -0.029069485} + rotation: {x: -0.23810282, y: -0.6193094, z: 0.34018674, w: -0.6663602} + scale: {x: 1.0000025, y: 1.0000083, z: 0.99999624} + - name: c_thumb2_r + parentName: c_thumb1_r + position: {x: -0.00000006146729, y: 0.067762405, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.027055915, y: 0.1494991, z: -0.003029404, w: 0.988387} + scale: {x: 1.0000172, y: 0.99998325, z: 1.0000168} + - name: c_thumb3_r + parentName: c_thumb2_r + position: {x: 0.000000063329935, y: 0.034581296, z: 0.000000007450581} + rotation: {x: 0.16982022, y: -0.068780154, z: 0.066675395, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.999986, y: 0.9999816, z: 1.0000352} + - name: c_ring1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: -0.037961163, y: 0.08163366, z: 0.0126242135} + rotation: {x: -0.030043779, y: 0.0177473, z: -0.0146247605, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000018, y: 1.0000027, z: 0.9999998} + - name: c_ring2_r + parentName: c_ring1_r + position: {x: 0.000000007916242, y: 0.045393843, z: -0.000000037747668} + rotation: {x: -0.027954554, y: -0.02803783, z: -0.00021981988, w: 0.9992159} + scale: {x: 1.0000081, y: 0.9999979, z: 1.0000149} + - name: c_ring3_r + parentName: c_ring2_r + position: {x: -0, y: 0.030371627, z: -0.00000012342207} + rotation: {x: -0.09702881, y: 0.19158539, z: -0.05356502, w: 0.9751981} + scale: {x: 1.0000122, y: 1.000016, z: 0.9999991} + - name: c_middle1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.012728409, y: 0.095293984, z: 0.005345431} + rotation: {x: -0.020139333, y: 0.06533595, z: -0.0029693954, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000037, y: 1.0000066, z: 1.0000002} + - name: c_middle2_r + parentName: c_middle1_r + position: {x: -0.000000027939677, y: 0.04347191, z: 0.000000017229468} + rotation: {x: -0.02996826, y: 0.030963402, z: -0.0046559433, w: 0.9990603} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000036, z: 1.0000131} + - name: c_middle3_r + parentName: c_middle2_r + position: {x: -0.000000033527613, y: 0.0329716, z: 0.00000006053597} + rotation: {x: -0.1676397, y: 0.073116966, z: -0.021750906, w: 0.98289263} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 1.0000196, z: 0.99999374} + - name: c_index1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.059781943, y: 0.096780546, z: 0.014082293} + rotation: {x: -0.004635407, y: 0.005647418, z: 0.0077239904, w: 0.99994355} + scale: {x: 1.0000005, y: 1.0000036, z: 0.99999875} + - name: c_index2_r + parentName: c_index1_r + position: {x: 0.0000000034924597, y: 0.047904514, z: 0.00000005250331} + rotation: {x: -0.024433492, y: 0.10530338, z: -0.0018819352, w: 0.9941382} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000042} + - name: c_index3_r + parentName: c_index2_r + position: {x: -0.000000007450581, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.000000020489097} + rotation: {x: -0.080947846, y: -0.017785536, z: -0.01037631, w: 0.9965057} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000277, z: 1.0000005} + - name: hold.r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.0063287923, y: 0.08298412, z: -0.015038971} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: 0.47859132, z: -0.46639267, w: 0.53287977} + scale: {x: 0.9999997, y: 0.9999977, z: 1.0000002} + - name: forearm_twist_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000016324193, y: 0.1284726, z: -0.000006649643} + rotation: {x: -0.000018939374, y: 0.0012337323, z: -0.00016194968, w: 0.9999993} + scale: {x: 1.0000073, y: 1.0000048, z: 0.99999934} + - name: shoulder_l + parentName: chest + position: {x: -0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.0039324528} + rotation: {x: -0.5486401, y: 0.5486401, z: -0.44608748, w: -0.4460875} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 0.99999964, z: 1.0000043} + - name: upper_arm_l + parentName: shoulder_l + position: {x: -0.000000009391529, y: 0.11362299, z: -0.000000031237462} + rotation: {x: 0.016802428, y: -0.72826916, z: -0.037395176, w: -0.68406385} + scale: {x: 1.0000075, y: 1.0000076, z: 1.0000032} + - name: forearm_l + parentName: upper_arm_l + position: {x: -0.000000016112608, y: 0.19655891, z: 0.000000013969839} + rotation: {x: 0.07927141, y: 0.00079452974, z: -0.0077523375, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.99999756, y: 0.9999992, z: 0.99999774} + - name: hand_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: -0.00000014150282, y: 0.23644212, z: -0.000000009313226} + rotation: {x: 0.00800377, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328958, w: 0.6950446} + scale: {x: 1.0000067, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000058} + - name: c_thumb1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.043030314, y: 0.02732556, z: -0.02906935} + rotation: {x: 0.23810151, y: -0.6193099, z: 0.34018716, w: 0.66636} + scale: {x: 1.0000024, y: 1.0000248, z: 0.99998504} + - name: c_thumb2_l + parentName: c_thumb1_l + position: {x: 0.00000006519258, y: 0.06776242, z: 0.000000044703484} + rotation: {x: -0.027061354, y: -0.1494992, z: 0.0030296424, w: 0.98838687} + scale: {x: 1.0000145, y: 0.9999532, z: 1.0000383} + - name: c_thumb3_l + parentName: c_thumb2_l + position: {x: -0.000000078231096, y: 0.03458134, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0.16982007, y: 0.068780504, z: -0.06667551, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.99998635, y: 0.99988985, z: 1.0001268} + - name: c_ring1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: 0.03796115, y: 0.081633575, z: 0.0126242405} + rotation: {x: -0.030042524, y: -0.017746734, z: 0.014624785, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000144, y: 1.0000082, z: 1.000006} + - name: c_ring2_l + parentName: c_ring1_l + position: {x: 0.0000000018626451, y: 0.04539384, z: -0.00000013152021} + rotation: {x: 0.027963966, y: -0.028037718, z: -0.00022199283, w: -0.9992156} + scale: {x: 1.0000045, y: 0.99999386, z: 1.0000125} + - name: c_ring3_l + parentName: c_ring2_l + position: {x: -0.000000003259629, y: 0.030371798, z: 0.00000005106267} + rotation: {x: 0.097029544, y: 0.1915853, z: -0.053565085, w: -0.975198} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000107, z: 1.0000023} + - name: c_middle1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.012728396, y: 0.095294036, z: 0.0053454423} + rotation: {x: -0.020141035, y: -0.06533592, z: 0.0029690685, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000117, y: 1.0000049, z: 1.0000024} + - name: c_middle2_l + parentName: c_middle1_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.043471865, z: 0.00000004703179} + rotation: {x: -0.029964855, y: -0.030963589, z: 0.0046565477, w: 0.9990604} + scale: {x: 0.9999977, y: 0.99999636, z: 1.0000107} + - name: c_middle3_l + parentName: c_middle2_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.03297166, z: -0.00000006239861} + rotation: {x: -0.16763954, y: -0.07311703, z: 0.021750832, w: 0.9828926} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000006, z: 1.000013} + - name: c_index1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.059781928, y: 0.0967806, z: 0.014082292} + rotation: {x: -0.0046358937, y: -0.0056473566, z: -0.007723556, w: 0.9999435} + scale: {x: 1.0000126, y: 1.0000038, z: 1.0000052} + - name: c_index2_l + parentName: c_index1_l + position: {x: -0.000000009313226, y: 0.04790459, z: 0.000000045169145} + rotation: {x: -0.024431424, y: -0.10530303, z: 0.0018783653, w: 0.9941383} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000063} + - name: c_index3_l + parentName: c_index2_l + position: {x: 0.000000014901161, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.00000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.08094788, y: 0.017785553, z: 0.01037622, w: 0.9965056} + scale: {x: 1.000003, y: 0.999993, z: 1.0000157} + - name: hold.l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.0063287844, y: 0.082984276, z: -0.015038835} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: -0.47859147, z: 0.46639258, w: 0.5328798} + scale: {x: 1.000011, y: 1.0000129, z: 1.0000062} + - name: forearm_twist_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: 0.00001617195, y: 0.12847266, z: -0.000006655231} + rotation: {x: -0.00001891702, y: -0.001233861, z: 0.00016184966, w: 0.9999992} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000012, z: 1.0000024} + armTwist: 0.5 + foreArmTwist: 0.5 + upperLegTwist: 0.5 + legTwist: 0.5 + armStretch: 0.05 + legStretch: 0.05 + feetSpacing: 0 + globalScale: 1 + rootMotionBoneName: HumanArmature + hasTranslationDoF: 1 + hasExtraRoot: 1 + skeletonHasParents: 1 + lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {fileID: 9000000, guid: f553c8289710b5e4dab99c3bcbbb802e, type: 3} + autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1 + animationType: 3 + humanoidOversampling: 1 + avatarSetup: 2 + addHumanoidExtraRootOnlyWhenUsingAvatar: 1 + remapMaterialsIfMaterialImportModeIsNone: 0 + additionalBone: 0 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanCrawlProneSetDef.fbx b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanCrawlProneSetDef.fbx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bfd174332a Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanCrawlProneSetDef.fbx differ diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanCrawlProneSetDef.fbx.meta b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanCrawlProneSetDef.fbx.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f53d34dfc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanCrawlProneSetDef.fbx.meta @@ -0,0 +1,897 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 41736e2c23ae0fa4c81d320e8e7f5f0b +ModelImporter: + serializedVersion: 21300 + internalIDToNameTable: [] + externalObjects: {} + materials: + materialImportMode: 2 + materialName: 0 + materialSearch: 1 + materialLocation: 1 + animations: + legacyGenerateAnimations: 4 + bakeSimulation: 0 + resampleCurves: 1 + optimizeGameObjects: 0 + removeConstantScaleCurves: 1 + motionNodeName: + rigImportErrors: + rigImportWarnings: "Copied Avatar Rig Configuration mis-match. Bone length in + copied configuration does not match position in animation file:\n\t'thigh_l' + : position error = 5.879551 mm\n\t'thigh_r' : position error = 11.314139 mm\n\t'spine' + : position error = 13.809788 mm\n\t'chest' : position error = 11.510813 mm\n" + animationImportErrors: + animationImportWarnings: "\nClip 'Crawl_GetDown' has import animation warnings + that might lower retargeting quality:\n\t'c_thumb1_l' has translation animation + that will be discarded.\n\t'c_ring1_l' has translation animation that will + be discarded.\n\t'c_middle1_l' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_index1_l' + has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\nClip 'Crawl_GetUp' has + import animation warnings that might lower retargeting quality:\n\t'c_thumb1_r' + has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_ring1_r' has translation + animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_middle1_r' has translation animation + that will be discarded.\n\t'c_index1_r' has translation animation that will + be discarded.\n\t'c_thumb1_l' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_ring1_l' + has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_middle1_l' has translation + animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_index1_l' has translation animation + that will be discarded.\n\nClip 'Crawl_Slipped' has import animation warnings + that might lower retargeting quality:\n\t'c_thumb1_r' has translation animation + that will be discarded.\n\t'c_ring1_r' has translation animation that will + be discarded.\n\t'c_middle1_r' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_index1_r' + has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_thumb1_l' has translation + animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_ring1_l' has translation animation + that will be discarded.\n\t'c_middle1_l' has translation animation that will + be discarded.\n\t'c_index1_l' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\nClip + 'Prone_GetUp' has import animation warnings that might lower retargeting quality:\n\t'c_thumb1_r' + has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_ring1_r' has translation + animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_middle1_r' has translation animation + that will be discarded.\n\t'c_index1_r' has translation animation that will + be discarded.\n\nClip 'Prone_Slipped' has import animation warnings that might + lower retargeting quality:\n\t'c_thumb1_l' has translation animation that will + be discarded.\n\t'c_ring1_l' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_middle1_l' + has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_index1_l' has translation + animation that will be discarded.\n" + animationRetargetingWarnings: + animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0 + importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0 + importConstraints: 0 + animationCompression: 3 + animationRotationError: 0.5 + animationPositionError: 0.5 + animationScaleError: 0.5 + animationWrapMode: 0 + extraExposedTransformPaths: [] + extraUserProperties: [] + clipAnimations: [] + isReadable: 0 + meshes: + lODScreenPercentages: [] + globalScale: 1 + meshCompression: 0 + addColliders: 0 + useSRGBMaterialColor: 1 + sortHierarchyByName: 1 + importVisibility: 1 + importBlendShapes: 1 + importCameras: 1 + importLights: 1 + nodeNameCollisionStrategy: 1 + fileIdsGeneration: 2 + swapUVChannels: 0 + generateSecondaryUV: 0 + useFileUnits: 1 + keepQuads: 0 + weldVertices: 1 + bakeAxisConversion: 0 + preserveHierarchy: 0 + skinWeightsMode: 0 + maxBonesPerVertex: 4 + minBoneWeight: 0.001 + optimizeBones: 1 + meshOptimizationFlags: -1 + indexFormat: 0 + secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 + secondaryUVAreaDistortion: 15.000001 + secondaryUVHardAngle: 88 + secondaryUVMarginMethod: 1 + secondaryUVMinLightmapResolution: 40 + secondaryUVMinObjectScale: 1 + secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 + useFileScale: 1 + tangentSpace: + normalSmoothAngle: 60 + normalImportMode: 0 + tangentImportMode: 3 + normalCalculationMode: 4 + legacyComputeAllNormalsFromSmoothingGroupsWhenMeshHasBlendShapes: 0 + blendShapeNormalImportMode: 1 + normalSmoothingSource: 0 + referencedClips: [] + importAnimation: 1 + humanDescription: + serializedVersion: 3 + human: + - boneName: hips + humanName: Hips + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_l + humanName: LeftUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_r + humanName: RightUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_l + humanName: LeftLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_r + humanName: RightLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_l + humanName: LeftFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_r + humanName: RightFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: spine + humanName: Spine + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: neck + humanName: Neck + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: head + humanName: Head + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_l + humanName: LeftShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_r + humanName: RightShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_l + humanName: LeftUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_r + humanName: RightUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_l + humanName: LeftLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_r + humanName: RightLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_l + humanName: LeftHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_r + humanName: RightHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_l + humanName: LeftToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_r + humanName: RightToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_l + humanName: Left Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_l + humanName: Left Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_l + humanName: Left Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_l + humanName: Left Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_l + humanName: Left Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_l + humanName: Left Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_l + humanName: Left Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_l + humanName: Left Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_l + humanName: Left Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_l + humanName: Left Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_l + humanName: Left Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_l + humanName: Left Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_r + humanName: Right Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_r + humanName: Right Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_r + humanName: Right Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_r + humanName: Right Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_r + humanName: Right Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_r + humanName: Right Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_r + humanName: Right Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_r + humanName: Right Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_r + humanName: Right Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_r + humanName: Right Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_r + humanName: Right Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_r + humanName: Right Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: chest + humanName: Chest + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + skeleton: + - name: Human(Clone) + parentName: + position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human COMPLETE + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 1.1798787e-12, y: -0.000000052359955, z: 0.000000015905945} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.076661475, y: 1.3955941, z: 0.04250782} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.09472712, y: 1.3974037, z: 0.040297404} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.038126312, y: 1.4131447, z: 0.15032214} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eyes + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Head + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Torso + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0.9402349, z: 0.036055043} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanAppendix + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.04012108, y: 0.9274628, z: 0.104044564} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.03647864, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036478758, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanHeart + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.006746769, y: 1.1291152, z: 0.117190085} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineLarge + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0015628338, y: 0.94421047, z: 0.10589335} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineSmall + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0064120293, y: 0.9636725, z: 0.08935433} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLiver + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.015479565, y: 1.054116, z: 0.1051005} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.036902547, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375894} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036902428, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375895} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanStomach + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.021774769, y: 1.0252738, z: 0.10165389} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanBrain + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0009741783, y: 1.4594865, z: 0.030295096} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanArmature + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: hips + parentName: HumanArmature + position: {x: 1.149433e-13, y: -0.013241618, z: 0.83337724} + rotation: {x: 0.7404059, y: 0.0000055815894, z: 0.000006148301, w: 0.67216} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.99999994} + - name: thigh_l + parentName: hips + position: {x: -0.096564054, y: -0.024295717, z: 0.002351557} + rotation: {x: 0.99558604, y: -0.064399414, z: -0.005032787, w: 0.06808755} + scale: {x: 1.0000036, y: 1.000003, z: 1.0000107} + - name: lower_leg_l + parentName: thigh_l + position: {x: 0.000000015017577, y: 0.35762414, z: 0.000000034924597} + rotation: {x: 0.10202001, y: 0.0028012872, z: -0.009849284, w: 0.9947297} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000085, z: 1.0000061} + - name: foot_l + parentName: lower_leg_l + position: {x: -0.0000000018335413, y: 0.40961084, z: -0.000000004656613} + rotation: {x: -0.5585367, y: 0.13368261, z: -0.18853498, w: 0.79663056} + scale: {x: 1.0000013, y: 1.0000288, z: 0.9999941} + - name: toes_l + parentName: foot_l + position: {x: 0.000000016530976, y: 0.080526456, z: 0.0000000055879354} + rotation: {x: -0.05992987, y: -0.17405595, z: 0.04044075, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000367, y: 0.9999867, z: 0.99997807} + - name: thigh_r + parentName: hips + position: {x: 0.09656395, y: -0.024295837, z: 0.0023547793} + rotation: {x: 0.9955859, y: 0.06439856, z: 0.0050587305, w: 0.06808791} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.999999} + - name: lower_leg_r + parentName: thigh_r + position: {x: 0.0000000044237822, y: 0.35762426, z: 0.00000002514571} + rotation: {x: 0.1020204, y: -0.0028013631, z: 0.009850703, w: 0.99472964} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000057, z: 1.0000025} + - name: foot_r + parentName: lower_leg_r + position: {x: 0.0000000059662852, y: 0.40961078, z: -6.9849193e-10} + rotation: {x: -0.55854076, y: -0.13368613, z: 0.18853135, w: 0.796628} + scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 0.9999992, z: 1.000003} + - name: toes_r + parentName: foot_r + position: {x: -0.000000003958121, y: 0.0805272, z: 0.000000008381903} + rotation: {x: -0.05992934, y: 0.17405611, z: -0.040440965, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000099, z: 0.9999884} + - name: spine + parentName: hips + position: {x: 1.8356248e-12, y: 0.13786578, z: 0.000000013038516} + rotation: {x: -0.020161092, y: 0.0032923277, z: -0.00006672589, w: 0.9997914} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.9999998, z: 0.99999684} + - name: chest + parentName: spine + position: {x: -3.1419884e-11, y: 0.13744113, z: -0.000000003725594} + rotation: {x: -0.079870485, y: -0.0032907373, z: -0.00026367875, w: 0.9967998} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000005, z: 0.999999} + - name: neck + parentName: chest + position: {x: -4.507826e-11, y: 0.13796483, z: 0.000000011175871} + rotation: {x: 0.07572726, y: -0.0067067696, z: -0.00050935626, w: 0.99710584} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000023} + - name: head + parentName: neck + position: {x: 2.845278e-10, y: 0.08491398, z: 0.000000026080253} + rotation: {x: -0.021641804, y: 0.006758547, z: 0.00014482907, w: 0.9997429} + scale: {x: 0.9999991, y: 1.0000007, z: 1.0000015} + - name: shoulder_r + parentName: chest + position: {x: 0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.003932451} + rotation: {x: 0.5486401, y: 0.54864013, z: -0.4460875, w: 0.44608754} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 0.99999845, z: 1.0000019} + - name: upper_arm_r + parentName: shoulder_r + position: {x: 0.0000000056466725, y: 0.113623016, z: 0.000000080447336} + rotation: {x: -0.016802363, y: -0.728269, z: -0.03739515, w: 0.6840641} + scale: {x: 1.000008, y: 1.0000077, z: 1.0000037} + - name: forearm_r + parentName: upper_arm_r + position: {x: -0.0000002590059, y: 0.19655885, z: -0.0000000084983185} + rotation: {x: 0.07927109, y: -0.0007944402, z: 0.007752359, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 0.9999983, z: 0.999999} + - name: hand_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000000022293534, y: 0.23644204, z: -0.0000000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.0080038365, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328861, w: -0.6950444} + scale: {x: 1.0000069, y: 1.0000124, z: 1.0000093} + - name: c_thumb1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.043030325, y: 0.027325455, z: -0.029069485} + rotation: {x: -0.23810282, y: -0.6193094, z: 0.34018674, w: -0.6663602} + scale: {x: 1.0000025, y: 1.0000083, z: 0.99999624} + - name: c_thumb2_r + parentName: c_thumb1_r + position: {x: -0.00000006146729, y: 0.067762405, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.027055915, y: 0.1494991, z: -0.003029404, w: 0.988387} + scale: {x: 1.0000172, y: 0.99998325, z: 1.0000168} + - name: c_thumb3_r + parentName: c_thumb2_r + position: {x: 0.000000063329935, y: 0.034581296, z: 0.000000007450581} + rotation: {x: 0.16982022, y: -0.068780154, z: 0.066675395, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.999986, y: 0.9999816, z: 1.0000352} + - name: c_ring1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: -0.037961163, y: 0.08163366, z: 0.0126242135} + rotation: {x: -0.030043779, y: 0.0177473, z: -0.0146247605, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000018, y: 1.0000027, z: 0.9999998} + - name: c_ring2_r + parentName: c_ring1_r + position: {x: 0.000000007916242, y: 0.045393843, z: -0.000000037747668} + rotation: {x: -0.027954554, y: -0.02803783, z: -0.00021981988, w: 0.9992159} + scale: {x: 1.0000081, y: 0.9999979, z: 1.0000149} + - name: c_ring3_r + parentName: c_ring2_r + position: {x: -0, y: 0.030371627, z: -0.00000012342207} + rotation: {x: -0.09702881, y: 0.19158539, z: -0.05356502, w: 0.9751981} + scale: {x: 1.0000122, y: 1.000016, z: 0.9999991} + - name: c_middle1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.012728409, y: 0.095293984, z: 0.005345431} + rotation: {x: -0.020139333, y: 0.06533595, z: -0.0029693954, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000037, y: 1.0000066, z: 1.0000002} + - name: c_middle2_r + parentName: c_middle1_r + position: {x: -0.000000027939677, y: 0.04347191, z: 0.000000017229468} + rotation: {x: -0.02996826, y: 0.030963402, z: -0.0046559433, w: 0.9990603} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000036, z: 1.0000131} + - name: c_middle3_r + parentName: c_middle2_r + position: {x: -0.000000033527613, y: 0.0329716, z: 0.00000006053597} + rotation: {x: -0.1676397, y: 0.073116966, z: -0.021750906, w: 0.98289263} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 1.0000196, z: 0.99999374} + - name: c_index1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.059781943, y: 0.096780546, z: 0.014082293} + rotation: {x: -0.004635407, y: 0.005647418, z: 0.0077239904, w: 0.99994355} + scale: {x: 1.0000005, y: 1.0000036, z: 0.99999875} + - name: c_index2_r + parentName: c_index1_r + position: {x: 0.0000000034924597, y: 0.047904514, z: 0.00000005250331} + rotation: {x: -0.024433492, y: 0.10530338, z: -0.0018819352, w: 0.9941382} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000042} + - name: c_index3_r + parentName: c_index2_r + position: {x: -0.000000007450581, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.000000020489097} + rotation: {x: -0.080947846, y: -0.017785536, z: -0.01037631, w: 0.9965057} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000277, z: 1.0000005} + - name: hold.r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.0063287923, y: 0.08298412, z: -0.015038971} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: 0.47859132, z: -0.46639267, w: 0.53287977} + scale: {x: 0.9999997, y: 0.9999977, z: 1.0000002} + - name: forearm_twist_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000016324193, y: 0.1284726, z: -0.000006649643} + rotation: {x: -0.000018939374, y: 0.0012337323, z: -0.00016194968, w: 0.9999993} + scale: {x: 1.0000073, y: 1.0000048, z: 0.99999934} + - name: shoulder_l + parentName: chest + position: {x: -0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.0039324528} + rotation: {x: -0.5486401, y: 0.5486401, z: -0.44608748, w: -0.4460875} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 0.99999964, z: 1.0000043} + - name: upper_arm_l + parentName: shoulder_l + position: {x: -0.000000009391529, y: 0.11362299, z: -0.000000031237462} + rotation: {x: 0.016802428, y: -0.72826916, z: -0.037395176, w: -0.68406385} + scale: {x: 1.0000075, y: 1.0000076, z: 1.0000032} + - name: forearm_l + parentName: upper_arm_l + position: {x: -0.000000016112608, y: 0.19655891, z: 0.000000013969839} + rotation: {x: 0.07927141, y: 0.00079452974, z: -0.0077523375, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.99999756, y: 0.9999992, z: 0.99999774} + - name: hand_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: -0.00000014150282, y: 0.23644212, z: -0.000000009313226} + rotation: {x: 0.00800377, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328958, w: 0.6950446} + scale: {x: 1.0000067, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000058} + - name: c_thumb1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.043030314, y: 0.02732556, z: -0.02906935} + rotation: {x: 0.23810151, y: -0.6193099, z: 0.34018716, w: 0.66636} + scale: {x: 1.0000024, y: 1.0000248, z: 0.99998504} + - name: c_thumb2_l + parentName: c_thumb1_l + position: {x: 0.00000006519258, y: 0.06776242, z: 0.000000044703484} + rotation: {x: -0.027061354, y: -0.1494992, z: 0.0030296424, w: 0.98838687} + scale: {x: 1.0000145, y: 0.9999532, z: 1.0000383} + - name: c_thumb3_l + parentName: c_thumb2_l + position: {x: -0.000000078231096, y: 0.03458134, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0.16982007, y: 0.068780504, z: -0.06667551, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.99998635, y: 0.99988985, z: 1.0001268} + - name: c_ring1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: 0.03796115, y: 0.081633575, z: 0.0126242405} + rotation: {x: -0.030042524, y: -0.017746734, z: 0.014624785, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000144, y: 1.0000082, z: 1.000006} + - name: c_ring2_l + parentName: c_ring1_l + position: {x: 0.0000000018626451, y: 0.04539384, z: -0.00000013152021} + rotation: {x: 0.027963966, y: -0.028037718, z: -0.00022199283, w: -0.9992156} + scale: {x: 1.0000045, y: 0.99999386, z: 1.0000125} + - name: c_ring3_l + parentName: c_ring2_l + position: {x: -0.000000003259629, y: 0.030371798, z: 0.00000005106267} + rotation: {x: 0.097029544, y: 0.1915853, z: -0.053565085, w: -0.975198} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000107, z: 1.0000023} + - name: c_middle1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.012728396, y: 0.095294036, z: 0.0053454423} + rotation: {x: -0.020141035, y: -0.06533592, z: 0.0029690685, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000117, y: 1.0000049, z: 1.0000024} + - name: c_middle2_l + parentName: c_middle1_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.043471865, z: 0.00000004703179} + rotation: {x: -0.029964855, y: -0.030963589, z: 0.0046565477, w: 0.9990604} + scale: {x: 0.9999977, y: 0.99999636, z: 1.0000107} + - name: c_middle3_l + parentName: c_middle2_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.03297166, z: -0.00000006239861} + rotation: {x: -0.16763954, y: -0.07311703, z: 0.021750832, w: 0.9828926} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000006, z: 1.000013} + - name: c_index1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.059781928, y: 0.0967806, z: 0.014082292} + rotation: {x: -0.0046358937, y: -0.0056473566, z: -0.007723556, w: 0.9999435} + scale: {x: 1.0000126, y: 1.0000038, z: 1.0000052} + - name: c_index2_l + parentName: c_index1_l + position: {x: -0.000000009313226, y: 0.04790459, z: 0.000000045169145} + rotation: {x: -0.024431424, y: -0.10530303, z: 0.0018783653, w: 0.9941383} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000063} + - name: c_index3_l + parentName: c_index2_l + position: {x: 0.000000014901161, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.00000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.08094788, y: 0.017785553, z: 0.01037622, w: 0.9965056} + scale: {x: 1.000003, y: 0.999993, z: 1.0000157} + - name: hold.l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.0063287844, y: 0.082984276, z: -0.015038835} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: -0.47859147, z: 0.46639258, w: 0.5328798} + scale: {x: 1.000011, y: 1.0000129, z: 1.0000062} + - name: forearm_twist_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: 0.00001617195, y: 0.12847266, z: -0.000006655231} + rotation: {x: -0.00001891702, y: -0.001233861, z: 0.00016184966, w: 0.9999992} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000012, z: 1.0000024} + armTwist: 0.5 + foreArmTwist: 0.5 + upperLegTwist: 0.5 + legTwist: 0.5 + armStretch: 0.05 + legStretch: 0.05 + feetSpacing: 0 + globalScale: 1 + rootMotionBoneName: HumanArmature + hasTranslationDoF: 1 + hasExtraRoot: 1 + skeletonHasParents: 1 + lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {fileID: 9000000, guid: f553c8289710b5e4dab99c3bcbbb802e, type: 3} + autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1 + animationType: 3 + humanoidOversampling: 1 + avatarSetup: 2 + addHumanoidExtraRootOnlyWhenUsingAvatar: 1 + remapMaterialsIfMaterialImportModeIsNone: 0 + additionalBone: 0 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanCrouchSetDef.fbx b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanCrouchSetDef.fbx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9d76b0fc97 Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanCrouchSetDef.fbx differ diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanCrouchSetDef.fbx.meta b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanCrouchSetDef.fbx.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..43551026fc --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanCrouchSetDef.fbx.meta @@ -0,0 +1,1023 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: be5fc16afc840b542a2fb1997f9edc82 +ModelImporter: + serializedVersion: 21300 + internalIDToNameTable: [] + externalObjects: {} + materials: + materialImportMode: 2 + materialName: 0 + materialSearch: 1 + materialLocation: 1 + animations: + legacyGenerateAnimations: 4 + bakeSimulation: 0 + resampleCurves: 1 + optimizeGameObjects: 0 + removeConstantScaleCurves: 1 + motionNodeName: + rigImportErrors: + rigImportWarnings: "Copied Avatar Rig Configuration mis-match. Bone length in + copied configuration does not match position in animation file:\n\t'thigh_l' + : position error = 5.879551 mm\n\t'thigh_r' : position error = 11.314147 mm\n\t'spine' + : position error = 13.809788 mm\n\t'chest' : position error = 14.307386 mm\n" + animationImportErrors: + animationImportWarnings: "\nClip 'Crouch' has import animation warnings that + might lower retargeting quality:\n\t'c_thumb1_l' has translation animation + that will be discarded.\n\t'c_ring1_l' has translation animation that will + be discarded.\n\t'c_middle1_l' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_index1_l' + has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\nClip 'Uncrouch' has import + animation warnings that might lower retargeting quality:\n\t'c_thumb1_l' has + translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_ring1_l' has translation + animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_middle1_l' has translation animation + that will be discarded.\n\t'c_index1_l' has translation animation that will + be discarded.\n" + animationRetargetingWarnings: + animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0 + importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0 + importConstraints: 0 + animationCompression: 3 + animationRotationError: 0.5 + animationPositionError: 0.5 + animationScaleError: 0.5 + animationWrapMode: 0 + extraExposedTransformPaths: [] + extraUserProperties: [] + clipAnimations: + - serializedVersion: 16 + name: Crouch + takeName: Crouch + internalID: -7813635296899823279 + firstFrame: 0 + lastFrame: 20 + wrapMode: 0 + orientationOffsetY: 0 + level: 0 + cycleOffset: 0 + loop: 0 + hasAdditiveReferencePose: 0 + loopTime: 0 + loopBlend: 0 + loopBlendOrientation: 0 + loopBlendPositionY: 0 + loopBlendPositionXZ: 0 + keepOriginalOrientation: 0 + keepOriginalPositionY: 1 + keepOriginalPositionXZ: 0 + heightFromFeet: 0 + mirror: 0 + bodyMask: 01000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000 + curves: [] + events: [] + transformMask: [] + maskType: 3 + maskSource: {instanceID: 0} + additiveReferencePoseFrame: 0 + - serializedVersion: 16 + name: CrouchWalkNorth_Start + takeName: CrouchWalkNorth_Start + internalID: -313462707859085110 + firstFrame: 20 + lastFrame: 35 + wrapMode: 0 + orientationOffsetY: 0 + level: 0 + cycleOffset: 0 + loop: 0 + hasAdditiveReferencePose: 0 + loopTime: 0 + loopBlend: 0 + loopBlendOrientation: 0 + loopBlendPositionY: 0 + loopBlendPositionXZ: 0 + keepOriginalOrientation: 0 + keepOriginalPositionY: 1 + keepOriginalPositionXZ: 0 + heightFromFeet: 0 + mirror: 0 + bodyMask: 01000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000 + curves: [] + events: [] + transformMask: [] + maskType: 3 + maskSource: {instanceID: 0} + additiveReferencePoseFrame: 19.800001 + - serializedVersion: 16 + name: CrouchWalkNorth + takeName: CrouchWalkNorth + internalID: -4867355174040194981 + firstFrame: 35 + lastFrame: 65 + wrapMode: 0 + orientationOffsetY: 0 + level: 0 + cycleOffset: 0 + loop: 0 + hasAdditiveReferencePose: 0 + loopTime: 1 + loopBlend: 0 + loopBlendOrientation: 0 + loopBlendPositionY: 0 + loopBlendPositionXZ: 0 + keepOriginalOrientation: 0 + keepOriginalPositionY: 1 + keepOriginalPositionXZ: 0 + heightFromFeet: 0 + mirror: 0 + bodyMask: 01000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000 + curves: [] + events: [] + transformMask: [] + maskType: 3 + maskSource: {instanceID: 0} + additiveReferencePoseFrame: 34.8 + - serializedVersion: 16 + name: CrouchWalkNorth_End + takeName: CrouchWalkNorth_End + internalID: 5488168984983647742 + firstFrame: 65 + lastFrame: 85 + wrapMode: 0 + orientationOffsetY: 0 + level: 0 + cycleOffset: 0 + loop: 0 + hasAdditiveReferencePose: 0 + loopTime: 0 + loopBlend: 0 + loopBlendOrientation: 0 + loopBlendPositionY: 0 + loopBlendPositionXZ: 0 + keepOriginalOrientation: 0 + keepOriginalPositionY: 1 + keepOriginalPositionXZ: 0 + heightFromFeet: 0 + mirror: 0 + bodyMask: 01000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000 + curves: [] + events: [] + transformMask: [] + maskType: 3 + maskSource: {instanceID: 0} + additiveReferencePoseFrame: 0 + - serializedVersion: 16 + name: Uncrouch + takeName: Uncrouch + internalID: -6348116159192355935 + firstFrame: 85 + lastFrame: 105 + wrapMode: 0 + orientationOffsetY: 0 + level: 0 + cycleOffset: 0 + loop: 0 + hasAdditiveReferencePose: 0 + loopTime: 0 + loopBlend: 0 + loopBlendOrientation: 0 + loopBlendPositionY: 0 + loopBlendPositionXZ: 0 + keepOriginalOrientation: 0 + keepOriginalPositionY: 1 + keepOriginalPositionXZ: 0 + heightFromFeet: 0 + mirror: 0 + bodyMask: 01000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000 + curves: [] + events: [] + transformMask: [] + maskType: 3 + maskSource: {instanceID: 0} + additiveReferencePoseFrame: 0 + isReadable: 0 + meshes: + lODScreenPercentages: [] + globalScale: 1 + meshCompression: 0 + addColliders: 0 + useSRGBMaterialColor: 1 + sortHierarchyByName: 1 + importVisibility: 1 + importBlendShapes: 1 + importCameras: 1 + importLights: 1 + nodeNameCollisionStrategy: 1 + fileIdsGeneration: 2 + swapUVChannels: 0 + generateSecondaryUV: 0 + useFileUnits: 1 + keepQuads: 0 + weldVertices: 1 + bakeAxisConversion: 0 + preserveHierarchy: 0 + skinWeightsMode: 0 + maxBonesPerVertex: 4 + minBoneWeight: 0.001 + optimizeBones: 1 + meshOptimizationFlags: -1 + indexFormat: 0 + secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 + secondaryUVAreaDistortion: 15.000001 + secondaryUVHardAngle: 88 + secondaryUVMarginMethod: 1 + secondaryUVMinLightmapResolution: 40 + secondaryUVMinObjectScale: 1 + secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 + useFileScale: 1 + tangentSpace: + normalSmoothAngle: 60 + normalImportMode: 0 + tangentImportMode: 3 + normalCalculationMode: 4 + legacyComputeAllNormalsFromSmoothingGroupsWhenMeshHasBlendShapes: 0 + blendShapeNormalImportMode: 1 + normalSmoothingSource: 0 + referencedClips: [] + importAnimation: 1 + humanDescription: + serializedVersion: 3 + human: + - boneName: hips + humanName: Hips + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_l + humanName: LeftUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_r + humanName: RightUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_l + humanName: LeftLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_r + humanName: RightLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_l + humanName: LeftFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_r + humanName: RightFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: spine + humanName: Spine + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: neck + humanName: Neck + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: head + humanName: Head + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_l + humanName: LeftShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_r + humanName: RightShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_l + humanName: LeftUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_r + humanName: RightUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_l + humanName: LeftLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_r + humanName: RightLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_l + humanName: LeftHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_r + humanName: RightHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_l + humanName: LeftToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_r + humanName: RightToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_l + humanName: Left Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_l + humanName: Left Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_l + humanName: Left Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_l + humanName: Left Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_l + humanName: Left Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_l + humanName: Left Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_l + humanName: Left Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_l + humanName: Left Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_l + humanName: Left Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_l + humanName: Left Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_l + humanName: Left Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_l + humanName: Left Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_r + humanName: Right Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_r + humanName: Right Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_r + humanName: Right Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_r + humanName: Right Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_r + humanName: Right Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_r + humanName: Right Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_r + humanName: Right Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_r + humanName: Right Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_r + humanName: Right Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_r + humanName: Right Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_r + humanName: Right Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_r + humanName: Right Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: chest + humanName: Chest + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + skeleton: + - name: Human(Clone) + parentName: + position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human COMPLETE + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 1.1798787e-12, y: -0.000000052359955, z: 0.000000015905945} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.076661475, y: 1.3955941, z: 0.04250782} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.09472712, y: 1.3974037, z: 0.040297404} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.038126312, y: 1.4131447, z: 0.15032214} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eyes + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Head + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Torso + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0.9402349, z: 0.036055043} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanAppendix + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.04012108, y: 0.9274628, z: 0.104044564} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.03647864, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036478758, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanHeart + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.006746769, y: 1.1291152, z: 0.117190085} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineLarge + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0015628338, y: 0.94421047, z: 0.10589335} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineSmall + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0064120293, y: 0.9636725, z: 0.08935433} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLiver + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.015479565, y: 1.054116, z: 0.1051005} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.036902547, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375894} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036902428, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375895} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanStomach + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.021774769, y: 1.0252738, z: 0.10165389} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanBrain + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0009741783, y: 1.4594865, z: 0.030295096} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanArmature + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: hips + parentName: HumanArmature + position: {x: 1.149433e-13, y: -0.013241618, z: 0.83337724} + rotation: {x: 0.7404059, y: 0.0000055815894, z: 0.000006148301, w: 0.67216} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.99999994} + - name: thigh_l + parentName: hips + position: {x: -0.096564054, y: -0.024295717, z: 0.002351557} + rotation: {x: 0.99558604, y: -0.064399414, z: -0.005032787, w: 0.06808755} + scale: {x: 1.0000036, y: 1.000003, z: 1.0000107} + - name: lower_leg_l + parentName: thigh_l + position: {x: 0.000000015017577, y: 0.35762414, z: 0.000000034924597} + rotation: {x: 0.10202001, y: 0.0028012872, z: -0.009849284, w: 0.9947297} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000085, z: 1.0000061} + - name: foot_l + parentName: lower_leg_l + position: {x: -0.0000000018335413, y: 0.40961084, z: -0.000000004656613} + rotation: {x: -0.5585367, y: 0.13368261, z: -0.18853498, w: 0.79663056} + scale: {x: 1.0000013, y: 1.0000288, z: 0.9999941} + - name: toes_l + parentName: foot_l + position: {x: 0.000000016530976, y: 0.080526456, z: 0.0000000055879354} + rotation: {x: -0.05992987, y: -0.17405595, z: 0.04044075, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000367, y: 0.9999867, z: 0.99997807} + - name: thigh_r + parentName: hips + position: {x: 0.09656395, y: -0.024295837, z: 0.0023547793} + rotation: {x: 0.9955859, y: 0.06439856, z: 0.0050587305, w: 0.06808791} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.999999} + - name: lower_leg_r + parentName: thigh_r + position: {x: 0.0000000044237822, y: 0.35762426, z: 0.00000002514571} + rotation: {x: 0.1020204, y: -0.0028013631, z: 0.009850703, w: 0.99472964} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000057, z: 1.0000025} + - name: foot_r + parentName: lower_leg_r + position: {x: 0.0000000059662852, y: 0.40961078, z: -6.9849193e-10} + rotation: {x: -0.55854076, y: -0.13368613, z: 0.18853135, w: 0.796628} + scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 0.9999992, z: 1.000003} + - name: toes_r + parentName: foot_r + position: {x: -0.000000003958121, y: 0.0805272, z: 0.000000008381903} + rotation: {x: -0.05992934, y: 0.17405611, z: -0.040440965, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000099, z: 0.9999884} + - name: spine + parentName: hips + position: {x: 1.8356248e-12, y: 0.13786578, z: 0.000000013038516} + rotation: {x: -0.020161092, y: 0.0032923277, z: -0.00006672589, w: 0.9997914} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.9999998, z: 0.99999684} + - name: chest + parentName: spine + position: {x: -3.1419884e-11, y: 0.13744113, z: -0.000000003725594} + rotation: {x: -0.079870485, y: -0.0032907373, z: -0.00026367875, w: 0.9967998} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000005, z: 0.999999} + - name: neck + parentName: chest + position: {x: -4.507826e-11, y: 0.13796483, z: 0.000000011175871} + rotation: {x: 0.07572726, y: -0.0067067696, z: -0.00050935626, w: 0.99710584} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000023} + - name: head + parentName: neck + position: {x: 2.845278e-10, y: 0.08491398, z: 0.000000026080253} + rotation: {x: -0.021641804, y: 0.006758547, z: 0.00014482907, w: 0.9997429} + scale: {x: 0.9999991, y: 1.0000007, z: 1.0000015} + - name: shoulder_r + parentName: chest + position: {x: 0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.003932451} + rotation: {x: 0.5486401, y: 0.54864013, z: -0.4460875, w: 0.44608754} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 0.99999845, z: 1.0000019} + - name: upper_arm_r + parentName: shoulder_r + position: {x: 0.0000000056466725, y: 0.113623016, z: 0.000000080447336} + rotation: {x: -0.016802363, y: -0.728269, z: -0.03739515, w: 0.6840641} + scale: {x: 1.000008, y: 1.0000077, z: 1.0000037} + - name: forearm_r + parentName: upper_arm_r + position: {x: -0.0000002590059, y: 0.19655885, z: -0.0000000084983185} + rotation: {x: 0.07927109, y: -0.0007944402, z: 0.007752359, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 0.9999983, z: 0.999999} + - name: hand_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000000022293534, y: 0.23644204, z: -0.0000000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.0080038365, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328861, w: -0.6950444} + scale: {x: 1.0000069, y: 1.0000124, z: 1.0000093} + - name: c_thumb1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.043030325, y: 0.027325455, z: -0.029069485} + rotation: {x: -0.23810282, y: -0.6193094, z: 0.34018674, w: -0.6663602} + scale: {x: 1.0000025, y: 1.0000083, z: 0.99999624} + - name: c_thumb2_r + parentName: c_thumb1_r + position: {x: -0.00000006146729, y: 0.067762405, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.027055915, y: 0.1494991, z: -0.003029404, w: 0.988387} + scale: {x: 1.0000172, y: 0.99998325, z: 1.0000168} + - name: c_thumb3_r + parentName: c_thumb2_r + position: {x: 0.000000063329935, y: 0.034581296, z: 0.000000007450581} + rotation: {x: 0.16982022, y: -0.068780154, z: 0.066675395, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.999986, y: 0.9999816, z: 1.0000352} + - name: c_ring1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: -0.037961163, y: 0.08163366, z: 0.0126242135} + rotation: {x: -0.030043779, y: 0.0177473, z: -0.0146247605, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000018, y: 1.0000027, z: 0.9999998} + - name: c_ring2_r + parentName: c_ring1_r + position: {x: 0.000000007916242, y: 0.045393843, z: -0.000000037747668} + rotation: {x: -0.027954554, y: -0.02803783, z: -0.00021981988, w: 0.9992159} + scale: {x: 1.0000081, y: 0.9999979, z: 1.0000149} + - name: c_ring3_r + parentName: c_ring2_r + position: {x: -0, y: 0.030371627, z: -0.00000012342207} + rotation: {x: -0.09702881, y: 0.19158539, z: -0.05356502, w: 0.9751981} + scale: {x: 1.0000122, y: 1.000016, z: 0.9999991} + - name: c_middle1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.012728409, y: 0.095293984, z: 0.005345431} + rotation: {x: -0.020139333, y: 0.06533595, z: -0.0029693954, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000037, y: 1.0000066, z: 1.0000002} + - name: c_middle2_r + parentName: c_middle1_r + position: {x: -0.000000027939677, y: 0.04347191, z: 0.000000017229468} + rotation: {x: -0.02996826, y: 0.030963402, z: -0.0046559433, w: 0.9990603} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000036, z: 1.0000131} + - name: c_middle3_r + parentName: c_middle2_r + position: {x: -0.000000033527613, y: 0.0329716, z: 0.00000006053597} + rotation: {x: -0.1676397, y: 0.073116966, z: -0.021750906, w: 0.98289263} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 1.0000196, z: 0.99999374} + - name: c_index1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.059781943, y: 0.096780546, z: 0.014082293} + rotation: {x: -0.004635407, y: 0.005647418, z: 0.0077239904, w: 0.99994355} + scale: {x: 1.0000005, y: 1.0000036, z: 0.99999875} + - name: c_index2_r + parentName: c_index1_r + position: {x: 0.0000000034924597, y: 0.047904514, z: 0.00000005250331} + rotation: {x: -0.024433492, y: 0.10530338, z: -0.0018819352, w: 0.9941382} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000042} + - name: c_index3_r + parentName: c_index2_r + position: {x: -0.000000007450581, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.000000020489097} + rotation: {x: -0.080947846, y: -0.017785536, z: -0.01037631, w: 0.9965057} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000277, z: 1.0000005} + - name: hold.r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.0063287923, y: 0.08298412, z: -0.015038971} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: 0.47859132, z: -0.46639267, w: 0.53287977} + scale: {x: 0.9999997, y: 0.9999977, z: 1.0000002} + - name: forearm_twist_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000016324193, y: 0.1284726, z: -0.000006649643} + rotation: {x: -0.000018939374, y: 0.0012337323, z: -0.00016194968, w: 0.9999993} + scale: {x: 1.0000073, y: 1.0000048, z: 0.99999934} + - name: shoulder_l + parentName: chest + position: {x: -0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.0039324528} + rotation: {x: -0.5486401, y: 0.5486401, z: -0.44608748, w: -0.4460875} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 0.99999964, z: 1.0000043} + - name: upper_arm_l + parentName: shoulder_l + position: {x: -0.000000009391529, y: 0.11362299, z: -0.000000031237462} + rotation: {x: 0.016802428, y: -0.72826916, z: -0.037395176, w: -0.68406385} + scale: {x: 1.0000075, y: 1.0000076, z: 1.0000032} + - name: forearm_l + parentName: upper_arm_l + position: {x: -0.000000016112608, y: 0.19655891, z: 0.000000013969839} + rotation: {x: 0.07927141, y: 0.00079452974, z: -0.0077523375, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.99999756, y: 0.9999992, z: 0.99999774} + - name: hand_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: -0.00000014150282, y: 0.23644212, z: -0.000000009313226} + rotation: {x: 0.00800377, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328958, w: 0.6950446} + scale: {x: 1.0000067, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000058} + - name: c_thumb1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.043030314, y: 0.02732556, z: -0.02906935} + rotation: {x: 0.23810151, y: -0.6193099, z: 0.34018716, w: 0.66636} + scale: {x: 1.0000024, y: 1.0000248, z: 0.99998504} + - name: c_thumb2_l + parentName: c_thumb1_l + position: {x: 0.00000006519258, y: 0.06776242, z: 0.000000044703484} + rotation: {x: -0.027061354, y: -0.1494992, z: 0.0030296424, w: 0.98838687} + scale: {x: 1.0000145, y: 0.9999532, z: 1.0000383} + - name: c_thumb3_l + parentName: c_thumb2_l + position: {x: -0.000000078231096, y: 0.03458134, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0.16982007, y: 0.068780504, z: -0.06667551, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.99998635, y: 0.99988985, z: 1.0001268} + - name: c_ring1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: 0.03796115, y: 0.081633575, z: 0.0126242405} + rotation: {x: -0.030042524, y: -0.017746734, z: 0.014624785, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000144, y: 1.0000082, z: 1.000006} + - name: c_ring2_l + parentName: c_ring1_l + position: {x: 0.0000000018626451, y: 0.04539384, z: -0.00000013152021} + rotation: {x: 0.027963966, y: -0.028037718, z: -0.00022199283, w: -0.9992156} + scale: {x: 1.0000045, y: 0.99999386, z: 1.0000125} + - name: c_ring3_l + parentName: c_ring2_l + position: {x: -0.000000003259629, y: 0.030371798, z: 0.00000005106267} + rotation: {x: 0.097029544, y: 0.1915853, z: -0.053565085, w: -0.975198} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000107, z: 1.0000023} + - name: c_middle1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.012728396, y: 0.095294036, z: 0.0053454423} + rotation: {x: -0.020141035, y: -0.06533592, z: 0.0029690685, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000117, y: 1.0000049, z: 1.0000024} + - name: c_middle2_l + parentName: c_middle1_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.043471865, z: 0.00000004703179} + rotation: {x: -0.029964855, y: -0.030963589, z: 0.0046565477, w: 0.9990604} + scale: {x: 0.9999977, y: 0.99999636, z: 1.0000107} + - name: c_middle3_l + parentName: c_middle2_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.03297166, z: -0.00000006239861} + rotation: {x: -0.16763954, y: -0.07311703, z: 0.021750832, w: 0.9828926} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000006, z: 1.000013} + - name: c_index1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.059781928, y: 0.0967806, z: 0.014082292} + rotation: {x: -0.0046358937, y: -0.0056473566, z: -0.007723556, w: 0.9999435} + scale: {x: 1.0000126, y: 1.0000038, z: 1.0000052} + - name: c_index2_l + parentName: c_index1_l + position: {x: -0.000000009313226, y: 0.04790459, z: 0.000000045169145} + rotation: {x: -0.024431424, y: -0.10530303, z: 0.0018783653, w: 0.9941383} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000063} + - name: c_index3_l + parentName: c_index2_l + position: {x: 0.000000014901161, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.00000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.08094788, y: 0.017785553, z: 0.01037622, w: 0.9965056} + scale: {x: 1.000003, y: 0.999993, z: 1.0000157} + - name: hold.l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.0063287844, y: 0.082984276, z: -0.015038835} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: -0.47859147, z: 0.46639258, w: 0.5328798} + scale: {x: 1.000011, y: 1.0000129, z: 1.0000062} + - name: forearm_twist_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: 0.00001617195, y: 0.12847266, z: -0.000006655231} + rotation: {x: -0.00001891702, y: -0.001233861, z: 0.00016184966, w: 0.9999992} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000012, z: 1.0000024} + armTwist: 0.5 + foreArmTwist: 0.5 + upperLegTwist: 0.5 + legTwist: 0.5 + armStretch: 0.05 + legStretch: 0.05 + feetSpacing: 0 + globalScale: 1 + rootMotionBoneName: HumanArmature + hasTranslationDoF: 1 + hasExtraRoot: 1 + skeletonHasParents: 1 + lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {fileID: 9000000, guid: f553c8289710b5e4dab99c3bcbbb802e, type: 3} + autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1 + animationType: 3 + humanoidOversampling: 1 + avatarSetup: 2 + addHumanoidExtraRootOnlyWhenUsingAvatar: 1 + remapMaterialsIfMaterialImportModeIsNone: 0 + additionalBone: 0 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanFingerPosesDef.fbx b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanFingerPosesDef.fbx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..859247c8cd Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanFingerPosesDef.fbx differ diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanFingerPosesDef.fbx.meta b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanFingerPosesDef.fbx.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e01f375921 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanFingerPosesDef.fbx.meta @@ -0,0 +1,884 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: a02b13df827cb0e4cbcc3ddb9798d2ca +ModelImporter: + serializedVersion: 21300 + internalIDToNameTable: [] + externalObjects: {} + materials: + materialImportMode: 2 + materialName: 0 + materialSearch: 1 + materialLocation: 1 + animations: + legacyGenerateAnimations: 4 + bakeSimulation: 0 + resampleCurves: 1 + optimizeGameObjects: 0 + removeConstantScaleCurves: 1 + motionNodeName: + rigImportErrors: + rigImportWarnings: + animationImportErrors: + animationImportWarnings: "\nClip 'CloseFist' has import animation warnings that + might lower retargeting quality:\nNote: Activate translation DOF on avatar + to improve retargeting quality.\n\t'c_ring1_r' has translation animation that + will be discarded.\n\t'c_ring2_r' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_ring3_r' + has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_middle1_r' has translation + animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_middle2_r' has translation animation + that will be discarded.\n\t'c_middle3_r' has translation animation that will + be discarded.\n\t'c_index1_r' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_index2_r' + has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_index3_r' has translation + animation that will be discarded.\n\nClip 'OpenFIst' has import animation warnings + that might lower retargeting quality:\nNote: Activate translation DOF on avatar + to improve retargeting quality.\n\t'c_ring1_r' has translation animation that + will be discarded.\n\t'c_ring2_r' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_ring3_r' + has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_middle1_r' has translation + animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_middle2_r' has translation animation + that will be discarded.\n\t'c_middle3_r' has translation animation that will + be discarded.\n\t'c_index1_r' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_index2_r' + has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_index3_r' has translation + animation that will be discarded.\n" + animationRetargetingWarnings: + animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0 + importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0 + importConstraints: 0 + animationCompression: 3 + animationRotationError: 0.5 + animationPositionError: 0.5 + animationScaleError: 0.5 + animationWrapMode: 0 + extraExposedTransformPaths: [] + extraUserProperties: [] + clipAnimations: [] + isReadable: 0 + meshes: + lODScreenPercentages: [] + globalScale: 1 + meshCompression: 0 + addColliders: 0 + useSRGBMaterialColor: 1 + sortHierarchyByName: 1 + importVisibility: 1 + importBlendShapes: 1 + importCameras: 1 + importLights: 1 + nodeNameCollisionStrategy: 1 + fileIdsGeneration: 2 + swapUVChannels: 0 + generateSecondaryUV: 0 + useFileUnits: 1 + keepQuads: 0 + weldVertices: 1 + bakeAxisConversion: 0 + preserveHierarchy: 0 + skinWeightsMode: 0 + maxBonesPerVertex: 4 + minBoneWeight: 0.001 + optimizeBones: 1 + meshOptimizationFlags: -1 + indexFormat: 0 + secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 + secondaryUVAreaDistortion: 15.000001 + secondaryUVHardAngle: 88 + secondaryUVMarginMethod: 1 + secondaryUVMinLightmapResolution: 40 + secondaryUVMinObjectScale: 1 + secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 + useFileScale: 1 + tangentSpace: + normalSmoothAngle: 60 + normalImportMode: 0 + tangentImportMode: 3 + normalCalculationMode: 4 + legacyComputeAllNormalsFromSmoothingGroupsWhenMeshHasBlendShapes: 0 + blendShapeNormalImportMode: 1 + normalSmoothingSource: 0 + referencedClips: [] + importAnimation: 1 + humanDescription: + serializedVersion: 3 + human: + - boneName: hips + humanName: Hips + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_l + humanName: LeftUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_r + humanName: RightUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_l + humanName: LeftLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_r + humanName: RightLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_l + humanName: LeftFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_r + humanName: RightFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: spine + humanName: Spine + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: neck + humanName: Neck + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: head + humanName: Head + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_l + humanName: LeftShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_r + humanName: RightShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_l + humanName: LeftUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_r + humanName: RightUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_l + humanName: LeftLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_r + humanName: RightLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_l + humanName: LeftHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_r + humanName: RightHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_l + humanName: LeftToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_r + humanName: RightToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_l + humanName: Left Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_l + humanName: Left Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_l + humanName: Left Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_l + humanName: Left Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_l + humanName: Left Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_l + humanName: Left Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_l + humanName: Left Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_l + humanName: Left Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_l + humanName: Left Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_l + humanName: Left Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_l + humanName: Left Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_l + humanName: Left Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_r + humanName: Right Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_r + humanName: Right Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_r + humanName: Right Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_r + humanName: Right Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_r + humanName: Right Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_r + humanName: Right Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_r + humanName: Right Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_r + humanName: Right Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_r + humanName: Right Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_r + humanName: Right Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_r + humanName: Right Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_r + humanName: Right Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: chest + humanName: Chest + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + skeleton: + - name: Human(Clone) + parentName: + position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human COMPLETE + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 1.1798787e-12, y: -0.000000052359955, z: 0.000000015905945} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.076661475, y: 1.3955941, z: 0.04250782} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.09472712, y: 1.3974037, z: 0.040297404} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.038126312, y: 1.4131447, z: 0.15032214} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eyes + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Head + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Torso + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0.9402349, z: 0.036055043} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanAppendix + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.04012108, y: 0.9274628, z: 0.104044564} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.03647864, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036478758, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanHeart + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.006746769, y: 1.1291152, z: 0.117190085} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineLarge + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0015628338, y: 0.94421047, z: 0.10589335} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineSmall + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0064120293, y: 0.9636725, z: 0.08935433} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLiver + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.015479565, y: 1.054116, z: 0.1051005} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.036902547, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375894} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036902428, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375895} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanStomach + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.021774769, y: 1.0252738, z: 0.10165389} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanBrain + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0009741783, y: 1.4594865, z: 0.030295096} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanArmature + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: hips + parentName: HumanArmature + position: {x: 1.149433e-13, y: -0.013241618, z: 0.83337724} + rotation: {x: 0.7404059, y: 0.0000055815894, z: 0.000006148301, w: 0.67216} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.99999994} + - name: thigh_l + parentName: hips + position: {x: -0.096564054, y: -0.024295717, z: 0.002351557} + rotation: {x: 0.99558604, y: -0.064399414, z: -0.005032787, w: 0.06808755} + scale: {x: 1.0000036, y: 1.000003, z: 1.0000107} + - name: lower_leg_l + parentName: thigh_l + position: {x: 0.000000015017577, y: 0.35762414, z: 0.000000034924597} + rotation: {x: 0.10202001, y: 0.0028012872, z: -0.009849284, w: 0.9947297} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000085, z: 1.0000061} + - name: foot_l + parentName: lower_leg_l + position: {x: -0.0000000018335413, y: 0.40961084, z: -0.000000004656613} + rotation: {x: -0.5585367, y: 0.13368261, z: -0.18853498, w: 0.79663056} + scale: {x: 1.0000013, y: 1.0000288, z: 0.9999941} + - name: toes_l + parentName: foot_l + position: {x: 0.000000016530976, y: 0.080526456, z: 0.0000000055879354} + rotation: {x: -0.05992987, y: -0.17405595, z: 0.04044075, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000367, y: 0.9999867, z: 0.99997807} + - name: thigh_r + parentName: hips + position: {x: 0.09656395, y: -0.024295837, z: 0.0023547793} + rotation: {x: 0.9955859, y: 0.06439856, z: 0.0050587305, w: 0.06808791} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.999999} + - name: lower_leg_r + parentName: thigh_r + position: {x: 0.0000000044237822, y: 0.35762426, z: 0.00000002514571} + rotation: {x: 0.1020204, y: -0.0028013631, z: 0.009850703, w: 0.99472964} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000057, z: 1.0000025} + - name: foot_r + parentName: lower_leg_r + position: {x: 0.0000000059662852, y: 0.40961078, z: -6.9849193e-10} + rotation: {x: -0.55854076, y: -0.13368613, z: 0.18853135, w: 0.796628} + scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 0.9999992, z: 1.000003} + - name: toes_r + parentName: foot_r + position: {x: -0.000000003958121, y: 0.0805272, z: 0.000000008381903} + rotation: {x: -0.05992934, y: 0.17405611, z: -0.040440965, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000099, z: 0.9999884} + - name: spine + parentName: hips + position: {x: 1.8356248e-12, y: 0.13786578, z: 0.000000013038516} + rotation: {x: -0.020161092, y: 0.0032923277, z: -0.00006672589, w: 0.9997914} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.9999998, z: 0.99999684} + - name: chest + parentName: spine + position: {x: -3.1419884e-11, y: 0.13744113, z: -0.000000003725594} + rotation: {x: -0.079870485, y: -0.0032907373, z: -0.00026367875, w: 0.9967998} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000005, z: 0.999999} + - name: neck + parentName: chest + position: {x: -4.507826e-11, y: 0.13796483, z: 0.000000011175871} + rotation: {x: 0.07572726, y: -0.0067067696, z: -0.00050935626, w: 0.99710584} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000023} + - name: head + parentName: neck + position: {x: 2.845278e-10, y: 0.08491398, z: 0.000000026080253} + rotation: {x: -0.021641804, y: 0.006758547, z: 0.00014482907, w: 0.9997429} + scale: {x: 0.9999991, y: 1.0000007, z: 1.0000015} + - name: shoulder_r + parentName: chest + position: {x: 0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.003932451} + rotation: {x: 0.5486401, y: 0.54864013, z: -0.4460875, w: 0.44608754} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 0.99999845, z: 1.0000019} + - name: upper_arm_r + parentName: shoulder_r + position: {x: 0.0000000056466725, y: 0.113623016, z: 0.000000080447336} + rotation: {x: -0.016802363, y: -0.728269, z: -0.03739515, w: 0.6840641} + scale: {x: 1.000008, y: 1.0000077, z: 1.0000037} + - name: forearm_r + parentName: upper_arm_r + position: {x: -0.0000002590059, y: 0.19655885, z: -0.0000000084983185} + rotation: {x: 0.07927109, y: -0.0007944402, z: 0.007752359, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 0.9999983, z: 0.999999} + - name: hand_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000000022293534, y: 0.23644204, z: -0.0000000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.0080038365, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328861, w: -0.6950444} + scale: {x: 1.0000069, y: 1.0000124, z: 1.0000093} + - name: c_thumb1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.043030325, y: 0.027325455, z: -0.029069485} + rotation: {x: -0.23810282, y: -0.6193094, z: 0.34018674, w: -0.6663602} + scale: {x: 1.0000025, y: 1.0000083, z: 0.99999624} + - name: c_thumb2_r + parentName: c_thumb1_r + position: {x: -0.00000006146729, y: 0.067762405, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.027055915, y: 0.1494991, z: -0.003029404, w: 0.988387} + scale: {x: 1.0000172, y: 0.99998325, z: 1.0000168} + - name: c_thumb3_r + parentName: c_thumb2_r + position: {x: 0.000000063329935, y: 0.034581296, z: 0.000000007450581} + rotation: {x: 0.16982022, y: -0.068780154, z: 0.066675395, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.999986, y: 0.9999816, z: 1.0000352} + - name: c_ring1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: -0.037961163, y: 0.08163366, z: 0.0126242135} + rotation: {x: -0.030043779, y: 0.0177473, z: -0.0146247605, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000018, y: 1.0000027, z: 0.9999998} + - name: c_ring2_r + parentName: c_ring1_r + position: {x: 0.000000007916242, y: 0.045393843, z: -0.000000037747668} + rotation: {x: -0.027954554, y: -0.02803783, z: -0.00021981988, w: 0.9992159} + scale: {x: 1.0000081, y: 0.9999979, z: 1.0000149} + - name: c_ring3_r + parentName: c_ring2_r + position: {x: -0, y: 0.030371627, z: -0.00000012342207} + rotation: {x: -0.09702881, y: 0.19158539, z: -0.05356502, w: 0.9751981} + scale: {x: 1.0000122, y: 1.000016, z: 0.9999991} + - name: c_middle1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.012728409, y: 0.095293984, z: 0.005345431} + rotation: {x: -0.020139333, y: 0.06533595, z: -0.0029693954, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000037, y: 1.0000066, z: 1.0000002} + - name: c_middle2_r + parentName: c_middle1_r + position: {x: -0.000000027939677, y: 0.04347191, z: 0.000000017229468} + rotation: {x: -0.02996826, y: 0.030963402, z: -0.0046559433, w: 0.9990603} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000036, z: 1.0000131} + - name: c_middle3_r + parentName: c_middle2_r + position: {x: -0.000000033527613, y: 0.0329716, z: 0.00000006053597} + rotation: {x: -0.1676397, y: 0.073116966, z: -0.021750906, w: 0.98289263} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 1.0000196, z: 0.99999374} + - name: c_index1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.059781943, y: 0.096780546, z: 0.014082293} + rotation: {x: -0.004635407, y: 0.005647418, z: 0.0077239904, w: 0.99994355} + scale: {x: 1.0000005, y: 1.0000036, z: 0.99999875} + - name: c_index2_r + parentName: c_index1_r + position: {x: 0.0000000034924597, y: 0.047904514, z: 0.00000005250331} + rotation: {x: -0.024433492, y: 0.10530338, z: -0.0018819352, w: 0.9941382} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000042} + - name: c_index3_r + parentName: c_index2_r + position: {x: -0.000000007450581, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.000000020489097} + rotation: {x: -0.080947846, y: -0.017785536, z: -0.01037631, w: 0.9965057} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000277, z: 1.0000005} + - name: hold.r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.0063287923, y: 0.08298412, z: -0.015038971} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: 0.47859132, z: -0.46639267, w: 0.53287977} + scale: {x: 0.9999997, y: 0.9999977, z: 1.0000002} + - name: forearm_twist_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000016324193, y: 0.1284726, z: -0.000006649643} + rotation: {x: -0.000018939374, y: 0.0012337323, z: -0.00016194968, w: 0.9999993} + scale: {x: 1.0000073, y: 1.0000048, z: 0.99999934} + - name: shoulder_l + parentName: chest + position: {x: -0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.0039324528} + rotation: {x: -0.5486401, y: 0.5486401, z: -0.44608748, w: -0.4460875} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 0.99999964, z: 1.0000043} + - name: upper_arm_l + parentName: shoulder_l + position: {x: -0.000000009391529, y: 0.11362299, z: -0.000000031237462} + rotation: {x: 0.016802428, y: -0.72826916, z: -0.037395176, w: -0.68406385} + scale: {x: 1.0000075, y: 1.0000076, z: 1.0000032} + - name: forearm_l + parentName: upper_arm_l + position: {x: -0.000000016112608, y: 0.19655891, z: 0.000000013969839} + rotation: {x: 0.07927141, y: 0.00079452974, z: -0.0077523375, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.99999756, y: 0.9999992, z: 0.99999774} + - name: hand_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: -0.00000014150282, y: 0.23644212, z: -0.000000009313226} + rotation: {x: 0.00800377, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328958, w: 0.6950446} + scale: {x: 1.0000067, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000058} + - name: c_thumb1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.043030314, y: 0.02732556, z: -0.02906935} + rotation: {x: 0.23810151, y: -0.6193099, z: 0.34018716, w: 0.66636} + scale: {x: 1.0000024, y: 1.0000248, z: 0.99998504} + - name: c_thumb2_l + parentName: c_thumb1_l + position: {x: 0.00000006519258, y: 0.06776242, z: 0.000000044703484} + rotation: {x: -0.027061354, y: -0.1494992, z: 0.0030296424, w: 0.98838687} + scale: {x: 1.0000145, y: 0.9999532, z: 1.0000383} + - name: c_thumb3_l + parentName: c_thumb2_l + position: {x: -0.000000078231096, y: 0.03458134, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0.16982007, y: 0.068780504, z: -0.06667551, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.99998635, y: 0.99988985, z: 1.0001268} + - name: c_ring1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: 0.03796115, y: 0.081633575, z: 0.0126242405} + rotation: {x: -0.030042524, y: -0.017746734, z: 0.014624785, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000144, y: 1.0000082, z: 1.000006} + - name: c_ring2_l + parentName: c_ring1_l + position: {x: 0.0000000018626451, y: 0.04539384, z: -0.00000013152021} + rotation: {x: 0.027963966, y: -0.028037718, z: -0.00022199283, w: -0.9992156} + scale: {x: 1.0000045, y: 0.99999386, z: 1.0000125} + - name: c_ring3_l + parentName: c_ring2_l + position: {x: -0.000000003259629, y: 0.030371798, z: 0.00000005106267} + rotation: {x: 0.097029544, y: 0.1915853, z: -0.053565085, w: -0.975198} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000107, z: 1.0000023} + - name: c_middle1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.012728396, y: 0.095294036, z: 0.0053454423} + rotation: {x: -0.020141035, y: -0.06533592, z: 0.0029690685, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000117, y: 1.0000049, z: 1.0000024} + - name: c_middle2_l + parentName: c_middle1_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.043471865, z: 0.00000004703179} + rotation: {x: -0.029964855, y: -0.030963589, z: 0.0046565477, w: 0.9990604} + scale: {x: 0.9999977, y: 0.99999636, z: 1.0000107} + - name: c_middle3_l + parentName: c_middle2_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.03297166, z: -0.00000006239861} + rotation: {x: -0.16763954, y: -0.07311703, z: 0.021750832, w: 0.9828926} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000006, z: 1.000013} + - name: c_index1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.059781928, y: 0.0967806, z: 0.014082292} + rotation: {x: -0.0046358937, y: -0.0056473566, z: -0.007723556, w: 0.9999435} + scale: {x: 1.0000126, y: 1.0000038, z: 1.0000052} + - name: c_index2_l + parentName: c_index1_l + position: {x: -0.000000009313226, y: 0.04790459, z: 0.000000045169145} + rotation: {x: -0.024431424, y: -0.10530303, z: 0.0018783653, w: 0.9941383} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000063} + - name: c_index3_l + parentName: c_index2_l + position: {x: 0.000000014901161, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.00000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.08094788, y: 0.017785553, z: 0.01037622, w: 0.9965056} + scale: {x: 1.000003, y: 0.999993, z: 1.0000157} + - name: hold.l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.0063287844, y: 0.082984276, z: -0.015038835} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: -0.47859147, z: 0.46639258, w: 0.5328798} + scale: {x: 1.000011, y: 1.0000129, z: 1.0000062} + - name: forearm_twist_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: 0.00001617195, y: 0.12847266, z: -0.000006655231} + rotation: {x: -0.00001891702, y: -0.001233861, z: 0.00016184966, w: 0.9999992} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000012, z: 1.0000024} + armTwist: 0.5 + foreArmTwist: 0.5 + upperLegTwist: 0.5 + legTwist: 0.5 + armStretch: 0.05 + legStretch: 0.05 + feetSpacing: 0 + globalScale: 1 + rootMotionBoneName: HumanArmature + hasTranslationDoF: 1 + hasExtraRoot: 1 + skeletonHasParents: 1 + lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {fileID: 9000000, guid: f553c8289710b5e4dab99c3bcbbb802e, type: 3} + autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1 + animationType: 3 + humanoidOversampling: 1 + avatarSetup: 2 + addHumanoidExtraRootOnlyWhenUsingAvatar: 1 + remapMaterialsIfMaterialImportModeIsNone: 0 + additionalBone: 0 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git 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"Size", "double", "Number", "",1 + } + TypeFlags: "Skeleton" + } + NodeAttribute: 2547767519920, "NodeAttribute::", "LimbNode" { + Properties70: { + P: "Size", "double", "Number", "",1 + } + TypeFlags: "Skeleton" + } + NodeAttribute: 2547767511088, "NodeAttribute::", "LimbNode" { + Properties70: { + P: "Size", "double", "Number", "",1 + } + TypeFlags: "Skeleton" + } + NodeAttribute: 2547767516848, "NodeAttribute::", "LimbNode" { + Properties70: { + P: "Size", "double", "Number", "",1 + } + TypeFlags: "Skeleton" + } + NodeAttribute: 2547767515888, "NodeAttribute::", "LimbNode" { + Properties70: { + P: "Size", "double", "Number", "",1 + } + TypeFlags: "Skeleton" + } + NodeAttribute: 2547767518000, "NodeAttribute::", "LimbNode" { + Properties70: { + P: "Size", "double", "Number", "",1 + } + TypeFlags: "Skeleton" + } + NodeAttribute: 2547767510704, "NodeAttribute::", "LimbNode" { + Properties70: { + P: "Size", "double", "Number", "",1 + } + TypeFlags: "Skeleton" + } + NodeAttribute: 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"DefaultAttributeIndex", "int", "Integer", "",0 + P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A+",-0.0965650655612965,-0.0293150828875521,0.00320306225291071 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",172.17041015625,0.0727583467960349,-7.40678358078003 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",0.999996781349182,0.99999988079071,0.999996483325958 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + Shading: Y + Culling: "CullingOff" + } + Model: 2548018088432, "Model::lower_leg_r", "LimbNode" { + Version: 232 + Properties70: { + P: "RotationActive", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",1 + P: "ScalingMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0 + P: "DefaultAttributeIndex", "int", "Integer", "",0 + P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A+",-8.06176114753754e-09,0.357624083757428,-4.42378229187357e-09 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",11.7075748443603,0.434414267539977,-1.08979237079621 + P: "Lcl 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"A+",-0.00794378746768121,0.0847101532906479,-0.0182055257058711 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",-3.04156856030125e-06,1.68086694382703e-06,-1.57081024445434e-06 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",1.00000000000008,1.00000000000008,1.00000000000008 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + Shading: Y + Culling: "CullingOff" + } + Model: 2549132828656, "Model::spine", "LimbNode" { + Version: 232 + Properties70: { + P: "RotationActive", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",1 + P: "ScalingMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0 + P: "DefaultAttributeIndex", "int", "Integer", "",0 + P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A+",-1.19752061921581e-06,0.132846530627049,0.000848252456207524 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",-2.31054112215978,-0.377031524512524,0.0152516725884402 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + 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"A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + Shading: Y + Culling: "CullingOff" + } + Model: 2546786816576, "Model::c_index1_r", "LimbNode" { + Version: 232 + Properties70: { + P: "RotationActive", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",1 + P: "ScalingMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0 + P: "DefaultAttributeIndex", "int", "Integer", "",0 + P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A+",-0.0571453427310036,0.0968029442680267,0.0139611228741707 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",-2.70667826397601,-0.791421351597117,-5.84637438115619 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",1.00000011920929,0.999999940395355,1 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + Shading: Y + Culling: "CullingOff" + } + Model: 2546786818896, "Model::c_index2_r", "LimbNode" { + Version: 232 + Properties70: { + P: "RotationActive", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",1 + P: "ScalingMax", 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"A+",0.999999940395355,0.99999988079071,0.99999988079071 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + Shading: Y + Culling: "CullingOff" + } + Model: 2546780390736, "Model::c_middle1_l", "LimbNode" { + Version: 232 + Properties70: { + P: "RotationActive", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",1 + P: "ScalingMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0 + P: "DefaultAttributeIndex", "int", "Integer", "",0 + P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A+",0.012286935808537,0.0956599379230062,0.0053441717424827 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",-5.97725495311015,7.7997453153562,3.88530644197155 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",1,1.00000011920929,1.00000011920929 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + Shading: Y + Culling: "CullingOff" + } + Model: 2546780400016, "Model::c_middle2_l", "LimbNode" { + Version: 232 + Properties70: { + P: "RotationActive", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",1 + P: "ScalingMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0 + P: "DefaultAttributeIndex", "int", "Integer", "",0 + P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A+",-3.50366735873964e-07,0.0434722284089236,2.29175741583987e-06 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",-29.7213813746304,2.15102309895341,-5.27616301661427 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",0.999999940395355,1,1 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + Shading: Y + Culling: "CullingOff" + } + Model: 2546780383776, "Model::c_middle3_l", "LimbNode" { + Version: 232 + Properties70: { + P: "RotationActive", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",1 + P: "ScalingMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0 + P: "DefaultAttributeIndex", "int", "Integer", "",0 + P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A+",8.25224785727663e-09,0.0329716131037024,4.00612050199811e-08 + P: "Lcl 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"A+",-6.76170106017615e-09,0.0511242076468898,-2.03477465987589e-08 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",-9.26884444672588,-2.12744779978065,-1.02058038937878 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",1.00000011920929,0.999999940395355,1.00000011920929 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + Shading: Y + Culling: "CullingOff" + } + Model: 2549272956368, "Model::hold_l", "LimbNode" { + Version: 232 + Properties70: { + P: "RotationActive", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",1 + P: "ScalingMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0 + P: "DefaultAttributeIndex", "int", "Integer", "",0 + P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A+",0.00632878959282359,0.0829842242537248,-0.0150388219051298 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",-89.8299988551375,1.48131287004153,-83.8638209706944 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",0.999999940395355,1,1 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + 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"A+",3.68241464225409e-06,-7.80725858104233e-06,9.04828096396796e-08 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",1.00000000000008,0.999999999384938,1.00000000061521 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + Shading: Y + Culling: "CullingOff" + } + Model: 2549272944768, "Model::breast_L", "LimbNode" { + Version: 232 + Properties70: { + P: "RotationActive", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",1 + P: "ScalingMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0 + P: "DefaultAttributeIndex", "int", "Integer", "",0 + P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A+",0.0830906754464582,-0.00386412396774527,0.0823321414501396 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",72.8950440915413,7.20625621047189,-95.7375689884457 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",1.00000000000008,1.00000000000008,1.00000000000008 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + Shading: Y + 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0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828,0.0128828 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545593556512, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 5.53214263916016 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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"" { + Default: -0.000947134685702622 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347,-0.0009471347 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: 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-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05,-9.173484e-05 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545593561792, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.096562922000885 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292,0.09656292 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545593560992, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.029315022751689 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545593561152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00319984741508961 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 172.1707,172.1707,172.1707,172.1707,172.1707,172.1707,172.1707,172.1707,172.1707,172.1707,172.1707,172.1707,172.1707,172.1707,172.1707,172.1707,172.1707,172.1707,172.1707,172.1707,172.1707,172.1707,172.1707,172.1707,172.1707,172.1707,172.1707,172.1707,172.1707,172.1707,172.1707 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545593561472, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0705194920301437 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545593561632, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 7.40674495697021 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 7.406745,7.406745,7.406745,7.406745,7.406745,7.406745,7.406745,7.406745,7.406745,7.406745,7.406745,7.406745,7.406745,7.406745,7.406745,7.406745,7.406745,7.406745,7.406745,7.406745,7.406745,7.406745,7.406745,7.406745,7.406745,7.406745,7.406745,7.406745,7.406745,7.406745,7.406745 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545593560352, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.32830615898294e-10 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545593560512, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 11.7075147628784 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 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0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545593532672, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 2.59024068860469e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545593539232, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.40961080789566 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545593533792, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -6.28642737865448e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545593542112, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -70.1024169921875 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545593545952, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.135495275259018 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545593546912, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 26.7261657714844 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770248784, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.37487256526947e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666,0.08052666 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770244304, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.79396772384644e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770245904, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -8.04667663574219 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770245744, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 19.696008682251 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 19.69601,19.69601,19.69601,19.69601,19.69601,19.69601,19.69601,19.69601,19.69601,19.69601,19.69601,19.69601,19.69601,19.69601,19.69601,19.69601,19.69601,19.69601,19.69601,19.69601,19.69601,19.69601,19.69601,19.69601,19.69601,19.69601,19.69601,19.69601,19.69601,19.69601,19.69601 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770253104, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -6.11511373519897 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770251824, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00794365536421537 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770252304, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0847102329134941 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + 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Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770249904, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770247664, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770250224, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770244624, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -3.02822832054517e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770249424, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.73474415735109e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770246224, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -4.28054090662044e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06,-4.280541e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770246064, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0965650677680969 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507,-0.09656507 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770249584, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0293150823563337 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770245584, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00320306234061718 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770251024, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 172.17041015625 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + 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RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770246384, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -8.06176103651524e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770247824, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.357624083757401 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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2547770248624, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -4.42378222942352e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: 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11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770253264, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.434414267539978 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770246864, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.0897923707962 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770249104, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -3.20142135024071e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770251984, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.40961080789566 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770246544, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 9.08039510250092e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770249744, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -69.732063293457 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770246704, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.585441768169403 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770243664, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -26.6502170562744 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770247024, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.23400241136551e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770252624, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0805272683501244 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770243824, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -9.31322352570874e-10 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770248464, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -8.04661560058594 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770248144, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -19.6959285736084 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770243184, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 6.11509037017822 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770244944, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.00794378761202097 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770247184, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0847101509571075 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770250064, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0182055253535509 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770245104, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770250384, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770252144, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770252464, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -3.0415685614571e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770250864, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.68086694429803e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770244784, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.5708102409917e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770252784, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.19752064620116e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770243984, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.132846534252167 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770247344, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.000848252442665398 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770251184, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.3105411529541 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770245264, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.377031534910202 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770252944, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0152516728267074 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770247504, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.10401160782203e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770248304, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.130901113152504 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770244144, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.00279710697941482 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770250544, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -15.102876663208 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770244464, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.37831112742424 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770250704, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.14074452742352e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770245424, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.41206513148973e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770251344, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.137988924980164 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770251504, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.99842176900711e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770251664, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 14.6280860900879 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770255664, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.74576723575592 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770259184, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.194644957780838 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770255824, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.34426370035357e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770260784, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 2.85409640365941e-10 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: 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-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770254224, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.774653792381287 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770262704, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.000168611644767225 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770262384, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -7.62037743697874e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770258384, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0207623727619648 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770256304, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00566442450508475 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770254064, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770256464, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770259984, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770263504, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -5.3255544116837e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770263184, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -6.697760568386e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08,-6.697761e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770253744, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -4.38327390384075e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07,-4.383274e-07 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770255184, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0300425849854946 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.03004262,-0.03004262,-0.0300426,-0.03004257,-0.03004253,-0.0300425,-0.03004247,-0.03004245,-0.03004243,-0.03004242,-0.03004243,-0.03004245,-0.03004249,-0.03004253,-0.03004257,-0.03004261,-0.03004264,-0.03004264,-0.03004263,-0.0300426,-0.03004259,-0.03004259,-0.0300426,-0.03004261,-0.03004262,-0.03004262,-0.03004262,-0.03004262,-0.03004262,-0.03004262,-0.03004262 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770254384, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0905366316437721 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.09053666,0.09053666,0.09053665,0.09053664,0.09053662,0.0905366,0.09053658,0.09053656,0.09053656,0.09053656,0.09053656,0.09053658,0.0905366,0.09053663,0.09053665,0.09053668,0.09053669,0.0905367,0.09053669,0.09053667,0.09053665,0.09053665,0.09053665,0.09053665,0.09053666,0.09053666,0.09053666,0.09053666,0.09053666,0.09053666,0.09053666 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770258864, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0039091887883842 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.00390919,-0.003909194,-0.003909205,-0.003909222,-0.003909245,-0.003909271,-0.003909299,-0.003909325,-0.003909344,-0.003909353,-0.003909347,-0.003909326,-0.0039093,-0.003909274,-0.003909254,-0.00390924,-0.003909234,-0.003909232,-0.003909229,-0.003909226,-0.003909223,-0.003909217,-0.003909208,-0.003909199,-0.003909193,-0.00390919,-0.00390919,-0.00390919,-0.00390919,-0.00390919,-0.00390919 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770256624, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 12.6025743484497 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 193.8167,191.8779,186.5892,178.7366,169.258,159.2879,149.992,142.3435,137.0627,134.7608,137.1744,145.6134,161.0878,183.7189,207.9302,226.0513,236.3363,239.7225,232.0961,215.1131,202.1557,197.4709,194.9501,193.9377,193.7591,193.8167,193.8167,193.8167,193.8167,193.8167,193.8167 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770263344, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -105.362197875977 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -74.83086,-74.9417,-75.19536,-75.44221,-75.54307,-75.42735,-75.12697,-74.76907,-74.53654,-74.62043,-75.51696,-77.26711,-79.16196,-80.27999,-79.98868,-78.67992,-77.32775,-76.74767,-77.39803,-78.03456,-77.73248,-77.08703,-76.30746,-75.57401,-75.0375,-74.83086,-74.83086,-74.83086,-74.83086,-74.83086,-74.83086 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770254864, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 70.8833541870117 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -106.8714,-105.3888,-101.3227,-95.24011,-87.85888,-80.09322,-72.88786,-66.99574,-62.91834,-61.0506,-62.87175,-69.80986,-83.22594,-103.5752,-125.5828,-141.844,-150.8481,-153.7559,-146.7916,-131.0656,-118.7354,-113.587,-110.182,-108.1633,-107.1576,-106.8714,-106.8714,-106.8714,-106.8714,-106.8714,-106.8714 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770258544, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.70310215708014e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.854e-07,1.442689e-07,5.298846e-08,-3.353625e-08,-1.019821e-07,-1.762157e-07,-2.473339e-07,-3.067603e-07,-3.470576e-07,-3.618745e-07,-3.592814e-07,-3.42516e-07,-2.9769e-07,-1.885957e-07,-2.135294e-08,1.492368e-07,2.739354e-07,3.211377e-07,3.111287e-07,2.846034e-07,2.475021e-07,2.061581e-07,1.674354e-07,1.388445e-07,1.278524e-07,1.323256e-07,1.431131e-07,1.569776e-07,1.707226e-07,1.812201e-07,1.854e-07 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770257904, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.113623663783073 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.1136238,0.1136238,0.1136239,0.1136239,0.113624,0.113624,0.1136241,0.1136241,0.1136241,0.1136241,0.1136241,0.1136241,0.1136241,0.113624,0.1136239,0.1136238,0.1136237,0.1136237,0.1136237,0.1136237,0.1136237,0.1136237,0.1136238,0.1136238,0.1136238,0.1136238,0.1136238,0.1136238,0.1136238,0.1136238,0.1136238 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770257104, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 6.00657230620527e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 9.663736e-08,9.196963e-08,8.585935e-08,9.121418e-08,1.083516e-07,1.385908e-07,1.798817e-07,2.248444e-07,2.616454e-07,2.767004e-07,2.677898e-07,2.415543e-07,2.004861e-07,1.442769e-07,1.017585e-07,1.043736e-07,1.402596e-07,1.630738e-07,1.565573e-07,1.404858e-07,1.206657e-07,1.022386e-07,8.861853e-08,8.075389e-08,7.814253e-08,7.927206e-08,8.235747e-08,8.665265e-08,9.1281e-08,9.50679e-08,9.663736e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770257264, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 86.2122802734375 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 88.91637,91.44391,96.46095,101.7891,107.5785,114.3469,121.1688,127.1616,131.437,133.0738,132.7862,131.2384,127.3373,118.3943,104.337,88.48281,75.21104,69.64048,71.0631,74.74819,79.78789,85.27578,90.30817,93.98385,95.40268,94.91554,93.7127,92.15265,90.594,89.3956,88.91637 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770261264, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 30.1330471038818 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 23.37095,22.92922,21.99856,20.05492,17.27988,13.85067,10.29336,7.127178,4.861492,3.996457,4.688913,6.586557,9.406738,13.4909,18.37672,22.64218,25.35955,26.27562,26.10797,25.68367,25.1046,24.47305,23.89208,23.46545,23.29721,23.29983,23.31304,23.33159,23.3505,23.3651,23.37095 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770257424, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 60.1058158874512 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 61.39257,65.63963,73.92284,79.94278,82.41854,84.19378,85.36272,86.04589,86.36902,86.45222,86.42361,86.07018,84.97587,81.74039,76.11747,69.54964,63.93171,61.53679,61.56078,61.66033,61.80089,61.95007,62.07935,62.1639,62.18079,62.10523,61.95449,61.7682,61.58599,61.44754,61.39257 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770261744, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 2.21450406456825e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 2.19357e-07,2.192115e-07,2.197288e-07,2.213402e-07,2.228202e-07,2.233805e-07,2.23401e-07,2.230993e-07,2.227556e-07,2.225939e-07,2.210429e-07,2.174608e-07,2.147374e-07,2.161064e-07,2.209229e-07,2.272516e-07,2.330277e-07,2.358586e-07,2.364012e-07,2.366389e-07,2.35941e-07,2.340335e-07,2.314262e-07,2.286924e-07,2.262208e-07,2.242615e-07,2.226778e-07,2.213219e-07,2.202718e-07,2.195961e-07,2.19357e-07 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770257584, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.196558818221092 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965589,0.196559,0.196559,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770257744, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.56779037752131e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -7.486896e-08,-1.637995e-07,-3.615632e-07,-5.413044e-07,-6.10962e-07,-5.917244e-07,-5.393534e-07,-4.655914e-07,-3.890543e-07,-3.336704e-07,-2.964083e-07,-2.622111e-07,-2.376452e-07,-2.245652e-07,-2.168201e-07,-2.09184e-07,-1.971689e-07,-1.765284e-07,-1.38389e-07,-8.931737e-08,-4.718636e-08,-2.880923e-08,-2.822882e-08,-2.84403e-08,-3.005908e-08,-3.369e-08,-4.101934e-08,-5.15712e-08,-6.261093e-08,-7.132864e-08,-7.486896e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770258064, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 26.9738311767578 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 18.34427,27.80655,48.62355,69.44055,78.90283,76.05058,69.00966,60.0539,51.45708,45.49302,42.08048,39.47576,37.45573,35.79614,34.27632,32.67506,30.77013,28.33822,24.26732,18.91221,14.24953,12.25594,12.30932,12.49464,12.8491,13.40993,14.35601,15.63384,16.93206,17.93933,18.34427 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770258704, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.126717776060104 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.1267186,0.1267177,0.1267175,0.1267193,0.1267208,0.1267203,0.1267193,0.1267195,0.1267189,0.1267187,-0.281803,-1.04049,-1.449013,-1.18698,-0.5621385,0.1836303,0.8084601,1.070487,1.054594,1.010348,0.9429058,0.8574213,0.7590497,0.6529459,0.5442647,0.4381607,0.3397886,0.2543032,0.1868596,0.142613,0.1267186 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770258224, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.679327070713043 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.6793246,-0.6793272,-0.6793333,-0.6793392,-0.6793417,-0.6793414,-0.6793401,-0.6793382,-0.6793361,-0.6793345,-0.8764304,-1.242473,-1.439589,-1.217403,-0.687586,-0.05522567,0.4745991,0.6967891,0.6736149,0.6091009,0.510763,0.3861169,0.2426792,0.08796684,-0.07050342,-0.2252151,-0.3686518,-0.4932971,-0.591635,-0.6561496,-0.6793246 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770261424, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 7.283912850653e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 5.641843e-08,5.389854e-08,4.635104e-08,3.446701e-08,1.60945e-08,-1.211832e-08,-4.767962e-08,-8.814106e-08,-1.152157e-07,-1.251177e-07,-1.171368e-07,-9.500651e-08,-6.862189e-08,-3.851285e-08,-9.345755e-09,1.51277e-08,3.536107e-08,4.503274e-08,4.764876e-08,5.20902e-08,5.502154e-08,5.636904e-08,5.661765e-08,5.644566e-08,5.633897e-08,5.650095e-08,5.666268e-08,5.666121e-08,5.657063e-08,5.646643e-08,5.641843e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770262544, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.236442223191261 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364421,0.2364421,0.2364421,0.2364421,0.2364421,0.2364421,0.2364421,0.2364421,0.2364421,0.2364421,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770259024, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -5.22454364215719e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -7.688875e-09,-1.4809e-08,-2.580734e-08,-2.023365e-08,6.845455e-09,3.827556e-08,6.875708e-08,9.381881e-08,1.103092e-07,1.161747e-07,1.124852e-07,1.02556e-07,8.773209e-08,6.939903e-08,4.918219e-08,2.932734e-08,1.262906e-08,1.363158e-09,-5.180883e-09,-9.222152e-09,-1.149845e-08,-1.263713e-08,-1.293398e-08,-1.264695e-08,-1.203108e-08,-1.122451e-08,-1.030221e-08,-9.36488e-09,-8.531219e-09,-7.92592e-09,-7.688875e-09 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770259344, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -157.536483764648 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 406.8366,385.7286,299.1619,267.6362,245.5399,224.986,210.7698,202.1364,197.4166,195.8359,196.9309,200.011,204.907,211.4795,219.4029,227.96,236.0107,242.2061,246.7857,251.2779,256.3343,262.9881,273.3993,292.8243,329.1619,367.1014,387.6422,397.7747,403.1574,405.9394,406.8366 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770260944, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 72.1689910888672 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 103.3727,98.6505,98.49323,103.6386,104.9353,108.2398,113.0216,117.9341,121.6793,123.1452,122.5636,121.0382,118.9425,116.6707,114.5753,112.88,111.5963,110.5122,109.0819,107.0407,104.5098,101.6491,98.68656,96.04332,94.68639,95.55635,97.65263,99.85911,101.7005,102.93,103.3727 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770259664, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -152.439712524414 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 408.6314,388.1509,302.2436,270.6801,247.2122,223.4155,205.1698,192.6815,185.1061,182.4082,184.3792,189.7978,198.074,208.633,220.6703,232.9351,243.7024,251.0046,255.6183,260.007,264.799,271.0172,280.8265,299.5034,334.9821,372.0017,391.6233,400.9089,405.5939,407.9052,408.6314 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770254544, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0403937101364136 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.04042932,-0.04044408,-0.04055836,-0.04070431,-0.0408044,-0.04094348,-0.04110438,-0.04125891,-0.04137434,-0.04141913,-0.04140398,-0.04136214,-0.0412992,-0.0412216,-0.04113702,-0.04105397,-0.0409806,-0.04092336,-0.04086974,-0.04080697,-0.04073969,-0.04067263,-0.04061009,-0.04055547,-0.04051096,-0.04047742,-0.0404544,-0.04044037,-0.04043306,-0.04043005,-0.04042932 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770259824, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0273479726165533 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.02742649,0.02716772,0.02669025,0.02643664,0.02642909,0.02642508,0.02642735,0.02643547,0.02644522,0.02644992,0.02644408,0.02642967,0.02641167,0.02639424,0.02638,0.02637007,0.02636468,0.02636374,0.02638164,0.02642951,0.02650265,0.02659627,0.02670531,0.02682433,0.02694747,0.02706861,0.02718147,0.02727978,0.02735737,0.02740824,0.02742649 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770260304, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0291901621967554 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.02950654,-0.02957241,-0.02974204,-0.02994464,-0.03016848,-0.03041119,-0.03063462,-0.03081171,-0.0309264,-0.03096756,-0.03095187,-0.03090796,-0.03083967,-0.03075079,-0.03064652,-0.03053471,-0.03042643,-0.03033506,-0.03025567,-0.03017401,-0.03009029,-0.03000529,-0.02992044,-0.02983776,-0.0297596,-0.02968842,-0.02962653,-0.02957591,-0.02953819,-0.02951467,-0.02950654 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770253584, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -73.1584320068359 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -73.15843,-73.15843,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15843,-73.15843,-73.15843,-73.15843,-73.15843,-73.15843,-73.15843 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770260464, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -71.1912155151367 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770260624, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 114.995620727539 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 114.9956,114.9956,114.9956,114.9956,114.9956,114.9956,114.9956,114.9956,114.9956,114.9956,114.9956,114.9956,114.9956,114.9956,114.9956,114.9956,114.9956,114.9956,114.9956,114.9956,114.9956,114.9956,114.9956,114.9956,114.9956,114.9956,114.9956,114.9956,114.9956,114.9956,114.9956 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770261104, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.77210893070878e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.772836e-07,-1.770055e-07,-1.762372e-07,-1.755521e-07,-1.753433e-07,-1.754349e-07,-1.75686e-07,-1.759925e-07,-1.762492e-07,-1.763621e-07,-1.763374e-07,-1.762639e-07,-1.761913e-07,-1.761524e-07,-1.761631e-07,-1.762043e-07,-1.762385e-07,-1.762504e-07,-1.76199e-07,-1.76115e-07,-1.761032e-07,-1.761767e-07,-1.762854e-07,-1.764379e-07,-1.766219e-07,-1.7681e-07,-1.769747e-07,-1.771075e-07,-1.772043e-07,-1.772633e-07,-1.772836e-07 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770254704, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0677624195814133 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770261904, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.59144324385352e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.510313e-08,1.677842e-08,1.937465e-08,2.026978e-08,2.010832e-08,2.001353e-08,1.978306e-08,1.935162e-08,1.882743e-08,1.85338e-08,1.863628e-08,1.895121e-08,1.932801e-08,1.962474e-08,1.968759e-08,1.947933e-08,1.920157e-08,1.90659e-08,1.91016e-08,1.916212e-08,1.913446e-08,1.903741e-08,1.884659e-08,1.847102e-08,1.792971e-08,1.729171e-08,1.664162e-08,1.604348e-08,1.55528e-08,1.5223e-08,1.510313e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770262064, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -38.9348678588867 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -38.93487,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93487,-38.93487 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770262224, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -14.0069561004639 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770262864, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 9.36159133911133 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 9.361592,9.361591,9.361591,9.361591,9.361592,9.361594,9.361595,9.361596,9.361596,9.361597,9.361597,9.361597,9.361596,9.361596,9.361596,9.361596,9.361595,9.361595,9.361595,9.361595,9.361594,9.361593,9.361592,9.361592,9.361591,9.361591,9.361592,9.361592,9.361592,9.361592,9.361592 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770253424, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -5.36323270239336e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -5.338587e-08,-5.387251e-08,-5.397584e-08,-5.372385e-08,-5.35358e-08,-5.32343e-08,-5.301594e-08,-5.291298e-08,-5.28902e-08,-5.286611e-08,-5.276038e-08,-5.25863e-08,-5.241747e-08,-5.230702e-08,-5.229895e-08,-5.233085e-08,-5.232735e-08,-5.231596e-08,-5.235271e-08,-5.245495e-08,-5.265931e-08,-5.30084e-08,-5.340259e-08,-5.371933e-08,-5.389722e-08,-5.391981e-08,-5.384933e-08,-5.333467e-08,-5.337316e-08,-5.338449e-08,-5.338587e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770263024, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.034581296145916 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770264144, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -8.27928747781925e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -8.639875e-09,-8.073703e-09,-6.783426e-09,-5.793305e-09,-5.697993e-09,-6.002722e-09,-6.46149e-09,-6.962208e-09,-7.38537e-09,-7.630337e-09,-7.700941e-09,-7.676646e-09,-7.568178e-09,-7.390739e-09,-7.141327e-09,-6.831268e-09,-6.539016e-09,-6.38748e-09,-6.436582e-09,-6.621013e-09,-6.82508e-09,-6.976346e-09,-7.122495e-09,-7.297021e-09,-7.524273e-09,-7.799867e-09,-8.070931e-09,-8.404607e-09,-8.532525e-09,-8.612107e-09,-8.639875e-09 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770264624, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 19.1501731872559 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 19.15017,19.15017,19.15018,19.15018,19.15018,19.15018,19.15018,19.15018,19.15018,19.15018,19.15018,19.15018,19.15018,19.15018,19.15018,19.15018,19.15018,19.15018,19.15018,19.15018,19.15018,19.15018,19.15018,19.15018,19.15018,19.15018,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770264304, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 9.06503295898438 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 9.065032,9.065033,9.065033,9.065034,9.065034,9.065034,9.065034,9.065034,9.065034,9.065034,9.065034,9.065034,9.065034,9.065034,9.065034,9.065034,9.065034,9.065035,9.065034,9.065034,9.065034,9.065034,9.065033,9.065033,9.065033,9.065033,9.065033,9.065032,9.065032,9.065032,9.065032 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770263984, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -6.24615430831909 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -6.246155,-6.246154,-6.246153,-6.246153,-6.246153,-6.246153,-6.246153,-6.246153,-6.246154,-6.246154,-6.246154,-6.246154,-6.246154,-6.246153,-6.246153,-6.246153,-6.246153,-6.246153,-6.246153,-6.246153,-6.246153,-6.246153,-6.246154,-6.246154,-6.246154,-6.246154,-6.246154,-6.246156,-6.246155,-6.246155,-6.246155 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770263824, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0405977219343185 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.04056212,0.04054735,0.04043306,0.04028712,0.04018703,0.04004795,0.03988705,0.03973252,0.03961709,0.0395723,0.03958745,0.03962928,0.03969223,0.03976983,0.03985441,0.03993746,0.04001083,0.04006806,0.04012169,0.04018446,0.04025174,0.0403188,0.04038133,0.04043596,0.04048047,0.04051401,0.04053703,0.04055107,0.04055837,0.04056138,0.04056212 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770263664, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0816560313105583 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.08173455,0.08147579,0.0809983,0.08074469,0.08073714,0.08073314,0.0807354,0.08074352,0.08075327,0.08075798,0.08075213,0.08073772,0.08071972,0.0807023,0.08068805,0.08067813,0.08067273,0.08067179,0.08068969,0.08073757,0.0808107,0.08090432,0.08101337,0.08113238,0.08125553,0.08137667,0.08148953,0.08158784,0.08166543,0.0817163,0.08173455 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770265424, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.012502932921052 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.01218655,0.01212069,0.01195105,0.01174845,0.01152461,0.0112819,0.01105846,0.01088138,0.01076669,0.01072553,0.01074122,0.01078513,0.01085342,0.0109423,0.01104657,0.01115838,0.01126666,0.01135803,0.01143743,0.01151908,0.0116028,0.01168781,0.01177265,0.01185534,0.0119335,0.01200468,0.01206657,0.01211718,0.0121549,0.01217843,0.01218655 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770264944, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -12.2828350067139 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284,-12.28284 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770264784, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -3.03492569923401 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -3.034925,-3.034925,-3.034925,-3.034925,-3.034924,-3.034924,-3.034923,-3.034923,-3.034923,-3.034923,-3.034923,-3.034923,-3.034923,-3.034923,-3.034923,-3.034923,-3.034923,-3.034923,-3.034923,-3.034924,-3.034924,-3.034924,-3.034925,-3.034925,-3.034925,-3.034925,-3.034925,-3.034925,-3.034925,-3.034925,-3.034925 + } + 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-5.865389,-5.86539,-5.865393,-5.865394,-5.865395,-5.865395,-5.865394,-5.865394,-5.865393,-5.865393,-5.865393,-5.865393,-5.865394,-5.865394,-5.865394,-5.865394,-5.865394,-5.865394,-5.865394,-5.865394,-5.865393,-5.865393,-5.865392,-5.865392,-5.865391,-5.865391,-5.86539,-5.86539,-5.865389,-5.865389,-5.865389 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770264464, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -6.1282885432945e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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+ } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770236304, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -6.66484183398097e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770235504, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 3.00429487228394 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770237104, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.665262639522552 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.6652627,-0.6652626,-0.6652626,-0.6652627,-0.6652627,-0.6652626,-0.6652626,-0.6652625,-0.6652625,-0.6652625,-0.6652624,-0.6652624,-0.6652624,-0.6652624,-0.6652625,-0.6652626,-0.6652627,-0.6652627,-0.6652627,-0.6652627,-0.6652626,-0.6652626,-0.6652626,-0.6652626,-0.6652626,-0.6652626,-0.6652626,-0.6652626,-0.6652626,-0.6652627,-0.6652627 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770233584, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -9.60147794604183e-11 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 8.043288e-10,6.837364e-12,-1.56881e-09,-2.400165e-09,-2.140578e-09,-1.585901e-09,-8.655696e-10,-7.653855e-11,6.168531e-10,9.841309e-10,9.804297e-10,7.652217e-10,3.93609e-10,-3.914619e-11,-4.509019e-10,-8.009771e-10,-1.055116e-09,-1.185683e-09,-1.225153e-09,-1.203016e-09,-1.131548e-09,-1.05952e-09,-9.646246e-10,-7.896339e-10,-5.268865e-10,-2.057288e-10,1.135501e-10,3.917893e-10,6.104922e-10,7.531962e-10,8.043288e-10 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770240144, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0303717795759439 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770241104, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.09520552626918e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.111556e-08,1.119753e-08,1.147786e-08,1.184645e-08,1.201401e-08,1.189836e-08,1.170205e-08,1.152321e-08,1.14141e-08,1.136947e-08,1.133623e-08,1.128189e-08,1.121303e-08,1.114637e-08,1.111093e-08,1.111138e-08,1.11246e-08,1.113237e-08,1.116598e-08,1.122958e-08,1.128159e-08,1.132557e-08,1.13703e-08,1.138782e-08,1.136547e-08,1.130807e-08,1.124374e-08,1.11896e-08,1.114911e-08,1.112411e-08,1.111556e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770240944, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -13.0111513137817 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770237904, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -21.3016567230225 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770238064, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 8.7448673248291 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 8.744868,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744868,8.744868,8.744868,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744868 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770233104, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0100918095558882 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.01012742,-0.01014218,-0.01025647,-0.01040241,-0.0105025,-0.01064158,-0.01080248,-0.01095701,-0.01107245,-0.01111724,-0.01110209,-0.01106025,-0.01099731,-0.01091971,-0.01083512,-0.01075207,-0.0106787,-0.01062147,-0.01056785,-0.01050507,-0.01043779,-0.01037074,-0.0103082,-0.01025357,-0.01020906,-0.01017552,-0.0101525,-0.01013847,-0.01013117,-0.01012815,-0.01012742 + } + 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} + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770235824, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -5.97727823257446 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -5.977278,-5.977279,-5.977281,-5.977282,-5.977283,-5.977283,-5.977282,-5.977282,-5.977281,-5.977281,-5.977281,-5.977281,-5.97728,-5.97728,-5.977279,-5.977279,-5.977279,-5.977279,-5.977279,-5.977279,-5.977279,-5.977279,-5.977279,-5.97728,-5.97728,-5.977279,-5.977279,-5.977279,-5.977278,-5.977278,-5.977278 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770240304, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -7.79978322982788 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -7.799782,-7.799782,-7.799783,-7.799782,-7.799782,-7.799782,-7.799781,-7.799781,-7.79978,-7.79978,-7.79978,-7.79978,-7.799781,-7.799781,-7.799781,-7.799781,-7.799781,-7.799781,-7.799781,-7.799781,-7.799782,-7.799782,-7.799782,-7.799782,-7.799782,-7.799782,-7.799782,-7.799782,-7.799782,-7.799782,-7.799782 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770237744, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -3.88530993461609 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -3.88531,-3.885311,-3.885314,-3.885315,-3.885316,-3.885316,-3.885315,-3.885314,-3.885314,-3.885314,-3.885314,-3.885314,-3.885314,-3.885315,-3.885315,-3.885315,-3.885315,-3.885315,-3.885315,-3.885315,-3.885314,-3.885314,-3.885314,-3.885313,-3.885312,-3.885312,-3.885311,-3.885311,-3.88531,-3.88531,-3.88531 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770236144, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 3.18717319203188e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 3.253966e-08,3.100857e-08,2.766465e-08,2.545757e-08,2.514372e-08,2.532987e-08,2.586756e-08,2.665425e-08,2.745063e-08,2.791339e-08,2.791388e-08,2.765728e-08,2.728323e-08,2.690145e-08,2.65963e-08,2.635682e-08,2.612938e-08,2.599937e-08,2.610338e-08,2.644597e-08,2.692311e-08,2.743771e-08,2.802294e-08,2.870379e-08,2.947246e-08,3.027762e-08,3.10285e-08,3.165612e-08,3.213173e-08,3.243336e-08,3.253966e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770239024, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0434719435870647 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770234064, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.49471430180392e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -2.502053e-08,-2.485533e-08,-2.44026e-08,-2.403033e-08,-2.394028e-08,-2.396314e-08,-2.405697e-08,-2.418935e-08,-2.431402e-08,-2.437942e-08,-2.437333e-08,-2.433154e-08,-2.42784e-08,-2.42309e-08,-2.419907e-08,-2.417405e-08,-2.414537e-08,-2.412778e-08,-2.41329e-08,-2.416331e-08,-2.422498e-08,-2.431148e-08,-2.441205e-08,-2.452304e-08,-2.46391e-08,-2.475042e-08,-2.484646e-08,-2.492225e-08,-2.497652e-08,-2.500931e-08,-2.502053e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770241744, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -29.721399307251 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770239184, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.15102362632751 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -2.151024,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770234224, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 5.27616405487061 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770242544, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.83449895274634e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.923732e-08,1.821079e-08,1.614868e-08,1.499443e-08,1.515932e-08,1.565476e-08,1.635096e-08,1.715724e-08,1.789393e-08,1.829973e-08,1.830524e-08,1.808e-08,1.769555e-08,1.72513e-08,1.683216e-08,1.647333e-08,1.619766e-08,1.605375e-08,1.605809e-08,1.618162e-08,1.636604e-08,1.654139e-08,1.67468e-08,1.703797e-08,1.742332e-08,1.78704e-08,1.830817e-08,1.868538e-08,1.897908e-08,1.91694e-08,1.923732e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770235344, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0329715833067894 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770241904, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -5.17356788520829e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770239344, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0139611233025789 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.01364474,0.01357888,0.01340924,0.01320664,0.0129828,0.01274009,0.01251666,0.01233957,0.01222488,0.01218373,0.01219941,0.01224332,0.01231162,0.0124005,0.01250477,0.01261657,0.01272486,0.01281623,0.01289562,0.01297728,0.013061,0.013146,0.01323084,0.01331353,0.01339169,0.01346287,0.01352476,0.01357537,0.01361309,0.01363662,0.01364474 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + 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+ ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770241424, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.791421353816986 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.7914204,-0.7914208,-0.7914211,-0.7914208,-0.79142,-0.7914194,-0.791419,-0.7914186,-0.7914183,-0.7914182,-0.7914183,-0.7914183,-0.7914184,-0.7914187,-0.7914188,-0.7914188,-0.7914187,-0.7914186,-0.7914188,-0.7914191,-0.7914194,-0.7914199,-0.7914202,-0.7914205,-0.7914205,-0.7914205,-0.7914205,-0.7914205,-0.7914205,-0.7914204,-0.7914204 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770236944, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -5.84637451171875 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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2547770238224, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 3.32499183741675e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 3.99163e-09,2.325319e-09,-1.389824e-09,-3.907437e-09,-4.323455e-09,-4.169646e-09,-3.616694e-09,-2.780213e-09,-1.925181e-09,-1.424737e-09,-1.421437e-09,-1.694282e-09,-2.087233e-09,-2.484603e-09,-2.800417e-09,-3.055077e-09,-3.309547e-09,-3.455917e-09,-3.32634e-09,-2.917558e-09,-2.354738e-09,-1.746591e-09,-1.059439e-09,-2.753696e-10,5.951423e-10,1.496324e-09,2.330666e-09,3.02374e-09,3.545987e-09,3.875725e-09,3.99163e-09 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770238384, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0479044318199158 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770235024, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.16226495094907e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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*4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770238544, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -44.5218849182129 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + 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-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770234544, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 7.30820322036743 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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"" { + Default: 1.33397017876291e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.487277e-08,1.358756e-08,1.110706e-08,9.896532e-09,1.038285e-08,1.122244e-08,1.229875e-08,1.349927e-08,1.457901e-08,1.515713e-08,1.513429e-08,1.475724e-08,1.412159e-08,1.339098e-08,1.27133e-08,1.215588e-08,1.175868e-08,1.155472e-08,1.150629e-08,1.157108e-08,1.171338e-08,1.185576e-08,1.203779e-08,1.23404e-08,1.276959e-08,1.327856e-08,1.378079e-08,1.421944e-08,1.456523e-08,1.479151e-08,1.487277e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770236784, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0511242672801018 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770237424, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.42975366657083e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.430453e-07,-1.426233e-07,-1.414297e-07,-1.402833e-07,-1.400081e-07,-1.404188e-07,-1.410829e-07,-1.417619e-07,-1.422713e-07,-1.425094e-07,-1.425523e-07,-1.425375e-07,-1.424903e-07,-1.424273e-07,-1.423326e-07,-1.422004e-07,-1.42075e-07,-1.420065e-07,-1.419226e-07,-1.418083e-07,-1.417607e-07,-1.417638e-07,-1.417851e-07,-1.418814e-07,-1.420688e-07,-1.423209e-07,-1.425675e-07,-1.427704e-07,-1.429206e-07,-1.430134e-07,-1.430453e-07 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770238704, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -9.26884937286377 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -9.268849,-9.268848,-9.268847,-9.268846,-9.268846,-9.268847,-9.268847,-9.268847,-9.268848,-9.268848,-9.268848,-9.268848,-9.268848,-9.268848,-9.268848,-9.268848,-9.268848,-9.268848,-9.268848,-9.268847,-9.268847,-9.268847,-9.268847,-9.268847,-9.268848,-9.268848,-9.268848,-9.268849,-9.268849,-9.268849,-9.268849 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: 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2.127448,2.127449,2.127449,2.127449,2.127449,2.127449,2.127449,2.127449,2.127449,2.127449,2.127449,2.127449,2.127449,2.127449,2.127449,2.127448,2.127448,2.127448,2.127448,2.127448,2.127449,2.127449,2.127449,2.127449,2.127449,2.127449,2.127449,2.127449,2.127448,2.127448,2.127448 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770238864, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.02058041095734 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770239664, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0829842165112495 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770239824, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0150388218462467 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503883,-0.01503883,-0.01503883,-0.01503883,-0.01503883,-0.01503883,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770239984, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -89.8299942016602 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999,-89.82999 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770233904, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.48132073879242 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.481321,-1.48132,-1.481318,-1.481317,-1.481316,-1.481316,-1.481317,-1.481317,-1.481318,-1.481318,-1.481318,-1.481318,-1.481319,-1.481319,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.481321,-1.481321,-1.481321 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770242864, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 83.8638153076172 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86381,83.86381,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770240464, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.63122367666801e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.630123e-05,1.62986e-05,1.629155e-05,1.62851e-05,1.628161e-05,1.627781e-05,1.627294e-05,1.626524e-05,1.626124e-05,1.626003e-05,1.626175e-05,1.626675e-05,1.627097e-05,1.627566e-05,1.627996e-05,1.628336e-05,1.628725e-05,1.628889e-05,1.628883e-05,1.629012e-05,1.629088e-05,1.629104e-05,1.62908e-05,1.629128e-05,1.629342e-05,1.629557e-05,1.629753e-05,1.62991e-05,1.630026e-05,1.630099e-05,1.630123e-05 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770234384, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.128472685813904 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770243024, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -6.69184692014824e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -6.672762e-06,-6.669392e-06,-6.660538e-06,-6.648251e-06,-6.632411e-06,-6.613929e-06,-6.595356e-06,-6.57929e-06,-6.568152e-06,-6.564042e-06,-6.566089e-06,-6.571604e-06,-6.579815e-06,-6.589931e-06,-6.601072e-06,-6.612074e-06,-6.621526e-06,-6.628345e-06,-6.633475e-06,-6.638362e-06,-6.643133e-06,-6.647866e-06,-6.652476e-06,-6.656715e-06,-6.660408e-06,-6.663822e-06,-6.666822e-06,-6.669301e-06,-6.671172e-06,-6.672351e-06,-6.672762e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770234704, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.053307056427 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.026483,1.021558,1.008507,1.002663,1.009233,1.017185,1.025349,1.032556,1.037675,1.039619,1.038756,1.0364,1.032899,1.028623,1.023984,1.01943,1.015426,1.012433,1.010114,1.007836,1.005606,1.003437,1.00135,1.002005,1.007868,1.013136,1.017682,1.021392,1.024158,1.025886,1.026483 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770233264, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.999999761581421 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999999,0.9999999,0.9999999,0.9999999,0.9999999,0.9999999,0.9999999,0.9999999,0.9999999,0.9999999,0.9999999,0.9999999,0.9999999,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770240624, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.05330693721771 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.026483,1.021558,1.008507,1.002663,1.009233,1.017185,1.025349,1.032556,1.037675,1.039619,1.038756,1.0364,1.032898,1.028622,1.023984,1.01943,1.015425,1.012433,1.010114,1.007836,1.005606,1.003437,1.00135,1.002005,1.007868,1.013136,1.017682,1.021392,1.024158,1.025886,1.026483 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770240784, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.00219446606934071 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.002188053,-0.002186981,-0.002184232,-0.002180786,-0.002177075,-0.002173569,-0.002170877,-0.002169241,-0.002168533,-0.002168392,-0.002168553,-0.002168998,-0.002169769,-0.002170922,-0.002172462,-0.002174223,-0.002175858,-0.002177088,-0.002178044,-0.002178976,-0.002179943,-0.002180983,-0.002182064,-0.002183156,-0.002184235,-0.002185261,-0.002186182,-0.002186955,-0.002187546,-0.002187921,-0.002188053 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770232944, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 7.18471384048462 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 3.569402,2.905611,1.146591,-1.150687,-3.989875,-7.426379,-10.95437,-14.06904,-16.28094,-17.12113,-16.74806,-15.73007,-14.2169,-12.36911,-10.36473,-8.396757,-6.666077,-5.372852,-4.370741,-3.386223,-2.422578,-1.485314,-0.5834865,0.2702459,1.060482,1.770419,2.383244,2.883201,3.256071,3.488946,3.569402 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770233424, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0185464695096016 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.01856084,0.01856341,0.01857021,0.01857886,0.01858924,0.01860172,0.01861456,0.01862716,0.01863541,0.01863857,0.01863719,0.01863278,0.01862745,0.01862093,0.01861387,0.01860689,0.01859998,0.01859514,0.01859182,0.01858786,0.01858407,0.01858046,0.01857698,0.01857368,0.01857063,0.01856788,0.01856549,0.01856354,0.01856208,0.01856116,0.01856084 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770233744, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00195578439161181 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955785,0.001955785,0.001955785,0.001955785,0.001955785,0.001955785,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770235184, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0285587273538113 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547770236624, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.000204133815714158 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394512592, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -5.89908177062171e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -5.900332e-06,-5.900493e-06,-5.900669e-06,-5.900298e-06,-5.899293e-06,-5.898476e-06,-5.898112e-06,-4.609366e-06,-4.545564e-06,-4.5298e-06,-4.632223e-06,-5.899035e-06,-5.899491e-06,-5.900085e-06,-5.901296e-06,-5.903396e-06,-7.125767e-06,-7.235802e-06,-5.905281e-06,-5.902771e-06,-5.900643e-06,-5.899773e-06,-5.899548e-06,-5.899777e-06,-5.900125e-06,-5.900289e-06,-5.900289e-06,-5.900295e-06,-5.90031e-06,-5.900325e-06,-5.900332e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394511312, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.303771555423737 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394510512, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.647000014781952 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394512752, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.647000014781952 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394511792, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.647000014781952 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394509392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.50182104334817e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.541303e-05,-1.535278e-05,-1.519155e-05,-1.496002e-05,-1.469121e-05,-1.441888e-05,-1.417386e-05,-1.398058e-05,-1.385629e-05,-1.381446e-05,-1.387881e-05,-1.404675e-05,-1.429242e-05,-1.457976e-05,-1.48639e-05,-1.51019e-05,-1.526155e-05,-1.531983e-05,-1.52434e-05,-1.508878e-05,-1.500326e-05,-1.50528e-05,-1.515442e-05,-1.527291e-05,-1.537167e-05,-1.541303e-05,-1.541303e-05,-1.541303e-05,-1.541303e-05,-1.541303e-05,-1.541303e-05 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394514352, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.77786350832321e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 3.774096e-06,3.726509e-06,3.598614e-06,3.413179e-06,3.194406e-06,2.967539e-06,2.757083e-06,2.584833e-06,2.469164e-06,2.426565e-06,2.5152e-06,2.756167e-06,3.109384e-06,3.524e-06,3.939272e-06,4.294619e-06,4.538726e-06,4.629287e-06,4.480185e-06,4.174962e-06,3.947612e-06,3.862805e-06,3.811443e-06,3.785119e-06,3.775453e-06,3.774096e-06,3.774096e-06,3.774096e-06,3.774096e-06,3.774096e-06,3.774096e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394509552, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0300423558801413 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394508432, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0905367061495781 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394509712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.43431670949212e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394508592, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -89.9999542236328 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394509872, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.00202373904176056 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394510192, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.113191448152065 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394510032, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00513264304026961 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643,0.005132643 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394507952, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -33.6653175354004 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394515152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -94.1707077026367 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394510352, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 28.0321292877197 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 28.03213,28.03213,28.03213,28.03213,28.03213,28.03213,28.03213,28.03213,28.03213,28.03213,28.03213,28.03213,28.03213,28.03213,28.03213,28.03213,28.03213,28.03213,28.03213,28.03213,28.03213,28.03213,28.03213,28.03213,28.03213,28.03213,28.03213,28.03213,28.03213,28.03213,28.03213 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394514672, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.1299333664283e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394511952, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 5.31262820402389e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394514512, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.679323554039001 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394511152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 7.66645655403408e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394511472, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.20056526498047e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394507792, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 91.7530212402344 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394512272, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0425888262689114 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883,0.04258883 + } + 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394506672, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -73.1584396362305 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394513392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 71.1912155151367 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394513552, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -114.995635986328 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394513712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.71516478530975e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394513872, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0677616447210312 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394514832, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 14.0069551467896 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 14.00696,14.00696,14.00696,14.00696,14.00696,14.00696,14.00696,14.00696,14.00696,14.00696,14.00696,14.00696,14.00696,14.00696,14.00696,14.00696,14.00696,14.00696,14.00696,14.00696,14.00696,14.00696,14.00696,14.00696,14.00696,14.00696,14.00696,14.00696,14.00696,14.00696,14.00696 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394514992, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -9.3615894317627 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589,-9.361589 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394515472, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.18733404722116e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394515632, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 19.1501731872559 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394515952, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -9.06503486633301 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394516112, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 6.24615573883057 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + 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-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394516432, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0819994658231735 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394516272, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.012622743844986 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274,0.01262274 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394506352, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -12.2828130722046 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394506512, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 3.03488826751709 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394508112, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 5.86538171768188 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394520112, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.03942420284875e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07,-2.039424e-07 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394525872, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0453930757939816 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308,0.04539308 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394522672, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 2.85426449408988e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394521552, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -35.1920890808105 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394521392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -3.00429606437683 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394521712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.665260016918182 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394520272, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.46733014627642e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394518032, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0303718987852335 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394524592, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -13.0111513137817 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394517072, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 21.3016567230225 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394523472, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -8.74486827850342 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394526032, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0122869359329343 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694,0.01228694 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394520752, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0956599414348602 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394516592, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0053441715426743 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394522992, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 7.79974508285522 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394521872, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 3.8853063583374 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394525712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -3.50366747170483e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394526192, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0434722267091274 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394516912, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 2.29175748245325e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: 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-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394520432, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 2.15102314949036 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394524752, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -5.27616310119629 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394517392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 8.2522477740099e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161,0.03297161 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394518192, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 4.00612059081595e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08,4.006121e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: 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-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394522032, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 7.84207487106323 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394519152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -3.89386105537415 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394518512, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0593406148254871 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061,0.05934061 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + 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Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394522512, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -7.818320568731e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394520592, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 5.50229117379786e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: 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-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394519472, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 9.14817905426025 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394519632, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -7.30820369720459 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204,-7.308204 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394525232, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -6.76170097690942e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09,-6.761701e-09 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394520912, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.051124207675457 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394521072, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.03477465987589e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394523792, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -9.26884460449219 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394522832, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.12744784355164 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + 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*1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394523152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00632878951728344 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394523312, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0829842239618301 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394524272, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0150388218462467 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394525392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -89.8300018310547 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83 + } + 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1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394532592, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -83.8638229370117 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394536432, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.237498872797e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394534992, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.128472313284874 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394536912, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -6.52509925203049e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394527152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.00187706947327 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394529392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.999999821186066 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394527632, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.012298135086894 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: 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-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394528272, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.00194860715419054 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394538512, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394537072, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0116014089435339 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394537232, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 5.27514421264641e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: 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-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2544394538832, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00160507846157998 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078,0.001605078 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589089152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0110504319891334 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589096832, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0157141759991646 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589092992, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -7.80725895310752e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589093632, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.00386412395164371 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589090112, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0823321416974068 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589096192, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589093792, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589090592, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589096512, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 72.8950424194336 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589097152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 7.20625638961792 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589091232, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -95.7375717163086 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756,-95.73756 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589094432, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0821198672056198 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987,0.08211987 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589094752, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589087712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589092512, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589095232, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 72.8962554931641 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589091392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -7.20638275146484 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589087872, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 95.727653503418 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589093952, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 5.36807601747569e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589096352, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0263391975313425 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392,0.0263392 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589088032, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589091712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589095552, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589092832, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.6843147277832 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589093152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.125841483473778 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589094112, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00974043738096952 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315,0.0003205315 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589115392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0103600397706032 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589114592, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.034866489470005 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589114112, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589117312, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589111872, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589111552, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -6.16354274749756 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589113472, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00254593440331519 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589109632, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0405923612415791 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589115712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0803716257214546 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163 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0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589110592, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589110752, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589113312, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589112992, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 90.2242813110352 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589113792, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.000950568064581603 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589111712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.00102453993167728 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589114272, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0608725622296333 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589111072, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0136219803243876 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589114752, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589111392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589114432, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 5.51124811172485 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589116032, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -6.38867390989617e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589119392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -8.64013563841581e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589119712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.42648577821092e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545589118752, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00853624753654003 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545592359728, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00164916855283082 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545592352048, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545592356688, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545592353168, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545592358448, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -114.598731994629 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545592359888, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0615913793444633 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545592358928, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00488932384178042 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 123163088000,124702626600,126242165200,127781703800,129321242400,130860781000,132400319600,133939858200,135479396800,137018935400,138558474000,140098012600,141637551200,143177089800,144716628400,146256167000,147795705600,149335244200,150874782800,152414321400,153953860000,155493398600,157032937200,158572475800,160112014400,161651553000,163191091600,164730630200,166270168800,167809707400,169349246000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274460624, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274456880, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274453552, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274450640, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274460832, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274449600, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274449808, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274453760, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274461664, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274457088, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274452512, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274453968, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274452304, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274450432, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274454384, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274455840, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274453136, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274456048, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274460416, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274450848, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274456256, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274459792, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274449392, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274462288, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274458336, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274458544, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274452720, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274452928, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274453344, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274450016, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274451264, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274451472, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274455632, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274461248, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274450224, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274454592, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274451680, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274454176, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274451056, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274462080, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274454800, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274459584, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274451888, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + 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"AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274456464, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274460000, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274456672, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274457504, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274457712, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274459376, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", 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"AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274471648, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274471856, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274466032, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274473728, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274473104, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274465616, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274470400, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274466864, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274466240, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274468320, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274466448, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274463120, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274466656, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + 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"AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274467072, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274469360, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274470608, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274467280, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274462496, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274471440, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274467696, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274475184, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274467904, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274464576, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274467488, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274463536, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274472480, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274468112, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274464368, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274463328, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274472064, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274475392, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274473312, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274463744, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274468736, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274472272, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274473936, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274474352, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274468944, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274465200, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274469568, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274469776, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274474560, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274474768, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274474976, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274463952, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2549274464160, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + 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"" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",5.5321426406766 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-0.000947134685043659 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-9.17348370547018e-05 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2545487010352, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.0965629242076998 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-0.0293150232829077 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.00319984732738317 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2545487009520, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000262260437 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.00000023841858 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000298023224 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2545487010144, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",172.17073059082 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-0.0705194920301439 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",7.40674495697022 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2545487009936, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-7.56699453097198e-10 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.357624053955104 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-2.32830615898294e-10 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2545487010560, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.99999988079071 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.999999940395355 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2545487010768, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",11.7075147628784 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-0.434414029121399 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.08978068828583 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2545487010976, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",2.59024071636027e-09 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.409610807895692 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-6.28642757294351e-09 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2545487008896, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.99999988079071 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.999999821186066 + P: 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P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",5.50229099616217e-07 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2546662725568, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2546662725984, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-44.521866361202 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",9.14817919269564 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-7.30820379688786 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2546662734928, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-6.76170106017615e-09 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.0511242076468898 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-2.03477465987589e-08 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2546662732640, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000011920929 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.999999940395355 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000011920929 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2546662730560, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-9.26884444672588 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-2.12744779978065 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-1.02058038937878 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2546662723904, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.00632878959282359 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.0829842242537248 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-0.0150388219051298 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2546662735136, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.999999940395355 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2546662735968, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-89.8299988551375 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.48131287004153 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-83.8638209706944 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2546662724528, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-1.23749884097801e-05 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.128472317156832 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-6.5250991856669e-06 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2546662731392, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00187703952827 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.999999821037028 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.0018770993942 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2546662726400, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-0.0122981349650266 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.976156521302198 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-0.03008079169553 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2546662732016, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-0.00194860717646383 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.0285582366199225 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-0.000203577646040315 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2546662732224, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.999999999384937 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000061521 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2546662735344, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.0116014086331215 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",5.27514404359037e-05 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-0.303750850450818 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2546662735552, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.00160507846822671 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.0110504320660471 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-0.015714176606795 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2546662724736, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.999999999384938 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000061521 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2546662732432, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",3.68241464225409e-06 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-7.80725858104233e-06 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",9.04828096396796e-08 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2546662730976, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.0830906754464582 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-0.00386412396774527 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.0823321414501396 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2546662725152, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2546662726608, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",72.8950440915413 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",7.20625621047189 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-95.7375689884457 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2543722685424, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-0.0827307866598292 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-0.0044871801218056 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.0821198691599855 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2543722689584, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000007 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2543722684384, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",72.8962546064729 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-7.20638273169096 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",95.7276572739579 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2543722686048, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",5.36807611921357e-05 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.0272703516790411 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.0263391973226648 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2543722687712, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000007 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2543722690000, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-1.68431468702659 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.125841487526923 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.00974043725962855 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2543722689792, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.00032053146663977 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-0.0103600394883753 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.0348664878694368 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2543722690208, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000007 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2543722685008, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-6.1635428723032 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.00254593445326483 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.0405923623956631 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2543722685632, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-1.13576792095427e-06 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.080371624169121 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.0618293221830551 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2543722688960, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2543722689168, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",90.2242776073233 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.000950568069675175 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-0.0010245399775056 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2543722686672, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-1.93046551725719e-06 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.0608725616047077 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.0136219804692873 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2543722683136, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2543722690624, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",5.51124823698048 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-6.38867397889428e-07 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-8.64013544618061e-05 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2543722690416, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-1.42648575961617e-05 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.00853624773567363 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.00164916857766338 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2543722686256, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2543722686880, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-114.598729912761 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-0.0615913787730125 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.00488932371230835 + } + } + AnimationLayer: 2547515605184, "AnimLayer::BaseLayer", "" { + } + AnimationLayer: 2547515589680, "AnimLayer::Fingers", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "Lock", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "Color", "ColorRGB", "Color", "",0.5,1,0 + P: "RotationAccumulationMode", "enum", "", "",1 + } + } + AnimationLayer: 2547515600016, "AnimLayer::LowerBody", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "Mute", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "Lock", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "Color", "ColorRGB", "Color", "",0.5,1,0 + P: "RotationAccumulationMode", "enum", "", "",1 + } + } + AnimationLayer: 2547515597280, "AnimLayer::UpperBody", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "Color", "ColorRGB", "Color", "",0.5,1,0 + P: "RotationAccumulationMode", "enum", "", "",1 + } + } + AnimationLayer: 2547515592416, "AnimLayer::UpperBodyTPose", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "Color", "ColorRGB", "Color", "",0.5,1,0 + P: "BlendMode", "enum", "", "",2 + P: "RotationAccumulationMode", "enum", "", "",1 + } + } +} + +; Object connections +;------------------------------------------------------------------ + +Connections: { + + ;Model::HumanArmature, Model::RootNode + C: "OO",2548018086112,0 + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::HumanArmature + C: "OO",2548731888848,2548018086112 + + ;Model::hips, Model::HumanArmature + C: "OO",2548018109312,2548018086112 + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::hips + C: "OO",2547767498416,2548018109312 + + ;Model::thigh_l, Model::hips + C: "OO",2548018100032,2548018109312 + + ;Model::thigh_r, Model::hips + C: "OO",2548018090752,2548018109312 + + ;Model::spine, Model::hips + C: "OO",2549132828656,2548018109312 + + ;Model::belly, Model::hips + C: "OO",2549272967968,2548018109312 + + ;Model::waist, Model::hips + C: "OO",2549272970288,2548018109312 + + ;Model::butt, Model::hips + C: "OO",2549272974928,2548018109312 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::hips + C: "OP",2549274444816,2548018109312, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::hips + C: "OP",2545487009312,2548018109312, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::hips + C: "OP",2545487009728,2548018109312, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::hips + C: "OP",2549274460624,2548018109312, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::hips + C: "OP",2549274456880,2548018109312, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::thigh_l + C: "OO",2547767503792,2548018100032 + + ;Model::lower_leg_l, Model::thigh_l + C: "OO",2548018106992,2548018100032 + + ;Model::width_thigh_l, Model::thigh_l + C: "OO",2548018083792,2548018100032 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::thigh_l + C: "OP",2545487010352,2548018100032, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::thigh_l + C: "OP",2545487010144,2548018100032, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::thigh_l + C: "OP",2545487009520,2548018100032, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::thigh_l + C: "OP",2549274453552,2548018100032, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::thigh_l + C: "OP",2549274450640,2548018100032, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::lower_leg_l + C: "OO",2547767499760,2548018106992 + + ;Model::foot_l, Model::lower_leg_l + C: "OO",2548018111632,2548018106992 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::lower_leg_l + C: "OP",2545487009936,2548018106992, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::lower_leg_l + C: "OP",2545487010768,2548018106992, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::lower_leg_l + C: "OP",2545487010560,2548018106992, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::lower_leg_l + C: "OP",2549274460832,2548018106992, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::lower_leg_l + C: "OP",2549274449600,2548018106992, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::foot_l + C: "OO",2547767497072,2548018111632 + + ;Model::toes_l, Model::foot_l + C: "OO",2548018081472,2548018111632 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::foot_l + C: "OP",2545487010976,2548018111632, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::foot_l + C: "OP",2545487011184,2548018111632, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::foot_l + C: "OP",2545487008896,2548018111632, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::foot_l + C: "OP",2549274449808,2548018111632, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::foot_l + C: "OP",2549274453760,2548018111632, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::toes_l + C: "OO",2547767498608,2548018081472 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::toes_l + C: "OP",2545487011392,2548018081472, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::toes_l + C: "OP",2545487011600,2548018081472, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::toes_l + C: "OP",2545487009104,2548018081472, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::toes_l + C: "OP",2549274461664,2548018081472, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::toes_l + C: "OP",2549274457088,2548018081472, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::width_thigh_l + C: "OO",2547767503984,2548018083792 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::width_thigh_l + C: "OP",2545486996624,2548018083792, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::width_thigh_l + C: "OP",2545487000368,2548018083792, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::width_thigh_l + C: "OP",2545487001824,2548018083792, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::width_thigh_l + C: "OP",2549274452512,2548018083792, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::width_thigh_l + C: "OP",2549274453968,2548018083792, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::thigh_r + C: "OO",2547767498800,2548018090752 + + ;Model::lower_leg_r, Model::thigh_r + C: "OO",2548018088432,2548018090752 + + ;Model::width_thigh_r, Model::thigh_r + C: "OO",2549132840256,2548018090752 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::thigh_r + C: "OP",2545487005152,2548018090752, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::thigh_r + C: "OP",2545487004944,2548018090752, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::thigh_r + C: "OP",2545487008480,2548018090752, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::thigh_r + C: "OP",2549274452304,2548018090752, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::thigh_r + C: "OP",2549274450432,2548018090752, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::lower_leg_r + C: "OO",2547767505136,2548018088432 + + ;Model::foot_r, Model::lower_leg_r + C: "OO",2548018102352,2548018088432 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::lower_leg_r + C: "OP",2545487006608,2548018088432, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::lower_leg_r + C: "OP",2545486996000,2548018088432, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::lower_leg_r + C: "OP",2545486999536,2548018088432, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::lower_leg_r + C: "OP",2549274454384,2548018088432, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::lower_leg_r + C: "OP",2549274455840,2548018088432, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::foot_r + C: "OO",2547767497264,2548018102352 + + ;Model::toes_r, Model::foot_r + C: "OO",2548018095392,2548018102352 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::foot_r + C: "OP",2545487007648,2548018102352, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::foot_r + C: "OP",2545487005568,2548018102352, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::foot_r + C: "OP",2545487002656,2548018102352, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::foot_r + C: "OP",2549274453136,2548018102352, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::foot_r + C: "OP",2549274456048,2548018102352, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::toes_r + C: "OO",2547767499952,2548018095392 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::toes_r + C: "OP",2545487000784,2548018095392, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::toes_r + C: "OP",2545487000576,2548018095392, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::toes_r + C: "OP",2545487004112,2548018095392, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::toes_r + C: "OP",2549274460416,2548018095392, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::toes_r + C: "OP",2549274450848,2548018095392, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::width_thigh_r + C: "OO",2547767500144,2549132840256 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::width_thigh_r + C: "OP",2545487005776,2549132840256, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::width_thigh_r + C: "OP",2545487007856,2549132840256, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::width_thigh_r + C: "OP",2545487000992,2549132840256, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::width_thigh_r + C: "OP",2549274456256,2549132840256, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::width_thigh_r + C: "OP",2549274459792,2549132840256, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::spine + C: "OO",2547767504176,2549132828656 + + ;Model::chest, Model::spine + C: "OO",2549132830976,2549132828656 + + ;Model::torso_width, Model::spine + C: "OO",2549272954048,2549132828656 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::spine + C: "OP",2545487003488,2549132828656, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::spine + C: "OP",2545487008688,2549132828656, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::spine + C: "OP",2545487002032,2549132828656, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::spine + C: "OP",2549274449392,2549132828656, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::spine + C: "OP",2549274462288,2549132828656, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::chest + C: "OO",2547767500336,2549132830976 + + ;Model::neck, Model::chest + C: "OO",2549132824016,2549132830976 + + ;Model::shoulder_r, Model::chest + C: "OO",2549132821696,2549132830976 + + ;Model::shoulder_l, Model::chest + C: "OO",2546786791056,2549132830976 + + ;Model::breast_L, Model::chest + C: "OO",2549272944768,2549132830976 + + ;Model::breast_R, Model::chest + C: "OO",2549272951728,2549132830976 + + ;Model::muscle_chest, Model::chest + C: "OO",2549272965648,2549132830976 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::chest + C: "OP",2545487001200,2549132830976, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::chest + C: "OP",2545487001408,2549132830976, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::chest + C: "OP",2545487003904,2549132830976, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::chest + C: "OP",2549274458336,2549132830976, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::chest + C: "OP",2549274458544,2549132830976, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::neck + C: "OO",2547767508016,2549132824016 + + ;Model::head, Model::neck + C: "OO",2549132837936,2549132824016 + + ;Model::muscle_neck, Model::neck + C: "OO",2549132842576,2549132824016 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::neck + C: "OP",2545486996208,2549132824016, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::neck + C: "OP",2545487008064,2549132824016, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::neck + C: "OP",2545486996416,2549132824016, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::neck + C: "OP",2549274452720,2549132824016, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::neck + C: "OP",2549274452928,2549132824016, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::head + C: "OO",2547767503408,2549132837936 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::head + C: "OP",2545487006192,2549132837936, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::head + C: "OP",2545486997040,2549132837936, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::head + C: "OP",2545486996832,2549132837936, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::head + C: "OP",2549274453344,2549132837936, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::head + C: "OP",2549274450016,2549132837936, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::muscle_neck + C: "OO",2547767501104,2549132842576 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::muscle_neck + C: "OP",2545486997248,2549132842576, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::muscle_neck + C: "OP",2545487000160,2549132842576, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::muscle_neck + C: "OP",2545486997456,2549132842576, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::muscle_neck + C: "OP",2549274451264,2549132842576, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::muscle_neck + C: "OP",2549274451472,2549132842576, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::shoulder_r + C: "OO",2547767508592,2549132821696 + + ;Model::upper_arm_r, Model::shoulder_r + C: "OO",2549132819376,2549132821696 + + ;Model::muscle_shoulder_r, Model::shoulder_r + C: "OO",2546786795696,2549132821696 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::shoulder_r + C: "OP",2545486998704,2549132821696, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::shoulder_r + C: "OP",2545487007440,2549132821696, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::shoulder_r + C: "OP",2545486999952,2549132821696, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::shoulder_r + C: "OP",2549274455632,2549132821696, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::shoulder_r + C: "OP",2549274461248,2549132821696, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::upper_arm_r + C: "OO",2547767501296,2549132819376 + + ;Model::forearm_r, Model::upper_arm_r + C: "OO",2549132833296,2549132819376 + + ;Model::bicep_r, Model::upper_arm_r + C: "OO",2546786793376,2549132819376 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::upper_arm_r + C: "OP",2545487007024,2549132819376, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::upper_arm_r + C: "OP",2545487005360,2549132819376, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::upper_arm_r + C: "OP",2545487004528,2549132819376, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::upper_arm_r + C: "OP",2549274450224,2549132819376, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::upper_arm_r + C: "OP",2549274454592,2549132819376, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::forearm_r + C: "OO",2547767504368,2549132833296 + + ;Model::hand_r, Model::forearm_r + C: "OO",2549132812416,2549132833296 + + ;Model::forearm_twist_r, Model::forearm_r + C: "OO",2546786798016,2549132833296 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::forearm_r + C: "OP",2545487003280,2549132833296, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::forearm_r + C: "OP",2545487005984,2549132833296, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::forearm_r + C: "OP",2545487006400,2549132833296, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::forearm_r + C: "OP",2549274451680,2549132833296, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::forearm_r + C: "OP",2549274454176,2549132833296, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::hand_r + C: "OO",2547767506096,2549132812416 + + ;Model::c_thumb1_r, Model::hand_r + C: "OO",2549132826336,2549132812416 + + ;Model::c_ring1_r, Model::hand_r + C: "OO",2549132817056,2549132812416 + + ;Model::c_middle1_r, Model::hand_r + C: "OO",2546786811936,2549132812416 + + ;Model::c_index1_r, Model::hand_r + C: "OO",2546786816576,2549132812416 + + ;Model::hold_r, Model::hand_r + C: "OO",2546786821216,2549132812416 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::hand_r + C: "OP",2545486998912,2549132812416, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::hand_r + C: "OP",2545486997664,2549132812416, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::hand_r + C: "OP",2545486997872,2549132812416, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::hand_r + C: "OP",2549274451056,2549132812416, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::hand_r + C: "OP",2549274462080,2549132812416, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_thumb1_r + C: "OO",2547767507632,2549132826336 + + ;Model::c_thumb2_r, Model::c_thumb1_r + C: "OO",2549132814736,2549132826336 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_thumb1_r + C: "OP",2545487006816,2549132826336, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_thumb1_r + C: "OP",2545486998080,2549132826336, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_thumb1_r + C: "OP",2545487002864,2549132826336, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_thumb1_r + C: "OP",2549274454800,2549132826336, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_thumb1_r + C: "OP",2549274459584,2549132826336, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_thumb2_r + C: "OO",2547767497840,2549132814736 + + ;Model::c_thumb3_r, Model::c_thumb2_r + C: "OO",2549132835616,2549132814736 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_thumb2_r + C: "OP",2545487007232,2549132814736, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_thumb2_r + C: "OP",2545487002240,2549132814736, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_thumb2_r + C: "OP",2545487008272,2549132814736, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_thumb2_r + C: "OP",2549274451888,2549132814736, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_thumb2_r + C: "OP",2549274457296,2549132814736, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_thumb3_r + C: "OO",2547767506288,2549132835616 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_thumb3_r + C: "OP",2545486998288,2549132835616, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_thumb3_r + C: "OP",2545486999120,2549132835616, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_thumb3_r + C: "OP",2545486998496,2549132835616, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_thumb3_r + C: "OP",2549274455216,2549132835616, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_thumb3_r + C: "OP",2549274452096,2549132835616, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_ring1_r + C: "OO",2547767508976,2549132817056 + + ;Model::c_ring2_r, Model::c_ring1_r + C: "OO",2546786809616,2549132817056 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_ring1_r + C: "OP",2545487001616,2549132817056, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_ring1_r + C: "OP",2545486999744,2549132817056, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_ring1_r + C: "OP",2545486999328,2549132817056, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_ring1_r + C: "OP",2549274461456,2549132817056, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_ring1_r + C: "OP",2549274455008,2549132817056, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_ring2_r + C: "OO",2547767504560,2546786809616 + + ;Model::c_ring3_r, Model::c_ring2_r + C: "OO",2546786802656,2546786809616 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_ring2_r + C: "OP",2545487003072,2546786809616, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_ring2_r + C: "OP",2545487004320,2546786809616, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_ring2_r + C: "OP",2545487003696,2546786809616, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_ring2_r + C: "OP",2549274458128,2546786809616, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_ring2_r + C: "OP",2549274455424,2546786809616, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_ring3_r + C: "OO",2547767506480,2546786802656 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_ring3_r + C: "OP",2545487004736,2546786802656, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_ring3_r + C: "OP",2547527577920,2546786802656, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_ring3_r + C: "OP",2547527569184,2546786802656, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_ring3_r + C: "OP",2549274456464,2546786802656, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_ring3_r + C: "OP",2549274460000,2546786802656, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_middle1_r + C: "OO",2547767503216,2546786811936 + + ;Model::c_middle2_r, Model::c_middle1_r + C: "OO",2546786807296,2546786811936 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_middle1_r + C: "OP",2547527576048,2546786811936, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_middle1_r + C: "OP",2547527566064,2546786811936, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_middle1_r + C: "OP",2547527567728,2546786811936, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_middle1_r + C: "OP",2549274456672,2546786811936, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_middle1_r + C: "OP",2549274457504,2546786811936, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_middle2_r + C: "OO",2547767496880,2546786807296 + + ;Model::c_middle3_r, Model::c_middle2_r + C: "OO",2546786814256,2546786807296 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_middle2_r + C: "OP",2547527578544,2546786807296, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_middle2_r + C: "OP",2547527576256,2546786807296, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_middle2_r + C: "OP",2547527566272,2546786807296, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_middle2_r + C: "OP",2549274457712,2546786807296, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_middle2_r + C: "OP",2549274459376,2546786807296, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_middle3_r + C: "OO",2547767501680,2546786814256 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_middle3_r + C: "OP",2547527578336,2546786814256, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_middle3_r + C: "OP",2547527568144,2546786814256, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_middle3_r + C: "OP",2547527571056,2546786814256, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_middle3_r + C: "OP",2549274460208,2546786814256, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_middle3_r + C: "OP",2549274457920,2546786814256, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_index1_r + C: "OO",2547767503600,2546786816576 + + ;Model::c_index2_r, Model::c_index1_r + C: "OO",2546786818896,2546786816576 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_index1_r + C: "OP",2547527572096,2546786816576, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_index1_r + C: "OP",2547527568768,2546786816576, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_index1_r + C: "OP",2547527572720,2546786816576, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_index1_r + C: "OP",2549274458752,2546786816576, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_index1_r + C: "OP",2549274461040,2546786816576, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_index2_r + C: "OO",2547767507824,2546786818896 + + ;Model::c_index3_r, Model::c_index2_r + C: "OO",2546786804976,2546786818896 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_index2_r + C: "OP",2547527568976,2546786818896, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_index2_r + C: "OP",2547527574384,2546786818896, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_index2_r + C: "OP",2547527566480,2546786818896, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_index2_r + C: "OP",2549274458960,2546786818896, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_index2_r + C: "OP",2549274459168,2546786818896, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_index3_r + C: "OO",2547767504752,2546786804976 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_index3_r + C: "OP",2547527566688,2546786804976, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_index3_r + C: "OP",2547527578752,2546786804976, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_index3_r + C: "OP",2547527571264,2546786804976, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_index3_r + C: "OP",2549274461872,2546786804976, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_index3_r + C: "OP",2549274462704,2546786804976, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::hold_r + C: "OO",2547767498992,2546786821216 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::hold_r + C: "OP",2547527572928,2546786821216, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::hold_r + C: "OP",2547527568352,2546786821216, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::hold_r + C: "OP",2547527569808,2546786821216, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::hold_r + C: "OP",2549274468528,2546786821216, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::hold_r + C: "OP",2549274465824,2546786821216, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::forearm_twist_r + C: "OO",2547767499184,2546786798016 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::forearm_twist_r + C: "OP",2547527570016,2546786798016, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::forearm_twist_r + C: "OP",2547527577504,2546786798016, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::forearm_twist_r + C: "OP",2547527570224,2546786798016, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::forearm_twist_r + C: "OP",2549274469152,2546786798016, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::forearm_twist_r + C: "OP",2549274470192,2546786798016, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::bicep_r + C: "OO",2547767497648,2546786793376 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::bicep_r + C: "OP",2547527565856,2546786793376, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::bicep_r + C: "OP",2547527566896,2546786793376, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::bicep_r + C: "OP",2547527576672,2546786793376, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::bicep_r + C: "OP",2549274462912,2546786793376, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::bicep_r + C: "OP",2549274475600,2546786793376, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::muscle_shoulder_r + C: "OO",2547767498032,2546786795696 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::muscle_shoulder_r + C: "OP",2547527570432,2546786795696, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::muscle_shoulder_r + C: "OP",2547527573136,2546786795696, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::muscle_shoulder_r + C: "OP",2547527571472,2546786795696, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::muscle_shoulder_r + C: "OP",2549274471648,2546786795696, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::muscle_shoulder_r + C: "OP",2549274471856,2546786795696, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::shoulder_l + C: "OO",2547767499376,2546786791056 + + ;Model::upper_arm_l, Model::shoulder_l + C: "OO",2546786800336,2546786791056 + + ;Model::muscle_shoulder_l, Model::shoulder_l + C: "OO",2549272961008,2546786791056 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::shoulder_l + C: "OP",2547527567104,2546786791056, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::shoulder_l + C: "OP",2547527575840,2546786791056, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::shoulder_l + C: "OP",2547527567520,2546786791056, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::shoulder_l + C: "OP",2549274466032,2546786791056, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::shoulder_l + C: "OP",2549274473728,2546786791056, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::upper_arm_l + C: "OO",2547767499568,2546786800336 + + ;Model::forearm_l, Model::upper_arm_l + C: "OO",2546780397696,2546786800336 + + ;Model::bicep_l, Model::upper_arm_l + C: "OO",2549272963328,2546786800336 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::upper_arm_l + C: "OP",2547527570640,2546786800336, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::upper_arm_l + C: "OP",2547527573552,2546786800336, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::upper_arm_l + C: "OP",2547527573344,2546786800336, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::upper_arm_l + C: "OP",2549274473104,2546786800336, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::upper_arm_l + C: "OP",2549274465616,2546786800336, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::forearm_l + C: "OO",2547767502064,2546780397696 + + ;Model::hand_l, Model::forearm_l + C: "OO",2546780386096,2546780397696 + + ;Model::forearm_twist_l, Model::forearm_l + C: "OO",2549272972608,2546780397696 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::forearm_l + C: "OP",2547527573760,2546780397696, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::forearm_l + C: "OP",2547527570848,2546780397696, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::forearm_l + C: "OP",2547527577296,2546780397696, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::forearm_l + C: "OP",2549274470400,2546780397696, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::forearm_l + C: "OP",2549274466864,2546780397696, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::hand_l + C: "OO",2547767505904,2546780386096 + + ;Model::c_thumb1_l, Model::hand_l + C: "OO",2546780393056,2546780386096 + + ;Model::c_ring1_l, Model::hand_l + C: "OO",2546780411616,2546780386096 + + ;Model::c_middle1_l, Model::hand_l + C: "OO",2546780390736,2546780386096 + + ;Model::c_index1_l, Model::hand_l + C: "OO",2546780402336,2546780386096 + + ;Model::hold_l, Model::hand_l + C: "OO",2549272956368,2546780386096 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::hand_l + C: "OP",2547527571680,2546780386096, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::hand_l + C: "OP",2547527573968,2546780386096, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::hand_l + C: "OP",2547527571888,2546780386096, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::hand_l + C: "OP",2549274466240,2546780386096, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::hand_l + C: "OP",2549274468320,2546780386096, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_thumb1_l + C: "OO",2547767502448,2546780393056 + + ;Model::c_thumb2_l, Model::c_thumb1_l + C: "OO",2546780395376,2546780393056 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_thumb1_l + C: "OP",2547527574592,2546780393056, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_thumb1_l + C: "OP",2547527580000,2546780393056, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_thumb1_l + C: "OP",2547527574800,2546780393056, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_thumb1_l + C: "OP",2549274466448,2546780393056, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_thumb1_l + C: "OP",2549274463120,2546780393056, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_thumb2_l + C: "OO",2547767505712,2546780395376 + + ;Model::c_thumb3_l, Model::c_thumb2_l + C: "OO",2546780388416,2546780395376 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_thumb2_l + C: "OP",2547527580624,2546780395376, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_thumb2_l + C: "OP",2546662739504,2546780395376, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_thumb2_l + C: "OP",2547527581040,2546780395376, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_thumb2_l + C: "OP",2549274466656,2546780395376, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_thumb2_l + C: "OP",2549274472688,2546780395376, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_thumb3_l + C: "OO",2547767506672,2546780388416 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_thumb3_l + C: "OP",2546662737632,2546780388416, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_thumb3_l + C: "OP",2546662739712,2546780388416, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_thumb3_l + C: "OP",2546662737840,2546780388416, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_thumb3_l + C: "OP",2549274473520,2546780388416, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_thumb3_l + C: "OP",2549274474144,2546780388416, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_ring1_l + C: "OO",2547767503024,2546780411616 + + ;Model::c_ring2_l, Model::c_ring1_l + C: "OO",2546780406976,2546780411616 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_ring1_l + C: "OP",2546662738256,2546780411616, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_ring1_l + C: "OP",2546662728272,2546780411616, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_ring1_l + C: "OP",2546662729936,2546780411616, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_ring1_l + C: "OP",2549274464784,2546780411616, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_ring1_l + C: "OP",2549274472896,2546780411616, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_ring2_l + C: "OO",2547767501488,2546780406976 + + ;Model::c_ring3_l, Model::c_ring2_l + C: "OO",2546780413936,2546780406976 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_ring2_l + C: "OP",2546662735760,2546780406976, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_ring2_l + C: "OP",2546662727232,2546780406976, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_ring2_l + C: "OP",2546662728896,2546780406976, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_ring2_l + C: "OP",2549274471024,2546780406976, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_ring2_l + C: "OP",2549274471232,2546780406976, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_ring3_l + C: "OO",2547767505520,2546780413936 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_ring3_l + C: "OP",2546662736176,2546780413936, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_ring3_l + C: "OP",2546662728064,2546780413936, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_ring3_l + C: "OP",2546662732848,2546780413936, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_ring3_l + C: "OP",2549274467072,2546780413936, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_ring3_l + C: "OP",2549274469360,2546780413936, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_middle1_l + C: "OO",2547767501872,2546780390736 + + ;Model::c_middle2_l, Model::c_middle1_l + C: "OO",2546780400016,2546780390736 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_middle1_l + C: "OP",2546662734512,2546780390736, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_middle1_l + C: "OP",2546662734720,2546780390736, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_middle1_l + C: "OP",2546662733264,2546780390736, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_middle1_l + C: "OP",2549274470608,2546780390736, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_middle1_l + C: "OP",2549274467280,2546780390736, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_middle2_l + C: "OO",2547767502640,2546780400016 + + ;Model::c_middle3_l, Model::c_middle2_l + C: "OO",2546780383776,2546780400016 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_middle2_l + C: "OP",2546662733472,2546780400016, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_middle2_l + C: "OP",2546662730352,2546780400016, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_middle2_l + C: "OP",2546662731600,2546780400016, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_middle2_l + C: "OP",2549274462496,2546780400016, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_middle2_l + C: "OP",2549274471440,2546780400016, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_middle3_l + C: "OO",2547767502832,2546780383776 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_middle3_l + C: "OP",2546662726192,2546780383776, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_middle3_l + C: "OP",2546662736384,2546780383776, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_middle3_l + C: "OP",2546662733888,2546780383776, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_middle3_l + C: "OP",2549274467696,2546780383776, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_middle3_l + C: "OP",2549274475184,2546780383776, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_index1_l + C: "OO",2547767506864,2546780402336 + + ;Model::c_index2_l, Model::c_index1_l + C: "OO",2546780404656,2546780402336 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_index1_l + C: "OP",2546662725776,2546780402336, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_index1_l + C: "OP",2546662729312,2546780402336, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_index1_l + C: "OP",2546662724112,2546780402336, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_index1_l + C: "OP",2549274467904,2546780402336, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_index1_l + C: "OP",2549274464576,2546780402336, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_index2_l + C: "OO",2547767507056,2546780404656 + + ;Model::c_index3_l, Model::c_index2_l + C: "OO",2546780409296,2546780404656 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_index2_l + C: "OP",2546662731808,2546780404656, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_index2_l + C: "OP",2546662725984,2546780404656, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_index2_l + C: "OP",2546662725568,2546780404656, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_index2_l + C: "OP",2549274467488,2546780404656, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_index2_l + C: "OP",2549274463536,2546780404656, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_index3_l + C: "OO",2547767507248,2546780409296 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_index3_l + C: "OP",2546662734928,2546780409296, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_index3_l + C: "OP",2546662730560,2546780409296, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_index3_l + C: "OP",2546662732640,2546780409296, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_index3_l + C: "OP",2549274472480,2546780409296, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_index3_l + C: "OP",2549274468112,2546780409296, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::hold_l + C: "OO",2547767504944,2549272956368 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::hold_l + C: "OP",2546662723904,2549272956368, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::hold_l + C: "OP",2546662735968,2549272956368, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::hold_l + C: "OP",2546662735136,2549272956368, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::hold_l + C: "OP",2549274464368,2549272956368, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::hold_l + C: "OP",2549274463328,2549272956368, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::forearm_twist_l + C: "OO",2547767513584,2549272972608 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::forearm_twist_l + C: "OP",2546662724528,2549272972608, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::forearm_twist_l + C: "OP",2546662726400,2549272972608, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::forearm_twist_l + C: "OP",2546662731392,2549272972608, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::forearm_twist_l + C: "OP",2549274472064,2549272972608, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::forearm_twist_l + C: "OP",2549274475392,2549272972608, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::bicep_l + C: "OO",2547767507440,2549272963328 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::bicep_l + C: "OP",2546662732016,2549272963328, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::bicep_l + C: "OP",2546662735344,2549272963328, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::bicep_l + C: "OP",2546662732224,2549272963328, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::bicep_l + C: "OP",2549274473312,2549272963328, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::bicep_l + C: "OP",2549274463744,2549272963328, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::muscle_shoulder_l + C: "OO",2547767519920,2549272961008 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::muscle_shoulder_l + C: "OP",2546662735552,2549272961008, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::muscle_shoulder_l + C: "OP",2546662732432,2549272961008, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::muscle_shoulder_l + C: "OP",2546662724736,2549272961008, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::muscle_shoulder_l + C: "OP",2549274468736,2549272961008, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::muscle_shoulder_l + C: "OP",2549274472272,2549272961008, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::breast_L + C: "OO",2547767511088,2549272944768 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::breast_L + C: "OP",2546662730976,2549272944768, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::breast_L + C: "OP",2546662726608,2549272944768, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::breast_L + C: "OP",2546662725152,2549272944768, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::breast_L + C: "OP",2549274473936,2549272944768, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::breast_L + C: "OP",2549274474352,2549272944768, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::breast_R + C: "OO",2547767516848,2549272951728 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::breast_R + C: "OP",2543722685424,2549272951728, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::breast_R + C: "OP",2543722684384,2549272951728, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::breast_R + C: "OP",2543722689584,2549272951728, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::breast_R + C: "OP",2549274468944,2549272951728, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::breast_R + C: "OP",2549274465200,2549272951728, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::muscle_chest + C: "OO",2547767515888,2549272965648 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::muscle_chest + C: "OP",2543722686048,2549272965648, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::muscle_chest + C: "OP",2543722690000,2549272965648, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::muscle_chest + C: "OP",2543722687712,2549272965648, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::muscle_chest + C: "OP",2549274469568,2549272965648, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::muscle_chest + C: "OP",2549274469776,2549272965648, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::torso_width + C: "OO",2547767518000,2549272954048 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::torso_width + C: "OP",2543722689792,2549272954048, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::torso_width + C: "OP",2543722685008,2549272954048, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::torso_width + C: "OP",2543722690208,2549272954048, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::torso_width + C: "OP",2549274474560,2549272954048, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::torso_width + C: "OP",2549274474768,2549272954048, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::belly + C: "OO",2547767510704,2549272967968 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::belly + C: "OP",2543722685632,2549272967968, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::belly + C: "OP",2543722689168,2549272967968, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::belly + C: "OP",2543722688960,2549272967968, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::belly + C: "OP",2549274474976,2549272967968, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::belly + C: "OP",2549274463952,2549272967968, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::waist + C: "OO",2547767512048,2549272970288 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::waist + C: "OP",2543722686672,2549272970288, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::waist + C: "OP",2543722690624,2549272970288, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::waist + C: "OP",2543722683136,2549272970288, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::waist + C: "OP",2549274464160,2549272970288, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::waist + C: "OP",2549274464992,2549272970288, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::butt + C: "OO",2547767518384,2549272974928 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::butt + C: "OP",2543722690416,2549272974928, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::butt + C: "OP",2543722686880,2549272974928, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::butt + C: "OP",2543722686256,2549272974928, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::butt + C: "OP",2549274465408,2549272974928, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::butt + C: "OP",2549274444400,2549272974928, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;AnimLayer::BaseLayer, AnimStack::DEF_Interact + C: "OO",2547515605184,2549274449184 + + ;AnimLayer::Fingers, AnimStack::DEF_Interact + C: "OO",2547515589680,2549274449184 + + ;AnimLayer::LowerBody, AnimStack::DEF_Interact + C: "OO",2547515600016,2549274449184 + + ;AnimLayer::UpperBody, AnimStack::DEF_Interact + C: "OO",2547515597280,2549274449184 + + ;AnimLayer::UpperBodyTPose, AnimStack::DEF_Interact + C: "OO",2547515592416,2549274449184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274460624,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274456880,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274453552,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274450640,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274460832,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274449600,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274449808,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274453760,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274461664,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274457088,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274452512,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274453968,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274452304,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274450432,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274454384,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274455840,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274453136,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274456048,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274460416,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274450848,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274456256,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274459792,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274449392,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274462288,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274458336,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274458544,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274452720,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274452928,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274453344,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274450016,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274451264,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274451472,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274455632,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274461248,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274450224,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274454592,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274451680,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274454176,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274451056,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274462080,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274454800,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274459584,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274451888,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274457296,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274455216,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274452096,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274461456,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274455008,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274458128,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274455424,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274456464,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274460000,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274456672,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274457504,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274457712,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274459376,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274460208,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274457920,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274458752,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274461040,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274458960,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274459168,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274461872,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274462704,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274468528,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274465824,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274469152,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274470192,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274462912,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274475600,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274471648,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274471856,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274466032,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274473728,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274473104,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274465616,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274470400,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274466864,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274466240,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274468320,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274466448,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274463120,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274466656,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274472688,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274473520,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274474144,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274464784,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274472896,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274471024,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274471232,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274467072,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274469360,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274470608,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274467280,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274462496,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274471440,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274467696,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274475184,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274467904,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274464576,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274467488,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274463536,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274472480,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274468112,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274464368,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274463328,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274472064,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274475392,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274473312,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274463744,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274468736,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274472272,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274473936,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274474352,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274468944,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274465200,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274469568,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274469776,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274474560,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274474768,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274474976,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274463952,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274464160,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274464992,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274465408,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274444400,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2549274444816,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487009728,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487009312,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487010352,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487009520,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487010144,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487009936,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487010560,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487010768,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487010976,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487008896,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487011184,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487011392,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487009104,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487011600,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545486996624,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487001824,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487000368,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487005152,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487008480,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487004944,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487006608,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545486999536,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545486996000,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487007648,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487002656,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487005568,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487000784,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487004112,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487000576,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487005776,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487000992,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487007856,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487003488,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487002032,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487008688,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487001200,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487003904,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487001408,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545486996208,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545486996416,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487008064,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487006192,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545486996832,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545486997040,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545486997248,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545486997456,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487000160,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545486998704,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545486999952,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487007440,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487007024,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487004528,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487005360,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487003280,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487006400,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487005984,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545486998912,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545486997872,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545486997664,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487006816,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487002864,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545486998080,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487007232,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487008272,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487002240,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545486998288,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545486998496,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545486999120,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487001616,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545486999328,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545486999744,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487003072,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487003696,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487004320,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2545487004736,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527569184,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527577920,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527576048,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527567728,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527566064,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527578544,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527566272,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527576256,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527578336,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527571056,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527568144,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527572096,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527572720,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527568768,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527568976,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527566480,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527574384,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527566688,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527571264,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527578752,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527572928,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527569808,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527568352,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527570016,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527570224,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527577504,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527565856,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527576672,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527566896,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527570432,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527571472,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527573136,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527567104,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527567520,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527575840,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527570640,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527573344,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527573552,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527573760,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527577296,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527570848,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527571680,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527571888,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527573968,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527574592,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527574800,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527580000,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527580624,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547527581040,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662739504,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662737632,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662737840,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662739712,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662738256,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662729936,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662728272,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662735760,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662728896,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662727232,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662736176,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662732848,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662728064,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662734512,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662733264,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662734720,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662733472,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662731600,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662730352,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662726192,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662733888,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662736384,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662725776,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662724112,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662729312,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662731808,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662725568,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662725984,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662734928,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662732640,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662730560,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662723904,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662735136,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662735968,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662724528,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662731392,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662726400,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662732016,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662732224,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662735344,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662735552,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662724736,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662732432,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662730976,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662725152,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2546662726608,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2543722685424,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2543722689584,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2543722684384,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2543722686048,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2543722687712,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2543722690000,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2543722689792,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2543722690208,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2543722685008,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2543722685632,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2543722688960,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2543722689168,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2543722686672,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2543722683136,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2543722690624,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2543722690416,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2543722686256,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2543722686880,2547515605184 + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545593560192,2549274444816, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545593551712,2549274444816, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545593555392,2549274444816, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545593556512,2545487009312, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545593555552,2545487009312, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545593555712,2545487009312, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545593561792,2545487010352, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545593560992,2545487010352, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545593561152,2545487010352, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545593561312,2545487010144, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545593561472,2545487010144, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545593561632,2545487010144, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545593561952,2545487009936, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545593562112,2545487009936, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545593560352,2545487009936, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545593560512,2545487010768, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545593560672,2545487010768, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545593560832,2545487010768, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545593532672,2545487010976, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545593539232,2545487010976, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545593533792,2545487010976, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545593542112,2545487011184, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545593545952,2545487011184, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545593546912,2545487011184, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770248784,2545487011392, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770249264,2545487011392, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770244304,2545487011392, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770245904,2545487011600, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770245744,2545487011600, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770253104,2545487011600, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770251824,2545486996624, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770252304,2545486996624, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770243344,2545486996624, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2547770249904,2545487001824, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2547770247664,2545487001824, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2547770250224,2545487001824, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770244624,2545487000368, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770249424,2545487000368, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770246224,2545487000368, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770246064,2545487005152, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770249584,2545487005152, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770245584,2545487005152, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770251024,2545487004944, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770243504,2545487004944, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770247984,2545487004944, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770246384,2545487006608, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770247824,2545487006608, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770248624,2545487006608, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770248944,2545486996000, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770253264,2545486996000, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770246864,2545486996000, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770249104,2545487007648, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770251984,2545487007648, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770246544,2545487007648, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770249744,2545487005568, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770246704,2545487005568, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770243664,2545487005568, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770247024,2545487000784, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770252624,2545487000784, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770243824,2545487000784, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770248464,2545487000576, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770248144,2545487000576, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770243184,2545487000576, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770244944,2545487005776, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770247184,2545487005776, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770250064,2545487005776, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2547770245104,2545487000992, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2547770250384,2545487000992, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2547770252144,2545487000992, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770252464,2545487007856, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770250864,2545487007856, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770244784,2545487007856, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770252784,2545487003488, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770243984,2545487003488, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770247344,2545487003488, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770251184,2545487008688, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770245264,2545487008688, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770252944,2545487008688, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770247504,2545487001200, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770248304,2545487001200, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770244144,2545487001200, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770250544,2545487001408, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770244464,2545487001408, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770250704,2545487001408, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770245424,2545486996208, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770251344,2545486996208, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770251504,2545486996208, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770251664,2545487008064, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770255664,2545487008064, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770259184,2545487008064, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770255824,2545487006192, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770253904,2545487006192, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770260784,2545487006192, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770256144,2545486997040, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770254224,2545486997040, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770262704,2545486997040, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770262384,2545486997248, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770258384,2545486997248, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770256304,2545486997248, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2547770254064,2545486997456, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2547770256464,2545486997456, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2547770259984,2545486997456, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770263504,2545487000160, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770263184,2545487000160, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770253744,2545487000160, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770255184,2545486998704, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770254384,2545486998704, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770258864,2545486998704, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770256624,2545487007440, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770263344,2545487007440, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770254864,2545487007440, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770258544,2545487007024, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770257904,2545487007024, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770257104,2545487007024, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770257264,2545487005360, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770261264,2545487005360, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770257424,2545487005360, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770261744,2545487003280, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770257584,2545487003280, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770257744,2545487003280, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770258064,2545487005984, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770258704,2545487005984, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770258224,2545487005984, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770261424,2545486998912, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770262544,2545486998912, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770259024,2545486998912, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770259344,2545486997664, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770260944,2545486997664, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770259664,2545486997664, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770254544,2545487006816, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770259824,2545487006816, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770260304,2545487006816, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770253584,2545486998080, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770260464,2545486998080, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770260624,2545486998080, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770261104,2545487007232, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770254704,2545487007232, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770261904,2545487007232, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770262064,2545487002240, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770262224,2545487002240, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770262864,2545487002240, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770253424,2545486998288, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770263024,2545486998288, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770264144,2545486998288, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770264624,2545486999120, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770264304,2545486999120, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770263984,2545486999120, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770263824,2545487001616, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770263664,2545487001616, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770265424,2545487001616, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770264944,2545486999744, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770264784,2545486999744, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770265104,2545486999744, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770264464,2545487003072, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770265264,2545487003072, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770236304,2545487003072, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770237584,2545487004320, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770235504,2545487004320, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770237104,2545487004320, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770233584,2545487004736, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770240144,2545487004736, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770241104,2545487004736, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770240944,2547527577920, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770237904,2547527577920, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770238064,2547527577920, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770233104,2547527576048, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770242064,2547527576048, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770234864,2547527576048, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770235824,2547527566064, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770240304,2547527566064, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770237744,2547527566064, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770236144,2547527578544, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770239024,2547527578544, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770234064,2547527578544, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770241744,2547527576256, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770239184,2547527576256, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770234224,2547527576256, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770242544,2547527578336, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770235344,2547527578336, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770241904,2547527578336, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770242704,2547527568144, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770235664,2547527568144, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770242224,2547527568144, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770239504,2547527572096, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770235984,2547527572096, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770239344,2547527572096, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770241264,2547527568768, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770241424,2547527568768, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770236944,2547527568768, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770238224,2547527568976, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770238384,2547527568976, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770235024,2547527568976, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770238544,2547527574384, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770237264,2547527574384, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770234544,2547527574384, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770241584,2547527566688, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770236784,2547527566688, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770237424,2547527566688, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770238704,2547527578752, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770242384,2547527578752, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770238864,2547527578752, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770236464,2547527572928, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770239664,2547527572928, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770239824,2547527572928, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770239984,2547527568352, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770233904,2547527568352, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770242864,2547527568352, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770240464,2547527570016, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770234384,2547527570016, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770243024,2547527570016, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2547770234704,2547527570224, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2547770233264,2547527570224, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2547770240624,2547527570224, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770240784,2547527577504, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770232944,2547527577504, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547770233424,2547527577504, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770233744,2547527565856, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770235184,2547527565856, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547770236624,2547527565856, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2544394508752,2547527576672, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2544394508912,2547527576672, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2544394508272,2547527576672, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394506992,2547527566896, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394512592,2547527566896, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394511312,2547527566896, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394507152,2547527570432, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394511632,2547527570432, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394509232,2547527570432, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2544394510512,2547527571472, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2544394512752,2547527571472, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2544394511792,2547527571472, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394509392,2547527573136, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394514352,2547527573136, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394507312,2547527573136, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394509552,2547527567104, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394508432,2547527567104, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394507472,2547527567104, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394509712,2547527575840, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394512912,2547527575840, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394508592,2547527575840, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394509872,2547527570640, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394510192,2547527570640, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394510032,2547527570640, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394507952,2547527573552, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394515152,2547527573552, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394510352,2547527573552, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394514672,2547527573760, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394510672,2547527573760, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394511952,2547527573760, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394510832,2547527570848, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394510992,2547527570848, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394514512,2547527570848, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394511152,2547527571680, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394507632,2547527571680, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394511472,2547527571680, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394513072,2547527573968, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394512112,2547527573968, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394507792,2547527573968, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394512272,2547527574592, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394512432,2547527574592, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394513232,2547527574592, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394506672,2547527580000, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394513392,2547527580000, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394513552,2547527580000, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394513712,2547527580624, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394513872,2547527580624, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394514032,2547527580624, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394514192,2546662739504, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394514832,2546662739504, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394514992,2546662739504, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394515792,2546662737632, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394515312,2546662737632, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394515472,2546662737632, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394515632,2546662739712, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394515952,2546662739712, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394516112,2546662739712, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394506832,2546662738256, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394516432,2546662738256, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394516272,2546662738256, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394506352,2546662728272, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394506512,2546662728272, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394508112,2546662728272, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394520112,2546662735760, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394525872,2546662735760, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394522672,2546662735760, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394521552,2546662727232, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394521392,2546662727232, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394521712,2546662727232, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394520272,2546662736176, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394518032,2546662736176, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394524432,2546662736176, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394524592,2546662728064, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394517072,2546662728064, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394523472,2546662728064, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394526032,2546662734512, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394520752,2546662734512, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394516592,2546662734512, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394516752,2546662734720, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394522992,2546662734720, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394521872,2546662734720, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394525712,2546662733472, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394526192,2546662733472, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394516912,2546662733472, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394517232,2546662730352, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394520432,2546662730352, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394524752,2546662730352, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394517392,2546662726192, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394517712,2546662726192, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394518192,2546662726192, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394518352,2546662736384, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394522032,2546662736384, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394519152,2546662736384, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394518512,2546662725776, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394518672,2546662725776, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394522192,2546662725776, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394519312,2546662729312, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394522352,2546662729312, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394525072,2546662729312, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394522512,2546662731808, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394525552,2546662731808, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394520592,2546662731808, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394523632,2546662725984, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394519472,2546662725984, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394519632,2546662725984, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394525232,2546662734928, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394520912,2546662734928, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394521072,2546662734928, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394523792,2546662730560, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394522832,2546662730560, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394521232,2546662730560, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394523152,2546662723904, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394523312,2546662723904, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394524272,2546662723904, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394525392,2546662735968, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394526352,2546662735968, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394532592,2546662735968, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394536432,2546662724528, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394534992,2546662724528, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394536912,2546662724528, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2544394527152,2546662731392, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2544394529392,2546662731392, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2544394527472,2546662731392, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394527632,2546662726400, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394530352,2546662726400, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394528112,2546662726400, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394528272,2546662732016, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394529712,2546662732016, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394538192,2546662732016, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2544394538032,2546662732224, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2544394537392,2546662732224, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2544394538512,2546662732224, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394537072,2546662735344, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394537232,2546662735344, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2544394538672,2546662735344, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2544394538832,2546662735552, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545589089152,2546662735552, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545589096832,2546662735552, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545589090912,2546662724736, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545589093312,2546662724736, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545589089792,2546662724736, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545589096032,2546662732432, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545589092992,2546662732432, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545589089472,2546662732432, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545589094912,2546662730976, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545589093632,2546662730976, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545589090112,2546662730976, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545589096192,2546662725152, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545589093792,2546662725152, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545589090592,2546662725152, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545589096512,2546662726608, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545589097152,2546662726608, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545589091232,2546662726608, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545589095392,2543722685424, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545589087392,2543722685424, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545589094432,2543722685424, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545589094752,2543722689584, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545589087712,2543722689584, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545589092512,2543722689584, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545589095232,2543722684384, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545589091392,2543722684384, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545589087872,2543722684384, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545589093952,2543722686048, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545589092672,2543722686048, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545589096352,2543722686048, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545589088032,2543722687712, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545589091712,2543722687712, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545589095552,2543722687712, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545589092832,2543722690000, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545589093152,2543722690000, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545589094112,2543722690000, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545589094272,2543722689792, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545589115392,2543722689792, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545589114592,2543722689792, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545589114112,2543722690208, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545589117312,2543722690208, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545589111872,2543722690208, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545589111552,2543722685008, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545589113472,2543722685008, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545589109632,2543722685008, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545589109792,2543722685632, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545589115712,2543722685632, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545589115872,2543722685632, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545589110592,2543722688960, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545589110752,2543722688960, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545589113312,2543722688960, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545589112992,2543722689168, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545589113792,2543722689168, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545589111712,2543722689168, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545589112832,2543722686672, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545589114272,2543722686672, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545589111072,2543722686672, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545589116192,2543722683136, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545589114752,2543722683136, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545589111392,2543722683136, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545589114432,2543722690624, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545589116032,2543722690624, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545589119392,2543722690624, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545589119712,2543722690416, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545589118752,2543722690416, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545592359728,2543722690416, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545592352048,2543722686256, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545592356688,2543722686256, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545592353168,2543722686256, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545592358448,2543722686880, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545592359888,2543722686880, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545592358928,2543722686880, "d|Z" +} +;Takes section +;---------------------------------------------------- + +Takes: { + Current: "Take 001" + Take: "DEF_Interact" { + FileName: "DEF_Interact.tak" + LocalTime: 123163088000,169349246000 + ReferenceTime: 123163088000,169349246000 + } +} diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanInteract.fbx.meta b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanInteract.fbx.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7637fbc1a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanInteract.fbx.meta @@ -0,0 +1,905 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: d7e444fc7025fac47ad5133555e2bf08 +ModelImporter: + serializedVersion: 21300 + internalIDToNameTable: [] + externalObjects: {} + materials: + materialImportMode: 2 + materialName: 0 + materialSearch: 1 + materialLocation: 1 + animations: + legacyGenerateAnimations: 4 + bakeSimulation: 0 + resampleCurves: 1 + optimizeGameObjects: 0 + removeConstantScaleCurves: 1 + motionNodeName: HumanArmature + rigImportErrors: + rigImportWarnings: "Copied Avatar Rig Configuration mis-match. Bone length in + copied configuration does not match position in animation file:\n\t'thigh_l' + : position error = 5.710223 mm\n\t'thigh_r' : position error = 5.710156 mm\n\t'spine' + : position error = 5.710193 mm\n\t'chest' : position error = 7.979074 mm\n\t'c_thumb1_r' + : position error = 2.960802 mm\n\t'c_ring1_r' : position error = 2.960671 mm\n\t'c_middle1_r' + : position error = 2.960752 mm\n\t'c_index1_r' : position error = 2.960816 + mm\n\t'upper_arm_l' : position error = 6.207804 mm\n" + animationImportErrors: + animationImportWarnings: "\nClip 'DEF_Interact' has import animation warnings + that might lower retargeting quality:\n\t'c_thumb1_r' has translation animation + that will be discarded.\n\t'c_ring1_r' has translation animation that will + be discarded.\n\t'c_middle1_r' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_index1_r' + has translation animation that will be discarded.\n" + animationRetargetingWarnings: + animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0 + importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0 + importConstraints: 0 + animationCompression: 0 + animationRotationError: 0.5 + animationPositionError: 0.5 + animationScaleError: 0.5 + animationWrapMode: 0 + extraExposedTransformPaths: [] + extraUserProperties: [] + clipAnimations: + - serializedVersion: 16 + name: Interact + takeName: DEF_Interact + internalID: -6321583862275667675 + firstFrame: 80 + lastFrame: 110 + wrapMode: 0 + orientationOffsetY: 0 + level: 0 + cycleOffset: 0 + loop: 0 + hasAdditiveReferencePose: 0 + loopTime: 0 + loopBlend: 0 + loopBlendOrientation: 0 + loopBlendPositionY: 0 + loopBlendPositionXZ: 0 + keepOriginalOrientation: 0 + keepOriginalPositionY: 1 + keepOriginalPositionXZ: 0 + heightFromFeet: 0 + mirror: 0 + bodyMask: 01000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000 + curves: [] + events: [] + transformMask: [] + maskType: 3 + maskSource: {instanceID: 0} + additiveReferencePoseFrame: 0 + isReadable: 0 + meshes: + lODScreenPercentages: [] + globalScale: 1 + meshCompression: 0 + addColliders: 0 + useSRGBMaterialColor: 1 + sortHierarchyByName: 1 + importVisibility: 1 + importBlendShapes: 1 + importCameras: 1 + importLights: 1 + nodeNameCollisionStrategy: 1 + fileIdsGeneration: 2 + swapUVChannels: 0 + generateSecondaryUV: 0 + useFileUnits: 1 + keepQuads: 0 + weldVertices: 1 + bakeAxisConversion: 0 + preserveHierarchy: 0 + skinWeightsMode: 0 + maxBonesPerVertex: 4 + minBoneWeight: 0.001 + optimizeBones: 1 + meshOptimizationFlags: -1 + indexFormat: 0 + secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 + secondaryUVAreaDistortion: 15.000001 + secondaryUVHardAngle: 88 + secondaryUVMarginMethod: 1 + secondaryUVMinLightmapResolution: 40 + secondaryUVMinObjectScale: 1 + secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 + useFileScale: 1 + tangentSpace: + normalSmoothAngle: 60 + normalImportMode: 0 + tangentImportMode: 3 + normalCalculationMode: 4 + legacyComputeAllNormalsFromSmoothingGroupsWhenMeshHasBlendShapes: 0 + blendShapeNormalImportMode: 1 + normalSmoothingSource: 0 + referencedClips: [] + importAnimation: 1 + humanDescription: + serializedVersion: 3 + human: + - boneName: hips + humanName: Hips + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_l + humanName: LeftUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_r + humanName: RightUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_l + humanName: LeftLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_r + humanName: RightLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_l + humanName: LeftFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_r + humanName: RightFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: spine + humanName: Spine + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: neck + humanName: Neck + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: head + humanName: Head + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_l + humanName: LeftShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_r + humanName: RightShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_l + humanName: LeftUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_r + humanName: RightUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_l + humanName: LeftLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_r + humanName: RightLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_l + humanName: LeftHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_r + humanName: RightHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_l + humanName: LeftToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_r + humanName: RightToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_l + humanName: Left Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_l + humanName: Left Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_l + humanName: Left Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_l + humanName: Left Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_l + humanName: Left Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_l + humanName: Left Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_l + humanName: Left Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_l + humanName: Left Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_l + humanName: Left Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_l + humanName: Left Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_l + humanName: Left Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_l + humanName: Left Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_r + humanName: Right Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_r + humanName: Right Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_r + humanName: Right Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_r + humanName: Right Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_r + humanName: Right Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_r + humanName: Right Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_r + humanName: Right Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_r + humanName: Right Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_r + humanName: Right Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_r + humanName: Right Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_r + humanName: Right Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_r + humanName: Right Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: chest + humanName: Chest + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + skeleton: + - name: Human(Clone) + parentName: + position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human COMPLETE + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 1.1798787e-12, y: -0.000000052359955, z: 0.000000015905945} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.076661475, y: 1.3955941, z: 0.04250782} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.09472712, y: 1.3974037, z: 0.040297404} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.038126312, y: 1.4131447, z: 0.15032214} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eyes + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Head + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Torso + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0.9402349, z: 0.036055043} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanAppendix + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.04012108, y: 0.9274628, z: 0.104044564} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.03647864, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036478758, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanHeart + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.006746769, y: 1.1291152, z: 0.117190085} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineLarge + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0015628338, y: 0.94421047, z: 0.10589335} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineSmall + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0064120293, y: 0.9636725, z: 0.08935433} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLiver + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.015479565, y: 1.054116, z: 0.1051005} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.036902547, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375894} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036902428, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375895} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanStomach + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.021774769, y: 1.0252738, z: 0.10165389} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanBrain + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0009741783, y: 1.4594865, z: 0.030295096} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanArmature + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: hips + parentName: HumanArmature + position: {x: 1.149433e-13, y: -0.013241618, z: 0.83337724} + rotation: {x: 0.7404059, y: 0.0000055815894, z: 0.000006148301, w: 0.67216} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.99999994} + - name: thigh_l + parentName: hips + position: {x: -0.096564054, y: -0.024295717, z: 0.002351557} + rotation: {x: 0.99558604, y: -0.064399414, z: -0.005032787, w: 0.06808755} + scale: {x: 1.0000036, y: 1.000003, z: 1.0000107} + - name: lower_leg_l + parentName: thigh_l + position: {x: 0.000000015017577, y: 0.35762414, z: 0.000000034924597} + rotation: {x: 0.10202001, y: 0.0028012872, z: -0.009849284, w: 0.9947297} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000085, z: 1.0000061} + - name: foot_l + parentName: lower_leg_l + position: {x: -0.0000000018335413, y: 0.40961084, z: -0.000000004656613} + rotation: {x: -0.5585367, y: 0.13368261, z: -0.18853498, w: 0.79663056} + scale: {x: 1.0000013, y: 1.0000288, z: 0.9999941} + - name: toes_l + parentName: foot_l + position: {x: 0.000000016530976, y: 0.080526456, z: 0.0000000055879354} + rotation: {x: -0.05992987, y: -0.17405595, z: 0.04044075, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000367, y: 0.9999867, z: 0.99997807} + - name: thigh_r + parentName: hips + position: {x: 0.09656395, y: -0.024295837, z: 0.0023547793} + rotation: {x: 0.9955859, y: 0.06439856, z: 0.0050587305, w: 0.06808791} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.999999} + - name: lower_leg_r + parentName: thigh_r + position: {x: 0.0000000044237822, y: 0.35762426, z: 0.00000002514571} + rotation: {x: 0.1020204, y: -0.0028013631, z: 0.009850703, w: 0.99472964} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000057, z: 1.0000025} + - name: foot_r + parentName: lower_leg_r + position: {x: 0.0000000059662852, y: 0.40961078, z: -6.9849193e-10} + rotation: {x: -0.55854076, y: -0.13368613, z: 0.18853135, w: 0.796628} + scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 0.9999992, z: 1.000003} + - name: toes_r + parentName: foot_r + position: {x: -0.000000003958121, y: 0.0805272, z: 0.000000008381903} + rotation: {x: -0.05992934, y: 0.17405611, z: -0.040440965, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000099, z: 0.9999884} + - name: spine + parentName: hips + position: {x: 1.8356248e-12, y: 0.13786578, z: 0.000000013038516} + rotation: {x: -0.020161092, y: 0.0032923277, z: -0.00006672589, w: 0.9997914} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.9999998, z: 0.99999684} + - name: chest + parentName: spine + position: {x: -3.1419884e-11, y: 0.13744113, z: -0.000000003725594} + rotation: {x: -0.079870485, y: -0.0032907373, z: -0.00026367875, w: 0.9967998} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000005, z: 0.999999} + - name: neck + parentName: chest + position: {x: -4.507826e-11, y: 0.13796483, z: 0.000000011175871} + rotation: {x: 0.07572726, y: -0.0067067696, z: -0.00050935626, w: 0.99710584} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000023} + - name: head + parentName: neck + position: {x: 2.845278e-10, y: 0.08491398, z: 0.000000026080253} + rotation: {x: -0.021641804, y: 0.006758547, z: 0.00014482907, w: 0.9997429} + scale: {x: 0.9999991, y: 1.0000007, z: 1.0000015} + - name: shoulder_r + parentName: chest + position: {x: 0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.003932451} + rotation: {x: 0.5486401, y: 0.54864013, z: -0.4460875, w: 0.44608754} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 0.99999845, z: 1.0000019} + - name: upper_arm_r + parentName: shoulder_r + position: {x: 0.0000000056466725, y: 0.113623016, z: 0.000000080447336} + rotation: {x: -0.016802363, y: -0.728269, z: -0.03739515, w: 0.6840641} + scale: {x: 1.000008, y: 1.0000077, z: 1.0000037} + - name: forearm_r + parentName: upper_arm_r + position: {x: -0.0000002590059, y: 0.19655885, z: -0.0000000084983185} + rotation: {x: 0.07927109, y: -0.0007944402, z: 0.007752359, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 0.9999983, z: 0.999999} + - name: hand_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000000022293534, y: 0.23644204, z: -0.0000000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.0080038365, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328861, w: -0.6950444} + scale: {x: 1.0000069, y: 1.0000124, z: 1.0000093} + - name: c_thumb1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.043030325, y: 0.027325455, z: -0.029069485} + rotation: {x: -0.23810282, y: -0.6193094, z: 0.34018674, w: -0.6663602} + scale: {x: 1.0000025, y: 1.0000083, z: 0.99999624} + - name: c_thumb2_r + parentName: c_thumb1_r + position: {x: -0.00000006146729, y: 0.067762405, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.027055915, y: 0.1494991, z: -0.003029404, w: 0.988387} + scale: {x: 1.0000172, y: 0.99998325, z: 1.0000168} + - name: c_thumb3_r + parentName: c_thumb2_r + position: {x: 0.000000063329935, y: 0.034581296, z: 0.000000007450581} + rotation: {x: 0.16982022, y: -0.068780154, z: 0.066675395, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.999986, y: 0.9999816, z: 1.0000352} + - name: c_ring1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: -0.037961163, y: 0.08163366, z: 0.0126242135} + rotation: {x: -0.030043779, y: 0.0177473, z: -0.0146247605, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000018, y: 1.0000027, z: 0.9999998} + - name: c_ring2_r + parentName: c_ring1_r + position: {x: 0.000000007916242, y: 0.045393843, z: -0.000000037747668} + rotation: {x: -0.027954554, y: -0.02803783, z: -0.00021981988, w: 0.9992159} + scale: {x: 1.0000081, y: 0.9999979, z: 1.0000149} + - name: c_ring3_r + parentName: c_ring2_r + position: {x: -0, y: 0.030371627, z: -0.00000012342207} + rotation: {x: -0.09702881, y: 0.19158539, z: -0.05356502, w: 0.9751981} + scale: {x: 1.0000122, y: 1.000016, z: 0.9999991} + - name: c_middle1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.012728409, y: 0.095293984, z: 0.005345431} + rotation: {x: -0.020139333, y: 0.06533595, z: -0.0029693954, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000037, y: 1.0000066, z: 1.0000002} + - name: c_middle2_r + parentName: c_middle1_r + position: {x: -0.000000027939677, y: 0.04347191, z: 0.000000017229468} + rotation: {x: -0.02996826, y: 0.030963402, z: -0.0046559433, w: 0.9990603} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000036, z: 1.0000131} + - name: c_middle3_r + parentName: c_middle2_r + position: {x: -0.000000033527613, y: 0.0329716, z: 0.00000006053597} + rotation: {x: -0.1676397, y: 0.073116966, z: -0.021750906, w: 0.98289263} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 1.0000196, z: 0.99999374} + - name: c_index1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.059781943, y: 0.096780546, z: 0.014082293} + rotation: {x: -0.004635407, y: 0.005647418, z: 0.0077239904, w: 0.99994355} + scale: {x: 1.0000005, y: 1.0000036, z: 0.99999875} + - name: c_index2_r + parentName: c_index1_r + position: {x: 0.0000000034924597, y: 0.047904514, z: 0.00000005250331} + rotation: {x: -0.024433492, y: 0.10530338, z: -0.0018819352, w: 0.9941382} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000042} + - name: c_index3_r + parentName: c_index2_r + position: {x: -0.000000007450581, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.000000020489097} + rotation: {x: -0.080947846, y: -0.017785536, z: -0.01037631, w: 0.9965057} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000277, z: 1.0000005} + - name: hold.r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.0063287923, y: 0.08298412, z: -0.015038971} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: 0.47859132, z: -0.46639267, w: 0.53287977} + scale: {x: 0.9999997, y: 0.9999977, z: 1.0000002} + - name: forearm_twist_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000016324193, y: 0.1284726, z: -0.000006649643} + rotation: {x: -0.000018939374, y: 0.0012337323, z: -0.00016194968, w: 0.9999993} + scale: {x: 1.0000073, y: 1.0000048, z: 0.99999934} + - name: shoulder_l + parentName: chest + position: {x: -0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.0039324528} + rotation: {x: -0.5486401, y: 0.5486401, z: -0.44608748, w: -0.4460875} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 0.99999964, z: 1.0000043} + - name: upper_arm_l + parentName: shoulder_l + position: {x: -0.000000009391529, y: 0.11362299, z: -0.000000031237462} + rotation: {x: 0.016802428, y: -0.72826916, z: -0.037395176, w: -0.68406385} + scale: {x: 1.0000075, y: 1.0000076, z: 1.0000032} + - name: forearm_l + parentName: upper_arm_l + position: {x: -0.000000016112608, y: 0.19655891, z: 0.000000013969839} + rotation: {x: 0.07927141, y: 0.00079452974, z: -0.0077523375, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.99999756, y: 0.9999992, z: 0.99999774} + - name: hand_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: -0.00000014150282, y: 0.23644212, z: -0.000000009313226} + rotation: {x: 0.00800377, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328958, w: 0.6950446} + scale: {x: 1.0000067, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000058} + - name: c_thumb1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.043030314, y: 0.02732556, z: -0.02906935} + rotation: {x: 0.23810151, y: -0.6193099, z: 0.34018716, w: 0.66636} + scale: {x: 1.0000024, y: 1.0000248, z: 0.99998504} + - name: c_thumb2_l + parentName: c_thumb1_l + position: {x: 0.00000006519258, y: 0.06776242, z: 0.000000044703484} + rotation: {x: -0.027061354, y: -0.1494992, z: 0.0030296424, w: 0.98838687} + scale: {x: 1.0000145, y: 0.9999532, z: 1.0000383} + - name: c_thumb3_l + parentName: c_thumb2_l + position: {x: -0.000000078231096, y: 0.03458134, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0.16982007, y: 0.068780504, z: -0.06667551, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.99998635, y: 0.99988985, z: 1.0001268} + - name: c_ring1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: 0.03796115, y: 0.081633575, z: 0.0126242405} + rotation: {x: -0.030042524, y: -0.017746734, z: 0.014624785, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000144, y: 1.0000082, z: 1.000006} + - name: c_ring2_l + parentName: c_ring1_l + position: {x: 0.0000000018626451, y: 0.04539384, z: -0.00000013152021} + rotation: {x: 0.027963966, y: -0.028037718, z: -0.00022199283, w: -0.9992156} + scale: {x: 1.0000045, y: 0.99999386, z: 1.0000125} + - name: c_ring3_l + parentName: c_ring2_l + position: {x: -0.000000003259629, y: 0.030371798, z: 0.00000005106267} + rotation: {x: 0.097029544, y: 0.1915853, z: -0.053565085, w: -0.975198} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000107, z: 1.0000023} + - name: c_middle1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.012728396, y: 0.095294036, z: 0.0053454423} + rotation: {x: -0.020141035, y: -0.06533592, z: 0.0029690685, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000117, y: 1.0000049, z: 1.0000024} + - name: c_middle2_l + parentName: c_middle1_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.043471865, z: 0.00000004703179} + rotation: {x: -0.029964855, y: -0.030963589, z: 0.0046565477, w: 0.9990604} + scale: {x: 0.9999977, y: 0.99999636, z: 1.0000107} + - name: c_middle3_l + parentName: c_middle2_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.03297166, z: -0.00000006239861} + rotation: {x: -0.16763954, y: -0.07311703, z: 0.021750832, w: 0.9828926} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000006, z: 1.000013} + - name: c_index1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.059781928, y: 0.0967806, z: 0.014082292} + rotation: {x: -0.0046358937, y: -0.0056473566, z: -0.007723556, w: 0.9999435} + scale: {x: 1.0000126, y: 1.0000038, z: 1.0000052} + - name: c_index2_l + parentName: c_index1_l + position: {x: -0.000000009313226, y: 0.04790459, z: 0.000000045169145} + rotation: {x: -0.024431424, y: -0.10530303, z: 0.0018783653, w: 0.9941383} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000063} + - name: c_index3_l + parentName: c_index2_l + position: {x: 0.000000014901161, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.00000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.08094788, y: 0.017785553, z: 0.01037622, w: 0.9965056} + scale: {x: 1.000003, y: 0.999993, z: 1.0000157} + - name: hold.l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.0063287844, y: 0.082984276, z: -0.015038835} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: -0.47859147, z: 0.46639258, w: 0.5328798} + scale: {x: 1.000011, y: 1.0000129, z: 1.0000062} + - name: forearm_twist_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: 0.00001617195, y: 0.12847266, z: -0.000006655231} + rotation: {x: -0.00001891702, y: -0.001233861, z: 0.00016184966, w: 0.9999992} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000012, z: 1.0000024} + armTwist: 0.5 + foreArmTwist: 0.5 + upperLegTwist: 0.5 + legTwist: 0.5 + armStretch: 0.05 + legStretch: 0.05 + feetSpacing: 0 + globalScale: 1 + rootMotionBoneName: HumanArmature + hasTranslationDoF: 1 + hasExtraRoot: 1 + skeletonHasParents: 1 + lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {fileID: 9000000, guid: f553c8289710b5e4dab99c3bcbbb802e, type: 3} + autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1 + animationType: 3 + humanoidOversampling: 1 + avatarSetup: 2 + addHumanoidExtraRootOnlyWhenUsingAvatar: 1 + remapMaterialsIfMaterialImportModeIsNone: 0 + additionalBone: 0 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git 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"", "F:\OneDrive\Projects\Games\RESS3D\Build\SS3D-ArtFork\Assets\Animations\Characters\Humanoid\Actions\Human@DEF_Punch.fbx" + P: "Original", "Compound", "", "" + P: "Original|ApplicationVendor", "KString", "", "", "Autodesk" + P: "Original|ApplicationName", "KString", "", "", "Maya" + P: "Original|ApplicationVersion", "KString", "", "", "2023" + P: "Original|DateTime_GMT", "DateTime", "", "", "15/02/2024 07:00:52.860" + P: "Original|FileName", "KString", "", "", "F:\OneDrive\Projects\Games\RESS3D\Build\SS3D-ArtFork\Assets\Animations\Characters\Humanoid\Actions\Human@DEF_Punch.fbx" + P: "LastSaved", "Compound", "", "" + P: "LastSaved|ApplicationVendor", "KString", "", "", "Autodesk" + P: "LastSaved|ApplicationName", "KString", "", "", "Maya" + P: "LastSaved|ApplicationVersion", "KString", "", "", "2023" + P: "LastSaved|DateTime_GMT", "DateTime", "", "", "15/02/2024 07:00:52.860" + P: "Original|ApplicationActiveProject", "KString", "", "", "F:\OneDrive\Projects\Games\RESS3D\Build\SS3D-ArtFork\Assets\Animations\Characters\Humanoid\Walking" + P: "Original|ApplicationNativeFile", "KString", "", "", "F:\OneDrive\Projects\Games\RESS3D\Build\SS3D-ArtFork\Assets\Animations\Characters\Humanoid\Actions\Human@DEF_ActionsSet.ma" + } + } +} +GlobalSettings: { + Version: 1000 + Properties70: { + P: "UpAxis", "int", "Integer", "",1 + P: "UpAxisSign", "int", "Integer", "",1 + P: "FrontAxis", "int", "Integer", "",2 + P: "FrontAxisSign", "int", "Integer", "",1 + P: "CoordAxis", "int", "Integer", "",0 + P: "CoordAxisSign", "int", "Integer", "",1 + P: "OriginalUpAxis", "int", "Integer", "",1 + P: "OriginalUpAxisSign", "int", "Integer", "",1 + P: "UnitScaleFactor", "double", "Number", "",100 + P: "OriginalUnitScaleFactor", "double", "Number", "",1 + P: "AmbientColor", "ColorRGB", "Color", "",0,0,0 + P: "DefaultCamera", "KString", "", "", "Producer Perspective" + P: "TimeMode", "enum", "", "",6 + P: "TimeProtocol", "enum", "", "",2 + P: 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"A+",-0.00794378746768121,0.0847101532906479,-0.0182055257058711 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",-3.04156856030125e-06,1.68086694382703e-06,-1.57081024445434e-06 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",1.00000000000008,1.00000000000008,1.00000000000008 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + Shading: Y + Culling: "CullingOff" + } + Model: 2546807387760, "Model::spine", "LimbNode" { + Version: 232 + Properties70: { + P: "RotationActive", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",1 + P: "ScalingMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0 + P: "DefaultAttributeIndex", "int", "Integer", "",0 + P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A+",-1.19752061921581e-06,0.132846530627049,0.000848252456207524 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",-2.31054112215978,-0.377031524512524,0.0152516725884402 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + 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"Integer", "",0 + P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A+",-1.41206518693901e-07,0.137988918358274,-2.99842176283982e-05 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",14.6280858006025,0.745767231785126,0.194644955363224 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",1,0.999999821186066,1 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + Shading: Y + Culling: "CullingOff" + } + Model: 2546807362240, "Model::head", "LimbNode" { + Version: 232 + Properties70: { + P: "RotationActive", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",1 + P: "ScalingMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0 + P: "DefaultAttributeIndex", "int", "Integer", "",0 + P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A+",1.34426371672502e-09,0.0849144703719593,2.85409647304835e-10 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",-2.48021674487682,-0.774653818323333,0.000168611640894248 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",1,0.999999940395355,0.999999940395355 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"A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + Shading: Y + Culling: "CullingOff" + } + Model: 2546807378480, "Model::hand_r", "LimbNode" { + Version: 232 + Properties70: { + P: "RotationActive", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",1 + P: "ScalingMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0 + P: "DefaultAttributeIndex", "int", "Integer", "",0 + P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A+",7.28391249538163e-08,0.236442222128397,-5.22454366574943e-08 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",-157.536481355915,72.1689948752565,-152.43971125253 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",1,1,0.999999940395355 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + Shading: Y + Culling: "CullingOff" + } + Model: 2546807359920, "Model::c_thumb1_r", "LimbNode" { + Version: 232 + Properties70: { + P: "RotationActive", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",1 + P: "ScalingMax", "Vector3D", 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"A+",3.18717332525864e-08,0.0434719453632992,-2.49471430180392e-08 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",-29.7213984055333,-2.15102352904856,5.27616408982404 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",0.999999940395355,1,1 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + Shading: Y + Culling: "CullingOff" + } + Model: 2546807417920, "Model::c_middle3_r", "LimbNode" { + Version: 232 + Properties70: { + P: "RotationActive", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",1 + P: "ScalingMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0 + P: "DefaultAttributeIndex", "int", "Integer", "",0 + P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A+",1.83449900548194e-08,0.0329715822267196,-5.17356779639044e-08 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",-19.6248957127109,-7.84207465197978,3.89386139806123 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",0.999999940395355,0.999999940395355,0.999999940395355 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + Shading: Y + Culling: "CullingOff" + } + Model: 2546807394720, "Model::c_index1_r", "LimbNode" { + Version: 232 + Properties70: { + P: "RotationActive", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",1 + P: "ScalingMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0 + P: "DefaultAttributeIndex", "int", "Integer", "",0 + P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A+",-0.0571453427310036,0.0968029442680267,0.0139611228741707 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",-2.70667826397601,-0.791421351597117,-5.84637438115619 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",1.00000011920929,0.999999940395355,1 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + Shading: Y + Culling: "CullingOff" + } + Model: 2546807415600, "Model::c_index2_r", "LimbNode" { + Version: 232 + Properties70: { + P: "RotationActive", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",1 + P: "ScalingMax", 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"A+",0.0111242289002166,-5.89908162539109e-06,0.303771565823105 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",1.00000000106919,0.999999999326253,0.99999999960478 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + Shading: Y + Culling: "CullingOff" + } + Model: 2546807172000, "Model::muscle_shoulder_r", "LimbNode" { + Version: 232 + Properties70: { + P: "RotationActive", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",1 + P: "ScalingMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0 + P: "DefaultAttributeIndex", "int", "Integer", "",0 + P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A+",-0.00160505090928868,0.0110504291118697,-0.0157141480919067 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",-1.50182099830164e-05,1.77786349345358e-05,3.84462562277455e-06 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",0.647000000691768,0.646999999564085,0.646999999744293 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } 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"Integer", "",0 + P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A+",5.36807611921357e-05,0.0272703516790411,0.0263391973226648 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",-1.68431468702659,0.125841487526923,0.00974043725962855 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",1.00000000000008,1.00000000000008,1.00000000000007 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + Shading: Y + Culling: "CullingOff" + } + Model: 2547665133472, "Model::torso_width", "LimbNode" { + Version: 232 + Properties70: { + P: "RotationActive", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",1 + P: "ScalingMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0 + P: "DefaultAttributeIndex", "int", "Integer", "",0 + P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A+",0.00032053146663977,-0.0103600394883753,0.0348664878694368 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",-6.1635428723032,0.00254593445326483,0.0405923623956631 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", 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"A+",-1.42648575961617e-05,0.00853624773567363,0.00164916857766338 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",-114.598729912761,-0.0615913787730125,0.00488932371230835 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",1.00000000000008,1.00000000000008,1.00000000000008 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + Shading: Y + Culling: "CullingOff" + } + AnimationStack: 2547519756864, "AnimStack::DEF_Punch", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "LocalStart", "KTime", "Time", "",61581544000 + P: "LocalStop", "KTime", "Time", "",107767702000 + P: "ReferenceStart", "KTime", "Time", "",61581544000 + P: "ReferenceStop", "KTime", "Time", "",107767702000 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865903472, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.1294686146357e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847,0.003199847 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865899632, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 172.17073059082 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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"AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.32830615898294e-10 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + 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-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865900112, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.08978068828583 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865893552, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -70.1024169921875 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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"AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.135495275259018 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + 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-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865901072, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 19.696008682251 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865896272, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00794365536421537 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865895312, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0847102329134941 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865902032, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0182056408375502 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865893872, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865902832, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865895792, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865894352, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -3.02822832054517e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865897392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00320306234061718 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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{ + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865897552, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 172.17041015625 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 172.1704,172.1704,172.1704,172.1704,172.1704,172.1704,172.1704,172.1704,172.1704,172.1704,172.1704,172.1704,172.1704,172.1704,172.1704,172.1704,172.1704,172.1704,172.1704,172.1704,172.1704,172.1704,172.1704,172.1704,172.1704,172.1704,172.1704,172.1704,172.1704,172.1704,172.1704 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865897712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0727583467960358 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + 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-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865898032, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -8.06176103651524e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09,-4.423782e-09 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865898672, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 11.7075748443604 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865899152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.0897923707962 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + 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"AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 9.08039510250092e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } 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Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865910672, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.585441768169403 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865910832, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -26.6502170562744 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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"AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.23400241136551e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + 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0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865913392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -9.31322352570874e-10 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865910512, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -8.04661560058594 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + 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-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865913552, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 6.11509037017822 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865904592, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.19752064620116e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865908592, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.000848252442665398 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865906512, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.3105411529541 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865911792, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.377031534910202 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865912112, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0152516728267074 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865910352, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.00279710697941482 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865905072, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -15.102876663208 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288,-15.10288 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865905392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.37831112742424 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111,0.3783111 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865906992, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.14074452742352e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + 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KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865906352, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.99842176900711e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865910192, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 14.6280860900879 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865906672, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.74576723575592 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865903952, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.194644957780838 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865907312, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.34426370035357e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09,1.344264e-09 + } + 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61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10,2.854096e-10 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865912592, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.48021674156189 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + 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-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538,-0.7746538 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865912752, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.000168611644767225 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865907632, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -7.62037743697874e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865912912, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865913232, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865904112, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865908912, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -5.3255544116837e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + 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+ KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865914992, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 12.6025743484497 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 193.8167,179.6267,158.8609,220.9373,237.0545,241.1091,193.6035,110.6784,111.5509,113.5587,115.6469,119.905,128.9389,143.4861,163.8599,185.286,206.2507,227.6205,239.7225,232.0961,215.1131,202.1557,197.4709,194.9501,193.9377,193.7591,193.8167,193.8167,193.8167,193.8167,193.8167 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + 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-106.8714,-101.1807,-88.76535,-150.8008,-164.887,-160.4414,-118.5599,-42.92044,-43.68737,-44.78727,-45.34027,-47.45594,-53.911,-65.87585,-83.96863,-103.4996,-121.897,-141.9867,-153.7559,-146.7916,-131.0656,-118.7354,-113.587,-110.182,-108.1633,-107.1576,-106.8714,-106.8714,-106.8714,-106.8714,-106.8714 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865917712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.70310215708014e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865921392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.113623663783073 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.1136238,0.1136238,0.1136239,0.1136238,0.1136233,0.1136231,0.1136231,0.1136232,0.1136232,0.1136231,0.1136231,0.1136231,0.1136233,0.1136234,0.1136236,0.1136237,0.1136237,0.1136237,0.1136237,0.1136237,0.1136237,0.1136237,0.1136237,0.1136238,0.1136238,0.1136238,0.1136238,0.1136238,0.1136238,0.1136238,0.1136238 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865923952, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 6.00657230620527e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 9.663736e-08,1.7381e-07,2.692096e-07,6.872039e-08,-2.790897e-08,5.275004e-08,8.432076e-08,1.867035e-07,2.271622e-07,2.611011e-07,2.61307e-07,1.93117e-07,9.144033e-08,1.34355e-08,-2.044974e-08,-2.601794e-08,2.36551e-08,1.124578e-07,1.630738e-07,1.599691e-07,1.456245e-07,1.26092e-07,1.06732e-07,9.134601e-08,8.162549e-08,7.814253e-08,7.927206e-08,8.235747e-08,8.665265e-08,9.1281e-08,9.50679e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865922512, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 86.2122802734375 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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+ KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 23.37095,20.67588,17.81567,36.34302,64.75003,69.45714,62.28253,55.73655,58.38477,62.99818,66.58987,67.88304,63.13117,53.3403,44.55317,38.59605,33.17356,28.76523,26.27562,25.17583,24.3869,23.85783,23.53678,23.37145,23.30918,23.29721,23.29983,23.31304,23.33159,23.3505,23.3651 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865922992, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 60.1058158874512 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 61.39257,66.55145,76.33421,88.23631,114.4086,173.2847,156.1098,143.759,148.6561,159.5527,165.5058,150.7082,124.732,106.4838,95.39949,84.68136,73.46049,64.83809,61.53679,61.79468,61.9724,62.08939,62.15939,62.19262,62.1973,62.18079,62.10523,61.95449,61.7682,61.58599,61.44754 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + 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+ KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865917072, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.196558818221092 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.1965588,0.1965588,0.196559,0.1965591,0.1965592,0.1965593,0.1965589,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965589,0.196559,0.1965591,0.1965592,0.1965591,0.196559,0.1965589,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865921072, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.56779037752131e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -7.486896e-08,-3.346868e-07,-6.378841e-07,-6.899709e-07,-7.089009e-07,-7.490516e-07,-5.622068e-07,-1.474229e-07,-1.606852e-07,-2.062925e-07,-2.830876e-07,-4.021699e-07,-5.420302e-07,-6.535045e-07,-7.137316e-07,-7.293572e-07,-6.96415e-07,-6.002568e-07,-4.754059e-07,-3.434324e-07,-1.94111e-07,-7.598689e-08,-2.882195e-08,-2.821897e-08,-2.843404e-08,-3.005908e-08,-3.369e-08,-4.101934e-08,-5.15712e-08,-6.261093e-08,-7.132864e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865920912, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 26.9738311767578 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 18.34427,45.58383,83.30728,94.90179,102.2154,120.525,73.1273,25.7296,27.4302,32.39256,40.40752,52.82311,68.73224,84.543,96.66351,101.5019,93.70115,76.78527,60.48443,45.77707,29.99543,17.40117,12.25594,12.30932,12.49464,12.8491,13.40993,14.35601,15.63384,16.93206,17.93933 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865922672, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.126717776060104 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.1267186,0.1267174,0.1267217,0.1267225,0.126726,0.126731,0.1267199,0.1267152,0.1267144,0.1267135,0.1267132,0.1267142,0.1267175,0.1267219,0.1267246,0.1267258,0.3714068,0.8258079,1.070487,1.054593,1.010347,0.9429055,0.8574213,0.7590497,0.6529459,0.5442647,0.4381607,0.3397886,0.2543032,0.1868596,0.142613 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865919792, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.679327070713043 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.6793246,-0.6793327,-0.679343,-0.6793464,-0.6793482,-0.6793482,-0.6793429,-0.6793302,-0.6793302,-0.6793309,-0.679333,-0.679337,-0.6793419,-0.6793448,-0.6793457,-0.6793455,-0.3225767,0.3400034,0.6967799,0.6736087,0.6090978,0.5107622,0.3861168,0.2426791,0.08796684,-0.07050342,-0.2252151,-0.3686518,-0.4932971,-0.591635,-0.6561496 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865921712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 7.283912850653e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 5.641843e-08,6.037364e-08,6.238789e-08,6.615963e-08,5.622916e-08,4.003295e-08,1.579452e-08,-4.140917e-09,9.004763e-09,2.936833e-08,3.869614e-08,4.175163e-08,4.509336e-08,4.64327e-08,4.913799e-08,4.718992e-08,4.598061e-08,4.532462e-08,4.06726e-08,3.820442e-08,4.151681e-08,4.417997e-08,4.567319e-08,4.663635e-08,4.784469e-08,4.942836e-08,5.13402e-08,5.3163e-08,5.459147e-08,5.560419e-08,5.621098e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865918032, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.236442223191261 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364423,0.2364423,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865918192, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -5.22454364215719e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -7.688875e-09,-2.101697e-08,-5.155853e-08,-9.504586e-08,-1.321825e-07,-1.263828e-07,-6.685956e-09,7.304591e-08,5.092119e-08,8.149055e-09,-1.639767e-08,-1.281383e-08,-2.8757e-09,6.869115e-09,1.397156e-08,2.056806e-08,1.444711e-08,6.418195e-09,3.654886e-10,1.030815e-09,2.44804e-09,3.72354e-09,4.284049e-09,4.103261e-09,3.261572e-09,1.773553e-09,-1.8232e-10,-2.324887e-09,-4.379123e-09,-6.098434e-09,-7.263881e-09 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865915632, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -157.536483764648 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 226.8366,219.6112,206.1899,193.4393,180.4483,120.8575,81.58778,158.3649,138.999,218.9714,202.9937,204.349,208.261,214.9215,225.3308,242.0838,243.2409,241.9798,242.2061,242.3794,242.898,243.9184,245.8198,249.5751,258.5068,290.9372,368.9382,393.838,401.4183,404.7559,406.3437 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865917872, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 72.1689910888672 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 76.62734,75.28677,71.89013,67.98257,65.78215,66.57492,81.3815,99.62389,95.49747,83.86887,79.60583,79.83707,80.50371,81.54971,82.87719,84.31242,91.11407,103.7516,110.5122,109.9332,108.3625,105.9812,102.9754,99.54661,95.94942,92.82101,93.1708,96.11047,98.98179,101.2962,102.8233 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865915152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -152.439712524414 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 228.6314,221.1277,207.2439,194.4328,182.1572,121.6331,79.90377,157.2443,137.1703,215.9204,199.4039,202.4637,210.2334,221.5023,235.8669,254.5102,255.3908,252.5186,251.0046,250.6389,250.6962,251.2895,252.75,256.0095,264.3651,296.134,373.4059,397.5494,404.4068,407.1299,408.2941 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865919152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0403937101364136 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.04042932,-0.04041366,-0.04039313,-0.04039625,-0.04042257,-0.04070393,-0.04065483,-0.04069211,-0.04059849,-0.04047141,-0.04042909,-0.04043055,-0.04043711,-0.04045201,-0.0404761,-0.04050769,-0.04056322,-0.040764,-0.04092326,-0.04091026,-0.04087182,-0.04081508,-0.0407479,-0.04067761,-0.04061092,-0.04055281,-0.04050631,-0.04047238,-0.0404501,-0.04043726,-0.04043109 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + 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Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865914832, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.77210893070878e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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-38.93487,-38.93486,-38.93486,-119.4022,-119.4022,-119.4022,-119.4022,-119.4022,-119.4022,-119.4022,-119.4022,-119.4022,-119.4022,-119.4022,-119.4022,-119.4022,-119.4022,-119.4022,-119.4022,-119.4022,-119.4022,-119.4022,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93487 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865916432, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -14.0069561004639 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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0.0345813,0.03458129,0.03458129,0.03458184,0.03458184,0.03458184,0.03458184,0.03458185,0.03458184,0.03458184,0.03458184,0.03458184,0.03458184,0.03458184,0.03458184,0.03458184,0.03458184,0.03458184,0.03458184,0.03458184,0.03458184,0.03458184,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865916912, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -8.27928747781925e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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9.065032,9.065033,9.065032,7.460651,7.460651,7.460651,7.460651,7.460651,7.460651,7.460651,7.460651,7.460651,7.460651,7.460651,7.460651,7.460651,7.460651,7.460651,7.460651,7.460651,7.460651,7.460651,9.065034,9.065033,9.065033,9.065033,9.065033,9.065033,9.065033,9.065032,9.065032 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865923152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -6.24615430831909 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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"AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0405977219343185 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.04056212,0.04057778,0.04059831,0.04047947,0.04045315,0.04017178,0.04022089,0.0401836,0.04027723,0.0404043,0.04044662,0.04044517,0.04043861,0.04042371,0.04039962,0.04036802,0.0403125,0.04011171,0.03995245,0.03996545,0.04000389,0.04006063,0.04024353,0.04031381,0.04038051,0.04043862,0.04048512,0.04051905,0.04054133,0.04055417,0.04056034 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + 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Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865920432, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.012502932921052 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.01218655,0.0122876,0.01251514,0.01311912,0.0132387,0.01266403,0.01211535,0.01178822,0.01199191,0.01238797,0.01260737,0.01258158,0.01251707,0.01242852,0.01232645,0.01221642,0.01207931,0.01183748,0.0117259,0.01174033,0.01177545,0.01182905,0.01153103,0.01161425,0.01170702,0.01180454,0.01190136,0.01199182,0.01207039,0.01213205,0.0121722 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865923312, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -12.2828350067139 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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"AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -3.03492569923401 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -3.034925,-3.034926,-3.034927,17.08777,17.08777,17.08777,17.08777,17.08777,17.08777,17.08777,17.08777,17.08777,17.08777,17.08777,17.08777,17.08777,17.08777,17.08777,17.08777,17.08777,17.08777,17.08777,-3.034924,-3.034924,-3.034925,-3.034925,-3.034925,-3.034925,-3.034925,-3.034925,-3.034925 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + 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RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865923792, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -6.1282885432945e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04492909,0.04492909,0.04492909,0.04492908,0.04492908,0.04492908,0.04492908,0.04492909,0.04492908,0.04492908,0.04492909,0.04492909,0.04492909,0.04492909,0.04492909,0.04492909,0.04492909,0.04492909,0.04492909,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + 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Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865917392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -35.1921005249023 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-89.04958,-89.04958,-89.04958,-89.04958,-89.04958,-89.04958,-89.04958,-89.04958,-89.04958,-89.04958,-89.04958,-89.04958,-89.04958,-89.04958,-89.04958,-89.04958,-89.04958,-89.04958,-89.04958,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865924112, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 3.00429487228394 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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+ } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865914352, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -9.60147794604183e-11 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 8.043288e-10,5.634849e-10,-6.772082e-10,-2.468256e-09,-3.501791e-09,-6.457579e-10,-1.533661e-10,-1.668859e-10,6.744214e-10,1.215485e-09,1.416179e-09,1.098013e-09,3.974612e-10,-3.612715e-10,-9.32749e-10,-1.361267e-09,-8.695087e-10,9.023523e-10,1.818512e-09,1.670514e-09,1.39886e-09,1.03094e-09,-7.969985e-10,-6.92601e-10,-5.371704e-10,-3.155221e-10,-4.353166e-11,2.272814e-10,4.6094e-10,6.434798e-10,7.620384e-10 + } + 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0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.02963626,0.02963626,0.02963626,0.02963626,0.02963626,0.02963626,0.02963626,0.02963626,0.02963626,0.02963626,0.02963626,0.02963626,0.02963626,0.02963626,0.02963626,0.02963626,0.02963626,0.02963626,0.02963626,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865916272, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.09520552626918e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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+ a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865917552, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -13.0111513137817 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-98.74166,-98.74167,-98.74167,-98.74167,-98.74167,-98.74167,-98.74167,-98.74167,-98.74167,-98.74168,-98.74168,-98.74168,-98.74168,-98.74168,-98.74168,-98.74167,-98.74167,-98.74167,-98.74167,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + 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8.744868,8.744868,8.744868,21.67723,21.67723,21.67723,21.67723,21.67723,21.67723,21.67723,21.67723,21.67723,21.67723,21.67723,21.67723,21.67723,21.67723,21.67723,21.67723,21.67723,21.67723,21.67723,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865918832, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0100918095558882 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865918992, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0953164473176003 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.09539496,0.09537593,0.09530955,0.09464329,0.09443121,0.09355388,0.09401148,0.09453088,0.09452586,0.09452341,0.09452659,0.09455656,0.09462601,0.09470943,0.09477895,0.09480503,0.09453829,0.09405119,0.09379551,0.09380523,0.09384699,0.09391586,0.09454373,0.09465203,0.09477194,0.0948974,0.09502191,0.09513877,0.09524115,0.09532233,0.09537575 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865919632, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00522432057186961 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.004907939,0.00500899,0.005236525,0.006013294,0.006132877,0.005558204,0.005009525,0.004682402,0.004886091,0.005282149,0.005501544,0.005475759,0.005411249,0.005322693,0.005220621,0.005110587,0.004973479,0.004731656,0.004620078,0.004634503,0.004669628,0.004723228,0.004252419,0.004335642,0.004428405,0.004525925,0.004622753,0.004713206,0.004791783,0.004853434,0.00489359 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865920112, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -5.97727823257446 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -5.977278,-5.977278,-5.977278,-98.70376,-98.70376,-98.70376,-98.70376,-98.70376,-98.70376,-98.70376,-98.70376,-98.70376,-98.70376,-98.70376,-98.70376,-98.70376,-98.70376,-98.70376,-98.70376,-98.70376,-98.70376,-98.70376,-5.977279,-5.977279,-5.977279,-5.977279,-5.977279,-5.977279,-5.977279,-5.977278,-5.977278 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865920752, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -7.79978322982788 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -7.799782,-7.799783,-7.799785,1.664179,1.664182,1.664185,1.664187,1.664186,1.664186,1.664185,1.664184,1.664184,1.664184,1.664183,1.664182,1.664181,1.664181,1.664181,1.664182,1.664182,1.664182,1.664182,-7.799782,-7.799782,-7.799782,-7.799782,-7.799782,-7.799782,-7.799782,-7.799782,-7.799782 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + 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NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865933712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 3.18717319203188e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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-2.151024,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151024,-2.151024 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865931632, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 5.27616405487061 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865929712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0329715833067894 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.0322405,0.0322405,0.0322405,0.0322405,0.0322405,0.0322405,0.0322405,0.0322405,0.0322405,0.0322405,0.0322405,0.0322405,0.0322405,0.0322405,0.0322405,0.0322405,0.0322405,0.0322405,0.0322405,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865929232, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -5.17356788520829e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -5.174153e-08,-5.173305e-08,-5.17194e-08,8.895722e-05,8.895746e-05,8.895526e-05,8.895581e-05,8.89552e-05,8.895549e-05,8.895579e-05,8.895615e-05,8.895627e-05,8.895591e-05,8.895524e-05,8.895461e-05,8.895418e-05,8.895389e-05,8.895428e-05,8.895492e-05,8.895522e-05,8.895551e-05,8.895568e-05,-5.150391e-08,-5.147933e-08,-5.147852e-08,-5.150866e-08,-5.156253e-08,-5.161946e-08,-5.16692e-08,-5.170794e-08,-5.173278e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865930032, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -19.6248950958252 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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-7.84207487106323 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,15.30054,15.30054,15.30055,15.30055,15.30055,15.30055,15.30055,15.30055,15.30054,15.30055,15.30055,15.30055,15.30055,15.30055,15.30055,15.30055,15.30055,15.30055,15.30055,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + 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} + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865928752, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0571453422307968 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.05718095,-0.05716529,-0.05714476,-0.05721328,-0.0572396,-0.05752097,-0.05747186,-0.05750915,-0.05741552,-0.05728844,-0.05724612,-0.05724758,-0.05725414,-0.05726904,-0.05729313,-0.05732472,-0.05738025,-0.05758104,-0.05774029,-0.0577273,-0.05768886,-0.05763211,-0.05749954,-0.05742925,-0.05736256,-0.05730445,-0.05725795,-0.05722401,-0.05720173,-0.05718889,-0.05718273 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: 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{ + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865931792, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -5.84637451171875 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -5.846375,-5.846374,-5.846375,-6.176357,-6.176355,-6.176358,-6.176361,-6.176364,-6.176366,-6.176366,-6.176366,-6.176365,-6.176365,-6.176364,-6.176363,-6.176363,-6.176362,-6.176363,-6.176363,-6.176363,-6.176363,-6.176362,-5.846378,-5.846378,-5.846377,-5.846377,-5.846376,-5.846375,-5.846375,-5.846375,-5.846375 + } + 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-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-98.37937,-98.37937,-98.37936,-98.37936,-98.37936,-98.37936,-98.37936,-98.37936,-98.37936,-98.37936,-98.37936,-98.37936,-98.37936,-98.37936,-98.37936,-98.37936,-98.37936,-98.37936,-98.37936,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865932272, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -9.14817810058594 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865932112, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0511242672801018 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.0503608,0.0503608,0.0503608,0.0503608,0.0503608,0.0503608,0.0503608,0.0503608,0.0503608,0.0503608,0.0503608,0.0503608,0.0503608,0.0503608,0.0503608,0.0503608,0.0503608,0.0503608,0.0503608,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865933072, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.42975366657083e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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1.02058,1.020581,1.02058,5.638505,5.638505,5.638505,5.638505,5.638505,5.638505,5.638505,5.638505,5.638505,5.638505,5.638505,5.638505,5.638505,5.638505,5.638505,5.638505,5.638505,5.638505,5.638505,1.02058,1.02058,1.02058,1.02058,1.02058,1.02058,1.02058,1.02058,1.02058 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865926032, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.00632878672331572 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503883,-0.01503882,-0.01503883,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503883,-0.01503883,-0.01503883,-0.01503883,-0.01503883,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865930192, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -89.8299942016602 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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"" { + Default: -1.48132073879242 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.481321,-1.481321,-1.481321,-1.481321,-1.481318,-1.481317,-1.481318,-1.481316,-1.481317,-1.481318,-1.481319,-1.481319,-1.481318,-1.481316,-1.481316,-1.481316,-1.481317,-1.481318,-1.481319,-1.481319,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.481321,-1.481321 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865929872, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 83.8638153076172 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86381,83.86381,83.86381,83.86381,83.86381,83.86381,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + 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} + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865930352, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.128472685813904 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865924752, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -6.69184692014824e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -6.672762e-06,-6.679164e-06,-6.693351e-06,-6.712924e-06,-6.726575e-06,-6.693523e-06,-6.648348e-06,-6.621075e-06,-6.634395e-06,-6.658042e-06,-6.670631e-06,-6.66882e-06,-6.663773e-06,-6.658931e-06,-6.655542e-06,-6.652378e-06,-6.648264e-06,-6.636032e-06,-6.628887e-06,-6.629296e-06,-6.630798e-06,-6.633534e-06,-6.637458e-06,-6.642241e-06,-6.647528e-06,-6.653049e-06,-6.65815e-06,-6.662708e-06,-6.666718e-06,-6.669906e-06,-6.672006e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865934192, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.053307056427 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.026483,1.034648,1.052977,1.072186,1.082638,1.037588,1.003741,1.012555,1.006986,1.010785,1.028655,1.027364,1.023694,1.0179,1.010342,1.001456,1.002833,1.009085,1.012433,1.012133,1.01123,1.009813,1.007975,1.005821,1.003465,1.001032,1.004328,1.011392,1.017491,1.022265,1.025372 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + 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Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865930672, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.05330693721771 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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0.001955784,0.001955785,0.001955785,0.001955785,0.001955783,0.001955782,0.001955783,0.001955784,0.001955783,0.001955783,0.001955783,0.001955783,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784,0.001955784 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865925872, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0285587273538113 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865928912, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865930832, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865929072, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,0.9999999,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865926352, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0111242290586233 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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2545865930992, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -5.89908177062171e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -5.900332e-06,-5.898386e-06,-5.901905e-06,-7.604692e-06,-5.935844e-06,-5.931825e-06,-5.911317e-06,-8.557444e-06,-9.202987e-06,-9.836839e-06,-1.000509e-05,-9.312756e-06,-7.628457e-06,-5.889496e-06,-5.894493e-06,-5.900283e-06,-5.904839e-06,-7.197603e-06,-7.235802e-06,-5.905087e-06,-5.90258e-06,-5.900543e-06,-5.899753e-06,-5.899564e-06,-5.899786e-06,-5.900125e-06,-5.900289e-06,-5.900289e-06,-5.900295e-06,-5.90031e-06,-5.900325e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: 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-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865927312, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.647000014781952 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865927632, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.647000014781952 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865927792, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.50182104334817e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.541303e-05,-1.439197e-05,-1.352155e-05,-1.374603e-05,-1.467123e-05,-1.572903e-05,-1.430045e-05,-1.337375e-05,-1.337731e-05,-1.341437e-05,-1.349495e-05,-1.360937e-05,-1.380216e-05,-1.411571e-05,-1.44897e-05,-1.481887e-05,-1.518352e-05,-1.530981e-05,-1.531983e-05,-1.52434e-05,-1.508878e-05,-1.500326e-05,-1.50528e-05,-1.515442e-05,-1.527291e-05,-1.537167e-05,-1.541303e-05,-1.541303e-05,-1.541303e-05,-1.541303e-05,-1.541303e-05 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865928112, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.77786350832321e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 3.774096e-06,3.503231e-06,3.240748e-06,4.794304e-06,6.425802e-06,6.665975e-06,4.559563e-06,1.001836e-06,9.524255e-07,9.258613e-07,8.975173e-07,1.003829e-06,1.422113e-06,2.149058e-06,3.015708e-06,3.738356e-06,4.287359e-06,4.559141e-06,4.629287e-06,4.480185e-06,4.174962e-06,3.947612e-06,3.862805e-06,3.811443e-06,3.785119e-06,3.775453e-06,3.774096e-06,3.774096e-06,3.774096e-06,3.774096e-06,3.774096e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865940272, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0300423558801413 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865942032, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0905367061495781 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865939632, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.00390925025567412 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865943312, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.43431670949212e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05,1.434317e-05 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865936912, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 101.772308349609 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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"AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.00202373904176056 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } 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"AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -94.1707077026367 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071,-94.17071 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + 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KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865939792, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.1299333664283e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865941552, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 5.31262820402389e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08,5.312628e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } 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61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236,0.6793236 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865939152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 7.66645655403408e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865943792, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.236441478133202 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415,0.2364415 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: 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61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 92.91299,92.91299,92.91299,92.91299,92.91299,92.91299,92.91299,92.91299,92.91299,92.91299,92.91299,92.91299,92.91299,92.91299,92.91299,92.91299,92.91299,92.91299,92.91299,92.91299,92.91299,92.91299,92.91299,92.91299,92.91299,92.91299,92.91299,92.91299,92.91299,92.91299,92.91299 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865943152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 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31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865937552, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 91.7530212402344 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + 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Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865935632, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0276913773268461 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865941392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -73.1584396362305 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865941712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 71.1912155151367 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122,71.19122 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865934512, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -114.995635986328 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956,-114.9956 + } + 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61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + 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-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865934672, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 14.0069551467896 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865936272, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 4.80591921814266e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: 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0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136,0.03458136 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865943952, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.18733404722116e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258,-0.03840258 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865940112, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0819994658231735 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + 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"AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 3.03488826751709 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865942512, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 5.86538171768188 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865942672, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.03942420284875e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209,-35.19209 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865936432, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -3.00429606437683 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865936592, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.665260016918182 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865936752, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.46733014627642e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09,1.46733e-09 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + 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"AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 21.3016567230225 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865939952, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -8.74486827850342 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + 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Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865941232, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0956599414348602 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865944752, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0053441715426743 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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{ + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865944912, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -5.97725486755371 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865814992, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 7.79974508285522 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746,7.799746 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865812592, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 3.8853063583374 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307,3.885307 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865820112, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -3.50366747170483e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07,-3.503667e-07 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865821072, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0434722267091274 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + 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-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138,-29.72138 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865818832, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 2.15102314949036 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023,2.151023 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865815152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -5.27616310119629 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163,-5.276163 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865817392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 8.2522477740099e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865813072, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0329716131091118 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865813712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -19.6248931884766 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865818192, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 7.84207487106323 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865813392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -3.89386105537415 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861,-3.893861 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865818672, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0593406148254871 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566,0.09714566 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + 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NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865820272, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -9.16243934631348 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865813872, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 2.00491976737976 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + 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Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865812752, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -7.818320568731e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865814832, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.237498872797e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: 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0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865821392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -6.52509925203049e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + 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Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865821552, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.00187706947327 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865811792, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.976156532764435 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865813552, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0300807915627956 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865816272, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.00194860715419054 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 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-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865814352, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00160507846157998 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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{ + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865814512, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0110504319891334 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865815952, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0157141759991646 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865814672, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865818032, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865817232, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865816592, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 3.68241467185726e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 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61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865853712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 72.8950424194336 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865857232, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0827307850122452 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079,-0.08273079 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865863632, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.00448718015104532 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2545865868592, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0821198672056198 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547514181488, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 95.727653503418 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547514180848, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 5.36807601747569e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05,5.368076e-05 + } + 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"AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547514189008, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547514181008, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547514183088, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.6843147277832 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547514188368, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.125841483473778 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415,0.1258415 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547514182288, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00974043738096952 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437,0.009740437 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: 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{ + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547514182928, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.034866489470005 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649,0.03486649 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + 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{ + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547514186288, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547514185008, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -6.16354274749756 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547514186448, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00254593440331519 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: 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61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547514185648, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0618293210864067 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547514187408, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547514180368, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547514189328, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547514179888, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 90.2242813110352 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547514183248, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.000950568064581603 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547514184048, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.00102453993167728 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547514184368, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.93046548702114e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547514184688, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0136219803243876 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547514187088, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547514188528, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547514181168, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 5.51124811172485 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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+ ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547514183568, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -8.64013563841581e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547514185328, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00853624753654003 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248,0.008536248 + } + 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0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547514187248, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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"AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0615913793444633 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2547514188848, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00488932384178042 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 61581544000,63121082600,64660621200,66200159800,67739698400,69279237000,70818775600,72358314200,73897852800,75437391400,76976930000,78516468600,80056007200,81595545800,83135084400,84674623000,86214161600,87753700200,89293238800,90832777400,92372316000,93911854600,95451393200,96990931800,98530470400,100070009000,101609547600,103149086200,104688624800,106228163400,107767702000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519754160, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519756448, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519748336, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519747712, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519754992, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519754784, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519748752, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519746672, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519750000, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519758112, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519747920, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519749792, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519755200, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519752704, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519750208, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519754368, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519753744, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519749376, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519753536, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519756032, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519750416, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519745632, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519750832, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519750624, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519746880, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519751040, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519756240, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519746256, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519751248, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519754576, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519757072, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519747088, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519749584, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519751456, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519755408, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519747296, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519755616, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519751664, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519756656, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519751872, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519755824, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519757280, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519747504, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519757488, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519757696, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519757904, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519745840, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519746048, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519746464, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519752496, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519748960, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519752912, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519748128, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519749168, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519748544, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519752080, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519752288, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519753120, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519753328, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519753952, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519518912, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519515792, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519517872, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519515376, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519517456, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519515168, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519517040, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519514960, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519512880, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519513088, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519518080, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519513296, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519513504, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519506848, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519518288, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519518704, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519510384, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519514752, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519507888, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519507056, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519506016, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519509344, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519514128, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + 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"AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519512256, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519513712, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519513920, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519530560, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519530976, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519520992, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", 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"AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519522240, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519529936, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519523488, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519525360, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519532224, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519523696, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", 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"d|X", "Number", "", "A",-3.04156856030125e-06 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.68086694382703e-06 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-1.57081024445434e-06 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519540960, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-1.19752061921581e-06 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.132846530627049 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.000848252456207524 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519542208, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519533888, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-2.31054112215978 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-0.377031524512524 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.0152516725884402 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519533472, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-1.10401163279754e-05 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.130901114956862 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-0.0027971069587412 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519541168, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.00000011920929 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000011920929 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519541376, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-15.1028762410659 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.378311139190968 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-2.14074463274676e-06 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519543664, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-1.41206518693901e-07 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.137988918358274 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-2.99842176283982e-05 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519536800, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.999999821186066 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519542624, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",14.6280858006025 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.745767231785126 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.194644955363224 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519537632, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.34426371672502e-09 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.0849144703719593 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",2.85409647304835e-10 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519535968, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.999999940395355 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.999999940395355 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519541792, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-2.48021674487682 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-0.774653818323333 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.000168611640894248 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519533680, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-7.62037780075403e-05 + 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"A",0.999999821186066 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.999999940395355 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.999999940395355 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519604608, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-38.9348566281814 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",14.0069551659325 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-9.36158931976965 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519609600, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",4.80591937357389e-08 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.0345813558899529 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-2.18733411938565e-08 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519606896, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519605232, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",19.1501739597024 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-9.06503518216372 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",6.24615584229022 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519611472, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-0.0384025762718369 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.0819994688057467 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.0126227443000853 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519610432, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.00000011920929 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519607104, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-12.282813165492 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",3.03488826467417 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",5.86538180798801 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519605024, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-2.03942424926995e-07 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.0453930775212602 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",2.85426444945891e-06 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519608768, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.999999761581421 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.999999821186066 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.99999988079071 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519602112, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-35.1920908975339 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-3.00429617465829 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.665259992645733 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519609184, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.467330174032e-09 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.0303718987699314 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",7.20887975980133e-08 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519602320, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.999999940395355 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.99999988079071 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.99999988079071 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519608352, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-13.0111513913028 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",21.3016567238979 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-8.74486830464613 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519605440, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.012286935808537 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.0956599379230062 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.0053441717424827 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519605648, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.00000011920929 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000011920929 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519607312, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-5.97725495311015 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",7.7997453153562 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",3.88530644197155 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519608144, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-3.50366735873964e-07 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.0434722284089236 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",2.29175741583987e-06 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519602528, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.999999940395355 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519609392, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-29.7213813746304 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",2.15102309895341 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-5.27616301661427 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519609808, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",8.25224785727663e-09 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.0329716131037024 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",4.00612050199811e-08 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519610640, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.00000011920929 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519610848, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-19.624893164838 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",7.84207489383692 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-3.89386106782941 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519612096, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.0593406138621653 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.097145662226014 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.0140723842250812 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519612304, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000011920929 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.999999940395355 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519599408, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-9.16243972693417 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",2.00491977001293 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",5.5285944258342 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519599824, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-7.81832054305709e-08 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.0479045912008961 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",5.50229099616217e-07 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519600032, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519644544, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-44.521866361202 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",9.14817919269564 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-7.30820379688786 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519641216, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-6.76170106017615e-09 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.0511242076468898 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-2.03477465987589e-08 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519641424, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000011920929 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.999999940395355 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000011920929 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519649328, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-9.26884444672588 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-2.12744779978065 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-1.02058038937878 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519645376, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.00632878959282359 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.0829842242537248 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-0.0150388219051298 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519641632, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.999999940395355 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519641840, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-89.8299988551375 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.48131287004153 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-83.8638209706944 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519649536, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-1.23749884097801e-05 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.128472317156832 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-6.5250991856669e-06 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519642464, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00187703952827 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.999999821037028 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.0018770993942 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519648912, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-0.0122981349650266 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.976156521302198 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-0.03008079169553 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519646624, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-0.00194860717646383 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.0285582366199225 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-0.000203577646040315 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519643296, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.999999999384937 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000061521 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519644752, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.0116014086331215 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",5.27514404359037e-05 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-0.303750850450818 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519644960, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.00160507846822671 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.0110504320660471 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-0.015714176606795 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519645584, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.999999999384938 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000061521 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519645792, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",3.68241464225409e-06 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-7.80725858104233e-06 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",9.04828096396796e-08 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519646000, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.0830906754464582 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-0.00386412396774527 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.0823321414501396 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519647040, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519647456, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",72.8950440915413 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",7.20625621047189 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-95.7375689884457 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519647872, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-0.0827307866598292 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-0.0044871801218056 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.0821198691599855 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519661600, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000007 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519664512, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",72.8962546064729 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-7.20638273169096 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",95.7276572739579 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519660768, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",5.36807611921357e-05 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.0272703516790411 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.0263391973226648 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519664720, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000007 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519662224, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-1.68431468702659 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.125841487526923 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.00974043725962855 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519662016, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.00032053146663977 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-0.0103600394883753 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.0348664878694368 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519656608, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000007 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519663472, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-6.1635428723032 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.00254593445326483 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.0405923623956631 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519653280, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-1.13576792095427e-06 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.080371624169121 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.0618293221830551 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519663264, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519652864, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",90.2242776073233 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.000950568069675175 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-0.0010245399775056 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519665136, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-1.93046551725719e-06 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.0608725616047077 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.0136219804692873 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519664928, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519656400, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",5.51124823698048 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-6.38867397889428e-07 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-8.64013544618061e-05 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519660976, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-1.42648575961617e-05 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.00853624773567363 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.00164916857766338 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519658064, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547519661808, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-114.598729912761 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-0.0615913787730125 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.00488932371230835 + } + } + AnimationLayer: 2547671060000, "AnimLayer::BaseLayer", "" { + } + AnimationLayer: 2547671051792, "AnimLayer::Fingers", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "Lock", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "Color", "ColorRGB", "Color", "",0.5,1,0 + P: "RotationAccumulationMode", "enum", "", "",1 + } + } + AnimationLayer: 2547671055440, "AnimLayer::LowerBody", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "Mute", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "Lock", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "Color", "ColorRGB", "Color", "",0.5,1,0 + P: "RotationAccumulationMode", "enum", "", "",1 + } + } + AnimationLayer: 2547671055744, "AnimLayer::UpperBody", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "Color", "ColorRGB", "Color", "",0.5,1,0 + P: "RotationAccumulationMode", "enum", "", "",1 + } + } + AnimationLayer: 2547671065776, "AnimLayer::UpperBodyTPose", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "Color", "ColorRGB", "Color", "",0.5,1,0 + P: "BlendMode", "enum", "", "",2 + P: "RotationAccumulationMode", "enum", "", "",1 + } + } +} + +; Object connections +;------------------------------------------------------------------ + +Connections: { + + ;Model::HumanArmature, Model::RootNode + C: "OO",2546807318160,0 + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::HumanArmature + C: "OO",2543525607600,2546807318160 + + ;Model::hips, Model::HumanArmature + C: "OO",2546807336720,2546807318160 + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::hips + C: "OO",2547522829072,2546807336720 + + ;Model::thigh_l, Model::hips + C: "OO",2546807341360,2546807336720 + + ;Model::thigh_r, Model::hips + C: "OO",2546807322800,2546807336720 + + ;Model::spine, Model::hips + C: "OO",2546807387760,2546807336720 + + ;Model::belly, Model::hips + C: "OO",2547665152032,2546807336720 + + ;Model::waist, Model::hips + C: "OO",2547665126512,2546807336720 + + ;Model::butt, Model::hips + C: "OO",2547665142752,2546807336720 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::hips + C: "OP",2547519527440,2546807336720, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::hips + C: "OP",2547519530144,2546807336720, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::hips + C: "OP",2547519525568,2546807336720, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::hips + C: "OP",2547519754160,2546807336720, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::hips + C: "OP",2547519756448,2546807336720, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::thigh_l + C: "OO",2547522830224,2546807341360 + + ;Model::lower_leg_l, Model::thigh_l + C: "OO",2546807339040,2546807341360 + + ;Model::width_thigh_l, Model::thigh_l + C: "OO",2546807320480,2546807341360 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::thigh_l + C: "OP",2547519526192,2546807341360, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::thigh_l + C: "OP",2547519531392,2546807341360, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::thigh_l + C: "OP",2547519522864,2546807341360, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::thigh_l + C: "OP",2547519748336,2546807341360, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::thigh_l + C: "OP",2547519747712,2546807341360, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::lower_leg_l + C: "OO",2547522825424,2546807339040 + + ;Model::foot_l, Model::lower_leg_l + C: "OO",2546807346000,2546807339040 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::lower_leg_l + C: "OP",2547519531808,2546807339040, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::lower_leg_l + C: "OP",2547519532432,2546807339040, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::lower_leg_l + C: "OP",2547519525776,2546807339040, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::lower_leg_l + C: "OP",2547519754992,2546807339040, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::lower_leg_l + C: "OP",2547519754784,2546807339040, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::foot_l + C: "OO",2547522820048,2546807346000 + + ;Model::toes_l, Model::foot_l + C: "OO",2546807350640,2546807346000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::foot_l + C: "OP",2547519519536,2546807346000, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::foot_l + C: "OP",2547519519744,2546807346000, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::foot_l + C: "OP",2547519521616,2546807346000, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::foot_l + C: "OP",2547519748752,2546807346000, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::foot_l + C: "OP",2547519746672,2546807346000, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::toes_l + C: "OO",2547522821776,2546807350640 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::toes_l + C: "OP",2547519520160,2546807350640, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::toes_l + C: "OP",2547519527856,2546807350640, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::toes_l + C: "OP",2547519520576,2546807350640, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::toes_l + C: "OP",2547519750000,2546807350640, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::toes_l + C: "OP",2547519758112,2546807350640, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::width_thigh_l + C: "OO",2547522829264,2546807320480 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::width_thigh_l + C: "OP",2547519520784,2546807320480, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::width_thigh_l + C: "OP",2547519521408,2546807320480, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::width_thigh_l + C: "OP",2547519521200,2546807320480, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::width_thigh_l + C: "OP",2547519747920,2546807320480, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::width_thigh_l + C: "OP",2547519749792,2546807320480, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::thigh_r + C: "OO",2547522823888,2546807322800 + + ;Model::lower_leg_r, Model::thigh_r + C: "OO",2546807383120,2546807322800 + + ;Model::width_thigh_r, Model::thigh_r + C: "OO",2546807355280,2546807322800 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::thigh_r + C: "OP",2547519521824,2546807322800, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::thigh_r + C: "OP",2547519524528,2546807322800, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::thigh_r + C: "OP",2547519523072,2546807322800, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::thigh_r + C: "OP",2547519755200,2546807322800, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::thigh_r + C: "OP",2547519752704,2546807322800, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::lower_leg_r + C: "OO",2547522825616,2546807383120 + + ;Model::foot_r, Model::lower_leg_r + C: "OO",2546807352960,2546807383120 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::lower_leg_r + C: "OP",2547519525984,2546807383120, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::lower_leg_r + C: "OP",2547519523904,2546807383120, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::lower_leg_r + C: "OP",2547519522448,2546807383120, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::lower_leg_r + C: "OP",2547519750208,2546807383120, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::lower_leg_r + C: "OP",2547519754368,2546807383120, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::foot_r + C: "OO",2547522830416,2546807352960 + + ;Model::toes_r, Model::foot_r + C: "OO",2546807385440,2546807352960 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::foot_r + C: "OP",2547519524736,2546807352960, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::foot_r + C: "OP",2547519525152,2546807352960, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::foot_r + C: "OP",2547519524944,2546807352960, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::foot_r + C: "OP",2547519753744,2546807352960, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::foot_r + C: "OP",2547519749376,2546807352960, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::toes_r + C: "OO",2547522830800,2546807385440 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::toes_r + C: "OP",2547519526400,2546807385440, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::toes_r + C: "OP",2547519526608,2546807385440, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::toes_r + C: "OP",2547519528272,2546807385440, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::toes_r + C: "OP",2547519753536,2546807385440, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::toes_r + C: "OP",2547519756032,2546807385440, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::width_thigh_r + C: "OO",2547522824848,2546807355280 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::width_thigh_r + C: "OP",2547519528064,2546807355280, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::width_thigh_r + C: "OP",2547519541584,2546807355280, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::width_thigh_r + C: "OP",2547519535760,2546807355280, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::width_thigh_r + C: "OP",2547519750416,2546807355280, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::width_thigh_r + C: "OP",2547519745632,2546807355280, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::spine + C: "OO",2547522818896,2546807387760 + + ;Model::chest, Model::spine + C: "OO",2546807371520,2546807387760 + + ;Model::torso_width, Model::spine + C: "OO",2547665133472,2546807387760 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::spine + C: "OP",2547519540960,2546807387760, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::spine + C: "OP",2547519533888,2546807387760, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::spine + C: "OP",2547519542208,2546807387760, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::spine + C: "OP",2547519750832,2546807387760, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::spine + C: "OP",2547519750624,2546807387760, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::chest + C: "OO",2547522823312,2546807371520 + + ;Model::neck, Model::chest + C: "OO",2546807373840,2546807371520 + + ;Model::shoulder_r, Model::chest + C: "OO",2546807364560,2546807371520 + + ;Model::shoulder_l, Model::chest + C: "OO",2546807169680,2546807371520 + + ;Model::breast_L, Model::chest + C: "OO",2547665149712,2546807371520 + + ;Model::breast_R, Model::chest + C: "OO",2547665131152,2546807371520 + + ;Model::muscle_chest, Model::chest + C: "OO",2547665128832,2546807371520 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::chest + C: "OP",2547519533472,2546807371520, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::chest + C: "OP",2547519541376,2546807371520, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::chest + C: "OP",2547519541168,2546807371520, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::chest + C: "OP",2547519746880,2546807371520, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::chest + C: "OP",2547519751040,2546807371520, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::neck + C: "OO",2547522823696,2546807373840 + + ;Model::head, Model::neck + C: "OO",2546807362240,2546807373840 + + ;Model::muscle_neck, Model::neck + C: "OO",2546807369200,2546807373840 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::neck + C: "OP",2547519543664,2546807373840, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::neck + C: "OP",2547519542624,2546807373840, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::neck + C: "OP",2547519536800,2546807373840, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::neck + C: "OP",2547519756240,2546807373840, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::neck + C: "OP",2547519746256,2546807373840, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::head + C: "OO",2547522828496,2546807362240 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::head + C: "OP",2547519537632,2546807362240, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::head + C: "OP",2547519541792,2546807362240, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::head + C: "OP",2547519535968,2546807362240, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::head + C: "OP",2547519751248,2546807362240, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::head + C: "OP",2547519754576,2546807362240, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::muscle_neck + C: "OO",2547522825808,2546807369200 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::muscle_neck + C: "OP",2547519533680,2546807369200, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::muscle_neck + C: "OP",2547519536592,2546807369200, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::muscle_neck + C: "OP",2547519538672,2546807369200, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::muscle_neck + C: "OP",2547519757072,2546807369200, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::muscle_neck + C: "OP",2547519747088,2546807369200, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::shoulder_r + C: "OO",2547522824080,2546807364560 + + ;Model::upper_arm_r, Model::shoulder_r + C: "OO",2546807357600,2546807364560 + + ;Model::muscle_shoulder_r, Model::shoulder_r + C: "OO",2546807172000,2546807364560 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::shoulder_r + C: "OP",2547519545120,2546807364560, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::shoulder_r + C: "OP",2547519537840,2546807364560, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::shoulder_r + C: "OP",2547519543248,2546807364560, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::shoulder_r + C: "OP",2547519749584,2546807364560, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::shoulder_r + C: "OP",2547519751456,2546807364560, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::upper_arm_r + C: "OO",2547522828304,2546807357600 + + ;Model::forearm_r, Model::upper_arm_r + C: "OO",2546807376160,2546807357600 + + ;Model::bicep_r, Model::upper_arm_r + C: "OO",2546807176640,2546807357600 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::upper_arm_r + C: "OP",2547519542832,2546807357600, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::upper_arm_r + C: "OP",2547519540128,2546807357600, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::upper_arm_r + C: "OP",2547519543456,2546807357600, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::upper_arm_r + C: "OP",2547519755408,2546807357600, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::upper_arm_r + C: "OP",2547519747296,2546807357600, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::forearm_r + C: "OO",2547522819088,2546807376160 + + ;Model::hand_r, Model::forearm_r + C: "OO",2546807378480,2546807376160 + + ;Model::forearm_twist_r, Model::forearm_r + C: "OO",2546807165040,2546807376160 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::forearm_r + C: "OP",2547519538880,2546807376160, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::forearm_r + C: "OP",2547519545536,2546807376160, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::forearm_r + C: "OP",2547519533264,2546807376160, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::forearm_r + C: "OP",2547519755616,2546807376160, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::forearm_r + C: "OP",2547519751664,2546807376160, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::hand_r + C: "OO",2547522826000,2546807378480 + + ;Model::c_thumb1_r, Model::hand_r + C: "OO",2546807359920,2546807378480 + + ;Model::c_ring1_r, Model::hand_r + C: "OO",2546807420240,2546807378480 + + ;Model::c_middle1_r, Model::hand_r + C: "OO",2546807401680,2546807378480 + + ;Model::c_index1_r, Model::hand_r + C: "OO",2546807394720,2546807378480 + + ;Model::hold_r, Model::hand_r + C: "OO",2546807195200,2546807378480 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::hand_r + C: "OP",2547519543872,2546807378480, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::hand_r + C: "OP",2547519545328,2546807378480, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::hand_r + C: "OP",2547519544704,2546807378480, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::hand_r + C: "OP",2547519756656,2546807378480, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::hand_r + C: "OP",2547519751872,2546807378480, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_thumb1_r + C: "OO",2547522829456,2546807359920 + + ;Model::c_thumb2_r, Model::c_thumb1_r + C: "OO",2546807410960,2546807359920 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_thumb1_r + C: "OP",2547519540752,2546807359920, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_thumb1_r + C: "OP",2547519539296,2546807359920, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_thumb1_r + C: "OP",2547519540544,2546807359920, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_thumb1_r + C: "OP",2547519755824,2546807359920, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_thumb1_r + C: "OP",2547519757280,2546807359920, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_thumb2_r + C: "OO",2547522828880,2546807410960 + + ;Model::c_thumb3_r, Model::c_thumb2_r + C: "OO",2546807406320,2546807410960 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_thumb2_r + C: "OP",2547519544912,2546807410960, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_thumb2_r + C: "OP",2547519544080,2546807410960, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_thumb2_r + C: "OP",2547519542000,2546807410960, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_thumb2_r + C: "OP",2547519747504,2546807410960, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_thumb2_r + C: "OP",2547519757488,2546807410960, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_thumb3_r + C: "OO",2547522826576,2546807406320 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_thumb3_r + C: "OP",2547519534096,2546807406320, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_thumb3_r + C: "OP",2547519537424,2546807406320, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_thumb3_r + C: "OP",2547519535552,2546807406320, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_thumb3_r + C: "OP",2547519757696,2546807406320, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_thumb3_r + C: "OP",2547519757904,2546807406320, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_ring1_r + C: "OO",2547522826960,2546807420240 + + ;Model::c_ring2_r, Model::c_ring1_r + C: "OO",2546807422560,2546807420240 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_ring1_r + C: "OP",2547519534304,2546807420240, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_ring1_r + C: "OP",2547519543040,2546807420240, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_ring1_r + C: "OP",2547519536176,2546807420240, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_ring1_r + C: "OP",2547519745840,2546807420240, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_ring1_r + C: "OP",2547519746048,2546807420240, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_ring2_r + C: "OO",2547522819472,2546807422560 + + ;Model::c_ring3_r, Model::c_ring2_r + C: "OO",2546807399360,2546807422560 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_ring2_r + C: "OP",2547519544496,2546807422560, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_ring2_r + C: "OP",2547519534512,2546807422560, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_ring2_r + C: "OP",2547519539712,2546807422560, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_ring2_r + C: "OP",2547519746464,2546807422560, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_ring2_r + C: "OP",2547519752496,2546807422560, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_ring3_r + C: "OO",2547522824464,2546807399360 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_ring3_r + C: "OP",2547519532640,2546807399360, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_ring3_r + C: "OP",2547519544288,2546807399360, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_ring3_r + C: "OP",2547519536384,2546807399360, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_ring3_r + C: "OP",2547519748960,2546807399360, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_ring3_r + C: "OP",2547519752912,2546807399360, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_middle1_r + C: "OO",2547522827344,2546807401680 + + ;Model::c_middle2_r, Model::c_middle1_r + C: "OO",2546807424880,2546807401680 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_middle1_r + C: "OP",2547519542416,2546807401680, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_middle1_r + C: "OP",2547519545744,2546807401680, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_middle1_r + C: "OP",2547519534720,2546807401680, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_middle1_r + C: "OP",2547519748128,2546807401680, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_middle1_r + C: "OP",2547519749168,2546807401680, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_middle2_r + C: "OO",2547522822736,2546807424880 + + ;Model::c_middle3_r, Model::c_middle2_r + C: "OO",2546807417920,2546807424880 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_middle2_r + C: "OP",2547519537008,2546807424880, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_middle2_r + C: "OP",2547519533056,2546807424880, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_middle2_r + C: "OP",2547519532848,2546807424880, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_middle2_r + C: "OP",2547519748544,2546807424880, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_middle2_r + C: "OP",2547519752080,2546807424880, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_middle3_r + C: "OO",2547522829648,2546807417920 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_middle3_r + C: "OP",2547519534928,2546807417920, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_middle3_r + C: "OP",2547519538048,2546807417920, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_middle3_r + C: "OP",2547519537216,2546807417920, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_middle3_r + C: "OP",2547519752288,2546807417920, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_middle3_r + C: "OP",2547519753120,2546807417920, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_index1_r + C: "OO",2547522827536,2546807394720 + + ;Model::c_index2_r, Model::c_index1_r + C: "OO",2546807415600,2546807394720 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_index1_r + C: "OP",2547519538256,2546807394720, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_index1_r + C: "OP",2547519538464,2546807394720, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_index1_r + C: "OP",2547519535136,2546807394720, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_index1_r + C: "OP",2547519753328,2546807394720, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_index1_r + C: "OP",2547519753952,2546807394720, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_index2_r + C: "OO",2547522819664,2546807415600 + + ;Model::c_index3_r, Model::c_index2_r + C: "OO",2546807397040,2546807415600 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_index2_r + C: "OP",2547519535344,2546807415600, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_index2_r + C: "OP",2547519539504,2546807415600, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_index2_r + C: "OP",2547519539088,2546807415600, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_index2_r + C: "OP",2547519518912,2546807415600, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_index2_r + C: "OP",2547519515792,2546807415600, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_index3_r + C: "OO",2547522821008,2546807397040 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_index3_r + C: "OP",2547519539920,2546807397040, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_index3_r + C: "OP",2547519558016,2546807397040, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_index3_r + C: "OP",2547519540336,2546807397040, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_index3_r + C: "OP",2547519517872,2546807397040, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_index3_r + C: "OP",2547519515376,2546807397040, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::hold_r + C: "OO",2547522826192,2546807195200 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::hold_r + C: "OP",2547519548448,2546807195200, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::hold_r + C: "OP",2547519552608,2546807195200, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::hold_r + C: "OP",2547519546160,2546807195200, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::hold_r + C: "OP",2547519517456,2546807195200, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::hold_r + C: "OP",2547519515168,2546807195200, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::forearm_twist_r + C: "OO",2547522820240,2546807165040 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::forearm_twist_r + C: "OP",2547519550736,2546807165040, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::forearm_twist_r + C: "OP",2547519547200,2546807165040, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::forearm_twist_r + C: "OP",2547519552816,2546807165040, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::forearm_twist_r + C: "OP",2547519517040,2546807165040, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::forearm_twist_r + C: "OP",2547519514960,2546807165040, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::bicep_r + C: "OO",2547522826384,2546807176640 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::bicep_r + C: "OP",2547519555728,2546807176640, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::bicep_r + C: "OP",2547519558432,2546807176640, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::bicep_r + C: "OP",2547519549072,2546807176640, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::bicep_r + C: "OP",2547519512880,2546807176640, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::bicep_r + C: "OP",2547519513088,2546807176640, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::muscle_shoulder_r + C: "OO",2547522819856,2546807172000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::muscle_shoulder_r + C: "OP",2547519547824,2546807172000, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::muscle_shoulder_r + C: "OP",2547519550320,2546807172000, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::muscle_shoulder_r + C: "OP",2547519546992,2546807172000, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::muscle_shoulder_r + C: "OP",2547519518080,2546807172000, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::muscle_shoulder_r + C: "OP",2547519513296,2546807172000, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::shoulder_l + C: "OO",2547522820432,2546807169680 + + ;Model::upper_arm_l, Model::shoulder_l + C: "OO",2546807174320,2546807169680 + + ;Model::muscle_shoulder_l, Model::shoulder_l + C: "OO",2547665156672,2546807169680 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::shoulder_l + C: "OP",2547519555312,2546807169680, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::shoulder_l + C: "OP",2547519553856,2546807169680, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::shoulder_l + C: "OP",2547519546576,2546807169680, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::shoulder_l + C: "OP",2547519513504,2546807169680, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::shoulder_l + C: "OP",2547519506848,2546807169680, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::upper_arm_l + C: "OO",2547522827728,2546807174320 + + ;Model::forearm_l, Model::upper_arm_l + C: "OO",2546807185920,2546807174320 + + ;Model::bicep_l, Model::upper_arm_l + C: "OO",2547665140432,2546807174320 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::upper_arm_l + C: "OP",2547519554064,2546807174320, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::upper_arm_l + C: "OP",2547519547408,2546807174320, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::upper_arm_l + C: "OP",2547519559056,2546807174320, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::upper_arm_l + C: "OP",2547519518288,2546807174320, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::upper_arm_l + C: "OP",2547519518704,2546807174320, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::forearm_l + C: "OO",2547522829840,2546807185920 + + ;Model::hand_l, Model::forearm_l + C: "OO",2546807190560,2546807185920 + + ;Model::forearm_twist_l, Model::forearm_l + C: "OO",2547665124192,2546807185920 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::forearm_l + C: "OP",2547519555104,2546807185920, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::forearm_l + C: "OP",2547519554272,2546807185920, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::forearm_l + C: "OP",2547519549488,2546807185920, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::forearm_l + C: "OP",2547519510384,2546807185920, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::forearm_l + C: "OP",2547519514752,2546807185920, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::hand_l + C: "OO",2547522830032,2546807190560 + + ;Model::c_thumb1_l, Model::hand_l + C: "OO",2546807276400,2546807190560 + + ;Model::c_ring1_l, Model::hand_l + C: "OO",2546807264800,2546807190560 + + ;Model::c_middle1_l, Model::hand_l + C: "OO",2546807269440,2546807190560 + + ;Model::c_index1_l, Model::hand_l + C: "OO",2546807278720,2546807190560 + + ;Model::hold_l, Model::hand_l + C: "OO",2546807292640,2546807190560 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::hand_l + C: "OP",2547519550944,2546807190560, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::hand_l + C: "OP",2547519555520,2546807190560, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::hand_l + C: "OP",2547519556560,2546807190560, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::hand_l + C: "OP",2547519507888,2546807190560, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::hand_l + C: "OP",2547519507056,2546807190560, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_thumb1_l + C: "OO",2547522820624,2546807276400 + + ;Model::c_thumb2_l, Model::c_thumb1_l + C: "OO",2546807283360,2546807276400 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_thumb1_l + C: "OP",2547519557184,2546807276400, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_thumb1_l + C: "OP",2547519546784,2546807276400, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_thumb1_l + C: "OP",2547519556768,2546807276400, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_thumb1_l + C: "OP",2547519506016,2546807276400, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_thumb1_l + C: "OP",2547519509344,2546807276400, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_thumb2_l + C: "OO",2547522822352,2546807283360 + + ;Model::c_thumb3_l, Model::c_thumb2_l + C: "OO",2546807290320,2546807283360 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_thumb2_l + C: "OP",2547519601904,2546807283360, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_thumb2_l + C: "OP",2547519604608,2546807283360, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_thumb2_l + C: "OP",2547519608560,2546807283360, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_thumb2_l + C: "OP",2547519514128,2546807283360, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_thumb2_l + C: "OP",2547519510800,2546807283360, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_thumb3_l + C: "OO",2547522827920,2546807290320 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_thumb3_l + C: "OP",2547519609600,2546807290320, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_thumb3_l + C: "OP",2547519605232,2546807290320, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_thumb3_l + C: "OP",2547519606896,2546807290320, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_thumb3_l + C: "OP",2547519507472,2546807290320, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_thumb3_l + C: "OP",2547519512048,2546807290320, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_ring1_l + C: "OO",2547522821200,2546807264800 + + ;Model::c_ring2_l, Model::c_ring1_l + C: "OO",2546807299600,2546807264800 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_ring1_l + C: "OP",2547519611472,2546807264800, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_ring1_l + C: "OP",2547519607104,2546807264800, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_ring1_l + C: "OP",2547519610432,2546807264800, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_ring1_l + C: "OP",2547519508928,2546807264800, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_ring1_l + C: "OP",2547519510592,2546807264800, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_ring2_l + C: "OO",2547522820816,2546807299600 + + ;Model::c_ring3_l, Model::c_ring2_l + C: "OO",2546807281040,2546807299600 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_ring2_l + C: "OP",2547519605024,2546807299600, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_ring2_l + C: "OP",2547519602112,2546807299600, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_ring2_l + C: "OP",2547519608768,2546807299600, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_ring2_l + C: "OP",2547519506224,2546807299600, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_ring2_l + C: "OP",2547519506432,2546807299600, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_ring3_l + C: "OO",2547522821584,2546807281040 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_ring3_l + C: "OP",2547519609184,2546807281040, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_ring3_l + C: "OP",2547519608352,2546807281040, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_ring3_l + C: "OP",2547519602320,2546807281040, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_ring3_l + C: "OP",2547519512256,2546807281040, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_ring3_l + C: "OP",2547519513712,2546807281040, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_middle1_l + C: "OO",2547522822544,2546807269440 + + ;Model::c_middle2_l, Model::c_middle1_l + C: "OO",2546807301920,2546807269440 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_middle1_l + C: "OP",2547519605440,2546807269440, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_middle1_l + C: "OP",2547519607312,2546807269440, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_middle1_l + C: "OP",2547519605648,2546807269440, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_middle1_l + C: "OP",2547519513920,2546807269440, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_middle1_l + C: "OP",2547519530560,2546807269440, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_middle2_l + C: "OO",2547522822160,2546807301920 + + ;Model::c_middle3_l, Model::c_middle2_l + C: "OO",2546807306560,2546807301920 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_middle2_l + C: "OP",2547519608144,2546807301920, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_middle2_l + C: "OP",2547519609392,2546807301920, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_middle2_l + C: "OP",2547519602528,2546807301920, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_middle2_l + C: "OP",2547519530976,2546807301920, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_middle2_l + C: "OP",2547519520992,2546807301920, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_middle3_l + C: "OO",2547522823120,2546807306560 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_middle3_l + C: "OP",2547519609808,2546807306560, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_middle3_l + C: "OP",2547519610848,2546807306560, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_middle3_l + C: "OP",2547519610640,2546807306560, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_middle3_l + C: "OP",2547519526816,2546807306560, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_middle3_l + C: "OP",2547519527024,2546807306560, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_index1_l + C: "OO",2547522834064,2546807278720 + + ;Model::c_index2_l, Model::c_index1_l + C: "OO",2546807311200,2546807278720 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_index1_l + C: "OP",2547519612096,2546807278720, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_index1_l + C: "OP",2547519599408,2546807278720, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_index1_l + C: "OP",2547519612304,2546807278720, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_index1_l + C: "OP",2547519522656,2546807278720, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_index1_l + C: "OP",2547519530768,2546807278720, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_index2_l + C: "OO",2547522831184,2546807311200 + + ;Model::c_index3_l, Model::c_index2_l + C: "OO",2546807285680,2546807311200 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_index2_l + C: "OP",2547519599824,2546807311200, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_index2_l + C: "OP",2547519644544,2546807311200, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_index2_l + C: "OP",2547519600032,2546807311200, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_index2_l + C: "OP",2547519531184,2546807311200, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_index2_l + C: "OP",2547519532016,2546807311200, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_index3_l + C: "OO",2547522834640,2546807285680 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_index3_l + C: "OP",2547519641216,2546807285680, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_index3_l + C: "OP",2547519649328,2546807285680, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_index3_l + C: "OP",2547519641424,2546807285680, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_index3_l + C: "OP",2547519527648,2546807285680, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_index3_l + C: "OP",2547519530352,2546807285680, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::hold_l + C: "OO",2547522834256,2546807292640 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::hold_l + C: "OP",2547519645376,2546807292640, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::hold_l + C: "OP",2547519641840,2546807292640, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::hold_l + C: "OP",2547519641632,2546807292640, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::hold_l + C: "OP",2547519524320,2546807292640, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::hold_l + C: "OP",2547519528688,2546807292640, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::forearm_twist_l + C: "OO",2547522834832,2547665124192 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::forearm_twist_l + C: "OP",2547519649536,2547665124192, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::forearm_twist_l + C: "OP",2547519648912,2547665124192, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::forearm_twist_l + C: "OP",2547519642464,2547665124192, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::forearm_twist_l + C: "OP",2547519524112,2547665124192, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::forearm_twist_l + C: "OP",2547519523280,2547665124192, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::bicep_l + C: "OO",2547522834448,2547665140432 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::bicep_l + C: "OP",2547519646624,2547665140432, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::bicep_l + C: "OP",2547519644752,2547665140432, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::bicep_l + C: "OP",2547519643296,2547665140432, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::bicep_l + C: "OP",2547519528480,2547665140432, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::bicep_l + C: "OP",2547519528896,2547665140432, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::muscle_shoulder_l + C: "OO",2547522831376,2547665156672 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::muscle_shoulder_l + C: "OP",2547519644960,2547665156672, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::muscle_shoulder_l + C: "OP",2547519645792,2547665156672, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::muscle_shoulder_l + C: "OP",2547519645584,2547665156672, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::muscle_shoulder_l + C: "OP",2547519522240,2547665156672, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::muscle_shoulder_l + C: "OP",2547519529936,2547665156672, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::breast_L + C: "OO",2547522831568,2547665149712 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::breast_L + C: "OP",2547519646000,2547665149712, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::breast_L + C: "OP",2547519647456,2547665149712, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::breast_L + C: "OP",2547519647040,2547665149712, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::breast_L + C: "OP",2547519523488,2547665149712, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::breast_L + C: "OP",2547519525360,2547665149712, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::breast_R + C: "OO",2547522831760,2547665131152 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::breast_R + C: "OP",2547519647872,2547665131152, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::breast_R + C: "OP",2547519664512,2547665131152, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::breast_R + C: "OP",2547519661600,2547665131152, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::breast_R + C: "OP",2547519532224,2547665131152, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::breast_R + C: "OP",2547519523696,2547665131152, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::muscle_chest + C: "OO",2547522832336,2547665128832 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::muscle_chest + C: "OP",2547519660768,2547665128832, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::muscle_chest + C: "OP",2547519662224,2547665128832, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::muscle_chest + C: "OP",2547519664720,2547665128832, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::muscle_chest + C: "OP",2547519529104,2547665128832, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::muscle_chest + C: "OP",2547519519952,2547665128832, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::torso_width + C: "OO",2547522832912,2547665133472 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::torso_width + C: "OP",2547519662016,2547665133472, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::torso_width + C: "OP",2547519663472,2547665133472, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::torso_width + C: "OP",2547519656608,2547665133472, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::torso_width + C: "OP",2547519520368,2547665133472, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::torso_width + C: "OP",2547519529312,2547665133472, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::belly + C: "OO",2547522832528,2547665152032 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::belly + C: "OP",2547519653280,2547665152032, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::belly + C: "OP",2547519652864,2547665152032, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::belly + C: "OP",2547519663264,2547665152032, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::belly + C: "OP",2547519529520,2547665152032, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::belly + C: "OP",2547519529728,2547665152032, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::waist + C: "OO",2547522832144,2547665126512 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::waist + C: "OP",2547519665136,2547665126512, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::waist + C: "OP",2547519656400,2547665126512, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::waist + C: "OP",2547519664928,2547665126512, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::waist + C: "OP",2547519522032,2547665126512, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::waist + C: "OP",2547519531600,2547665126512, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::butt + C: "OO",2547522831952,2547665142752 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::butt + C: "OP",2547519660976,2547665142752, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::butt + C: "OP",2547519661808,2547665142752, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::butt + C: "OP",2547519658064,2547665142752, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::butt + C: "OP",2547519519328,2547665142752, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::butt + C: "OP",2547519527232,2547665142752, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;AnimLayer::BaseLayer, AnimStack::DEF_Punch + C: "OO",2547671060000,2547519756864 + + ;AnimLayer::Fingers, AnimStack::DEF_Punch + C: "OO",2547671051792,2547519756864 + + ;AnimLayer::LowerBody, AnimStack::DEF_Punch + C: "OO",2547671055440,2547519756864 + + ;AnimLayer::UpperBody, AnimStack::DEF_Punch + C: "OO",2547671055744,2547519756864 + + ;AnimLayer::UpperBodyTPose, AnimStack::DEF_Punch + C: "OO",2547671065776,2547519756864 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519754160,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519756448,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519748336,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519747712,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519754992,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519754784,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519748752,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519746672,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519750000,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519758112,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519747920,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519749792,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519755200,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519752704,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519750208,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519754368,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519753744,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519749376,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519753536,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519756032,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519750416,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519745632,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519750832,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519750624,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519746880,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519751040,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519756240,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519746256,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519751248,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519754576,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519757072,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519747088,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519749584,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519751456,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519755408,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519747296,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519755616,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519751664,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519756656,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519751872,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519755824,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519757280,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519747504,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519757488,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519757696,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519757904,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519745840,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519746048,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519746464,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519752496,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519748960,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519752912,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519748128,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519749168,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519748544,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519752080,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519752288,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519753120,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519753328,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519753952,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519518912,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519515792,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519517872,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519515376,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519517456,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519515168,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519517040,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519514960,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519512880,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519513088,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519518080,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519513296,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519513504,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519506848,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519518288,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519518704,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519510384,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519514752,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519507888,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519507056,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519506016,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519509344,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519514128,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519510800,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519507472,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519512048,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519508928,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519510592,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519506224,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519506432,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519512256,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519513712,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519513920,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519530560,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519530976,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519520992,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519526816,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519527024,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519522656,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519530768,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519531184,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519532016,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519527648,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519530352,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519524320,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519528688,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519524112,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519523280,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519528480,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519528896,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519522240,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519529936,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519523488,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519525360,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519532224,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519523696,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519529104,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519519952,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519520368,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519529312,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519529520,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519529728,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519522032,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519531600,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519519328,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519527232,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519527440,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519525568,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519530144,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519526192,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519522864,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519531392,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519531808,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519525776,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519532432,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519519536,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519521616,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519519744,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519520160,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519520576,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519527856,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519520784,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519521200,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519521408,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519521824,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519523072,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519524528,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519525984,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519522448,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519523904,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519524736,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519524944,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519525152,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519526400,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519528272,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519526608,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519528064,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519535760,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519541584,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519540960,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519542208,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519533888,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519533472,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519541168,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519541376,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519543664,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519536800,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519542624,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519537632,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519535968,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519541792,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519533680,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519538672,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519536592,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519545120,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519543248,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519537840,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519542832,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519543456,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519540128,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519538880,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519533264,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519545536,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519543872,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519544704,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519545328,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519540752,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519540544,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519539296,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519544912,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519542000,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519544080,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519534096,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519535552,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519537424,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519534304,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519536176,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519543040,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519544496,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519539712,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519534512,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519532640,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519536384,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519544288,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519542416,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519534720,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519545744,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519537008,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519532848,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519533056,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519534928,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519537216,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519538048,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519538256,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519535136,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519538464,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519535344,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519539088,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519539504,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519539920,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519540336,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519558016,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519548448,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519546160,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519552608,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519550736,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519552816,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519547200,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519555728,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519549072,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519558432,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519547824,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519546992,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519550320,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519555312,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519546576,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519553856,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519554064,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519559056,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519547408,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519555104,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519549488,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519554272,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519550944,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519556560,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519555520,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519557184,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519556768,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519546784,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519601904,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519608560,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519604608,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519609600,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519606896,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519605232,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519611472,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519610432,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519607104,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519605024,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519608768,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519602112,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519609184,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519602320,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519608352,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519605440,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519605648,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519607312,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519608144,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519602528,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519609392,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519609808,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519610640,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519610848,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519612096,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519612304,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519599408,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519599824,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519600032,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519644544,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519641216,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519641424,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519649328,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519645376,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519641632,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519641840,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519649536,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519642464,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519648912,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519646624,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519643296,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519644752,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519644960,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519645584,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519645792,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519646000,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519647040,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519647456,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519647872,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519661600,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519664512,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519660768,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519664720,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519662224,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519662016,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519656608,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519663472,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519653280,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519663264,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519652864,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519665136,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519664928,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519656400,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519660976,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519658064,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547519661808,2547671060000 + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865903472,2547519527440, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865899792,2547519527440, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865894032,2547519527440, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865896112,2547519530144, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865894832,2547519530144, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865899952,2547519530144, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865896432,2547519526192, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865897232,2547519526192, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865902992,2547519526192, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865899632,2547519531392, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865895632,2547519531392, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865894672,2547519531392, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865895472,2547519531808, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865900432,2547519531808, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865894192,2547519531808, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865901392,2547519532432, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865900272,2547519532432, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865900112,2547519532432, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865902192,2547519519536, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865902512,2547519519536, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865903632,2547519519536, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865893552,2547519519744, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865895152,2547519519744, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865902672,2547519519744, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865903312,2547519520160, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865901552,2547519520160, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865901712,2547519520160, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865893712,2547519527856, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865901072,2547519527856, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865901872,2547519527856, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865896272,2547519520784, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865895312,2547519520784, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865902032,2547519520784, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865893872,2547519521200, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865902832,2547519521200, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865895792,2547519521200, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865894352,2547519521408, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865898992,2547519521408, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865899312,2547519521408, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865895952,2547519521824, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865896912,2547519521824, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865897392,2547519521824, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865897552,2547519524528, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865897712,2547519524528, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865897872,2547519524528, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865898032,2547519525984, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865898192,2547519525984, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865898512,2547519525984, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865898672,2547519523904, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865898832,2547519523904, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865899152,2547519523904, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865899472,2547519524736, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865910992,2547519524736, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865909552,2547519524736, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865904272,2547519525152, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865910672,2547519525152, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865910832,2547519525152, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865908272,2547519526400, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865904752,2547519526400, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865913392,2547519526400, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865910512,2547519526608, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865904432,2547519526608, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865913552,2547519526608, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865911152,2547519528064, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865905872,2547519528064, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865913072,2547519528064, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865907152,2547519535760, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865904912,2547519535760, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865913712,2547519535760, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865908432,2547519541584, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865911632,2547519541584, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865906032,2547519541584, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865904592,2547519540960, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865913872,2547519540960, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865908592,2547519540960, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865906512,2547519533888, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865911792,2547519533888, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865912112,2547519533888, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865903792,2547519533472, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865906192,2547519533472, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865910352,2547519533472, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865905072,2547519541376, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865905392,2547519541376, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865906992,2547519541376, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865909872,2547519543664, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865907952,2547519543664, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865906352,2547519543664, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865910192,2547519542624, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865906672,2547519542624, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865903952,2547519542624, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865907312,2547519537632, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865912272,2547519537632, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865907472,2547519537632, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865912592,2547519541792, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865909072,2547519541792, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865912752,2547519541792, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865907632,2547519533680, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865907792,2547519533680, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865908752,2547519533680, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865912912,2547519538672, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865913232,2547519538672, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865904112,2547519538672, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865908912,2547519536592, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865909232,2547519536592, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865910032,2547519536592, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865909392,2547519545120, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865922352,2547519545120, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865921232,2547519545120, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865914992,2547519537840, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865916592,2547519537840, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865916112,2547519537840, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865917712,2547519542832, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865921392,2547519542832, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865923952,2547519542832, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865922512,2547519540128, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865923472,2547519540128, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865922992,2547519540128, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865916752,2547519538880, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865917072,2547519538880, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865921072,2547519538880, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865920912,2547519545536, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865922672,2547519545536, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865919792,2547519545536, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865921712,2547519543872, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865918032,2547519543872, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865918192,2547519543872, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865915632,2547519545328, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865917872,2547519545328, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865915152,2547519545328, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865919152,2547519540752, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865914672,2547519540752, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865914192,2547519540752, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865922832,2547519539296, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865915472,2547519539296, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865915312,2547519539296, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865914832,2547519544912, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865921552,2547519544912, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865919952,2547519544912, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865915792,2547519544080, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865916432,2547519544080, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865919312,2547519544080, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865920272,2547519534096, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865921872,2547519534096, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865916912,2547519534096, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865922032,2547519537424, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865922192,2547519537424, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865923152,2547519537424, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865918352,2547519534304, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865918512,2547519534304, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865920432,2547519534304, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865923312,2547519543040, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865923632,2547519543040, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865917232,2547519543040, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865923792,2547519544496, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865920592,2547519544496, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865915952,2547519544496, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865917392,2547519534512, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865924112,2547519534512, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865914032,2547519534512, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865914352,2547519532640, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865914512,2547519532640, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865916272,2547519532640, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865917552,2547519544288, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865918672,2547519544288, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865919472,2547519544288, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865918832,2547519542416, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865918992,2547519542416, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865919632,2547519542416, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865920112,2547519545744, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865920752,2547519545744, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865933552,2547519545744, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865933712,2547519537008, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865925552,2547519537008, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865931472,2547519537008, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865933872,2547519533056, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865924912,2547519533056, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865931632,2547519533056, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865924272,2547519534928, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865929712,2547519534928, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865929232,2547519534928, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865930032,2547519538048, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865928432,2547519538048, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865929392,2547519538048, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865928752,2547519538256, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865931152,2547519538256, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865934032,2547519538256, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865932752,2547519538464, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865928272,2547519538464, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865931792,2547519538464, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865932592,2547519535344, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865931952,2547519535344, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865932912,2547519535344, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865929552,2547519539504, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865932272,2547519539504, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865930512,2547519539504, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865925232,2547519539920, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865932112,2547519539920, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865933072,2547519539920, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865932432,2547519558016, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865933232,2547519558016, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865933392,2547519558016, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865926032,2547519548448, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865924432,2547519548448, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865931312,2547519548448, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865930192,2547519552608, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865928592,2547519552608, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865929872,2547519552608, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865924592,2547519550736, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865930352,2547519550736, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865924752,2547519550736, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865934192,2547519552816, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865925072,2547519552816, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865930672,2547519552816, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865926192,2547519547200, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865934352,2547519547200, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865925392,2547519547200, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865925712,2547519555728, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865925872,2547519555728, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865926832,2547519555728, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865928912,2547519549072, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865930832,2547519549072, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865929072,2547519549072, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865926352,2547519558432, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865930992,2547519558432, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865926512,2547519558432, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865926672,2547519547824, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865926992,2547519547824, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865927152,2547519547824, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865927312,2547519546992, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865927472,2547519546992, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865927632,2547519546992, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865927792,2547519550320, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865928112,2547519550320, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865927952,2547519550320, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865940272,2547519555312, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865942032,2547519555312, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865939632,2547519555312, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865943312,2547519553856, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865936912,2547519553856, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865943472,2547519553856, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865937072,2547519554064, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865943632,2547519554064, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865942992,2547519554064, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865937872,2547519547408, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865935472,2547519547408, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865944112,2547519547408, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865939792,2547519555104, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865937232,2547519555104, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865941552,2547519555104, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865944272,2547519554272, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865940752,2547519554272, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865937392,2547519554272, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865939152,2547519550944, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865943792,2547519550944, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865944432,2547519550944, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865935152,2547519555520, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865943152,2547519555520, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865937552,2547519555520, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865940432,2547519557184, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865935632,2547519557184, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865938032,2547519557184, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865941392,2547519546784, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865941712,2547519546784, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865934512,2547519546784, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865938192,2547519601904, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865934992,2547519601904, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865942192,2547519601904, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865944592,2547519604608, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865934672,2547519604608, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865942832,2547519604608, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865936272,2547519609600, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865935792,2547519609600, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865943952,2547519609600, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865938352,2547519605232, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865938512,2547519605232, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865938672,2547519605232, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865941872,2547519611472, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865940112,2547519611472, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865935312,2547519611472, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865935952,2547519607104, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865942352,2547519607104, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865942512,2547519607104, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865942672,2547519605024, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865940592,2547519605024, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865936112,2547519605024, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865938832,2547519602112, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865936432,2547519602112, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865936592,2547519602112, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865936752,2547519609184, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865938992,2547519609184, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865940912,2547519609184, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865939312,2547519608352, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865939472,2547519608352, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865939952,2547519608352, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865941072,2547519605440, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865941232,2547519605440, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865944752,2547519605440, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865944912,2547519607312, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865814992,2547519607312, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865812592,2547519607312, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865820112,2547519608144, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865821072,2547519608144, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865820752,2547519608144, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865818512,2547519609392, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865818832,2547519609392, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865815152,2547519609392, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865817392,2547519609808, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865813072,2547519609808, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865818992,2547519609808, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865813712,2547519610848, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865818192,2547519610848, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865813392,2547519610848, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865818672,2547519612096, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865819152,2547519612096, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865811632,2547519612096, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865820272,2547519599408, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865813872,2547519599408, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865818352,2547519599408, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865812752,2547519599824, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865817552,2547519599824, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865814192,2547519599824, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865819312,2547519644544, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865819472,2547519644544, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865819632,2547519644544, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865820912,2547519641216, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865812912,2547519641216, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865819792,2547519641216, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865815312,2547519649328, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865819952,2547519649328, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865820432,2547519649328, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865812272,2547519645376, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865817712,2547519645376, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865821232,2547519645376, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865815792,2547519641840, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865816112,2547519641840, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865820592,2547519641840, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865814832,2547519649536, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865816752,2547519649536, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865821392,2547519649536, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865817072,2547519642464, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865815472,2547519642464, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865821552,2547519642464, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865821712,2547519648912, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865811792,2547519648912, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865813552,2547519648912, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865816272,2547519646624, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865811952,2547519646624, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865812112,2547519646624, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865812432,2547519643296, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865813232,2547519643296, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865815632,2547519643296, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865817872,2547519644752, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865814032,2547519644752, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865816432,2547519644752, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865814352,2547519644960, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865814512,2547519644960, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865815952,2547519644960, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865814672,2547519645584, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865818032,2547519645584, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865817232,2547519645584, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865816592,2547519645792, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865816912,2547519645792, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865822032,2547519645792, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865824912,2547519646000, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865825872,2547519646000, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865836592,2547519646000, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865848272,2547519647040, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865848752,2547519647040, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865849072,2547519647040, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865853712,2547519647456, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865856592,2547519647456, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865856912,2547519647456, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865857232,2547519647872, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865863632,2547519647872, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2545865868592,2547519647872, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865870032,2547519661600, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865881392,2547519661600, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2545865877232,2547519661600, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865879472,2547519664512, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2545865885552,2547519664512, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547514181488,2547519664512, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547514180848,2547519660768, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547514189168,2547519660768, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547514182768,2547519660768, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2547514185968,2547519664720, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2547514189008,2547519664720, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2547514181008,2547519664720, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547514183088,2547519662224, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547514188368,2547519662224, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547514182288,2547519662224, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547514188208,2547519662016, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547514186128,2547519662016, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547514182928,2547519662016, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2547514189648,2547519656608, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2547514182448,2547519656608, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2547514186288,2547519656608, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547514185008,2547519663472, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547514186448,2547519663472, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547514185168,2547519663472, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547514183728,2547519653280, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547514183888,2547519653280, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547514185648,2547519653280, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2547514187408,2547519663264, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2547514180368,2547519663264, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2547514189328,2547519663264, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547514179888,2547519652864, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547514183248,2547519652864, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547514184048,2547519652864, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547514184368,2547519665136, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547514184528,2547519665136, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547514184688,2547519665136, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2547514187088,2547519664928, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2547514183408,2547519664928, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2547514188528,2547519664928, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547514181168,2547519656400, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547514180048,2547519656400, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547514183568,2547519656400, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547514184848,2547519660976, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547514185328,2547519660976, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2547514186608,2547519660976, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2547514187248,2547519658064, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2547514182608,2547519658064, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2547514188688,2547519658064, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547514187728,2547519661808, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547514187888,2547519661808, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2547514188848,2547519661808, "d|Z" +} +;Takes section +;---------------------------------------------------- + +Takes: { + Current: "Take 001" + Take: "DEF_Punch" { + FileName: "DEF_Punch.tak" + LocalTime: 61581544000,107767702000 + ReferenceTime: 61581544000,107767702000 + } +} diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanPunch.fbx.meta b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanPunch.fbx.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b3d04539d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanPunch.fbx.meta @@ -0,0 +1,910 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: da98e2789290c404ea421dc23ee81bcb +ModelImporter: + serializedVersion: 21300 + internalIDToNameTable: [] + externalObjects: {} + materials: + materialImportMode: 2 + materialName: 0 + materialSearch: 1 + materialLocation: 1 + animations: + legacyGenerateAnimations: 4 + bakeSimulation: 0 + resampleCurves: 1 + optimizeGameObjects: 0 + removeConstantScaleCurves: 1 + motionNodeName: HumanArmature + rigImportErrors: + rigImportWarnings: "Copied Avatar Rig Configuration mis-match. Bone length in + copied configuration does not match position in animation file:\n\t'thigh_l' + : position error = 5.710223 mm\n\t'thigh_r' : position error = 5.710156 mm\n\t'spine' + : position error = 5.710193 mm\n\t'chest' : position error = 7.979074 mm\n\t'c_thumb1_r' + : position error = 2.960802 mm\n\t'c_ring1_r' : position error = 2.960671 mm\n\t'c_middle1_r' + : position error = 2.960752 mm\n\t'c_index1_r' : position error = 2.960816 + mm\n\t'upper_arm_l' : position error = 6.207804 mm\n" + animationImportErrors: + animationImportWarnings: "\nClip 'DEF_Punch' has import animation warnings that + might lower retargeting quality:\n\t'c_thumb1_r' has translation animation + that will be discarded.\n\t'c_ring1_r' has translation animation that will + be discarded.\n\t'c_ring2_r' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_ring3_r' + has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_middle1_r' has translation + animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_middle2_r' has translation animation + that will be discarded.\n\t'c_middle3_r' has translation animation that will + be discarded.\n\t'c_index1_r' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_index2_r' + has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_index3_r' has translation + animation that will be discarded.\n" + animationRetargetingWarnings: + animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0 + importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0 + importConstraints: 0 + animationCompression: 0 + animationRotationError: 0.5 + animationPositionError: 0.5 + animationScaleError: 0.5 + animationWrapMode: 0 + extraExposedTransformPaths: [] + extraUserProperties: [] + clipAnimations: + - serializedVersion: 16 + name: Punch + takeName: DEF_Punch + internalID: -9079064199848669221 + firstFrame: 40 + lastFrame: 70 + wrapMode: 0 + orientationOffsetY: 0 + level: 0 + cycleOffset: 0 + loop: 0 + hasAdditiveReferencePose: 0 + loopTime: 1 + loopBlend: 1 + loopBlendOrientation: 0 + loopBlendPositionY: 0 + loopBlendPositionXZ: 0 + keepOriginalOrientation: 0 + keepOriginalPositionY: 1 + keepOriginalPositionXZ: 0 + heightFromFeet: 0 + mirror: 0 + bodyMask: 01000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000 + curves: [] + events: [] + transformMask: [] + maskType: 3 + maskSource: {instanceID: 0} + additiveReferencePoseFrame: 39.9 + isReadable: 0 + meshes: + lODScreenPercentages: [] + globalScale: 1 + meshCompression: 0 + addColliders: 0 + useSRGBMaterialColor: 1 + sortHierarchyByName: 1 + importVisibility: 1 + importBlendShapes: 1 + importCameras: 1 + importLights: 1 + nodeNameCollisionStrategy: 1 + fileIdsGeneration: 2 + swapUVChannels: 0 + generateSecondaryUV: 0 + useFileUnits: 1 + keepQuads: 0 + weldVertices: 1 + bakeAxisConversion: 0 + preserveHierarchy: 0 + skinWeightsMode: 0 + maxBonesPerVertex: 4 + minBoneWeight: 0.001 + optimizeBones: 1 + meshOptimizationFlags: -1 + indexFormat: 0 + secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 + secondaryUVAreaDistortion: 15.000001 + secondaryUVHardAngle: 88 + secondaryUVMarginMethod: 1 + secondaryUVMinLightmapResolution: 40 + secondaryUVMinObjectScale: 1 + secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 + useFileScale: 1 + tangentSpace: + normalSmoothAngle: 60 + normalImportMode: 0 + tangentImportMode: 3 + normalCalculationMode: 4 + legacyComputeAllNormalsFromSmoothingGroupsWhenMeshHasBlendShapes: 0 + blendShapeNormalImportMode: 1 + normalSmoothingSource: 0 + referencedClips: [] + importAnimation: 1 + humanDescription: + serializedVersion: 3 + human: + - boneName: hips + humanName: Hips + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_l + humanName: LeftUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_r + humanName: RightUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_l + humanName: LeftLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_r + humanName: RightLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_l + humanName: LeftFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_r + humanName: RightFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: spine + humanName: Spine + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: neck + humanName: Neck + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: head + humanName: Head + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_l + humanName: LeftShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_r + humanName: RightShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_l + humanName: LeftUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_r + humanName: RightUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_l + humanName: LeftLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_r + humanName: RightLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_l + humanName: LeftHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_r + humanName: RightHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_l + humanName: LeftToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_r + humanName: RightToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_l + humanName: Left Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_l + humanName: Left Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_l + humanName: Left Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_l + humanName: Left Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_l + humanName: Left Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_l + humanName: Left Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_l + humanName: Left Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_l + humanName: Left Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_l + humanName: Left Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_l + humanName: Left Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_l + humanName: Left Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_l + humanName: Left Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_r + humanName: Right Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_r + humanName: Right Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_r + humanName: Right Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_r + humanName: Right Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_r + humanName: Right Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_r + humanName: Right Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_r + humanName: Right Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_r + humanName: Right Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_r + humanName: Right Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_r + humanName: Right Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_r + humanName: Right Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_r + humanName: Right Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: chest + humanName: Chest + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + skeleton: + - name: Human(Clone) + parentName: + position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human COMPLETE + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 1.1798787e-12, y: -0.000000052359955, z: 0.000000015905945} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.076661475, y: 1.3955941, z: 0.04250782} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.09472712, y: 1.3974037, z: 0.040297404} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.038126312, y: 1.4131447, z: 0.15032214} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eyes + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Head + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Torso + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0.9402349, z: 0.036055043} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanAppendix + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.04012108, y: 0.9274628, z: 0.104044564} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.03647864, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036478758, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanHeart + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.006746769, y: 1.1291152, z: 0.117190085} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineLarge + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0015628338, y: 0.94421047, z: 0.10589335} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineSmall + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0064120293, y: 0.9636725, z: 0.08935433} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLiver + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.015479565, y: 1.054116, z: 0.1051005} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.036902547, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375894} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036902428, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375895} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanStomach + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.021774769, y: 1.0252738, z: 0.10165389} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanBrain + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0009741783, y: 1.4594865, z: 0.030295096} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanArmature + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: hips + parentName: HumanArmature + position: {x: 1.149433e-13, y: -0.013241618, z: 0.83337724} + rotation: {x: 0.7404059, y: 0.0000055815894, z: 0.000006148301, w: 0.67216} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.99999994} + - name: thigh_l + parentName: hips + position: {x: -0.096564054, y: -0.024295717, z: 0.002351557} + rotation: {x: 0.99558604, y: -0.064399414, z: -0.005032787, w: 0.06808755} + scale: {x: 1.0000036, y: 1.000003, z: 1.0000107} + - name: lower_leg_l + parentName: thigh_l + position: {x: 0.000000015017577, y: 0.35762414, z: 0.000000034924597} + rotation: {x: 0.10202001, y: 0.0028012872, z: -0.009849284, w: 0.9947297} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000085, z: 1.0000061} + - name: foot_l + parentName: lower_leg_l + position: {x: -0.0000000018335413, y: 0.40961084, z: -0.000000004656613} + rotation: {x: -0.5585367, y: 0.13368261, z: -0.18853498, w: 0.79663056} + scale: {x: 1.0000013, y: 1.0000288, z: 0.9999941} + - name: toes_l + parentName: foot_l + position: {x: 0.000000016530976, y: 0.080526456, z: 0.0000000055879354} + rotation: {x: -0.05992987, y: -0.17405595, z: 0.04044075, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000367, y: 0.9999867, z: 0.99997807} + - name: thigh_r + parentName: hips + position: {x: 0.09656395, y: -0.024295837, z: 0.0023547793} + rotation: {x: 0.9955859, y: 0.06439856, z: 0.0050587305, w: 0.06808791} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.999999} + - name: lower_leg_r + parentName: thigh_r + position: {x: 0.0000000044237822, y: 0.35762426, z: 0.00000002514571} + rotation: {x: 0.1020204, y: -0.0028013631, z: 0.009850703, w: 0.99472964} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000057, z: 1.0000025} + - name: foot_r + parentName: lower_leg_r + position: {x: 0.0000000059662852, y: 0.40961078, z: -6.9849193e-10} + rotation: {x: -0.55854076, y: -0.13368613, z: 0.18853135, w: 0.796628} + scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 0.9999992, z: 1.000003} + - name: toes_r + parentName: foot_r + position: {x: -0.000000003958121, y: 0.0805272, z: 0.000000008381903} + rotation: {x: -0.05992934, y: 0.17405611, z: -0.040440965, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000099, z: 0.9999884} + - name: spine + parentName: hips + position: {x: 1.8356248e-12, y: 0.13786578, z: 0.000000013038516} + rotation: {x: -0.020161092, y: 0.0032923277, z: -0.00006672589, w: 0.9997914} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.9999998, z: 0.99999684} + - name: chest + parentName: spine + position: {x: -3.1419884e-11, y: 0.13744113, z: -0.000000003725594} + rotation: {x: -0.079870485, y: -0.0032907373, z: -0.00026367875, w: 0.9967998} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000005, z: 0.999999} + - name: neck + parentName: chest + position: {x: -4.507826e-11, y: 0.13796483, z: 0.000000011175871} + rotation: {x: 0.07572726, y: -0.0067067696, z: -0.00050935626, w: 0.99710584} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000023} + - name: head + parentName: neck + position: {x: 2.845278e-10, y: 0.08491398, z: 0.000000026080253} + rotation: {x: -0.021641804, y: 0.006758547, z: 0.00014482907, w: 0.9997429} + scale: {x: 0.9999991, y: 1.0000007, z: 1.0000015} + - name: shoulder_r + parentName: chest + position: {x: 0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.003932451} + rotation: {x: 0.5486401, y: 0.54864013, z: -0.4460875, w: 0.44608754} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 0.99999845, z: 1.0000019} + - name: upper_arm_r + parentName: shoulder_r + position: {x: 0.0000000056466725, y: 0.113623016, z: 0.000000080447336} + rotation: {x: -0.016802363, y: -0.728269, z: -0.03739515, w: 0.6840641} + scale: {x: 1.000008, y: 1.0000077, z: 1.0000037} + - name: forearm_r + parentName: upper_arm_r + position: {x: -0.0000002590059, y: 0.19655885, z: -0.0000000084983185} + rotation: {x: 0.07927109, y: -0.0007944402, z: 0.007752359, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 0.9999983, z: 0.999999} + - name: hand_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000000022293534, y: 0.23644204, z: -0.0000000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.0080038365, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328861, w: -0.6950444} + scale: {x: 1.0000069, y: 1.0000124, z: 1.0000093} + - name: c_thumb1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.043030325, y: 0.027325455, z: -0.029069485} + rotation: {x: -0.23810282, y: -0.6193094, z: 0.34018674, w: -0.6663602} + scale: {x: 1.0000025, y: 1.0000083, z: 0.99999624} + - name: c_thumb2_r + parentName: c_thumb1_r + position: {x: -0.00000006146729, y: 0.067762405, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.027055915, y: 0.1494991, z: -0.003029404, w: 0.988387} + scale: {x: 1.0000172, y: 0.99998325, z: 1.0000168} + - name: c_thumb3_r + parentName: c_thumb2_r + position: {x: 0.000000063329935, y: 0.034581296, z: 0.000000007450581} + rotation: {x: 0.16982022, y: -0.068780154, z: 0.066675395, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.999986, y: 0.9999816, z: 1.0000352} + - name: c_ring1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: -0.037961163, y: 0.08163366, z: 0.0126242135} + rotation: {x: -0.030043779, y: 0.0177473, z: -0.0146247605, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000018, y: 1.0000027, z: 0.9999998} + - name: c_ring2_r + parentName: c_ring1_r + position: {x: 0.000000007916242, y: 0.045393843, z: -0.000000037747668} + rotation: {x: -0.027954554, y: -0.02803783, z: -0.00021981988, w: 0.9992159} + scale: {x: 1.0000081, y: 0.9999979, z: 1.0000149} + - name: c_ring3_r + parentName: c_ring2_r + position: {x: -0, y: 0.030371627, z: -0.00000012342207} + rotation: {x: -0.09702881, y: 0.19158539, z: -0.05356502, w: 0.9751981} + scale: {x: 1.0000122, y: 1.000016, z: 0.9999991} + - name: c_middle1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.012728409, y: 0.095293984, z: 0.005345431} + rotation: {x: -0.020139333, y: 0.06533595, z: -0.0029693954, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000037, y: 1.0000066, z: 1.0000002} + - name: c_middle2_r + parentName: c_middle1_r + position: {x: -0.000000027939677, y: 0.04347191, z: 0.000000017229468} + rotation: {x: -0.02996826, y: 0.030963402, z: -0.0046559433, w: 0.9990603} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000036, z: 1.0000131} + - name: c_middle3_r + parentName: c_middle2_r + position: {x: -0.000000033527613, y: 0.0329716, z: 0.00000006053597} + rotation: {x: -0.1676397, y: 0.073116966, z: -0.021750906, w: 0.98289263} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 1.0000196, z: 0.99999374} + - name: c_index1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.059781943, y: 0.096780546, z: 0.014082293} + rotation: {x: -0.004635407, y: 0.005647418, z: 0.0077239904, w: 0.99994355} + scale: {x: 1.0000005, y: 1.0000036, z: 0.99999875} + - name: c_index2_r + parentName: c_index1_r + position: {x: 0.0000000034924597, y: 0.047904514, z: 0.00000005250331} + rotation: {x: -0.024433492, y: 0.10530338, z: -0.0018819352, w: 0.9941382} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000042} + - name: c_index3_r + parentName: c_index2_r + position: {x: -0.000000007450581, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.000000020489097} + rotation: {x: -0.080947846, y: -0.017785536, z: -0.01037631, w: 0.9965057} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000277, z: 1.0000005} + - name: hold.r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.0063287923, y: 0.08298412, z: -0.015038971} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: 0.47859132, z: -0.46639267, w: 0.53287977} + scale: {x: 0.9999997, y: 0.9999977, z: 1.0000002} + - name: forearm_twist_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000016324193, y: 0.1284726, z: -0.000006649643} + rotation: {x: -0.000018939374, y: 0.0012337323, z: -0.00016194968, w: 0.9999993} + scale: {x: 1.0000073, y: 1.0000048, z: 0.99999934} + - name: shoulder_l + parentName: chest + position: {x: -0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.0039324528} + rotation: {x: -0.5486401, y: 0.5486401, z: -0.44608748, w: -0.4460875} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 0.99999964, z: 1.0000043} + - name: upper_arm_l + parentName: shoulder_l + position: {x: -0.000000009391529, y: 0.11362299, z: -0.000000031237462} + rotation: {x: 0.016802428, y: -0.72826916, z: -0.037395176, w: -0.68406385} + scale: {x: 1.0000075, y: 1.0000076, z: 1.0000032} + - name: forearm_l + parentName: upper_arm_l + position: {x: -0.000000016112608, y: 0.19655891, z: 0.000000013969839} + rotation: {x: 0.07927141, y: 0.00079452974, z: -0.0077523375, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.99999756, y: 0.9999992, z: 0.99999774} + - name: hand_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: -0.00000014150282, y: 0.23644212, z: -0.000000009313226} + rotation: {x: 0.00800377, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328958, w: 0.6950446} + scale: {x: 1.0000067, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000058} + - name: c_thumb1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.043030314, y: 0.02732556, z: -0.02906935} + rotation: {x: 0.23810151, y: -0.6193099, z: 0.34018716, w: 0.66636} + scale: {x: 1.0000024, y: 1.0000248, z: 0.99998504} + - name: c_thumb2_l + parentName: c_thumb1_l + position: {x: 0.00000006519258, y: 0.06776242, z: 0.000000044703484} + rotation: {x: -0.027061354, y: -0.1494992, z: 0.0030296424, w: 0.98838687} + scale: {x: 1.0000145, y: 0.9999532, z: 1.0000383} + - name: c_thumb3_l + parentName: c_thumb2_l + position: {x: -0.000000078231096, y: 0.03458134, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0.16982007, y: 0.068780504, z: -0.06667551, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.99998635, y: 0.99988985, z: 1.0001268} + - name: c_ring1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: 0.03796115, y: 0.081633575, z: 0.0126242405} + rotation: {x: -0.030042524, y: -0.017746734, z: 0.014624785, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000144, y: 1.0000082, z: 1.000006} + - name: c_ring2_l + parentName: c_ring1_l + position: {x: 0.0000000018626451, y: 0.04539384, z: -0.00000013152021} + rotation: {x: 0.027963966, y: -0.028037718, z: -0.00022199283, w: -0.9992156} + scale: {x: 1.0000045, y: 0.99999386, z: 1.0000125} + - name: c_ring3_l + parentName: c_ring2_l + position: {x: -0.000000003259629, y: 0.030371798, z: 0.00000005106267} + rotation: {x: 0.097029544, y: 0.1915853, z: -0.053565085, w: -0.975198} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000107, z: 1.0000023} + - name: c_middle1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.012728396, y: 0.095294036, z: 0.0053454423} + rotation: {x: -0.020141035, y: -0.06533592, z: 0.0029690685, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000117, y: 1.0000049, z: 1.0000024} + - name: c_middle2_l + parentName: c_middle1_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.043471865, z: 0.00000004703179} + rotation: {x: -0.029964855, y: -0.030963589, z: 0.0046565477, w: 0.9990604} + scale: {x: 0.9999977, y: 0.99999636, z: 1.0000107} + - name: c_middle3_l + parentName: c_middle2_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.03297166, z: -0.00000006239861} + rotation: {x: -0.16763954, y: -0.07311703, z: 0.021750832, w: 0.9828926} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000006, z: 1.000013} + - name: c_index1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.059781928, y: 0.0967806, z: 0.014082292} + rotation: {x: -0.0046358937, y: -0.0056473566, z: -0.007723556, w: 0.9999435} + scale: {x: 1.0000126, y: 1.0000038, z: 1.0000052} + - name: c_index2_l + parentName: c_index1_l + position: {x: -0.000000009313226, y: 0.04790459, z: 0.000000045169145} + rotation: {x: -0.024431424, y: -0.10530303, z: 0.0018783653, w: 0.9941383} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000063} + - name: c_index3_l + parentName: c_index2_l + position: {x: 0.000000014901161, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.00000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.08094788, y: 0.017785553, z: 0.01037622, w: 0.9965056} + scale: {x: 1.000003, y: 0.999993, z: 1.0000157} + - name: hold.l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.0063287844, y: 0.082984276, z: -0.015038835} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: -0.47859147, z: 0.46639258, w: 0.5328798} + scale: {x: 1.000011, y: 1.0000129, z: 1.0000062} + - name: forearm_twist_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: 0.00001617195, y: 0.12847266, z: -0.000006655231} + rotation: {x: -0.00001891702, y: -0.001233861, z: 0.00016184966, w: 0.9999992} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000012, z: 1.0000024} + armTwist: 0.5 + foreArmTwist: 0.5 + upperLegTwist: 0.5 + legTwist: 0.5 + armStretch: 0.05 + legStretch: 0.05 + feetSpacing: 0.006 + globalScale: 1 + rootMotionBoneName: + hasTranslationDoF: 1 + hasExtraRoot: 1 + skeletonHasParents: 1 + lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {fileID: 9000000, guid: f553c8289710b5e4dab99c3bcbbb802e, type: 3} + autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1 + animationType: 3 + humanoidOversampling: 1 + avatarSetup: 2 + addHumanoidExtraRootOnlyWhenUsingAvatar: 1 + remapMaterialsIfMaterialImportModeIsNone: 0 + additionalBone: 0 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanRun.fbx b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanRun.fbx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b10ede426e Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanRun.fbx differ diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanRun.fbx.meta b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanRun.fbx.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fb0d012073 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanRun.fbx.meta @@ -0,0 +1,899 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 163ceaa8c5473a9439bc7dd3a91763b0 +ModelImporter: + serializedVersion: 21300 + internalIDToNameTable: [] + externalObjects: {} + materials: + materialImportMode: 2 + materialName: 0 + materialSearch: 1 + materialLocation: 1 + animations: + legacyGenerateAnimations: 4 + bakeSimulation: 0 + resampleCurves: 1 + optimizeGameObjects: 0 + removeConstantScaleCurves: 1 + motionNodeName: HumanArmature + rigImportErrors: + rigImportWarnings: "Copied Avatar Rig Configuration mis-match. Bone length in + copied configuration does not match position in animation file:\n\t'thigh_l' + : position error = 13.750935 mm\n\t'lower_leg_l' : position error = 3.028578 + mm\n\t'thigh_r' : position error = 13.640636 mm\n\t'spine' : position error + = 38.537518 mm\n\t'chest' : position error = 28.130583 mm\n" + animationImportErrors: + animationImportWarnings: + animationRetargetingWarnings: + animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0 + importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0 + importConstraints: 0 + animationCompression: 0 + animationRotationError: 0.5 + animationPositionError: 0.5 + animationScaleError: 0.5 + animationWrapMode: 0 + extraExposedTransformPaths: [] + extraUserProperties: [] + clipAnimations: + - serializedVersion: 16 + name: Run + takeName: Human@RunCycle + internalID: 7173464507756139056 + firstFrame: 0 + lastFrame: 20 + wrapMode: 0 + orientationOffsetY: 0 + level: 0 + cycleOffset: 0 + loop: 0 + hasAdditiveReferencePose: 0 + loopTime: 1 + loopBlend: 1 + loopBlendOrientation: 0 + loopBlendPositionY: 0 + loopBlendPositionXZ: 0 + keepOriginalOrientation: 0 + keepOriginalPositionY: 1 + keepOriginalPositionXZ: 0 + heightFromFeet: 0 + mirror: 1 + bodyMask: 01000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000 + curves: [] + events: [] + transformMask: [] + maskType: 3 + maskSource: {instanceID: 0} + additiveReferencePoseFrame: 0 + isReadable: 0 + meshes: + lODScreenPercentages: [] + globalScale: 1 + meshCompression: 0 + addColliders: 0 + useSRGBMaterialColor: 1 + sortHierarchyByName: 1 + importVisibility: 1 + importBlendShapes: 1 + importCameras: 1 + importLights: 1 + nodeNameCollisionStrategy: 1 + fileIdsGeneration: 2 + swapUVChannels: 0 + generateSecondaryUV: 0 + useFileUnits: 1 + keepQuads: 0 + weldVertices: 1 + bakeAxisConversion: 0 + preserveHierarchy: 0 + skinWeightsMode: 0 + maxBonesPerVertex: 4 + minBoneWeight: 0.001 + optimizeBones: 1 + meshOptimizationFlags: -1 + indexFormat: 0 + secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 + secondaryUVAreaDistortion: 15.000001 + secondaryUVHardAngle: 88 + secondaryUVMarginMethod: 1 + secondaryUVMinLightmapResolution: 40 + secondaryUVMinObjectScale: 1 + secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 + useFileScale: 1 + tangentSpace: + normalSmoothAngle: 60 + normalImportMode: 0 + tangentImportMode: 3 + normalCalculationMode: 4 + legacyComputeAllNormalsFromSmoothingGroupsWhenMeshHasBlendShapes: 0 + blendShapeNormalImportMode: 1 + normalSmoothingSource: 0 + referencedClips: [] + importAnimation: 1 + humanDescription: + serializedVersion: 3 + human: + - boneName: hips + humanName: Hips + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_l + humanName: LeftUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_r + humanName: RightUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_l + humanName: LeftLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_r + humanName: RightLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_l + humanName: LeftFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_r + humanName: RightFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: spine + humanName: Spine + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: neck + humanName: Neck + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: head + humanName: Head + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_l + humanName: LeftShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_r + humanName: RightShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_l + humanName: LeftUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_r + humanName: RightUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_l + humanName: LeftLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_r + humanName: RightLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_l + humanName: LeftHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_r + humanName: RightHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_l + humanName: LeftToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_r + humanName: RightToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_l + humanName: Left Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_l + humanName: Left Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_l + humanName: Left Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_l + humanName: Left Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_l + humanName: Left Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_l + humanName: Left Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_l + humanName: Left Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_l + humanName: Left Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_l + humanName: Left Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_l + humanName: Left Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_l + humanName: Left Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_l + humanName: Left Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_r + humanName: Right Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_r + humanName: Right Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_r + humanName: Right Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_r + humanName: Right Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_r + humanName: Right Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_r + humanName: Right Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_r + humanName: Right Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_r + humanName: Right Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_r + humanName: Right Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_r + humanName: Right Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_r + humanName: Right Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_r + humanName: Right Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: chest + humanName: Chest + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + skeleton: + - name: Human(Clone) + parentName: + position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human COMPLETE + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 1.1798787e-12, y: -0.000000052359955, z: 0.000000015905945} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.076661475, y: 1.3955941, z: 0.04250782} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.09472712, y: 1.3974037, z: 0.040297404} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.038126312, y: 1.4131447, z: 0.15032214} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eyes + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Head + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Torso + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0.9402349, z: 0.036055043} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanAppendix + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.04012108, y: 0.9274628, z: 0.104044564} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.03647864, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036478758, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanHeart + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.006746769, y: 1.1291152, z: 0.117190085} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineLarge + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0015628338, y: 0.94421047, z: 0.10589335} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineSmall + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0064120293, y: 0.9636725, z: 0.08935433} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLiver + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.015479565, y: 1.054116, z: 0.1051005} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.036902547, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375894} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036902428, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375895} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanStomach + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.021774769, y: 1.0252738, z: 0.10165389} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanBrain + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0009741783, y: 1.4594865, z: 0.030295096} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanArmature + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: hips + parentName: HumanArmature + position: {x: 1.149433e-13, y: -0.013241618, z: 0.83337724} + rotation: {x: 0.7404059, y: 0.0000055815894, z: 0.000006148301, w: 0.67216} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.99999994} + - name: thigh_l + parentName: hips + position: {x: -0.096564054, y: -0.024295717, z: 0.002351557} + rotation: {x: 0.99558604, y: -0.064399414, z: -0.005032787, w: 0.06808755} + scale: {x: 1.0000036, y: 1.000003, z: 1.0000107} + - name: lower_leg_l + parentName: thigh_l + position: {x: 0.000000015017577, y: 0.35762414, z: 0.000000034924597} + rotation: {x: 0.10202001, y: 0.0028012872, z: -0.009849284, w: 0.9947297} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000085, z: 1.0000061} + - name: foot_l + parentName: lower_leg_l + position: {x: -0.0000000018335413, y: 0.40961084, z: -0.000000004656613} + rotation: {x: -0.5585367, y: 0.13368261, z: -0.18853498, w: 0.79663056} + scale: {x: 1.0000013, y: 1.0000288, z: 0.9999941} + - name: toes_l + parentName: foot_l + position: {x: 0.000000016530976, y: 0.080526456, z: 0.0000000055879354} + rotation: {x: -0.05992987, y: -0.17405595, z: 0.04044075, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000367, y: 0.9999867, z: 0.99997807} + - name: thigh_r + parentName: hips + position: {x: 0.09656395, y: -0.024295837, z: 0.0023547793} + rotation: {x: 0.9955859, y: 0.06439856, z: 0.0050587305, w: 0.06808791} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.999999} + - name: lower_leg_r + parentName: thigh_r + position: {x: 0.0000000044237822, y: 0.35762426, z: 0.00000002514571} + rotation: {x: 0.1020204, y: -0.0028013631, z: 0.009850703, w: 0.99472964} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000057, z: 1.0000025} + - name: foot_r + parentName: lower_leg_r + position: {x: 0.0000000059662852, y: 0.40961078, z: -6.9849193e-10} + rotation: {x: -0.55854076, y: -0.13368613, z: 0.18853135, w: 0.796628} + scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 0.9999992, z: 1.000003} + - name: toes_r + parentName: foot_r + position: {x: -0.000000003958121, y: 0.0805272, z: 0.000000008381903} + rotation: {x: -0.05992934, y: 0.17405611, z: -0.040440965, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000099, z: 0.9999884} + - name: spine + parentName: hips + position: {x: 1.8356248e-12, y: 0.13786578, z: 0.000000013038516} + rotation: {x: -0.020161092, y: 0.0032923277, z: -0.00006672589, w: 0.9997914} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.9999998, z: 0.99999684} + - name: chest + parentName: spine + position: {x: -3.1419884e-11, y: 0.13744113, z: -0.000000003725594} + rotation: {x: -0.079870485, y: -0.0032907373, z: -0.00026367875, w: 0.9967998} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000005, z: 0.999999} + - name: neck + parentName: chest + position: {x: -4.507826e-11, y: 0.13796483, z: 0.000000011175871} + rotation: {x: 0.07572726, y: -0.0067067696, z: -0.00050935626, w: 0.99710584} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000023} + - name: head + parentName: neck + position: {x: 2.845278e-10, y: 0.08491398, z: 0.000000026080253} + rotation: {x: -0.021641804, y: 0.006758547, z: 0.00014482907, w: 0.9997429} + scale: {x: 0.9999991, y: 1.0000007, z: 1.0000015} + - name: shoulder_r + parentName: chest + position: {x: 0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.003932451} + rotation: {x: 0.5486401, y: 0.54864013, z: -0.4460875, w: 0.44608754} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 0.99999845, z: 1.0000019} + - name: upper_arm_r + parentName: shoulder_r + position: {x: 0.0000000056466725, y: 0.113623016, z: 0.000000080447336} + rotation: {x: -0.016802363, y: -0.728269, z: -0.03739515, w: 0.6840641} + scale: {x: 1.000008, y: 1.0000077, z: 1.0000037} + - name: forearm_r + parentName: upper_arm_r + position: {x: -0.0000002590059, y: 0.19655885, z: -0.0000000084983185} + rotation: {x: 0.07927109, y: -0.0007944402, z: 0.007752359, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 0.9999983, z: 0.999999} + - name: hand_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000000022293534, y: 0.23644204, z: -0.0000000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.0080038365, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328861, w: -0.6950444} + scale: {x: 1.0000069, y: 1.0000124, z: 1.0000093} + - name: c_thumb1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.043030325, y: 0.027325455, z: -0.029069485} + rotation: {x: -0.23810282, y: -0.6193094, z: 0.34018674, w: -0.6663602} + scale: {x: 1.0000025, y: 1.0000083, z: 0.99999624} + - name: c_thumb2_r + parentName: c_thumb1_r + position: {x: -0.00000006146729, y: 0.067762405, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.027055915, y: 0.1494991, z: -0.003029404, w: 0.988387} + scale: {x: 1.0000172, y: 0.99998325, z: 1.0000168} + - name: c_thumb3_r + parentName: c_thumb2_r + position: {x: 0.000000063329935, y: 0.034581296, z: 0.000000007450581} + rotation: {x: 0.16982022, y: -0.068780154, z: 0.066675395, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.999986, y: 0.9999816, z: 1.0000352} + - name: c_ring1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: -0.037961163, y: 0.08163366, z: 0.0126242135} + rotation: {x: -0.030043779, y: 0.0177473, z: -0.0146247605, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000018, y: 1.0000027, z: 0.9999998} + - name: c_ring2_r + parentName: c_ring1_r + position: {x: 0.000000007916242, y: 0.045393843, z: -0.000000037747668} + rotation: {x: -0.027954554, y: -0.02803783, z: -0.00021981988, w: 0.9992159} + scale: {x: 1.0000081, y: 0.9999979, z: 1.0000149} + - name: c_ring3_r + parentName: c_ring2_r + position: {x: -0, y: 0.030371627, z: -0.00000012342207} + rotation: {x: -0.09702881, y: 0.19158539, z: -0.05356502, w: 0.9751981} + scale: {x: 1.0000122, y: 1.000016, z: 0.9999991} + - name: c_middle1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.012728409, y: 0.095293984, z: 0.005345431} + rotation: {x: -0.020139333, y: 0.06533595, z: -0.0029693954, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000037, y: 1.0000066, z: 1.0000002} + - name: c_middle2_r + parentName: c_middle1_r + position: {x: -0.000000027939677, y: 0.04347191, z: 0.000000017229468} + rotation: {x: -0.02996826, y: 0.030963402, z: -0.0046559433, w: 0.9990603} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000036, z: 1.0000131} + - name: c_middle3_r + parentName: c_middle2_r + position: {x: -0.000000033527613, y: 0.0329716, z: 0.00000006053597} + rotation: {x: -0.1676397, y: 0.073116966, z: -0.021750906, w: 0.98289263} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 1.0000196, z: 0.99999374} + - name: c_index1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.059781943, y: 0.096780546, z: 0.014082293} + rotation: {x: -0.004635407, y: 0.005647418, z: 0.0077239904, w: 0.99994355} + scale: {x: 1.0000005, y: 1.0000036, z: 0.99999875} + - name: c_index2_r + parentName: c_index1_r + position: {x: 0.0000000034924597, y: 0.047904514, z: 0.00000005250331} + rotation: {x: -0.024433492, y: 0.10530338, z: -0.0018819352, w: 0.9941382} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000042} + - name: c_index3_r + parentName: c_index2_r + position: {x: -0.000000007450581, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.000000020489097} + rotation: {x: -0.080947846, y: -0.017785536, z: -0.01037631, w: 0.9965057} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000277, z: 1.0000005} + - name: hold.r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.0063287923, y: 0.08298412, z: -0.015038971} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: 0.47859132, z: -0.46639267, w: 0.53287977} + scale: {x: 0.9999997, y: 0.9999977, z: 1.0000002} + - name: forearm_twist_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000016324193, y: 0.1284726, z: -0.000006649643} + rotation: {x: -0.000018939374, y: 0.0012337323, z: -0.00016194968, w: 0.9999993} + scale: {x: 1.0000073, y: 1.0000048, z: 0.99999934} + - name: shoulder_l + parentName: chest + position: {x: -0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.0039324528} + rotation: {x: -0.5486401, y: 0.5486401, z: -0.44608748, w: -0.4460875} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 0.99999964, z: 1.0000043} + - name: upper_arm_l + parentName: shoulder_l + position: {x: -0.000000009391529, y: 0.11362299, z: -0.000000031237462} + rotation: {x: 0.016802428, y: -0.72826916, z: -0.037395176, w: -0.68406385} + scale: {x: 1.0000075, y: 1.0000076, z: 1.0000032} + - name: forearm_l + parentName: upper_arm_l + position: {x: -0.000000016112608, y: 0.19655891, z: 0.000000013969839} + rotation: {x: 0.07927141, y: 0.00079452974, z: -0.0077523375, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.99999756, y: 0.9999992, z: 0.99999774} + - name: hand_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: -0.00000014150282, y: 0.23644212, z: -0.000000009313226} + rotation: {x: 0.00800377, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328958, w: 0.6950446} + scale: {x: 1.0000067, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000058} + - name: c_thumb1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.043030314, y: 0.02732556, z: -0.02906935} + rotation: {x: 0.23810151, y: -0.6193099, z: 0.34018716, w: 0.66636} + scale: {x: 1.0000024, y: 1.0000248, z: 0.99998504} + - name: c_thumb2_l + parentName: c_thumb1_l + position: {x: 0.00000006519258, y: 0.06776242, z: 0.000000044703484} + rotation: {x: -0.027061354, y: -0.1494992, z: 0.0030296424, w: 0.98838687} + scale: {x: 1.0000145, y: 0.9999532, z: 1.0000383} + - name: c_thumb3_l + parentName: c_thumb2_l + position: {x: -0.000000078231096, y: 0.03458134, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0.16982007, y: 0.068780504, z: -0.06667551, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.99998635, y: 0.99988985, z: 1.0001268} + - name: c_ring1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: 0.03796115, y: 0.081633575, z: 0.0126242405} + rotation: {x: -0.030042524, y: -0.017746734, z: 0.014624785, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000144, y: 1.0000082, z: 1.000006} + - name: c_ring2_l + parentName: c_ring1_l + position: {x: 0.0000000018626451, y: 0.04539384, z: -0.00000013152021} + rotation: {x: 0.027963966, y: -0.028037718, z: -0.00022199283, w: -0.9992156} + scale: {x: 1.0000045, y: 0.99999386, z: 1.0000125} + - name: c_ring3_l + parentName: c_ring2_l + position: {x: -0.000000003259629, y: 0.030371798, z: 0.00000005106267} + rotation: {x: 0.097029544, y: 0.1915853, z: -0.053565085, w: -0.975198} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000107, z: 1.0000023} + - name: c_middle1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.012728396, y: 0.095294036, z: 0.0053454423} + rotation: {x: -0.020141035, y: -0.06533592, z: 0.0029690685, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000117, y: 1.0000049, z: 1.0000024} + - name: c_middle2_l + parentName: c_middle1_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.043471865, z: 0.00000004703179} + rotation: {x: -0.029964855, y: -0.030963589, z: 0.0046565477, w: 0.9990604} + scale: {x: 0.9999977, y: 0.99999636, z: 1.0000107} + - name: c_middle3_l + parentName: c_middle2_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.03297166, z: -0.00000006239861} + rotation: {x: -0.16763954, y: -0.07311703, z: 0.021750832, w: 0.9828926} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000006, z: 1.000013} + - name: c_index1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.059781928, y: 0.0967806, z: 0.014082292} + rotation: {x: -0.0046358937, y: -0.0056473566, z: -0.007723556, w: 0.9999435} + scale: {x: 1.0000126, y: 1.0000038, z: 1.0000052} + - name: c_index2_l + parentName: c_index1_l + position: {x: -0.000000009313226, y: 0.04790459, z: 0.000000045169145} + rotation: {x: -0.024431424, y: -0.10530303, z: 0.0018783653, w: 0.9941383} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000063} + - name: c_index3_l + parentName: c_index2_l + position: {x: 0.000000014901161, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.00000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.08094788, y: 0.017785553, z: 0.01037622, w: 0.9965056} + scale: {x: 1.000003, y: 0.999993, z: 1.0000157} + - name: hold.l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.0063287844, y: 0.082984276, z: -0.015038835} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: -0.47859147, z: 0.46639258, w: 0.5328798} + scale: {x: 1.000011, y: 1.0000129, z: 1.0000062} + - name: forearm_twist_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: 0.00001617195, y: 0.12847266, z: -0.000006655231} + rotation: {x: -0.00001891702, y: -0.001233861, z: 0.00016184966, w: 0.9999992} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000012, z: 1.0000024} + armTwist: 0.5 + foreArmTwist: 0.5 + upperLegTwist: 0.5 + legTwist: 0.5 + armStretch: 0.05 + legStretch: 0.05 + feetSpacing: 0 + globalScale: 1 + rootMotionBoneName: HumanArmature + hasTranslationDoF: 1 + hasExtraRoot: 1 + skeletonHasParents: 1 + lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {fileID: 9000000, guid: f553c8289710b5e4dab99c3bcbbb802e, type: 3} + autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1 + animationType: 3 + humanoidOversampling: 1 + avatarSetup: 2 + addHumanoidExtraRootOnlyWhenUsingAvatar: 1 + remapMaterialsIfMaterialImportModeIsNone: 0 + additionalBone: 0 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanRunningSetDef.fbx b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanRunningSetDef.fbx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ee84240da1 Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanRunningSetDef.fbx differ diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanRunningSetDef.fbx.meta b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanRunningSetDef.fbx.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e9c493602e --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanRunningSetDef.fbx.meta @@ -0,0 +1,875 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 4341287d8a9376249bb89f89ad8fc743 +ModelImporter: + serializedVersion: 21300 + internalIDToNameTable: [] + externalObjects: {} + materials: + materialImportMode: 2 + materialName: 0 + materialSearch: 1 + materialLocation: 1 + animations: + legacyGenerateAnimations: 4 + bakeSimulation: 0 + resampleCurves: 1 + optimizeGameObjects: 0 + removeConstantScaleCurves: 1 + motionNodeName: + rigImportErrors: + rigImportWarnings: + animationImportErrors: + animationImportWarnings: "\nClip 'RunNorth' has import animation warnings that + might lower retargeting quality:\nNote: Activate translation DOF on avatar + to improve retargeting quality.\n\t'thigh_l' has translation animation that + will be discarded.\n\t'lower_leg_l' has translation animation that will be + discarded.\n\t'thigh_r' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'toes_r' + has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'spine' has translation + animation that will be discarded.\n\t'chest' has translation animation that + will be discarded.\n\t'chest' is inbetween humanoid transforms and has rotation + animation that will be discarded.\n\t'neck' has translation animation that + will be discarded.\n" + animationRetargetingWarnings: + animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0 + importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0 + importConstraints: 0 + animationCompression: 3 + animationRotationError: 0.5 + animationPositionError: 0.5 + animationScaleError: 0.5 + animationWrapMode: 0 + extraExposedTransformPaths: [] + extraUserProperties: [] + clipAnimations: [] + isReadable: 0 + meshes: + lODScreenPercentages: [] + globalScale: 1 + meshCompression: 0 + addColliders: 0 + useSRGBMaterialColor: 1 + sortHierarchyByName: 1 + importVisibility: 1 + importBlendShapes: 1 + importCameras: 1 + importLights: 1 + nodeNameCollisionStrategy: 1 + fileIdsGeneration: 2 + swapUVChannels: 0 + generateSecondaryUV: 0 + useFileUnits: 1 + keepQuads: 0 + weldVertices: 1 + bakeAxisConversion: 0 + preserveHierarchy: 0 + skinWeightsMode: 0 + maxBonesPerVertex: 4 + minBoneWeight: 0.001 + optimizeBones: 1 + meshOptimizationFlags: -1 + indexFormat: 0 + secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 + secondaryUVAreaDistortion: 15.000001 + secondaryUVHardAngle: 88 + secondaryUVMarginMethod: 1 + secondaryUVMinLightmapResolution: 40 + secondaryUVMinObjectScale: 1 + secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 + useFileScale: 1 + tangentSpace: + normalSmoothAngle: 60 + normalImportMode: 0 + tangentImportMode: 3 + normalCalculationMode: 4 + legacyComputeAllNormalsFromSmoothingGroupsWhenMeshHasBlendShapes: 0 + blendShapeNormalImportMode: 1 + normalSmoothingSource: 0 + referencedClips: [] + importAnimation: 1 + humanDescription: + serializedVersion: 3 + human: + - boneName: hips + humanName: Hips + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_l + humanName: LeftUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_r + humanName: RightUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_l + humanName: LeftLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_r + humanName: RightLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_l + humanName: LeftFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_r + humanName: RightFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: spine + humanName: Spine + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: neck + humanName: Neck + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: head + humanName: Head + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_l + humanName: LeftShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_r + humanName: RightShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_l + humanName: LeftUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_r + humanName: RightUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_l + humanName: LeftLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_r + humanName: RightLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_l + humanName: LeftHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_r + humanName: RightHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_l + humanName: LeftToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_r + humanName: RightToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_l + humanName: Left Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_l + humanName: Left Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_l + humanName: Left Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_l + humanName: Left Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_l + humanName: Left Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_l + humanName: Left Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_l + humanName: Left Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_l + humanName: Left Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_l + humanName: Left Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_l + humanName: Left Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_l + humanName: Left Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_l + humanName: Left Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_r + humanName: Right Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_r + humanName: Right Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_r + humanName: Right Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_r + humanName: Right Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_r + humanName: Right Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_r + humanName: Right Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_r + humanName: Right Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_r + humanName: Right Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_r + humanName: Right Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_r + humanName: Right Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_r + humanName: Right Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_r + humanName: Right Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: chest + humanName: Chest + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + skeleton: + - name: Human(Clone) + parentName: + position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human COMPLETE + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 1.1798787e-12, y: -0.000000052359955, z: 0.000000015905945} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.076661475, y: 1.3955941, z: 0.04250782} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.09472712, y: 1.3974037, z: 0.040297404} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.038126312, y: 1.4131447, z: 0.15032214} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eyes + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Head + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Torso + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0.9402349, z: 0.036055043} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanAppendix + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.04012108, y: 0.9274628, z: 0.104044564} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.03647864, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036478758, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanHeart + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.006746769, y: 1.1291152, z: 0.117190085} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineLarge + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0015628338, y: 0.94421047, z: 0.10589335} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineSmall + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0064120293, y: 0.9636725, z: 0.08935433} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLiver + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.015479565, y: 1.054116, z: 0.1051005} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.036902547, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375894} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036902428, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375895} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanStomach + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.021774769, y: 1.0252738, z: 0.10165389} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanBrain + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0009741783, y: 1.4594865, z: 0.030295096} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanArmature + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: hips + parentName: HumanArmature + position: {x: 1.149433e-13, y: -0.013241618, z: 0.83337724} + rotation: {x: 0.7404059, y: 0.0000055815894, z: 0.000006148301, w: 0.67216} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.99999994} + - name: thigh_l + parentName: hips + position: {x: -0.096564054, y: -0.024295717, z: 0.002351557} + rotation: {x: 0.99558604, y: -0.064399414, z: -0.005032787, w: 0.06808755} + scale: {x: 1.0000036, y: 1.000003, z: 1.0000107} + - name: lower_leg_l + parentName: thigh_l + position: {x: 0.000000015017577, y: 0.35762414, z: 0.000000034924597} + rotation: {x: 0.10202001, y: 0.0028012872, z: -0.009849284, w: 0.9947297} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000085, z: 1.0000061} + - name: foot_l + parentName: lower_leg_l + position: {x: -0.0000000018335413, y: 0.40961084, z: -0.000000004656613} + rotation: {x: -0.5585367, y: 0.13368261, z: -0.18853498, w: 0.79663056} + scale: {x: 1.0000013, y: 1.0000288, z: 0.9999941} + - name: toes_l + parentName: foot_l + position: {x: 0.000000016530976, y: 0.080526456, z: 0.0000000055879354} + rotation: {x: -0.05992987, y: -0.17405595, z: 0.04044075, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000367, y: 0.9999867, z: 0.99997807} + - name: thigh_r + parentName: hips + position: {x: 0.09656395, y: -0.024295837, z: 0.0023547793} + rotation: {x: 0.9955859, y: 0.06439856, z: 0.0050587305, w: 0.06808791} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.999999} + - name: lower_leg_r + parentName: thigh_r + position: {x: 0.0000000044237822, y: 0.35762426, z: 0.00000002514571} + rotation: {x: 0.1020204, y: -0.0028013631, z: 0.009850703, w: 0.99472964} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000057, z: 1.0000025} + - name: foot_r + parentName: lower_leg_r + position: {x: 0.0000000059662852, y: 0.40961078, z: -6.9849193e-10} + rotation: {x: -0.55854076, y: -0.13368613, z: 0.18853135, w: 0.796628} + scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 0.9999992, z: 1.000003} + - name: toes_r + parentName: foot_r + position: {x: -0.000000003958121, y: 0.0805272, z: 0.000000008381903} + rotation: {x: -0.05992934, y: 0.17405611, z: -0.040440965, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000099, z: 0.9999884} + - name: spine + parentName: hips + position: {x: 1.8356248e-12, y: 0.13786578, z: 0.000000013038516} + rotation: {x: -0.020161092, y: 0.0032923277, z: -0.00006672589, w: 0.9997914} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.9999998, z: 0.99999684} + - name: chest + parentName: spine + position: {x: -3.1419884e-11, y: 0.13744113, z: -0.000000003725594} + rotation: {x: -0.079870485, y: -0.0032907373, z: -0.00026367875, w: 0.9967998} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000005, z: 0.999999} + - name: neck + parentName: chest + position: {x: -4.507826e-11, y: 0.13796483, z: 0.000000011175871} + rotation: {x: 0.07572726, y: -0.0067067696, z: -0.00050935626, w: 0.99710584} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000023} + - name: head + parentName: neck + position: {x: 2.845278e-10, y: 0.08491398, z: 0.000000026080253} + rotation: {x: -0.021641804, y: 0.006758547, z: 0.00014482907, w: 0.9997429} + scale: {x: 0.9999991, y: 1.0000007, z: 1.0000015} + - name: shoulder_r + parentName: chest + position: {x: 0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.003932451} + rotation: {x: 0.5486401, y: 0.54864013, z: -0.4460875, w: 0.44608754} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 0.99999845, z: 1.0000019} + - name: upper_arm_r + parentName: shoulder_r + position: {x: 0.0000000056466725, y: 0.113623016, z: 0.000000080447336} + rotation: {x: -0.016802363, y: -0.728269, z: -0.03739515, w: 0.6840641} + scale: {x: 1.000008, y: 1.0000077, z: 1.0000037} + - name: forearm_r + parentName: upper_arm_r + position: {x: -0.0000002590059, y: 0.19655885, z: -0.0000000084983185} + rotation: {x: 0.07927109, y: -0.0007944402, z: 0.007752359, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 0.9999983, z: 0.999999} + - name: hand_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000000022293534, y: 0.23644204, z: -0.0000000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.0080038365, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328861, w: -0.6950444} + scale: {x: 1.0000069, y: 1.0000124, z: 1.0000093} + - name: c_thumb1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.043030325, y: 0.027325455, z: -0.029069485} + rotation: {x: -0.23810282, y: -0.6193094, z: 0.34018674, w: -0.6663602} + scale: {x: 1.0000025, y: 1.0000083, z: 0.99999624} + - name: c_thumb2_r + parentName: c_thumb1_r + position: {x: -0.00000006146729, y: 0.067762405, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.027055915, y: 0.1494991, z: -0.003029404, w: 0.988387} + scale: {x: 1.0000172, y: 0.99998325, z: 1.0000168} + - name: c_thumb3_r + parentName: c_thumb2_r + position: {x: 0.000000063329935, y: 0.034581296, z: 0.000000007450581} + rotation: {x: 0.16982022, y: -0.068780154, z: 0.066675395, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.999986, y: 0.9999816, z: 1.0000352} + - name: c_ring1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: -0.037961163, y: 0.08163366, z: 0.0126242135} + rotation: {x: -0.030043779, y: 0.0177473, z: -0.0146247605, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000018, y: 1.0000027, z: 0.9999998} + - name: c_ring2_r + parentName: c_ring1_r + position: {x: 0.000000007916242, y: 0.045393843, z: -0.000000037747668} + rotation: {x: -0.027954554, y: -0.02803783, z: -0.00021981988, w: 0.9992159} + scale: {x: 1.0000081, y: 0.9999979, z: 1.0000149} + - name: c_ring3_r + parentName: c_ring2_r + position: {x: -0, y: 0.030371627, z: -0.00000012342207} + rotation: {x: -0.09702881, y: 0.19158539, z: -0.05356502, w: 0.9751981} + scale: {x: 1.0000122, y: 1.000016, z: 0.9999991} + - name: c_middle1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.012728409, y: 0.095293984, z: 0.005345431} + rotation: {x: -0.020139333, y: 0.06533595, z: -0.0029693954, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000037, y: 1.0000066, z: 1.0000002} + - name: c_middle2_r + parentName: c_middle1_r + position: {x: -0.000000027939677, y: 0.04347191, z: 0.000000017229468} + rotation: {x: -0.02996826, y: 0.030963402, z: -0.0046559433, w: 0.9990603} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000036, z: 1.0000131} + - name: c_middle3_r + parentName: c_middle2_r + position: {x: -0.000000033527613, y: 0.0329716, z: 0.00000006053597} + rotation: {x: -0.1676397, y: 0.073116966, z: -0.021750906, w: 0.98289263} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 1.0000196, z: 0.99999374} + - name: c_index1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.059781943, y: 0.096780546, z: 0.014082293} + rotation: {x: -0.004635407, y: 0.005647418, z: 0.0077239904, w: 0.99994355} + scale: {x: 1.0000005, y: 1.0000036, z: 0.99999875} + - name: c_index2_r + parentName: c_index1_r + position: {x: 0.0000000034924597, y: 0.047904514, z: 0.00000005250331} + rotation: {x: -0.024433492, y: 0.10530338, z: -0.0018819352, w: 0.9941382} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000042} + - name: c_index3_r + parentName: c_index2_r + position: {x: -0.000000007450581, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.000000020489097} + rotation: {x: -0.080947846, y: -0.017785536, z: -0.01037631, w: 0.9965057} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000277, z: 1.0000005} + - name: hold.r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.0063287923, y: 0.08298412, z: -0.015038971} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: 0.47859132, z: -0.46639267, w: 0.53287977} + scale: {x: 0.9999997, y: 0.9999977, z: 1.0000002} + - name: forearm_twist_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000016324193, y: 0.1284726, z: -0.000006649643} + rotation: {x: -0.000018939374, y: 0.0012337323, z: -0.00016194968, w: 0.9999993} + scale: {x: 1.0000073, y: 1.0000048, z: 0.99999934} + - name: shoulder_l + parentName: chest + position: {x: -0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.0039324528} + rotation: {x: -0.5486401, y: 0.5486401, z: -0.44608748, w: -0.4460875} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 0.99999964, z: 1.0000043} + - name: upper_arm_l + parentName: shoulder_l + position: {x: -0.000000009391529, y: 0.11362299, z: -0.000000031237462} + rotation: {x: 0.016802428, y: -0.72826916, z: -0.037395176, w: -0.68406385} + scale: {x: 1.0000075, y: 1.0000076, z: 1.0000032} + - name: forearm_l + parentName: upper_arm_l + position: {x: -0.000000016112608, y: 0.19655891, z: 0.000000013969839} + rotation: {x: 0.07927141, y: 0.00079452974, z: -0.0077523375, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.99999756, y: 0.9999992, z: 0.99999774} + - name: hand_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: -0.00000014150282, y: 0.23644212, z: -0.000000009313226} + rotation: {x: 0.00800377, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328958, w: 0.6950446} + scale: {x: 1.0000067, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000058} + - name: c_thumb1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.043030314, y: 0.02732556, z: -0.02906935} + rotation: {x: 0.23810151, y: -0.6193099, z: 0.34018716, w: 0.66636} + scale: {x: 1.0000024, y: 1.0000248, z: 0.99998504} + - name: c_thumb2_l + parentName: c_thumb1_l + position: {x: 0.00000006519258, y: 0.06776242, z: 0.000000044703484} + rotation: {x: -0.027061354, y: -0.1494992, z: 0.0030296424, w: 0.98838687} + scale: {x: 1.0000145, y: 0.9999532, z: 1.0000383} + - name: c_thumb3_l + parentName: c_thumb2_l + position: {x: -0.000000078231096, y: 0.03458134, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0.16982007, y: 0.068780504, z: -0.06667551, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.99998635, y: 0.99988985, z: 1.0001268} + - name: c_ring1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: 0.03796115, y: 0.081633575, z: 0.0126242405} + rotation: {x: -0.030042524, y: -0.017746734, z: 0.014624785, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000144, y: 1.0000082, z: 1.000006} + - name: c_ring2_l + parentName: c_ring1_l + position: {x: 0.0000000018626451, y: 0.04539384, z: -0.00000013152021} + rotation: {x: 0.027963966, y: -0.028037718, z: -0.00022199283, w: -0.9992156} + scale: {x: 1.0000045, y: 0.99999386, z: 1.0000125} + - name: c_ring3_l + parentName: c_ring2_l + position: {x: -0.000000003259629, y: 0.030371798, z: 0.00000005106267} + rotation: {x: 0.097029544, y: 0.1915853, z: -0.053565085, w: -0.975198} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000107, z: 1.0000023} + - name: c_middle1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.012728396, y: 0.095294036, z: 0.0053454423} + rotation: {x: -0.020141035, y: -0.06533592, z: 0.0029690685, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000117, y: 1.0000049, z: 1.0000024} + - name: c_middle2_l + parentName: c_middle1_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.043471865, z: 0.00000004703179} + rotation: {x: -0.029964855, y: -0.030963589, z: 0.0046565477, w: 0.9990604} + scale: {x: 0.9999977, y: 0.99999636, z: 1.0000107} + - name: c_middle3_l + parentName: c_middle2_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.03297166, z: -0.00000006239861} + rotation: {x: -0.16763954, y: -0.07311703, z: 0.021750832, w: 0.9828926} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000006, z: 1.000013} + - name: c_index1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.059781928, y: 0.0967806, z: 0.014082292} + rotation: {x: -0.0046358937, y: -0.0056473566, z: -0.007723556, w: 0.9999435} + scale: {x: 1.0000126, y: 1.0000038, z: 1.0000052} + - name: c_index2_l + parentName: c_index1_l + position: {x: -0.000000009313226, y: 0.04790459, z: 0.000000045169145} + rotation: {x: -0.024431424, y: -0.10530303, z: 0.0018783653, w: 0.9941383} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000063} + - name: c_index3_l + parentName: c_index2_l + position: {x: 0.000000014901161, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.00000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.08094788, y: 0.017785553, z: 0.01037622, w: 0.9965056} + scale: {x: 1.000003, y: 0.999993, z: 1.0000157} + - name: hold.l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.0063287844, y: 0.082984276, z: -0.015038835} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: -0.47859147, z: 0.46639258, w: 0.5328798} + scale: {x: 1.000011, y: 1.0000129, z: 1.0000062} + - name: forearm_twist_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: 0.00001617195, y: 0.12847266, z: -0.000006655231} + rotation: {x: -0.00001891702, y: -0.001233861, z: 0.00016184966, w: 0.9999992} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000012, z: 1.0000024} + armTwist: 0.5 + foreArmTwist: 0.5 + upperLegTwist: 0.5 + legTwist: 0.5 + armStretch: 0.05 + legStretch: 0.05 + feetSpacing: 0 + globalScale: 1 + rootMotionBoneName: HumanArmature + hasTranslationDoF: 1 + hasExtraRoot: 1 + skeletonHasParents: 1 + lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {fileID: 9000000, guid: f553c8289710b5e4dab99c3bcbbb802e, type: 3} + autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1 + animationType: 3 + humanoidOversampling: 1 + avatarSetup: 2 + addHumanoidExtraRootOnlyWhenUsingAvatar: 1 + remapMaterialsIfMaterialImportModeIsNone: 0 + additionalBone: 0 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanStancesDef.fbx b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanStancesDef.fbx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0c0546438d Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanStancesDef.fbx differ diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanStancesDef.fbx.meta b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanStancesDef.fbx.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8ce8290f88 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanStancesDef.fbx.meta @@ -0,0 +1,866 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: d8a0275fc6856e14597e6eb4fc42e30c +ModelImporter: + serializedVersion: 21300 + internalIDToNameTable: [] + externalObjects: {} + materials: + materialImportMode: 2 + materialName: 0 + materialSearch: 1 + materialLocation: 1 + animations: + legacyGenerateAnimations: 4 + bakeSimulation: 0 + resampleCurves: 1 + optimizeGameObjects: 0 + removeConstantScaleCurves: 1 + motionNodeName: + rigImportErrors: + rigImportWarnings: + animationImportErrors: + animationImportWarnings: + animationRetargetingWarnings: + animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0 + importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0 + importConstraints: 0 + animationCompression: 1 + animationRotationError: 0.5 + animationPositionError: 0.5 + animationScaleError: 0.5 + animationWrapMode: 0 + extraExposedTransformPaths: [] + extraUserProperties: [] + clipAnimations: [] + isReadable: 0 + meshes: + lODScreenPercentages: [] + globalScale: 1 + meshCompression: 0 + addColliders: 0 + useSRGBMaterialColor: 1 + sortHierarchyByName: 1 + importVisibility: 1 + importBlendShapes: 1 + importCameras: 1 + importLights: 1 + nodeNameCollisionStrategy: 1 + fileIdsGeneration: 2 + swapUVChannels: 0 + generateSecondaryUV: 0 + useFileUnits: 1 + keepQuads: 0 + weldVertices: 1 + bakeAxisConversion: 0 + preserveHierarchy: 0 + skinWeightsMode: 0 + maxBonesPerVertex: 4 + minBoneWeight: 0.001 + optimizeBones: 1 + meshOptimizationFlags: -1 + indexFormat: 0 + secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 + secondaryUVAreaDistortion: 15.000001 + secondaryUVHardAngle: 88 + secondaryUVMarginMethod: 1 + secondaryUVMinLightmapResolution: 40 + secondaryUVMinObjectScale: 1 + secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 + useFileScale: 1 + tangentSpace: + normalSmoothAngle: 60 + normalImportMode: 0 + tangentImportMode: 3 + normalCalculationMode: 4 + legacyComputeAllNormalsFromSmoothingGroupsWhenMeshHasBlendShapes: 0 + blendShapeNormalImportMode: 1 + normalSmoothingSource: 0 + referencedClips: [] + importAnimation: 1 + humanDescription: + serializedVersion: 3 + human: + - boneName: hips + humanName: Hips + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_l + humanName: LeftUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_r + humanName: RightUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_l + humanName: LeftLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_r + humanName: RightLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_l + humanName: LeftFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_r + humanName: RightFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: spine + humanName: Spine + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: neck + humanName: Neck + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: head + humanName: Head + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_l + humanName: LeftShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_r + humanName: RightShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_l + humanName: LeftUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_r + humanName: RightUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_l + humanName: LeftLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_r + humanName: RightLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_l + humanName: LeftHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_r + humanName: RightHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_l + humanName: LeftToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_r + humanName: RightToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_l + humanName: Left Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_l + humanName: Left Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_l + humanName: Left Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_l + humanName: Left Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_l + humanName: Left Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_l + humanName: Left Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_l + humanName: Left Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_l + humanName: Left Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_l + humanName: Left Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_l + humanName: Left Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_l + humanName: Left Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_l + humanName: Left Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_r + humanName: Right Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_r + humanName: Right Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_r + humanName: Right Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_r + humanName: Right Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_r + humanName: Right Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_r + humanName: Right Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_r + humanName: Right Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_r + humanName: Right Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_r + humanName: Right Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_r + humanName: Right Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_r + humanName: Right Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_r + humanName: Right Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: chest + humanName: Chest + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + skeleton: + - name: Human(Clone) + parentName: + position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human COMPLETE + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 1.1798787e-12, y: -0.000000052359955, z: 0.000000015905945} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.076661475, y: 1.3955941, z: 0.04250782} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.09472712, y: 1.3974037, z: 0.040297404} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.038126312, y: 1.4131447, z: 0.15032214} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eyes + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Head + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Torso + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0.9402349, z: 0.036055043} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanAppendix + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.04012108, y: 0.9274628, z: 0.104044564} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.03647864, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036478758, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanHeart + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.006746769, y: 1.1291152, z: 0.117190085} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineLarge + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0015628338, y: 0.94421047, z: 0.10589335} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineSmall + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0064120293, y: 0.9636725, z: 0.08935433} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLiver + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.015479565, y: 1.054116, z: 0.1051005} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.036902547, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375894} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036902428, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375895} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanStomach + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.021774769, y: 1.0252738, z: 0.10165389} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanBrain + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0009741783, y: 1.4594865, z: 0.030295096} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanArmature + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: hips + parentName: HumanArmature + position: {x: 1.149433e-13, y: -0.013241618, z: 0.83337724} + rotation: {x: 0.7404059, y: 0.0000055815894, z: 0.000006148301, w: 0.67216} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.99999994} + - name: thigh_l + parentName: hips + position: {x: -0.096564054, y: -0.024295717, z: 0.002351557} + rotation: {x: 0.99558604, y: -0.064399414, z: -0.005032787, w: 0.06808755} + scale: {x: 1.0000036, y: 1.000003, z: 1.0000107} + - name: lower_leg_l + parentName: thigh_l + position: {x: 0.000000015017577, y: 0.35762414, z: 0.000000034924597} + rotation: {x: 0.10202001, y: 0.0028012872, z: -0.009849284, w: 0.9947297} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000085, z: 1.0000061} + - name: foot_l + parentName: lower_leg_l + position: {x: -0.0000000018335413, y: 0.40961084, z: -0.000000004656613} + rotation: {x: -0.5585367, y: 0.13368261, z: -0.18853498, w: 0.79663056} + scale: {x: 1.0000013, y: 1.0000288, z: 0.9999941} + - name: toes_l + parentName: foot_l + position: {x: 0.000000016530976, y: 0.080526456, z: 0.0000000055879354} + rotation: {x: -0.05992987, y: -0.17405595, z: 0.04044075, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000367, y: 0.9999867, z: 0.99997807} + - name: thigh_r + parentName: hips + position: {x: 0.09656395, y: -0.024295837, z: 0.0023547793} + rotation: {x: 0.9955859, y: 0.06439856, z: 0.0050587305, w: 0.06808791} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.999999} + - name: lower_leg_r + parentName: thigh_r + position: {x: 0.0000000044237822, y: 0.35762426, z: 0.00000002514571} + rotation: {x: 0.1020204, y: -0.0028013631, z: 0.009850703, w: 0.99472964} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000057, z: 1.0000025} + - name: foot_r + parentName: lower_leg_r + position: {x: 0.0000000059662852, y: 0.40961078, z: -6.9849193e-10} + rotation: {x: -0.55854076, y: -0.13368613, z: 0.18853135, w: 0.796628} + scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 0.9999992, z: 1.000003} + - name: toes_r + parentName: foot_r + position: {x: -0.000000003958121, y: 0.0805272, z: 0.000000008381903} + rotation: {x: -0.05992934, y: 0.17405611, z: -0.040440965, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000099, z: 0.9999884} + - name: spine + parentName: hips + position: {x: 1.8356248e-12, y: 0.13786578, z: 0.000000013038516} + rotation: {x: -0.020161092, y: 0.0032923277, z: -0.00006672589, w: 0.9997914} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.9999998, z: 0.99999684} + - name: chest + parentName: spine + position: {x: -3.1419884e-11, y: 0.13744113, z: -0.000000003725594} + rotation: {x: -0.079870485, y: -0.0032907373, z: -0.00026367875, w: 0.9967998} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000005, z: 0.999999} + - name: neck + parentName: chest + position: {x: -4.507826e-11, y: 0.13796483, z: 0.000000011175871} + rotation: {x: 0.07572726, y: -0.0067067696, z: -0.00050935626, w: 0.99710584} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000023} + - name: head + parentName: neck + position: {x: 2.845278e-10, y: 0.08491398, z: 0.000000026080253} + rotation: {x: -0.021641804, y: 0.006758547, z: 0.00014482907, w: 0.9997429} + scale: {x: 0.9999991, y: 1.0000007, z: 1.0000015} + - name: shoulder_r + parentName: chest + position: {x: 0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.003932451} + rotation: {x: 0.5486401, y: 0.54864013, z: -0.4460875, w: 0.44608754} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 0.99999845, z: 1.0000019} + - name: upper_arm_r + parentName: shoulder_r + position: {x: 0.0000000056466725, y: 0.113623016, z: 0.000000080447336} + rotation: {x: -0.016802363, y: -0.728269, z: -0.03739515, w: 0.6840641} + scale: {x: 1.000008, y: 1.0000077, z: 1.0000037} + - name: forearm_r + parentName: upper_arm_r + position: {x: -0.0000002590059, y: 0.19655885, z: -0.0000000084983185} + rotation: {x: 0.07927109, y: -0.0007944402, z: 0.007752359, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 0.9999983, z: 0.999999} + - name: hand_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000000022293534, y: 0.23644204, z: -0.0000000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.0080038365, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328861, w: -0.6950444} + scale: {x: 1.0000069, y: 1.0000124, z: 1.0000093} + - name: c_thumb1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.043030325, y: 0.027325455, z: -0.029069485} + rotation: {x: -0.23810282, y: -0.6193094, z: 0.34018674, w: -0.6663602} + scale: {x: 1.0000025, y: 1.0000083, z: 0.99999624} + - name: c_thumb2_r + parentName: c_thumb1_r + position: {x: -0.00000006146729, y: 0.067762405, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.027055915, y: 0.1494991, z: -0.003029404, w: 0.988387} + scale: {x: 1.0000172, y: 0.99998325, z: 1.0000168} + - name: c_thumb3_r + parentName: c_thumb2_r + position: {x: 0.000000063329935, y: 0.034581296, z: 0.000000007450581} + rotation: {x: 0.16982022, y: -0.068780154, z: 0.066675395, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.999986, y: 0.9999816, z: 1.0000352} + - name: c_ring1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: -0.037961163, y: 0.08163366, z: 0.0126242135} + rotation: {x: -0.030043779, y: 0.0177473, z: -0.0146247605, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000018, y: 1.0000027, z: 0.9999998} + - name: c_ring2_r + parentName: c_ring1_r + position: {x: 0.000000007916242, y: 0.045393843, z: -0.000000037747668} + rotation: {x: -0.027954554, y: -0.02803783, z: -0.00021981988, w: 0.9992159} + scale: {x: 1.0000081, y: 0.9999979, z: 1.0000149} + - name: c_ring3_r + parentName: c_ring2_r + position: {x: -0, y: 0.030371627, z: -0.00000012342207} + rotation: {x: -0.09702881, y: 0.19158539, z: -0.05356502, w: 0.9751981} + scale: {x: 1.0000122, y: 1.000016, z: 0.9999991} + - name: c_middle1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.012728409, y: 0.095293984, z: 0.005345431} + rotation: {x: -0.020139333, y: 0.06533595, z: -0.0029693954, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000037, y: 1.0000066, z: 1.0000002} + - name: c_middle2_r + parentName: c_middle1_r + position: {x: -0.000000027939677, y: 0.04347191, z: 0.000000017229468} + rotation: {x: -0.02996826, y: 0.030963402, z: -0.0046559433, w: 0.9990603} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000036, z: 1.0000131} + - name: c_middle3_r + parentName: c_middle2_r + position: {x: -0.000000033527613, y: 0.0329716, z: 0.00000006053597} + rotation: {x: -0.1676397, y: 0.073116966, z: -0.021750906, w: 0.98289263} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 1.0000196, z: 0.99999374} + - name: c_index1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.059781943, y: 0.096780546, z: 0.014082293} + rotation: {x: -0.004635407, y: 0.005647418, z: 0.0077239904, w: 0.99994355} + scale: {x: 1.0000005, y: 1.0000036, z: 0.99999875} + - name: c_index2_r + parentName: c_index1_r + position: {x: 0.0000000034924597, y: 0.047904514, z: 0.00000005250331} + rotation: {x: -0.024433492, y: 0.10530338, z: -0.0018819352, w: 0.9941382} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000042} + - name: c_index3_r + parentName: c_index2_r + position: {x: -0.000000007450581, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.000000020489097} + rotation: {x: -0.080947846, y: -0.017785536, z: -0.01037631, w: 0.9965057} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000277, z: 1.0000005} + - name: hold.r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.0063287923, y: 0.08298412, z: -0.015038971} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: 0.47859132, z: -0.46639267, w: 0.53287977} + scale: {x: 0.9999997, y: 0.9999977, z: 1.0000002} + - name: forearm_twist_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000016324193, y: 0.1284726, z: -0.000006649643} + rotation: {x: -0.000018939374, y: 0.0012337323, z: -0.00016194968, w: 0.9999993} + scale: {x: 1.0000073, y: 1.0000048, z: 0.99999934} + - name: shoulder_l + parentName: chest + position: {x: -0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.0039324528} + rotation: {x: -0.5486401, y: 0.5486401, z: -0.44608748, w: -0.4460875} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 0.99999964, z: 1.0000043} + - name: upper_arm_l + parentName: shoulder_l + position: {x: -0.000000009391529, y: 0.11362299, z: -0.000000031237462} + rotation: {x: 0.016802428, y: -0.72826916, z: -0.037395176, w: -0.68406385} + scale: {x: 1.0000075, y: 1.0000076, z: 1.0000032} + - name: forearm_l + parentName: upper_arm_l + position: {x: -0.000000016112608, y: 0.19655891, z: 0.000000013969839} + rotation: {x: 0.07927141, y: 0.00079452974, z: -0.0077523375, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.99999756, y: 0.9999992, z: 0.99999774} + - name: hand_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: -0.00000014150282, y: 0.23644212, z: -0.000000009313226} + rotation: {x: 0.00800377, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328958, w: 0.6950446} + scale: {x: 1.0000067, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000058} + - name: c_thumb1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.043030314, y: 0.02732556, z: -0.02906935} + rotation: {x: 0.23810151, y: -0.6193099, z: 0.34018716, w: 0.66636} + scale: {x: 1.0000024, y: 1.0000248, z: 0.99998504} + - name: c_thumb2_l + parentName: c_thumb1_l + position: {x: 0.00000006519258, y: 0.06776242, z: 0.000000044703484} + rotation: {x: -0.027061354, y: -0.1494992, z: 0.0030296424, w: 0.98838687} + scale: {x: 1.0000145, y: 0.9999532, z: 1.0000383} + - name: c_thumb3_l + parentName: c_thumb2_l + position: {x: -0.000000078231096, y: 0.03458134, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0.16982007, y: 0.068780504, z: -0.06667551, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.99998635, y: 0.99988985, z: 1.0001268} + - name: c_ring1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: 0.03796115, y: 0.081633575, z: 0.0126242405} + rotation: {x: -0.030042524, y: -0.017746734, z: 0.014624785, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000144, y: 1.0000082, z: 1.000006} + - name: c_ring2_l + parentName: c_ring1_l + position: {x: 0.0000000018626451, y: 0.04539384, z: -0.00000013152021} + rotation: {x: 0.027963966, y: -0.028037718, z: -0.00022199283, w: -0.9992156} + scale: {x: 1.0000045, y: 0.99999386, z: 1.0000125} + - name: c_ring3_l + parentName: c_ring2_l + position: {x: -0.000000003259629, y: 0.030371798, z: 0.00000005106267} + rotation: {x: 0.097029544, y: 0.1915853, z: -0.053565085, w: -0.975198} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000107, z: 1.0000023} + - name: c_middle1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.012728396, y: 0.095294036, z: 0.0053454423} + rotation: {x: -0.020141035, y: -0.06533592, z: 0.0029690685, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000117, y: 1.0000049, z: 1.0000024} + - name: c_middle2_l + parentName: c_middle1_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.043471865, z: 0.00000004703179} + rotation: {x: -0.029964855, y: -0.030963589, z: 0.0046565477, w: 0.9990604} + scale: {x: 0.9999977, y: 0.99999636, z: 1.0000107} + - name: c_middle3_l + parentName: c_middle2_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.03297166, z: -0.00000006239861} + rotation: {x: -0.16763954, y: -0.07311703, z: 0.021750832, w: 0.9828926} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000006, z: 1.000013} + - name: c_index1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.059781928, y: 0.0967806, z: 0.014082292} + rotation: {x: -0.0046358937, y: -0.0056473566, z: -0.007723556, w: 0.9999435} + scale: {x: 1.0000126, y: 1.0000038, z: 1.0000052} + - name: c_index2_l + parentName: c_index1_l + position: {x: -0.000000009313226, y: 0.04790459, z: 0.000000045169145} + rotation: {x: -0.024431424, y: -0.10530303, z: 0.0018783653, w: 0.9941383} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000063} + - name: c_index3_l + parentName: c_index2_l + position: {x: 0.000000014901161, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.00000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.08094788, y: 0.017785553, z: 0.01037622, w: 0.9965056} + scale: {x: 1.000003, y: 0.999993, z: 1.0000157} + - name: hold.l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.0063287844, y: 0.082984276, z: -0.015038835} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: -0.47859147, z: 0.46639258, w: 0.5328798} + scale: {x: 1.000011, y: 1.0000129, z: 1.0000062} + - name: forearm_twist_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: 0.00001617195, y: 0.12847266, z: -0.000006655231} + rotation: {x: -0.00001891702, y: -0.001233861, z: 0.00016184966, w: 0.9999992} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000012, z: 1.0000024} + armTwist: 0.5 + foreArmTwist: 0.5 + upperLegTwist: 0.5 + legTwist: 0.5 + armStretch: 0.05 + legStretch: 0.05 + feetSpacing: 0 + globalScale: 1 + rootMotionBoneName: HumanArmature + hasTranslationDoF: 1 + hasExtraRoot: 1 + skeletonHasParents: 1 + lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {fileID: 9000000, guid: f553c8289710b5e4dab99c3bcbbb802e, type: 3} + autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1 + animationType: 3 + humanoidOversampling: 1 + avatarSetup: 2 + addHumanoidExtraRootOnlyWhenUsingAvatar: 1 + remapMaterialsIfMaterialImportModeIsNone: 0 + additionalBone: 0 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanThrow.fbx b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanThrow.fbx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9e949d3976 --- 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"A+",-0.00794378746768121,0.0847101532906479,-0.0182055257058711 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",-3.04156856030125e-06,1.68086694382703e-06,-1.57081024445434e-06 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",1.00000000000008,1.00000000000008,1.00000000000008 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + Shading: Y + Culling: "CullingOff" + } + Model: 2548011289168, "Model::spine", "LimbNode" { + Version: 232 + Properties70: { + P: "RotationActive", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",1 + P: "ScalingMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0 + P: "DefaultAttributeIndex", "int", "Integer", "",0 + P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A+",-1.19752061921581e-06,0.132846530627049,0.000848252456207524 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",-2.31054112215978,-0.377031524512524,0.0152516725884402 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + 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"Integer", "",0 + P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A+",-1.41206518693901e-07,0.137988918358274,-2.99842176283982e-05 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",14.6280858006025,0.745767231785126,0.194644955363224 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",1,0.999999821186066,1 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + Shading: Y + Culling: "CullingOff" + } + Model: 2546780404656, "Model::head", "LimbNode" { + Version: 232 + Properties70: { + P: "RotationActive", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",1 + P: "ScalingMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0 + P: "DefaultAttributeIndex", "int", "Integer", "",0 + P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A+",1.34426371672502e-09,0.0849144703719593,2.85409647304835e-10 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",-2.48021674487682,-0.774653818323333,0.000168611640894248 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",1,0.999999940395355,0.999999940395355 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"A+",0.0111242289002166,-5.89908162539109e-06,0.303771565823105 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",1.00000000106919,0.999999999326253,0.99999999960478 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + Shading: Y + Culling: "CullingOff" + } + Model: 2549285367088, "Model::muscle_shoulder_r", "LimbNode" { + Version: 232 + Properties70: { + P: "RotationActive", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",1 + P: "ScalingMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0 + P: "DefaultAttributeIndex", "int", "Integer", "",0 + P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A+",-0.00160505090928868,0.0110504291118697,-0.0157141480919067 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",-1.50182099830164e-05,1.77786349345358e-05,3.84462562277455e-06 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",0.647000000691768,0.646999999564085,0.646999999744293 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } 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"A+",-6.76170106017615e-09,0.0511242076468898,-2.03477465987589e-08 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",-9.26884444672588,-2.12744779978065,-1.02058038937878 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",1.00000011920929,0.999999940395355,1.00000011920929 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + Shading: Y + Culling: "CullingOff" + } + Model: 2546786795696, "Model::hold_l", "LimbNode" { + Version: 232 + Properties70: { + P: "RotationActive", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",1 + P: "ScalingMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0 + P: "DefaultAttributeIndex", "int", "Integer", "",0 + P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A+",0.00632878959282359,0.0829842242537248,-0.0150388219051298 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",-89.8299988551375,1.48131287004153,-83.8638209706944 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",0.999999940395355,1,1 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + 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"Integer", "",0 + P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A+",5.36807611921357e-05,0.0272703516790411,0.0263391973226648 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",-1.68431468702659,0.125841487526923,0.00974043725962855 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",1.00000000000008,1.00000000000008,1.00000000000007 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + Shading: Y + Culling: "CullingOff" + } + Model: 2545865796352, "Model::torso_width", "LimbNode" { + Version: 232 + Properties70: { + P: "RotationActive", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",1 + P: "ScalingMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0 + P: "DefaultAttributeIndex", "int", "Integer", "",0 + P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A+",0.00032053146663977,-0.0103600394883753,0.0348664878694368 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",-6.1635428723032,0.00254593445326483,0.0405923623956631 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", 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"A+",-1.42648575961617e-05,0.00853624773567363,0.00164916857766338 + P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A+",-114.598729912761,-0.0615913787730125,0.00488932371230835 + P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A+",1.00000000000008,1.00000000000008,1.00000000000008 + P: "filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A+UH",5,5,5 + P: "lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A+U",0 + } + Shading: Y + Culling: "CullingOff" + } + AnimationStack: 2544405340096, "AnimStack::DEF_ThrowItem", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "LocalStop", "KTime", "Time", "",46186158000 + P: "ReferenceStop", "KTime", "Time", "",46186158000 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524317952, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.1294686146357e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524318592, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.029315022751689 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502,-0.02931502 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524310912, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00319984741508961 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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{ + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524311072, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0705194920301437 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949,-0.07051949 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + 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*1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524311712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -7.56699480852774e-10 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10,-7.566995e-10 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524311872, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.357624053955078 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524312032, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.32830615898294e-10 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10,-2.328306e-10 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524313952, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 11.7075147628784 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 11.70751,11.70751,11.70751,11.70751,11.70751,11.70751,11.70751,11.70751,11.70751,11.70751,11.70751,11.70751,11.70751,11.70751,11.70751,11.70751,11.70751,11.70751,11.70751,11.70751,11.70751,11.70751,11.70751,11.70751,11.70751,11.70751,11.70751,11.70751,11.70751,11.70751,11.70751 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524314112, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.434414029121399 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414,-0.434414 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524314272, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.08978068828583 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.089781,1.089781,1.089781,1.089781,1.089781,1.089781,1.089781,1.089781,1.089781,1.089781,1.089781,1.089781,1.089781,1.089781,1.089781,1.089781,1.089781,1.089781,1.089781,1.089781,1.089781,1.089781,1.089781,1.089781,1.089781,1.089781,1.089781,1.089781,1.089781,1.089781,1.089781 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524314912, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 2.59024068860469e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09,2.590241e-09 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524326912, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.40961080789566 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108,0.4096108 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524327232, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -6.28642737865448e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09,-6.286427e-09 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524327712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -70.1024169921875 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242,-70.10242 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + 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-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953,-0.1354953 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524324032, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 26.7261657714844 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617,26.72617 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524323712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.37487256526947e-08 + KeyVer: 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+ KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524327072, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.79396772384644e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09,-2.793968e-09 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524323232, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -8.04667663574219 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677,-8.046677 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524320672, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 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"AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -6.11511373519897 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114,-6.115114 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524328992, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00794365536421537 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655,0.007943655 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524328512, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0847102329134941 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023,0.08471023 + } + 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-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564,-0.01820564 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524325792, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524327392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06,-3.028229e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 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-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06,-2.734744e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524327552, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -4.28054090662044e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508,-0.02931508 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524328192, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00320306234061718 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062,0.003203062 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + 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{ + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524324672, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0727583467960358 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835,0.07275835 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524328352, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -7.40678358078003 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784,-7.406784 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524329152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -8.06176103651524e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09,-8.061761e-09 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524329312, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.357624083757401 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241,0.3576241 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524322912, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 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RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524323872, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 11.7075748443604 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757,11.70757 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524324832, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.434414267539978 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143,0.4344143 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524321952, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.0897923707962 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792,-1.089792 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524323392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -3.20142135024071e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09,-3.201421e-09 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 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9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09,9.080395e-09 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524325152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -69.732063293457 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206,-69.73206 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524322752, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.585441768169403 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418,-0.5854418 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524326272, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -26.6502170562744 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022,-26.65022 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + 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-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08,-1.234002e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524320992, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0805272683501244 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727,0.08052727 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524329472, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -9.31322352570874e-10 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10,-9.313224e-10 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524323072, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -8.04661560058594 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616,-8.046616 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524329632, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -19.6959285736084 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593,-19.69593 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524319552, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 6.11509037017822 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091,6.115091 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524321152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.00794378761202097 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788,-0.007943788 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524322112, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0847101509571075 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015,0.08471015 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 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-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553,-0.01820553 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524320032, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524321472, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -3.0415685614571e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06,-3.041569e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524330112, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.68086694429803e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06,1.680867e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524334912, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.5708102409917e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06,-1.57081e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524331232, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.19752064620116e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06,-1.197521e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524331872, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.132846534252167 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465,0.1328465 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524337952, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.000848252442665398 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524,0.0008482524 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524331392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.3105411529541 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541,-2.310541 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524338592, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.377031534910202 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315,-0.3770315 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524333632, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0152516728267074 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167,0.01525167 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524329952, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.10401160782203e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05,-1.104012e-05 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524337792, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.130901113152504 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011,0.1309011 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524333792, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.00279710697941482 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107,-0.002797107 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + 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Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524333312, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.14074452742352e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06,-2.140745e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524337472, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.41206513148973e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07,-1.412065e-07 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524334272, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.137988924980164 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889,0.1379889 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524336992, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.99842176900711e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05,-2.998422e-05 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524330272, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 14.6280860900879 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809,14.62809 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524330432, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.74576723575592 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672,0.7457672 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524339872, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.194644957780838 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645,0.194645 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + 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8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524334432, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.084914468228817 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447,0.08491447 + } 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217,-2.480217 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524336512, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 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*1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524336352, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.000168611644767225 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116,0.0001686116 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + 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-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05,-7.620377e-05 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524336672, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0207623727619648 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237,0.02076237 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524338432, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00566442450508475 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425,0.005664425 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524332992, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524332032, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -5.3255544116837e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06,-5.325554e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524339552, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -6.697760568386e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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+ KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524339712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0905366316437721 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.09053666,0.09053663,0.09053655,0.09053643,0.09053632,0.09053626,0.09053624,0.09053627,0.09053656,0.09053658,0.09053659,0.09053659,0.09053659,0.09053659,0.0905366,0.09053664,0.09053668,0.0905367,0.09053669,0.09053667,0.09053665,0.09053665,0.09053665,0.09053665,0.09053666,0.09053666,0.09053666,0.09053666,0.09053666,0.09053666,0.09053666 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524338112, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0039091887883842 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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*1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524338272, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 12.6025743484497 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 13.81665,12.60257,9.975108,7.234638,5.838612,7.87767,14.17016,19.62719,93.48362,79.63704,69.13844,64.79141,81.02175,141.0444,185.286,206.2507,227.6205,239.7225,232.0961,215.1131,202.1557,197.4709,194.9501,193.9377,193.7591,193.8167,193.8167,193.8167,193.8167,193.8167,193.8167 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524330752, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -105.362197875977 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -105.1691,-105.3622,-105.9991,-107.1789,-108.8828,-110.9298,-115.6614,-119.3871,-67.90739,-66.88009,-66.37202,-66.22892,-71.77083,-76.3653,-72.23578,-73.16016,-75.69518,-76.74767,-77.39803,-78.03456,-77.73248,-77.08703,-76.30746,-75.57401,-75.0375,-74.83086,-74.83086,-74.83086,-74.83086,-74.83086,-74.83086 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, 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+ } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524336032, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.70310215708014e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.854e-07,1.703102e-07,1.1666e-07,-8.994043e-10,-5.248778e-07,-9.380001e-07,-8.579975e-07,-7.447701e-07,-9.72159e-07,-6.194004e-07,-4.252931e-07,-3.392384e-07,-2.579851e-07,-2.015668e-07,-1.328435e-07,2.407051e-08,2.284669e-07,3.211377e-07,3.099536e-07,2.829444e-07,2.458754e-07,2.049167e-07,1.667389e-07,1.386348e-07,1.278524e-07,1.323256e-07,1.431131e-07,1.569776e-07,1.707226e-07,1.812201e-07,1.854e-07 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524330912, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.113623663783073 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.1136238,0.1136237,0.1136235,0.1136234,0.1136235,0.1136233,0.1136233,0.1136233,0.1136233,0.1136233,0.1136234,0.1136235,0.1136235,0.1136236,0.1136236,0.1136236,0.1136236,0.1136237,0.1136237,0.1136237,0.1136237,0.1136237,0.1136238,0.1136238,0.1136238,0.1136238,0.1136238,0.1136238,0.1136238,0.1136238,0.1136238 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524338752, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 6.00657230620527e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 9.663736e-08,6.006572e-08,1.453414e-08,-1.854329e-08,1.28774e-08,3.629459e-07,2.809658e-07,1.623751e-07,4.286323e-07,7.253143e-08,-1.693515e-08,-4.028396e-08,-4.699519e-08,-4.550045e-08,-4.033515e-08,-1.07088e-08,8.580584e-08,1.630738e-07,1.598975e-07,1.455333e-07,1.26013e-07,1.06679e-07,9.131954e-08,8.161818e-08,7.814253e-08,7.927206e-08,8.235747e-08,8.665265e-08,9.1281e-08,9.50679e-08,9.663736e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524339232, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 86.2122802734375 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 88.91637,86.21228,81.77703,87.74815,133.1343,112.1565,104.4831,111.309,151.1466,164.9155,132.0526,122.8302,118.249,117.1585,112.9831,98.64175,79.11251,69.64048,71.76899,75.71992,80.71333,85.96524,90.68929,94.09784,95.40268,94.91554,93.7127,92.15265,90.594,89.3956,88.91637 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524337152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 30.1330471038818 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 23.37095,30.13305,43.54595,54.26157,36.76924,-5.773148,1.222549,11.61152,-1.779104,55.06966,63.91732,57.62275,52.64827,47.94427,43.45786,37.50539,30.44425,26.27562,25.17949,24.39174,23.86232,23.54009,23.37326,23.30973,23.29721,23.29983,23.31304,23.33159,23.3505,23.3651,23.37095 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + 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*1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524332672, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 2.21450406456825e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 2.19357e-07,2.214504e-07,2.231491e-07,2.222044e-07,2.141183e-07,2.042134e-07,1.990864e-07,2.000578e-07,2.316625e-07,2.202338e-07,2.149694e-07,2.144576e-07,2.149495e-07,2.166241e-07,2.182091e-07,2.21906e-07,2.29944e-07,2.358586e-07,2.367713e-07,2.368881e-07,2.359523e-07,2.339335e-07,2.313604e-07,2.286699e-07,2.262208e-07,2.242615e-07,2.226778e-07,2.213219e-07,2.202718e-07,2.195961e-07,2.19357e-07 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524331072, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.196558818221092 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965589,0.1965591,0.1965592,0.1965592,0.1965591,0.1965591,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965589,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588,0.1965588 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524332192, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 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RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524332352, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 26.9738311767578 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 18.34427,26.97383,47.55201,72.11305,92.69124,101.3208,101.3208,101.3208,89.49486,39.99406,44.77122,52.62746,60.07192,67.44591,70.78491,61.63849,43.05932,28.33822,21.12203,16.11639,13.2011,12.25594,12.30932,12.49464,12.8491,13.40993,14.35601,15.63384,16.93206,17.93933,18.34427 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + 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Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524332512, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.679327070713043 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.6793246,-0.6793271,-0.6793342,-0.6793432,-0.679348,-0.6793461,-0.6793464,-0.6793463,-0.6793444,-0.6793342,-0.6793349,-0.6793362,-0.6793383,-0.6793401,-0.6793398,-0.3225695,0.3400127,0.6967891,0.6736158,0.6091017,0.5107633,0.3861168,0.2426791,0.08796684,-0.07050342,-0.2252151,-0.3686518,-0.4932971,-0.591635,-0.6561496,-0.6793246 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524332832, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 7.283912850653e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524335072, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.236442223191261 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364423,0.2364423,0.2364423,0.2364423,0.2364422,0.2364421,0.2364421,0.236442,0.2364421,0.2364421,0.2364421,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422,0.2364422 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524333152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -5.22454364215719e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 46.83664,22.46352,0.7581482,-7.406688,-9.932358,-4.015259,9.414032,23.41051,30.72701,8.73558,16.21356,21.64241,8.653442,75.62562,48.75638,50.36761,55.74335,62.20613,64.93441,68.58398,74.09669,83.93835,105.939,154.2735,194.2995,210.773,218.4273,222.6179,225.0639,226.3984,226.8366 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524335232, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 72.1689910888672 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 103.3727,107.831,122.8887,139.6235,147.2847,146.3624,144.9363,144.0522,141.9871,123.7965,139.3443,154.5848,129.829,70.67316,48.06683,52.94073,62.56727,69.48781,72.88261,76.32687,79.73241,82.96083,85.67033,86.71852,85.32092,83.13029,81.00677,79.1961,77.81209,76.93371,76.62734 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524335392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -152.439712524414 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 48.63141,27.56029,14.76498,17.90876,21.41173,19.52426,14.74544,7.982529,-0.3780212,-25.37556,-19.84747,-13.56964,-2.279999,85.12975,61.56444,62.56058,66.13963,71.00459,73.19717,76.27333,81.17008,90.35578,111.6698,159.3025,198.6321,214.4398,221.4869,225.1588,227.2039,228.2823,228.6314 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524335712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0403937101364136 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.04042932,-0.04039371,-0.04046152,-0.04073604,-0.04092715,-0.04090299,-0.04087147,-0.04086635,-0.04084883,-0.04063731,-0.04091309,-0.04131055,-0.04060245,-0.04083364,-0.04166327,-0.04147646,-0.04113757,-0.04092336,-0.04083403,-0.04075157,-0.04067783,-0.0406141,-0.04056105,-0.04051868,-0.04048642,-0.0404632,-0.04044758,-0.04043791,-0.04043255,-0.04043003,-0.04042932 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + 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-0.02950654,-0.02919016,-0.02847569,-0.02778864,-0.02750353,-0.0275157,-0.02755463,-0.02760427,-0.02764431,-0.02809527,-0.02750459,-0.02707708,-0.02806254,-0.03014855,-0.03093339,-0.03082217,-0.03055474,-0.03033506,-0.03024408,-0.03015187,-0.03005987,-0.02996977,-0.0298834,-0.02980257,-0.02972898,-0.02966412,-0.02960923,-0.02956529,-0.0295331,-0.0295133,-0.02950654 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524336832, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -73.1584320068359 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -73.15843,-73.15843,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15843,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15844,-73.15843,-73.15843,-73.15842,-73.15841,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15842,-73.15843,-73.15843,-73.15843,-73.15843,-73.15843,-73.15843,-73.15843,-73.15843 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524337312, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -71.1912155151367 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122,-71.19122 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + 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*1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524349792, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.77210893070878e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.772836e-07,-1.772109e-07,-1.764034e-07,-1.769019e-07,-1.769942e-07,-1.779929e-07,-1.782707e-07,-1.781291e-07,-1.789577e-07,-1.770419e-07,-1.77216e-07,-1.773945e-07,-1.753337e-07,-1.738986e-07,-1.745337e-07,-1.745616e-07,-1.756089e-07,-1.762504e-07,-1.76331e-07,-1.763193e-07,-1.763413e-07,-1.764305e-07,-1.765428e-07,-1.766768e-07,-1.768233e-07,-1.769626e-07,-1.770773e-07,-1.771672e-07,-1.772315e-07,-1.772704e-07,-1.772836e-07 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524344352, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0677624195814133 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776241,0.06776241,0.06776241,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776243,0.06776243,0.06776243,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242,0.06776242 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524347072, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.59144324385352e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.510313e-08,1.591443e-08,1.734037e-08,1.75038e-08,1.647687e-08,1.635991e-08,1.609263e-08,1.575579e-08,1.547567e-08,2.07734e-08,1.723036e-08,1.36219e-08,1.746045e-08,1.877827e-08,1.724709e-08,2.040579e-08,2.022611e-08,1.90659e-08,1.885805e-08,1.873541e-08,1.855883e-08,1.832892e-08,1.803551e-08,1.763954e-08,1.715462e-08,1.663249e-08,1.613983e-08,1.57173e-08,1.538918e-08,1.517772e-08,1.510313e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524345952, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -38.9348678588867 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -38.93487,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93487,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93487,-38.93487,-38.93487 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524345632, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -14.0069561004639 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00695,-14.00695,-14.00695,-14.00695,-14.00695,-14.00695,-14.00695,-14.00695,-14.00695,-14.00695,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00697,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696,-14.00696 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524343552, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 9.36159133911133 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 9.361592,9.361591,9.361588,9.361584,9.361582,9.361583,9.361588,9.361593,9.361596,9.361588,9.361587,9.361589,9.361588,9.361598,9.361602,9.361598,9.361595,9.361595,9.361595,9.361595,9.361594,9.361593,9.361593,9.361592,9.361592,9.361592,9.361592,9.361592,9.361592,9.361592,9.361592 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524348032, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -5.36323270239336e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.03458129,0.03458129,0.03458129,0.03458129,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813,0.0345813 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524343232, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -8.27928747781925e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -8.639875e-09,-8.279287e-09,-7.329897e-09,-5.659639e-09,-4.952191e-09,-6.207256e-09,-8.724745e-09,-9.8679e-09,-8.446876e-09,-6.821189e-09,-5.417372e-09,-5.125573e-09,-5.619063e-09,-5.409655e-09,-4.402837e-09,-4.620433e-09,-5.943007e-09,-6.38748e-09,-6.621723e-09,-6.953539e-09,-7.25684e-09,-7.462766e-09,-7.624694e-09,-7.768836e-09,-7.923137e-09,-8.101998e-09,-8.27662e-09,-8.504464e-09,-8.578706e-09,-8.624217e-09,-8.639875e-09 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + 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*1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524341952, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 9.06503295898438 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 9.065032,9.065033,9.065033,9.065034,9.065033,9.065033,9.065032,9.065032,9.065035,9.065033,9.065034,9.065036,9.065034,9.065035,9.065037,9.065036,9.065034,9.065035,9.065034,9.065034,9.065034,9.065033,9.065033,9.065033,9.065033,9.065033,9.065033,9.065032,9.065032,9.065032,9.065032 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524347552, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -6.24615430831909 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -6.246155,-6.246154,-6.246154,-6.246154,-6.246153,-6.246154,-6.246155,-6.246155,-6.246155,-6.246153,-6.246154,-6.246155,-6.246153,-6.246153,-6.246154,-6.246152,-6.246153,-6.246153,-6.246153,-6.246154,-6.246154,-6.246154,-6.246154,-6.246154,-6.246154,-6.246154,-6.246155,-6.246155,-6.246155,-6.246155,-6.246155 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524344512, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0405977219343185 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.04056212,0.04059772,0.04052991,0.04025539,0.04006428,0.04008844,0.04011997,0.04012509,0.0401426,0.04035413,0.04007833,0.03968087,0.04038898,0.04015779,0.03932815,0.03951496,0.03985386,0.04006806,0.0401574,0.04023986,0.04031361,0.04037733,0.04043039,0.04047275,0.04050501,0.04052823,0.04054385,0.04055352,0.04055889,0.0405614,0.04056212 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524340672, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0816560313105583 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.08173455,0.08165603,0.0815062,0.08138065,0.08132863,0.08146416,0.08174729,0.08200585,0.08205565,0.08109279,0.08144128,0.08183729,0.08138969,0.08064546,0.08035982,0.08041736,0.08054855,0.08067179,0.08076026,0.08085781,0.08096197,0.08107004,0.08117917,0.08128638,0.08138864,0.08148295,0.08156633,0.08163592,0.08168896,0.08172271,0.08173455 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 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-3.034925,-3.034926,-3.034929,-3.034929,-3.034927,-3.034927,-3.034924,-3.034922,-3.034926,-3.034929,-3.034927,-3.034925,-3.034925,-3.034921,-3.03492,-3.034922,-3.034924,-3.034923,-3.034923,-3.034923,-3.034924,-3.034924,-3.034924,-3.034925,-3.034925,-3.034925,-3.034925,-3.034925,-3.034925,-3.034925,-3.034925 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524346432, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -5.86538887023926 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -5.865389,-5.865389,-5.865389,-5.86539,-5.865391,-5.86539,-5.865389,-5.86539,-5.86539,-5.865394,-5.865394,-5.865392,-5.865394,-5.865398,-5.865398,-5.865398,-5.865395,-5.865394,-5.865394,-5.865393,-5.865393,-5.865392,-5.865391,-5.865391,-5.86539,-5.86539,-5.86539,-5.86539,-5.865389,-5.865389,-5.865389 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524348512, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -6.1282885432945e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -5.292617e-09,-6.128289e-09,-7.931604e-09,-9.571162e-09,-9.743132e-09,-7.408735e-09,-4.614749e-09,-3.852052e-09,-7.528938e-09,-1.093735e-08,-1.075496e-08,-9.800832e-09,-1.146656e-08,-1.441871e-08,-1.60069e-08,-1.642942e-08,-1.31894e-08,-1.175372e-08,-1.119511e-08,-1.050592e-08,-9.793758e-09,-9.157106e-09,-8.555002e-09,-7.96534e-09,-7.375129e-09,-6.795481e-09,-6.276296e-09,-5.858703e-09,-5.55058e-09,-5.359e-09,-5.292617e-09 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524341792, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0453938879072666 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389,0.04539389 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524349632, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -6.66484183398097e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921,-35.1921 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524347232, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 3.00429487228394 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 3.004295,3.004295,3.004296,3.004296,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295,3.004295 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524348832, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 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*1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524349952, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -9.60147794604183e-11 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 8.043288e-10,-9.601478e-11,-2.093765e-09,-3.910313e-09,-4.705796e-09,-3.088021e-09,-2.805323e-10,1.321849e-09,-7.470759e-10,-4.154451e-09,-4.056947e-09,-3.026335e-09,-3.7808e-09,-1.91e-09,-1.882211e-09,-2.481397e-09,-1.798584e-09,-1.185683e-09,-9.485015e-10,-7.586033e-10,-5.955073e-10,-4.732291e-10,-3.619227e-10,-2.222476e-10,-3.747415e-11,1.806586e-10,3.89359e-10,5.622112e-10,6.92843e-10,7.754554e-10,8.043288e-10 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524341472, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0303717795759439 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178,0.03037178 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524340032, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.09520552626918e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.111556e-08,1.095206e-08,1.081057e-08,1.101076e-08,1.17575e-08,1.126087e-08,1.052759e-08,1.01695e-08,8.516408e-09,1.027277e-08,1.087664e-08,1.104007e-08,1.185137e-08,1.23555e-08,1.174408e-08,1.177788e-08,1.142963e-08,1.113237e-08,1.113572e-08,1.118781e-08,1.123762e-08,1.127389e-08,1.13034e-08,1.131313e-08,1.129526e-08,1.125272e-08,1.120583e-08,1.116736e-08,1.113892e-08,1.112147e-08,1.111556e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + 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NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524340192, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -21.3016567230225 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30165,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166,-21.30166 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524341152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 8.7448673248291 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 8.744868,8.744868,8.744868,8.744868,8.744867,8.744868,8.744868,8.744868,8.74487,8.744868,8.744868,8.744868,8.744867,8.744866,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744868,8.744868,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744867,8.744868 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524348992, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0100918095558882 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.01012742,-0.01009181,-0.01015962,-0.01043414,-0.01062525,-0.01060109,-0.01056956,-0.01056444,-0.01054693,-0.01033541,-0.01061119,-0.01100866,-0.01030055,-0.01053174,-0.01136138,-0.01117457,-0.01083568,-0.01062147,-0.01053214,-0.01044967,-0.01037593,-0.0103122,-0.01025915,-0.01021678,-0.01018452,-0.0101613,-0.01014568,-0.01013601,-0.01013065,-0.01012813,-0.01012742 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524346272, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0953164473176003 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.09539496,0.09531645,0.09516661,0.09504107,0.09498905,0.09512457,0.09540769,0.09566626,0.09571606,0.09475321,0.09510169,0.09549771,0.0950501,0.09430589,0.09402024,0.09407779,0.09420896,0.09433221,0.09442068,0.09451823,0.09462239,0.09473046,0.09483959,0.09494679,0.09504905,0.09514336,0.09522674,0.09529634,0.09534936,0.09538312,0.09539496 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524340352, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00522432057186961 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.004907939,0.005224321,0.005938796,0.00662584,0.006910955,0.006898785,0.006859852,0.006810213,0.006770178,0.006319219,0.006909894,0.007337411,0.006351942,0.004265922,0.003481084,0.003592305,0.003859737,0.004079425,0.004170403,0.004262609,0.004354611,0.004444711,0.004531085,0.004611915,0.004685504,0.004750363,0.004805254,0.00484919,0.004881387,0.004901185,0.004907939 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + 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+ ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524340832, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -7.79978322982788 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -7.799782,-7.799783,-7.799787,-7.799787,-7.799784,-7.799784,-7.799782,-7.79978,-7.799784,-7.799787,-7.799785,-7.799782,-7.799783,-7.799778,-7.799778,-7.79978,-7.799782,-7.799781,-7.799781,-7.799781,-7.799782,-7.799782,-7.799782,-7.799782,-7.799782,-7.799782,-7.799782,-7.799782,-7.799782,-7.799782,-7.799782 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524343872, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -3.88530993461609 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -3.88531,-3.88531,-3.88531,-3.885311,-3.885312,-3.88531,-3.88531,-3.885311,-3.885311,-3.885315,-3.885315,-3.885313,-3.885315,-3.885319,-3.885319,-3.885319,-3.885316,-3.885315,-3.885315,-3.885314,-3.885314,-3.885313,-3.885313,-3.885312,-3.885312,-3.885311,-3.885311,-3.88531,-3.88531,-3.88531,-3.88531 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524341632, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 3.18717319203188e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 3.253966e-08,3.187173e-08,3.055612e-08,2.920836e-08,2.91448e-08,3.12298e-08,3.354335e-08,3.396974e-08,3.057653e-08,2.767586e-08,2.78836e-08,2.869364e-08,2.706729e-08,2.334319e-08,2.16301e-08,2.126893e-08,2.459252e-08,2.599937e-08,2.654443e-08,2.724573e-08,2.797896e-08,2.863917e-08,2.926502e-08,2.987142e-08,3.046862e-08,3.104758e-08,3.156399e-08,3.197864e-08,3.228417e-08,3.247394e-08,3.253966e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524344032, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0434719435870647 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347195,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347195,0.04347194,0.04347195,0.04347195,0.04347195,0.04347195,0.04347195,0.04347195,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194,0.04347194 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214,-29.7214 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524349152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.15102362632751 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151022,-2.151023,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151023,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151023,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024,-2.151024 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524342272, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 5.27616405487061 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276163,5.276164,5.276164,5.276165,5.276165,5.276164,5.276164,5.276163,5.276164,5.276164,5.276163,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164,5.276164 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + 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+ } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524345152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0329715833067894 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158,0.03297158 + } + 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.62489,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524347392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -7.84207487106323 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842076,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075,-7.842075 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524347712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 3.89386129379272 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 3.893862,3.893862,3.893862,3.893862,3.893861,3.893861,3.893862,3.893862,3.893862,3.893862,3.893862,3.893862,3.893862,3.893862,3.893862,3.893862,3.893862,3.893862,3.893862,3.893862,3.893862,3.893862,3.893862,3.893862,3.893862,3.893862,3.893862,3.893862,3.893862,3.893862,3.893862 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + 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RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524342912, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0968029424548149 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.09688146,0.09680294,0.09665311,0.09652757,0.09647555,0.09661107,0.0968942,0.09715276,0.09720256,0.09623971,0.09658819,0.09698421,0.09653661,0.09579239,0.09550675,0.09556429,0.09569547,0.09581872,0.09590718,0.09600473,0.09610889,0.09621696,0.09632608,0.09643329,0.09653556,0.09662986,0.09671324,0.09678283,0.09683587,0.09686963,0.09688146 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524345312, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0139611233025789 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.01364474,0.01396112,0.0146756,0.01536264,0.01564776,0.01563559,0.01559666,0.01554702,0.01550698,0.01505602,0.0156467,0.01607421,0.01508874,0.01300273,0.01221789,0.01232911,0.01259654,0.01281623,0.01290721,0.01299941,0.01309141,0.01318151,0.01326789,0.01334872,0.01342231,0.01348717,0.01354206,0.01358599,0.01361819,0.01363799,0.01364474 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524342432, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.70667815208435 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -2.706678,-2.706678,-2.70668,-2.706682,-2.706683,-2.706682,-2.706681,-2.706679,-2.706674,-2.706679,-2.706678,-2.706678,-2.706679,-2.706681,-2.706682,-2.706682,-2.70668,-2.706679,-2.706679,-2.706679,-2.706679,-2.706679,-2.706679,-2.706679,-2.706679,-2.706679,-2.706679,-2.706679,-2.706678,-2.706678,-2.706678 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524345472, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 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*4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524342592, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 3.32499183741675e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 3.99163e-09,3.324992e-09,2.105153e-09,7.256875e-10,6.455771e-10,2.976762e-09,5.389089e-09,5.674802e-09,1.804901e-09,-1.038845e-09,-9.28738e-10,-2.418823e-10,-1.977023e-09,-6.628721e-09,-8.752864e-09,-8.954768e-09,-5.029394e-09,-3.455917e-09,-2.837311e-09,-2.024725e-09,-1.171957e-09,-4.01659e-10,3.265188e-10,1.023247e-09,1.698719e-09,2.34516e-09,2.917871e-09,3.37563e-09,3.711595e-09,3.919674e-09,3.99163e-09 + } + 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0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790444,0.04790443,0.04790444,0.04790444,0.04790444,0.04790444,0.04790444,0.04790444,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443,0.04790443 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524343072, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.16226495094907e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.162276e-08,1.162265e-08,1.1479e-08,1.142347e-08,1.156327e-08,1.144796e-08,1.147288e-08,1.154152e-08,1.156856e-08,1.160063e-08,1.159518e-08,1.165762e-08,1.180776e-08,1.199954e-08,1.201065e-08,1.191333e-08,1.176125e-08,1.171177e-08,1.170197e-08,1.169808e-08,1.169026e-08,1.167512e-08,1.165904e-08,1.164452e-08,1.163323e-08,1.16265e-08,1.162351e-08,1.162233e-08,1.162224e-08,1.162257e-08,1.162276e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524355392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -44.5218849182129 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188,-44.52188 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524353472, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -9.14817810058594 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148177,-9.148177,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148179,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178,-9.148178 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524355872, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 7.30820322036743 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 7.308204,7.308204,7.308204,7.308203,7.308203,7.308204,7.308204,7.308204,7.308203,7.308204,7.308203,7.308203,7.308203,7.308203,7.308203,7.308203,7.308204,7.308204,7.308204,7.308204,7.308204,7.308204,7.308204,7.308204,7.308204,7.308204,7.308204,7.308204,7.308204,7.308204,7.308204 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524355712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.33397017876291e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.487277e-08,1.33397e-08,1.005685e-08,7.230515e-09,6.293043e-09,8.693292e-09,1.288374e-08,1.529265e-08,1.123312e-08,6.422548e-09,6.915355e-09,8.707187e-09,7.752614e-09,1.088833e-08,1.067884e-08,9.679375e-09,1.066529e-08,1.155472e-08,1.19452e-08,1.228057e-08,1.257381e-08,1.279694e-08,1.300061e-08,1.324267e-08,1.35461e-08,1.38922e-08,1.421983e-08,1.44914e-08,1.469694e-08,1.482717e-08,1.487277e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524358272, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0511242672801018 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112426,0.05112426,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427,0.05112427 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524357152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.42975366657083e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.430453e-07,-1.429754e-07,-1.425836e-07,-1.418024e-07,-1.400267e-07,-1.418833e-07,-1.441213e-07,-1.451187e-07,-1.470562e-07,-1.426988e-07,-1.416841e-07,-1.415874e-07,-1.394104e-07,-1.386784e-07,-1.397118e-07,-1.397602e-07,-1.41106e-07,-1.420065e-07,-1.421216e-07,-1.421124e-07,-1.421099e-07,-1.421405e-07,-1.421821e-07,-1.422633e-07,-1.423982e-07,-1.425724e-07,-1.427382e-07,-1.428705e-07,-1.429667e-07,-1.430254e-07,-1.430453e-07 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524355232, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -9.26884937286377 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -9.268849,-9.268849,-9.268848,-9.268847,-9.268846,-9.268847,-9.26885,-9.268852,-9.268854,-9.268849,-9.268847,-9.268847,-9.268846,-9.268845,-9.268846,-9.268846,-9.268847,-9.268848,-9.268848,-9.268848,-9.268848,-9.268848,-9.268848,-9.268848,-9.268848,-9.268848,-9.268849,-9.268849,-9.268849,-9.268849,-9.268849 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524359552, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 2.12744832038879 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 2.127448,2.127448,2.127448,2.127448,2.127448,2.127449,2.127449,2.127448,2.127446,2.127448,2.127448,2.127447,2.127448,2.127448,2.127447,2.127448,2.127449,2.127448,2.127448,2.127448,2.127449,2.127449,2.127449,2.127449,2.127449,2.127449,2.127449,2.127449,2.127448,2.127448,2.127448 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524351712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.02058041095734 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.02058,1.02058,1.02058,1.02058,1.02058,1.020579,1.02058,1.02058,1.020581,1.02058,1.02058,1.02058,1.020581,1.020581,1.020581,1.020581,1.02058,1.02058,1.02058,1.02058,1.02058,1.02058,1.02058,1.02058,1.02058,1.02058,1.02058,1.02058,1.02058,1.02058,1.02058 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524350752, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.00632878672331572 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.006328785,-0.006328787,-0.006328789,-0.00632879,-0.006328789,-0.006328787,-0.006328785,-0.006328783,-0.006328787,-0.006328788,-0.006328786,-0.006328787,-0.006328789,-0.00632879,-0.006328793,-0.006328794,-0.006328792,-0.006328791,-0.00632879,-0.00632879,-0.00632879,-0.006328789,-0.006328789,-0.006328788,-0.006328787,-0.006328787,-0.006328786,-0.006328786,-0.006328786,-0.006328786,-0.006328785 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524352832, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0829842165112495 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298423,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524353632, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0150388218462467 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503883,-0.01503883,-0.01503883,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503883,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + 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RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524358432, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.48132073879242 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.481321,-1.481321,-1.48132,-1.481317,-1.481316,-1.481316,-1.481318,-1.48132,-1.481325,-1.48132,-1.481321,-1.481321,-1.48132,-1.481318,-1.481317,-1.481317,-1.481319,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.48132,-1.481321,-1.481321,-1.481321 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524352992, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 83.8638153076172 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86381,83.86381,83.86381,83.86381,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382,83.86382 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524353792, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.63122367666801e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.630123e-05,1.631224e-05,1.632871e-05,1.633988e-05,1.633941e-05,1.633869e-05,1.633793e-05,1.63361e-05,1.633772e-05,1.632378e-05,1.633787e-05,1.634538e-05,1.633561e-05,1.628175e-05,1.626762e-05,1.627312e-05,1.628281e-05,1.628889e-05,1.628902e-05,1.629028e-05,1.629095e-05,1.629105e-05,1.629084e-05,1.629205e-05,1.629411e-05,1.629614e-05,1.629793e-05,1.629935e-05,1.630039e-05,1.630102e-05,1.630123e-05 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524354432, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.128472685813904 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727,0.1284727 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524357312, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -6.69184692014824e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -6.672762e-06,-6.691847e-06,-6.740107e-06,-6.793649e-06,-6.817486e-06,-6.81718e-06,-6.808475e-06,-6.797532e-06,-6.783481e-06,-6.734914e-06,-6.785284e-06,-6.836781e-06,-6.755869e-06,-6.633523e-06,-6.577484e-06,-6.590586e-06,-6.614195e-06,-6.628345e-06,-6.633653e-06,-6.638912e-06,-6.644071e-06,-6.649062e-06,-6.65378e-06,-6.657858e-06,-6.661451e-06,-6.664684e-06,-6.667459e-06,-6.669706e-06,-6.671371e-06,-6.672406e-06,-6.672762e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524356192, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.053307056427 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.026483,1.053307,1.114443,1.177482,1.206525,1.202374,1.192842,1.1823,1.172605,1.120305,1.17753,1.230054,1.140223,1.006857,1.03152,1.027369,1.01873,1.012433,1.009956,1.007523,1.005161,1.0029,1.000773,1.003814,1.009488,1.014457,1.018648,1.021999,1.024456,1.025967,1.026483 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + 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Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524359712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.05330693721771 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.026483,1.053307,1.114443,1.177481,1.206525,1.202374,1.192842,1.1823,1.172605,1.120305,1.177529,1.230053,1.140223,1.006857,1.03152,1.027369,1.01873,1.012433,1.009956,1.007523,1.005161,1.0029,1.000773,1.003814,1.009488,1.014457,1.018648,1.021999,1.024456,1.025967,1.026483 + } + 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-0.002188053,-0.002194466,-0.002213255,-0.002238844,-0.002252453,-0.00225196,-0.002246935,-0.002240954,-0.002233722,-0.002210683,-0.002234764,-0.002264816,-0.002220148,-0.002176296,-0.002167554,-0.002170242,-0.002174707,-0.002177088,-0.002178034,-0.002179054,-0.002180137,-0.00218126,-0.002182386,-0.002183489,-0.002184547,-0.002185524,-0.002186379,-0.002187082,-0.002187609,-0.002187939,-0.002188053 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524357632, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 7.18471384048462 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 3.569402,7.184714,15.42459,23.92089,27.83539,27.27595,25.99115,24.57032,23.26364,16.21466,23.92739,31.00654,18.89925,-2.963158,-13.62117,-11.82741,-8.094165,-5.372852,-4.30231,-3.250862,-2.230219,-1.253458,-0.3342175,0.5140542,1.278737,1.948479,2.513409,2.965074,3.296142,3.499864,3.569402 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524350272, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0185464695096016 + 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RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524350912, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0285587273538113 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873,0.02855873 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524356672, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.000204133815714158 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524357472, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0111242290586233 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 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"AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -5.89908177062171e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -5.900332e-06,-5.899082e-06,-5.89944e-06,-7.222863e-06,-5.919412e-06,-5.924411e-06,-5.920655e-06,-5.919267e-06,-5.908237e-06,-5.885413e-06,-7.299518e-06,-7.639977e-06,-7.459063e-06,-5.890862e-06,-5.895303e-06,-5.899831e-06,-5.904973e-06,-7.235802e-06,-5.905091e-06,-5.902586e-06,-5.900548e-06,-5.899756e-06,-5.899565e-06,-5.899786e-06,-5.900125e-06,-5.900289e-06,-5.900289e-06,-5.900295e-06,-5.90031e-06,-5.900325e-06,-5.900332e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524354912, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.303771555423737 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.3037716,0.3037716,0.3037703,0.3037681,0.3037677,0.303771,0.3037707,0.3037708,0.3037707,0.3037682,0.3037689,0.3037697,0.3037697,0.30377,0.303771,0.3037718,0.3037718,0.3037715,0.3037715,0.3037715,0.3037715,0.3037715,0.3037716,0.3037716,0.3037716,0.3037716,0.3037716,0.3037716,0.3037716,0.3037716,0.3037716 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524358592, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.00160505087114871 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051,-0.001605051 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524350432, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0110504291951656 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524358752, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0157141480594873 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415,-0.01571415 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524358912, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.647000014781952 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524359072, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.647000014781952 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524359232, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.647000014781952 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647,0.647 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524359392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.50182104334817e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.541303e-05,-1.501821e-05,-1.41346e-05,-1.327205e-05,-1.279381e-05,-1.271516e-05,-1.292112e-05,-1.321716e-05,-1.374528e-05,-1.395944e-05,-1.407095e-05,-1.409813e-05,-1.396875e-05,-1.417071e-05,-1.481887e-05,-1.518352e-05,-1.530981e-05,-1.531983e-05,-1.52434e-05,-1.508878e-05,-1.500326e-05,-1.50528e-05,-1.515442e-05,-1.527291e-05,-1.537167e-05,-1.541303e-05,-1.541303e-05,-1.541303e-05,-1.541303e-05,-1.541303e-05,-1.541303e-05 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524350592, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.77786350832321e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.781655e-05,1.777864e-05,1.765068e-05,1.74193e-05,1.713103e-05,1.689908e-05,1.665562e-05,1.660947e-05,1.861659e-05,1.861893e-05,1.858865e-05,1.857375e-05,1.843277e-05,1.800379e-05,1.777499e-05,1.775747e-05,1.775976e-05,1.775723e-05,1.775247e-05,1.775349e-05,1.776624e-05,1.777992e-05,1.779352e-05,1.780507e-05,1.781331e-05,1.781655e-05,1.781655e-05,1.781655e-05,1.781655e-05,1.781655e-05,1.781655e-05 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524359872, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 3.84462555302889e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 3.774096e-06,3.844626e-06,4.017264e-06,4.222892e-06,4.415093e-06,4.618797e-06,5.053542e-06,5.400647e-06,1.169712e-06,9.358988e-07,8.672244e-07,8.653007e-07,1.334194e-06,2.573523e-06,3.738356e-06,4.287359e-06,4.559141e-06,4.629287e-06,4.480185e-06,4.174962e-06,3.947612e-06,3.862805e-06,3.811443e-06,3.785119e-06,3.775453e-06,3.774096e-06,3.774096e-06,3.774096e-06,3.774096e-06,3.774096e-06,3.774096e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524352032, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0300423558801413 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236,0.03004236 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524356832, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0905367061495781 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671,0.09053671 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524356992, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.00390925025567412 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925,-0.00390925 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524355072, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.43431670949212e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723,101.7723 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524353152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -89.9999542236328 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995,-89.99995 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524355552, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.00202373904176056 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739,-0.002023739 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524360032, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.113191448152065 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914,0.1131914 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524351072, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00513264304026961 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532,-33.66532 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524351232, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 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*1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524351552, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.1299333664283e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06,1.129933e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 10.55586,10.55586,10.55586,10.55586,10.55586,10.55586,10.55586,10.55586,10.55586,10.55586,10.55586,10.55586,10.55586,10.55586,10.55586,10.55586,10.55586,10.55586,10.55586,10.55586,10.55586,10.55586,10.55586,10.55586,10.55586,10.55586,10.55586,10.55586,10.55586,10.55586,10.55586 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524353952, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.126719936728477 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199,-0.1267199 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + 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0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524354272, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 7.66645655403408e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07,7.666457e-07 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07,1.200565e-07 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + 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0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524100192, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -97.4356918334961 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431,-82.56431 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524096992, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 91.7530212402344 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698,-88.24698 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138,0.02769138 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524101952, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0290707647800446 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076,-0.02907076 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + 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-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06,-1.715165e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524102592, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0677616447210312 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164,0.06776164 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524112352, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 3.02624613368607e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07,3.026246e-07 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524111392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -38.9348564147949 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486,-38.93486 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08,4.805919e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + 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-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08,-2.187334e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524105312, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 19.1501731872559 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017,19.15017 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524106112, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -9.06503486633301 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036,-9.065036 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524106432, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 6.24615573883057 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156,6.246156 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + 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RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524109792, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0819994658231735 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947,0.08199947 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524110432, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.012622743844986 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281,-12.28281 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524121792, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 3.03488826751709 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888,3.034888 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524134912, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 5.86538171768188 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382,5.865382 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + 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Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524125152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0453930757939816 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06,2.854264e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + 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NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524125312, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -3.00429606437683 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296,-3.004296 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524125632, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.665260016918182 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526,0.66526 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524125952, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.46733014627642e-09 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719,0.0303719 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524131392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 7.20887953775673e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08,7.20888e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524126112, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -13.0111513137817 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115,-13.01115 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524126752, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 21.3016567230225 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166,21.30166 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524127712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -8.74486827850342 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868,-8.744868 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994,0.09565994 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524127392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0053441715426743 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172,0.005344172 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524128352, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -5.97725486755371 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255,-5.977255 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223,0.04347223 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524136352, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 2.29175748245325e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06,2.291757e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09,8.252248e-09 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249,-19.6249 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524150432, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 7.84207487106323 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075,7.842075 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524159392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 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+ KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524161312, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0140723846852779 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238,0.01407238 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524157312, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -9.16243934631348 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244,-9.16244 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524159712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 2.00491976737976 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492,2.00492 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524160192, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 5.52859449386597 + KeyVer: 4009 + 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RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524194272, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0479045920073986 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459,0.04790459 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524190752, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 5.50229117379786e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07,5.502291e-07 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524190912, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -44.5218658447266 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187,-44.52187 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524193952, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 9.14817905426025 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818,9.14818 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524186752, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 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Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524188672, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.051124207675457 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421,0.05112421 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524191072, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.03477465987589e-08 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08,-2.034775e-08 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524192032, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -9.26884460449219 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845,-9.268845 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524194432, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -2.12744784355164 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448,-2.127448 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524189152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.02058041095734 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058,-1.02058 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524187232, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00632878951728344 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879,0.00632879 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524187712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0829842239618301 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422,0.08298422 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524192192, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0150388218462467 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882,-0.01503882 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524189792, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -89.8300018310547 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83,-89.83 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524192352, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.48131287097931 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313,1.481313 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524191232, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -83.8638229370117 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382,-83.86382 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524194912, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.237498872797e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05,-1.237499e-05 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524187872, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.128472313284874 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723,0.1284723 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524192512, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -6.52509925203049e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06,-6.525099e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524196032, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1.00187706947327 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877,1.001877 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524192672, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.999999821186066 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998,0.9999998 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: 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-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814,-0.01229814 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524193152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.976156532764435 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565,0.9761565 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524188352, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0300807915627956 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079,-0.03008079 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524195552, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.00194860715419054 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607,-0.001948607 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524195872, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.028558237478137 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824,0.02855824 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524193312, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.00020357764151413 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776,-0.0002035776 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524189312, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524202592, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524204512, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524203232, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0116014089435339 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141,0.01160141 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524205312, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 5.27514421264641e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05,5.275144e-05 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524199072, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.303750842809677 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508,-0.3037508 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524206272, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00160507846157998 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043,0.01105043 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524204352, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0157141759991646 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418,-0.01571418 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524204832, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524204672, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524200352, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524197792, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 3.68241467185726e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06,3.682415e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524205632, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -7.80725895310752e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06,-7.807259e-06 + } + 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068,0.08309068 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524197312, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.00386412395164371 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124,-0.003864124 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524201472, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0823321416974068 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214,0.08233214 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: 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} + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524201632, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524200192, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524204992, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 72.8950424194336 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504,72.89504 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524203712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 7.20625638961792 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256,7.206256 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524205152, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 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RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524200512, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.00448718015104532 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718,-0.00448718 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524196992, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0821198672056198 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524202752, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524206752, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524196672, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 72.8962554931641 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626,72.89626 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524206112, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -7.20638275146484 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382,-7.206382 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524200672, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 95.727653503418 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765,95.72765 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + 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8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524206592, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0272703524678946 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035,0.02727035 + } 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524199392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.6843147277832 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315,-1.684315 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524199872, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 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RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524197632, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00032053145696409 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 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0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004,-0.01036004 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + 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KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524198432, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524203072, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524197952, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524198592, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -6.16354274749756 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543,-6.163543 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524209312, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00254593440331519 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934,0.002545934 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524207072, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0405923612415791 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236,0.04059236 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524213632, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.13576788862702e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06,-1.135768e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524213472, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0803716257214546 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163,0.08037163 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524211392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0618293210864067 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932,0.06182932 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524216512, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524213792, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524216192, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524212512, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 90.2242813110352 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428,90.22428 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524214752, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.000950568064581603 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681,0.0009505681 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524213952, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.00102453993167728 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454,-0.00102454 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524216352, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.93046548702114e-06 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06,-1.930465e-06 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524207712, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0608725622296333 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256,0.06087256 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524210272, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.0136219803243876 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198,0.01362198 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524208352, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524214912, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524216672, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524207392, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 5.51124811172485 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248,5.511248 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524215872, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -6.38867390989617e-07 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07,-6.388674e-07 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + 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-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05,-8.640136e-05 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524214112, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -1.42648577821092e-05 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05,-1.426486e-05 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 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Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524214272, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00164916855283082 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169,0.001649169 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524216832, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524216992, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524207232, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 1 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524214592, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -114.598731994629 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987,-114.5987 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524213312, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: -0.0615913793444633 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: -0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138,-0.06159138 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurve: 2543524208512, "AnimCurve::", "" { + Default: 0.00488932384178042 + KeyVer: 4009 + KeyTime: *31 { + a: 0,1539538600,3079077200,4618615800,6158154400,7697693000,9237231600,10776770200,12316308800,13855847400,15395386000,16934924600,18474463200,20014001800,21553540400,23093079000,24632617600,26172156200,27711694800,29251233400,30790772000,32330310600,33869849200,35409387800,36948926400,38488465000,40028003600,41567542200,43107080800,44646619400,46186158000 + } + KeyValueFloat: *31 { + a: 0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324,0.004889324 + } + ;KeyAttrFlags: Cubic|TangeantAuto|GenericTimeIndependent + KeyAttrFlags: *1 { + a: 8456 + } + ;KeyAttrDataFloat: RightAuto:0, NextLeftAuto:0 + KeyAttrDataFloat: *4 { + a: 0,0,218434821,0 + } + KeyAttrRefCount: *1 { + a: 31 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405340512, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405340720, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405340928, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405341344, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405341552, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405342800, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405341760, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405341968, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405342384, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405348416, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405354240, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405348624, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405349248, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405357776, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405349664, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405351328, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405351536, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405361104, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405372128, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405367344, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405362144, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405366096, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405362560, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405366304, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405387520, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405388144, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405395840, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405397920, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405391264, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405386272, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405398336, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405388352, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405388560, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405402496, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405401248, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405400000, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405410816, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405400624, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405411856, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405402080, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405400416, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405402912, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405405616, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405407280, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405403120, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405403536, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405407696, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405406656, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405412064, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405403328, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405404160, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405411024, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405399584, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405411440, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405400832, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405401040, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405399792, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405402288, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2544405405408, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + 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"AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674348368, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674341088, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674340672, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674346496, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674341296, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674344416, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674341920, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674344624, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674344208, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674346704, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674342960, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674349200, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674345456, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674340880, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674340464, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674341712, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674347536, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674342336, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674345664, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674345872, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674348784, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674341504, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674348992, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674343168, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674343376, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674343584, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674342752, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674344832, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674342128, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674345040, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674346288, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674345248, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674342544, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + 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"AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674347328, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674347952, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674348160, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674092944, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674093776, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674094816, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674093984, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674088368, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674098144, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674087744, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674087536, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674092320, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674095440, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674094608, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674093568, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674100224, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674092112, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674090240, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674100016, "AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|filmboxTypeID", "Short", "", "A",5 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674098976, "AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|lockInfluenceWeights", "Bool", "", "A",0 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674089408, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.12946862214977e-06 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.838454947871562 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.0128827959430343 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674091072, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674093360, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",5.5321426406766 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-0.000947134685043659 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-9.17348370547018e-05 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674095648, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.0965629242076998 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-0.0293150232829077 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.00319984732738317 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674093152, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000262260437 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.00000023841858 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000298023224 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674098560, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",172.17073059082 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-0.0705194920301439 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",7.40674495697022 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674098352, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-7.56699453097198e-10 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.357624053955104 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-2.32830615898294e-10 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674095856, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.99999988079071 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.999999940395355 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674091488, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",11.7075147628784 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-0.434414029121399 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.08978068828583 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674096272, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",2.59024071636027e-09 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.409610807895692 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-6.28642757294351e-09 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674091280, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.99999988079071 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.999999821186066 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.999999701976776 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674095024, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-70.1024169921875 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-0.135495275259004 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",26.7261657714844 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674099392, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-2.37487254584057e-08 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.0805266574025214 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-2.79396775160201e-09 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674088576, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674088784, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-8.04667663574217 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",19.6960086822509 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-6.11511373519897 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674091696, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.00794365505672587 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.0847102339708201 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-0.0182056415369983 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674091904, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", 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"A",0.0829842242537248 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-0.0150388219051298 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674122688, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.999999940395355 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674120400, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-89.8299988551375 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.48131287004153 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-83.8638209706944 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674117696, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-1.23749884097801e-05 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.128472317156832 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-6.5250991856669e-06 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674122272, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00187703952827 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.999999821037028 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.0018770993942 + } + } + 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+ Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.00160507846822671 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.0110504320660471 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-0.015714176606795 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674121856, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.999999999384938 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000061521 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674122896, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",3.68241464225409e-06 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-7.80725858104233e-06 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",9.04828096396796e-08 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674124352, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.0830906754464582 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-0.00386412396774527 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.0823321414501396 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674124768, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674125184, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",72.8950440915413 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",7.20625621047189 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-95.7375689884457 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674125392, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-0.0827307866598292 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-0.0044871801218056 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.0821198691599855 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674125600, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000007 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674138496, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",72.8962546064729 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-7.20638273169096 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",95.7276572739579 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674134752, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",5.36807611921357e-05 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.0272703516790411 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.0263391973226648 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674139952, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000007 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674136832, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-1.68431468702659 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.125841487526923 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.00974043725962855 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674133504, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",0.00032053146663977 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-0.0103600394883753 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.0348664878694368 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674140160, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000007 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674137040, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-6.1635428723032 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.00254593445326483 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.0405923623956631 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674129136, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-1.13576792095427e-06 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.080371624169121 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.0618293221830551 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674135792, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674139328, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",90.2242776073233 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.000950568069675175 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-0.0010245399775056 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674134128, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-1.93046551725719e-06 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.0608725616047077 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.0136219804692873 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674138704, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674128512, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",5.51124823698048 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-6.38867397889428e-07 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",-8.64013544618061e-05 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674133088, "AnimCurveNode::T", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-1.42648575961617e-05 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",0.00853624773567363 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.00164916857766338 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674136624, "AnimCurveNode::S", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",1.00000000000008 + } + } + AnimationCurveNode: 2547674139536, "AnimCurveNode::R", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "d|X", "Number", "", "A",-114.598729912761 + P: "d|Y", "Number", "", "A",-0.0615913787730125 + P: "d|Z", "Number", "", "A",0.00488932371230835 + } + } + AnimationLayer: 2548730768080, "AnimLayer::BaseLayer", "" { + } + AnimationLayer: 2548730765952, "AnimLayer::Fingers", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "Lock", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "Color", "ColorRGB", "Color", "",0.5,1,0 + P: "RotationAccumulationMode", "enum", "", "",1 + } + } + AnimationLayer: 2548730766560, "AnimLayer::LowerBody", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "Mute", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "Lock", "bool", "", "",1 + P: "Color", "ColorRGB", "Color", "",0.5,1,0 + P: "RotationAccumulationMode", "enum", "", "",1 + } + } + AnimationLayer: 2548730758656, "AnimLayer::UpperBody", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "Color", "ColorRGB", "Color", "",0.5,1,0 + P: "RotationAccumulationMode", "enum", "", "",1 + } + } + AnimationLayer: 2548730759264, "AnimLayer::UpperBodyTPose", "" { + Properties70: { + P: "Color", "ColorRGB", "Color", "",0.5,1,0 + P: "BlendMode", "enum", "", "",2 + P: "RotationAccumulationMode", "enum", "", "",1 + } + } +} + +; Object connections +;------------------------------------------------------------------ + +Connections: { + + ;Model::HumanArmature, Model::RootNode + C: "OO",2548011296128,0 + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::HumanArmature + C: "OO",2546779651200,2548011296128 + + ;Model::hips, Model::HumanArmature + C: "OO",2548011268288,2548011296128 + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::hips + C: "OO",2547761144976,2548011268288 + + ;Model::thigh_l, Model::hips + C: "OO",2548011275248,2548011268288 + + ;Model::thigh_r, Model::hips + C: "OO",2548011279888,2548011268288 + + ;Model::spine, Model::hips + C: "OO",2548011289168,2548011268288 + + ;Model::belly, Model::hips + C: "OO",2545865803312,2548011268288 + + ;Model::waist, Model::hips + C: "OO",2545865787072,2548011268288 + + ;Model::butt, Model::hips + C: "OO",2545865775472,2548011268288 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::hips + C: "OP",2547674089408,2548011268288, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::hips + C: "OP",2547674093360,2548011268288, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::hips + C: "OP",2547674091072,2548011268288, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::hips + C: "OP",2544405340512,2548011268288, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::hips + C: "OP",2544405340720,2548011268288, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::thigh_l + C: "OO",2547761140176,2548011275248 + + ;Model::lower_leg_l, Model::thigh_l + C: "OO",2548011291488,2548011275248 + + ;Model::width_thigh_l, Model::thigh_l + C: "OO",2548011282208,2548011275248 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::thigh_l + C: "OP",2547674095648,2548011275248, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::thigh_l + C: "OP",2547674098560,2548011275248, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::thigh_l + C: "OP",2547674093152,2548011275248, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::thigh_l + C: "OP",2544405340928,2548011275248, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::thigh_l + C: "OP",2544405341344,2548011275248, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::lower_leg_l + C: "OO",2547761144400,2548011291488 + + ;Model::foot_l, Model::lower_leg_l + C: "OO",2548011293808,2548011291488 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::lower_leg_l + C: "OP",2547674098352,2548011291488, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::lower_leg_l + C: "OP",2547674091488,2548011291488, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::lower_leg_l + C: "OP",2547674095856,2548011291488, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::lower_leg_l + C: "OP",2544405341552,2548011291488, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::lower_leg_l + C: "OP",2544405342800,2548011291488, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::foot_l + C: "OO",2547761150544,2548011293808 + + ;Model::toes_l, Model::foot_l + C: "OO",2548011284528,2548011293808 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::foot_l + C: "OP",2547674096272,2548011293808, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::foot_l + C: "OP",2547674095024,2548011293808, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::foot_l + C: "OP",2547674091280,2548011293808, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::foot_l + C: "OP",2544405341760,2548011293808, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::foot_l + C: "OP",2544405341968,2548011293808, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::toes_l + C: "OO",2547761146896,2548011284528 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::toes_l + C: "OP",2547674099392,2548011284528, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::toes_l + C: "OP",2547674088784,2548011284528, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::toes_l + C: "OP",2547674088576,2548011284528, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::toes_l + C: "OP",2544405342384,2548011284528, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::toes_l + C: "OP",2544405348416,2548011284528, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::width_thigh_l + C: "OO",2547761147664,2548011282208 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::width_thigh_l + C: "OP",2547674091696,2548011282208, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::width_thigh_l + C: "OP",2547674094192,2548011282208, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::width_thigh_l + C: "OP",2547674091904,2548011282208, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::width_thigh_l + C: "OP",2544405354240,2548011282208, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::width_thigh_l + C: "OP",2544405348624,2548011282208, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::thigh_r + C: "OO",2547761146128,2548011279888 + + ;Model::lower_leg_r, Model::thigh_r + C: "OO",2548011270608,2548011279888 + + ;Model::width_thigh_r, Model::thigh_r + C: "OO",2548011286848,2548011279888 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::thigh_r + C: "OP",2547674087952,2548011279888, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::thigh_r + C: "OP",2547674090864,2548011279888, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::thigh_r + C: "OP",2547674097312,2548011279888, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::thigh_r + C: "OP",2544405349248,2548011279888, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::thigh_r + C: "OP",2544405357776,2548011279888, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::lower_leg_r + C: "OO",2547761147856,2548011270608 + + ;Model::foot_r, Model::lower_leg_r + C: "OO",2548011272928,2548011270608 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::lower_leg_r + C: "OP",2547674094400,2548011270608, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::lower_leg_r + C: "OP",2547674099600,2548011270608, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::lower_leg_r + C: "OP",2547674095232,2548011270608, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::lower_leg_r + C: "OP",2544405349664,2548011270608, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::lower_leg_r + C: "OP",2544405351328,2548011270608, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::foot_r + C: "OO",2547761150352,2548011272928 + + ;Model::toes_r, Model::foot_r + C: "OO",2548011298448,2548011272928 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::foot_r + C: "OP",2547674096064,2548011272928, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::foot_r + C: "OP",2547674100432,2548011272928, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::foot_r + C: "OP",2547674096480,2548011272928, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::foot_r + C: "OP",2544405351536,2548011272928, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::foot_r + C: "OP",2544405361104,2548011272928, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::toes_r + C: "OO",2547761150736,2548011298448 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::toes_r + C: "OP",2547674096688,2548011298448, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::toes_r + C: "OP",2547674100640,2548011298448, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::toes_r + C: "OP",2547674096896,2548011298448, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::toes_r + C: "OP",2544405372128,2548011298448, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::toes_r + C: "OP",2544405367344,2548011298448, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::width_thigh_r + C: "OO",2547761151120,2548011286848 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::width_thigh_r + C: "OP",2547674092528,2548011286848, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::width_thigh_r + C: "OP",2547674097520,2548011286848, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::width_thigh_r + C: "OP",2547674097104,2548011286848, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::width_thigh_r + C: "OP",2544405362144,2548011286848, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::width_thigh_r + C: "OP",2544405366096,2548011286848, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::spine + C: "OO",2547761142864,2548011289168 + + ;Model::chest, Model::spine + C: "OO",2546780390736,2548011289168 + + ;Model::torso_width, Model::spine + C: "OO",2545865796352,2548011289168 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::spine + C: "OP",2547674097728,2548011289168, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::spine + C: "OP",2547674098768,2548011289168, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::spine + C: "OP",2547674097936,2548011289168, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::spine + C: "OP",2544405362560,2548011289168, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::spine + C: "OP",2544405366304,2548011289168, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::chest + C: "OO",2547761141712,2546780390736 + + ;Model::neck, Model::chest + C: "OO",2546780413936,2546780390736 + + ;Model::shoulder_r, Model::chest + C: "OO",2546780388416,2546780390736 + + ;Model::shoulder_l, Model::chest + C: "OO",2549285339248,2546780390736 + + ;Model::breast_L, Model::chest + C: "OO",2545865794032,2546780390736 + + ;Model::breast_R, Model::chest + C: "OO",2545865789392,2546780390736 + + ;Model::muscle_chest, Model::chest + C: "OO",2545865773152,2546780390736 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::chest + C: "OP",2547674099184,2546780390736, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::chest + C: "OP",2547674099808,2546780390736, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::chest + C: "OP",2547674088992,2546780390736, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::chest + C: "OP",2544405387520,2546780390736, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::chest + C: "OP",2544405388144,2546780390736, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::neck + C: "OO",2547761141904,2546780413936 + + ;Model::head, Model::neck + C: "OO",2546780404656,2546780413936 + + ;Model::muscle_neck, Model::neck + C: "OO",2546780383776,2546780413936 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::neck + C: "OP",2547674089200,2546780413936, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::neck + C: "OP",2547674089824,2546780413936, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::neck + C: "OP",2547674089616,2546780413936, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::neck + C: "OP",2544405395840,2546780413936, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::neck + C: "OP",2544405397920,2546780413936, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::head + C: "OO",2547761151312,2546780404656 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::head + C: "OP",2547674090032,2546780404656, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::head + C: "OP",2547674090656,2546780404656, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::head + C: "OP",2547674090448,2546780404656, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::head + C: "OP",2544405391264,2546780404656, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::head + C: "OP",2544405386272,2546780404656, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::muscle_neck + C: "OO",2547761141520,2546780383776 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::muscle_neck + C: "OP",2547674111872,2546780383776, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::muscle_neck + C: "OP",2547674103136,2546780383776, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::muscle_neck + C: "OP",2547674104592,2546780383776, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::muscle_neck + C: "OP",2544405398336,2546780383776, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::muscle_neck + C: "OP",2544405388352,2546780383776, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::shoulder_r + C: "OO",2547761142672,2546780388416 + + ;Model::upper_arm_r, Model::shoulder_r + C: "OO",2546780393056,2546780388416 + + ;Model::muscle_shoulder_r, Model::shoulder_r + C: "OO",2549285367088,2546780388416 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::shoulder_r + C: "OP",2547674102720,2546780388416, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::shoulder_r + C: "OP",2547674103344,2546780388416, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::shoulder_r + C: "OP",2547674101888,2546780388416, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::shoulder_r + C: "OP",2544405388560,2546780388416, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::shoulder_r + C: "OP",2544405402496,2546780388416, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::upper_arm_r + C: "OO",2547761139984,2546780393056 + + ;Model::forearm_r, Model::upper_arm_r + C: "OO",2546780386096,2546780393056 + + ;Model::bicep_r, Model::upper_arm_r + C: "OO",2549285364768,2546780393056 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::upper_arm_r + C: "OP",2547674103552,2546780393056, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::upper_arm_r + C: "OP",2547674106672,2546780393056, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::upper_arm_r + C: "OP",2547674106464,2546780393056, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::upper_arm_r + C: "OP",2544405401248,2546780393056, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::upper_arm_r + C: "OP",2544405400000,2546780393056, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::forearm_r + C: "OO",2547761140752,2546780386096 + + ;Model::hand_r, Model::forearm_r + C: "OO",2546780395376,2546780386096 + + ;Model::forearm_twist_r, Model::forearm_r + C: "OO",2549285362448,2546780386096 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::forearm_r + C: "OP",2547674102304,2546780386096, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::forearm_r + C: "OP",2547674105424,2546780386096, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::forearm_r + C: "OP",2547674106256,2546780386096, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::forearm_r + C: "OP",2544405410816,2546780386096, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::forearm_r + C: "OP",2544405400624,2546780386096, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::hand_r + C: "OO",2547761143248,2546780395376 + + ;Model::c_thumb1_r, Model::hand_r + C: "OO",2546780397696,2546780395376 + + ;Model::c_ring1_r, Model::hand_r + C: "OO",2546780406976,2546780395376 + + ;Model::c_middle1_r, Model::hand_r + C: "OO",2549285360128,2546780395376 + + ;Model::c_index1_r, Model::hand_r + C: "OO",2549285357808,2546780395376 + + ;Model::hold_r, Model::hand_r + C: "OO",2549285369408,2546780395376 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::hand_r + C: "OP",2547674109584,2546780395376, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::hand_r + C: "OP",2547674111456,2546780395376, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::hand_r + C: "OP",2547674106880,2546780395376, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::hand_r + C: "OP",2544405411856,2546780395376, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::hand_r + C: "OP",2544405402080,2546780395376, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_thumb1_r + C: "OO",2547761151888,2546780397696 + + ;Model::c_thumb2_r, Model::c_thumb1_r + C: "OO",2546780400016,2546780397696 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_thumb1_r + C: "OP",2547674104384,2546780397696, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_thumb1_r + C: "OP",2547674113328,2546780397696, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_thumb1_r + C: "OP",2547674103968,2546780397696, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_thumb1_r + C: "OP",2544405400416,2546780397696, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_thumb1_r + C: "OP",2544405402912,2546780397696, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_thumb2_r + C: "OO",2547761151504,2546780400016 + + ;Model::c_thumb3_r, Model::c_thumb2_r + C: "OO",2546780402336,2546780400016 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_thumb2_r + C: "OP",2547674110000,2546780400016, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_thumb2_r + C: "OP",2547674110208,2546780400016, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_thumb2_r + C: "OP",2547674112080,2546780400016, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_thumb2_r + C: "OP",2544405405616,2546780400016, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_thumb2_r + C: "OP",2544405407280,2546780400016, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_thumb3_r + C: "OO",2547761152080,2546780402336 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_thumb3_r + C: "OP",2547674107088,2546780402336, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_thumb3_r + C: "OP",2547674112912,2546780402336, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_thumb3_r + C: "OP",2547674101680,2546780402336, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_thumb3_r + C: "OP",2544405403120,2546780402336, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_thumb3_r + C: "OP",2544405403536,2546780402336, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_ring1_r + C: "OO",2547761141136,2546780406976 + + ;Model::c_ring2_r, Model::c_ring1_r + C: "OO",2546780409296,2546780406976 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_ring1_r + C: "OP",2547674113536,2546780406976, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_ring1_r + C: "OP",2547674105632,2546780406976, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_ring1_r + C: "OP",2547674110416,2546780406976, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_ring1_r + C: "OP",2544405407696,2546780406976, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_ring1_r + C: "OP",2544405406656,2546780406976, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_ring2_r + C: "OO",2547761140944,2546780409296 + + ;Model::c_ring3_r, Model::c_ring2_r + C: "OO",2546780411616,2546780409296 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_ring2_r + C: "OP",2547674105840,2546780409296, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_ring2_r + C: "OP",2547674109376,2546780409296, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_ring2_r + C: "OP",2547674110624,2546780409296, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_ring2_r + C: "OP",2544405412064,2546780409296, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_ring2_r + C: "OP",2544405403328,2546780409296, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_ring3_r + C: "OO",2547761141328,2546780411616 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_ring3_r + C: "OP",2547674107296,2546780411616, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_ring3_r + C: "OP",2547674102096,2546780411616, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_ring3_r + C: "OP",2547674100848,2546780411616, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_ring3_r + C: "OP",2544405404160,2546780411616, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_ring3_r + C: "OP",2544405411024,2546780411616, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_middle1_r + C: "OO",2547761143440,2549285360128 + + ;Model::c_middle2_r, Model::c_middle1_r + C: "OO",2549285350848,2549285360128 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_middle1_r + C: "OP",2547674113952,2549285360128, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_middle1_r + C: "OP",2547674108752,2549285360128, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_middle1_r + C: "OP",2547674111664,2549285360128, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_middle1_r + C: "OP",2544405399584,2549285360128, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_middle1_r + C: "OP",2544405411440,2549285360128, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_middle2_r + C: "OO",2547761142288,2549285350848 + + ;Model::c_middle3_r, Model::c_middle2_r + C: "OO",2549285348528,2549285350848 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_middle2_r + C: "OP",2547674103760,2549285350848, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_middle2_r + C: "OP",2547674105216,2549285350848, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_middle2_r + C: "OP",2547674113744,2549285350848, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_middle2_r + C: "OP",2544405400832,2549285350848, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_middle2_r + C: "OP",2544405401040,2549285350848, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_middle3_r + C: "OO",2547761143632,2549285348528 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_middle3_r + C: "OP",2547674108336,2549285348528, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_middle3_r + C: "OP",2547674107712,2549285348528, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_middle3_r + C: "OP",2547674107504,2549285348528, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_middle3_r + C: "OP",2544405399792,2549285348528, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_middle3_r + C: "OP",2544405402288,2549285348528, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_index1_r + C: "OO",2547761162256,2549285357808 + + ;Model::c_index2_r, Model::c_index1_r + C: "OO",2549285355488,2549285357808 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_index1_r + C: "OP",2547674102512,2549285357808, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_index1_r + C: "OP",2547674102928,2549285357808, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_index1_r + C: "OP",2547674101264,2549285357808, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_index1_r + C: "OP",2544405405408,2549285357808, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_index1_r + C: "OP",2544405405824,2549285357808, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_index2_r + C: "OO",2547761144016,2549285355488 + + ;Model::c_index3_r, Model::c_index2_r + C: "OO",2549285353168,2549285355488 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_index2_r + C: "OP",2547674113120,2549285355488, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_index2_r + C: "OP",2547674101056,2549285355488, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_index2_r + C: "OP",2547674104176,2549285355488, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_index2_r + C: "OP",2544405406032,2549285355488, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_index2_r + C: "OP",2544405408736,2549285355488, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_index3_r + C: "OO",2547761162640,2549285353168 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_index3_r + C: "OP",2547674112704,2549285353168, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_index3_r + C: "OP",2547674104800,2549285353168, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_index3_r + C: "OP",2547674101472,2549285353168, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_index3_r + C: "OP",2544405406864,2549285353168, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_index3_r + C: "OP",2544405407072,2549285353168, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::hold_r + C: "OO",2547761159952,2549285369408 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::hold_r + C: "OP",2547674109792,2549285369408, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::hold_r + C: "OP",2547674106048,2549285369408, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::hold_r + C: "OP",2547674105008,2549285369408, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::hold_r + C: "OP",2544405407488,2549285369408, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::hold_r + C: "OP",2544405408112,2549285369408, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::forearm_twist_r + C: "OO",2547761160336,2549285362448 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::forearm_twist_r + C: "OP",2547674110832,2549285362448, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::forearm_twist_r + C: "OP",2547674112496,2549285362448, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::forearm_twist_r + C: "OP",2547674112288,2549285362448, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::forearm_twist_r + C: "OP",2547674348368,2549285362448, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::forearm_twist_r + C: "OP",2547674341088,2549285362448, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::bicep_r + C: "OO",2547761154384,2549285364768 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::bicep_r + C: "OP",2547674111040,2549285364768, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::bicep_r + C: "OP",2547674108128,2549285364768, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::bicep_r + C: "OP",2547674107920,2549285364768, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::bicep_r + C: "OP",2547674340672,2549285364768, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::bicep_r + C: "OP",2547674346496,2549285364768, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::muscle_shoulder_r + C: "OO",2547761157264,2549285367088 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::muscle_shoulder_r + C: "OP",2547674108544,2549285367088, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::muscle_shoulder_r + C: "OP",2547674109168,2549285367088, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::muscle_shoulder_r + C: "OP",2547674108960,2549285367088, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::muscle_shoulder_r + C: "OP",2547674341296,2549285367088, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::muscle_shoulder_r + C: "OP",2547674344416,2549285367088, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::shoulder_l + C: "OO",2547761154768,2549285339248 + + ;Model::upper_arm_l, Model::shoulder_l + C: "OO",2549285341568,2549285339248 + + ;Model::muscle_shoulder_l, Model::shoulder_l + C: "OO",2545865800992,2549285339248 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::shoulder_l + C: "OP",2547674111248,2549285339248, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::shoulder_l + C: "OP",2547674117280,2549285339248, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::shoulder_l + C: "OP",2547674116032,2549285339248, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::shoulder_l + C: "OP",2547674341920,2549285339248, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::shoulder_l + C: "OP",2547674344624,2549285339248, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::upper_arm_l + C: "OO",2547761160144,2549285341568 + + ;Model::forearm_l, Model::upper_arm_l + C: "OO",2549285343888,2549285341568 + + ;Model::bicep_l, Model::upper_arm_l + C: "OO",2545865798672,2549285341568 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::upper_arm_l + C: "OP",2547674115616,2549285341568, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::upper_arm_l + C: "OP",2547674123104,2549285341568, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::upper_arm_l + C: "OP",2547674122480,2549285341568, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::upper_arm_l + C: "OP",2547674344208,2549285341568, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::upper_arm_l + C: "OP",2547674346704,2549285341568, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::forearm_l + C: "OO",2547761161104,2549285343888 + + ;Model::hand_l, Model::forearm_l + C: "OO",2549285346208,2549285343888 + + ;Model::forearm_twist_l, Model::forearm_l + C: "OO",2546786798016,2549285343888 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::forearm_l + C: "OP",2547674120192,2549285343888, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::forearm_l + C: "OP",2547674124976,2549285343888, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::forearm_l + C: "OP",2547674116240,2549285343888, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::forearm_l + C: "OP",2547674342960,2549285343888, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::forearm_l + C: "OP",2547674349200,2549285343888, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::hand_l + C: "OO",2547761154960,2549285346208 + + ;Model::c_thumb1_l, Model::hand_l + C: "OO",2546786807296,2549285346208 + + ;Model::c_ring1_l, Model::hand_l + C: "OO",2546786802656,2549285346208 + + ;Model::c_middle1_l, Model::hand_l + C: "OO",2546786814256,2549285346208 + + ;Model::c_index1_l, Model::hand_l + C: "OO",2546786818896,2549285346208 + + ;Model::hold_l, Model::hand_l + C: "OO",2546786795696,2549285346208 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::hand_l + C: "OP",2547674114576,2549285346208, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::hand_l + C: "OP",2547674116448,2549285346208, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::hand_l + C: "OP",2547674115200,2549285346208, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::hand_l + C: "OP",2547674345456,2549285346208, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::hand_l + C: "OP",2547674340880,2549285346208, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_thumb1_l + C: "OO",2547761160528,2546786807296 + + ;Model::c_thumb2_l, Model::c_thumb1_l + C: "OO",2546786800336,2546786807296 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_thumb1_l + C: "OP",2547674118528,2546786807296, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_thumb1_l + C: "OP",2547674126848,2546786807296, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_thumb1_l + C: "OP",2547674121024,2546786807296, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_thumb1_l + C: "OP",2547674340464,2546786807296, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_thumb1_l + C: "OP",2547674341712,2546786807296, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_thumb2_l + C: "OO",2547761160720,2546786800336 + + ;Model::c_thumb3_l, Model::c_thumb2_l + C: "OO",2546786809616,2546786800336 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_thumb2_l + C: "OP",2547674115824,2546786800336, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_thumb2_l + C: "OP",2547674124560,2546786800336, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_thumb2_l + C: "OP",2547674121232,2546786800336, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_thumb2_l + C: "OP",2547674347536,2546786800336, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_thumb2_l + C: "OP",2547674342336,2546786800336, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_thumb3_l + C: "OO",2547761162448,2546786809616 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_thumb3_l + C: "OP",2547674121440,2546786809616, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_thumb3_l + C: "OP",2547674114784,2546786809616, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_thumb3_l + C: "OP",2547674115408,2546786809616, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_thumb3_l + C: "OP",2547674345664,2546786809616, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_thumb3_l + C: "OP",2547674345872,2546786809616, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_ring1_l + C: "OO",2547761163024,2546786802656 + + ;Model::c_ring2_l, Model::c_ring1_l + C: "OO",2546786811936,2546786802656 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_ring1_l + C: "OP",2547674123728,2546786802656, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_ring1_l + C: "OP",2547674123936,2546786802656, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_ring1_l + C: "OP",2547674122064,2546786802656, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_ring1_l + C: "OP",2547674348784,2546786802656, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_ring1_l + C: "OP",2547674341504,2546786802656, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_ring2_l + C: "OO",2547761157648,2546786811936 + + ;Model::c_ring3_l, Model::c_ring2_l + C: "OO",2546786804976,2546786811936 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_ring2_l + C: "OP",2547674119776,2546786811936, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_ring2_l + C: "OP",2547674114368,2546786811936, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_ring2_l + C: "OP",2547674119984,2546786811936, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_ring2_l + C: "OP",2547674348992,2546786811936, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_ring2_l + C: "OP",2547674343168,2546786811936, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_ring3_l + C: "OO",2547761162832,2546786804976 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_ring3_l + C: "OP",2547674127056,2546786804976, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_ring3_l + C: "OP",2547674119568,2546786804976, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_ring3_l + C: "OP",2547674116864,2546786804976, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_ring3_l + C: "OP",2547674343376,2546786804976, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_ring3_l + C: "OP",2547674343584,2546786804976, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_middle1_l + C: "OO",2547761155152,2546786814256 + + ;Model::c_middle2_l, Model::c_middle1_l + C: "OO",2546786816576,2546786814256 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_middle1_l + C: "OP",2547674118736,2546786814256, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_middle1_l + C: "OP",2547674119152,2546786814256, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_middle1_l + C: "OP",2547674118112,2546786814256, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_middle1_l + C: "OP",2547674342752,2546786814256, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_middle1_l + C: "OP",2547674344832,2546786814256, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_middle2_l + C: "OO",2547761155536,2546786816576 + + ;Model::c_middle3_l, Model::c_middle2_l + C: "OO",2546786821216,2546786816576 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_middle2_l + C: "OP",2547674126432,2546786816576, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_middle2_l + C: "OP",2547674116656,2546786816576, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_middle2_l + C: "OP",2547674118944,2546786816576, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_middle2_l + C: "OP",2547674342128,2546786816576, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_middle2_l + C: "OP",2547674345040,2546786816576, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_middle3_l + C: "OO",2547761157072,2546786821216 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_middle3_l + C: "OP",2547674123520,2546786821216, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_middle3_l + C: "OP",2547674118320,2546786821216, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_middle3_l + C: "OP",2547674125808,2546786821216, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_middle3_l + C: "OP",2547674346288,2546786821216, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_middle3_l + C: "OP",2547674345248,2546786821216, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_index1_l + C: "OO",2547761156304,2546786818896 + + ;Model::c_index2_l, Model::c_index1_l + C: "OO",2546786791056,2546786818896 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_index1_l + C: "OP",2547674114992,2546786818896, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_index1_l + C: "OP",2547674127264,2546786818896, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_index1_l + C: "OP",2547674117904,2546786818896, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_index1_l + C: "OP",2547674342544,2546786818896, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_index1_l + C: "OP",2547674346080,2546786818896, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_index2_l + C: "OO",2547761158032,2546786791056 + + ;Model::c_index3_l, Model::c_index2_l + C: "OO",2546786793376,2546786791056 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_index2_l + C: "OP",2547674117072,2546786791056, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_index2_l + C: "OP",2547674119360,2546786791056, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_index2_l + C: "OP",2547674117488,2546786791056, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_index2_l + C: "OP",2547674347744,2546786791056, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_index2_l + C: "OP",2547674343792,2546786791056, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::c_index3_l + C: "OO",2547761163216,2546786793376 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::c_index3_l + C: "OP",2547674126640,2546786793376, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::c_index3_l + C: "OP",2547674126224,2546786793376, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::c_index3_l + C: "OP",2547674126016,2546786793376, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::c_index3_l + C: "OP",2547674346912,2546786793376, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::c_index3_l + C: "OP",2547674344000,2546786793376, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::hold_l + C: "OO",2547761156688,2546786795696 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::hold_l + C: "OP",2547674123312,2546786795696, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::hold_l + C: "OP",2547674120400,2546786795696, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::hold_l + C: "OP",2547674122688,2546786795696, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::hold_l + C: "OP",2547674347120,2546786795696, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::hold_l + C: "OP",2547674348576,2546786795696, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::forearm_twist_l + C: "OO",2547761164176,2546786798016 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::forearm_twist_l + C: "OP",2547674117696,2546786798016, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::forearm_twist_l + C: "OP",2547674124144,2546786798016, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::forearm_twist_l + C: "OP",2547674122272,2546786798016, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::forearm_twist_l + C: "OP",2547674347328,2546786798016, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::forearm_twist_l + C: "OP",2547674347952,2546786798016, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::bicep_l + C: "OO",2547761163408,2545865798672 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::bicep_l + C: "OP",2547674121648,2545865798672, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::bicep_l + C: "OP",2547674120816,2545865798672, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::bicep_l + C: "OP",2547674120608,2545865798672, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::bicep_l + C: "OP",2547674348160,2545865798672, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::bicep_l + C: "OP",2547674092944,2545865798672, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::muscle_shoulder_l + C: "OO",2547761164368,2545865800992 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::muscle_shoulder_l + C: "OP",2547674114160,2545865800992, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::muscle_shoulder_l + C: "OP",2547674122896,2545865800992, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::muscle_shoulder_l + C: "OP",2547674121856,2545865800992, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::muscle_shoulder_l + C: "OP",2547674093776,2545865800992, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::muscle_shoulder_l + C: "OP",2547674094816,2545865800992, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::breast_L + C: "OO",2547761175312,2545865794032 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::breast_L + C: "OP",2547674124352,2545865794032, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::breast_L + C: "OP",2547674125184,2545865794032, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::breast_L + C: "OP",2547674124768,2545865794032, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::breast_L + C: "OP",2547674093984,2545865794032, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::breast_L + C: "OP",2547674088368,2545865794032, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::breast_R + C: "OO",2547761171856,2545865789392 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::breast_R + C: "OP",2547674125392,2545865789392, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::breast_R + C: "OP",2547674138496,2545865789392, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::breast_R + C: "OP",2547674125600,2545865789392, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::breast_R + C: "OP",2547674098144,2545865789392, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::breast_R + C: "OP",2547674087744,2545865789392, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::muscle_chest + C: "OO",2547761165136,2545865773152 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::muscle_chest + C: "OP",2547674134752,2545865773152, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::muscle_chest + C: "OP",2547674136832,2545865773152, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::muscle_chest + C: "OP",2547674139952,2545865773152, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::muscle_chest + C: "OP",2547674087536,2545865773152, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::muscle_chest + C: "OP",2547674092320,2545865773152, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::torso_width + C: "OO",2547761170704,2545865796352 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::torso_width + C: "OP",2547674133504,2545865796352, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::torso_width + C: "OP",2547674137040,2545865796352, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::torso_width + C: "OP",2547674140160,2545865796352, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::torso_width + C: "OP",2547674095440,2545865796352, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::torso_width + C: "OP",2547674094608,2545865796352, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::belly + C: "OO",2547761168784,2545865803312 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::belly + C: "OP",2547674129136,2545865803312, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::belly + C: "OP",2547674139328,2545865803312, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::belly + C: "OP",2547674135792,2545865803312, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::belly + C: "OP",2547674093568,2545865803312, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::belly + C: "OP",2547674100224,2545865803312, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::waist + C: "OO",2547761167632,2545865787072 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::waist + C: "OP",2547674134128,2545865787072, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::waist + C: "OP",2547674128512,2545865787072, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::waist + C: "OP",2547674138704,2545865787072, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::waist + C: "OP",2547674092112,2545865787072, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::waist + C: "OP",2547674090240,2545865787072, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;NodeAttribute::, Model::butt + C: "OO",2547761167824,2545865775472 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::butt + C: "OP",2547674133088,2545865775472, "Lcl Translation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::butt + C: "OP",2547674139536,2545865775472, "Lcl Rotation" + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::butt + C: "OP",2547674136624,2545865775472, "Lcl Scaling" + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, Model::butt + C: "OP",2547674100016,2545865775472, "filmboxTypeID" + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, Model::butt + C: "OP",2547674098976,2545865775472, "lockInfluenceWeights" + + ;AnimLayer::BaseLayer, AnimStack::DEF_ThrowItem + C: "OO",2548730768080,2544405340096 + + ;AnimLayer::Fingers, AnimStack::DEF_ThrowItem + C: "OO",2548730765952,2544405340096 + + ;AnimLayer::LowerBody, AnimStack::DEF_ThrowItem + C: "OO",2548730766560,2544405340096 + + ;AnimLayer::UpperBody, AnimStack::DEF_ThrowItem + C: "OO",2548730758656,2544405340096 + + ;AnimLayer::UpperBodyTPose, AnimStack::DEF_ThrowItem + C: "OO",2548730759264,2544405340096 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405340512,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405340720,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405340928,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405341344,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405341552,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405342800,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405341760,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405341968,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405342384,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405348416,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405354240,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405348624,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405349248,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405357776,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405349664,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405351328,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405351536,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405361104,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405372128,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405367344,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405362144,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405366096,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405362560,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405366304,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405387520,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405388144,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405395840,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405397920,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405391264,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405386272,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405398336,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405388352,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405388560,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405402496,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405401248,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405400000,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405410816,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405400624,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405411856,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405402080,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405400416,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405402912,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405405616,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405407280,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405403120,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405403536,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405407696,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405406656,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405412064,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405403328,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405404160,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405411024,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405399584,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405411440,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405400832,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405401040,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405399792,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405402288,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405405408,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405405824,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405406032,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405408736,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405406864,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405407072,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405407488,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2544405408112,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674348368,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674341088,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674340672,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674346496,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674341296,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674344416,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674341920,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674344624,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674344208,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674346704,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674342960,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674349200,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674345456,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674340880,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674340464,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674341712,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674347536,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674342336,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674345664,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674345872,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674348784,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674341504,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674348992,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674343168,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674343376,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674343584,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674342752,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674344832,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674342128,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674345040,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674346288,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674345248,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674342544,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674346080,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674347744,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674343792,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674346912,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674344000,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674347120,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674348576,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674347328,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674347952,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674348160,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674092944,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674093776,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674094816,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674093984,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674088368,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674098144,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674087744,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674087536,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674092320,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674095440,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674094608,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674093568,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674100224,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674092112,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674090240,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::filmboxTypeID, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674100016,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::lockInfluenceWeights, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674098976,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674089408,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674091072,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674093360,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674095648,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674093152,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674098560,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674098352,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674095856,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674091488,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674096272,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674091280,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674095024,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674099392,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674088576,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674088784,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674091696,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674091904,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674094192,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674087952,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674097312,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674090864,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674094400,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674095232,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674099600,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674096064,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674096480,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674100432,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674096688,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674096896,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674100640,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674092528,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674097104,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674097520,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674097728,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674097936,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674098768,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674099184,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674088992,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674099808,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674089200,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674089616,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674089824,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674090032,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674090448,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674090656,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674111872,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674104592,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674103136,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674102720,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674101888,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674103344,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674103552,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674106464,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674106672,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674102304,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674106256,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674105424,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674109584,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674106880,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674111456,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674104384,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674103968,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674113328,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674110000,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674112080,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674110208,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674107088,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674101680,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674112912,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674113536,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674110416,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674105632,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674105840,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674110624,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674109376,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674107296,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674100848,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674102096,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674113952,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674111664,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674108752,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674103760,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674113744,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674105216,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674108336,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674107504,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674107712,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674102512,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674101264,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674102928,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674113120,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674104176,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674101056,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674112704,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674101472,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674104800,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674109792,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674105008,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674106048,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674110832,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674112288,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674112496,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674111040,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674107920,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674108128,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674108544,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674108960,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674109168,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674111248,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674116032,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674117280,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674115616,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674122480,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674123104,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674120192,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674116240,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674124976,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674114576,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674115200,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674116448,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674118528,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674121024,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674126848,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674115824,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674121232,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674124560,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674121440,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674115408,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674114784,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674123728,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674122064,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674123936,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674119776,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674119984,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674114368,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674127056,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674116864,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674119568,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674118736,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674118112,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674119152,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674126432,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674118944,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674116656,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674123520,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674125808,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674118320,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674114992,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674117904,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674127264,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674117072,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674117488,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674119360,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674126640,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674126016,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674126224,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674123312,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674122688,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674120400,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674117696,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674122272,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674124144,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674121648,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674120608,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674120816,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674114160,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674121856,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674122896,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674124352,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674124768,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674125184,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674125392,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674125600,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674138496,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674134752,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674139952,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674136832,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674133504,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674140160,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674137040,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674129136,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674135792,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674139328,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674134128,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674138704,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674128512,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::T, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674133088,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::S, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674136624,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurveNode::R, AnimLayer::BaseLayer + C: "OO",2547674139536,2548730768080 + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524317952,2547674089408, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524316672,2547674089408, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524313472,2547674089408, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524313792,2547674093360, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524317792,2547674093360, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524310752,2547674093360, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524316992,2547674095648, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524318592,2547674095648, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524310912,2547674095648, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524318752,2547674098560, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524311072,2547674098560, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524311232,2547674098560, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524311712,2547674098352, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524311872,2547674098352, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524312032,2547674098352, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524313952,2547674091488, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524314112,2547674091488, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524314272,2547674091488, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524314912,2547674096272, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524326912,2547674096272, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524327232,2547674096272, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524327712,2547674095024, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524326752,2547674095024, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524324032,2547674095024, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524323712,2547674099392, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524328832,2547674099392, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524327072,2547674099392, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524323232,2547674088784, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524320672,2547674088784, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524322592,2547674088784, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524328992,2547674091696, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524328512,2547674091696, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524328032,2547674091696, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524325792,2547674091904, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524325952,2547674091904, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524327392,2547674091904, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524326432,2547674094192, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524319712,2547674094192, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524327552,2547674094192, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524324192,2547674087952, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524326592,2547674087952, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524328192,2547674087952, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524320512,2547674090864, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524324672,2547674090864, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524328352,2547674090864, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524329152,2547674094400, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524329312,2547674094400, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524322912,2547674094400, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524323872,2547674099600, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524324832,2547674099600, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524321952,2547674099600, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524323392,2547674096064, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524322272,2547674096064, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524324992,2547674096064, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524325152,2547674100432, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524322752,2547674100432, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524326272,2547674100432, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524321792,2547674096688, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524320992,2547674096688, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524329472,2547674096688, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524323072,2547674100640, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524329632,2547674100640, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524319552,2547674100640, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524321152,2547674092528, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524322112,2547674092528, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524319872,2547674092528, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524320032,2547674097104, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524320192,2547674097104, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524321312,2547674097104, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524321472,2547674097520, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524330112,2547674097520, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524334912,2547674097520, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524331232,2547674097728, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524331872,2547674097728, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524337952,2547674097728, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524331392,2547674098768, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524338592,2547674098768, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524333632,2547674098768, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524329952,2547674099184, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524337792,2547674099184, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524333792,2547674099184, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524338912,2547674099808, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524331552,2547674099808, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524333312,2547674099808, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524337472,2547674089200, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524334272,2547674089200, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524336992,2547674089200, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524330272,2547674089824, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524330432,2547674089824, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524339872,2547674089824, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524339072,2547674090032, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524334432,2547674090032, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524329792,2547674090032, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524330592,2547674090656, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524336512,2547674090656, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524336352,2547674090656, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524334592,2547674111872, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524336672,2547674111872, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524338432,2547674111872, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524331712,2547674104592, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524337632,2547674104592, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524332992,2547674104592, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524332032,2547674103136, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524339552,2547674103136, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524333472,2547674103136, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524333952,2547674102720, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524339712,2547674102720, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524338112,2547674102720, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524338272,2547674103344, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524330752,2547674103344, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524334112,2547674103344, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524336032,2547674103552, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524330912,2547674103552, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524338752,2547674103552, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524339232,2547674106672, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524337152,2547674106672, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524334752,2547674106672, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524332672,2547674102304, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524331072,2547674102304, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524332192,2547674102304, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524332352,2547674105424, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524339392,2547674105424, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524332512,2547674105424, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524332832,2547674109584, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524335072,2547674109584, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524333152,2547674109584, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524335552,2547674111456, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524335232,2547674111456, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524335392,2547674111456, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524335712,2547674104384, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524335872,2547674104384, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524336192,2547674104384, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524336832,2547674113328, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524337312,2547674113328, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524346912,2547674113328, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524349792,2547674110000, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524344352,2547674110000, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524347072,2547674110000, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524345952,2547674110208, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524345632,2547674110208, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524343552,2547674110208, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524348032,2547674107088, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524348192,2547674107088, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524343232,2547674107088, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524346112,2547674112912, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524341952,2547674112912, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524347552,2547674112912, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524344512,2547674113536, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524340672,2547674113536, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524349472,2547674113536, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524348352,2547674105632, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524344672,2547674105632, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524346432,2547674105632, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524348512,2547674105840, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524341792,2547674105840, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524349632,2547674105840, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524348672,2547674109376, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524347232,2547674109376, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524348832,2547674109376, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524349952,2547674107296, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524341472,2547674107296, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524340032,2547674107296, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524344992,2547674102096, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524340192,2547674102096, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524341152,2547674102096, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524348992,2547674113952, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524346272,2547674113952, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524340352,2547674113952, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524340512,2547674108752, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524340832,2547674108752, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524343872,2547674108752, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524341632,2547674103760, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524344032,2547674103760, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524342112,2547674103760, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524340992,2547674105216, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524349152,2547674105216, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524342272,2547674105216, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524344192,2547674108336, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524345152,2547674108336, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524341312,2547674108336, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524349312,2547674107712, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524347392,2547674107712, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524347712,2547674107712, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524346592,2547674102512, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524342912,2547674102512, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524345312,2547674102512, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524342432,2547674102928, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524345472,2547674102928, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524346752,2547674102928, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524342592,2547674113120, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524342752,2547674113120, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524343072,2547674113120, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524355392,2547674101056, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524353472,2547674101056, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524355872,2547674101056, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524355712,2547674112704, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524358272,2547674112704, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524357152,2547674112704, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524355232,2547674104800, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524359552,2547674104800, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524351712,2547674104800, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524350752,2547674109792, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524352832,2547674109792, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524353632,2547674109792, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524352512,2547674106048, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524358432,2547674106048, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524352992,2547674106048, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524353792,2547674110832, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524354432,2547674110832, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524357312,2547674110832, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524356192,2547674112288, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524356512,2547674112288, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524359712,2547674112288, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524356032,2547674112496, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524357632,2547674112496, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524350272,2547674112496, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524357792,2547674111040, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524350912,2547674111040, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524356672,2547674111040, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524354592,2547674107920, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524357952,2547674107920, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524354752,2547674107920, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524357472,2547674108128, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524358112,2547674108128, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524354912,2547674108128, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524358592,2547674108544, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524350432,2547674108544, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524358752,2547674108544, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524358912,2547674108960, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524359072,2547674108960, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524359232,2547674108960, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524359392,2547674109168, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524350592,2547674109168, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524359872,2547674109168, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524352032,2547674111248, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524356832,2547674111248, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524356992,2547674111248, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524355072,2547674117280, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524352672,2547674117280, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524353152,2547674117280, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524355552,2547674115616, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524360032,2547674115616, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524351072,2547674115616, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524352192,2547674123104, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524351232,2547674123104, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524351392,2547674123104, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524351552,2547674120192, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524351872,2547674120192, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524352352,2547674120192, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524353312,2547674124976, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524353952,2547674124976, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524354112,2547674124976, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524354272,2547674114576, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524096832,2547674114576, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524094432,2547674114576, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524099232,2547674116448, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524100192,2547674116448, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524096992,2547674116448, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524095712,2547674118528, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524102752,2547674118528, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524101952,2547674118528, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524095872,2547674126848, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524102272,2547674126848, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524102432,2547674126848, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524103072,2547674115824, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524102592,2547674115824, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524112352,2547674115824, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524111392,2547674124560, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524109152,2547674124560, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524114272,2547674124560, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524107552,2547674121440, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524104992,2547674121440, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524105152,2547674121440, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524105312,2547674114784, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524106112,2547674114784, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524106432,2547674114784, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524106752,2547674123728, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524109792,2547674123728, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524110432,2547674123728, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524124352,2547674123936, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524121792,2547674123936, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524134912,2547674123936, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524135072,2547674119776, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524125152,2547674119776, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524130432,2547674119776, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524125792,2547674114368, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524125312,2547674114368, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524125632,2547674114368, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524125952,2547674127056, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524128512,2547674127056, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524131392,2547674127056, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524126112,2547674119568, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524126752,2547674119568, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524127712,2547674119568, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524126912,2547674118736, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524127072,2547674118736, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524127392,2547674118736, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524128352,2547674119152, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524128672,2547674119152, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524137792,2547674119152, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524145152,2547674126432, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524135392,2547674126432, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524136352,2547674126432, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524139712,2547674116656, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524140832,2547674116656, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524141472,2547674116656, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524150272,2547674123520, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524148992,2547674123520, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524151712,2547674123520, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524149312,2547674118320, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524150432,2547674118320, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524159392,2547674118320, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524156032,2547674114992, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524161952,2547674114992, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524161312,2547674114992, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524157312,2547674127264, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524159712,2547674127264, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524160192,2547674127264, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524158272,2547674117072, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524194272,2547674117072, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524190752,2547674117072, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524190912,2547674119360, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524193952,2547674119360, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524186752,2547674119360, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524188192,2547674126640, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524188672,2547674126640, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524191072,2547674126640, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524192032,2547674126224, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524194432,2547674126224, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524189152,2547674126224, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524187232,2547674123312, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524187712,2547674123312, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524192192,2547674123312, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524189792,2547674120400, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524192352,2547674120400, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524191232,2547674120400, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524194912,2547674117696, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524187872,2547674117696, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524192512,2547674117696, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524196032,2547674122272, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524192672,2547674122272, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524195072,2547674122272, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524188032,2547674124144, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524193152,2547674124144, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524188352,2547674124144, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524195552,2547674121648, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524195872,2547674121648, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524193312,2547674121648, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524189312,2547674120608, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524202592,2547674120608, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524204512,2547674120608, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524203232,2547674120816, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524205312,2547674120816, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524199072,2547674120816, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524206272,2547674114160, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524203552,2547674114160, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524204352,2547674114160, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524204832,2547674121856, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524204672,2547674121856, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524200352,2547674121856, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524197792,2547674122896, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524205632,2547674122896, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524199232,2547674122896, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524201312,2547674124352, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524197312,2547674124352, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524201472,2547674124352, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524198272,2547674124768, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524201632,2547674124768, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524200192,2547674124768, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524204992,2547674125184, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524203712,2547674125184, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524205152,2547674125184, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524198752,2547674125392, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524200512,2547674125392, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524196992,2547674125392, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524199712,2547674125600, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524202752,2547674125600, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524206752,2547674125600, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524196672,2547674138496, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524206112,2547674138496, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524200672,2547674138496, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524206432,2547674134752, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524206592,2547674134752, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524201792,2547674134752, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524196832,2547674139952, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524199552,2547674139952, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524197472,2547674139952, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524199392,2547674136832, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524199872,2547674136832, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524201952,2547674136832, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524197632,2547674133504, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524202912,2547674133504, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524202112,2547674133504, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524198432,2547674140160, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524203072,2547674140160, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524197952,2547674140160, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524198592,2547674137040, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524209312,2547674137040, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524207072,2547674137040, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524213632,2547674129136, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524213472,2547674129136, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524211392,2547674129136, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524216512,2547674135792, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524213792,2547674135792, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524216192,2547674135792, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524212512,2547674139328, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524214752,2547674139328, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524213952,2547674139328, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524216352,2547674134128, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524207712,2547674134128, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524210272,2547674134128, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524208352,2547674138704, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524214912,2547674138704, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524216672,2547674138704, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524207392,2547674128512, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524215872,2547674128512, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524212672,2547674128512, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524214112,2547674133088, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524208192,2547674133088, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::T + C: "OP",2543524214272,2547674133088, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524216832,2547674136624, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524216992,2547674136624, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::S + C: "OP",2543524207232,2547674136624, "d|Z" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524214592,2547674139536, "d|X" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524213312,2547674139536, "d|Y" + + ;AnimCurve::, AnimCurveNode::R + C: "OP",2543524208512,2547674139536, "d|Z" +} +;Takes section +;---------------------------------------------------- + +Takes: { + Current: "Take 001" + Take: "DEF_ThrowItem" { + FileName: "DEF_ThrowItem.tak" + LocalTime: 0,46186158000 + ReferenceTime: 0,46186158000 + } +} diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanThrow.fbx.meta b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanThrow.fbx.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d96017a288 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanThrow.fbx.meta @@ -0,0 +1,905 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 30930b4a9daf7af48a2fd7c3aa4dcc23 +ModelImporter: + serializedVersion: 21300 + internalIDToNameTable: [] + externalObjects: {} + materials: + materialImportMode: 2 + materialName: 0 + materialSearch: 1 + materialLocation: 1 + animations: + legacyGenerateAnimations: 4 + bakeSimulation: 0 + resampleCurves: 1 + optimizeGameObjects: 0 + removeConstantScaleCurves: 1 + motionNodeName: HumanArmature + rigImportErrors: + rigImportWarnings: "Copied Avatar Rig Configuration mis-match. Bone length in + copied configuration does not match position in animation file:\n\t'thigh_l' + : position error = 5.710223 mm\n\t'thigh_r' : position error = 5.710156 mm\n\t'spine' + : position error = 5.710193 mm\n\t'chest' : position error = 7.979074 mm\n\t'c_thumb1_r' + : position error = 2.960802 mm\n\t'c_ring1_r' : position error = 2.960671 mm\n\t'c_middle1_r' + : position error = 2.960752 mm\n\t'c_index1_r' : position error = 2.960816 + mm\n\t'upper_arm_l' : position error = 6.207804 mm\n" + animationImportErrors: + animationImportWarnings: "\nClip 'DEF_ThrowItem' has import animation warnings + that might lower retargeting quality:\n\t'c_thumb1_r' has translation animation + that will be discarded.\n\t'c_ring1_r' has translation animation that will + be discarded.\n\t'c_middle1_r' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_index1_r' + has translation animation that will be discarded.\n" + animationRetargetingWarnings: + animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0 + importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0 + importConstraints: 0 + animationCompression: 3 + animationRotationError: 0.5 + animationPositionError: 0.5 + animationScaleError: 0.5 + animationWrapMode: 0 + extraExposedTransformPaths: [] + extraUserProperties: [] + clipAnimations: + - serializedVersion: 16 + name: Throw + takeName: DEF_ThrowItem + internalID: -7538654608850558957 + firstFrame: 5 + lastFrame: 30 + wrapMode: 0 + orientationOffsetY: 0 + level: 0 + cycleOffset: 0 + loop: 0 + hasAdditiveReferencePose: 0 + loopTime: 0 + loopBlend: 0 + loopBlendOrientation: 0 + loopBlendPositionY: 0 + loopBlendPositionXZ: 0 + keepOriginalOrientation: 0 + keepOriginalPositionY: 1 + keepOriginalPositionXZ: 0 + heightFromFeet: 0 + mirror: 0 + bodyMask: 01000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000 + curves: [] + events: [] + transformMask: [] + maskType: 3 + maskSource: {instanceID: 0} + additiveReferencePoseFrame: 0 + isReadable: 0 + meshes: + lODScreenPercentages: [] + globalScale: 1 + meshCompression: 0 + addColliders: 0 + useSRGBMaterialColor: 1 + sortHierarchyByName: 1 + importVisibility: 1 + importBlendShapes: 1 + importCameras: 1 + importLights: 1 + nodeNameCollisionStrategy: 1 + fileIdsGeneration: 2 + swapUVChannels: 0 + generateSecondaryUV: 0 + useFileUnits: 1 + keepQuads: 0 + weldVertices: 1 + bakeAxisConversion: 0 + preserveHierarchy: 0 + skinWeightsMode: 0 + maxBonesPerVertex: 4 + minBoneWeight: 0.001 + optimizeBones: 1 + meshOptimizationFlags: -1 + indexFormat: 0 + secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 + secondaryUVAreaDistortion: 15.000001 + secondaryUVHardAngle: 88 + secondaryUVMarginMethod: 1 + secondaryUVMinLightmapResolution: 40 + secondaryUVMinObjectScale: 1 + secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 + useFileScale: 1 + tangentSpace: + normalSmoothAngle: 60 + normalImportMode: 0 + tangentImportMode: 3 + normalCalculationMode: 4 + legacyComputeAllNormalsFromSmoothingGroupsWhenMeshHasBlendShapes: 0 + blendShapeNormalImportMode: 1 + normalSmoothingSource: 0 + referencedClips: [] + importAnimation: 1 + humanDescription: + serializedVersion: 3 + human: + - boneName: hips + humanName: Hips + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_l + humanName: LeftUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_r + humanName: RightUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_l + humanName: LeftLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_r + humanName: RightLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_l + humanName: LeftFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_r + humanName: RightFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: spine + humanName: Spine + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: neck + humanName: Neck + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: head + humanName: Head + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_l + humanName: LeftShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_r + humanName: RightShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_l + humanName: LeftUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_r + humanName: RightUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_l + humanName: LeftLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_r + humanName: RightLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_l + humanName: LeftHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_r + humanName: RightHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_l + humanName: LeftToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_r + humanName: RightToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_l + humanName: Left Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_l + humanName: Left Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_l + humanName: Left Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_l + humanName: Left Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_l + humanName: Left Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_l + humanName: Left Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_l + humanName: Left Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_l + humanName: Left Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_l + humanName: Left Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_l + humanName: Left Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_l + humanName: Left Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_l + humanName: Left Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_r + humanName: Right Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_r + humanName: Right Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_r + humanName: Right Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_r + humanName: Right Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_r + humanName: Right Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_r + humanName: Right Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_r + humanName: Right Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_r + humanName: Right Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_r + humanName: Right Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_r + humanName: Right Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_r + humanName: Right Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_r + humanName: Right Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: chest + humanName: Chest + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + skeleton: + - name: Human(Clone) + parentName: + position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human COMPLETE + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 1.1798787e-12, y: -0.000000052359955, z: 0.000000015905945} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.076661475, y: 1.3955941, z: 0.04250782} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.09472712, y: 1.3974037, z: 0.040297404} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.038126312, y: 1.4131447, z: 0.15032214} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eyes + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Head + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Torso + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0.9402349, z: 0.036055043} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanAppendix + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.04012108, y: 0.9274628, z: 0.104044564} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.03647864, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036478758, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanHeart + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.006746769, y: 1.1291152, z: 0.117190085} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineLarge + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0015628338, y: 0.94421047, z: 0.10589335} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineSmall + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0064120293, y: 0.9636725, z: 0.08935433} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLiver + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.015479565, y: 1.054116, z: 0.1051005} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.036902547, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375894} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036902428, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375895} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanStomach + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.021774769, y: 1.0252738, z: 0.10165389} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanBrain + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0009741783, y: 1.4594865, z: 0.030295096} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanArmature + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: hips + parentName: HumanArmature + position: {x: 1.149433e-13, y: -0.013241618, z: 0.83337724} + rotation: {x: 0.7404059, y: 0.0000055815894, z: 0.000006148301, w: 0.67216} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.99999994} + - name: thigh_l + parentName: hips + position: {x: -0.096564054, y: -0.024295717, z: 0.002351557} + rotation: {x: 0.99558604, y: -0.064399414, z: -0.005032787, w: 0.06808755} + scale: {x: 1.0000036, y: 1.000003, z: 1.0000107} + - name: lower_leg_l + parentName: thigh_l + position: {x: 0.000000015017577, y: 0.35762414, z: 0.000000034924597} + rotation: {x: 0.10202001, y: 0.0028012872, z: -0.009849284, w: 0.9947297} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000085, z: 1.0000061} + - name: foot_l + parentName: lower_leg_l + position: {x: -0.0000000018335413, y: 0.40961084, z: -0.000000004656613} + rotation: {x: -0.5585367, y: 0.13368261, z: -0.18853498, w: 0.79663056} + scale: {x: 1.0000013, y: 1.0000288, z: 0.9999941} + - name: toes_l + parentName: foot_l + position: {x: 0.000000016530976, y: 0.080526456, z: 0.0000000055879354} + rotation: {x: -0.05992987, y: -0.17405595, z: 0.04044075, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000367, y: 0.9999867, z: 0.99997807} + - name: thigh_r + parentName: hips + position: {x: 0.09656395, y: -0.024295837, z: 0.0023547793} + rotation: {x: 0.9955859, y: 0.06439856, z: 0.0050587305, w: 0.06808791} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.999999} + - name: lower_leg_r + parentName: thigh_r + position: {x: 0.0000000044237822, y: 0.35762426, z: 0.00000002514571} + rotation: {x: 0.1020204, y: -0.0028013631, z: 0.009850703, w: 0.99472964} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000057, z: 1.0000025} + - name: foot_r + parentName: lower_leg_r + position: {x: 0.0000000059662852, y: 0.40961078, z: -6.9849193e-10} + rotation: {x: -0.55854076, y: -0.13368613, z: 0.18853135, w: 0.796628} + scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 0.9999992, z: 1.000003} + - name: toes_r + parentName: foot_r + position: {x: -0.000000003958121, y: 0.0805272, z: 0.000000008381903} + rotation: {x: -0.05992934, y: 0.17405611, z: -0.040440965, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000099, z: 0.9999884} + - name: spine + parentName: hips + position: {x: 1.8356248e-12, y: 0.13786578, z: 0.000000013038516} + rotation: {x: -0.020161092, y: 0.0032923277, z: -0.00006672589, w: 0.9997914} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.9999998, z: 0.99999684} + - name: chest + parentName: spine + position: {x: -3.1419884e-11, y: 0.13744113, z: -0.000000003725594} + rotation: {x: -0.079870485, y: -0.0032907373, z: -0.00026367875, w: 0.9967998} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000005, z: 0.999999} + - name: neck + parentName: chest + position: {x: -4.507826e-11, y: 0.13796483, z: 0.000000011175871} + rotation: {x: 0.07572726, y: -0.0067067696, z: -0.00050935626, w: 0.99710584} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000023} + - name: head + parentName: neck + position: {x: 2.845278e-10, y: 0.08491398, z: 0.000000026080253} + rotation: {x: -0.021641804, y: 0.006758547, z: 0.00014482907, w: 0.9997429} + scale: {x: 0.9999991, y: 1.0000007, z: 1.0000015} + - name: shoulder_r + parentName: chest + position: {x: 0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.003932451} + rotation: {x: 0.5486401, y: 0.54864013, z: -0.4460875, w: 0.44608754} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 0.99999845, z: 1.0000019} + - name: upper_arm_r + parentName: shoulder_r + position: {x: 0.0000000056466725, y: 0.113623016, z: 0.000000080447336} + rotation: {x: -0.016802363, y: -0.728269, z: -0.03739515, w: 0.6840641} + scale: {x: 1.000008, y: 1.0000077, z: 1.0000037} + - name: forearm_r + parentName: upper_arm_r + position: {x: -0.0000002590059, y: 0.19655885, z: -0.0000000084983185} + rotation: {x: 0.07927109, y: -0.0007944402, z: 0.007752359, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 0.9999983, z: 0.999999} + - name: hand_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000000022293534, y: 0.23644204, z: -0.0000000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.0080038365, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328861, w: -0.6950444} + scale: {x: 1.0000069, y: 1.0000124, z: 1.0000093} + - name: c_thumb1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.043030325, y: 0.027325455, z: -0.029069485} + rotation: {x: -0.23810282, y: -0.6193094, z: 0.34018674, w: -0.6663602} + scale: {x: 1.0000025, y: 1.0000083, z: 0.99999624} + - name: c_thumb2_r + parentName: c_thumb1_r + position: {x: -0.00000006146729, y: 0.067762405, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.027055915, y: 0.1494991, z: -0.003029404, w: 0.988387} + scale: {x: 1.0000172, y: 0.99998325, z: 1.0000168} + - name: c_thumb3_r + parentName: c_thumb2_r + position: {x: 0.000000063329935, y: 0.034581296, z: 0.000000007450581} + rotation: {x: 0.16982022, y: -0.068780154, z: 0.066675395, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.999986, y: 0.9999816, z: 1.0000352} + - name: c_ring1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: -0.037961163, y: 0.08163366, z: 0.0126242135} + rotation: {x: -0.030043779, y: 0.0177473, z: -0.0146247605, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000018, y: 1.0000027, z: 0.9999998} + - name: c_ring2_r + parentName: c_ring1_r + position: {x: 0.000000007916242, y: 0.045393843, z: -0.000000037747668} + rotation: {x: -0.027954554, y: -0.02803783, z: -0.00021981988, w: 0.9992159} + scale: {x: 1.0000081, y: 0.9999979, z: 1.0000149} + - name: c_ring3_r + parentName: c_ring2_r + position: {x: -0, y: 0.030371627, z: -0.00000012342207} + rotation: {x: -0.09702881, y: 0.19158539, z: -0.05356502, w: 0.9751981} + scale: {x: 1.0000122, y: 1.000016, z: 0.9999991} + - name: c_middle1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.012728409, y: 0.095293984, z: 0.005345431} + rotation: {x: -0.020139333, y: 0.06533595, z: -0.0029693954, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000037, y: 1.0000066, z: 1.0000002} + - name: c_middle2_r + parentName: c_middle1_r + position: {x: -0.000000027939677, y: 0.04347191, z: 0.000000017229468} + rotation: {x: -0.02996826, y: 0.030963402, z: -0.0046559433, w: 0.9990603} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000036, z: 1.0000131} + - name: c_middle3_r + parentName: c_middle2_r + position: {x: -0.000000033527613, y: 0.0329716, z: 0.00000006053597} + rotation: {x: -0.1676397, y: 0.073116966, z: -0.021750906, w: 0.98289263} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 1.0000196, z: 0.99999374} + - name: c_index1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.059781943, y: 0.096780546, z: 0.014082293} + rotation: {x: -0.004635407, y: 0.005647418, z: 0.0077239904, w: 0.99994355} + scale: {x: 1.0000005, y: 1.0000036, z: 0.99999875} + - name: c_index2_r + parentName: c_index1_r + position: {x: 0.0000000034924597, y: 0.047904514, z: 0.00000005250331} + rotation: {x: -0.024433492, y: 0.10530338, z: -0.0018819352, w: 0.9941382} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000042} + - name: c_index3_r + parentName: c_index2_r + position: {x: -0.000000007450581, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.000000020489097} + rotation: {x: -0.080947846, y: -0.017785536, z: -0.01037631, w: 0.9965057} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000277, z: 1.0000005} + - name: hold.r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.0063287923, y: 0.08298412, z: -0.015038971} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: 0.47859132, z: -0.46639267, w: 0.53287977} + scale: {x: 0.9999997, y: 0.9999977, z: 1.0000002} + - name: forearm_twist_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000016324193, y: 0.1284726, z: -0.000006649643} + rotation: {x: -0.000018939374, y: 0.0012337323, z: -0.00016194968, w: 0.9999993} + scale: {x: 1.0000073, y: 1.0000048, z: 0.99999934} + - name: shoulder_l + parentName: chest + position: {x: -0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.0039324528} + rotation: {x: -0.5486401, y: 0.5486401, z: -0.44608748, w: -0.4460875} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 0.99999964, z: 1.0000043} + - name: upper_arm_l + parentName: shoulder_l + position: {x: -0.000000009391529, y: 0.11362299, z: -0.000000031237462} + rotation: {x: 0.016802428, y: -0.72826916, z: -0.037395176, w: -0.68406385} + scale: {x: 1.0000075, y: 1.0000076, z: 1.0000032} + - name: forearm_l + parentName: upper_arm_l + position: {x: -0.000000016112608, y: 0.19655891, z: 0.000000013969839} + rotation: {x: 0.07927141, y: 0.00079452974, z: -0.0077523375, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.99999756, y: 0.9999992, z: 0.99999774} + - name: hand_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: -0.00000014150282, y: 0.23644212, z: -0.000000009313226} + rotation: {x: 0.00800377, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328958, w: 0.6950446} + scale: {x: 1.0000067, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000058} + - name: c_thumb1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.043030314, y: 0.02732556, z: -0.02906935} + rotation: {x: 0.23810151, y: -0.6193099, z: 0.34018716, w: 0.66636} + scale: {x: 1.0000024, y: 1.0000248, z: 0.99998504} + - name: c_thumb2_l + parentName: c_thumb1_l + position: {x: 0.00000006519258, y: 0.06776242, z: 0.000000044703484} + rotation: {x: -0.027061354, y: -0.1494992, z: 0.0030296424, w: 0.98838687} + scale: {x: 1.0000145, y: 0.9999532, z: 1.0000383} + - name: c_thumb3_l + parentName: c_thumb2_l + position: {x: -0.000000078231096, y: 0.03458134, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0.16982007, y: 0.068780504, z: -0.06667551, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.99998635, y: 0.99988985, z: 1.0001268} + - name: c_ring1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: 0.03796115, y: 0.081633575, z: 0.0126242405} + rotation: {x: -0.030042524, y: -0.017746734, z: 0.014624785, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000144, y: 1.0000082, z: 1.000006} + - name: c_ring2_l + parentName: c_ring1_l + position: {x: 0.0000000018626451, y: 0.04539384, z: -0.00000013152021} + rotation: {x: 0.027963966, y: -0.028037718, z: -0.00022199283, w: -0.9992156} + scale: {x: 1.0000045, y: 0.99999386, z: 1.0000125} + - name: c_ring3_l + parentName: c_ring2_l + position: {x: -0.000000003259629, y: 0.030371798, z: 0.00000005106267} + rotation: {x: 0.097029544, y: 0.1915853, z: -0.053565085, w: -0.975198} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000107, z: 1.0000023} + - name: c_middle1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.012728396, y: 0.095294036, z: 0.0053454423} + rotation: {x: -0.020141035, y: -0.06533592, z: 0.0029690685, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000117, y: 1.0000049, z: 1.0000024} + - name: c_middle2_l + parentName: c_middle1_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.043471865, z: 0.00000004703179} + rotation: {x: -0.029964855, y: -0.030963589, z: 0.0046565477, w: 0.9990604} + scale: {x: 0.9999977, y: 0.99999636, z: 1.0000107} + - name: c_middle3_l + parentName: c_middle2_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.03297166, z: -0.00000006239861} + rotation: {x: -0.16763954, y: -0.07311703, z: 0.021750832, w: 0.9828926} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000006, z: 1.000013} + - name: c_index1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.059781928, y: 0.0967806, z: 0.014082292} + rotation: {x: -0.0046358937, y: -0.0056473566, z: -0.007723556, w: 0.9999435} + scale: {x: 1.0000126, y: 1.0000038, z: 1.0000052} + - name: c_index2_l + parentName: c_index1_l + position: {x: -0.000000009313226, y: 0.04790459, z: 0.000000045169145} + rotation: {x: -0.024431424, y: -0.10530303, z: 0.0018783653, w: 0.9941383} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000063} + - name: c_index3_l + parentName: c_index2_l + position: {x: 0.000000014901161, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.00000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.08094788, y: 0.017785553, z: 0.01037622, w: 0.9965056} + scale: {x: 1.000003, y: 0.999993, z: 1.0000157} + - name: hold.l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.0063287844, y: 0.082984276, z: -0.015038835} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: -0.47859147, z: 0.46639258, w: 0.5328798} + scale: {x: 1.000011, y: 1.0000129, z: 1.0000062} + - name: forearm_twist_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: 0.00001617195, y: 0.12847266, z: -0.000006655231} + rotation: {x: -0.00001891702, y: -0.001233861, z: 0.00016184966, w: 0.9999992} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000012, z: 1.0000024} + armTwist: 0.5 + foreArmTwist: 0.5 + upperLegTwist: 0.5 + legTwist: 0.5 + armStretch: 0.05 + legStretch: 0.05 + feetSpacing: 0.006 + globalScale: 1 + rootMotionBoneName: + hasTranslationDoF: 1 + hasExtraRoot: 1 + skeletonHasParents: 1 + lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {fileID: 9000000, guid: f553c8289710b5e4dab99c3bcbbb802e, type: 3} + autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1 + animationType: 3 + humanoidOversampling: 1 + avatarSetup: 2 + addHumanoidExtraRootOnlyWhenUsingAvatar: 1 + remapMaterialsIfMaterialImportModeIsNone: 0 + additionalBone: 0 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanWalk.fbx b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanWalk.fbx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..92d0c45133 Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanWalk.fbx differ diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanWalk.fbx.meta b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanWalk.fbx.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b01f81d97e --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanWalk.fbx.meta @@ -0,0 +1,898 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 5f4117c3fc8c8df46a93f25c6f52fc62 +ModelImporter: + serializedVersion: 21300 + internalIDToNameTable: [] + externalObjects: {} + materials: + materialImportMode: 2 + materialName: 0 + materialSearch: 1 + materialLocation: 1 + animations: + legacyGenerateAnimations: 4 + bakeSimulation: 0 + resampleCurves: 1 + optimizeGameObjects: 0 + removeConstantScaleCurves: 1 + motionNodeName: HumanArmature + rigImportErrors: + rigImportWarnings: "Copied Avatar Rig Configuration mis-match. Bone length in + copied configuration does not match position in animation file:\n\t'thigh_l' + : position error = 15.986666 mm\n\t'thigh_r' : position error = 6.886295 mm\n\t'spine' + : position error = 31.271019 mm\n\t'chest' : position error = 15.795965 mm\n" + animationImportErrors: + animationImportWarnings: + animationRetargetingWarnings: + animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0 + importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0 + importConstraints: 0 + animationCompression: 0 + animationRotationError: 0.5 + animationPositionError: 0.5 + animationScaleError: 0.5 + animationWrapMode: 0 + extraExposedTransformPaths: [] + extraUserProperties: [] + clipAnimations: + - serializedVersion: 16 + name: Walk + takeName: Take 001 + internalID: 1827226128182048838 + firstFrame: 24 + lastFrame: 47 + wrapMode: 0 + orientationOffsetY: 0 + level: 0 + cycleOffset: 0 + loop: 0 + hasAdditiveReferencePose: 0 + loopTime: 1 + loopBlend: 1 + loopBlendOrientation: 0 + loopBlendPositionY: 1 + loopBlendPositionXZ: 1 + keepOriginalOrientation: 1 + keepOriginalPositionY: 0 + keepOriginalPositionXZ: 1 + heightFromFeet: 1 + mirror: 0 + bodyMask: 01000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000 + curves: [] + events: [] + transformMask: [] + maskType: 3 + maskSource: {instanceID: 0} + additiveReferencePoseFrame: 24 + isReadable: 0 + meshes: + lODScreenPercentages: [] + globalScale: 1 + meshCompression: 0 + addColliders: 0 + useSRGBMaterialColor: 1 + sortHierarchyByName: 1 + importVisibility: 1 + importBlendShapes: 1 + importCameras: 1 + importLights: 1 + nodeNameCollisionStrategy: 1 + fileIdsGeneration: 2 + swapUVChannels: 0 + generateSecondaryUV: 0 + useFileUnits: 1 + keepQuads: 0 + weldVertices: 1 + bakeAxisConversion: 0 + preserveHierarchy: 0 + skinWeightsMode: 0 + maxBonesPerVertex: 4 + minBoneWeight: 0.001 + optimizeBones: 1 + meshOptimizationFlags: -1 + indexFormat: 0 + secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 + secondaryUVAreaDistortion: 15.000001 + secondaryUVHardAngle: 88 + secondaryUVMarginMethod: 1 + secondaryUVMinLightmapResolution: 40 + secondaryUVMinObjectScale: 1 + secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 + useFileScale: 1 + tangentSpace: + normalSmoothAngle: 60 + normalImportMode: 0 + tangentImportMode: 3 + normalCalculationMode: 4 + legacyComputeAllNormalsFromSmoothingGroupsWhenMeshHasBlendShapes: 0 + blendShapeNormalImportMode: 1 + normalSmoothingSource: 0 + referencedClips: [] + importAnimation: 1 + humanDescription: + serializedVersion: 3 + human: + - boneName: hips + humanName: Hips + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_l + humanName: LeftUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_r + humanName: RightUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_l + humanName: LeftLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_r + humanName: RightLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_l + humanName: LeftFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_r + humanName: RightFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: spine + humanName: Spine + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: neck + humanName: Neck + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: head + humanName: Head + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_l + humanName: LeftShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_r + humanName: RightShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_l + humanName: LeftUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_r + humanName: RightUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_l + humanName: LeftLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_r + humanName: RightLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_l + humanName: LeftHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_r + humanName: RightHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_l + humanName: LeftToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_r + humanName: RightToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_l + humanName: Left Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_l + humanName: Left Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_l + humanName: Left Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_l + humanName: Left Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_l + humanName: Left Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_l + humanName: Left Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_l + humanName: Left Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_l + humanName: Left Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_l + humanName: Left Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_l + humanName: Left Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_l + humanName: Left Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_l + humanName: Left Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_r + humanName: Right Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_r + humanName: Right Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_r + humanName: Right Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_r + humanName: Right Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_r + humanName: Right Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_r + humanName: Right Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_r + humanName: Right Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_r + humanName: Right Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_r + humanName: Right Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_r + humanName: Right Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_r + humanName: Right Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_r + humanName: Right Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: chest + humanName: Chest + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + skeleton: + - name: Human(Clone) + parentName: + position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human COMPLETE + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 1.1798787e-12, y: -0.000000052359955, z: 0.000000015905945} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.076661475, y: 1.3955941, z: 0.04250782} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.09472712, y: 1.3974037, z: 0.040297404} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.038126312, y: 1.4131447, z: 0.15032214} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eyes + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Head + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Torso + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0.9402349, z: 0.036055043} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanAppendix + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.04012108, y: 0.9274628, z: 0.104044564} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.03647864, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036478758, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanHeart + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.006746769, y: 1.1291152, z: 0.117190085} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineLarge + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0015628338, y: 0.94421047, z: 0.10589335} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineSmall + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0064120293, y: 0.9636725, z: 0.08935433} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLiver + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.015479565, y: 1.054116, z: 0.1051005} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.036902547, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375894} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036902428, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375895} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanStomach + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.021774769, y: 1.0252738, z: 0.10165389} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanBrain + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0009741783, y: 1.4594865, z: 0.030295096} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanArmature + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: hips + parentName: HumanArmature + position: {x: 1.149433e-13, y: -0.013241618, z: 0.83337724} + rotation: {x: 0.7404059, y: 0.0000055815894, z: 0.000006148301, w: 0.67216} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.99999994} + - name: thigh_l + parentName: hips + position: {x: -0.096564054, y: -0.024295717, z: 0.002351557} + rotation: {x: 0.99558604, y: -0.064399414, z: -0.005032787, w: 0.06808755} + scale: {x: 1.0000036, y: 1.000003, z: 1.0000107} + - name: lower_leg_l + parentName: thigh_l + position: {x: 0.000000015017577, y: 0.35762414, z: 0.000000034924597} + rotation: {x: 0.10202001, y: 0.0028012872, z: -0.009849284, w: 0.9947297} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000085, z: 1.0000061} + - name: foot_l + parentName: lower_leg_l + position: {x: -0.0000000018335413, y: 0.40961084, z: -0.000000004656613} + rotation: {x: -0.5585367, y: 0.13368261, z: -0.18853498, w: 0.79663056} + scale: {x: 1.0000013, y: 1.0000288, z: 0.9999941} + - name: toes_l + parentName: foot_l + position: {x: 0.000000016530976, y: 0.080526456, z: 0.0000000055879354} + rotation: {x: -0.05992987, y: -0.17405595, z: 0.04044075, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000367, y: 0.9999867, z: 0.99997807} + - name: thigh_r + parentName: hips + position: {x: 0.09656395, y: -0.024295837, z: 0.0023547793} + rotation: {x: 0.9955859, y: 0.06439856, z: 0.0050587305, w: 0.06808791} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.999999} + - name: lower_leg_r + parentName: thigh_r + position: {x: 0.0000000044237822, y: 0.35762426, z: 0.00000002514571} + rotation: {x: 0.1020204, y: -0.0028013631, z: 0.009850703, w: 0.99472964} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000057, z: 1.0000025} + - name: foot_r + parentName: lower_leg_r + position: {x: 0.0000000059662852, y: 0.40961078, z: -6.9849193e-10} + rotation: {x: -0.55854076, y: -0.13368613, z: 0.18853135, w: 0.796628} + scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 0.9999992, z: 1.000003} + - name: toes_r + parentName: foot_r + position: {x: -0.000000003958121, y: 0.0805272, z: 0.000000008381903} + rotation: {x: -0.05992934, y: 0.17405611, z: -0.040440965, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000099, z: 0.9999884} + - name: spine + parentName: hips + position: {x: 1.8356248e-12, y: 0.13786578, z: 0.000000013038516} + rotation: {x: -0.020161092, y: 0.0032923277, z: -0.00006672589, w: 0.9997914} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.9999998, z: 0.99999684} + - name: chest + parentName: spine + position: {x: -3.1419884e-11, y: 0.13744113, z: -0.000000003725594} + rotation: {x: -0.079870485, y: -0.0032907373, z: -0.00026367875, w: 0.9967998} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000005, z: 0.999999} + - name: neck + parentName: chest + position: {x: -4.507826e-11, y: 0.13796483, z: 0.000000011175871} + rotation: {x: 0.07572726, y: -0.0067067696, z: -0.00050935626, w: 0.99710584} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000023} + - name: head + parentName: neck + position: {x: 2.845278e-10, y: 0.08491398, z: 0.000000026080253} + rotation: {x: -0.021641804, y: 0.006758547, z: 0.00014482907, w: 0.9997429} + scale: {x: 0.9999991, y: 1.0000007, z: 1.0000015} + - name: shoulder_r + parentName: chest + position: {x: 0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.003932451} + rotation: {x: 0.5486401, y: 0.54864013, z: -0.4460875, w: 0.44608754} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 0.99999845, z: 1.0000019} + - name: upper_arm_r + parentName: shoulder_r + position: {x: 0.0000000056466725, y: 0.113623016, z: 0.000000080447336} + rotation: {x: -0.016802363, y: -0.728269, z: -0.03739515, w: 0.6840641} + scale: {x: 1.000008, y: 1.0000077, z: 1.0000037} + - name: forearm_r + parentName: upper_arm_r + position: {x: -0.0000002590059, y: 0.19655885, z: -0.0000000084983185} + rotation: {x: 0.07927109, y: -0.0007944402, z: 0.007752359, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 0.9999983, z: 0.999999} + - name: hand_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000000022293534, y: 0.23644204, z: -0.0000000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.0080038365, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328861, w: -0.6950444} + scale: {x: 1.0000069, y: 1.0000124, z: 1.0000093} + - name: c_thumb1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.043030325, y: 0.027325455, z: -0.029069485} + rotation: {x: -0.23810282, y: -0.6193094, z: 0.34018674, w: -0.6663602} + scale: {x: 1.0000025, y: 1.0000083, z: 0.99999624} + - name: c_thumb2_r + parentName: c_thumb1_r + position: {x: -0.00000006146729, y: 0.067762405, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.027055915, y: 0.1494991, z: -0.003029404, w: 0.988387} + scale: {x: 1.0000172, y: 0.99998325, z: 1.0000168} + - name: c_thumb3_r + parentName: c_thumb2_r + position: {x: 0.000000063329935, y: 0.034581296, z: 0.000000007450581} + rotation: {x: 0.16982022, y: -0.068780154, z: 0.066675395, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.999986, y: 0.9999816, z: 1.0000352} + - name: c_ring1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: -0.037961163, y: 0.08163366, z: 0.0126242135} + rotation: {x: -0.030043779, y: 0.0177473, z: -0.0146247605, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000018, y: 1.0000027, z: 0.9999998} + - name: c_ring2_r + parentName: c_ring1_r + position: {x: 0.000000007916242, y: 0.045393843, z: -0.000000037747668} + rotation: {x: -0.027954554, y: -0.02803783, z: -0.00021981988, w: 0.9992159} + scale: {x: 1.0000081, y: 0.9999979, z: 1.0000149} + - name: c_ring3_r + parentName: c_ring2_r + position: {x: -0, y: 0.030371627, z: -0.00000012342207} + rotation: {x: -0.09702881, y: 0.19158539, z: -0.05356502, w: 0.9751981} + scale: {x: 1.0000122, y: 1.000016, z: 0.9999991} + - name: c_middle1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.012728409, y: 0.095293984, z: 0.005345431} + rotation: {x: -0.020139333, y: 0.06533595, z: -0.0029693954, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000037, y: 1.0000066, z: 1.0000002} + - name: c_middle2_r + parentName: c_middle1_r + position: {x: -0.000000027939677, y: 0.04347191, z: 0.000000017229468} + rotation: {x: -0.02996826, y: 0.030963402, z: -0.0046559433, w: 0.9990603} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000036, z: 1.0000131} + - name: c_middle3_r + parentName: c_middle2_r + position: {x: -0.000000033527613, y: 0.0329716, z: 0.00000006053597} + rotation: {x: -0.1676397, y: 0.073116966, z: -0.021750906, w: 0.98289263} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 1.0000196, z: 0.99999374} + - name: c_index1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.059781943, y: 0.096780546, z: 0.014082293} + rotation: {x: -0.004635407, y: 0.005647418, z: 0.0077239904, w: 0.99994355} + scale: {x: 1.0000005, y: 1.0000036, z: 0.99999875} + - name: c_index2_r + parentName: c_index1_r + position: {x: 0.0000000034924597, y: 0.047904514, z: 0.00000005250331} + rotation: {x: -0.024433492, y: 0.10530338, z: -0.0018819352, w: 0.9941382} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000042} + - name: c_index3_r + parentName: c_index2_r + position: {x: -0.000000007450581, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.000000020489097} + rotation: {x: -0.080947846, y: -0.017785536, z: -0.01037631, w: 0.9965057} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000277, z: 1.0000005} + - name: hold.r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.0063287923, y: 0.08298412, z: -0.015038971} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: 0.47859132, z: -0.46639267, w: 0.53287977} + scale: {x: 0.9999997, y: 0.9999977, z: 1.0000002} + - name: forearm_twist_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000016324193, y: 0.1284726, z: -0.000006649643} + rotation: {x: -0.000018939374, y: 0.0012337323, z: -0.00016194968, w: 0.9999993} + scale: {x: 1.0000073, y: 1.0000048, z: 0.99999934} + - name: shoulder_l + parentName: chest + position: {x: -0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.0039324528} + rotation: {x: -0.5486401, y: 0.5486401, z: -0.44608748, w: -0.4460875} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 0.99999964, z: 1.0000043} + - name: upper_arm_l + parentName: shoulder_l + position: {x: -0.000000009391529, y: 0.11362299, z: -0.000000031237462} + rotation: {x: 0.016802428, y: -0.72826916, z: -0.037395176, w: -0.68406385} + scale: {x: 1.0000075, y: 1.0000076, z: 1.0000032} + - name: forearm_l + parentName: upper_arm_l + position: {x: -0.000000016112608, y: 0.19655891, z: 0.000000013969839} + rotation: {x: 0.07927141, y: 0.00079452974, z: -0.0077523375, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.99999756, y: 0.9999992, z: 0.99999774} + - name: hand_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: -0.00000014150282, y: 0.23644212, z: -0.000000009313226} + rotation: {x: 0.00800377, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328958, w: 0.6950446} + scale: {x: 1.0000067, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000058} + - name: c_thumb1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.043030314, y: 0.02732556, z: -0.02906935} + rotation: {x: 0.23810151, y: -0.6193099, z: 0.34018716, w: 0.66636} + scale: {x: 1.0000024, y: 1.0000248, z: 0.99998504} + - name: c_thumb2_l + parentName: c_thumb1_l + position: {x: 0.00000006519258, y: 0.06776242, z: 0.000000044703484} + rotation: {x: -0.027061354, y: -0.1494992, z: 0.0030296424, w: 0.98838687} + scale: {x: 1.0000145, y: 0.9999532, z: 1.0000383} + - name: c_thumb3_l + parentName: c_thumb2_l + position: {x: -0.000000078231096, y: 0.03458134, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0.16982007, y: 0.068780504, z: -0.06667551, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.99998635, y: 0.99988985, z: 1.0001268} + - name: c_ring1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: 0.03796115, y: 0.081633575, z: 0.0126242405} + rotation: {x: -0.030042524, y: -0.017746734, z: 0.014624785, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000144, y: 1.0000082, z: 1.000006} + - name: c_ring2_l + parentName: c_ring1_l + position: {x: 0.0000000018626451, y: 0.04539384, z: -0.00000013152021} + rotation: {x: 0.027963966, y: -0.028037718, z: -0.00022199283, w: -0.9992156} + scale: {x: 1.0000045, y: 0.99999386, z: 1.0000125} + - name: c_ring3_l + parentName: c_ring2_l + position: {x: -0.000000003259629, y: 0.030371798, z: 0.00000005106267} + rotation: {x: 0.097029544, y: 0.1915853, z: -0.053565085, w: -0.975198} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000107, z: 1.0000023} + - name: c_middle1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.012728396, y: 0.095294036, z: 0.0053454423} + rotation: {x: -0.020141035, y: -0.06533592, z: 0.0029690685, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000117, y: 1.0000049, z: 1.0000024} + - name: c_middle2_l + parentName: c_middle1_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.043471865, z: 0.00000004703179} + rotation: {x: -0.029964855, y: -0.030963589, z: 0.0046565477, w: 0.9990604} + scale: {x: 0.9999977, y: 0.99999636, z: 1.0000107} + - name: c_middle3_l + parentName: c_middle2_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.03297166, z: -0.00000006239861} + rotation: {x: -0.16763954, y: -0.07311703, z: 0.021750832, w: 0.9828926} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000006, z: 1.000013} + - name: c_index1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.059781928, y: 0.0967806, z: 0.014082292} + rotation: {x: -0.0046358937, y: -0.0056473566, z: -0.007723556, w: 0.9999435} + scale: {x: 1.0000126, y: 1.0000038, z: 1.0000052} + - name: c_index2_l + parentName: c_index1_l + position: {x: -0.000000009313226, y: 0.04790459, z: 0.000000045169145} + rotation: {x: -0.024431424, y: -0.10530303, z: 0.0018783653, w: 0.9941383} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000063} + - name: c_index3_l + parentName: c_index2_l + position: {x: 0.000000014901161, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.00000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.08094788, y: 0.017785553, z: 0.01037622, w: 0.9965056} + scale: {x: 1.000003, y: 0.999993, z: 1.0000157} + - name: hold.l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.0063287844, y: 0.082984276, z: -0.015038835} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: -0.47859147, z: 0.46639258, w: 0.5328798} + scale: {x: 1.000011, y: 1.0000129, z: 1.0000062} + - name: forearm_twist_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: 0.00001617195, y: 0.12847266, z: -0.000006655231} + rotation: {x: -0.00001891702, y: -0.001233861, z: 0.00016184966, w: 0.9999992} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000012, z: 1.0000024} + armTwist: 0.5 + foreArmTwist: 0.5 + upperLegTwist: 0.5 + legTwist: 0.5 + armStretch: 0.05 + legStretch: 0.05 + feetSpacing: 0 + globalScale: 1 + rootMotionBoneName: HumanArmature + hasTranslationDoF: 1 + hasExtraRoot: 1 + skeletonHasParents: 1 + lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {fileID: 9000000, guid: f553c8289710b5e4dab99c3bcbbb802e, type: 3} + autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1 + animationType: 3 + humanoidOversampling: 1 + avatarSetup: 2 + addHumanoidExtraRootOnlyWhenUsingAvatar: 1 + remapMaterialsIfMaterialImportModeIsNone: 0 + additionalBone: 0 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanWalkingSetDef.fbx b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanWalkingSetDef.fbx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f006a42a8a Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanWalkingSetDef.fbx differ diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanWalkingSetDef.fbx.meta b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanWalkingSetDef.fbx.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..41403b6718 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Art/Animations/HumanWalkingSetDef.fbx.meta @@ -0,0 +1,897 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 3650aebdf74bd964d922198969ab1a4d +ModelImporter: + serializedVersion: 21300 + internalIDToNameTable: [] + externalObjects: {} + materials: + materialImportMode: 2 + materialName: 0 + materialSearch: 1 + materialLocation: 1 + animations: + legacyGenerateAnimations: 4 + bakeSimulation: 0 + resampleCurves: 1 + optimizeGameObjects: 0 + removeConstantScaleCurves: 1 + motionNodeName: + rigImportErrors: + rigImportWarnings: + animationImportErrors: + animationImportWarnings: "\nClip 'WalkNorth_Start' has import animation warnings + that might lower retargeting quality:\nNote: Activate translation DOF on avatar + to improve retargeting quality.\n\t'thigh_l' has translation animation that + will be discarded.\n\t'lower_leg_l' has translation animation that will be + discarded.\n\t'thigh_r' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'spine' + has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'chest' has translation + animation that will be discarded.\n\t'chest' is inbetween humanoid transforms + and has rotation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_thumb1_r' has translation + animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_ring1_r' has translation animation + that will be discarded.\n\t'c_middle1_r' has translation animation that will + be discarded.\n\t'c_index1_r' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\nClip + 'WalkNorth' has import animation warnings that might lower retargeting quality:\nNote: + Activate translation DOF on avatar to improve retargeting quality.\n\t'thigh_l' + has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'lower_leg_l' has translation + animation that will be discarded.\n\t'thigh_r' has translation animation that + will be discarded.\n\t'spine' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'chest' + has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'chest' is inbetween humanoid + transforms and has rotation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_thumb1_r' + has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_ring1_r' has translation + animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_middle1_r' has translation animation + that will be discarded.\n\t'c_index1_r' has translation animation that will + be discarded.\n\nClip 'WalkNorth_End' has import animation warnings that might + lower retargeting quality:\nNote: Activate translation DOF on avatar to improve + retargeting quality.\n\t'thigh_l' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'lower_leg_l' + has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'thigh_r' has translation + animation that will be discarded.\n\t'spine' has translation animation that + will be discarded.\n\t'chest' has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'chest' + is inbetween humanoid transforms and has rotation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_thumb1_r' + has translation animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_ring1_r' has translation + animation that will be discarded.\n\t'c_middle1_r' has translation animation + that will be discarded.\n\t'c_index1_r' has translation animation that will + be discarded.\n" + animationRetargetingWarnings: + animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0 + importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0 + importConstraints: 0 + animationCompression: 3 + animationRotationError: 0.5 + animationPositionError: 0.5 + animationScaleError: 0.5 + animationWrapMode: 0 + extraExposedTransformPaths: [] + extraUserProperties: [] + clipAnimations: [] + isReadable: 0 + meshes: + lODScreenPercentages: [] + globalScale: 1 + meshCompression: 0 + addColliders: 0 + useSRGBMaterialColor: 1 + sortHierarchyByName: 1 + importVisibility: 1 + importBlendShapes: 1 + importCameras: 1 + importLights: 1 + nodeNameCollisionStrategy: 1 + fileIdsGeneration: 2 + swapUVChannels: 0 + generateSecondaryUV: 0 + useFileUnits: 1 + keepQuads: 0 + weldVertices: 1 + bakeAxisConversion: 0 + preserveHierarchy: 0 + skinWeightsMode: 0 + maxBonesPerVertex: 4 + minBoneWeight: 0.001 + optimizeBones: 1 + meshOptimizationFlags: -1 + indexFormat: 0 + secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 + secondaryUVAreaDistortion: 15.000001 + secondaryUVHardAngle: 88 + secondaryUVMarginMethod: 1 + secondaryUVMinLightmapResolution: 40 + secondaryUVMinObjectScale: 1 + secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 + useFileScale: 1 + tangentSpace: + normalSmoothAngle: 60 + normalImportMode: 0 + tangentImportMode: 3 + normalCalculationMode: 4 + legacyComputeAllNormalsFromSmoothingGroupsWhenMeshHasBlendShapes: 0 + blendShapeNormalImportMode: 1 + normalSmoothingSource: 0 + referencedClips: [] + importAnimation: 1 + humanDescription: + serializedVersion: 3 + human: + - boneName: hips + humanName: Hips + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_l + humanName: LeftUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_r + humanName: RightUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_l + humanName: LeftLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_r + humanName: RightLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_l + humanName: LeftFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_r + humanName: RightFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: spine + humanName: Spine + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: neck + humanName: Neck + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: head + humanName: Head + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_l + humanName: LeftShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_r + humanName: RightShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_l + humanName: LeftUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_r + humanName: RightUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_l + humanName: LeftLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_r + humanName: RightLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_l + humanName: LeftHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_r + humanName: RightHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_l + humanName: LeftToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_r + humanName: RightToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_l + humanName: Left Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_l + humanName: Left Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_l + humanName: Left Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_l + humanName: Left Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_l + humanName: Left Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_l + humanName: Left Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_l + humanName: Left Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_l + humanName: Left Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_l + humanName: Left Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_l + humanName: Left Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_l + humanName: Left Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_l + humanName: Left Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_r + humanName: Right Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_r + humanName: Right Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_r + humanName: Right Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_r + humanName: Right Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_r + humanName: Right Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_r + humanName: Right Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_r + humanName: Right Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_r + humanName: Right Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_r + humanName: Right Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_r + humanName: Right Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_r + humanName: Right Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_r + humanName: Right Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: chest + humanName: Chest + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + skeleton: + - name: Human(Clone) + parentName: + position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human COMPLETE + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 1.1798787e-12, y: -0.000000052359955, z: 0.000000015905945} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.076661475, y: 1.3955941, z: 0.04250782} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.09472712, y: 1.3974037, z: 0.040297404} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.038126312, y: 1.4131447, z: 0.15032214} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eyes + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Head + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Torso + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0.9402349, z: 0.036055043} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanAppendix + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.04012108, y: 0.9274628, z: 0.104044564} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.03647864, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036478758, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanHeart + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.006746769, y: 1.1291152, z: 0.117190085} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineLarge + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0015628338, y: 0.94421047, z: 0.10589335} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineSmall + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0064120293, y: 0.9636725, z: 0.08935433} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLiver + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.015479565, y: 1.054116, z: 0.1051005} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.036902547, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375894} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036902428, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375895} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanStomach + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.021774769, y: 1.0252738, z: 0.10165389} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanBrain + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0009741783, y: 1.4594865, z: 0.030295096} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanArmature + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: hips + parentName: HumanArmature + position: {x: 1.149433e-13, y: -0.013241618, z: 0.83337724} + rotation: {x: 0.7404059, y: 0.0000055815894, z: 0.000006148301, w: 0.67216} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.99999994} + - name: thigh_l + parentName: hips + position: {x: -0.096564054, y: -0.024295717, z: 0.002351557} + rotation: {x: 0.99558604, y: -0.064399414, z: -0.005032787, w: 0.06808755} + scale: {x: 1.0000036, y: 1.000003, z: 1.0000107} + - name: lower_leg_l + parentName: thigh_l + position: {x: 0.000000015017577, y: 0.35762414, z: 0.000000034924597} + rotation: {x: 0.10202001, y: 0.0028012872, z: -0.009849284, w: 0.9947297} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000085, z: 1.0000061} + - name: foot_l + parentName: lower_leg_l + position: {x: -0.0000000018335413, y: 0.40961084, z: -0.000000004656613} + rotation: {x: -0.5585367, y: 0.13368261, z: -0.18853498, w: 0.79663056} + scale: {x: 1.0000013, y: 1.0000288, z: 0.9999941} + - name: toes_l + parentName: foot_l + position: {x: 0.000000016530976, y: 0.080526456, z: 0.0000000055879354} + rotation: {x: -0.05992987, y: -0.17405595, z: 0.04044075, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000367, y: 0.9999867, z: 0.99997807} + - name: thigh_r + parentName: hips + position: {x: 0.09656395, y: -0.024295837, z: 0.0023547793} + rotation: {x: 0.9955859, y: 0.06439856, z: 0.0050587305, w: 0.06808791} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.999999} + - name: lower_leg_r + parentName: thigh_r + position: {x: 0.0000000044237822, y: 0.35762426, z: 0.00000002514571} + rotation: {x: 0.1020204, y: -0.0028013631, z: 0.009850703, w: 0.99472964} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000057, z: 1.0000025} + - name: foot_r + parentName: lower_leg_r + position: {x: 0.0000000059662852, y: 0.40961078, z: -6.9849193e-10} + rotation: {x: -0.55854076, y: -0.13368613, z: 0.18853135, w: 0.796628} + scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 0.9999992, z: 1.000003} + - name: toes_r + parentName: foot_r + position: {x: -0.000000003958121, y: 0.0805272, z: 0.000000008381903} + rotation: {x: -0.05992934, y: 0.17405611, z: -0.040440965, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000099, z: 0.9999884} + - name: spine + parentName: hips + position: {x: 1.8356248e-12, y: 0.13786578, z: 0.000000013038516} + rotation: {x: -0.020161092, y: 0.0032923277, z: -0.00006672589, w: 0.9997914} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.9999998, z: 0.99999684} + - name: chest + parentName: spine + position: {x: -3.1419884e-11, y: 0.13744113, z: -0.000000003725594} + rotation: {x: -0.079870485, y: -0.0032907373, z: -0.00026367875, w: 0.9967998} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000005, z: 0.999999} + - name: neck + parentName: chest + position: {x: -4.507826e-11, y: 0.13796483, z: 0.000000011175871} + rotation: {x: 0.07572726, y: -0.0067067696, z: -0.00050935626, w: 0.99710584} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000023} + - name: head + parentName: neck + position: {x: 2.845278e-10, y: 0.08491398, z: 0.000000026080253} + rotation: {x: -0.021641804, y: 0.006758547, z: 0.00014482907, w: 0.9997429} + scale: {x: 0.9999991, y: 1.0000007, z: 1.0000015} + - name: shoulder_r + parentName: chest + position: {x: 0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.003932451} + rotation: {x: 0.5486401, y: 0.54864013, z: -0.4460875, w: 0.44608754} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 0.99999845, z: 1.0000019} + - name: upper_arm_r + parentName: shoulder_r + position: {x: 0.0000000056466725, y: 0.113623016, z: 0.000000080447336} + rotation: {x: -0.016802363, y: -0.728269, z: -0.03739515, w: 0.6840641} + scale: {x: 1.000008, y: 1.0000077, z: 1.0000037} + - name: forearm_r + parentName: upper_arm_r + position: {x: -0.0000002590059, y: 0.19655885, z: -0.0000000084983185} + rotation: {x: 0.07927109, y: -0.0007944402, z: 0.007752359, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 0.9999983, z: 0.999999} + - name: hand_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000000022293534, y: 0.23644204, z: -0.0000000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.0080038365, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328861, w: -0.6950444} + scale: {x: 1.0000069, y: 1.0000124, z: 1.0000093} + - name: c_thumb1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.043030325, y: 0.027325455, z: -0.029069485} + rotation: {x: -0.23810282, y: -0.6193094, z: 0.34018674, w: -0.6663602} + scale: {x: 1.0000025, y: 1.0000083, z: 0.99999624} + - name: c_thumb2_r + parentName: c_thumb1_r + position: {x: -0.00000006146729, y: 0.067762405, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.027055915, y: 0.1494991, z: -0.003029404, w: 0.988387} + scale: {x: 1.0000172, y: 0.99998325, z: 1.0000168} + - name: c_thumb3_r + parentName: c_thumb2_r + position: {x: 0.000000063329935, y: 0.034581296, z: 0.000000007450581} + rotation: {x: 0.16982022, y: -0.068780154, z: 0.066675395, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.999986, y: 0.9999816, z: 1.0000352} + - name: c_ring1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: -0.037961163, y: 0.08163366, z: 0.0126242135} + rotation: {x: -0.030043779, y: 0.0177473, z: -0.0146247605, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000018, y: 1.0000027, z: 0.9999998} + - name: c_ring2_r + parentName: c_ring1_r + position: {x: 0.000000007916242, y: 0.045393843, z: -0.000000037747668} + rotation: {x: -0.027954554, y: -0.02803783, z: -0.00021981988, w: 0.9992159} + scale: {x: 1.0000081, y: 0.9999979, z: 1.0000149} + - name: c_ring3_r + parentName: c_ring2_r + position: {x: -0, y: 0.030371627, z: -0.00000012342207} + rotation: {x: -0.09702881, y: 0.19158539, z: -0.05356502, w: 0.9751981} + scale: {x: 1.0000122, y: 1.000016, z: 0.9999991} + - name: c_middle1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.012728409, y: 0.095293984, z: 0.005345431} + rotation: {x: -0.020139333, y: 0.06533595, z: -0.0029693954, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000037, y: 1.0000066, z: 1.0000002} + - name: c_middle2_r + parentName: c_middle1_r + position: {x: -0.000000027939677, y: 0.04347191, z: 0.000000017229468} + rotation: {x: -0.02996826, y: 0.030963402, z: -0.0046559433, w: 0.9990603} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000036, z: 1.0000131} + - name: c_middle3_r + parentName: c_middle2_r + position: {x: -0.000000033527613, y: 0.0329716, z: 0.00000006053597} + rotation: {x: -0.1676397, y: 0.073116966, z: -0.021750906, w: 0.98289263} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 1.0000196, z: 0.99999374} + - name: c_index1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.059781943, y: 0.096780546, z: 0.014082293} + rotation: {x: -0.004635407, y: 0.005647418, z: 0.0077239904, w: 0.99994355} + scale: {x: 1.0000005, y: 1.0000036, z: 0.99999875} + - name: c_index2_r + parentName: c_index1_r + position: {x: 0.0000000034924597, y: 0.047904514, z: 0.00000005250331} + rotation: {x: -0.024433492, y: 0.10530338, z: -0.0018819352, w: 0.9941382} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000042} + - name: c_index3_r + parentName: c_index2_r + position: {x: -0.000000007450581, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.000000020489097} + rotation: {x: -0.080947846, y: -0.017785536, z: -0.01037631, w: 0.9965057} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000277, z: 1.0000005} + - name: hold.r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.0063287923, y: 0.08298412, z: -0.015038971} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: 0.47859132, z: -0.46639267, w: 0.53287977} + scale: {x: 0.9999997, y: 0.9999977, z: 1.0000002} + - name: forearm_twist_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000016324193, y: 0.1284726, z: -0.000006649643} + rotation: {x: -0.000018939374, y: 0.0012337323, z: -0.00016194968, w: 0.9999993} + scale: {x: 1.0000073, y: 1.0000048, z: 0.99999934} + - name: shoulder_l + parentName: chest + position: {x: -0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.0039324528} + rotation: {x: -0.5486401, y: 0.5486401, z: -0.44608748, w: -0.4460875} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 0.99999964, z: 1.0000043} + - name: upper_arm_l + parentName: shoulder_l + position: {x: -0.000000009391529, y: 0.11362299, z: -0.000000031237462} + rotation: {x: 0.016802428, y: -0.72826916, z: -0.037395176, w: -0.68406385} + scale: {x: 1.0000075, y: 1.0000076, z: 1.0000032} + - name: forearm_l + parentName: upper_arm_l + position: {x: -0.000000016112608, y: 0.19655891, z: 0.000000013969839} + rotation: {x: 0.07927141, y: 0.00079452974, z: -0.0077523375, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.99999756, y: 0.9999992, z: 0.99999774} + - name: hand_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: -0.00000014150282, y: 0.23644212, z: -0.000000009313226} + rotation: {x: 0.00800377, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328958, w: 0.6950446} + scale: {x: 1.0000067, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000058} + - name: c_thumb1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.043030314, y: 0.02732556, z: -0.02906935} + rotation: {x: 0.23810151, y: -0.6193099, z: 0.34018716, w: 0.66636} + scale: {x: 1.0000024, y: 1.0000248, z: 0.99998504} + - name: c_thumb2_l + parentName: c_thumb1_l + position: {x: 0.00000006519258, y: 0.06776242, z: 0.000000044703484} + rotation: {x: -0.027061354, y: -0.1494992, z: 0.0030296424, w: 0.98838687} + scale: {x: 1.0000145, y: 0.9999532, z: 1.0000383} + - name: c_thumb3_l + parentName: c_thumb2_l + position: {x: -0.000000078231096, y: 0.03458134, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0.16982007, y: 0.068780504, z: -0.06667551, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.99998635, y: 0.99988985, z: 1.0001268} + - name: c_ring1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: 0.03796115, y: 0.081633575, z: 0.0126242405} + rotation: {x: -0.030042524, y: -0.017746734, z: 0.014624785, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000144, y: 1.0000082, z: 1.000006} + - name: c_ring2_l + parentName: c_ring1_l + position: {x: 0.0000000018626451, y: 0.04539384, z: -0.00000013152021} + rotation: {x: 0.027963966, y: -0.028037718, z: -0.00022199283, w: -0.9992156} + scale: {x: 1.0000045, y: 0.99999386, z: 1.0000125} + - name: c_ring3_l + parentName: c_ring2_l + position: {x: -0.000000003259629, y: 0.030371798, z: 0.00000005106267} + rotation: {x: 0.097029544, y: 0.1915853, z: -0.053565085, w: -0.975198} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000107, z: 1.0000023} + - name: c_middle1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.012728396, y: 0.095294036, z: 0.0053454423} + rotation: {x: -0.020141035, y: -0.06533592, z: 0.0029690685, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000117, y: 1.0000049, z: 1.0000024} + - name: c_middle2_l + parentName: c_middle1_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.043471865, z: 0.00000004703179} + rotation: {x: -0.029964855, y: -0.030963589, z: 0.0046565477, w: 0.9990604} + scale: {x: 0.9999977, y: 0.99999636, z: 1.0000107} + - name: c_middle3_l + parentName: c_middle2_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.03297166, z: -0.00000006239861} + rotation: {x: -0.16763954, y: -0.07311703, z: 0.021750832, w: 0.9828926} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000006, z: 1.000013} + - name: c_index1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.059781928, y: 0.0967806, z: 0.014082292} + rotation: {x: -0.0046358937, y: -0.0056473566, z: -0.007723556, w: 0.9999435} + scale: {x: 1.0000126, y: 1.0000038, z: 1.0000052} + - name: c_index2_l + parentName: c_index1_l + position: {x: -0.000000009313226, y: 0.04790459, z: 0.000000045169145} + rotation: {x: -0.024431424, y: -0.10530303, z: 0.0018783653, w: 0.9941383} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000063} + - name: c_index3_l + parentName: c_index2_l + position: {x: 0.000000014901161, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.00000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.08094788, y: 0.017785553, z: 0.01037622, w: 0.9965056} + scale: {x: 1.000003, y: 0.999993, z: 1.0000157} + - name: hold.l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.0063287844, y: 0.082984276, z: -0.015038835} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: -0.47859147, z: 0.46639258, w: 0.5328798} + scale: {x: 1.000011, y: 1.0000129, z: 1.0000062} + - name: forearm_twist_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: 0.00001617195, y: 0.12847266, z: -0.000006655231} + rotation: {x: -0.00001891702, y: -0.001233861, z: 0.00016184966, w: 0.9999992} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000012, z: 1.0000024} + armTwist: 0.5 + foreArmTwist: 0.5 + upperLegTwist: 0.5 + legTwist: 0.5 + armStretch: 0.05 + legStretch: 0.05 + feetSpacing: 0 + globalScale: 1 + rootMotionBoneName: HumanArmature + hasTranslationDoF: 1 + hasExtraRoot: 1 + skeletonHasParents: 1 + lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {fileID: 9000000, guid: f553c8289710b5e4dab99c3bcbbb802e, type: 3} + autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1 + animationType: 3 + humanoidOversampling: 1 + avatarSetup: 2 + addHumanoidExtraRootOnlyWhenUsingAvatar: 1 + remapMaterialsIfMaterialImportModeIsNone: 0 + additionalBone: 0 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/InjuredIdle.fbx b/Assets/Art/Animations/InjuredIdle.fbx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..630f62a73d Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/Art/Animations/InjuredIdle.fbx differ diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/InjuredIdle.fbx.meta b/Assets/Art/Animations/InjuredIdle.fbx.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..75c18ab1a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Art/Animations/InjuredIdle.fbx.meta @@ -0,0 +1,895 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 6205d38067224ce4ead9dc1984f57e2d +ModelImporter: + serializedVersion: 21300 + internalIDToNameTable: [] + externalObjects: {} + materials: + materialImportMode: 2 + materialName: 0 + materialSearch: 1 + materialLocation: 1 + animations: + legacyGenerateAnimations: 4 + bakeSimulation: 0 + resampleCurves: 1 + optimizeGameObjects: 0 + removeConstantScaleCurves: 1 + motionNodeName: + rigImportErrors: + rigImportWarnings: + animationImportErrors: + animationImportWarnings: + animationRetargetingWarnings: + animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0 + importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0 + importConstraints: 0 + animationCompression: 3 + animationRotationError: 0.5 + animationPositionError: 0.5 + animationScaleError: 0.5 + animationWrapMode: 0 + extraExposedTransformPaths: [] + extraUserProperties: [] + clipAnimations: + - serializedVersion: 16 + name: InjuredIdle + takeName: mixamo.com + internalID: -203655887218126122 + firstFrame: 0 + lastFrame: 280 + wrapMode: 0 + orientationOffsetY: 0 + level: 0 + cycleOffset: 0 + loop: 0 + hasAdditiveReferencePose: 0 + loopTime: 0 + loopBlend: 0 + loopBlendOrientation: 0 + loopBlendPositionY: 0 + loopBlendPositionXZ: 0 + keepOriginalOrientation: 0 + keepOriginalPositionY: 1 + keepOriginalPositionXZ: 0 + heightFromFeet: 0 + mirror: 0 + bodyMask: 01000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000 + curves: [] + events: [] + transformMask: [] + maskType: 3 + maskSource: {instanceID: 0} + additiveReferencePoseFrame: 0 + isReadable: 0 + meshes: + lODScreenPercentages: [] + globalScale: 1 + meshCompression: 0 + addColliders: 0 + useSRGBMaterialColor: 1 + sortHierarchyByName: 1 + importVisibility: 1 + importBlendShapes: 1 + importCameras: 1 + importLights: 1 + nodeNameCollisionStrategy: 1 + fileIdsGeneration: 2 + swapUVChannels: 0 + generateSecondaryUV: 0 + useFileUnits: 1 + keepQuads: 0 + weldVertices: 1 + bakeAxisConversion: 0 + preserveHierarchy: 0 + skinWeightsMode: 0 + maxBonesPerVertex: 4 + minBoneWeight: 0.001 + optimizeBones: 1 + meshOptimizationFlags: -1 + indexFormat: 0 + secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 + secondaryUVAreaDistortion: 15.000001 + secondaryUVHardAngle: 88 + secondaryUVMarginMethod: 1 + secondaryUVMinLightmapResolution: 40 + secondaryUVMinObjectScale: 1 + secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 + useFileScale: 1 + tangentSpace: + normalSmoothAngle: 60 + normalImportMode: 0 + tangentImportMode: 3 + normalCalculationMode: 4 + legacyComputeAllNormalsFromSmoothingGroupsWhenMeshHasBlendShapes: 0 + blendShapeNormalImportMode: 1 + normalSmoothingSource: 0 + referencedClips: [] + importAnimation: 1 + humanDescription: + serializedVersion: 3 + human: + - boneName: hips + humanName: Hips + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_l + humanName: LeftUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_r + humanName: RightUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_l + humanName: LeftLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_r + humanName: RightLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_l + humanName: LeftFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_r + humanName: RightFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: spine + humanName: Spine + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: neck + humanName: Neck + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: head + humanName: Head + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_l + humanName: LeftShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_r + humanName: RightShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_l + humanName: LeftUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_r + humanName: RightUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_l + humanName: LeftLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_r + humanName: RightLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_l + humanName: LeftHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_r + humanName: RightHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_l + humanName: LeftToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_r + humanName: RightToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_l + humanName: Left Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_l + humanName: Left Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_l + humanName: Left Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_l + humanName: Left Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_l + humanName: Left Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_l + humanName: Left Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_l + humanName: Left Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_l + humanName: Left Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_l + humanName: Left Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_l + humanName: Left Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_l + humanName: Left Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_l + humanName: Left Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_r + humanName: Right Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_r + humanName: Right Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_r + humanName: Right Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_r + humanName: Right Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_r + humanName: Right Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_r + humanName: Right Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_r + humanName: Right Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_r + humanName: Right Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_r + humanName: Right Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_r + humanName: Right Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_r + humanName: Right Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_r + humanName: Right Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: chest + humanName: Chest + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + skeleton: + - name: Human(Clone) + parentName: + position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human COMPLETE + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 1.1798787e-12, y: -0.000000052359955, z: 0.000000015905945} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.076661475, y: 1.3955941, z: 0.04250782} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.09472712, y: 1.3974037, z: 0.040297404} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.038126312, y: 1.4131447, z: 0.15032214} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eyes + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Head + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Torso + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0.9402349, z: 0.036055043} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanAppendix + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.04012108, y: 0.9274628, z: 0.104044564} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.03647864, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036478758, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanHeart + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.006746769, y: 1.1291152, z: 0.117190085} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineLarge + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0015628338, y: 0.94421047, z: 0.10589335} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineSmall + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0064120293, y: 0.9636725, z: 0.08935433} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLiver + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.015479565, y: 1.054116, z: 0.1051005} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.036902547, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375894} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036902428, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375895} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanStomach + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.021774769, y: 1.0252738, z: 0.10165389} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanBrain + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0009741783, y: 1.4594865, z: 0.030295096} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanArmature + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: hips + parentName: HumanArmature + position: {x: 1.149433e-13, y: -0.013241618, z: 0.83337724} + rotation: {x: 0.7404059, y: 0.0000055815894, z: 0.000006148301, w: 0.67216} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.99999994} + - name: thigh_l + parentName: hips + position: {x: -0.096564054, y: -0.024295717, z: 0.002351557} + rotation: {x: 0.99558604, y: -0.064399414, z: -0.005032787, w: 0.06808755} + scale: {x: 1.0000036, y: 1.000003, z: 1.0000107} + - name: lower_leg_l + parentName: thigh_l + position: {x: 0.000000015017577, y: 0.35762414, z: 0.000000034924597} + rotation: {x: 0.10202001, y: 0.0028012872, z: -0.009849284, w: 0.9947297} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000085, z: 1.0000061} + - name: foot_l + parentName: lower_leg_l + position: {x: -0.0000000018335413, y: 0.40961084, z: -0.000000004656613} + rotation: {x: -0.5585367, y: 0.13368261, z: -0.18853498, w: 0.79663056} + scale: {x: 1.0000013, y: 1.0000288, z: 0.9999941} + - name: toes_l + parentName: foot_l + position: {x: 0.000000016530976, y: 0.080526456, z: 0.0000000055879354} + rotation: {x: -0.05992987, y: -0.17405595, z: 0.04044075, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000367, y: 0.9999867, z: 0.99997807} + - name: thigh_r + parentName: hips + position: {x: 0.09656395, y: -0.024295837, z: 0.0023547793} + rotation: {x: 0.9955859, y: 0.06439856, z: 0.0050587305, w: 0.06808791} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.999999} + - name: lower_leg_r + parentName: thigh_r + position: {x: 0.0000000044237822, y: 0.35762426, z: 0.00000002514571} + rotation: {x: 0.1020204, y: -0.0028013631, z: 0.009850703, w: 0.99472964} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000057, z: 1.0000025} + - name: foot_r + parentName: lower_leg_r + position: {x: 0.0000000059662852, y: 0.40961078, z: -6.9849193e-10} + rotation: {x: -0.55854076, y: -0.13368613, z: 0.18853135, w: 0.796628} + scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 0.9999992, z: 1.000003} + - name: toes_r + parentName: foot_r + position: {x: -0.000000003958121, y: 0.0805272, z: 0.000000008381903} + rotation: {x: -0.05992934, y: 0.17405611, z: -0.040440965, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000099, z: 0.9999884} + - name: spine + parentName: hips + position: {x: 1.8356248e-12, y: 0.13786578, z: 0.000000013038516} + rotation: {x: -0.020161092, y: 0.0032923277, z: -0.00006672589, w: 0.9997914} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.9999998, z: 0.99999684} + - name: chest + parentName: spine + position: {x: -3.1419884e-11, y: 0.13744113, z: -0.000000003725594} + rotation: {x: -0.079870485, y: -0.0032907373, z: -0.00026367875, w: 0.9967998} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000005, z: 0.999999} + - name: neck + parentName: chest + position: {x: -4.507826e-11, y: 0.13796483, z: 0.000000011175871} + rotation: {x: 0.07572726, y: -0.0067067696, z: -0.00050935626, w: 0.99710584} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000023} + - name: head + parentName: neck + position: {x: 2.845278e-10, y: 0.08491398, z: 0.000000026080253} + rotation: {x: -0.021641804, y: 0.006758547, z: 0.00014482907, w: 0.9997429} + scale: {x: 0.9999991, y: 1.0000007, z: 1.0000015} + - name: shoulder_r + parentName: chest + position: {x: 0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.003932451} + rotation: {x: 0.5486401, y: 0.54864013, z: -0.4460875, w: 0.44608754} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 0.99999845, z: 1.0000019} + - name: upper_arm_r + parentName: shoulder_r + position: {x: 0.0000000056466725, y: 0.113623016, z: 0.000000080447336} + rotation: {x: -0.016802363, y: -0.728269, z: -0.03739515, w: 0.6840641} + scale: {x: 1.000008, y: 1.0000077, z: 1.0000037} + - name: forearm_r + parentName: upper_arm_r + position: {x: -0.0000002590059, y: 0.19655885, z: -0.0000000084983185} + rotation: {x: 0.07927109, y: -0.0007944402, z: 0.007752359, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 0.9999983, z: 0.999999} + - name: hand_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000000022293534, y: 0.23644204, z: -0.0000000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.0080038365, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328861, w: -0.6950444} + scale: {x: 1.0000069, y: 1.0000124, z: 1.0000093} + - name: c_thumb1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.043030325, y: 0.027325455, z: -0.029069485} + rotation: {x: -0.23810282, y: -0.6193094, z: 0.34018674, w: -0.6663602} + scale: {x: 1.0000025, y: 1.0000083, z: 0.99999624} + - name: c_thumb2_r + parentName: c_thumb1_r + position: {x: -0.00000006146729, y: 0.067762405, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.027055915, y: 0.1494991, z: -0.003029404, w: 0.988387} + scale: {x: 1.0000172, y: 0.99998325, z: 1.0000168} + - name: c_thumb3_r + parentName: c_thumb2_r + position: {x: 0.000000063329935, y: 0.034581296, z: 0.000000007450581} + rotation: {x: 0.16982022, y: -0.068780154, z: 0.066675395, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.999986, y: 0.9999816, z: 1.0000352} + - name: c_ring1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: -0.037961163, y: 0.08163366, z: 0.0126242135} + rotation: {x: -0.030043779, y: 0.0177473, z: -0.0146247605, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000018, y: 1.0000027, z: 0.9999998} + - name: c_ring2_r + parentName: c_ring1_r + position: {x: 0.000000007916242, y: 0.045393843, z: -0.000000037747668} + rotation: {x: -0.027954554, y: -0.02803783, z: -0.00021981988, w: 0.9992159} + scale: {x: 1.0000081, y: 0.9999979, z: 1.0000149} + - name: c_ring3_r + parentName: c_ring2_r + position: {x: -0, y: 0.030371627, z: -0.00000012342207} + rotation: {x: -0.09702881, y: 0.19158539, z: -0.05356502, w: 0.9751981} + scale: {x: 1.0000122, y: 1.000016, z: 0.9999991} + - name: c_middle1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.012728409, y: 0.095293984, z: 0.005345431} + rotation: {x: -0.020139333, y: 0.06533595, z: -0.0029693954, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000037, y: 1.0000066, z: 1.0000002} + - name: c_middle2_r + parentName: c_middle1_r + position: {x: -0.000000027939677, y: 0.04347191, z: 0.000000017229468} + rotation: {x: -0.02996826, y: 0.030963402, z: -0.0046559433, w: 0.9990603} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000036, z: 1.0000131} + - name: c_middle3_r + parentName: c_middle2_r + position: {x: -0.000000033527613, y: 0.0329716, z: 0.00000006053597} + rotation: {x: -0.1676397, y: 0.073116966, z: -0.021750906, w: 0.98289263} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 1.0000196, z: 0.99999374} + - name: c_index1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.059781943, y: 0.096780546, z: 0.014082293} + rotation: {x: -0.004635407, y: 0.005647418, z: 0.0077239904, w: 0.99994355} + scale: {x: 1.0000005, y: 1.0000036, z: 0.99999875} + - name: c_index2_r + parentName: c_index1_r + position: {x: 0.0000000034924597, y: 0.047904514, z: 0.00000005250331} + rotation: {x: -0.024433492, y: 0.10530338, z: -0.0018819352, w: 0.9941382} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000042} + - name: c_index3_r + parentName: c_index2_r + position: {x: -0.000000007450581, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.000000020489097} + rotation: {x: -0.080947846, y: -0.017785536, z: -0.01037631, w: 0.9965057} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000277, z: 1.0000005} + - name: hold.r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.0063287923, y: 0.08298412, z: -0.015038971} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: 0.47859132, z: -0.46639267, w: 0.53287977} + scale: {x: 0.9999997, y: 0.9999977, z: 1.0000002} + - name: forearm_twist_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000016324193, y: 0.1284726, z: -0.000006649643} + rotation: {x: -0.000018939374, y: 0.0012337323, z: -0.00016194968, w: 0.9999993} + scale: {x: 1.0000073, y: 1.0000048, z: 0.99999934} + - name: shoulder_l + parentName: chest + position: {x: -0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.0039324528} + rotation: {x: -0.5486401, y: 0.5486401, z: -0.44608748, w: -0.4460875} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 0.99999964, z: 1.0000043} + - name: upper_arm_l + parentName: shoulder_l + position: {x: -0.000000009391529, y: 0.11362299, z: -0.000000031237462} + rotation: {x: 0.016802428, y: -0.72826916, z: -0.037395176, w: -0.68406385} + scale: {x: 1.0000075, y: 1.0000076, z: 1.0000032} + - name: forearm_l + parentName: upper_arm_l + position: {x: -0.000000016112608, y: 0.19655891, z: 0.000000013969839} + rotation: {x: 0.07927141, y: 0.00079452974, z: -0.0077523375, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.99999756, y: 0.9999992, z: 0.99999774} + - name: hand_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: -0.00000014150282, y: 0.23644212, z: -0.000000009313226} + rotation: {x: 0.00800377, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328958, w: 0.6950446} + scale: {x: 1.0000067, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000058} + - name: c_thumb1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.043030314, y: 0.02732556, z: -0.02906935} + rotation: {x: 0.23810151, y: -0.6193099, z: 0.34018716, w: 0.66636} + scale: {x: 1.0000024, y: 1.0000248, z: 0.99998504} + - name: c_thumb2_l + parentName: c_thumb1_l + position: {x: 0.00000006519258, y: 0.06776242, z: 0.000000044703484} + rotation: {x: -0.027061354, y: -0.1494992, z: 0.0030296424, w: 0.98838687} + scale: {x: 1.0000145, y: 0.9999532, z: 1.0000383} + - name: c_thumb3_l + parentName: c_thumb2_l + position: {x: -0.000000078231096, y: 0.03458134, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0.16982007, y: 0.068780504, z: -0.06667551, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.99998635, y: 0.99988985, z: 1.0001268} + - name: c_ring1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: 0.03796115, y: 0.081633575, z: 0.0126242405} + rotation: {x: -0.030042524, y: -0.017746734, z: 0.014624785, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000144, y: 1.0000082, z: 1.000006} + - name: c_ring2_l + parentName: c_ring1_l + position: {x: 0.0000000018626451, y: 0.04539384, z: -0.00000013152021} + rotation: {x: 0.027963966, y: -0.028037718, z: -0.00022199283, w: -0.9992156} + scale: {x: 1.0000045, y: 0.99999386, z: 1.0000125} + - name: c_ring3_l + parentName: c_ring2_l + position: {x: -0.000000003259629, y: 0.030371798, z: 0.00000005106267} + rotation: {x: 0.097029544, y: 0.1915853, z: -0.053565085, w: -0.975198} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000107, z: 1.0000023} + - name: c_middle1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.012728396, y: 0.095294036, z: 0.0053454423} + rotation: {x: -0.020141035, y: -0.06533592, z: 0.0029690685, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000117, y: 1.0000049, z: 1.0000024} + - name: c_middle2_l + parentName: c_middle1_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.043471865, z: 0.00000004703179} + rotation: {x: -0.029964855, y: -0.030963589, z: 0.0046565477, w: 0.9990604} + scale: {x: 0.9999977, y: 0.99999636, z: 1.0000107} + - name: c_middle3_l + parentName: c_middle2_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.03297166, z: -0.00000006239861} + rotation: {x: -0.16763954, y: -0.07311703, z: 0.021750832, w: 0.9828926} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000006, z: 1.000013} + - name: c_index1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.059781928, y: 0.0967806, z: 0.014082292} + rotation: {x: -0.0046358937, y: -0.0056473566, z: -0.007723556, w: 0.9999435} + scale: {x: 1.0000126, y: 1.0000038, z: 1.0000052} + - name: c_index2_l + parentName: c_index1_l + position: {x: -0.000000009313226, y: 0.04790459, z: 0.000000045169145} + rotation: {x: -0.024431424, y: -0.10530303, z: 0.0018783653, w: 0.9941383} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000063} + - name: c_index3_l + parentName: c_index2_l + position: {x: 0.000000014901161, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.00000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.08094788, y: 0.017785553, z: 0.01037622, w: 0.9965056} + scale: {x: 1.000003, y: 0.999993, z: 1.0000157} + - name: hold.l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.0063287844, y: 0.082984276, z: -0.015038835} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: -0.47859147, z: 0.46639258, w: 0.5328798} + scale: {x: 1.000011, y: 1.0000129, z: 1.0000062} + - name: forearm_twist_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: 0.00001617195, y: 0.12847266, z: -0.000006655231} + rotation: {x: -0.00001891702, y: -0.001233861, z: 0.00016184966, w: 0.9999992} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000012, z: 1.0000024} + armTwist: 0.5 + foreArmTwist: 0.5 + upperLegTwist: 0.5 + legTwist: 0.5 + armStretch: 0.05 + legStretch: 0.05 + feetSpacing: 0 + globalScale: 1 + rootMotionBoneName: + hasTranslationDoF: 0 + hasExtraRoot: 1 + skeletonHasParents: 1 + lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {fileID: 9000000, guid: f553c8289710b5e4dab99c3bcbbb802e, type: 3} + autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1 + animationType: 3 + humanoidOversampling: 1 + avatarSetup: 2 + addHumanoidExtraRootOnlyWhenUsingAvatar: 1 + remapMaterialsIfMaterialImportModeIsNone: 0 + additionalBone: 0 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/InjuredWalk.fbx b/Assets/Art/Animations/InjuredWalk.fbx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9a3f38d344 Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/Art/Animations/InjuredWalk.fbx differ diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/InjuredWalk.fbx.meta b/Assets/Art/Animations/InjuredWalk.fbx.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..823ec8fca2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Art/Animations/InjuredWalk.fbx.meta @@ -0,0 +1,895 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: d30fcef04dd21354fa30868430080452 +ModelImporter: + serializedVersion: 21300 + internalIDToNameTable: [] + externalObjects: {} + materials: + materialImportMode: 2 + materialName: 0 + materialSearch: 1 + materialLocation: 1 + animations: + legacyGenerateAnimations: 4 + bakeSimulation: 0 + resampleCurves: 1 + optimizeGameObjects: 0 + removeConstantScaleCurves: 1 + motionNodeName: + rigImportErrors: + rigImportWarnings: + animationImportErrors: + animationImportWarnings: + animationRetargetingWarnings: + animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0 + importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0 + importConstraints: 0 + animationCompression: 3 + animationRotationError: 0.5 + animationPositionError: 0.5 + animationScaleError: 0.5 + animationWrapMode: 0 + extraExposedTransformPaths: [] + extraUserProperties: [] + clipAnimations: + - serializedVersion: 16 + name: InjuredWalk + takeName: mixamo.com + internalID: -203655887218126122 + firstFrame: 0 + lastFrame: 49 + wrapMode: 0 + orientationOffsetY: 0 + level: 0 + cycleOffset: 0 + loop: 0 + hasAdditiveReferencePose: 0 + loopTime: 0 + loopBlend: 0 + loopBlendOrientation: 0 + loopBlendPositionY: 0 + loopBlendPositionXZ: 0 + keepOriginalOrientation: 0 + keepOriginalPositionY: 1 + keepOriginalPositionXZ: 0 + heightFromFeet: 0 + mirror: 0 + bodyMask: 01000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000 + curves: [] + events: [] + transformMask: [] + maskType: 3 + maskSource: {instanceID: 0} + additiveReferencePoseFrame: 0 + isReadable: 0 + meshes: + lODScreenPercentages: [] + globalScale: 1 + meshCompression: 0 + addColliders: 0 + useSRGBMaterialColor: 1 + sortHierarchyByName: 1 + importVisibility: 1 + importBlendShapes: 1 + importCameras: 1 + importLights: 1 + nodeNameCollisionStrategy: 1 + fileIdsGeneration: 2 + swapUVChannels: 0 + generateSecondaryUV: 0 + useFileUnits: 1 + keepQuads: 0 + weldVertices: 1 + bakeAxisConversion: 0 + preserveHierarchy: 0 + skinWeightsMode: 0 + maxBonesPerVertex: 4 + minBoneWeight: 0.001 + optimizeBones: 1 + meshOptimizationFlags: -1 + indexFormat: 0 + secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 + secondaryUVAreaDistortion: 15.000001 + secondaryUVHardAngle: 88 + secondaryUVMarginMethod: 1 + secondaryUVMinLightmapResolution: 40 + secondaryUVMinObjectScale: 1 + secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 + useFileScale: 1 + tangentSpace: + normalSmoothAngle: 60 + normalImportMode: 0 + tangentImportMode: 3 + normalCalculationMode: 4 + legacyComputeAllNormalsFromSmoothingGroupsWhenMeshHasBlendShapes: 0 + blendShapeNormalImportMode: 1 + normalSmoothingSource: 0 + referencedClips: [] + importAnimation: 1 + humanDescription: + serializedVersion: 3 + human: + - boneName: hips + humanName: Hips + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_l + humanName: LeftUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_r + humanName: RightUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_l + humanName: LeftLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_r + humanName: RightLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_l + humanName: LeftFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_r + humanName: RightFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: spine + humanName: Spine + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: neck + humanName: Neck + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: head + humanName: Head + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_l + humanName: LeftShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_r + humanName: RightShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_l + humanName: LeftUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_r + humanName: RightUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_l + humanName: LeftLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_r + humanName: RightLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_l + humanName: LeftHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_r + humanName: RightHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_l + humanName: LeftToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_r + humanName: RightToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_l + humanName: Left Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_l + humanName: Left Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_l + humanName: Left Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_l + humanName: Left Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_l + humanName: Left Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_l + humanName: Left Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_l + humanName: Left Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_l + humanName: Left Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_l + humanName: Left Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_l + humanName: Left Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_l + humanName: Left Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_l + humanName: Left Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_r + humanName: Right Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_r + humanName: Right Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_r + humanName: Right Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_r + humanName: Right Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_r + humanName: Right Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_r + humanName: Right Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_r + humanName: Right Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_r + humanName: Right Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_r + humanName: Right Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_r + humanName: Right Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_r + humanName: Right Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_r + humanName: Right Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: chest + humanName: Chest + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + skeleton: + - name: Human(Clone) + parentName: + position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human COMPLETE + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 1.1798787e-12, y: -0.000000052359955, z: 0.000000015905945} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.076661475, y: 1.3955941, z: 0.04250782} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.09472712, y: 1.3974037, z: 0.040297404} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.038126312, y: 1.4131447, z: 0.15032214} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eyes + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Head + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Torso + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0.9402349, z: 0.036055043} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanAppendix + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.04012108, y: 0.9274628, z: 0.104044564} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.03647864, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036478758, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanHeart + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.006746769, y: 1.1291152, z: 0.117190085} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineLarge + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0015628338, y: 0.94421047, z: 0.10589335} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineSmall + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0064120293, y: 0.9636725, z: 0.08935433} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLiver + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.015479565, y: 1.054116, z: 0.1051005} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.036902547, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375894} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036902428, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375895} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanStomach + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.021774769, y: 1.0252738, z: 0.10165389} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanBrain + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0009741783, y: 1.4594865, z: 0.030295096} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanArmature + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: hips + parentName: HumanArmature + position: {x: 1.149433e-13, y: -0.013241618, z: 0.83337724} + rotation: {x: 0.7404059, y: 0.0000055815894, z: 0.000006148301, w: 0.67216} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.99999994} + - name: thigh_l + parentName: hips + position: {x: -0.096564054, y: -0.024295717, z: 0.002351557} + rotation: {x: 0.99558604, y: -0.064399414, z: -0.005032787, w: 0.06808755} + scale: {x: 1.0000036, y: 1.000003, z: 1.0000107} + - name: lower_leg_l + parentName: thigh_l + position: {x: 0.000000015017577, y: 0.35762414, z: 0.000000034924597} + rotation: {x: 0.10202001, y: 0.0028012872, z: -0.009849284, w: 0.9947297} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000085, z: 1.0000061} + - name: foot_l + parentName: lower_leg_l + position: {x: -0.0000000018335413, y: 0.40961084, z: -0.000000004656613} + rotation: {x: -0.5585367, y: 0.13368261, z: -0.18853498, w: 0.79663056} + scale: {x: 1.0000013, y: 1.0000288, z: 0.9999941} + - name: toes_l + parentName: foot_l + position: {x: 0.000000016530976, y: 0.080526456, z: 0.0000000055879354} + rotation: {x: -0.05992987, y: -0.17405595, z: 0.04044075, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000367, y: 0.9999867, z: 0.99997807} + - name: thigh_r + parentName: hips + position: {x: 0.09656395, y: -0.024295837, z: 0.0023547793} + rotation: {x: 0.9955859, y: 0.06439856, z: 0.0050587305, w: 0.06808791} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.999999} + - name: lower_leg_r + parentName: thigh_r + position: {x: 0.0000000044237822, y: 0.35762426, z: 0.00000002514571} + rotation: {x: 0.1020204, y: -0.0028013631, z: 0.009850703, w: 0.99472964} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000057, z: 1.0000025} + - name: foot_r + parentName: lower_leg_r + position: {x: 0.0000000059662852, y: 0.40961078, z: -6.9849193e-10} + rotation: {x: -0.55854076, y: -0.13368613, z: 0.18853135, w: 0.796628} + scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 0.9999992, z: 1.000003} + - name: toes_r + parentName: foot_r + position: {x: -0.000000003958121, y: 0.0805272, z: 0.000000008381903} + rotation: {x: -0.05992934, y: 0.17405611, z: -0.040440965, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000099, z: 0.9999884} + - name: spine + parentName: hips + position: {x: 1.8356248e-12, y: 0.13786578, z: 0.000000013038516} + rotation: {x: -0.020161092, y: 0.0032923277, z: -0.00006672589, w: 0.9997914} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.9999998, z: 0.99999684} + - name: chest + parentName: spine + position: {x: -3.1419884e-11, y: 0.13744113, z: -0.000000003725594} + rotation: {x: -0.079870485, y: -0.0032907373, z: -0.00026367875, w: 0.9967998} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000005, z: 0.999999} + - name: neck + parentName: chest + position: {x: -4.507826e-11, y: 0.13796483, z: 0.000000011175871} + rotation: {x: 0.07572726, y: -0.0067067696, z: -0.00050935626, w: 0.99710584} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000023} + - name: head + parentName: neck + position: {x: 2.845278e-10, y: 0.08491398, z: 0.000000026080253} + rotation: {x: -0.021641804, y: 0.006758547, z: 0.00014482907, w: 0.9997429} + scale: {x: 0.9999991, y: 1.0000007, z: 1.0000015} + - name: shoulder_r + parentName: chest + position: {x: 0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.003932451} + rotation: {x: 0.5486401, y: 0.54864013, z: -0.4460875, w: 0.44608754} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 0.99999845, z: 1.0000019} + - name: upper_arm_r + parentName: shoulder_r + position: {x: 0.0000000056466725, y: 0.113623016, z: 0.000000080447336} + rotation: {x: -0.016802363, y: -0.728269, z: -0.03739515, w: 0.6840641} + scale: {x: 1.000008, y: 1.0000077, z: 1.0000037} + - name: forearm_r + parentName: upper_arm_r + position: {x: -0.0000002590059, y: 0.19655885, z: -0.0000000084983185} + rotation: {x: 0.07927109, y: -0.0007944402, z: 0.007752359, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 0.9999983, z: 0.999999} + - name: hand_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000000022293534, y: 0.23644204, z: -0.0000000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.0080038365, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328861, w: -0.6950444} + scale: {x: 1.0000069, y: 1.0000124, z: 1.0000093} + - name: c_thumb1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.043030325, y: 0.027325455, z: -0.029069485} + rotation: {x: -0.23810282, y: -0.6193094, z: 0.34018674, w: -0.6663602} + scale: {x: 1.0000025, y: 1.0000083, z: 0.99999624} + - name: c_thumb2_r + parentName: c_thumb1_r + position: {x: -0.00000006146729, y: 0.067762405, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.027055915, y: 0.1494991, z: -0.003029404, w: 0.988387} + scale: {x: 1.0000172, y: 0.99998325, z: 1.0000168} + - name: c_thumb3_r + parentName: c_thumb2_r + position: {x: 0.000000063329935, y: 0.034581296, z: 0.000000007450581} + rotation: {x: 0.16982022, y: -0.068780154, z: 0.066675395, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.999986, y: 0.9999816, z: 1.0000352} + - name: c_ring1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: -0.037961163, y: 0.08163366, z: 0.0126242135} + rotation: {x: -0.030043779, y: 0.0177473, z: -0.0146247605, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000018, y: 1.0000027, z: 0.9999998} + - name: c_ring2_r + parentName: c_ring1_r + position: {x: 0.000000007916242, y: 0.045393843, z: -0.000000037747668} + rotation: {x: -0.027954554, y: -0.02803783, z: -0.00021981988, w: 0.9992159} + scale: {x: 1.0000081, y: 0.9999979, z: 1.0000149} + - name: c_ring3_r + parentName: c_ring2_r + position: {x: -0, y: 0.030371627, z: -0.00000012342207} + rotation: {x: -0.09702881, y: 0.19158539, z: -0.05356502, w: 0.9751981} + scale: {x: 1.0000122, y: 1.000016, z: 0.9999991} + - name: c_middle1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.012728409, y: 0.095293984, z: 0.005345431} + rotation: {x: -0.020139333, y: 0.06533595, z: -0.0029693954, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000037, y: 1.0000066, z: 1.0000002} + - name: c_middle2_r + parentName: c_middle1_r + position: {x: -0.000000027939677, y: 0.04347191, z: 0.000000017229468} + rotation: {x: -0.02996826, y: 0.030963402, z: -0.0046559433, w: 0.9990603} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000036, z: 1.0000131} + - name: c_middle3_r + parentName: c_middle2_r + position: {x: -0.000000033527613, y: 0.0329716, z: 0.00000006053597} + rotation: {x: -0.1676397, y: 0.073116966, z: -0.021750906, w: 0.98289263} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 1.0000196, z: 0.99999374} + - name: c_index1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.059781943, y: 0.096780546, z: 0.014082293} + rotation: {x: -0.004635407, y: 0.005647418, z: 0.0077239904, w: 0.99994355} + scale: {x: 1.0000005, y: 1.0000036, z: 0.99999875} + - name: c_index2_r + parentName: c_index1_r + position: {x: 0.0000000034924597, y: 0.047904514, z: 0.00000005250331} + rotation: {x: -0.024433492, y: 0.10530338, z: -0.0018819352, w: 0.9941382} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000042} + - name: c_index3_r + parentName: c_index2_r + position: {x: -0.000000007450581, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.000000020489097} + rotation: {x: -0.080947846, y: -0.017785536, z: -0.01037631, w: 0.9965057} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000277, z: 1.0000005} + - name: hold.r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.0063287923, y: 0.08298412, z: -0.015038971} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: 0.47859132, z: -0.46639267, w: 0.53287977} + scale: {x: 0.9999997, y: 0.9999977, z: 1.0000002} + - name: forearm_twist_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000016324193, y: 0.1284726, z: -0.000006649643} + rotation: {x: -0.000018939374, y: 0.0012337323, z: -0.00016194968, w: 0.9999993} + scale: {x: 1.0000073, y: 1.0000048, z: 0.99999934} + - name: shoulder_l + parentName: chest + position: {x: -0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.0039324528} + rotation: {x: -0.5486401, y: 0.5486401, z: -0.44608748, w: -0.4460875} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 0.99999964, z: 1.0000043} + - name: upper_arm_l + parentName: shoulder_l + position: {x: -0.000000009391529, y: 0.11362299, z: -0.000000031237462} + rotation: {x: 0.016802428, y: -0.72826916, z: -0.037395176, w: -0.68406385} + scale: {x: 1.0000075, y: 1.0000076, z: 1.0000032} + - name: forearm_l + parentName: upper_arm_l + position: {x: -0.000000016112608, y: 0.19655891, z: 0.000000013969839} + rotation: {x: 0.07927141, y: 0.00079452974, z: -0.0077523375, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.99999756, y: 0.9999992, z: 0.99999774} + - name: hand_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: -0.00000014150282, y: 0.23644212, z: -0.000000009313226} + rotation: {x: 0.00800377, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328958, w: 0.6950446} + scale: {x: 1.0000067, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000058} + - name: c_thumb1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.043030314, y: 0.02732556, z: -0.02906935} + rotation: {x: 0.23810151, y: -0.6193099, z: 0.34018716, w: 0.66636} + scale: {x: 1.0000024, y: 1.0000248, z: 0.99998504} + - name: c_thumb2_l + parentName: c_thumb1_l + position: {x: 0.00000006519258, y: 0.06776242, z: 0.000000044703484} + rotation: {x: -0.027061354, y: -0.1494992, z: 0.0030296424, w: 0.98838687} + scale: {x: 1.0000145, y: 0.9999532, z: 1.0000383} + - name: c_thumb3_l + parentName: c_thumb2_l + position: {x: -0.000000078231096, y: 0.03458134, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0.16982007, y: 0.068780504, z: -0.06667551, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.99998635, y: 0.99988985, z: 1.0001268} + - name: c_ring1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: 0.03796115, y: 0.081633575, z: 0.0126242405} + rotation: {x: -0.030042524, y: -0.017746734, z: 0.014624785, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000144, y: 1.0000082, z: 1.000006} + - name: c_ring2_l + parentName: c_ring1_l + position: {x: 0.0000000018626451, y: 0.04539384, z: -0.00000013152021} + rotation: {x: 0.027963966, y: -0.028037718, z: -0.00022199283, w: -0.9992156} + scale: {x: 1.0000045, y: 0.99999386, z: 1.0000125} + - name: c_ring3_l + parentName: c_ring2_l + position: {x: -0.000000003259629, y: 0.030371798, z: 0.00000005106267} + rotation: {x: 0.097029544, y: 0.1915853, z: -0.053565085, w: -0.975198} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000107, z: 1.0000023} + - name: c_middle1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.012728396, y: 0.095294036, z: 0.0053454423} + rotation: {x: -0.020141035, y: -0.06533592, z: 0.0029690685, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000117, y: 1.0000049, z: 1.0000024} + - name: c_middle2_l + parentName: c_middle1_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.043471865, z: 0.00000004703179} + rotation: {x: -0.029964855, y: -0.030963589, z: 0.0046565477, w: 0.9990604} + scale: {x: 0.9999977, y: 0.99999636, z: 1.0000107} + - name: c_middle3_l + parentName: c_middle2_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.03297166, z: -0.00000006239861} + rotation: {x: -0.16763954, y: -0.07311703, z: 0.021750832, w: 0.9828926} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000006, z: 1.000013} + - name: c_index1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.059781928, y: 0.0967806, z: 0.014082292} + rotation: {x: -0.0046358937, y: -0.0056473566, z: -0.007723556, w: 0.9999435} + scale: {x: 1.0000126, y: 1.0000038, z: 1.0000052} + - name: c_index2_l + parentName: c_index1_l + position: {x: -0.000000009313226, y: 0.04790459, z: 0.000000045169145} + rotation: {x: -0.024431424, y: -0.10530303, z: 0.0018783653, w: 0.9941383} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000063} + - name: c_index3_l + parentName: c_index2_l + position: {x: 0.000000014901161, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.00000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.08094788, y: 0.017785553, z: 0.01037622, w: 0.9965056} + scale: {x: 1.000003, y: 0.999993, z: 1.0000157} + - name: hold.l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.0063287844, y: 0.082984276, z: -0.015038835} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: -0.47859147, z: 0.46639258, w: 0.5328798} + scale: {x: 1.000011, y: 1.0000129, z: 1.0000062} + - name: forearm_twist_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: 0.00001617195, y: 0.12847266, z: -0.000006655231} + rotation: {x: -0.00001891702, y: -0.001233861, z: 0.00016184966, w: 0.9999992} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000012, z: 1.0000024} + armTwist: 0.5 + foreArmTwist: 0.5 + upperLegTwist: 0.5 + legTwist: 0.5 + armStretch: 0.05 + legStretch: 0.05 + feetSpacing: 0 + globalScale: 1 + rootMotionBoneName: + hasTranslationDoF: 0 + hasExtraRoot: 1 + skeletonHasParents: 1 + lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {fileID: 9000000, guid: f553c8289710b5e4dab99c3bcbbb802e, type: 3} + autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1 + animationType: 3 + humanoidOversampling: 1 + avatarSetup: 2 + addHumanoidExtraRootOnlyWhenUsingAvatar: 1 + remapMaterialsIfMaterialImportModeIsNone: 0 + additionalBone: 0 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/StandToSit.fbx b/Assets/Art/Animations/StandToSit.fbx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b0f957ed6d Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/Art/Animations/StandToSit.fbx differ diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/StandToSit.fbx.meta b/Assets/Art/Animations/StandToSit.fbx.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1854aaaa85 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Art/Animations/StandToSit.fbx.meta @@ -0,0 +1,895 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 60d9384780c600548bb9125a0dc16c10 +ModelImporter: + serializedVersion: 21300 + internalIDToNameTable: [] + externalObjects: {} + materials: + materialImportMode: 2 + materialName: 0 + materialSearch: 1 + materialLocation: 1 + animations: + legacyGenerateAnimations: 4 + bakeSimulation: 0 + resampleCurves: 1 + optimizeGameObjects: 0 + removeConstantScaleCurves: 1 + motionNodeName: + rigImportErrors: + rigImportWarnings: + animationImportErrors: + animationImportWarnings: + animationRetargetingWarnings: + animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0 + importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0 + importConstraints: 0 + animationCompression: 3 + animationRotationError: 0.5 + animationPositionError: 0.5 + animationScaleError: 0.5 + animationWrapMode: 0 + extraExposedTransformPaths: [] + extraUserProperties: [] + clipAnimations: + - serializedVersion: 16 + name: StandToSit + takeName: mixamo.com + internalID: -203655887218126122 + firstFrame: 0 + lastFrame: 52 + wrapMode: 0 + orientationOffsetY: 0 + level: 0 + cycleOffset: 0 + loop: 0 + hasAdditiveReferencePose: 0 + loopTime: 0 + loopBlend: 0 + loopBlendOrientation: 1 + loopBlendPositionY: 1 + loopBlendPositionXZ: 1 + keepOriginalOrientation: 0 + keepOriginalPositionY: 1 + keepOriginalPositionXZ: 0 + heightFromFeet: 0 + mirror: 0 + bodyMask: 01000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000 + curves: [] + events: [] + transformMask: [] + maskType: 3 + maskSource: {instanceID: 0} + additiveReferencePoseFrame: 0 + isReadable: 0 + meshes: + lODScreenPercentages: [] + globalScale: 1 + meshCompression: 0 + addColliders: 0 + useSRGBMaterialColor: 1 + sortHierarchyByName: 1 + importVisibility: 1 + importBlendShapes: 1 + importCameras: 1 + importLights: 1 + nodeNameCollisionStrategy: 1 + fileIdsGeneration: 2 + swapUVChannels: 0 + generateSecondaryUV: 0 + useFileUnits: 1 + keepQuads: 0 + weldVertices: 1 + bakeAxisConversion: 0 + preserveHierarchy: 0 + skinWeightsMode: 0 + maxBonesPerVertex: 4 + minBoneWeight: 0.001 + optimizeBones: 1 + meshOptimizationFlags: -1 + indexFormat: 0 + secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 + secondaryUVAreaDistortion: 15.000001 + secondaryUVHardAngle: 88 + secondaryUVMarginMethod: 1 + secondaryUVMinLightmapResolution: 40 + secondaryUVMinObjectScale: 1 + secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 + useFileScale: 1 + tangentSpace: + normalSmoothAngle: 60 + normalImportMode: 0 + tangentImportMode: 3 + normalCalculationMode: 4 + legacyComputeAllNormalsFromSmoothingGroupsWhenMeshHasBlendShapes: 0 + blendShapeNormalImportMode: 1 + normalSmoothingSource: 0 + referencedClips: [] + importAnimation: 1 + humanDescription: + serializedVersion: 3 + human: + - boneName: hips + humanName: Hips + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_l + humanName: LeftUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_r + humanName: RightUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_l + humanName: LeftLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_r + humanName: RightLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_l + humanName: LeftFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_r + humanName: RightFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: spine + humanName: Spine + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: neck + humanName: Neck + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: head + humanName: Head + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_l + humanName: LeftShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_r + humanName: RightShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_l + humanName: LeftUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_r + humanName: RightUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_l + humanName: LeftLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_r + humanName: RightLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_l + humanName: LeftHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_r + humanName: RightHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_l + humanName: LeftToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_r + humanName: RightToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_l + humanName: Left Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_l + humanName: Left Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_l + humanName: Left Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_l + humanName: Left Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_l + humanName: Left Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_l + humanName: Left Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_l + humanName: Left Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_l + humanName: Left Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_l + humanName: Left Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_l + humanName: Left Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_l + humanName: Left Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_l + humanName: Left Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_r + humanName: Right Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_r + humanName: Right Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_r + humanName: Right Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_r + humanName: Right Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_r + humanName: Right Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_r + humanName: Right Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_r + humanName: Right Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_r + humanName: Right Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_r + humanName: Right Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_r + humanName: Right Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_r + humanName: Right Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_r + humanName: Right Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: chest + humanName: Chest + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + skeleton: + - name: Human(Clone) + parentName: + position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human COMPLETE + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 1.1798787e-12, y: -0.000000052359955, z: 0.000000015905945} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.076661475, y: 1.3955941, z: 0.04250782} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.09472712, y: 1.3974037, z: 0.040297404} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.038126312, y: 1.4131447, z: 0.15032214} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eyes + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Head + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Torso + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0.9402349, z: 0.036055043} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanAppendix + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.04012108, y: 0.9274628, z: 0.104044564} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.03647864, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036478758, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanHeart + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.006746769, y: 1.1291152, z: 0.117190085} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineLarge + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0015628338, y: 0.94421047, z: 0.10589335} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineSmall + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0064120293, y: 0.9636725, z: 0.08935433} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLiver + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.015479565, y: 1.054116, z: 0.1051005} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.036902547, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375894} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036902428, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375895} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanStomach + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.021774769, y: 1.0252738, z: 0.10165389} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanBrain + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0009741783, y: 1.4594865, z: 0.030295096} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanArmature + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: hips + parentName: HumanArmature + position: {x: 1.149433e-13, y: -0.013241618, z: 0.83337724} + rotation: {x: 0.7404059, y: 0.0000055815894, z: 0.000006148301, w: 0.67216} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.99999994} + - name: thigh_l + parentName: hips + position: {x: -0.096564054, y: -0.024295717, z: 0.002351557} + rotation: {x: 0.99558604, y: -0.064399414, z: -0.005032787, w: 0.06808755} + scale: {x: 1.0000036, y: 1.000003, z: 1.0000107} + - name: lower_leg_l + parentName: thigh_l + position: {x: 0.000000015017577, y: 0.35762414, z: 0.000000034924597} + rotation: {x: 0.10202001, y: 0.0028012872, z: -0.009849284, w: 0.9947297} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000085, z: 1.0000061} + - name: foot_l + parentName: lower_leg_l + position: {x: -0.0000000018335413, y: 0.40961084, z: -0.000000004656613} + rotation: {x: -0.5585367, y: 0.13368261, z: -0.18853498, w: 0.79663056} + scale: {x: 1.0000013, y: 1.0000288, z: 0.9999941} + - name: toes_l + parentName: foot_l + position: {x: 0.000000016530976, y: 0.080526456, z: 0.0000000055879354} + rotation: {x: -0.05992987, y: -0.17405595, z: 0.04044075, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000367, y: 0.9999867, z: 0.99997807} + - name: thigh_r + parentName: hips + position: {x: 0.09656395, y: -0.024295837, z: 0.0023547793} + rotation: {x: 0.9955859, y: 0.06439856, z: 0.0050587305, w: 0.06808791} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.999999} + - name: lower_leg_r + parentName: thigh_r + position: {x: 0.0000000044237822, y: 0.35762426, z: 0.00000002514571} + rotation: {x: 0.1020204, y: -0.0028013631, z: 0.009850703, w: 0.99472964} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000057, z: 1.0000025} + - name: foot_r + parentName: lower_leg_r + position: {x: 0.0000000059662852, y: 0.40961078, z: -6.9849193e-10} + rotation: {x: -0.55854076, y: -0.13368613, z: 0.18853135, w: 0.796628} + scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 0.9999992, z: 1.000003} + - name: toes_r + parentName: foot_r + position: {x: -0.000000003958121, y: 0.0805272, z: 0.000000008381903} + rotation: {x: -0.05992934, y: 0.17405611, z: -0.040440965, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000099, z: 0.9999884} + - name: spine + parentName: hips + position: {x: 1.8356248e-12, y: 0.13786578, z: 0.000000013038516} + rotation: {x: -0.020161092, y: 0.0032923277, z: -0.00006672589, w: 0.9997914} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.9999998, z: 0.99999684} + - name: chest + parentName: spine + position: {x: -3.1419884e-11, y: 0.13744113, z: -0.000000003725594} + rotation: {x: -0.079870485, y: -0.0032907373, z: -0.00026367875, w: 0.9967998} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000005, z: 0.999999} + - name: neck + parentName: chest + position: {x: -4.507826e-11, y: 0.13796483, z: 0.000000011175871} + rotation: {x: 0.07572726, y: -0.0067067696, z: -0.00050935626, w: 0.99710584} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000023} + - name: head + parentName: neck + position: {x: 2.845278e-10, y: 0.08491398, z: 0.000000026080253} + rotation: {x: -0.021641804, y: 0.006758547, z: 0.00014482907, w: 0.9997429} + scale: {x: 0.9999991, y: 1.0000007, z: 1.0000015} + - name: shoulder_r + parentName: chest + position: {x: 0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.003932451} + rotation: {x: 0.5486401, y: 0.54864013, z: -0.4460875, w: 0.44608754} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 0.99999845, z: 1.0000019} + - name: upper_arm_r + parentName: shoulder_r + position: {x: 0.0000000056466725, y: 0.113623016, z: 0.000000080447336} + rotation: {x: -0.016802363, y: -0.728269, z: -0.03739515, w: 0.6840641} + scale: {x: 1.000008, y: 1.0000077, z: 1.0000037} + - name: forearm_r + parentName: upper_arm_r + position: {x: -0.0000002590059, y: 0.19655885, z: -0.0000000084983185} + rotation: {x: 0.07927109, y: -0.0007944402, z: 0.007752359, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 0.9999983, z: 0.999999} + - name: hand_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000000022293534, y: 0.23644204, z: -0.0000000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.0080038365, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328861, w: -0.6950444} + scale: {x: 1.0000069, y: 1.0000124, z: 1.0000093} + - name: c_thumb1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.043030325, y: 0.027325455, z: -0.029069485} + rotation: {x: -0.23810282, y: -0.6193094, z: 0.34018674, w: -0.6663602} + scale: {x: 1.0000025, y: 1.0000083, z: 0.99999624} + - name: c_thumb2_r + parentName: c_thumb1_r + position: {x: -0.00000006146729, y: 0.067762405, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.027055915, y: 0.1494991, z: -0.003029404, w: 0.988387} + scale: {x: 1.0000172, y: 0.99998325, z: 1.0000168} + - name: c_thumb3_r + parentName: c_thumb2_r + position: {x: 0.000000063329935, y: 0.034581296, z: 0.000000007450581} + rotation: {x: 0.16982022, y: -0.068780154, z: 0.066675395, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.999986, y: 0.9999816, z: 1.0000352} + - name: c_ring1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: -0.037961163, y: 0.08163366, z: 0.0126242135} + rotation: {x: -0.030043779, y: 0.0177473, z: -0.0146247605, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000018, y: 1.0000027, z: 0.9999998} + - name: c_ring2_r + parentName: c_ring1_r + position: {x: 0.000000007916242, y: 0.045393843, z: -0.000000037747668} + rotation: {x: -0.027954554, y: -0.02803783, z: -0.00021981988, w: 0.9992159} + scale: {x: 1.0000081, y: 0.9999979, z: 1.0000149} + - name: c_ring3_r + parentName: c_ring2_r + position: {x: -0, y: 0.030371627, z: -0.00000012342207} + rotation: {x: -0.09702881, y: 0.19158539, z: -0.05356502, w: 0.9751981} + scale: {x: 1.0000122, y: 1.000016, z: 0.9999991} + - name: c_middle1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.012728409, y: 0.095293984, z: 0.005345431} + rotation: {x: -0.020139333, y: 0.06533595, z: -0.0029693954, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000037, y: 1.0000066, z: 1.0000002} + - name: c_middle2_r + parentName: c_middle1_r + position: {x: -0.000000027939677, y: 0.04347191, z: 0.000000017229468} + rotation: {x: -0.02996826, y: 0.030963402, z: -0.0046559433, w: 0.9990603} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000036, z: 1.0000131} + - name: c_middle3_r + parentName: c_middle2_r + position: {x: -0.000000033527613, y: 0.0329716, z: 0.00000006053597} + rotation: {x: -0.1676397, y: 0.073116966, z: -0.021750906, w: 0.98289263} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 1.0000196, z: 0.99999374} + - name: c_index1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.059781943, y: 0.096780546, z: 0.014082293} + rotation: {x: -0.004635407, y: 0.005647418, z: 0.0077239904, w: 0.99994355} + scale: {x: 1.0000005, y: 1.0000036, z: 0.99999875} + - name: c_index2_r + parentName: c_index1_r + position: {x: 0.0000000034924597, y: 0.047904514, z: 0.00000005250331} + rotation: {x: -0.024433492, y: 0.10530338, z: -0.0018819352, w: 0.9941382} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000042} + - name: c_index3_r + parentName: c_index2_r + position: {x: -0.000000007450581, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.000000020489097} + rotation: {x: -0.080947846, y: -0.017785536, z: -0.01037631, w: 0.9965057} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000277, z: 1.0000005} + - name: hold.r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.0063287923, y: 0.08298412, z: -0.015038971} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: 0.47859132, z: -0.46639267, w: 0.53287977} + scale: {x: 0.9999997, y: 0.9999977, z: 1.0000002} + - name: forearm_twist_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000016324193, y: 0.1284726, z: -0.000006649643} + rotation: {x: -0.000018939374, y: 0.0012337323, z: -0.00016194968, w: 0.9999993} + scale: {x: 1.0000073, y: 1.0000048, z: 0.99999934} + - name: shoulder_l + parentName: chest + position: {x: -0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.0039324528} + rotation: {x: -0.5486401, y: 0.5486401, z: -0.44608748, w: -0.4460875} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 0.99999964, z: 1.0000043} + - name: upper_arm_l + parentName: shoulder_l + position: {x: -0.000000009391529, y: 0.11362299, z: -0.000000031237462} + rotation: {x: 0.016802428, y: -0.72826916, z: -0.037395176, w: -0.68406385} + scale: {x: 1.0000075, y: 1.0000076, z: 1.0000032} + - name: forearm_l + parentName: upper_arm_l + position: {x: -0.000000016112608, y: 0.19655891, z: 0.000000013969839} + rotation: {x: 0.07927141, y: 0.00079452974, z: -0.0077523375, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.99999756, y: 0.9999992, z: 0.99999774} + - name: hand_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: -0.00000014150282, y: 0.23644212, z: -0.000000009313226} + rotation: {x: 0.00800377, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328958, w: 0.6950446} + scale: {x: 1.0000067, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000058} + - name: c_thumb1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.043030314, y: 0.02732556, z: -0.02906935} + rotation: {x: 0.23810151, y: -0.6193099, z: 0.34018716, w: 0.66636} + scale: {x: 1.0000024, y: 1.0000248, z: 0.99998504} + - name: c_thumb2_l + parentName: c_thumb1_l + position: {x: 0.00000006519258, y: 0.06776242, z: 0.000000044703484} + rotation: {x: -0.027061354, y: -0.1494992, z: 0.0030296424, w: 0.98838687} + scale: {x: 1.0000145, y: 0.9999532, z: 1.0000383} + - name: c_thumb3_l + parentName: c_thumb2_l + position: {x: -0.000000078231096, y: 0.03458134, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0.16982007, y: 0.068780504, z: -0.06667551, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.99998635, y: 0.99988985, z: 1.0001268} + - name: c_ring1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: 0.03796115, y: 0.081633575, z: 0.0126242405} + rotation: {x: -0.030042524, y: -0.017746734, z: 0.014624785, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000144, y: 1.0000082, z: 1.000006} + - name: c_ring2_l + parentName: c_ring1_l + position: {x: 0.0000000018626451, y: 0.04539384, z: -0.00000013152021} + rotation: {x: 0.027963966, y: -0.028037718, z: -0.00022199283, w: -0.9992156} + scale: {x: 1.0000045, y: 0.99999386, z: 1.0000125} + - name: c_ring3_l + parentName: c_ring2_l + position: {x: -0.000000003259629, y: 0.030371798, z: 0.00000005106267} + rotation: {x: 0.097029544, y: 0.1915853, z: -0.053565085, w: -0.975198} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000107, z: 1.0000023} + - name: c_middle1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.012728396, y: 0.095294036, z: 0.0053454423} + rotation: {x: -0.020141035, y: -0.06533592, z: 0.0029690685, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000117, y: 1.0000049, z: 1.0000024} + - name: c_middle2_l + parentName: c_middle1_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.043471865, z: 0.00000004703179} + rotation: {x: -0.029964855, y: -0.030963589, z: 0.0046565477, w: 0.9990604} + scale: {x: 0.9999977, y: 0.99999636, z: 1.0000107} + - name: c_middle3_l + parentName: c_middle2_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.03297166, z: -0.00000006239861} + rotation: {x: -0.16763954, y: -0.07311703, z: 0.021750832, w: 0.9828926} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000006, z: 1.000013} + - name: c_index1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.059781928, y: 0.0967806, z: 0.014082292} + rotation: {x: -0.0046358937, y: -0.0056473566, z: -0.007723556, w: 0.9999435} + scale: {x: 1.0000126, y: 1.0000038, z: 1.0000052} + - name: c_index2_l + parentName: c_index1_l + position: {x: -0.000000009313226, y: 0.04790459, z: 0.000000045169145} + rotation: {x: -0.024431424, y: -0.10530303, z: 0.0018783653, w: 0.9941383} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000063} + - name: c_index3_l + parentName: c_index2_l + position: {x: 0.000000014901161, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.00000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.08094788, y: 0.017785553, z: 0.01037622, w: 0.9965056} + scale: {x: 1.000003, y: 0.999993, z: 1.0000157} + - name: hold.l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.0063287844, y: 0.082984276, z: -0.015038835} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: -0.47859147, z: 0.46639258, w: 0.5328798} + scale: {x: 1.000011, y: 1.0000129, z: 1.0000062} + - name: forearm_twist_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: 0.00001617195, y: 0.12847266, z: -0.000006655231} + rotation: {x: -0.00001891702, y: -0.001233861, z: 0.00016184966, w: 0.9999992} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000012, z: 1.0000024} + armTwist: 0.5 + foreArmTwist: 0.5 + upperLegTwist: 0.5 + legTwist: 0.5 + armStretch: 0.05 + legStretch: 0.05 + feetSpacing: 0 + globalScale: 1 + rootMotionBoneName: + hasTranslationDoF: 0 + hasExtraRoot: 1 + skeletonHasParents: 1 + lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {fileID: 9000000, guid: f553c8289710b5e4dab99c3bcbbb802e, type: 3} + autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1 + animationType: 3 + humanoidOversampling: 1 + avatarSetup: 2 + addHumanoidExtraRootOnlyWhenUsingAvatar: 1 + remapMaterialsIfMaterialImportModeIsNone: 0 + additionalBone: 0 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/StomachHit.fbx b/Assets/Art/Animations/StomachHit.fbx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c2845bdf5b Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/Art/Animations/StomachHit.fbx differ diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/StomachHit.fbx.meta b/Assets/Art/Animations/StomachHit.fbx.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dd7de3c46f --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Art/Animations/StomachHit.fbx.meta @@ -0,0 +1,895 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: d38fdac4a00360942ba08f881194dbc8 +ModelImporter: + serializedVersion: 21300 + internalIDToNameTable: [] + externalObjects: {} + materials: + materialImportMode: 2 + materialName: 0 + materialSearch: 1 + materialLocation: 1 + animations: + legacyGenerateAnimations: 4 + bakeSimulation: 0 + resampleCurves: 1 + optimizeGameObjects: 0 + removeConstantScaleCurves: 1 + motionNodeName: + rigImportErrors: + rigImportWarnings: + animationImportErrors: + animationImportWarnings: + animationRetargetingWarnings: + animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0 + importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0 + importConstraints: 0 + animationCompression: 3 + animationRotationError: 0.5 + animationPositionError: 0.5 + animationScaleError: 0.5 + animationWrapMode: 0 + extraExposedTransformPaths: [] + extraUserProperties: [] + clipAnimations: + - serializedVersion: 16 + name: StomachHit + takeName: mixamo.com + internalID: -203655887218126122 + firstFrame: 0 + lastFrame: 25 + wrapMode: 0 + orientationOffsetY: 0 + level: 0 + cycleOffset: 0 + loop: 0 + hasAdditiveReferencePose: 0 + loopTime: 0 + loopBlend: 0 + loopBlendOrientation: 0 + loopBlendPositionY: 0 + loopBlendPositionXZ: 0 + keepOriginalOrientation: 0 + keepOriginalPositionY: 1 + keepOriginalPositionXZ: 0 + heightFromFeet: 0 + mirror: 0 + bodyMask: 01000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000 + curves: [] + events: [] + transformMask: [] + maskType: 3 + maskSource: {instanceID: 0} + additiveReferencePoseFrame: 0 + isReadable: 0 + meshes: + lODScreenPercentages: [] + globalScale: 1 + meshCompression: 0 + addColliders: 0 + useSRGBMaterialColor: 1 + sortHierarchyByName: 1 + importVisibility: 1 + importBlendShapes: 1 + importCameras: 1 + importLights: 1 + nodeNameCollisionStrategy: 1 + fileIdsGeneration: 2 + swapUVChannels: 0 + generateSecondaryUV: 0 + useFileUnits: 1 + keepQuads: 0 + weldVertices: 1 + bakeAxisConversion: 0 + preserveHierarchy: 0 + skinWeightsMode: 0 + maxBonesPerVertex: 4 + minBoneWeight: 0.001 + optimizeBones: 1 + meshOptimizationFlags: -1 + indexFormat: 0 + secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 + secondaryUVAreaDistortion: 15.000001 + secondaryUVHardAngle: 88 + secondaryUVMarginMethod: 1 + secondaryUVMinLightmapResolution: 40 + secondaryUVMinObjectScale: 1 + secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 + useFileScale: 1 + tangentSpace: + normalSmoothAngle: 60 + normalImportMode: 0 + tangentImportMode: 3 + normalCalculationMode: 4 + legacyComputeAllNormalsFromSmoothingGroupsWhenMeshHasBlendShapes: 0 + blendShapeNormalImportMode: 1 + normalSmoothingSource: 0 + referencedClips: [] + importAnimation: 1 + humanDescription: + serializedVersion: 3 + human: + - boneName: hips + humanName: Hips + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_l + humanName: LeftUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_r + humanName: RightUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_l + humanName: LeftLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_r + humanName: RightLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_l + humanName: LeftFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_r + humanName: RightFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: spine + humanName: Spine + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: neck + humanName: Neck + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: head + humanName: Head + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_l + humanName: LeftShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_r + humanName: RightShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_l + humanName: LeftUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_r + humanName: RightUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_l + humanName: LeftLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_r + humanName: RightLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_l + humanName: LeftHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_r + humanName: RightHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_l + humanName: LeftToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_r + humanName: RightToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_l + humanName: Left Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_l + humanName: Left Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_l + humanName: Left Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_l + humanName: Left Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_l + humanName: Left Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_l + humanName: Left Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_l + humanName: Left Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_l + humanName: Left Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_l + humanName: Left Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_l + humanName: Left Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_l + humanName: Left Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_l + humanName: Left Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_r + humanName: Right Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_r + humanName: Right Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_r + humanName: Right Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_r + humanName: Right Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_r + humanName: Right Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_r + humanName: Right Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_r + humanName: Right Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_r + humanName: Right Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_r + humanName: Right Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_r + humanName: Right Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_r + humanName: Right Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_r + humanName: Right Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: chest + humanName: Chest + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + skeleton: + - name: Human(Clone) + parentName: + position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human COMPLETE + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 1.1798787e-12, y: -0.000000052359955, z: 0.000000015905945} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.076661475, y: 1.3955941, z: 0.04250782} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.09472712, y: 1.3974037, z: 0.040297404} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.038126312, y: 1.4131447, z: 0.15032214} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eyes + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Head + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Torso + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0.9402349, z: 0.036055043} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanAppendix + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.04012108, y: 0.9274628, z: 0.104044564} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.03647864, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036478758, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanHeart + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.006746769, y: 1.1291152, z: 0.117190085} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineLarge + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0015628338, y: 0.94421047, z: 0.10589335} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineSmall + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0064120293, y: 0.9636725, z: 0.08935433} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLiver + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.015479565, y: 1.054116, z: 0.1051005} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.036902547, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375894} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036902428, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375895} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanStomach + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.021774769, y: 1.0252738, z: 0.10165389} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanBrain + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0009741783, y: 1.4594865, z: 0.030295096} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanArmature + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: hips + parentName: HumanArmature + position: {x: 1.149433e-13, y: -0.013241618, z: 0.83337724} + rotation: {x: 0.7404059, y: 0.0000055815894, z: 0.000006148301, w: 0.67216} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.99999994} + - name: thigh_l + parentName: hips + position: {x: -0.096564054, y: -0.024295717, z: 0.002351557} + rotation: {x: 0.99558604, y: -0.064399414, z: -0.005032787, w: 0.06808755} + scale: {x: 1.0000036, y: 1.000003, z: 1.0000107} + - name: lower_leg_l + parentName: thigh_l + position: {x: 0.000000015017577, y: 0.35762414, z: 0.000000034924597} + rotation: {x: 0.10202001, y: 0.0028012872, z: -0.009849284, w: 0.9947297} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000085, z: 1.0000061} + - name: foot_l + parentName: lower_leg_l + position: {x: -0.0000000018335413, y: 0.40961084, z: -0.000000004656613} + rotation: {x: -0.5585367, y: 0.13368261, z: -0.18853498, w: 0.79663056} + scale: {x: 1.0000013, y: 1.0000288, z: 0.9999941} + - name: toes_l + parentName: foot_l + position: {x: 0.000000016530976, y: 0.080526456, z: 0.0000000055879354} + rotation: {x: -0.05992987, y: -0.17405595, z: 0.04044075, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000367, y: 0.9999867, z: 0.99997807} + - name: thigh_r + parentName: hips + position: {x: 0.09656395, y: -0.024295837, z: 0.0023547793} + rotation: {x: 0.9955859, y: 0.06439856, z: 0.0050587305, w: 0.06808791} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.999999} + - name: lower_leg_r + parentName: thigh_r + position: {x: 0.0000000044237822, y: 0.35762426, z: 0.00000002514571} + rotation: {x: 0.1020204, y: -0.0028013631, z: 0.009850703, w: 0.99472964} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000057, z: 1.0000025} + - name: foot_r + parentName: lower_leg_r + position: {x: 0.0000000059662852, y: 0.40961078, z: -6.9849193e-10} + rotation: {x: -0.55854076, y: -0.13368613, z: 0.18853135, w: 0.796628} + scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 0.9999992, z: 1.000003} + - name: toes_r + parentName: foot_r + position: {x: -0.000000003958121, y: 0.0805272, z: 0.000000008381903} + rotation: {x: -0.05992934, y: 0.17405611, z: -0.040440965, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000099, z: 0.9999884} + - name: spine + parentName: hips + position: {x: 1.8356248e-12, y: 0.13786578, z: 0.000000013038516} + rotation: {x: -0.020161092, y: 0.0032923277, z: -0.00006672589, w: 0.9997914} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.9999998, z: 0.99999684} + - name: chest + parentName: spine + position: {x: -3.1419884e-11, y: 0.13744113, z: -0.000000003725594} + rotation: {x: -0.079870485, y: -0.0032907373, z: -0.00026367875, w: 0.9967998} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000005, z: 0.999999} + - name: neck + parentName: chest + position: {x: -4.507826e-11, y: 0.13796483, z: 0.000000011175871} + rotation: {x: 0.07572726, y: -0.0067067696, z: -0.00050935626, w: 0.99710584} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000023} + - name: head + parentName: neck + position: {x: 2.845278e-10, y: 0.08491398, z: 0.000000026080253} + rotation: {x: -0.021641804, y: 0.006758547, z: 0.00014482907, w: 0.9997429} + scale: {x: 0.9999991, y: 1.0000007, z: 1.0000015} + - name: shoulder_r + parentName: chest + position: {x: 0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.003932451} + rotation: {x: 0.5486401, y: 0.54864013, z: -0.4460875, w: 0.44608754} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 0.99999845, z: 1.0000019} + - name: upper_arm_r + parentName: shoulder_r + position: {x: 0.0000000056466725, y: 0.113623016, z: 0.000000080447336} + rotation: {x: -0.016802363, y: -0.728269, z: -0.03739515, w: 0.6840641} + scale: {x: 1.000008, y: 1.0000077, z: 1.0000037} + - name: forearm_r + parentName: upper_arm_r + position: {x: -0.0000002590059, y: 0.19655885, z: -0.0000000084983185} + rotation: {x: 0.07927109, y: -0.0007944402, z: 0.007752359, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 0.9999983, z: 0.999999} + - name: hand_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000000022293534, y: 0.23644204, z: -0.0000000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.0080038365, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328861, w: -0.6950444} + scale: {x: 1.0000069, y: 1.0000124, z: 1.0000093} + - name: c_thumb1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.043030325, y: 0.027325455, z: -0.029069485} + rotation: {x: -0.23810282, y: -0.6193094, z: 0.34018674, w: -0.6663602} + scale: {x: 1.0000025, y: 1.0000083, z: 0.99999624} + - name: c_thumb2_r + parentName: c_thumb1_r + position: {x: -0.00000006146729, y: 0.067762405, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.027055915, y: 0.1494991, z: -0.003029404, w: 0.988387} + scale: {x: 1.0000172, y: 0.99998325, z: 1.0000168} + - name: c_thumb3_r + parentName: c_thumb2_r + position: {x: 0.000000063329935, y: 0.034581296, z: 0.000000007450581} + rotation: {x: 0.16982022, y: -0.068780154, z: 0.066675395, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.999986, y: 0.9999816, z: 1.0000352} + - name: c_ring1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: -0.037961163, y: 0.08163366, z: 0.0126242135} + rotation: {x: -0.030043779, y: 0.0177473, z: -0.0146247605, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000018, y: 1.0000027, z: 0.9999998} + - name: c_ring2_r + parentName: c_ring1_r + position: {x: 0.000000007916242, y: 0.045393843, z: -0.000000037747668} + rotation: {x: -0.027954554, y: -0.02803783, z: -0.00021981988, w: 0.9992159} + scale: {x: 1.0000081, y: 0.9999979, z: 1.0000149} + - name: c_ring3_r + parentName: c_ring2_r + position: {x: -0, y: 0.030371627, z: -0.00000012342207} + rotation: {x: -0.09702881, y: 0.19158539, z: -0.05356502, w: 0.9751981} + scale: {x: 1.0000122, y: 1.000016, z: 0.9999991} + - name: c_middle1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.012728409, y: 0.095293984, z: 0.005345431} + rotation: {x: -0.020139333, y: 0.06533595, z: -0.0029693954, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000037, y: 1.0000066, z: 1.0000002} + - name: c_middle2_r + parentName: c_middle1_r + position: {x: -0.000000027939677, y: 0.04347191, z: 0.000000017229468} + rotation: {x: -0.02996826, y: 0.030963402, z: -0.0046559433, w: 0.9990603} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000036, z: 1.0000131} + - name: c_middle3_r + parentName: c_middle2_r + position: {x: -0.000000033527613, y: 0.0329716, z: 0.00000006053597} + rotation: {x: -0.1676397, y: 0.073116966, z: -0.021750906, w: 0.98289263} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 1.0000196, z: 0.99999374} + - name: c_index1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.059781943, y: 0.096780546, z: 0.014082293} + rotation: {x: -0.004635407, y: 0.005647418, z: 0.0077239904, w: 0.99994355} + scale: {x: 1.0000005, y: 1.0000036, z: 0.99999875} + - name: c_index2_r + parentName: c_index1_r + position: {x: 0.0000000034924597, y: 0.047904514, z: 0.00000005250331} + rotation: {x: -0.024433492, y: 0.10530338, z: -0.0018819352, w: 0.9941382} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000042} + - name: c_index3_r + parentName: c_index2_r + position: {x: -0.000000007450581, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.000000020489097} + rotation: {x: -0.080947846, y: -0.017785536, z: -0.01037631, w: 0.9965057} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000277, z: 1.0000005} + - name: hold.r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.0063287923, y: 0.08298412, z: -0.015038971} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: 0.47859132, z: -0.46639267, w: 0.53287977} + scale: {x: 0.9999997, y: 0.9999977, z: 1.0000002} + - name: forearm_twist_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000016324193, y: 0.1284726, z: -0.000006649643} + rotation: {x: -0.000018939374, y: 0.0012337323, z: -0.00016194968, w: 0.9999993} + scale: {x: 1.0000073, y: 1.0000048, z: 0.99999934} + - name: shoulder_l + parentName: chest + position: {x: -0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.0039324528} + rotation: {x: -0.5486401, y: 0.5486401, z: -0.44608748, w: -0.4460875} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 0.99999964, z: 1.0000043} + - name: upper_arm_l + parentName: shoulder_l + position: {x: -0.000000009391529, y: 0.11362299, z: -0.000000031237462} + rotation: {x: 0.016802428, y: -0.72826916, z: -0.037395176, w: -0.68406385} + scale: {x: 1.0000075, y: 1.0000076, z: 1.0000032} + - name: forearm_l + parentName: upper_arm_l + position: {x: -0.000000016112608, y: 0.19655891, z: 0.000000013969839} + rotation: {x: 0.07927141, y: 0.00079452974, z: -0.0077523375, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.99999756, y: 0.9999992, z: 0.99999774} + - name: hand_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: -0.00000014150282, y: 0.23644212, z: -0.000000009313226} + rotation: {x: 0.00800377, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328958, w: 0.6950446} + scale: {x: 1.0000067, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000058} + - name: c_thumb1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.043030314, y: 0.02732556, z: -0.02906935} + rotation: {x: 0.23810151, y: -0.6193099, z: 0.34018716, w: 0.66636} + scale: {x: 1.0000024, y: 1.0000248, z: 0.99998504} + - name: c_thumb2_l + parentName: c_thumb1_l + position: {x: 0.00000006519258, y: 0.06776242, z: 0.000000044703484} + rotation: {x: -0.027061354, y: -0.1494992, z: 0.0030296424, w: 0.98838687} + scale: {x: 1.0000145, y: 0.9999532, z: 1.0000383} + - name: c_thumb3_l + parentName: c_thumb2_l + position: {x: -0.000000078231096, y: 0.03458134, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0.16982007, y: 0.068780504, z: -0.06667551, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.99998635, y: 0.99988985, z: 1.0001268} + - name: c_ring1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: 0.03796115, y: 0.081633575, z: 0.0126242405} + rotation: {x: -0.030042524, y: -0.017746734, z: 0.014624785, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000144, y: 1.0000082, z: 1.000006} + - name: c_ring2_l + parentName: c_ring1_l + position: {x: 0.0000000018626451, y: 0.04539384, z: -0.00000013152021} + rotation: {x: 0.027963966, y: -0.028037718, z: -0.00022199283, w: -0.9992156} + scale: {x: 1.0000045, y: 0.99999386, z: 1.0000125} + - name: c_ring3_l + parentName: c_ring2_l + position: {x: -0.000000003259629, y: 0.030371798, z: 0.00000005106267} + rotation: {x: 0.097029544, y: 0.1915853, z: -0.053565085, w: -0.975198} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000107, z: 1.0000023} + - name: c_middle1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.012728396, y: 0.095294036, z: 0.0053454423} + rotation: {x: -0.020141035, y: -0.06533592, z: 0.0029690685, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000117, y: 1.0000049, z: 1.0000024} + - name: c_middle2_l + parentName: c_middle1_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.043471865, z: 0.00000004703179} + rotation: {x: -0.029964855, y: -0.030963589, z: 0.0046565477, w: 0.9990604} + scale: {x: 0.9999977, y: 0.99999636, z: 1.0000107} + - name: c_middle3_l + parentName: c_middle2_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.03297166, z: -0.00000006239861} + rotation: {x: -0.16763954, y: -0.07311703, z: 0.021750832, w: 0.9828926} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000006, z: 1.000013} + - name: c_index1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.059781928, y: 0.0967806, z: 0.014082292} + rotation: {x: -0.0046358937, y: -0.0056473566, z: -0.007723556, w: 0.9999435} + scale: {x: 1.0000126, y: 1.0000038, z: 1.0000052} + - name: c_index2_l + parentName: c_index1_l + position: {x: -0.000000009313226, y: 0.04790459, z: 0.000000045169145} + rotation: {x: -0.024431424, y: -0.10530303, z: 0.0018783653, w: 0.9941383} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000063} + - name: c_index3_l + parentName: c_index2_l + position: {x: 0.000000014901161, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.00000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.08094788, y: 0.017785553, z: 0.01037622, w: 0.9965056} + scale: {x: 1.000003, y: 0.999993, z: 1.0000157} + - name: hold.l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.0063287844, y: 0.082984276, z: -0.015038835} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: -0.47859147, z: 0.46639258, w: 0.5328798} + scale: {x: 1.000011, y: 1.0000129, z: 1.0000062} + - name: forearm_twist_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: 0.00001617195, y: 0.12847266, z: -0.000006655231} + rotation: {x: -0.00001891702, y: -0.001233861, z: 0.00016184966, w: 0.9999992} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000012, z: 1.0000024} + armTwist: 0.5 + foreArmTwist: 0.5 + upperLegTwist: 0.5 + legTwist: 0.5 + armStretch: 0.05 + legStretch: 0.05 + feetSpacing: 0 + globalScale: 1 + rootMotionBoneName: + hasTranslationDoF: 0 + hasExtraRoot: 1 + skeletonHasParents: 1 + lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {fileID: 9000000, guid: f553c8289710b5e4dab99c3bcbbb802e, type: 3} + autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1 + animationType: 3 + humanoidOversampling: 1 + avatarSetup: 2 + addHumanoidExtraRootOnlyWhenUsingAvatar: 1 + remapMaterialsIfMaterialImportModeIsNone: 0 + additionalBone: 0 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/Strafe.fbx b/Assets/Art/Animations/Strafe.fbx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8b54f33ea1 Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/Art/Animations/Strafe.fbx differ diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/Strafe.fbx.meta b/Assets/Art/Animations/Strafe.fbx.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..72b451573a --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Art/Animations/Strafe.fbx.meta @@ -0,0 +1,895 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 50eb7c9a068eb894d92effe039bcc536 +ModelImporter: + serializedVersion: 21300 + internalIDToNameTable: [] + externalObjects: {} + materials: + materialImportMode: 2 + materialName: 0 + materialSearch: 1 + materialLocation: 1 + animations: + legacyGenerateAnimations: 4 + bakeSimulation: 0 + resampleCurves: 1 + optimizeGameObjects: 0 + removeConstantScaleCurves: 1 + motionNodeName: + rigImportErrors: + rigImportWarnings: + animationImportErrors: + animationImportWarnings: + animationRetargetingWarnings: + animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0 + importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0 + importConstraints: 0 + animationCompression: 3 + animationRotationError: 0.5 + animationPositionError: 0.5 + animationScaleError: 0.5 + animationWrapMode: 0 + extraExposedTransformPaths: [] + extraUserProperties: [] + clipAnimations: + - serializedVersion: 16 + name: Strafe + takeName: mixamo.com + internalID: -203655887218126122 + firstFrame: 0 + lastFrame: 44 + wrapMode: 0 + orientationOffsetY: 0 + level: 0 + cycleOffset: 0 + loop: 0 + hasAdditiveReferencePose: 0 + loopTime: 1 + loopBlend: 0 + loopBlendOrientation: 0 + loopBlendPositionY: 0 + loopBlendPositionXZ: 0 + keepOriginalOrientation: 0 + keepOriginalPositionY: 1 + keepOriginalPositionXZ: 0 + heightFromFeet: 0 + mirror: 0 + bodyMask: 01000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000 + curves: [] + events: [] + transformMask: [] + maskType: 3 + maskSource: {instanceID: 0} + additiveReferencePoseFrame: 0 + isReadable: 0 + meshes: + lODScreenPercentages: [] + globalScale: 1 + meshCompression: 0 + addColliders: 0 + useSRGBMaterialColor: 1 + sortHierarchyByName: 1 + importVisibility: 1 + importBlendShapes: 1 + importCameras: 1 + importLights: 1 + nodeNameCollisionStrategy: 1 + fileIdsGeneration: 2 + swapUVChannels: 0 + generateSecondaryUV: 0 + useFileUnits: 1 + keepQuads: 0 + weldVertices: 1 + bakeAxisConversion: 0 + preserveHierarchy: 0 + skinWeightsMode: 0 + maxBonesPerVertex: 4 + minBoneWeight: 0.001 + optimizeBones: 1 + meshOptimizationFlags: -1 + indexFormat: 0 + secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 + secondaryUVAreaDistortion: 15.000001 + secondaryUVHardAngle: 88 + secondaryUVMarginMethod: 1 + secondaryUVMinLightmapResolution: 40 + secondaryUVMinObjectScale: 1 + secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 + useFileScale: 1 + tangentSpace: + normalSmoothAngle: 60 + normalImportMode: 0 + tangentImportMode: 3 + normalCalculationMode: 4 + legacyComputeAllNormalsFromSmoothingGroupsWhenMeshHasBlendShapes: 0 + blendShapeNormalImportMode: 1 + normalSmoothingSource: 0 + referencedClips: [] + importAnimation: 1 + humanDescription: + serializedVersion: 3 + human: + - boneName: hips + humanName: Hips + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_l + humanName: LeftUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_r + humanName: RightUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_l + humanName: LeftLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_r + humanName: RightLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_l + humanName: LeftFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_r + humanName: RightFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: spine + humanName: Spine + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: neck + humanName: Neck + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: head + humanName: Head + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_l + humanName: LeftShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_r + humanName: RightShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_l + humanName: LeftUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_r + humanName: RightUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_l + humanName: LeftLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_r + humanName: RightLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_l + humanName: LeftHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_r + humanName: RightHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_l + humanName: LeftToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_r + humanName: RightToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_l + humanName: Left Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_l + humanName: Left Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_l + humanName: Left Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_l + humanName: Left Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_l + humanName: Left Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_l + humanName: Left Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_l + humanName: Left Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_l + humanName: Left Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_l + humanName: Left Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_l + humanName: Left Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_l + humanName: Left Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_l + humanName: Left Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_r + humanName: Right Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_r + humanName: Right Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_r + humanName: Right Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_r + humanName: Right Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_r + humanName: Right Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_r + humanName: Right Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_r + humanName: Right Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_r + humanName: Right Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_r + humanName: Right Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_r + humanName: Right Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_r + humanName: Right Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_r + humanName: Right Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: chest + humanName: Chest + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + skeleton: + - name: Human(Clone) + parentName: + position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human COMPLETE + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 1.1798787e-12, y: -0.000000052359955, z: 0.000000015905945} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.076661475, y: 1.3955941, z: 0.04250782} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.09472712, y: 1.3974037, z: 0.040297404} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.038126312, y: 1.4131447, z: 0.15032214} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eyes + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Head + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Torso + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0.9402349, z: 0.036055043} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanAppendix + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.04012108, y: 0.9274628, z: 0.104044564} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.03647864, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036478758, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanHeart + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.006746769, y: 1.1291152, z: 0.117190085} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineLarge + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0015628338, y: 0.94421047, z: 0.10589335} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineSmall + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0064120293, y: 0.9636725, z: 0.08935433} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLiver + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.015479565, y: 1.054116, z: 0.1051005} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.036902547, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375894} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036902428, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375895} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanStomach + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.021774769, y: 1.0252738, z: 0.10165389} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanBrain + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0009741783, y: 1.4594865, z: 0.030295096} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanArmature + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: hips + parentName: HumanArmature + position: {x: 1.149433e-13, y: -0.013241618, z: 0.83337724} + rotation: {x: 0.7404059, y: 0.0000055815894, z: 0.000006148301, w: 0.67216} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.99999994} + - name: thigh_l + parentName: hips + position: {x: -0.096564054, y: -0.024295717, z: 0.002351557} + rotation: {x: 0.99558604, y: -0.064399414, z: -0.005032787, w: 0.06808755} + scale: {x: 1.0000036, y: 1.000003, z: 1.0000107} + - name: lower_leg_l + parentName: thigh_l + position: {x: 0.000000015017577, y: 0.35762414, z: 0.000000034924597} + rotation: {x: 0.10202001, y: 0.0028012872, z: -0.009849284, w: 0.9947297} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000085, z: 1.0000061} + - name: foot_l + parentName: lower_leg_l + position: {x: -0.0000000018335413, y: 0.40961084, z: -0.000000004656613} + rotation: {x: -0.5585367, y: 0.13368261, z: -0.18853498, w: 0.79663056} + scale: {x: 1.0000013, y: 1.0000288, z: 0.9999941} + - name: toes_l + parentName: foot_l + position: {x: 0.000000016530976, y: 0.080526456, z: 0.0000000055879354} + rotation: {x: -0.05992987, y: -0.17405595, z: 0.04044075, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000367, y: 0.9999867, z: 0.99997807} + - name: thigh_r + parentName: hips + position: {x: 0.09656395, y: -0.024295837, z: 0.0023547793} + rotation: {x: 0.9955859, y: 0.06439856, z: 0.0050587305, w: 0.06808791} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.999999} + - name: lower_leg_r + parentName: thigh_r + position: {x: 0.0000000044237822, y: 0.35762426, z: 0.00000002514571} + rotation: {x: 0.1020204, y: -0.0028013631, z: 0.009850703, w: 0.99472964} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000057, z: 1.0000025} + - name: foot_r + parentName: lower_leg_r + position: {x: 0.0000000059662852, y: 0.40961078, z: -6.9849193e-10} + rotation: {x: -0.55854076, y: -0.13368613, z: 0.18853135, w: 0.796628} + scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 0.9999992, z: 1.000003} + - name: toes_r + parentName: foot_r + position: {x: -0.000000003958121, y: 0.0805272, z: 0.000000008381903} + rotation: {x: -0.05992934, y: 0.17405611, z: -0.040440965, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000099, z: 0.9999884} + - name: spine + parentName: hips + position: {x: 1.8356248e-12, y: 0.13786578, z: 0.000000013038516} + rotation: {x: -0.020161092, y: 0.0032923277, z: -0.00006672589, w: 0.9997914} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.9999998, z: 0.99999684} + - name: chest + parentName: spine + position: {x: -3.1419884e-11, y: 0.13744113, z: -0.000000003725594} + rotation: {x: -0.079870485, y: -0.0032907373, z: -0.00026367875, w: 0.9967998} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000005, z: 0.999999} + - name: neck + parentName: chest + position: {x: -4.507826e-11, y: 0.13796483, z: 0.000000011175871} + rotation: {x: 0.07572726, y: -0.0067067696, z: -0.00050935626, w: 0.99710584} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000023} + - name: head + parentName: neck + position: {x: 2.845278e-10, y: 0.08491398, z: 0.000000026080253} + rotation: {x: -0.021641804, y: 0.006758547, z: 0.00014482907, w: 0.9997429} + scale: {x: 0.9999991, y: 1.0000007, z: 1.0000015} + - name: shoulder_r + parentName: chest + position: {x: 0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.003932451} + rotation: {x: 0.5486401, y: 0.54864013, z: -0.4460875, w: 0.44608754} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 0.99999845, z: 1.0000019} + - name: upper_arm_r + parentName: shoulder_r + position: {x: 0.0000000056466725, y: 0.113623016, z: 0.000000080447336} + rotation: {x: -0.016802363, y: -0.728269, z: -0.03739515, w: 0.6840641} + scale: {x: 1.000008, y: 1.0000077, z: 1.0000037} + - name: forearm_r + parentName: upper_arm_r + position: {x: -0.0000002590059, y: 0.19655885, z: -0.0000000084983185} + rotation: {x: 0.07927109, y: -0.0007944402, z: 0.007752359, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 0.9999983, z: 0.999999} + - name: hand_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000000022293534, y: 0.23644204, z: -0.0000000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.0080038365, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328861, w: -0.6950444} + scale: {x: 1.0000069, y: 1.0000124, z: 1.0000093} + - name: c_thumb1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.043030325, y: 0.027325455, z: -0.029069485} + rotation: {x: -0.23810282, y: -0.6193094, z: 0.34018674, w: -0.6663602} + scale: {x: 1.0000025, y: 1.0000083, z: 0.99999624} + - name: c_thumb2_r + parentName: c_thumb1_r + position: {x: -0.00000006146729, y: 0.067762405, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.027055915, y: 0.1494991, z: -0.003029404, w: 0.988387} + scale: {x: 1.0000172, y: 0.99998325, z: 1.0000168} + - name: c_thumb3_r + parentName: c_thumb2_r + position: {x: 0.000000063329935, y: 0.034581296, z: 0.000000007450581} + rotation: {x: 0.16982022, y: -0.068780154, z: 0.066675395, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.999986, y: 0.9999816, z: 1.0000352} + - name: c_ring1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: -0.037961163, y: 0.08163366, z: 0.0126242135} + rotation: {x: -0.030043779, y: 0.0177473, z: -0.0146247605, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000018, y: 1.0000027, z: 0.9999998} + - name: c_ring2_r + parentName: c_ring1_r + position: {x: 0.000000007916242, y: 0.045393843, z: -0.000000037747668} + rotation: {x: -0.027954554, y: -0.02803783, z: -0.00021981988, w: 0.9992159} + scale: {x: 1.0000081, y: 0.9999979, z: 1.0000149} + - name: c_ring3_r + parentName: c_ring2_r + position: {x: -0, y: 0.030371627, z: -0.00000012342207} + rotation: {x: -0.09702881, y: 0.19158539, z: -0.05356502, w: 0.9751981} + scale: {x: 1.0000122, y: 1.000016, z: 0.9999991} + - name: c_middle1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.012728409, y: 0.095293984, z: 0.005345431} + rotation: {x: -0.020139333, y: 0.06533595, z: -0.0029693954, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000037, y: 1.0000066, z: 1.0000002} + - name: c_middle2_r + parentName: c_middle1_r + position: {x: -0.000000027939677, y: 0.04347191, z: 0.000000017229468} + rotation: {x: -0.02996826, y: 0.030963402, z: -0.0046559433, w: 0.9990603} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000036, z: 1.0000131} + - name: c_middle3_r + parentName: c_middle2_r + position: {x: -0.000000033527613, y: 0.0329716, z: 0.00000006053597} + rotation: {x: -0.1676397, y: 0.073116966, z: -0.021750906, w: 0.98289263} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 1.0000196, z: 0.99999374} + - name: c_index1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.059781943, y: 0.096780546, z: 0.014082293} + rotation: {x: -0.004635407, y: 0.005647418, z: 0.0077239904, w: 0.99994355} + scale: {x: 1.0000005, y: 1.0000036, z: 0.99999875} + - name: c_index2_r + parentName: c_index1_r + position: {x: 0.0000000034924597, y: 0.047904514, z: 0.00000005250331} + rotation: {x: -0.024433492, y: 0.10530338, z: -0.0018819352, w: 0.9941382} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000042} + - name: c_index3_r + parentName: c_index2_r + position: {x: -0.000000007450581, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.000000020489097} + rotation: {x: -0.080947846, y: -0.017785536, z: -0.01037631, w: 0.9965057} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000277, z: 1.0000005} + - name: hold.r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.0063287923, y: 0.08298412, z: -0.015038971} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: 0.47859132, z: -0.46639267, w: 0.53287977} + scale: {x: 0.9999997, y: 0.9999977, z: 1.0000002} + - name: forearm_twist_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000016324193, y: 0.1284726, z: -0.000006649643} + rotation: {x: -0.000018939374, y: 0.0012337323, z: -0.00016194968, w: 0.9999993} + scale: {x: 1.0000073, y: 1.0000048, z: 0.99999934} + - name: shoulder_l + parentName: chest + position: {x: -0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.0039324528} + rotation: {x: -0.5486401, y: 0.5486401, z: -0.44608748, w: -0.4460875} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 0.99999964, z: 1.0000043} + - name: upper_arm_l + parentName: shoulder_l + position: {x: -0.000000009391529, y: 0.11362299, z: -0.000000031237462} + rotation: {x: 0.016802428, y: -0.72826916, z: -0.037395176, w: -0.68406385} + scale: {x: 1.0000075, y: 1.0000076, z: 1.0000032} + - name: forearm_l + parentName: upper_arm_l + position: {x: -0.000000016112608, y: 0.19655891, z: 0.000000013969839} + rotation: {x: 0.07927141, y: 0.00079452974, z: -0.0077523375, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.99999756, y: 0.9999992, z: 0.99999774} + - name: hand_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: -0.00000014150282, y: 0.23644212, z: -0.000000009313226} + rotation: {x: 0.00800377, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328958, w: 0.6950446} + scale: {x: 1.0000067, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000058} + - name: c_thumb1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.043030314, y: 0.02732556, z: -0.02906935} + rotation: {x: 0.23810151, y: -0.6193099, z: 0.34018716, w: 0.66636} + scale: {x: 1.0000024, y: 1.0000248, z: 0.99998504} + - name: c_thumb2_l + parentName: c_thumb1_l + position: {x: 0.00000006519258, y: 0.06776242, z: 0.000000044703484} + rotation: {x: -0.027061354, y: -0.1494992, z: 0.0030296424, w: 0.98838687} + scale: {x: 1.0000145, y: 0.9999532, z: 1.0000383} + - name: c_thumb3_l + parentName: c_thumb2_l + position: {x: -0.000000078231096, y: 0.03458134, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0.16982007, y: 0.068780504, z: -0.06667551, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.99998635, y: 0.99988985, z: 1.0001268} + - name: c_ring1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: 0.03796115, y: 0.081633575, z: 0.0126242405} + rotation: {x: -0.030042524, y: -0.017746734, z: 0.014624785, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000144, y: 1.0000082, z: 1.000006} + - name: c_ring2_l + parentName: c_ring1_l + position: {x: 0.0000000018626451, y: 0.04539384, z: -0.00000013152021} + rotation: {x: 0.027963966, y: -0.028037718, z: -0.00022199283, w: -0.9992156} + scale: {x: 1.0000045, y: 0.99999386, z: 1.0000125} + - name: c_ring3_l + parentName: c_ring2_l + position: {x: -0.000000003259629, y: 0.030371798, z: 0.00000005106267} + rotation: {x: 0.097029544, y: 0.1915853, z: -0.053565085, w: -0.975198} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000107, z: 1.0000023} + - name: c_middle1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.012728396, y: 0.095294036, z: 0.0053454423} + rotation: {x: -0.020141035, y: -0.06533592, z: 0.0029690685, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000117, y: 1.0000049, z: 1.0000024} + - name: c_middle2_l + parentName: c_middle1_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.043471865, z: 0.00000004703179} + rotation: {x: -0.029964855, y: -0.030963589, z: 0.0046565477, w: 0.9990604} + scale: {x: 0.9999977, y: 0.99999636, z: 1.0000107} + - name: c_middle3_l + parentName: c_middle2_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.03297166, z: -0.00000006239861} + rotation: {x: -0.16763954, y: -0.07311703, z: 0.021750832, w: 0.9828926} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000006, z: 1.000013} + - name: c_index1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.059781928, y: 0.0967806, z: 0.014082292} + rotation: {x: -0.0046358937, y: -0.0056473566, z: -0.007723556, w: 0.9999435} + scale: {x: 1.0000126, y: 1.0000038, z: 1.0000052} + - name: c_index2_l + parentName: c_index1_l + position: {x: -0.000000009313226, y: 0.04790459, z: 0.000000045169145} + rotation: {x: -0.024431424, y: -0.10530303, z: 0.0018783653, w: 0.9941383} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000063} + - name: c_index3_l + parentName: c_index2_l + position: {x: 0.000000014901161, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.00000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.08094788, y: 0.017785553, z: 0.01037622, w: 0.9965056} + scale: {x: 1.000003, y: 0.999993, z: 1.0000157} + - name: hold.l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.0063287844, y: 0.082984276, z: -0.015038835} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: -0.47859147, z: 0.46639258, w: 0.5328798} + scale: {x: 1.000011, y: 1.0000129, z: 1.0000062} + - name: forearm_twist_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: 0.00001617195, y: 0.12847266, z: -0.000006655231} + rotation: {x: -0.00001891702, y: -0.001233861, z: 0.00016184966, w: 0.9999992} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000012, z: 1.0000024} + armTwist: 0.5 + foreArmTwist: 0.5 + upperLegTwist: 0.5 + legTwist: 0.5 + armStretch: 0.05 + legStretch: 0.05 + feetSpacing: 0 + globalScale: 1 + rootMotionBoneName: + hasTranslationDoF: 0 + hasExtraRoot: 1 + skeletonHasParents: 1 + lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {fileID: 9000000, guid: f553c8289710b5e4dab99c3bcbbb802e, type: 3} + autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1 + animationType: 3 + humanoidOversampling: 1 + avatarSetup: 2 + addHumanoidExtraRootOnlyWhenUsingAvatar: 1 + remapMaterialsIfMaterialImportModeIsNone: 0 + additionalBone: 0 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/TwistDance.fbx b/Assets/Art/Animations/TwistDance.fbx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..afe6adad85 Binary files /dev/null and b/Assets/Art/Animations/TwistDance.fbx differ diff --git a/Assets/Art/Animations/TwistDance.fbx.meta b/Assets/Art/Animations/TwistDance.fbx.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ca7a6bc904 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Art/Animations/TwistDance.fbx.meta @@ -0,0 +1,895 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 80a85b2f61c948f4980567a8913f9dad +ModelImporter: + serializedVersion: 21300 + internalIDToNameTable: [] + externalObjects: {} + materials: + materialImportMode: 2 + materialName: 0 + materialSearch: 1 + materialLocation: 1 + animations: + legacyGenerateAnimations: 4 + bakeSimulation: 0 + resampleCurves: 1 + optimizeGameObjects: 0 + removeConstantScaleCurves: 1 + motionNodeName: + rigImportErrors: + rigImportWarnings: + animationImportErrors: + animationImportWarnings: + animationRetargetingWarnings: + animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0 + importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0 + importConstraints: 0 + animationCompression: 3 + animationRotationError: 0.5 + animationPositionError: 0.5 + animationScaleError: 0.5 + animationWrapMode: 0 + extraExposedTransformPaths: [] + extraUserProperties: [] + clipAnimations: + - serializedVersion: 16 + name: TwistDance + takeName: mixamo.com + internalID: -203655887218126122 + firstFrame: 0 + lastFrame: 283 + wrapMode: 0 + orientationOffsetY: 0 + level: 0 + cycleOffset: 0 + loop: 0 + hasAdditiveReferencePose: 0 + loopTime: 1 + loopBlend: 0 + loopBlendOrientation: 0 + loopBlendPositionY: 0 + loopBlendPositionXZ: 0 + keepOriginalOrientation: 0 + keepOriginalPositionY: 1 + keepOriginalPositionXZ: 0 + heightFromFeet: 0 + mirror: 0 + bodyMask: 01000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000 + curves: [] + events: [] + transformMask: [] + maskType: 3 + maskSource: {instanceID: 0} + additiveReferencePoseFrame: 0 + isReadable: 0 + meshes: + lODScreenPercentages: [] + globalScale: 1 + meshCompression: 0 + addColliders: 0 + useSRGBMaterialColor: 1 + sortHierarchyByName: 1 + importVisibility: 1 + importBlendShapes: 1 + importCameras: 1 + importLights: 1 + nodeNameCollisionStrategy: 1 + fileIdsGeneration: 2 + swapUVChannels: 0 + generateSecondaryUV: 0 + useFileUnits: 1 + keepQuads: 0 + weldVertices: 1 + bakeAxisConversion: 0 + preserveHierarchy: 0 + skinWeightsMode: 0 + maxBonesPerVertex: 4 + minBoneWeight: 0.001 + optimizeBones: 1 + meshOptimizationFlags: -1 + indexFormat: 0 + secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 + secondaryUVAreaDistortion: 15.000001 + secondaryUVHardAngle: 88 + secondaryUVMarginMethod: 1 + secondaryUVMinLightmapResolution: 40 + secondaryUVMinObjectScale: 1 + secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 + useFileScale: 1 + tangentSpace: + normalSmoothAngle: 60 + normalImportMode: 0 + tangentImportMode: 3 + normalCalculationMode: 4 + legacyComputeAllNormalsFromSmoothingGroupsWhenMeshHasBlendShapes: 0 + blendShapeNormalImportMode: 1 + normalSmoothingSource: 0 + referencedClips: [] + importAnimation: 1 + humanDescription: + serializedVersion: 3 + human: + - boneName: hips + humanName: Hips + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_l + humanName: LeftUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_r + humanName: RightUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_l + humanName: LeftLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_r + humanName: RightLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_l + humanName: LeftFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_r + humanName: RightFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: spine + humanName: Spine + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: neck + humanName: Neck + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: head + humanName: Head + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_l + humanName: LeftShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_r + humanName: RightShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_l + humanName: LeftUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_r + humanName: RightUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_l + humanName: LeftLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_r + humanName: RightLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_l + humanName: LeftHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_r + humanName: RightHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_l + humanName: LeftToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_r + humanName: RightToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_l + humanName: Left Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_l + humanName: Left Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_l + humanName: Left Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_l + humanName: Left Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_l + humanName: Left Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_l + humanName: Left Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_l + humanName: Left Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_l + humanName: Left Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_l + humanName: Left Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_l + humanName: Left Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_l + humanName: Left Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_l + humanName: Left Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_r + humanName: Right Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_r + humanName: Right Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_r + humanName: Right Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_r + humanName: Right Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_r + humanName: Right Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_r + humanName: Right Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_r + humanName: Right Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_r + humanName: Right Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_r + humanName: Right Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_r + humanName: Right Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_r + humanName: Right Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_r + humanName: Right Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: chest + humanName: Chest + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + skeleton: + - name: Human(Clone) + parentName: + position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human COMPLETE + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 1.1798787e-12, y: -0.000000052359955, z: 0.000000015905945} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.076661475, y: 1.3955941, z: 0.04250782} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.09472712, y: 1.3974037, z: 0.040297404} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.038126312, y: 1.4131447, z: 0.15032214} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eyes + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Head + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Torso + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0.9402349, z: 0.036055043} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanAppendix + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.04012108, y: 0.9274628, z: 0.104044564} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.03647864, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036478758, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanHeart + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.006746769, y: 1.1291152, z: 0.117190085} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineLarge + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0015628338, y: 0.94421047, z: 0.10589335} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineSmall + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0064120293, y: 0.9636725, z: 0.08935433} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLiver + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.015479565, y: 1.054116, z: 0.1051005} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.036902547, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375894} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036902428, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375895} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanStomach + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.021774769, y: 1.0252738, z: 0.10165389} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanBrain + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0009741783, y: 1.4594865, z: 0.030295096} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanArmature + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: hips + parentName: HumanArmature + position: {x: 1.149433e-13, y: -0.013241618, z: 0.83337724} + rotation: {x: 0.7404059, y: 0.0000055815894, z: 0.000006148301, w: 0.67216} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.99999994} + - name: thigh_l + parentName: hips + position: {x: -0.096564054, y: -0.024295717, z: 0.002351557} + rotation: {x: 0.99558604, y: -0.064399414, z: -0.005032787, w: 0.06808755} + scale: {x: 1.0000036, y: 1.000003, z: 1.0000107} + - name: lower_leg_l + parentName: thigh_l + position: {x: 0.000000015017577, y: 0.35762414, z: 0.000000034924597} + rotation: {x: 0.10202001, y: 0.0028012872, z: -0.009849284, w: 0.9947297} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000085, z: 1.0000061} + - name: foot_l + parentName: lower_leg_l + position: {x: -0.0000000018335413, y: 0.40961084, z: -0.000000004656613} + rotation: {x: -0.5585367, y: 0.13368261, z: -0.18853498, w: 0.79663056} + scale: {x: 1.0000013, y: 1.0000288, z: 0.9999941} + - name: toes_l + parentName: foot_l + position: {x: 0.000000016530976, y: 0.080526456, z: 0.0000000055879354} + rotation: {x: -0.05992987, y: -0.17405595, z: 0.04044075, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000367, y: 0.9999867, z: 0.99997807} + - name: thigh_r + parentName: hips + position: {x: 0.09656395, y: -0.024295837, z: 0.0023547793} + rotation: {x: 0.9955859, y: 0.06439856, z: 0.0050587305, w: 0.06808791} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.999999} + - name: lower_leg_r + parentName: thigh_r + position: {x: 0.0000000044237822, y: 0.35762426, z: 0.00000002514571} + rotation: {x: 0.1020204, y: -0.0028013631, z: 0.009850703, w: 0.99472964} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000057, z: 1.0000025} + - name: foot_r + parentName: lower_leg_r + position: {x: 0.0000000059662852, y: 0.40961078, z: -6.9849193e-10} + rotation: {x: -0.55854076, y: -0.13368613, z: 0.18853135, w: 0.796628} + scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 0.9999992, z: 1.000003} + - name: toes_r + parentName: foot_r + position: {x: -0.000000003958121, y: 0.0805272, z: 0.000000008381903} + rotation: {x: -0.05992934, y: 0.17405611, z: -0.040440965, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000099, z: 0.9999884} + - name: spine + parentName: hips + position: {x: 1.8356248e-12, y: 0.13786578, z: 0.000000013038516} + rotation: {x: -0.020161092, y: 0.0032923277, z: -0.00006672589, w: 0.9997914} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.9999998, z: 0.99999684} + - name: chest + parentName: spine + position: {x: -3.1419884e-11, y: 0.13744113, z: -0.000000003725594} + rotation: {x: -0.079870485, y: -0.0032907373, z: -0.00026367875, w: 0.9967998} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000005, z: 0.999999} + - name: neck + parentName: chest + position: {x: -4.507826e-11, y: 0.13796483, z: 0.000000011175871} + rotation: {x: 0.07572726, y: -0.0067067696, z: -0.00050935626, w: 0.99710584} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000023} + - name: head + parentName: neck + position: {x: 2.845278e-10, y: 0.08491398, z: 0.000000026080253} + rotation: {x: -0.021641804, y: 0.006758547, z: 0.00014482907, w: 0.9997429} + scale: {x: 0.9999991, y: 1.0000007, z: 1.0000015} + - name: shoulder_r + parentName: chest + position: {x: 0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.003932451} + rotation: {x: 0.5486401, y: 0.54864013, z: -0.4460875, w: 0.44608754} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 0.99999845, z: 1.0000019} + - name: upper_arm_r + parentName: shoulder_r + position: {x: 0.0000000056466725, y: 0.113623016, z: 0.000000080447336} + rotation: {x: -0.016802363, y: -0.728269, z: -0.03739515, w: 0.6840641} + scale: {x: 1.000008, y: 1.0000077, z: 1.0000037} + - name: forearm_r + parentName: upper_arm_r + position: {x: -0.0000002590059, y: 0.19655885, z: -0.0000000084983185} + rotation: {x: 0.07927109, y: -0.0007944402, z: 0.007752359, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 0.9999983, z: 0.999999} + - name: hand_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000000022293534, y: 0.23644204, z: -0.0000000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.0080038365, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328861, w: -0.6950444} + scale: {x: 1.0000069, y: 1.0000124, z: 1.0000093} + - name: c_thumb1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.043030325, y: 0.027325455, z: -0.029069485} + rotation: {x: -0.23810282, y: -0.6193094, z: 0.34018674, w: -0.6663602} + scale: {x: 1.0000025, y: 1.0000083, z: 0.99999624} + - name: c_thumb2_r + parentName: c_thumb1_r + position: {x: -0.00000006146729, y: 0.067762405, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.027055915, y: 0.1494991, z: -0.003029404, w: 0.988387} + scale: {x: 1.0000172, y: 0.99998325, z: 1.0000168} + - name: c_thumb3_r + parentName: c_thumb2_r + position: {x: 0.000000063329935, y: 0.034581296, z: 0.000000007450581} + rotation: {x: 0.16982022, y: -0.068780154, z: 0.066675395, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.999986, y: 0.9999816, z: 1.0000352} + - name: c_ring1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: -0.037961163, y: 0.08163366, z: 0.0126242135} + rotation: {x: -0.030043779, y: 0.0177473, z: -0.0146247605, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000018, y: 1.0000027, z: 0.9999998} + - name: c_ring2_r + parentName: c_ring1_r + position: {x: 0.000000007916242, y: 0.045393843, z: -0.000000037747668} + rotation: {x: -0.027954554, y: -0.02803783, z: -0.00021981988, w: 0.9992159} + scale: {x: 1.0000081, y: 0.9999979, z: 1.0000149} + - name: c_ring3_r + parentName: c_ring2_r + position: {x: -0, y: 0.030371627, z: -0.00000012342207} + rotation: {x: -0.09702881, y: 0.19158539, z: -0.05356502, w: 0.9751981} + scale: {x: 1.0000122, y: 1.000016, z: 0.9999991} + - name: c_middle1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.012728409, y: 0.095293984, z: 0.005345431} + rotation: {x: -0.020139333, y: 0.06533595, z: -0.0029693954, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000037, y: 1.0000066, z: 1.0000002} + - name: c_middle2_r + parentName: c_middle1_r + position: {x: -0.000000027939677, y: 0.04347191, z: 0.000000017229468} + rotation: {x: -0.02996826, y: 0.030963402, z: -0.0046559433, w: 0.9990603} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000036, z: 1.0000131} + - name: c_middle3_r + parentName: c_middle2_r + position: {x: -0.000000033527613, y: 0.0329716, z: 0.00000006053597} + rotation: {x: -0.1676397, y: 0.073116966, z: -0.021750906, w: 0.98289263} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 1.0000196, z: 0.99999374} + - name: c_index1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.059781943, y: 0.096780546, z: 0.014082293} + rotation: {x: -0.004635407, y: 0.005647418, z: 0.0077239904, w: 0.99994355} + scale: {x: 1.0000005, y: 1.0000036, z: 0.99999875} + - name: c_index2_r + parentName: c_index1_r + position: {x: 0.0000000034924597, y: 0.047904514, z: 0.00000005250331} + rotation: {x: -0.024433492, y: 0.10530338, z: -0.0018819352, w: 0.9941382} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000042} + - name: c_index3_r + parentName: c_index2_r + position: {x: -0.000000007450581, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.000000020489097} + rotation: {x: -0.080947846, y: -0.017785536, z: -0.01037631, w: 0.9965057} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000277, z: 1.0000005} + - name: hold.r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.0063287923, y: 0.08298412, z: -0.015038971} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: 0.47859132, z: -0.46639267, w: 0.53287977} + scale: {x: 0.9999997, y: 0.9999977, z: 1.0000002} + - name: forearm_twist_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000016324193, y: 0.1284726, z: -0.000006649643} + rotation: {x: -0.000018939374, y: 0.0012337323, z: -0.00016194968, w: 0.9999993} + scale: {x: 1.0000073, y: 1.0000048, z: 0.99999934} + - name: shoulder_l + parentName: chest + position: {x: -0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.0039324528} + rotation: {x: -0.5486401, y: 0.5486401, z: -0.44608748, w: -0.4460875} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 0.99999964, z: 1.0000043} + - name: upper_arm_l + parentName: shoulder_l + position: {x: -0.000000009391529, y: 0.11362299, z: -0.000000031237462} + rotation: {x: 0.016802428, y: -0.72826916, z: -0.037395176, w: -0.68406385} + scale: {x: 1.0000075, y: 1.0000076, z: 1.0000032} + - name: forearm_l + parentName: upper_arm_l + position: {x: -0.000000016112608, y: 0.19655891, z: 0.000000013969839} + rotation: {x: 0.07927141, y: 0.00079452974, z: -0.0077523375, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.99999756, y: 0.9999992, z: 0.99999774} + - name: hand_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: -0.00000014150282, y: 0.23644212, z: -0.000000009313226} + rotation: {x: 0.00800377, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328958, w: 0.6950446} + scale: {x: 1.0000067, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000058} + - name: c_thumb1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.043030314, y: 0.02732556, z: -0.02906935} + rotation: {x: 0.23810151, y: -0.6193099, z: 0.34018716, w: 0.66636} + scale: {x: 1.0000024, y: 1.0000248, z: 0.99998504} + - name: c_thumb2_l + parentName: c_thumb1_l + position: {x: 0.00000006519258, y: 0.06776242, z: 0.000000044703484} + rotation: {x: -0.027061354, y: -0.1494992, z: 0.0030296424, w: 0.98838687} + scale: {x: 1.0000145, y: 0.9999532, z: 1.0000383} + - name: c_thumb3_l + parentName: c_thumb2_l + position: {x: -0.000000078231096, y: 0.03458134, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0.16982007, y: 0.068780504, z: -0.06667551, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.99998635, y: 0.99988985, z: 1.0001268} + - name: c_ring1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: 0.03796115, y: 0.081633575, z: 0.0126242405} + rotation: {x: -0.030042524, y: -0.017746734, z: 0.014624785, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000144, y: 1.0000082, z: 1.000006} + - name: c_ring2_l + parentName: c_ring1_l + position: {x: 0.0000000018626451, y: 0.04539384, z: -0.00000013152021} + rotation: {x: 0.027963966, y: -0.028037718, z: -0.00022199283, w: -0.9992156} + scale: {x: 1.0000045, y: 0.99999386, z: 1.0000125} + - name: c_ring3_l + parentName: c_ring2_l + position: {x: -0.000000003259629, y: 0.030371798, z: 0.00000005106267} + rotation: {x: 0.097029544, y: 0.1915853, z: -0.053565085, w: -0.975198} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000107, z: 1.0000023} + - name: c_middle1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.012728396, y: 0.095294036, z: 0.0053454423} + rotation: {x: -0.020141035, y: -0.06533592, z: 0.0029690685, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000117, y: 1.0000049, z: 1.0000024} + - name: c_middle2_l + parentName: c_middle1_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.043471865, z: 0.00000004703179} + rotation: {x: -0.029964855, y: -0.030963589, z: 0.0046565477, w: 0.9990604} + scale: {x: 0.9999977, y: 0.99999636, z: 1.0000107} + - name: c_middle3_l + parentName: c_middle2_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.03297166, z: -0.00000006239861} + rotation: {x: -0.16763954, y: -0.07311703, z: 0.021750832, w: 0.9828926} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000006, z: 1.000013} + - name: c_index1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.059781928, y: 0.0967806, z: 0.014082292} + rotation: {x: -0.0046358937, y: -0.0056473566, z: -0.007723556, w: 0.9999435} + scale: {x: 1.0000126, y: 1.0000038, z: 1.0000052} + - name: c_index2_l + parentName: c_index1_l + position: {x: -0.000000009313226, y: 0.04790459, z: 0.000000045169145} + rotation: {x: -0.024431424, y: -0.10530303, z: 0.0018783653, w: 0.9941383} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000063} + - name: c_index3_l + parentName: c_index2_l + position: {x: 0.000000014901161, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.00000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.08094788, y: 0.017785553, z: 0.01037622, w: 0.9965056} + scale: {x: 1.000003, y: 0.999993, z: 1.0000157} + - name: hold.l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.0063287844, y: 0.082984276, z: -0.015038835} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: -0.47859147, z: 0.46639258, w: 0.5328798} + scale: {x: 1.000011, y: 1.0000129, z: 1.0000062} + - name: forearm_twist_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: 0.00001617195, y: 0.12847266, z: -0.000006655231} + rotation: {x: -0.00001891702, y: -0.001233861, z: 0.00016184966, w: 0.9999992} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000012, z: 1.0000024} + armTwist: 0.5 + foreArmTwist: 0.5 + upperLegTwist: 0.5 + legTwist: 0.5 + armStretch: 0.05 + legStretch: 0.05 + feetSpacing: 0 + globalScale: 1 + rootMotionBoneName: + hasTranslationDoF: 0 + hasExtraRoot: 1 + skeletonHasParents: 1 + lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {fileID: 9000000, guid: f553c8289710b5e4dab99c3bcbbb802e, type: 3} + autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1 + animationType: 3 + humanoidOversampling: 1 + avatarSetup: 2 + addHumanoidExtraRootOnlyWhenUsingAvatar: 1 + remapMaterialsIfMaterialImportModeIsNone: 0 + additionalBone: 0 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Art/Models/Entities/Humanoids/Human/Human.fbx.meta b/Assets/Art/Models/Entities/Humanoids/Human/Human.fbx.meta index 978412f0d9..0fc5cfdd2c 100644 --- a/Assets/Art/Models/Entities/Humanoids/Human/Human.fbx.meta +++ b/Assets/Art/Models/Entities/Humanoids/Human/Human.fbx.meta @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ ModelImporter: resampleCurves: 1 optimizeGameObjects: 0 removeConstantScaleCurves: 1 - motionNodeName: + motionNodeName: rigImportErrors: rigImportWarnings: animationImportErrors: @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ ModelImporter: animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0 importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0 importConstraints: 0 - animationCompression: 1 + animationCompression: 0 animationRotationError: 0.5 animationPositionError: 0.5 animationScaleError: 0.5 @@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ ModelImporter: weldVertices: 1 bakeAxisConversion: 0 preserveHierarchy: 0 - skinWeightsMode: 0 - maxBonesPerVertex: 4 + skinWeightsMode: 1 + maxBonesPerVertex: 10 minBoneWeight: 0.001 optimizeBones: 1 meshOptimizationFlags: -1 @@ -114,8 +114,768 @@ ModelImporter: importAnimation: 1 humanDescription: serializedVersion: 3 - human: [] - skeleton: [] + human: + - boneName: hips + humanName: Hips + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_l + humanName: LeftUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: thigh_r + humanName: RightUpperLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_l + humanName: LeftLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: lower_leg_r + humanName: RightLowerLeg + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_l + humanName: LeftFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: foot_r + humanName: RightFoot + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: spine + humanName: Spine + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: neck + humanName: Neck + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: head + humanName: Head + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_l + humanName: LeftShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: shoulder_r + humanName: RightShoulder + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_l + humanName: LeftUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: upper_arm_r + humanName: RightUpperArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_l + humanName: LeftLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: forearm_r + humanName: RightLowerArm + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_l + humanName: LeftHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: hand_r + humanName: RightHand + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_l + humanName: LeftToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: toes_r + humanName: RightToes + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_l + humanName: Left Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_l + humanName: Left Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_l + humanName: Left Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_l + humanName: Left Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_l + humanName: Left Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_l + humanName: Left Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_l + humanName: Left Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_l + humanName: Left Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_l + humanName: Left Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_l + humanName: Left Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_l + humanName: Left Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_l + humanName: Left Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb1_r + humanName: Right Thumb Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb2_r + humanName: Right Thumb Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_thumb3_r + humanName: Right Thumb Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index1_r + humanName: Right Index Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index2_r + humanName: Right Index Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_index3_r + humanName: Right Index Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle1_r + humanName: Right Middle Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle2_r + humanName: Right Middle Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_middle3_r + humanName: Right Middle Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring1_r + humanName: Right Ring Proximal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring2_r + humanName: Right Ring Intermediate + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: c_ring3_r + humanName: Right Ring Distal + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + - boneName: chest + humanName: Chest + limit: + min: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + max: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + value: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + length: 0 + modified: 0 + skeleton: + - name: Human(Clone) + parentName: + position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Arm Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.41801402, y: 1.1869231, z: 0.020100594} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human COMPLETE + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 1.1798787e-12, y: -0.000000052359955, z: 0.000000015905945} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.076661475, y: 1.3955941, z: 0.04250782} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Ear Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.09472712, y: 1.3974037, z: 0.040297404} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.038126312, y: 1.4131447, z: 0.15032214} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eye Gore Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Eyes + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Foot Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.17795245, y: 0.04763376, z: -0.015619963} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Hand Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.65835714, y: 1.1670547, z: 0.050553426} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Head + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 1.4351748, z: 0.045652077} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Left + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Leg Right + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.1486571, y: 0.35059738, z: 0.0093441345} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: Human Torso + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0.9402349, z: 0.036055043} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanAppendix + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.04012108, y: 0.9274628, z: 0.104044564} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.03647864, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanEyeRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036478758, y: 1.4079771, z: 0.12762322} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanHeart + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.006746769, y: 1.1291152, z: 0.117190085} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineLarge + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0015628338, y: 0.94421047, z: 0.10589335} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanIntestineSmall + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0064120293, y: 0.9636725, z: 0.08935433} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLiver + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.015479565, y: 1.054116, z: 0.1051005} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungLeft + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.036902547, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375894} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanLungRight + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.036902428, y: 1.1388507, z: 0.08375895} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanStomach + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0.021774769, y: 1.0252738, z: 0.10165389} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanBrain + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: 0.0009741783, y: 1.4594865, z: 0.030295096} + rotation: {x: -0.70710707, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.70710653} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: HumanArmature + parentName: Human(Clone) + position: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + - name: hips + parentName: HumanArmature + position: {x: 1.149433e-13, y: -0.013241618, z: 0.83337724} + rotation: {x: 0.7404059, y: 0.0000055815894, z: 0.000006148301, w: 0.67216} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.99999994} + - name: thigh_l + parentName: hips + position: {x: -0.096564054, y: -0.024295717, z: 0.002351557} + rotation: {x: 0.99558604, y: -0.064399414, z: -0.005032787, w: 0.06808755} + scale: {x: 1.0000036, y: 1.000003, z: 1.0000107} + - name: lower_leg_l + parentName: thigh_l + position: {x: 0.000000015017577, y: 0.35762414, z: 0.000000034924597} + rotation: {x: 0.10202001, y: 0.0028012872, z: -0.009849284, w: 0.9947297} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000085, z: 1.0000061} + - name: foot_l + parentName: lower_leg_l + position: {x: -0.0000000018335413, y: 0.40961084, z: -0.000000004656613} + rotation: {x: -0.5585367, y: 0.13368261, z: -0.18853498, w: 0.79663056} + scale: {x: 1.0000013, y: 1.0000288, z: 0.9999941} + - name: toes_l + parentName: foot_l + position: {x: 0.000000016530976, y: 0.080526456, z: 0.0000000055879354} + rotation: {x: -0.05992987, y: -0.17405595, z: 0.04044075, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000367, y: 0.9999867, z: 0.99997807} + - name: thigh_r + parentName: hips + position: {x: 0.09656395, y: -0.024295837, z: 0.0023547793} + rotation: {x: 0.9955859, y: 0.06439856, z: 0.0050587305, w: 0.06808791} + scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.999999} + - name: lower_leg_r + parentName: thigh_r + position: {x: 0.0000000044237822, y: 0.35762426, z: 0.00000002514571} + rotation: {x: 0.1020204, y: -0.0028013631, z: 0.009850703, w: 0.99472964} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000057, z: 1.0000025} + - name: foot_r + parentName: lower_leg_r + position: {x: 0.0000000059662852, y: 0.40961078, z: -6.9849193e-10} + rotation: {x: -0.55854076, y: -0.13368613, z: 0.18853135, w: 0.796628} + scale: {x: 0.9999998, y: 0.9999992, z: 1.000003} + - name: toes_r + parentName: foot_r + position: {x: -0.000000003958121, y: 0.0805272, z: 0.000000008381903} + rotation: {x: -0.05992934, y: 0.17405611, z: -0.040440965, w: 0.98207814} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000099, z: 0.9999884} + - name: spine + parentName: hips + position: {x: 1.8356248e-12, y: 0.13786578, z: 0.000000013038516} + rotation: {x: -0.020161092, y: 0.0032923277, z: -0.00006672589, w: 0.9997914} + scale: {x: 1, y: 0.9999998, z: 0.99999684} + - name: chest + parentName: spine + position: {x: -3.1419884e-11, y: 0.13744113, z: -0.000000003725594} + rotation: {x: -0.079870485, y: -0.0032907373, z: -0.00026367875, w: 0.9967998} + scale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1.0000005, z: 0.999999} + - name: neck + parentName: chest + position: {x: -4.507826e-11, y: 0.13796483, z: 0.000000011175871} + rotation: {x: 0.07572726, y: -0.0067067696, z: -0.00050935626, w: 0.99710584} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000023} + - name: head + parentName: neck + position: {x: 2.845278e-10, y: 0.08491398, z: 0.000000026080253} + rotation: {x: -0.021641804, y: 0.006758547, z: 0.00014482907, w: 0.9997429} + scale: {x: 0.9999991, y: 1.0000007, z: 1.0000015} + - name: shoulder_r + parentName: chest + position: {x: 0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.003932451} + rotation: {x: 0.5486401, y: 0.54864013, z: -0.4460875, w: 0.44608754} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 0.99999845, z: 1.0000019} + - name: upper_arm_r + parentName: shoulder_r + position: {x: 0.0000000056466725, y: 0.113623016, z: 0.000000080447336} + rotation: {x: -0.016802363, y: -0.728269, z: -0.03739515, w: 0.6840641} + scale: {x: 1.000008, y: 1.0000077, z: 1.0000037} + - name: forearm_r + parentName: upper_arm_r + position: {x: -0.0000002590059, y: 0.19655885, z: -0.0000000084983185} + rotation: {x: 0.07927109, y: -0.0007944402, z: 0.007752359, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.9999983, y: 0.9999983, z: 0.999999} + - name: hand_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000000022293534, y: 0.23644204, z: -0.0000000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.0080038365, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328861, w: -0.6950444} + scale: {x: 1.0000069, y: 1.0000124, z: 1.0000093} + - name: c_thumb1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.043030325, y: 0.027325455, z: -0.029069485} + rotation: {x: -0.23810282, y: -0.6193094, z: 0.34018674, w: -0.6663602} + scale: {x: 1.0000025, y: 1.0000083, z: 0.99999624} + - name: c_thumb2_r + parentName: c_thumb1_r + position: {x: -0.00000006146729, y: 0.067762405, z: 0} + rotation: {x: -0.027055915, y: 0.1494991, z: -0.003029404, w: 0.988387} + scale: {x: 1.0000172, y: 0.99998325, z: 1.0000168} + - name: c_thumb3_r + parentName: c_thumb2_r + position: {x: 0.000000063329935, y: 0.034581296, z: 0.000000007450581} + rotation: {x: 0.16982022, y: -0.068780154, z: 0.066675395, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.999986, y: 0.9999816, z: 1.0000352} + - name: c_ring1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: -0.037961163, y: 0.08163366, z: 0.0126242135} + rotation: {x: -0.030043779, y: 0.0177473, z: -0.0146247605, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000018, y: 1.0000027, z: 0.9999998} + - name: c_ring2_r + parentName: c_ring1_r + position: {x: 0.000000007916242, y: 0.045393843, z: -0.000000037747668} + rotation: {x: -0.027954554, y: -0.02803783, z: -0.00021981988, w: 0.9992159} + scale: {x: 1.0000081, y: 0.9999979, z: 1.0000149} + - name: c_ring3_r + parentName: c_ring2_r + position: {x: -0, y: 0.030371627, z: -0.00000012342207} + rotation: {x: -0.09702881, y: 0.19158539, z: -0.05356502, w: 0.9751981} + scale: {x: 1.0000122, y: 1.000016, z: 0.9999991} + - name: c_middle1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.012728409, y: 0.095293984, z: 0.005345431} + rotation: {x: -0.020139333, y: 0.06533595, z: -0.0029693954, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000037, y: 1.0000066, z: 1.0000002} + - name: c_middle2_r + parentName: c_middle1_r + position: {x: -0.000000027939677, y: 0.04347191, z: 0.000000017229468} + rotation: {x: -0.02996826, y: 0.030963402, z: -0.0046559433, w: 0.9990603} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000036, z: 1.0000131} + - name: c_middle3_r + parentName: c_middle2_r + position: {x: -0.000000033527613, y: 0.0329716, z: 0.00000006053597} + rotation: {x: -0.1676397, y: 0.073116966, z: -0.021750906, w: 0.98289263} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 1.0000196, z: 0.99999374} + - name: c_index1_r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.059781943, y: 0.096780546, z: 0.014082293} + rotation: {x: -0.004635407, y: 0.005647418, z: 0.0077239904, w: 0.99994355} + scale: {x: 1.0000005, y: 1.0000036, z: 0.99999875} + - name: c_index2_r + parentName: c_index1_r + position: {x: 0.0000000034924597, y: 0.047904514, z: 0.00000005250331} + rotation: {x: -0.024433492, y: 0.10530338, z: -0.0018819352, w: 0.9941382} + scale: {x: 1.0000042, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000042} + - name: c_index3_r + parentName: c_index2_r + position: {x: -0.000000007450581, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.000000020489097} + rotation: {x: -0.080947846, y: -0.017785536, z: -0.01037631, w: 0.9965057} + scale: {x: 1.0000123, y: 1.0000277, z: 1.0000005} + - name: hold.r + parentName: hand_r + position: {x: 0.0063287923, y: 0.08298412, z: -0.015038971} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: 0.47859132, z: -0.46639267, w: 0.53287977} + scale: {x: 0.9999997, y: 0.9999977, z: 1.0000002} + - name: forearm_twist_r + parentName: forearm_r + position: {x: -0.000016324193, y: 0.1284726, z: -0.000006649643} + rotation: {x: -0.000018939374, y: 0.0012337323, z: -0.00016194968, w: 0.9999993} + scale: {x: 1.0000073, y: 1.0000048, z: 0.99999934} + - name: shoulder_l + parentName: chest + position: {x: -0.030042497, y: 0.09052477, z: -0.0039324528} + rotation: {x: -0.5486401, y: 0.5486401, z: -0.44608748, w: -0.4460875} + scale: {x: 1.000002, y: 0.99999964, z: 1.0000043} + - name: upper_arm_l + parentName: shoulder_l + position: {x: -0.000000009391529, y: 0.11362299, z: -0.000000031237462} + rotation: {x: 0.016802428, y: -0.72826916, z: -0.037395176, w: -0.68406385} + scale: {x: 1.0000075, y: 1.0000076, z: 1.0000032} + - name: forearm_l + parentName: upper_arm_l + position: {x: -0.000000016112608, y: 0.19655891, z: 0.000000013969839} + rotation: {x: 0.07927141, y: 0.00079452974, z: -0.0077523375, w: 0.9968227} + scale: {x: 0.99999756, y: 0.9999992, z: 0.99999774} + - name: hand_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: -0.00000014150282, y: 0.23644212, z: -0.000000009313226} + rotation: {x: 0.00800377, y: 0.718874, z: 0.008328958, w: 0.6950446} + scale: {x: 1.0000067, y: 1.0000062, z: 1.0000058} + - name: c_thumb1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.043030314, y: 0.02732556, z: -0.02906935} + rotation: {x: 0.23810151, y: -0.6193099, z: 0.34018716, w: 0.66636} + scale: {x: 1.0000024, y: 1.0000248, z: 0.99998504} + - name: c_thumb2_l + parentName: c_thumb1_l + position: {x: 0.00000006519258, y: 0.06776242, z: 0.000000044703484} + rotation: {x: -0.027061354, y: -0.1494992, z: 0.0030296424, w: 0.98838687} + scale: {x: 1.0000145, y: 0.9999532, z: 1.0000383} + - name: c_thumb3_l + parentName: c_thumb2_l + position: {x: -0.000000078231096, y: 0.03458134, z: 0} + rotation: {x: 0.16982007, y: 0.068780504, z: -0.06667551, w: 0.9808082} + scale: {x: 0.99998635, y: 0.99988985, z: 1.0001268} + - name: c_ring1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: 0.03796115, y: 0.081633575, z: 0.0126242405} + rotation: {x: -0.030042524, y: -0.017746734, z: 0.014624785, w: 0.999284} + scale: {x: 1.0000144, y: 1.0000082, z: 1.000006} + - name: c_ring2_l + parentName: c_ring1_l + position: {x: 0.0000000018626451, y: 0.04539384, z: -0.00000013152021} + rotation: {x: 0.027963966, y: -0.028037718, z: -0.00022199283, w: -0.9992156} + scale: {x: 1.0000045, y: 0.99999386, z: 1.0000125} + - name: c_ring3_l + parentName: c_ring2_l + position: {x: -0.000000003259629, y: 0.030371798, z: 0.00000005106267} + rotation: {x: 0.097029544, y: 0.1915853, z: -0.053565085, w: -0.975198} + scale: {x: 1.0000029, y: 1.0000107, z: 1.0000023} + - name: c_middle1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.012728396, y: 0.095294036, z: 0.0053454423} + rotation: {x: -0.020141035, y: -0.06533592, z: 0.0029690685, w: 0.99765563} + scale: {x: 1.0000117, y: 1.0000049, z: 1.0000024} + - name: c_middle2_l + parentName: c_middle1_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.043471865, z: 0.00000004703179} + rotation: {x: -0.029964855, y: -0.030963589, z: 0.0046565477, w: 0.9990604} + scale: {x: 0.9999977, y: 0.99999636, z: 1.0000107} + - name: c_middle3_l + parentName: c_middle2_l + position: {x: 0.000000011175871, y: 0.03297166, z: -0.00000006239861} + rotation: {x: -0.16763954, y: -0.07311703, z: 0.021750832, w: 0.9828926} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000006, z: 1.000013} + - name: c_index1_l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.059781928, y: 0.0967806, z: 0.014082292} + rotation: {x: -0.0046358937, y: -0.0056473566, z: -0.007723556, w: 0.9999435} + scale: {x: 1.0000126, y: 1.0000038, z: 1.0000052} + - name: c_index2_l + parentName: c_index1_l + position: {x: -0.000000009313226, y: 0.04790459, z: 0.000000045169145} + rotation: {x: -0.024431424, y: -0.10530303, z: 0.0018783653, w: 0.9941383} + scale: {x: 0.9999992, y: 1.0000004, z: 1.0000063} + - name: c_index3_l + parentName: c_index2_l + position: {x: 0.000000014901161, y: 0.0511242, z: 0.00000018626451} + rotation: {x: -0.08094788, y: 0.017785553, z: 0.01037622, w: 0.9965056} + scale: {x: 1.000003, y: 0.999993, z: 1.0000157} + - name: hold.l + parentName: hand_l + position: {x: -0.0063287844, y: 0.082984276, z: -0.015038835} + rotation: {x: -0.51910245, y: -0.47859147, z: 0.46639258, w: 0.5328798} + scale: {x: 1.000011, y: 1.0000129, z: 1.0000062} + - name: forearm_twist_l + parentName: forearm_l + position: {x: 0.00001617195, y: 0.12847266, z: -0.000006655231} + rotation: {x: -0.00001891702, y: -0.001233861, z: 0.00016184966, w: 0.9999992} + scale: {x: 1.0000086, y: 1.0000012, z: 1.0000024} armTwist: 0.5 foreArmTwist: 0.5 upperLegTwist: 0.5 @@ -124,15 +884,15 @@ ModelImporter: legStretch: 0.05 feetSpacing: 0 globalScale: 1 - rootMotionBoneName: - hasTranslationDoF: 0 - hasExtraRoot: 0 + rootMotionBoneName: HumanArmature + hasTranslationDoF: 1 + hasExtraRoot: 1 skeletonHasParents: 1 lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {instanceID: 0} autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1 - animationType: 2 + animationType: 3 humanoidOversampling: 1 - avatarSetup: 0 + avatarSetup: 1 addHumanoidExtraRootOnlyWhenUsingAvatar: 1 remapMaterialsIfMaterialImportModeIsNone: 0 additionalBone: 0 diff --git a/Assets/Content/Scenes/AnimationTests.unity b/Assets/Content/Scenes/AnimationTests.unity new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..605fffb8bf --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/Scenes/AnimationTests.unity @@ -0,0 +1,3368 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!29 &1 +OcclusionCullingSettings: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + serializedVersion: 2 + m_OcclusionBakeSettings: + smallestOccluder: 5 + smallestHole: 0.25 + backfaceThreshold: 100 + m_SceneGUID: 00000000000000000000000000000000 + m_OcclusionCullingData: {fileID: 0} +--- !u!104 &2 +RenderSettings: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + serializedVersion: 9 + m_Fog: 0 + m_FogColor: {r: 0.5, g: 0.5, b: 0.5, a: 1} + m_FogMode: 3 + 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+ objectReference: {fileID: 0} + - target: {fileID: 7926930756618497281, guid: f9c8e34e024c3044cb1db77aab71c391, type: 3} + propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.x + value: -0 + objectReference: {fileID: 0} + - target: {fileID: 7926930756618497281, guid: f9c8e34e024c3044cb1db77aab71c391, type: 3} + propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.y + value: -0 + objectReference: {fileID: 0} + - target: {fileID: 7926930756618497281, guid: f9c8e34e024c3044cb1db77aab71c391, type: 3} + propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.z + value: 0.7071068 + objectReference: {fileID: 0} + - target: {fileID: 7926930756618497281, guid: f9c8e34e024c3044cb1db77aab71c391, type: 3} + propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.x + value: 0 + objectReference: {fileID: 0} + - target: {fileID: 7926930756618497281, guid: f9c8e34e024c3044cb1db77aab71c391, type: 3} + propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.y + value: 0 + objectReference: {fileID: 0} + - target: {fileID: 7926930756618497281, guid: f9c8e34e024c3044cb1db77aab71c391, type: 3} + propertyPath: 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b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/Briefcases.fbx.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..86e3570f89 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/Briefcases.fbx.meta @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: a379e189737350043bd1ca3e59ce09dd +ModelImporter: + serializedVersion: 21300 + internalIDToNameTable: [] + externalObjects: {} + materials: + materialImportMode: 2 + materialName: 0 + materialSearch: 1 + materialLocation: 1 + animations: + legacyGenerateAnimations: 4 + bakeSimulation: 0 + resampleCurves: 1 + optimizeGameObjects: 0 + removeConstantScaleCurves: 1 + motionNodeName: + rigImportErrors: + rigImportWarnings: + animationImportErrors: + animationImportWarnings: + animationRetargetingWarnings: + animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0 + importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0 + importConstraints: 0 + animationCompression: 1 + animationRotationError: 0.5 + animationPositionError: 0.5 + animationScaleError: 0.5 + animationWrapMode: 0 + extraExposedTransformPaths: [] + extraUserProperties: [] + clipAnimations: [] + isReadable: 0 + meshes: + lODScreenPercentages: [] + globalScale: 1 + meshCompression: 0 + addColliders: 0 + useSRGBMaterialColor: 1 + sortHierarchyByName: 1 + importVisibility: 1 + importBlendShapes: 1 + importCameras: 1 + importLights: 1 + nodeNameCollisionStrategy: 1 + fileIdsGeneration: 2 + swapUVChannels: 0 + generateSecondaryUV: 0 + useFileUnits: 1 + keepQuads: 0 + weldVertices: 1 + bakeAxisConversion: 0 + preserveHierarchy: 0 + skinWeightsMode: 0 + maxBonesPerVertex: 4 + minBoneWeight: 0.001 + optimizeBones: 1 + meshOptimizationFlags: -1 + indexFormat: 0 + secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 + secondaryUVAreaDistortion: 15.000001 + secondaryUVHardAngle: 88 + secondaryUVMarginMethod: 1 + secondaryUVMinLightmapResolution: 40 + secondaryUVMinObjectScale: 1 + secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 + useFileScale: 1 + tangentSpace: + normalSmoothAngle: 60 + normalImportMode: 0 + tangentImportMode: 3 + normalCalculationMode: 4 + legacyComputeAllNormalsFromSmoothingGroupsWhenMeshHasBlendShapes: 0 + blendShapeNormalImportMode: 1 + normalSmoothingSource: 0 + referencedClips: [] + importAnimation: 1 + humanDescription: + serializedVersion: 3 + human: [] + skeleton: [] + armTwist: 0.5 + foreArmTwist: 0.5 + upperLegTwist: 0.5 + legTwist: 0.5 + armStretch: 0.05 + legStretch: 0.05 + feetSpacing: 0 + globalScale: 1 + rootMotionBoneName: + hasTranslationDoF: 0 + hasExtraRoot: 0 + skeletonHasParents: 1 + lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {instanceID: 0} + autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1 + animationType: 2 + humanoidOversampling: 1 + avatarSetup: 0 + addHumanoidExtraRootOnlyWhenUsingAvatar: 1 + remapMaterialsIfMaterialImportModeIsNone: 0 + additionalBone: 0 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/CircleSinusoidalMotion.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/CircleSinusoidalMotion.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f91de3a7cd --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/CircleSinusoidalMotion.cs @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +using UnityEngine; + +public class CircleSinusoidalMotion : MonoBehaviour +{ + public float radius = 5f; // Radius of the circular motion + public float speed = 1f; // Speed of the motion + public float minHeight = 1f; // Minimum height of the sinusoidal motion + public float maxHeight = 3f; // Maximum height of the sinusoidal motion + public float waveFrequency = 4f; // Frequency of the sinusoidal motion + + private float angle = 0f; + + void Update() + { + // Increment angle based on speed + angle += speed * Time.deltaTime; + + // Calculate position using sine and cosine functions + float x = Mathf.Cos(angle) * radius; + float y = Mathf.Lerp(minHeight, maxHeight, Mathf.Sin(angle * waveFrequency) * 0.5f + 0.5f); // Dynamically adjust height + float z = Mathf.Sin(angle) * radius; + + // Update the position of the GameObject + transform.position = new Vector3(x, y, z); + } +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/CircleSinusoidalMotion.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/CircleSinusoidalMotion.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..747e1a8247 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/CircleSinusoidalMotion.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 52183aaaa5f77e2419b61da5f7b9eda1 +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/CoroutineHelper.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/CoroutineHelper.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5ea671ccc5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/CoroutineHelper.cs @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using UnityEngine; + +public static class CoroutineHelper +{ + + + public static IEnumerator ModifyValueOverTime(Action value, + float startValue, float endValue, float time) + { + float elapsedTime = 0f; + + while (elapsedTime < time) + { + value(startValue + (endValue-startValue)*(elapsedTime/time)); + elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; + yield return null; + } + + // Ensure the value reaches the target value exactly + value(endValue); + } + + public static IEnumerator ModifyVector3OverTime(Action value, + Vector3 startValue, Vector3 endValue, float time) + { + float elapsedTime = 0f; + + while (elapsedTime < time) + { + value(startValue + (endValue-startValue)*(elapsedTime/time)); + elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; + yield return null; + } + + // Ensure the value reaches the target value exactly + value(endValue); + } + + public static IEnumerator ModifyQuaternionOverTime(Action value, + Quaternion startValue, Quaternion endValue, float time) + { + float elapsedTime = 0f; + + while (elapsedTime < time) + { + value(Quaternion.Slerp(startValue, endValue, elapsedTime/time)); + elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; + yield return null; + } + + // Ensure the value reaches the target value exactly + value(endValue); + } +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/CoroutineHelper.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/CoroutineHelper.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cf42f65d53 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/CoroutineHelper.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: cc850fcf9bb5afe479007696b6676e9a +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyAim.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyAim.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..80a3e013b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyAim.cs @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +using Coimbra; +using System; +using UnityEngine; +using UnityEngine.Animations.Rigging; + +namespace DummyStuff +{ + public sealed class DummyAim : MonoBehaviour + { + + public Transform aimTarget; + + public DummyHands hands; + + public IntentController intents; + + public HoldController holdController; + + public Rig bodyAimRig; + + public float rotationSpeed = 5f; + + public bool canAim; + + public bool isAiming; + + public event EventHandler OnAim; + + [SerializeField] + private DummyMovement movementController; + + + private void Update() + { + UpdateAimAbility(hands.SelectedHand); + + if (canAim && Input.GetMouseButton(1)) + { + UpdateAimTargetPosition(); + + if (!isAiming) + { + Aim(hands.SelectedHand, hands.SelectedHand.Item.GameObject.GetComponent()); + isAiming = true; + } + + if (GetComponent().Position != PositionType.Sitting) + { + movementController.RotatePlayerTowardTarget(); + } + } + else if (isAiming && (!canAim || !Input.GetMouseButton(1))) + { + StopAiming(hands.SelectedHand); + } + + + + if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.E) && hands.SelectedHand.Full + && isAiming && hands.SelectedHand.Item.GameObject.TryGetComponent(out DummyGun gun)) + { + gun.GetComponent().Fire(); + } + + } + + private void Aim(DummyHand hand, DummyGun gun) + { + bodyAimRig.weight = 0.3f; + gun.transform.parent = hands.SelectedHand.shoulderWeaponPivot; + + // position correctly the gun on the shoulder, assuming the rifle butt transform is defined correctly + gun.transform.localPosition = -gun.rifleButt.localPosition; + gun.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; + OnAim?.Invoke(this, true); + } + + private void StopAiming(DummyHand hand) + { + isAiming = false; + bodyAimRig.weight = 0f; + + if (!hand.Full) + return; + + hand.Item.GameObject.transform.parent = hand.itemPositionTargetLocker; + holdController.UpdateItemPositionConstraintAndRotation(hand, hand.Item, + true, 0.25f, false); + hand.Item.GameObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero; + hand.Item.GameObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; + OnAim?.Invoke(this, false); + } + + private void UpdateAimAbility(DummyHand selectedHand) + { + if (intents.Intent == Intent.Harm && selectedHand.Full + && selectedHand.Item.GameObject.HasComponent()) + { + canAim = true; + } + else + { + canAim = false; + } + } + + private void UpdateAimTargetPosition() + { + // Cast a ray from the mouse position into the scene + Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); + + // Check if the ray hits any collider + if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out RaycastHit hit)) + { + aimTarget.position = hit.point; + } + } + } +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyAim.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyAim.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..63268b4536 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyAim.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 766145a5eaeaf4f4fae47ca69fdaff90 +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyAnimatorController.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyAnimatorController.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..356869dfdf --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyAnimatorController.cs @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +using SS3D.Core.Behaviours; +using SS3D.Systems.Entities.Data; +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using UnityEngine; +using UnityEngine.XR; + +namespace DummyStuff +{ + public class DummyAnimatorController : Actor + { + [SerializeField] + private DummyMovement _movementController; + + [SerializeField] + private Animator _animator; + [SerializeField] + private float _lerpMultiplier; + + private bool _startMoving = false; + private bool _endMoving = false; + + private bool _wasMovingPreviousUpdate = false; + + protected override void OnStart() + { + base.OnStart(); + _movementController.OnSpeedChangeEvent += UpdateMovement; + } + + protected override void OnDestroyed() + { + base.OnDestroyed(); + _movementController.OnSpeedChangeEvent -= UpdateMovement; + } + + private void UpdateMovement(float speed) + { + bool isMoving = speed != 0; + _startMoving = isMoving && !_wasMovingPreviousUpdate; + _endMoving = !isMoving && _wasMovingPreviousUpdate; + + float currentSpeed = _animator.GetFloat(Animations.Humanoid.MovementSpeed); + float newLerpModifier = isMoving ? _lerpMultiplier : (_lerpMultiplier * 3); + speed = Mathf.Lerp(currentSpeed, speed, Time.deltaTime * newLerpModifier); + + _animator.SetFloat(Animations.Humanoid.MovementSpeed, speed); + if(_startMoving) _animator.SetTrigger(Animations.Humanoid.StartMoving); + if(_endMoving) _animator.SetTrigger(Animations.Humanoid.EndMoving); + + _wasMovingPreviousUpdate = isMoving; + } + + public void TriggerPickUp() + { + _animator.SetTrigger("PickUpRight"); + } + + public void Throw(HandType handtype) + { + if (handtype == HandType.RightHand) + _animator.SetTrigger("ThrowRight"); + else + _animator.SetTrigger("ThrowLeft"); + } + + public void Sit(bool sitState) + { + _animator.SetBool("Sit", sitState); + } + + public void Crouch(bool crouchState) + { + _animator.SetBool("Crouch", crouchState); + } + + } +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyAnimatorController.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyAnimatorController.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..91d4dda192 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyAnimatorController.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 7fd96485356cfc740b6a5e141dec502e +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyBullet.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyBullet.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..33f94900f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyBullet.cs @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +using Coimbra; +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using UnityEngine; + +public class DummyBullet : MonoBehaviour +{ + // Start is called before the first frame update + void Start() + { + StartCoroutine(DestroyItself()); + } + + private IEnumerator DestroyItself() + { + yield return new WaitForSeconds(5f); + gameObject.Dispose(true); + } +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyBullet.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyBullet.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..de15c25fda --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyBullet.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 81b4a5a2e8d15744daf836eabe47fd2d +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyBullet.prefab b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyBullet.prefab new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..093828d6fa --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyBullet.prefab @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!1 &8048644634823827442 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 8048644634823827441} + - component: {fileID: 8048644634823827440} + - component: {fileID: 8048644634823827443} + - component: {fileID: 8048644634823827446} + - component: {fileID: 1347341470049345116} + - component: {fileID: 3953134645488257800} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: DummyBullet + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &8048644634823827441 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 8048644634823827442} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: -2.3957021, y: 2.1076794, z: 2.4237728} + m_LocalScale: {x: 0.05, y: 0.05, z: 0.05} + 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b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyBullet.prefab.meta @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 6689365f34e3b994295af9f68b26360b +PrefabImporter: + externalObjects: {} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyChair.prefab b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyChair.prefab new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3d691d8c7f --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyChair.prefab @@ -0,0 +1,244 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!1 &1920654146518408055 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 5982401897890755012} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: Orientation + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &5982401897890755012 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 1920654146518408055} + m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.000000029802322, y: 0, z: 0.391} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 2903963145403629056} + m_RootOrder: 1 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!1 &2168389489981721619 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 2903963145403629056} + - component: {fileID: 8586216954369377737} + - component: {fileID: 8805427844638629543} + - component: {fileID: 8652954433838760480} + - component: {fileID: 8922038390857918936} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: DummyChair + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &2903963145403629056 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 2168389489981721619} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: + - {fileID: 3275127580964261480} + - {fileID: 5982401897890755012} + m_Father: {fileID: 0} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!33 &8586216954369377737 +MeshFilter: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 2168389489981721619} + m_Mesh: {fileID: 1109115656077450930, guid: 0ae381ae038ae134cbbf04a5a9124cb0, type: 3} +--- !u!23 &8805427844638629543 +MeshRenderer: + 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+ m_SortingLayer: 0 + m_SortingOrder: 0 + m_AdditionalVertexStreams: {fileID: 0} +--- !u!64 &8652954433838760480 +MeshCollider: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 2168389489981721619} + m_Material: {fileID: 0} + m_IsTrigger: 0 + m_Enabled: 1 + serializedVersion: 4 + m_Convex: 1 + m_CookingOptions: 30 + m_Mesh: {fileID: 1109115656077450930, guid: 0ae381ae038ae134cbbf04a5a9124cb0, type: 3} +--- !u!114 &8922038390857918936 +MonoBehaviour: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 2168389489981721619} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_EditorHideFlags: 0 + m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: a6c322248b2bbd746911650f246c1501, type: 3} + m_Name: + m_EditorClassIdentifier: + orientation: {fileID: 5982401897890755012} +--- !u!1 &7716195917415779632 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + 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0} + m_ScaleInLightmap: 1 + m_ReceiveGI: 1 + m_PreserveUVs: 0 + m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0 + m_ImportantGI: 0 + m_StitchLightmapSeams: 1 + m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 3 + m_MinimumChartSize: 4 + m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5 + m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89 + m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} + m_SortingLayerID: 0 + m_SortingLayer: 0 + m_SortingOrder: 0 + m_AdditionalVertexStreams: {fileID: 0} +--- !u!65 &6259911935952886824 +BoxCollider: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 7716195917415779632} + m_Material: {fileID: 0} + m_IsTrigger: 0 + m_Enabled: 1 + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Size: {x: 0.47157142, y: 0.33261716, z: 0.4715702} + m_Center: {x: -0.0000005066395, y: 0.1662085, z: 0.02982717} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyChair.prefab.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyChair.prefab.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..00c0068d59 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyChair.prefab.meta @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 3d188fbae7fdea24bba41cff7b4fe2f0 +PrefabImporter: + externalObjects: {} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyCrowbar.prefab b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyCrowbar.prefab new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e4119398a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyCrowbar.prefab @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!1 &1841234888237844094 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 3447004931128554605} + - component: {fileID: 5948478886305123931} + - component: {fileID: 122080341831398050} + - component: {fileID: 655260080075035769} + - component: {fileID: 8129755425362912337} + m_Layer: 10 + m_Name: DummyCrowbar + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &3447004931128554605 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 1841234888237844094} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: + - {fileID: 4075856887251976330} + m_Father: {fileID: 0} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!33 &5948478886305123931 +MeshFilter: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 1841234888237844094} + m_Mesh: {fileID: 8918077550557095614, guid: 7ba611611d13435499276ac1385aa00a, type: 3} +--- !u!23 &122080341831398050 +MeshRenderer: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 1841234888237844094} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_CastShadows: 0 + m_ReceiveShadows: 1 + m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 + m_MotionVectors: 1 + m_LightProbeUsage: 1 + m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 + m_RayTracingMode: 2 + m_RayTraceProcedural: 0 + m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 + m_RendererPriority: 0 + m_Materials: + - {fileID: 2100000, guid: 695c4de41b9578049a93f19b1eef7213, type: 2} + m_StaticBatchInfo: + firstSubMesh: 0 + subMeshCount: 0 + m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0} + m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0} + m_LightProbeVolumeOverride: {fileID: 0} + m_ScaleInLightmap: 1 + m_ReceiveGI: 1 + m_PreserveUVs: 0 + m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0 + m_ImportantGI: 0 + m_StitchLightmapSeams: 1 + m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 3 + m_MinimumChartSize: 4 + m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5 + m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89 + m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} + m_SortingLayerID: 0 + m_SortingLayer: 0 + m_SortingOrder: 0 + m_AdditionalVertexStreams: {fileID: 0} +--- !u!64 &655260080075035769 +MeshCollider: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 1841234888237844094} + m_Material: {fileID: 0} + m_IsTrigger: 0 + m_Enabled: 1 + serializedVersion: 4 + m_Convex: 1 + m_CookingOptions: 30 + m_Mesh: {fileID: 8918077550557095614, guid: 7ba611611d13435499276ac1385aa00a, type: 3} +--- !u!54 &8129755425362912337 +Rigidbody: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 1841234888237844094} + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Mass: 1 + m_Drag: 0 + m_AngularDrag: 0.05 + m_UseGravity: 1 + m_IsKinematic: 0 + m_Interpolate: 0 + m_Constraints: 0 + m_CollisionDetection: 0 +--- !u!1 &2448324178331803665 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 4075856887251976330} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: Attachment + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &4075856887251976330 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 2448324178331803665} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0.7071068, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0.7071068} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 3447004931128554605} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 90, y: 0, z: 0} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyCrowbar.prefab.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyCrowbar.prefab.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..99305ea52f --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyCrowbar.prefab.meta @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: e7e7ccf70fee9154dbd6bebc1f129efd +PrefabImporter: + externalObjects: {} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyFire.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyFire.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1965674eff --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyFire.cs @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using UnityEngine; + +public class DummyFire : MonoBehaviour +{ + public GameObject bulletPrefab; + public Transform spawnPoint; + public float fireRate = 10f; // Bullets fired per second + public float bulletSpeed = 10f; // Speed of the bullets + private bool _readyToFire = true; + + public void Fire() + { + if (!_readyToFire) + return; + + _readyToFire = false; + + StartCoroutine(ReadyToFire()); + GameObject bullet = Instantiate(bulletPrefab, spawnPoint.position, spawnPoint.rotation); + Rigidbody bulletRigidbody = bullet.GetComponent(); + if (bulletRigidbody != null) + { + bulletRigidbody.velocity = spawnPoint.forward * bulletSpeed; + } + } + + private IEnumerator ReadyToFire() + { + yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f / fireRate); + _readyToFire = true; + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyFire.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyFire.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9d235f603b --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyFire.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 81251b36625bc4b459b55638008f9fac +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyGun.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyGun.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f314ca8b7f --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyGun.cs @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using UnityEngine; + +public class DummyGun : MonoBehaviour +{ + + public Transform rifleButt; +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyGun.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyGun.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..827034a6b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyGun.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 32e5e730fe3a93646af719abb477b964 +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyHand.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyHand.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f5c43f3b8f --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyHand.cs @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using UnityEngine; +using UnityEngine.Animations.Rigging; + +namespace DummyStuff +{ + +public class DummyHand : MonoBehaviour +{ + private IHoldProvider _item; + + public HandType handType; + + public Transform handHoldTargetLocker; + + public Transform pickupTargetLocker; + + public Transform placeTarget; + + public Transform itemPositionTargetLocker; + + public Transform shoulderWeaponPivot; + + public TwoBoneIKConstraint holdIkConstraint; + + public ChainIKConstraint pickupIkConstraint; + + public MultiPositionConstraint itemPositionConstraint; + + public Transform upperArm; + + public Transform handBone; + + public Transform holdTransform; + + public IHoldProvider Item => _item; + + public bool Full => _item != null; + + public bool Empty => _item == null; + + public void RemoveItem() + { + _item.GameObject.transform.parent = null; + _item.GameObject.GetComponent().isKinematic = false; + _item.GameObject.GetComponent().enabled = true; + _item = null; + } + + public void AddItem(IHoldProvider itemAdded) + { + _item = itemAdded; + _item.GameObject.GetComponent().isKinematic = true; + _item.GameObject.GetComponent().enabled = false; + } + + public Transform ChooseTargetLocker(TargetLockerType type) + { + Transform targetToSet; + + switch (type) + { + case TargetLockerType.Pickup: + targetToSet = pickupTargetLocker; + break; + case TargetLockerType.Hold: + targetToSet = handHoldTargetLocker; + break; + case TargetLockerType.ItemPosition: + targetToSet = itemPositionTargetLocker; + break; + default: + throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(type), type, null); + } + + return targetToSet; + } + + public void SetParentTransformTargetLocker(TargetLockerType type, Transform parent, bool resetPosition = true, + bool resetRotation = true) + { + Transform targetToSet = ChooseTargetLocker(type); + + targetToSet.parent = parent; + if(resetPosition) + targetToSet.localPosition = Vector3.zero; + if(resetRotation) + targetToSet.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; + } + +} + +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyHand.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyHand.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2ff30f0a62 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyHand.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: a6371626722efc843ba2622b9a6d7d5e +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyHands.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyHands.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6c3751311e --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyHands.cs @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +using System; +using UnityEngine; + +namespace DummyStuff +{ +public class DummyHands : MonoBehaviour +{ + + public DummyHand leftHand; + public DummyHand rightHand; + + public HandType selectedHand = HandType.LeftHand; + + public DummyHand SelectedHand => selectedHand == HandType.LeftHand ? leftHand : rightHand; + + public DummyHand UnselectedHand => selectedHand == HandType.LeftHand ? rightHand : leftHand; + + public DummyHand GetHand(HandType hand) => hand == HandType.LeftHand ? leftHand : rightHand; + + public DummyHand GetOtherHand(HandType hand) => hand == HandType.LeftHand ? rightHand : leftHand; + + public bool BothHandFull => leftHand.Full && rightHand.Full; + public bool BothHandEmpty => leftHand.Empty && rightHand.Empty; + + public event EventHandler OnSelectedHandChange; + + + // Update is called once per frame + public void Update() + { + if (!Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.X)) + return; + + + + selectedHand = selectedHand == HandType.LeftHand ? HandType.RightHand : HandType.LeftHand; + + OnSelectedHandChange?.Invoke(this, SelectedHand ); + + Debug.Log($"Selected hand is {selectedHand}"); + } + + public IHoldProvider GetItem(bool secondary, DummyHand hand) + { + return secondary ? GetOtherHand(hand.handType).Item : hand.Item; + } +} + +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyHands.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyHands.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bfa10abbf0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyHands.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: a50440716bed13447980dae8db6593dc +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyHatchet.prefab b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyHatchet.prefab new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..290a3d4d2d --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyHatchet.prefab @@ -0,0 +1,235 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!1 &1229767445929789416 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 8799798233636070235} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: RightHandHold + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &8799798233636070235 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 1229767445929789416} + m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0.7071068, w: 0.7071068} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: -0.209, z: -0.022} + m_LocalScale: {x: 0.99999976, y: 0.99999976, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 7926930756618497281} + m_RootOrder: 1 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!1 &6366194721681563410 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 7926930756618497281} + - component: {fileID: 1394175492710602551} + - component: {fileID: 4640275872385461198} + - component: {fileID: 51799854375041556} + - component: {fileID: 6327251743354465140} + - component: {fileID: 671301447017618997} + m_Layer: 10 + m_Name: DummyHatchet + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &7926930756618497281 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 6366194721681563410} + m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 1.286, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: + - {fileID: 1723189298052394240} + - {fileID: 8799798233636070235} + - {fileID: 7039453874243628011} + m_Father: {fileID: 0} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!33 &1394175492710602551 +MeshFilter: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 6366194721681563410} + m_Mesh: {fileID: 1519899670696656113, guid: 742a48e879c58dd42beda261db60281a, type: 3} +--- !u!23 &4640275872385461198 +MeshRenderer: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 6366194721681563410} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_CastShadows: 0 + m_ReceiveShadows: 1 + m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 + m_MotionVectors: 1 + m_LightProbeUsage: 1 + m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 + m_RayTracingMode: 2 + m_RayTraceProcedural: 0 + m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 + m_RendererPriority: 0 + m_Materials: + - {fileID: 2100000, guid: 695c4de41b9578049a93f19b1eef7213, type: 2} + m_StaticBatchInfo: + firstSubMesh: 0 + subMeshCount: 0 + m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0} + m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0} + m_LightProbeVolumeOverride: {fileID: 0} + m_ScaleInLightmap: 1 + m_ReceiveGI: 1 + m_PreserveUVs: 0 + m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0 + m_ImportantGI: 0 + m_StitchLightmapSeams: 1 + m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 3 + m_MinimumChartSize: 4 + m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5 + m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89 + m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} + m_SortingLayerID: 0 + m_SortingLayer: 0 + m_SortingOrder: 0 + m_AdditionalVertexStreams: {fileID: 0} +--- !u!65 &51799854375041556 +BoxCollider: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 6366194721681563410} + m_Material: {fileID: 0} + m_IsTrigger: 0 + m_Enabled: 1 + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Size: {x: 0.068746924, y: 0.70985806, z: 0.21382287} + m_Center: {x: 0.000011116266, y: -0.040311217, z: 0.017898966} +--- !u!54 &6327251743354465140 +Rigidbody: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 6366194721681563410} + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Mass: 1 + m_Drag: 0 + m_AngularDrag: 0.05 + m_UseGravity: 1 + m_IsKinematic: 0 + m_Interpolate: 0 + m_Constraints: 0 + m_CollisionDetection: 0 +--- !u!114 &671301447017618997 +MonoBehaviour: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 6366194721681563410} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_EditorHideFlags: 0 + m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 31f69105775d221409591f2e3dcf4c98, type: 3} + m_Name: + m_EditorClassIdentifier: + singleHandHold: 1 + twoHandHold: 0 + primaryRightHandHold: {fileID: 8799798233636070235} + secondaryRightHandHold: {fileID: 8799798233636070235} + primaryLeftHandHold: {fileID: 7039453874243628011} + secondaryLeftHandHold: {fileID: 7039453874243628011} + canHoldTwoHand: 0 + canHoldOneHand: 1 + heldWithOneHand: 0 + heldWithTwoHands: 0 +--- !u!1 &7403023618397329741 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 1723189298052394240} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: Attachment + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &1723189298052394240 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 7403023618397329741} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0.7071068, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0.7071068} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: -0.25, z: -0.018} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 7926930756618497281} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: 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Infinity + m_BreakTorque: Infinity + m_EnableCollision: 0 + m_EnablePreprocessing: 1 + m_MassScale: 1 + m_ConnectedMassScale: 1 +--- !u!1 &3668633868748947739 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 6844883516777596390} + - component: {fileID: 5071594971798542736} + - component: {fileID: 1047217990301359711} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: LeftShoulderWeaponAimConstraint + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &6844883516777596390 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 3668633868748947739} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 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+--- !u!1107 &-8961829470908051106 +AnimatorStateMachine: + serializedVersion: 6 + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: LeftArmLayer + m_ChildStates: + - serializedVersion: 1 + m_State: {fileID: 6284056232029814084} + m_Position: {x: 310, y: 120, z: 0} + - serializedVersion: 1 + m_State: {fileID: -2779287687368434065} + m_Position: {x: 310, y: 270, z: 0} + m_ChildStateMachines: [] + m_AnyStateTransitions: [] + m_EntryTransitions: [] + m_StateMachineTransitions: {} + m_StateMachineBehaviours: [] + m_AnyStatePosition: {x: 50, y: 20, z: 0} + m_EntryPosition: {x: 50, y: 120, z: 0} + m_ExitPosition: {x: 800, y: 120, z: 0} + m_ParentStateMachinePosition: {x: 800, y: 20, z: 0} + m_DefaultState: {fileID: 6284056232029814084} +--- !u!1102 &-8540273196910157816 +AnimatorState: + serializedVersion: 6 + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: Standing + m_Speed: 10 + m_CycleOffset: 0 + m_Transitions: + - {fileID: 7932287715000747279} + m_StateMachineBehaviours: [] + m_Position: {x: 50, y: 50, z: 0} + m_IKOnFeet: 0 + m_WriteDefaultValues: 1 + m_Mirror: 0 + m_SpeedParameterActive: 0 + m_MirrorParameterActive: 0 + m_CycleOffsetParameterActive: 0 + m_TimeParameterActive: 0 + m_Motion: {fileID: 0} + m_Tag: + m_SpeedParameter: + m_MirrorParameter: + m_CycleOffsetParameter: + m_TimeParameter: +--- !u!1102 &-7444544489486254181 +AnimatorState: + serializedVersion: 6 + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: RifleStance + m_Speed: 1 + m_CycleOffset: 0 + m_Transitions: [] + m_StateMachineBehaviours: [] + m_Position: {x: 50, y: 50, z: 0} + m_IKOnFeet: 0 + m_WriteDefaultValues: 1 + m_Mirror: 0 + m_SpeedParameterActive: 0 + m_MirrorParameterActive: 0 + m_CycleOffsetParameterActive: 0 + m_TimeParameterActive: 0 + m_Motion: {fileID: -4226087607753745546, guid: d8a0275fc6856e14597e6eb4fc42e30c, type: 3} + m_Tag: + m_SpeedParameter: + m_MirrorParameter: + m_CycleOffsetParameter: + m_TimeParameter: +--- !u!1101 &-6845678065582808200 +AnimatorStateTransition: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: + m_Conditions: + - m_ConditionMode: 2 + m_ConditionEvent: Crouch + m_EventTreshold: 0 + m_DstStateMachine: {fileID: 0} + m_DstState: {fileID: 3448492070948990866} + m_Solo: 0 + m_Mute: 0 + m_IsExit: 0 + serializedVersion: 3 + m_TransitionDuration: 0.25 + m_TransitionOffset: 0 + m_ExitTime: 0.75 + m_HasExitTime: 0 + m_HasFixedDuration: 1 + m_InterruptionSource: 0 + m_OrderedInterruption: 1 + m_CanTransitionToSelf: 1 +--- !u!1101 &-6613564437633993527 +AnimatorStateTransition: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: + m_Conditions: + - m_ConditionMode: 1 + m_ConditionEvent: Sit + m_EventTreshold: 0 + m_DstStateMachine: {fileID: 0} + m_DstState: {fileID: 4333892573845058204} + m_Solo: 0 + m_Mute: 0 + m_IsExit: 0 + serializedVersion: 3 + m_TransitionDuration: 0.30381638 + m_TransitionOffset: 0 + m_ExitTime: 0.009622389 + m_HasExitTime: 0 + m_HasFixedDuration: 1 + m_InterruptionSource: 0 + m_OrderedInterruption: 1 + m_CanTransitionToSelf: 1 +--- !u!1102 &-6590861584922331359 +AnimatorState: + serializedVersion: 6 + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: CrouchStart + m_Speed: 1 + m_CycleOffset: 0 + m_Transitions: + - {fileID: -1490684411941323659} + m_StateMachineBehaviours: [] + m_Position: {x: 50, y: 50, z: 0} + m_IKOnFeet: 0 + m_WriteDefaultValues: 1 + m_Mirror: 0 + m_SpeedParameterActive: 0 + m_MirrorParameterActive: 0 + m_CycleOffsetParameterActive: 0 + m_TimeParameterActive: 0 + m_Motion: {fileID: -313462707859085110, guid: be5fc16afc840b542a2fb1997f9edc82, type: 3} + m_Tag: + m_SpeedParameter: + m_MirrorParameter: + m_CycleOffsetParameter: + m_TimeParameter: +--- !u!1101 &-6120041802172448815 +AnimatorStateTransition: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: + m_Conditions: [] + m_DstStateMachine: {fileID: 0} + m_DstState: {fileID: 8395808576175135360} + m_Solo: 0 + m_Mute: 0 + m_IsExit: 0 + serializedVersion: 3 + m_TransitionDuration: 0.25 + m_TransitionOffset: 0 + m_ExitTime: 0.625 + m_HasExitTime: 1 + m_HasFixedDuration: 1 + m_InterruptionSource: 0 + m_OrderedInterruption: 1 + m_CanTransitionToSelf: 1 +--- !u!114 &-5784729310235369987 +MonoBehaviour: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 0} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_EditorHideFlags: 0 + m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 58a0e7f8be287fd49af588854ab6d6ab, type: 3} + m_Name: + m_EditorClassIdentifier: +--- !u!1101 &-4970361706483769309 +AnimatorStateTransition: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: + m_Conditions: + - m_ConditionMode: 1 + m_ConditionEvent: EndMoving + m_EventTreshold: 0 + m_DstStateMachine: {fileID: 0} + m_DstState: {fileID: 2460498423011011840} + m_Solo: 0 + m_Mute: 0 + m_IsExit: 0 + serializedVersion: 3 + m_TransitionDuration: 0.020636922 + m_TransitionOffset: 0.00000043655731 + m_ExitTime: 0.0000028075772 + m_HasExitTime: 0 + m_HasFixedDuration: 1 + m_InterruptionSource: 0 + m_OrderedInterruption: 1 + m_CanTransitionToSelf: 1 +--- !u!1101 &-4317571624849081588 +AnimatorStateTransition: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: + m_Conditions: [] + m_DstStateMachine: {fileID: 0} + m_DstState: {fileID: -8540273196910157816} + m_Solo: 0 + m_Mute: 0 + m_IsExit: 0 + serializedVersion: 3 + m_TransitionDuration: 0.25 + m_TransitionOffset: 0 + m_ExitTime: 0.8863636 + m_HasExitTime: 1 + m_HasFixedDuration: 1 + m_InterruptionSource: 0 + m_OrderedInterruption: 1 + m_CanTransitionToSelf: 1 +--- !u!1102 &-2779287687368434065 +AnimatorState: + serializedVersion: 6 + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: Throw + m_Speed: 1 + m_CycleOffset: 0 + m_Transitions: + - {fileID: 411586820880822286} + m_StateMachineBehaviours: [] + m_Position: {x: 50, y: 50, z: 0} + m_IKOnFeet: 0 + m_WriteDefaultValues: 1 + m_Mirror: 1 + m_SpeedParameterActive: 0 + m_MirrorParameterActive: 0 + m_CycleOffsetParameterActive: 0 + m_TimeParameterActive: 0 + m_Motion: {fileID: -7538654608850558957, guid: 30930b4a9daf7af48a2fd7c3aa4dcc23, type: 3} + m_Tag: + m_SpeedParameter: + m_MirrorParameter: + m_CycleOffsetParameter: + m_TimeParameter: +--- !u!1102 &-2413213501428968607 +AnimatorState: + serializedVersion: 6 + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: Crawl + m_Speed: 1 + m_CycleOffset: 0 + m_Transitions: + - {fileID: 4978820055632450062} + m_StateMachineBehaviours: [] + m_Position: {x: 50, y: 50, z: 0} + m_IKOnFeet: 0 + m_WriteDefaultValues: 1 + m_Mirror: 0 + m_SpeedParameterActive: 0 + m_MirrorParameterActive: 0 + m_CycleOffsetParameterActive: 0 + m_TimeParameterActive: 0 + m_Motion: {fileID: -203655887218126122, guid: b5c7ad9e6ca9f9841b80c88af545251a, type: 3} + m_Tag: + m_SpeedParameter: + m_MirrorParameter: + m_CycleOffsetParameter: + m_TimeParameter: +--- !u!1107 &-1742175401333705757 +AnimatorStateMachine: + serializedVersion: 6 + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: RightFingers + m_ChildStates: [] + m_ChildStateMachines: [] + m_AnyStateTransitions: [] + m_EntryTransitions: [] + m_StateMachineTransitions: {} + m_StateMachineBehaviours: [] + m_AnyStatePosition: {x: 50, y: 20, z: 0} + m_EntryPosition: {x: 50, y: 120, z: 0} + m_ExitPosition: {x: 800, y: 120, z: 0} + m_ParentStateMachinePosition: {x: 800, y: 20, z: 0} + m_DefaultState: {fileID: 0} +--- !u!1107 &-1612670164682839322 +AnimatorStateMachine: + serializedVersion: 6 + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: RightArmLayer + m_ChildStates: + - serializedVersion: 1 + m_State: {fileID: -8540273196910157816} + m_Position: {x: 310, y: 110, z: 0} + - serializedVersion: 1 + m_State: {fileID: 8801857973965627584} + m_Position: {x: 310, y: 250, z: 0} + m_ChildStateMachines: [] + m_AnyStateTransitions: [] + m_EntryTransitions: [] + m_StateMachineTransitions: {} + m_StateMachineBehaviours: [] + m_AnyStatePosition: {x: 50, y: 20, z: 0} + m_EntryPosition: {x: 50, y: 120, z: 0} + m_ExitPosition: {x: 1000, y: 250, z: 0} + m_ParentStateMachinePosition: {x: 800, y: 20, z: 0} + m_DefaultState: {fileID: -8540273196910157816} +--- !u!1101 &-1490684411941323659 +AnimatorStateTransition: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: + m_Conditions: [] + m_DstStateMachine: {fileID: 0} + m_DstState: {fileID: 8395808576175135360} + m_Solo: 0 + m_Mute: 0 + m_IsExit: 0 + serializedVersion: 3 + m_TransitionDuration: 0.25 + m_TransitionOffset: 0 + m_ExitTime: 0.50000006 + m_HasExitTime: 1 + m_HasFixedDuration: 1 + m_InterruptionSource: 0 + m_OrderedInterruption: 1 + m_CanTransitionToSelf: 1 +--- !u!1101 &-1475420345139939282 +AnimatorStateTransition: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: + m_Conditions: + - m_ConditionMode: 1 + m_ConditionEvent: StartMoving + m_EventTreshold: 0 + m_DstStateMachine: {fileID: 0} + m_DstState: {fileID: -6590861584922331359} + m_Solo: 0 + m_Mute: 0 + m_IsExit: 0 + serializedVersion: 3 + m_TransitionDuration: 0.25969166 + m_TransitionOffset: 0 + m_ExitTime: 0.0004210992 + m_HasExitTime: 0 + m_HasFixedDuration: 1 + m_InterruptionSource: 0 + m_OrderedInterruption: 1 + m_CanTransitionToSelf: 1 +--- !u!1101 &-1250320669339536461 +AnimatorStateTransition: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: + m_Conditions: + - m_ConditionMode: 1 + m_ConditionEvent: Crouch + m_EventTreshold: 0 + m_DstStateMachine: {fileID: 0} + m_DstState: {fileID: 8395808576175135360} + m_Solo: 0 + m_Mute: 0 + m_IsExit: 0 + serializedVersion: 3 + m_TransitionDuration: 0.25 + m_TransitionOffset: 0 + m_ExitTime: 0.79118335 + m_HasExitTime: 0 + m_HasFixedDuration: 1 + m_InterruptionSource: 0 + m_OrderedInterruption: 1 + m_CanTransitionToSelf: 1 +--- !u!114 &-808549295916766849 +MonoBehaviour: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 0} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_EditorHideFlags: 0 + m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 58a0e7f8be287fd49af588854ab6d6ab, type: 3} + m_Name: + m_EditorClassIdentifier: +--- !u!1101 &-233387878558318127 +AnimatorStateTransition: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: + m_Conditions: + - m_ConditionMode: 2 + m_ConditionEvent: Sit + m_EventTreshold: 0 + m_DstStateMachine: {fileID: 0} + m_DstState: {fileID: 3448492070948990866} + m_Solo: 0 + m_Mute: 0 + m_IsExit: 0 + serializedVersion: 3 + m_TransitionDuration: 0.25 + m_TransitionOffset: 0 + m_ExitTime: 0.8557693 + m_HasExitTime: 0 + m_HasFixedDuration: 1 + m_InterruptionSource: 0 + m_OrderedInterruption: 1 + m_CanTransitionToSelf: 1 +--- !u!91 &9100000 +AnimatorController: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: DummyHumanAnimatorController + serializedVersion: 5 + m_AnimatorParameters: + - m_Name: Speed + m_Type: 1 + m_DefaultFloat: 0 + m_DefaultInt: 0 + m_DefaultBool: 0 + m_Controller: {fileID: 9100000} + - m_Name: Sit + m_Type: 4 + m_DefaultFloat: 0 + m_DefaultInt: 0 + m_DefaultBool: 0 + m_Controller: {fileID: 9100000} + - m_Name: Crawl + m_Type: 4 + m_DefaultFloat: 0 + m_DefaultInt: 0 + m_DefaultBool: 0 + m_Controller: {fileID: 9100000} + - m_Name: Crouch + m_Type: 4 + m_DefaultFloat: 0 + m_DefaultInt: 0 + m_DefaultBool: 0 + m_Controller: {fileID: 9100000} + - m_Name: ThrowRight + m_Type: 9 + m_DefaultFloat: 0 + m_DefaultInt: 0 + m_DefaultBool: 0 + m_Controller: {fileID: 9100000} + - m_Name: ThrowLeft + m_Type: 9 + m_DefaultFloat: 0 + m_DefaultInt: 0 + m_DefaultBool: 0 + m_Controller: {fileID: 9100000} + - m_Name: StartMoving + m_Type: 9 + m_DefaultFloat: 0 + m_DefaultInt: 0 + m_DefaultBool: 0 + m_Controller: {fileID: 9100000} + - m_Name: EndMoving + m_Type: 9 + m_DefaultFloat: 0 + m_DefaultInt: 0 + m_DefaultBool: 0 + m_Controller: {fileID: 9100000} + m_AnimatorLayers: + - serializedVersion: 5 + m_Name: Base Layer + m_StateMachine: {fileID: 1002659799560922286} + m_Mask: {fileID: 0} + m_Motions: [] + m_Behaviours: [] + m_BlendingMode: 0 + m_SyncedLayerIndex: -1 + m_DefaultWeight: 0 + m_IKPass: 0 + m_SyncedLayerAffectsTiming: 0 + m_Controller: {fileID: 9100000} + - serializedVersion: 5 + m_Name: TorsoLayer + m_StateMachine: {fileID: 687987428377696694} + m_Mask: {fileID: 31900000, guid: cf7b56e1f9024b245af9b60d6f994c39, type: 2} + m_Motions: [] + m_Behaviours: [] + m_BlendingMode: 0 + m_SyncedLayerIndex: -1 + m_DefaultWeight: 1 + m_IKPass: 1 + m_SyncedLayerAffectsTiming: 0 + m_Controller: {fileID: 9100000} + - serializedVersion: 5 + m_Name: RightArmLayer + m_StateMachine: {fileID: -1612670164682839322} + m_Mask: {fileID: 31900000, guid: bcc43ec4efce72d4da9a9c8cc1a5863a, type: 2} + m_Motions: [] + m_Behaviours: [] + m_BlendingMode: 0 + m_SyncedLayerIndex: -1 + m_DefaultWeight: 1 + m_IKPass: 1 + m_SyncedLayerAffectsTiming: 0 + m_Controller: {fileID: 9100000} + - serializedVersion: 5 + m_Name: LeftArmLayer + m_StateMachine: {fileID: -8961829470908051106} + m_Mask: {fileID: 31900000, guid: 5cde902fbe463f94b95468009c1b9502, type: 2} + m_Motions: + - serializedVersion: 2 + m_State: {fileID: 8801857973965627584} + m_Motion: {fileID: -7538654608850558957, guid: 30930b4a9daf7af48a2fd7c3aa4dcc23, type: 3} + m_Behaviours: [] + m_BlendingMode: 0 + m_SyncedLayerIndex: -1 + m_DefaultWeight: 1 + m_IKPass: 1 + m_SyncedLayerAffectsTiming: 0 + m_Controller: {fileID: 9100000} + - serializedVersion: 5 + m_Name: LeftFingers + m_StateMachine: {fileID: 4382307925137969513} + m_Mask: {fileID: 0} + m_Motions: [] + m_Behaviours: [] + m_BlendingMode: 0 + m_SyncedLayerIndex: -1 + m_DefaultWeight: 0 + m_IKPass: 0 + m_SyncedLayerAffectsTiming: 0 + m_Controller: {fileID: 9100000} + - serializedVersion: 5 + m_Name: RightFingers + m_StateMachine: {fileID: -1742175401333705757} + m_Mask: {fileID: 0} + m_Motions: [] + m_Behaviours: [] + m_BlendingMode: 0 + m_SyncedLayerIndex: -1 + m_DefaultWeight: 0 + m_IKPass: 0 + m_SyncedLayerAffectsTiming: 0 + m_Controller: {fileID: 9100000} +--- !u!1101 &411586820880822286 +AnimatorStateTransition: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: + m_Conditions: [] + m_DstStateMachine: {fileID: 0} + m_DstState: {fileID: 6284056232029814084} + m_Solo: 0 + m_Mute: 0 + m_IsExit: 0 + serializedVersion: 3 + m_TransitionDuration: 0.25 + m_TransitionOffset: 0 + m_ExitTime: 0.75 + m_HasExitTime: 1 + m_HasFixedDuration: 1 + m_InterruptionSource: 0 + m_OrderedInterruption: 1 + m_CanTransitionToSelf: 1 +--- !u!1107 &687987428377696694 +AnimatorStateMachine: + serializedVersion: 6 + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: TorsoLayer + m_ChildStates: + - serializedVersion: 1 + m_State: {fileID: -7444544489486254181} + m_Position: {x: 270, y: 110, z: 0} + m_ChildStateMachines: [] + m_AnyStateTransitions: [] + m_EntryTransitions: [] + m_StateMachineTransitions: {} + m_StateMachineBehaviours: [] + m_AnyStatePosition: {x: 50, y: 20, z: 0} + m_EntryPosition: {x: 50, y: 120, z: 0} + m_ExitPosition: {x: 800, y: 120, z: 0} + m_ParentStateMachinePosition: {x: 800, y: 20, z: 0} + m_DefaultState: {fileID: -7444544489486254181} +--- !u!1107 &1002659799560922286 +AnimatorStateMachine: + serializedVersion: 6 + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: Base Layer + m_ChildStates: + - serializedVersion: 1 + m_State: {fileID: 3448492070948990866} + m_Position: {x: 370, y: 110, z: 0} + - serializedVersion: 1 + m_State: {fileID: 4333892573845058204} + m_Position: {x: 370, y: 20, z: 0} + - serializedVersion: 1 + m_State: {fileID: -2413213501428968607} + m_Position: {x: 370, y: 220, z: 0} + - serializedVersion: 1 + m_State: {fileID: 8395808576175135360} + m_Position: {x: 650, y: 110, z: 0} + - serializedVersion: 1 + m_State: {fileID: -6590861584922331359} + m_Position: {x: 650, y: 30, z: 0} + - serializedVersion: 1 + m_State: {fileID: 2460498423011011840} + m_Position: {x: 650, y: 180, z: 0} + m_ChildStateMachines: [] + m_AnyStateTransitions: [] + m_EntryTransitions: [] + m_StateMachineTransitions: {} + m_StateMachineBehaviours: [] + m_AnyStatePosition: {x: 50, y: 20, z: 0} + m_EntryPosition: {x: 50, y: 120, z: 0} + m_ExitPosition: {x: 1000, y: 270, z: 0} + m_ParentStateMachinePosition: {x: 800, y: 20, z: 0} + m_DefaultState: {fileID: 3448492070948990866} +--- !u!1102 &1137939024550951533 +AnimatorState: + serializedVersion: 6 + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: New State + m_Speed: 1 + m_CycleOffset: 0 + m_Transitions: [] + m_StateMachineBehaviours: [] + m_Position: {x: 50, y: 50, z: 0} + m_IKOnFeet: 0 + m_WriteDefaultValues: 1 + m_Mirror: 0 + m_SpeedParameterActive: 0 + m_MirrorParameterActive: 0 + m_CycleOffsetParameterActive: 0 + m_TimeParameterActive: 0 + m_Motion: {fileID: 0} + m_Tag: + m_SpeedParameter: + m_MirrorParameter: + m_CycleOffsetParameter: + m_TimeParameter: +--- !u!206 &2266757262297922471 +BlendTree: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: Blend Tree + m_Childs: + - serializedVersion: 2 + m_Motion: {fileID: -4867355174040194981, guid: be5fc16afc840b542a2fb1997f9edc82, type: 3} + m_Threshold: 0 + m_Position: {x: 0, y: 0} + m_TimeScale: 0.01 + m_CycleOffset: 0 + m_DirectBlendParameter: Speed + m_Mirror: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + m_Motion: {fileID: -4867355174040194981, guid: be5fc16afc840b542a2fb1997f9edc82, type: 3} + m_Threshold: 0.3 + m_Position: {x: 0, y: 0} + m_TimeScale: 1 + m_CycleOffset: 0 + m_DirectBlendParameter: Speed + m_Mirror: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + m_Motion: {fileID: -4867355174040194981, guid: be5fc16afc840b542a2fb1997f9edc82, type: 3} + m_Threshold: 1 + m_Position: {x: 0, y: 0} + m_TimeScale: 1.5 + m_CycleOffset: 0 + m_DirectBlendParameter: Speed + m_Mirror: 0 + m_BlendParameter: Speed + m_BlendParameterY: Speed + m_MinThreshold: 0 + m_MaxThreshold: 1 + m_UseAutomaticThresholds: 0 + m_NormalizedBlendValues: 0 + m_BlendType: 0 +--- !u!1102 &2460498423011011840 +AnimatorState: + serializedVersion: 6 + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: CrouchEnd + m_Speed: 1 + m_CycleOffset: 0 + m_Transitions: + - {fileID: -6120041802172448815} + m_StateMachineBehaviours: [] + m_Position: {x: 50, y: 50, z: 0} + m_IKOnFeet: 0 + m_WriteDefaultValues: 1 + m_Mirror: 0 + m_SpeedParameterActive: 0 + m_MirrorParameterActive: 0 + m_CycleOffsetParameterActive: 0 + m_TimeParameterActive: 0 + m_Motion: {fileID: 5488168984983647742, guid: be5fc16afc840b542a2fb1997f9edc82, type: 3} + m_Tag: + m_SpeedParameter: + m_MirrorParameter: + m_CycleOffsetParameter: + m_TimeParameter: +--- !u!1102 &3448492070948990866 +AnimatorState: + serializedVersion: 6 + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: Move + m_Speed: 1 + m_CycleOffset: 0 + m_Transitions: + - {fileID: -6613564437633993527} + - {fileID: 3558733843060796406} + - {fileID: -1250320669339536461} + m_StateMachineBehaviours: [] + m_Position: {x: 50, y: 50, z: 0} + m_IKOnFeet: 0 + m_WriteDefaultValues: 1 + m_Mirror: 0 + m_SpeedParameterActive: 0 + m_MirrorParameterActive: 0 + m_CycleOffsetParameterActive: 0 + m_TimeParameterActive: 0 + m_Motion: {fileID: 3749392548869785986} + m_Tag: + m_SpeedParameter: + m_MirrorParameter: + m_CycleOffsetParameter: + m_TimeParameter: +--- !u!1101 &3558733843060796406 +AnimatorStateTransition: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: + m_Conditions: + - m_ConditionMode: 1 + m_ConditionEvent: Crawl + m_EventTreshold: 0 + m_DstStateMachine: {fileID: 0} + m_DstState: {fileID: -2413213501428968607} + m_Solo: 0 + m_Mute: 0 + m_IsExit: 0 + serializedVersion: 3 + m_TransitionDuration: 0.55218685 + m_TransitionOffset: 0 + m_ExitTime: 0.023214908 + m_HasExitTime: 0 + m_HasFixedDuration: 1 + m_InterruptionSource: 0 + m_OrderedInterruption: 1 + m_CanTransitionToSelf: 1 +--- !u!206 &3749392548869785986 +BlendTree: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: Blend Tree + m_Childs: + - serializedVersion: 2 + m_Motion: {fileID: 1827226128182048838, guid: 9effc996af8cf18499a3ffc2fe8a1c4b, type: 3} + m_Threshold: 0 + m_Position: {x: 0, y: 0} + m_TimeScale: 1 + m_CycleOffset: 0 + m_DirectBlendParameter: Blend + m_Mirror: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + m_Motion: {fileID: 1827226128182048838, guid: 5f4117c3fc8c8df46a93f25c6f52fc62, type: 3} + m_Threshold: 0.28926015 + m_Position: {x: 0, y: 0} + m_TimeScale: 1 + m_CycleOffset: 0 + m_DirectBlendParameter: Blend + m_Mirror: 0 + - serializedVersion: 2 + m_Motion: {fileID: 7173464507756139056, guid: 163ceaa8c5473a9439bc7dd3a91763b0, type: 3} + m_Threshold: 1 + m_Position: {x: 0, y: 0} + m_TimeScale: 1 + m_CycleOffset: 0 + m_DirectBlendParameter: Blend + m_Mirror: 0 + m_BlendParameter: Speed + m_BlendParameterY: Blend + m_MinThreshold: 0 + m_MaxThreshold: 1 + m_UseAutomaticThresholds: 0 + m_NormalizedBlendValues: 0 + m_BlendType: 0 +--- !u!1102 &4333892573845058204 +AnimatorState: + serializedVersion: 6 + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: Sit + m_Speed: 1 + m_CycleOffset: 0 + m_Transitions: + - {fileID: -233387878558318127} + m_StateMachineBehaviours: [] + m_Position: {x: 50, y: 50, z: 0} + m_IKOnFeet: 0 + m_WriteDefaultValues: 1 + m_Mirror: 0 + m_SpeedParameterActive: 0 + m_MirrorParameterActive: 0 + m_CycleOffsetParameterActive: 0 + m_TimeParameterActive: 0 + m_Motion: {fileID: -203655887218126122, guid: 60d9384780c600548bb9125a0dc16c10, type: 3} + m_Tag: + m_SpeedParameter: + m_MirrorParameter: + m_CycleOffsetParameter: + m_TimeParameter: +--- !u!1107 &4382307925137969513 +AnimatorStateMachine: + serializedVersion: 6 + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: LeftFingers + m_ChildStates: + - serializedVersion: 1 + m_State: {fileID: 1137939024550951533} + m_Position: {x: 290, y: 90, z: 0} + m_ChildStateMachines: [] + m_AnyStateTransitions: [] + m_EntryTransitions: [] + m_StateMachineTransitions: {} + m_StateMachineBehaviours: [] + m_AnyStatePosition: {x: 50, y: 20, z: 0} + m_EntryPosition: {x: 50, y: 120, z: 0} + m_ExitPosition: {x: 800, y: 120, z: 0} + m_ParentStateMachinePosition: {x: 800, y: 20, z: 0} + m_DefaultState: {fileID: 1137939024550951533} +--- !u!1101 &4978820055632450062 +AnimatorStateTransition: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: + m_Conditions: + - m_ConditionMode: 2 + m_ConditionEvent: Crawl + m_EventTreshold: 0 + m_DstStateMachine: {fileID: 0} + m_DstState: {fileID: 3448492070948990866} + m_Solo: 0 + m_Mute: 0 + m_IsExit: 0 + serializedVersion: 3 + m_TransitionDuration: 1.3428472 + m_TransitionOffset: 0.015281135 + m_ExitTime: 0.2226957 + m_HasExitTime: 0 + m_HasFixedDuration: 1 + m_InterruptionSource: 0 + m_OrderedInterruption: 1 + m_CanTransitionToSelf: 1 +--- !u!1101 &5897293606693459692 +AnimatorStateTransition: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: + m_Conditions: + - m_ConditionMode: 1 + m_ConditionEvent: ThrowLeft + m_EventTreshold: 0 + m_DstStateMachine: {fileID: 0} + m_DstState: {fileID: -2779287687368434065} + m_Solo: 0 + m_Mute: 0 + m_IsExit: 0 + serializedVersion: 3 + m_TransitionDuration: 0.3127659 + m_TransitionOffset: 0 + m_ExitTime: 0 + m_HasExitTime: 1 + m_HasFixedDuration: 1 + m_InterruptionSource: 0 + m_OrderedInterruption: 1 + m_CanTransitionToSelf: 1 +--- !u!1102 &6284056232029814084 +AnimatorState: + serializedVersion: 6 + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: Standing + m_Speed: 10 + m_CycleOffset: 0 + m_Transitions: + - {fileID: 5897293606693459692} + m_StateMachineBehaviours: [] + m_Position: {x: 50, y: 50, z: 0} + m_IKOnFeet: 0 + m_WriteDefaultValues: 1 + m_Mirror: 0 + m_SpeedParameterActive: 0 + m_MirrorParameterActive: 0 + m_CycleOffsetParameterActive: 0 + m_TimeParameterActive: 0 + m_Motion: {fileID: 0} + m_Tag: + m_SpeedParameter: + m_MirrorParameter: + m_CycleOffsetParameter: + m_TimeParameter: +--- !u!1101 &7932287715000747279 +AnimatorStateTransition: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: + m_Conditions: + - m_ConditionMode: 1 + m_ConditionEvent: ThrowRight + m_EventTreshold: 0 + m_DstStateMachine: {fileID: 0} + m_DstState: {fileID: 8801857973965627584} + m_Solo: 0 + m_Mute: 0 + m_IsExit: 0 + serializedVersion: 3 + m_TransitionDuration: 0.091891944 + m_TransitionOffset: 0.004182703 + m_ExitTime: 0.04196709 + m_HasExitTime: 1 + m_HasFixedDuration: 1 + m_InterruptionSource: 0 + m_OrderedInterruption: 1 + m_CanTransitionToSelf: 1 +--- !u!1102 &8395808576175135360 +AnimatorState: + serializedVersion: 6 + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: Crouch + m_Speed: 1 + m_CycleOffset: 0 + m_Transitions: + - {fileID: -6845678065582808200} + - {fileID: -1475420345139939282} + - {fileID: -4970361706483769309} + m_StateMachineBehaviours: [] + m_Position: {x: 50, y: 50, z: 0} + m_IKOnFeet: 0 + m_WriteDefaultValues: 1 + m_Mirror: 0 + m_SpeedParameterActive: 0 + m_MirrorParameterActive: 0 + m_CycleOffsetParameterActive: 0 + m_TimeParameterActive: 0 + m_Motion: {fileID: 2266757262297922471} + m_Tag: + m_SpeedParameter: + m_MirrorParameter: + m_CycleOffsetParameter: + m_TimeParameter: +--- !u!1102 &8801857973965627584 +AnimatorState: + serializedVersion: 6 + m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: Throw + m_Speed: 1 + m_CycleOffset: 0 + m_Transitions: + - {fileID: -4317571624849081588} + m_StateMachineBehaviours: [] + m_Position: {x: 50, y: 50, z: 0} + m_IKOnFeet: 0 + m_WriteDefaultValues: 1 + m_Mirror: 0 + m_SpeedParameterActive: 0 + m_MirrorParameterActive: 0 + m_CycleOffsetParameterActive: 0 + m_TimeParameterActive: 0 + m_Motion: {fileID: -7538654608850558957, guid: 30930b4a9daf7af48a2fd7c3aa4dcc23, type: 3} + m_Tag: + m_SpeedParameter: + m_MirrorParameter: + m_CycleOffsetParameter: + m_TimeParameter: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyHumanAnimatorController.controller.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyHumanAnimatorController.controller.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..80f4a74ae6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyHumanAnimatorController.controller.meta @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 3f7dd61d43a1f8841b042ce644139772 +NativeFormatImporter: + externalObjects: {} + mainObjectFileID: 0 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyInteract.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyInteract.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b5f77886b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyInteract.cs @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +using System.Collections; +using UnityEngine; +using UnityEngine.Animations.Rigging; + +namespace DummyStuff +{ + public class DummyInteract : MonoBehaviour + { + + public DummyHands hands; + public Transform lookAtTargetLocker; + public Transform hips; + + public MultiAimConstraint lookAtConstraint; + + public float interactionMoveDuration; + + public bool UnderMaxDistanceFromHips(Vector3 position) => Vector3.Distance(hips.position, position) < 1.1f; + + + // Update is called once per frame + private void Update() + { + if (!Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) + return; + + TryInteract(); + } + + private void TryInteract() + { + Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); + + if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out RaycastHit hit) && hands.SelectedHand.Full && UnderMaxDistanceFromHips(hit.point) + && hands.SelectedHand.Item.GameObject.TryGetComponent(out DummyTool tool)) + { + + GameObject obj = hit.collider.gameObject; + StartCoroutine(Interact(obj.transform, hands.SelectedHand, tool)); + } + } + + private IEnumerator Interact(Transform interactionTarget, DummyHand mainHand, DummyTool tool) + { + SetupInteract(interactionTarget, mainHand, tool); + + yield return ReachInteractionPoint(interactionTarget, mainHand, tool); + + yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.6f); + + yield return StopInteracting(mainHand, tool); + } + + private void SetupInteract(Transform interactionTarget, DummyHand mainHand, DummyTool tool) + { + // disable position constraint the time of the interaction + mainHand.itemPositionConstraint.weight = 0f; + mainHand.pickupIkConstraint.weight = 1f; + lookAtTargetLocker.position = tool.transform.position; + } + + private void AlignToolWithShoulder(Transform interactionTarget, DummyHand mainHand, DummyTool tool) + { + Vector3 fromShoulderToTarget = (interactionTarget.transform.position - mainHand.upperArm.transform.position).normalized; + + // rotate the tool such that its interaction transform Z axis align with the fromShoulderToTarget vector. + Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(tool.InteractionPoint.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward), fromShoulderToTarget.normalized); + + // Apply the rotation on the tool + tool.transform.rotation = rotation * tool.transform.rotation; + } + + private Vector3 ComputeToolEndPosition(Transform interactionTarget, DummyHand mainHand, DummyTool tool) + { + // turn the player toward its target so all subsequent computations + // are correctly done with player oriented toward target. Then, in the same frame, + // put player at its initial rotation. + Vector3 directionFromTransformToTarget = interactionTarget.position - transform.position; + directionFromTransformToTarget.y = 0f; + Quaternion initialPlayerRotation = transform.rotation; + transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(directionFromTransformToTarget); + + AlignToolWithShoulder(interactionTarget, mainHand, tool); + + // Calculate the difference between the tool position and its interaction point. + // Warning : do it only after applying the tool rotation. + Vector3 difference = tool.InteractionPoint.position - tool.transform.position; + + // Compute the desired position for the tool + Vector3 endPosition = interactionTarget.position - difference; + + // take back initial rotation after insuring all computations above are done + // with the right orientation. + transform.rotation = initialPlayerRotation; + + return endPosition; + } + + private IEnumerator ReachInteractionPoint(Transform interactionTarget, DummyHand mainHand, DummyTool tool) + { + // Start looking at item + StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.ModifyValueOverTime(x => lookAtConstraint.weight = x, + 0f, 1f, interactionMoveDuration)); + + Vector3 startPosition = tool.transform.position; + Vector3 endPosition = ComputeToolEndPosition(interactionTarget, mainHand, tool); + + // Rotate player toward item + if (GetComponent().Position != PositionType.Sitting) + { + StartCoroutine(DummyTransformHelper.OrientTransformTowardTarget(transform, interactionTarget, + interactionMoveDuration, false, true)); + } + + if (mainHand.handBone.transform.position.y - interactionTarget.transform.position.y > 0.3) + { + GetComponent().Crouch(true); + } + + yield return CoroutineHelper.ModifyVector3OverTime(x => tool.transform.position = x, + startPosition, endPosition, interactionMoveDuration); + } + + private IEnumerator StopInteracting(DummyHand mainHand, DummyTool tool) + { + // Stop looking at item + StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.ModifyValueOverTime(x => lookAtConstraint.weight = x, + 1f, 0f, interactionMoveDuration)); + + StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.ModifyQuaternionOverTime(x => + tool.transform.localRotation = x, tool.transform.localRotation, + Quaternion.identity, 2 * interactionMoveDuration)); + + GetComponent().Crouch(false); + + + yield return CoroutineHelper.ModifyVector3OverTime(x => tool.transform.localPosition = x, + tool.transform.localPosition, Vector3.zero, 2 * interactionMoveDuration); + + tool.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; + mainHand.itemPositionConstraint.weight = 1f; + mainHand.pickupIkConstraint.weight = 0f; + } + } +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyInteract.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyInteract.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..105ccf3e4a --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyInteract.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 11e5034d24094ec4f968bba98ab85387 +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyItem.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyItem.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e055456933 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyItem.cs @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +using System; +using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; +using UnityEngine; + +namespace DummyStuff +{ + public class DummyItem : MonoBehaviour, IHoldProvider + { + [SerializeField] + private HandHoldType singleHandHold; + + [SerializeField] + private HandHoldType twoHandHold; + + [SerializeField] + private HandHoldType singleHandHoldHarm; + + [SerializeField] + private HandHoldType twoHandHoldHarm; + + [SerializeField] + private HandHoldType singleHandHoldThrow; + + [SerializeField] + private HandHoldType twoHandHoldThrow; + + [SerializeField] + private Transform primaryRightHandHold; + + [SerializeField] + private Transform secondaryRightHandHold; + + [SerializeField] + private Transform primaryLeftHandHold; + + [SerializeField] + private Transform secondaryLeftHandHold; + + [SerializeField] + private bool canHoldTwoHand; + + public HandHoldType GetHoldType(bool withTwoHands, Intent intent, bool toThrow) + { + switch (intent, withTwoHands) + { + case (Intent.Def, true): + return twoHandHold; + case (Intent.Def, false): + return singleHandHold; + case (Intent.Harm, true): + return toThrow ? twoHandHoldThrow : twoHandHoldHarm; + case (Intent.Harm, false): + return toThrow ? singleHandHoldThrow : singleHandHoldHarm; + } + + return singleHandHold; + } + + public bool CanHoldTwoHand => canHoldTwoHand; + + [NotNull] + public GameObject GameObject => gameObject; + + public Transform GetHold(bool primary, HandType handType) + { + switch (primary, handType) + { + case (true, HandType.LeftHand): + return primaryLeftHandHold; + case (false, HandType.LeftHand): + return secondaryLeftHandHold; + case (true, HandType.RightHand): + return primaryRightHandHold; + case (false, HandType.RightHand): + return secondaryRightHandHold; + default: + throw new ArgumentException(); + } + } + } +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyItem.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyItem.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..570c4116d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyItem.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 31f69105775d221409591f2e3dcf4c98 +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyLightBulbFixture.prefab b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyLightBulbFixture.prefab new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..081d6cc3a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyLightBulbFixture.prefab @@ -0,0 +1,380 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!1 &1788425291964817087 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 2005282552854321083} + - component: {fileID: 6037924674466952805} + - component: {fileID: 5221502125409147067} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: LightBulbBroken + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 0 +--- !u!4 &2005282552854321083 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 1788425291964817087} + m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 5786610178999836135} + m_RootOrder: 1 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!33 &6037924674466952805 +MeshFilter: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 1788425291964817087} + m_Mesh: {fileID: 4560229069981984715, guid: 3cfc1dadd690b174da7555719ef3e31f, type: 3} +--- !u!23 &5221502125409147067 +MeshRenderer: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 1788425291964817087} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_CastShadows: 0 + m_ReceiveShadows: 1 + m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 + m_MotionVectors: 1 + m_LightProbeUsage: 1 + m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 + m_RayTracingMode: 2 + m_RayTraceProcedural: 0 + m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 + m_RendererPriority: 0 + m_Materials: + - 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component: {fileID: 5786610178999836135} + - component: {fileID: 5370397102127715809} + - component: {fileID: 7968091032191264390} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: LightBulbFixture + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &5786610178999836135 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 4884063998925627047} + m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: + - {fileID: 4229904463895707542} + - {fileID: 2005282552854321083} + m_Father: {fileID: 6226623702120799867} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!33 &5370397102127715809 +MeshFilter: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 4884063998925627047} + m_Mesh: {fileID: -5733848261102717948, guid: 3cfc1dadd690b174da7555719ef3e31f, type: 3} +--- !u!23 &7968091032191264390 +MeshRenderer: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 4884063998925627047} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_CastShadows: 0 + m_ReceiveShadows: 1 + m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 + m_MotionVectors: 1 + m_LightProbeUsage: 1 + m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 + m_RayTracingMode: 2 + m_RayTraceProcedural: 0 + m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 + m_RendererPriority: 0 + m_Materials: + - {fileID: 2100000, guid: 695c4de41b9578049a93f19b1eef7213, type: 2} + m_StaticBatchInfo: + firstSubMesh: 0 + subMeshCount: 0 + m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0} + m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0} + m_LightProbeVolumeOverride: {fileID: 0} + m_ScaleInLightmap: 1 + m_ReceiveGI: 1 + m_PreserveUVs: 0 + m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0 + m_ImportantGI: 0 + m_StitchLightmapSeams: 1 + m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 3 + m_MinimumChartSize: 4 + m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5 + m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89 + m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} + m_SortingLayerID: 0 + m_SortingLayer: 0 + m_SortingOrder: 0 + m_AdditionalVertexStreams: {fileID: 0} +--- !u!1 &6520506117950500300 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 6226623702120799867} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: DummyLightBulbFixture + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &6226623702120799867 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 6520506117950500300} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: + - {fileID: 5786610178999836135} + - {fileID: 1266389759076178903} + m_Father: {fileID: 0} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!1 &7846594314303014476 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 4229904463895707542} + - component: {fileID: 2114658200702904489} + - component: {fileID: 7311566468317545988} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: LightBulb + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &4229904463895707542 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 7846594314303014476} + m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 5786610178999836135} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!33 &2114658200702904489 +MeshFilter: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 7846594314303014476} + m_Mesh: {fileID: -7713952490107225748, guid: 3cfc1dadd690b174da7555719ef3e31f, type: 3} +--- !u!23 &7311566468317545988 +MeshRenderer: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 7846594314303014476} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_CastShadows: 0 + m_ReceiveShadows: 1 + m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 + m_MotionVectors: 1 + m_LightProbeUsage: 1 + m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 + m_RayTracingMode: 2 + m_RayTraceProcedural: 0 + m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 + m_RendererPriority: 0 + m_Materials: + - {fileID: 2100000, guid: b35e5d5edbcc63442bf15e5482e4cfe4, type: 2} + m_StaticBatchInfo: + firstSubMesh: 0 + subMeshCount: 0 + m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0} + m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0} + m_LightProbeVolumeOverride: {fileID: 0} + m_ScaleInLightmap: 1 + m_ReceiveGI: 1 + m_PreserveUVs: 0 + m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0 + m_ImportantGI: 0 + m_StitchLightmapSeams: 1 + m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 3 + m_MinimumChartSize: 4 + m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5 + m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89 + m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} + m_SortingLayerID: 0 + m_SortingLayer: 0 + m_SortingOrder: 0 + m_AdditionalVertexStreams: {fileID: 0} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyLightBulbFixture.prefab.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyLightBulbFixture.prefab.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4e3a8437b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyLightBulbFixture.prefab.meta @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: efb33bc648a1e614eb0af7d290a10461 +PrefabImporter: + externalObjects: {} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyM4.prefab b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyM4.prefab new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b9442c6f94 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyM4.prefab @@ -0,0 +1,450 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!1 &2561298317608172063 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 7393250799867762754} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: FirePoint + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &7393250799867762754 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 2561298317608172063} + m_LocalRotation: {x: -0.008021661, y: -0.008021661, z: -0.7070613, w: 0.7070613} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0.045, z: 1} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1.1494253, y: 1.1494253, z: 1.1494253} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 6352803376296011595} + m_RootOrder: 5 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: -19.664, y: 0, z: -90} +--- !u!1 &3413672258939996748 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 5818081173118764523} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: Butt + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &5818081173118764523 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 3413672258939996748} + m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: 0, z: -0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.0106021585, y: -0.013, z: -0.392} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1.1494253, y: 1.1494253, z: 1.1494253} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 6352803376296011595} + m_RootOrder: 6 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!1 &3657686483164383253 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 3416135191583572658} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: SecondaryRightHandHold + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &3416135191583572658 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 3657686483164383253} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0.17749724, y: -0.32002875, z: 0.5224868, w: 0.77011937} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.102, y: -0.14, z: 0.186} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 6352803376296011595} + m_RootOrder: 3 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 37.431, y: -22.778, z: 60.502} +--- !u!1 &4459621749739819944 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 5154380250611511651} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: LeftHandHold + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &5154380250611511651 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 4459621749739819944} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0.7133665, y: -0.58096975, z: -0.23146646, w: 0.31623688} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.062, y: -0.077, z: -0.229} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 6352803376296011595} + m_RootOrder: 2 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: -1.923, y: -222.993, z: -255.334} +--- !u!1 &5826210204305728289 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - 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{fileID: 2100000, guid: 695c4de41b9578049a93f19b1eef7213, type: 2} + - {fileID: 2100000, guid: b35e5d5edbcc63442bf15e5482e4cfe4, type: 2} + m_StaticBatchInfo: + firstSubMesh: 0 + subMeshCount: 0 + m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0} + m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0} + m_LightProbeVolumeOverride: {fileID: 0} + m_ScaleInLightmap: 1 + m_ReceiveGI: 1 + m_PreserveUVs: 0 + m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0 + m_ImportantGI: 0 + m_StitchLightmapSeams: 1 + m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 3 + m_MinimumChartSize: 4 + m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5 + m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89 + m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} + m_SortingLayerID: 0 + m_SortingLayer: 0 + m_SortingOrder: 0 + m_AdditionalVertexStreams: {fileID: 0} +--- !u!65 &1886426666192269255 +BoxCollider: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 6281140690983695676} + m_Material: {fileID: 0} + m_IsTrigger: 0 + m_Enabled: 1 + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Size: {x: 0.7627542, y: 0.48953733, z: 0.45154896} + m_Center: {x: -0.00000017881393, y: 0.2447686, z: 0.013495445} +--- !u!1 &8164436471539230516 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 330568777270331351} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: DummyMicrowave + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &330568777270331351 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 8164436471539230516} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: + - {fileID: 7177803144582330288} + m_Father: {fileID: 0} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!1 &8403418691531137655 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 5865664630065810106} + - component: {fileID: 2855592222228130718} + - component: {fileID: 6861525431958693245} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: Door + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &5865664630065810106 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 8403418691531137655} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.345, y: 0.245, z: 0.213} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 7177803144582330288} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!33 &2855592222228130718 +MeshFilter: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 8403418691531137655} + m_Mesh: {fileID: -3795046666754063819, guid: 8486392f9fe3ebf44bca0069299a00e3, type: 3} +--- !u!23 &6861525431958693245 +MeshRenderer: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 8403418691531137655} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_CastShadows: 0 + m_ReceiveShadows: 1 + m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 + m_MotionVectors: 1 + m_LightProbeUsage: 1 + m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 + m_RayTracingMode: 2 + m_RayTraceProcedural: 0 + m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 + m_RendererPriority: 0 + m_Materials: + - {fileID: 2100000, guid: 695c4de41b9578049a93f19b1eef7213, type: 2} + - {fileID: 2100000, guid: 74425a37eae99c946a92da0339e05c48, type: 2} + m_StaticBatchInfo: + firstSubMesh: 0 + subMeshCount: 0 + m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0} + m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0} + m_LightProbeVolumeOverride: {fileID: 0} + m_ScaleInLightmap: 1 + m_ReceiveGI: 1 + m_PreserveUVs: 0 + m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0 + m_ImportantGI: 0 + m_StitchLightmapSeams: 1 + m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 3 + m_MinimumChartSize: 4 + m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5 + m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89 + m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} + m_SortingLayerID: 0 + m_SortingLayer: 0 + m_SortingOrder: 0 + m_AdditionalVertexStreams: {fileID: 0} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyMicrowave.prefab.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyMicrowave.prefab.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..edfffea875 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyMicrowave.prefab.meta @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 665d894f76456a047828c17db8cf48c4 +PrefabImporter: + externalObjects: {} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyMovement.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyMovement.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..81fbfb6f93 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyMovement.cs @@ -0,0 +1,231 @@ +using Coimbra.Services.Events; +using Coimbra.Services.PlayerLoopEvents; +using SS3D.Core; +using SS3D.Core.Behaviours; +using SS3D.Systems.Inputs; +using SS3D.Systems.Screens; +using System; +using UnityEngine; +using UnityEngine.InputSystem; +using InputSystem = SS3D.Systems.Inputs.InputSystem; +using Object = System.Object; + +namespace DummyStuff +{ + public class DummyMovement : Actor + { + [SerializeField] + private Rigidbody rb; + + [SerializeField] + private Transform aimTarget; + + [SerializeField] + private MovementType movementType; + + /// + /// Executes the movement code and updates the IK targets + /// + protected void ProcessCharacterMovement() + { + ProcessPlayerInput(); + + if (Input.magnitude != 0) + { + MoveMovementTarget(Input); + if(movementType != MovementType.Aiming) + RotatePlayerToMovement(movementType == MovementType.Dragging); + MovePlayer(); + } + else + { + MovePlayer(); + MoveMovementTarget(Vector2.zero, 5); + } + } + + /// + /// Moves the player to the target movement + /// + protected void MovePlayer() + { + rb.velocity = targetMovement * (movementSpeed * Time.fixedDeltaTime); + } + + public event Action OnSpeedChangeEvent; + + + [Header("Movement Settings")] + [SerializeField] + private float movementSpeed; + [SerializeField] + private float lerpMultiplier; + [SerializeField] + private float rotationLerpMultiplier; + + [Header("Movement IK Targets")] + [SerializeField] + private Transform movementTarget; + + [Header("Run/Walk")] + private bool _isRunning; + + [Header("Debug Info")] + protected Vector3 AbsoluteMovement; + protected Vector2 Input; + protected Vector2 SmoothedInput; + + [SerializeField] + private Vector3 targetMovement; + + private Actor _camera; + protected Controls.MovementActions MovementControls; + protected Controls.HotkeysActions HotkeysControls; + private InputSystem _inputSystem; + + private const float WalkAnimatorValue = .3f; + private const float RunAnimatorValue = 1f; + + [SerializeField] + private float aimRotationSpeed = 5f; + + protected override void OnStart() + { + base.OnStart(); + Setup(); + } + + protected override void OnDisabled() + { + base.OnDisabled(); + targetMovement = Vector3.zero; + } + + private void Setup() + { + _camera = Subsystems.Get().PlayerCamera; + _inputSystem = Subsystems.Get(); + + Controls controls = _inputSystem.Inputs; + + MovementControls = controls.Movement; + HotkeysControls = controls.Hotkeys; + MovementControls.ToggleRun.performed += HandleToggleRun; + + _inputSystem.ToggleActionMap(MovementControls, true); + _inputSystem.ToggleActionMap(HotkeysControls, true); + + GetComponent().OnAim += HandleAimChange; + GetComponent().OnAim += HandleAimChange; + GetComponent().OnGrab += HandleGrabChange; + + AddHandle(FixedUpdateEvent.AddListener(HandleFixedUpdate)); + } + + private void HandleAimChange(Object sender, bool aim) + { + movementType = aim ? MovementType.Aiming : MovementType.Normal; + } + + private void HandleGrabChange(Object sender, bool grab) + { + movementType = grab ? MovementType.Dragging : MovementType.Normal; + } + + protected override void OnDestroyed() + { + base.OnDestroyed(); + MovementControls.ToggleRun.performed -= HandleToggleRun; + _inputSystem.ToggleActionMap(MovementControls, false); + _inputSystem.ToggleActionMap(HotkeysControls, false); + } + + private void HandleFixedUpdate(ref EventContext context, in FixedUpdateEvent updateEvent) + { + if (!enabled) + { + return; + } + + ProcessCharacterMovement(); + } + + /// + /// Moves the movement targets with the given input + /// + /// + protected void MoveMovementTarget(Vector2 movementInput, float multiplier = 1) + { + Vector3 newTargetMovement = movementInput.y * Vector3.Cross(_camera.Right, Vector3.up).normalized + + movementInput.x * Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, _camera.Forward).normalized; + + // smoothly changes the target movement + targetMovement = Vector3.Lerp(targetMovement, newTargetMovement, + Time.deltaTime * (lerpMultiplier * multiplier)); + + Vector3 resultingMovement = targetMovement + Position; + AbsoluteMovement = resultingMovement; + movementTarget.position = AbsoluteMovement; + } + + /// + /// Rotates the player to the target movement + /// + protected void RotatePlayerToMovement(bool lookOpposite) + { + Quaternion lookRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(lookOpposite ? -targetMovement : targetMovement); + transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(Rotation, lookRotation, + Time.deltaTime * rotationLerpMultiplier); + } + + /// + /// Process the player movement input, smoothing it + /// + /// + protected void ProcessPlayerInput() + { + float x = MovementControls.Movement.ReadValue().x; + float y = MovementControls.Movement.ReadValue().y; + + float inputFilteredSpeed = FilterSpeed(); + + Input = Vector2.ClampMagnitude(new Vector2(x, y), inputFilteredSpeed); + SmoothedInput = Vector2.Lerp(SmoothedInput, Input, Time.deltaTime * (lerpMultiplier / 10)); + + OnSpeedChanged(Input.magnitude != 0 ? inputFilteredSpeed : 0); + } + + protected virtual float FilterSpeed() + { + return _isRunning ? RunAnimatorValue : WalkAnimatorValue; + } + + /// + /// Toggles your movement between run/walk + /// + protected void HandleToggleRun(InputAction.CallbackContext context) + { + _isRunning = !_isRunning; + } + + protected void OnSpeedChanged(float speed) + { + OnSpeedChangeEvent?.Invoke(speed); + } + + public void RotatePlayerTowardTarget() + { + // Get the direction to the target + Vector3 direction = aimTarget.position - transform.position; + direction.y = 0f; // Ignore Y-axis rotation + + // Rotate towards the target + if (direction != Vector3.zero) + { + Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction); + transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, targetRotation, aimRotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime); + } + } + + } +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyMovement.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyMovement.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8961d1477e --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyMovement.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: ff1cde6195234ca4b97074ecccdda0b2 +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyMultitool.prefab b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyMultitool.prefab new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bfc7d71572 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyMultitool.prefab @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!1 &786531400251225079 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 4373289893388665316} + - component: {fileID: 4749623342019115986} + - component: {fileID: 1357417647602927403} + - component: {fileID: 5911838503440815857} + - component: {fileID: 395753359698347921} + m_Layer: 10 + m_Name: DummyMultitool + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &4373289893388665316 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 786531400251225079} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: + - {fileID: 4997563970287763941} + m_Father: {fileID: 0} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!33 &4749623342019115986 +MeshFilter: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 786531400251225079} + m_Mesh: {fileID: -1602034052542136406, guid: eaa459918f012f847a162471b10a87cc, type: 3} +--- !u!23 &1357417647602927403 +MeshRenderer: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 786531400251225079} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_CastShadows: 0 + m_ReceiveShadows: 1 + m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 + m_MotionVectors: 1 + m_LightProbeUsage: 1 + m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 + m_RayTracingMode: 2 + m_RayTraceProcedural: 0 + m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 + m_RendererPriority: 0 + m_Materials: + - {fileID: 2100000, guid: 695c4de41b9578049a93f19b1eef7213, type: 2} + - {fileID: 2100000, guid: b35e5d5edbcc63442bf15e5482e4cfe4, type: 2} + m_StaticBatchInfo: + firstSubMesh: 0 + subMeshCount: 0 + m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0} + m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0} + m_LightProbeVolumeOverride: {fileID: 0} + m_ScaleInLightmap: 1 + m_ReceiveGI: 1 + m_PreserveUVs: 0 + m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0 + m_ImportantGI: 0 + m_StitchLightmapSeams: 1 + m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 3 + m_MinimumChartSize: 4 + m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5 + m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89 + m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} + m_SortingLayerID: 0 + m_SortingLayer: 0 + m_SortingOrder: 0 + m_AdditionalVertexStreams: {fileID: 0} +--- !u!65 &5911838503440815857 +BoxCollider: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 786531400251225079} + m_Material: {fileID: 0} + m_IsTrigger: 0 + m_Enabled: 1 + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Size: {x: 0.1038214, y: 0.032666415, z: 0.33202213} + m_Center: {x: -0.000000014901161, y: 0.0003347546, z: 0.0142709315} +--- !u!54 &395753359698347921 +Rigidbody: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 786531400251225079} + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Mass: 1 + m_Drag: 0 + m_AngularDrag: 0.05 + m_UseGravity: 1 + m_IsKinematic: 0 + m_Interpolate: 0 + m_Constraints: 0 + m_CollisionDetection: 0 +--- !u!1 &3751433311558809000 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 4997563970287763941} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: Attachment + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &4997563970287763941 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 3751433311558809000} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0.7071068, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0.7071068} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 4373289893388665316} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 90, y: 0, z: 0} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyMultitool.prefab.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyMultitool.prefab.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eb04c5e157 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyMultitool.prefab.meta @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 3735eb6f215b4d04e9bb024ab66650c6 +PrefabImporter: + externalObjects: {} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyPickUp.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyPickUp.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7348dfb141 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyPickUp.cs @@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ +using System.Collections; +using UnityEditor; +using UnityEngine; +using UnityEngine.Animations.Rigging; + + +namespace DummyStuff +{ + public delegate void Notify(bool removeItem, DummyHand hand); + + public class DummyPickUp : MonoBehaviour + { + + public float itemMoveDuration; + public float itemReachDuration; + + public HoldController holdController; + + public DummyHands hands; + + public Transform hips; + + public MultiAimConstraint lookAtConstraint; + + public Transform lookAtTargetLocker; + + + public bool UnderMaxDistanceFromHips(Vector3 position) => Vector3.Distance(hips.position, position) < 1.3f; + + private void Update() + { + + if (!Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) + return; + + if (hands.SelectedHand.Empty) + { + TryPickUp(); + } + + } + + private void TryPickUp() + { + // Cast a ray from the mouse position into the scene + Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); + + // Check if the ray hits any collider + if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out RaycastHit hit) && UnderMaxDistanceFromHips(hit.point)) + { + // Check if the collider belongs to a GameObject + GameObject obj = hit.collider.gameObject; + + // should add conditions to check other objects doesn't require two hands. + // also check picked up object doesn't require two hands if other hand is full. + if (obj.TryGetComponent(out DummyItem item)) + { + StartCoroutine(PickUp(item)); + } + } + } + + private IEnumerator PickUp(DummyItem item) + { + GetComponent().TriggerPickUp(); + + DummyHand secondaryHand = hands.GetOtherHand(hands.SelectedHand.handType); + + bool withTwoHands = secondaryHand.Empty && item.CanHoldTwoHand; + + hands.SelectedHand.AddItem(item); + + SetUpPickup(hands.SelectedHand, secondaryHand, withTwoHands, item); + + yield return PickupReach(item, hands.SelectedHand, secondaryHand, withTwoHands); + + yield return PickupPullBack(item, hands.SelectedHand, secondaryHand, withTwoHands); + } + + private void SetUpPickup(DummyHand mainHand, DummyHand secondaryHand, bool withTwoHands, DummyItem item) + { + holdController.UpdateItemPositionConstraintAndRotation(mainHand, mainHand.Item, + withTwoHands, 0f, false); + + // Needed to constrain item to position, in case the weight has been changed elsewhere + mainHand.itemPositionConstraint.weight = 1f; + + // Place pickup and hold target lockers on the item, at their respective position and rotation. + holdController.MovePickupAndHoldTargetLocker(mainHand, false, + hands.GetItem(false, mainHand)); + + // Orient hand in a natural position to reach for item. + OrientTargetForHandRotation(mainHand); + + // Needed if this has been changed elsewhere + mainHand.pickupIkConstraint.data.tipRotationWeight = 1f; + + // Needed as the hand need to reach when picking up in an extended position, it looks unnatural + // if it takes directly the rotation of the hold. + mainHand.holdIkConstraint.data.targetRotationWeight = 0f; + + // Reproduce changes on secondary hand if necessary. + if (withTwoHands) + { + holdController.MovePickupAndHoldTargetLocker(secondaryHand, true, + hands.GetItem(true,secondaryHand)); + OrientTargetForHandRotation(secondaryHand); + secondaryHand.pickupIkConstraint.data.tipRotationWeight = 1f; + secondaryHand.holdIkConstraint.data.targetRotationWeight = 0f; + } + + // Set up the look at target locker on the item to pick up. + lookAtTargetLocker.transform.parent = item.transform; + lookAtTargetLocker.localPosition = Vector3.zero; + lookAtTargetLocker.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; + } + + private IEnumerator PickupReach(DummyItem item, DummyHand mainHand, DummyHand secondaryHand, bool withTwoHands) + { + // Move player toward item + if (GetComponent().Position != PositionType.Sitting) + { + StartCoroutine(DummyTransformHelper.OrientTransformTowardTarget(transform, item.transform, itemReachDuration, false, true)); + } + + if (mainHand.handBone.transform.position.y - item.transform.position.y > 0.3) + { + GetComponent().Crouch(true); + + yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.25f); + } + + // Change hold constraint weight of the main hand from 0 to 1 + StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.ModifyValueOverTime(x => mainHand.holdIkConstraint.weight = x, 0f, 1f, itemReachDuration)); + + // Start looking at item + StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.ModifyValueOverTime(x => lookAtConstraint.weight = x, 0f, 1f, itemReachDuration)); + + // Reproduce changes on second hand if picking up with two hands + if (withTwoHands) + { + StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.ModifyValueOverTime(x => secondaryHand.holdIkConstraint.weight = x, 0f, 1f, itemReachDuration)); + StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.ModifyValueOverTime(x => secondaryHand.pickupIkConstraint.weight = x, 0f, 1f, itemReachDuration)); + } + + // Change pickup constraint weight of the main hand from 0 to 1 + yield return CoroutineHelper.ModifyValueOverTime(x => mainHand.pickupIkConstraint.weight = x, 0f, 1f, itemReachDuration); + } + + private IEnumerator PickupPullBack(DummyItem item, DummyHand mainHand, DummyHand secondaryHand, bool withTwoHands) + { + GetComponent().Crouch(false); + + // Move item toward its constrained position. + StartCoroutine(DummyTransformHelper.LerpTransform(item.transform, hands.SelectedHand.itemPositionTargetLocker, itemMoveDuration)); + + // if an item held with two hands, change it with a single hand hold + if (secondaryHand.Full && secondaryHand.Item.CanHoldTwoHand) + { + holdController.UpdateItemPositionConstraintAndRotation(secondaryHand, secondaryHand.Item, + false, itemMoveDuration, false); + } + + // Stop looking at item + StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.ModifyValueOverTime(x => lookAtConstraint.weight = x, 1f, 0f, itemReachDuration)); + + // increase hold constraint rotation + StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.ModifyValueOverTime(x => mainHand.holdIkConstraint.data.targetRotationWeight = x, 0f, 1f, itemReachDuration)); + + if (withTwoHands) + { + StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.ModifyValueOverTime(x => secondaryHand.holdIkConstraint.data.targetRotationWeight = x, 0f, 1f, itemReachDuration)); + } + + // Get hand back at its hold position. + if (withTwoHands) + { + StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.ModifyValueOverTime(x => secondaryHand.pickupIkConstraint.weight = x, 1f, 0f, itemMoveDuration)); + } + + yield return CoroutineHelper.ModifyValueOverTime(x => mainHand.pickupIkConstraint.weight = x, 1f, 0f, itemMoveDuration); + + // Place item on constrained item position + item.transform.parent = mainHand.itemPositionTargetLocker; + item.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero; + item.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; + + lookAtConstraint.weight = 0f; + } + + /// + /// Create a rotation of the IK target to make sure the hand reach in a natural way the item. + /// The rotation is such that it's Y axis is aligned with the line crossing through the character shoulder and IK target. + /// + private void OrientTargetForHandRotation(DummyHand hand) + { + Vector3 armTargetDirection = hand.pickupTargetLocker.position - hand.upperArm.position; + + Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(armTargetDirection.normalized, Vector3.down); + + targetRotation *= Quaternion.AngleAxis(90f, Vector3.right); + + hand.pickupTargetLocker.rotation = targetRotation; + } + + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyPickUp.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyPickUp.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4d0cc18146 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyPickUp.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 8617e3a73d0706c42a87a606965fb992 +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyPlace.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyPlace.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7ed536db0c --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyPlace.cs @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using UnityEngine; +using UnityEngine.Animations.Rigging; + +namespace DummyStuff +{ + public class DummyPlace : MonoBehaviour + { + + public DummyHands hands; + + public float itemReachDuration; + public float itemMoveDuration; + + public HoldController holdController; + public Transform lookAtTargetLocker; + public MultiAimConstraint lookAtConstraint; + + public Transform hips; + + public bool UnderMaxDistanceFromHips(Vector3 position) => Vector3.Distance(hips.position, position) < 1.3f; + + private void Update() + { + if (!Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) + return; + + if (hands.SelectedHand.Full) + { + TryPlace(); + } + } + + private void TryPlace() + { + // Cast a ray from the mouse position into the scene + Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); + + Debug.DrawRay(ray.origin, ray.direction, Color.red, 2f); + // Check if the ray hits any collider + if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out RaycastHit hit) && UnderMaxDistanceFromHips(hit.point)) + { + Debug.Log(hit.point); + StartCoroutine(Place(hit.point)); + } + } + + private IEnumerator Place(Vector3 placePosition) + { + DummyHand mainHand = hands.SelectedHand; + DummyHand secondaryHand = hands.GetOtherHand(mainHand.handType); + bool withTwoHands = secondaryHand.Empty && hands.SelectedHand.Item.CanHoldTwoHand; + Transform placeTarget = mainHand.placeTarget; + GameObject item = mainHand.Item.GameObject; + + SetupPlace(placePosition, item, mainHand, secondaryHand, withTwoHands); + + yield return PlaceReach(mainHand, placeTarget, item); + + yield return PlaceAndPullBack(mainHand, secondaryHand, withTwoHands); + } + + private void SetupPlace(Vector3 placePosition, GameObject item, DummyHand mainHand, DummyHand secondaryHand, bool withTwoHands) + { + // Set up the position the item should be placed on + hands.SelectedHand.placeTarget.position = placePosition + 0.2f * Vector3.up; + + // Unparent item so its not constrained by the multi-position constrain anymore. + item.transform.parent = null; + + // set pickup constraint to 1 so that the player can bend to reach at its feet or further in front. + mainHand.pickupIkConstraint.weight = 1f; + + // Remove hold constraint from second hand if item held with two hands. + if (withTwoHands) + { + secondaryHand.pickupIkConstraint.weight = 1f; + } + + // Place look at target at place item position + lookAtTargetLocker.transform.parent = null; + lookAtTargetLocker.position = placePosition; + } + + private IEnumerator PlaceReach(DummyHand mainHand, Transform placeTarget, GameObject item) + { + // Turn character toward the position to place the item. + if (GetComponent().Position != PositionType.Sitting) + { + StartCoroutine(DummyTransformHelper.OrientTransformTowardTarget(transform, placeTarget, itemReachDuration, false, true)); + } + + if (mainHand.handBone.transform.position.y - placeTarget.position.y > 0.3) + { + GetComponent().Crouch(true); + } + + // Slowly increase looking at place item position + StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.ModifyValueOverTime(x => lookAtConstraint.weight = x, 0f, 1f, itemReachDuration)); + + // Slowly move item toward the position it should be placed. + yield return DummyTransformHelper.LerpTransform(item.transform, placeTarget, itemMoveDuration, true, false, false); + } + + private IEnumerator PlaceAndPullBack(DummyHand mainHand, DummyHand secondaryHand, bool withTwoHands) + { + GetComponent().Crouch(false); + + mainHand.RemoveItem(); + + mainHand.pickupTargetLocker.parent = null; + + // Slowly decrease main hand pick up constraint so player stop reaching for pickup target + StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.ModifyValueOverTime(x => mainHand.pickupIkConstraint.weight = x, 1f, 0f, itemReachDuration)); + + // Slowly stop looking at item place position + StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.ModifyValueOverTime(x => lookAtConstraint.weight = x, 1f, 0f, itemReachDuration)); + + // reproduce changes on second hand + if (withTwoHands) + { + StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.ModifyValueOverTime(x => secondaryHand.pickupIkConstraint.weight = x, 1f, 0f, itemReachDuration)); + StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.ModifyValueOverTime(x => secondaryHand.holdIkConstraint.weight = x, 1f, 0f, itemReachDuration)); + } + + // Slowly stop trying to hold item + yield return CoroutineHelper.ModifyValueOverTime(x => mainHand.holdIkConstraint.weight = x, 1f, 0f, itemReachDuration); + + // Catch two hands holdable item in other hand with main hand, just freed. + if (secondaryHand.Full && secondaryHand.Item.CanHoldTwoHand) + { + holdController.UpdateItemPositionConstraintAndRotation(secondaryHand, secondaryHand.Item, + true, itemReachDuration, false); + holdController.MovePickupAndHoldTargetLocker(mainHand, true, + hands.GetItem(true, mainHand)); + + yield return CoroutineHelper.ModifyValueOverTime(x => mainHand.holdIkConstraint.weight = x, 0f, 1f, itemReachDuration / 2); + } + } + } +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyPlace.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyPlace.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d735d15d41 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyPlace.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 3662b4356344d1a4caaefdaaa3a462c3 +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyPositionController.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyPositionController.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..453ac846b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyPositionController.cs @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using UnityEngine; + +public class DummyPositionController : MonoBehaviour +{ + private void Start() + { + Position = PositionType.Standing; + } + + public PositionType Position { get; set; } +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyPositionController.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyPositionController.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a6bbf9c146 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyPositionController.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 0bc5569f73db48243adceda97ed5adcf +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyRagdoll.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyRagdoll.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eadc390e4f --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyRagdoll.cs @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using UnityEngine; + +public class DummyRagdoll : MonoBehaviour +{ + private Transform _character; + private Animator _animator; + + private Transform[] _ragdollParts; + + private void Start() + { + + _animator = GetComponent(); + _ragdollParts = (from part in GetComponentsInChildren() select part.transform.GetComponent()).ToArray(); + + // All rigid bodies are kinematic at start, only the owner should be able to change that afterwards. + ToggleKinematic(true); + } + + + private void Update() + { + if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.K)) + { + Knockdown(); + } + } + + private void Knockdown() + { + ToggleAnimator(false); + ToggleKinematic(false); + ToggleTrigger(false); + } + + + private void ToggleTrigger(bool isTrigger) + { + foreach (Transform part in _ragdollParts) + { + part.GetComponent().isTrigger = isTrigger; + } + } + + + /// + /// Switch isKinematic for each ragdoll part + /// + private void ToggleKinematic(bool isKinematic) + { + foreach (Transform part in _ragdollParts) + { + part.GetComponent().isKinematic = isKinematic; + } + } + + private void ToggleAnimator(bool enable) + { + // Speed=0 prevents animator from choosing Walking animations after enabling it + if (!enable) + _animator.SetFloat("Speed", 0); + + if (_animator != null) + { + _animator.enabled = enable; + } + } + +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyRagdoll.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyRagdoll.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eb6a6af806 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyRagdoll.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: c93ba0fdc2de57b4a96ee3a504e9063e +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyScrewdriver.prefab b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyScrewdriver.prefab new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ade1be043d --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyScrewdriver.prefab @@ -0,0 +1,282 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!1 &352340511593200251 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 4634623118714090102} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: LeftHandHold + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &4634623118714090102 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 352340511593200251} + m_LocalRotation: {x: -0.29315257, y: 0.24598421, z: 0.7077328, w: -0.59385836} + m_LocalPosition: {x: -0.1, y: 0, z: -0.06} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 3196602351255167297} + m_RootOrder: 2 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!1 &1875684640390959954 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 3196602351255167297} + - component: {fileID: 5838805152784522103} + - component: {fileID: 160743320001898382} + - component: {fileID: 4820688687087220308} + - component: {fileID: 1553856836023494452} + - component: {fileID: 6364831468465646304} + - component: {fileID: 6401565894626157842} + m_Layer: 10 + m_Name: DummyScrewdriver + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &3196602351255167297 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 1875684640390959954} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: + - {fileID: 6176544956757958976} + - {fileID: 867548239050694870} + - {fileID: 4634623118714090102} + - {fileID: 8794388886837492066} + m_Father: {fileID: 0} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!33 &5838805152784522103 +MeshFilter: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 1875684640390959954} + m_Mesh: {fileID: 1417566577713048715, guid: 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m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5 + m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89 + m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} + m_SortingLayerID: 0 + m_SortingLayer: 0 + m_SortingOrder: 0 + m_AdditionalVertexStreams: {fileID: 0} +--- !u!65 &4820688687087220308 +BoxCollider: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 1875684640390959954} + m_Material: {fileID: 0} + m_IsTrigger: 0 + m_Enabled: 1 + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Size: {x: 0.08547481, y: 0.40533146, z: 0.07402331} + m_Center: {x: -0.000000014901161, y: 0.17634733, z: -0.00006233156} +--- !u!54 &1553856836023494452 +Rigidbody: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 1875684640390959954} + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Mass: 1 + m_Drag: 0 + m_AngularDrag: 0.05 + m_UseGravity: 1 + m_IsKinematic: 0 + m_Interpolate: 0 + m_Constraints: 0 + m_CollisionDetection: 0 +--- !u!114 &6364831468465646304 +MonoBehaviour: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 1875684640390959954} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_EditorHideFlags: 0 + m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 31f69105775d221409591f2e3dcf4c98, type: 3} + m_Name: + m_EditorClassIdentifier: + singleHandHold: 5 + twoHandHold: 0 + singleHandHoldHarm: 5 + twoHandHoldHarm: 0 + singleHandHoldThrow: 0 + twoHandHoldThrow: 0 + primaryRightHandHold: {fileID: 867548239050694870} + secondaryRightHandHold: {fileID: 0} + primaryLeftHandHold: {fileID: 4634623118714090102} + secondaryLeftHandHold: {fileID: 0} + canHoldTwoHand: 0 +--- !u!114 &6401565894626157842 +MonoBehaviour: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 1875684640390959954} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_EditorHideFlags: 0 + m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 85e2402d4e97e674f8b10465445380ef, type: 3} + m_Name: + m_EditorClassIdentifier: + interactionPoint: {fileID: 8794388886837492066} +--- !u!1 &2657778688565007629 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 6176544956757958976} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: Attachment + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &6176544956757958976 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 2657778688565007629} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0.7071068, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0.7071068} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 3196602351255167297} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 90, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!1 &3611963566610306364 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 8794388886837492066} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: InteractionPoint + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &8794388886837492066 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 3611963566610306364} + m_LocalRotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0.7071068} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0.311, z: -0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 3196602351255167297} + m_RootOrder: 3 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!1 &7025440474251623012 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 867548239050694870} + m_Layer: 10 + m_Name: rightHandHold + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &867548239050694870 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 7025440474251623012} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0.37992823, y: 0.37992823, z: 0.59636784, w: 0.59636784} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.1, y: -0.025, z: -0.1} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 3196602351255167297} + m_RootOrder: 1 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyScrewdriver.prefab.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyScrewdriver.prefab.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..337362ece0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyScrewdriver.prefab.meta @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 8b4b6b5af42b3164da31f140e57460c5 +PrefabImporter: + externalObjects: {} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyScripts.asmdef b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyScripts.asmdef new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ed6aa808f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyScripts.asmdef @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +{ + "name": "DummyScripts", + "rootNamespace": "", + "references": [ + "GUID:7f7d1af65c2641843945d409d28f2e20", + "GUID:d8b63aba1907145bea998dd612889d6b", + "GUID:6aabbee860c32c64d9bbd52d0704ed2c", + "GUID:eb242eaf9f292954eb8c6fbd63c46deb", + "GUID:ca7dfa56d1d490249a5fe56aee92a13c", + "GUID:d2bbca7254de5e746857b04cfb560876", + "GUID:75469ad4d38634e559750d17036d5f7c", + "GUID:b763ff73a93a62c4ea128e32ed2cd0d6", + "GUID:46e20dca70571ce4e817a6b5874168a0" + ], + "includePlatforms": [], + "excludePlatforms": [], + "allowUnsafeCode": false, + "overrideReferences": false, + "precompiledReferences": [], + "autoReferenced": true, + "defineConstraints": [], + "versionDefines": [], + "noEngineReferences": false +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyScripts.asmdef.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyScripts.asmdef.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..97d5748d89 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyScripts.asmdef.meta @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 23297770cae42d6428906aab602c0ca9 +AssemblyDefinitionImporter: + externalObjects: {} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummySit.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummySit.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ad4996691c --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummySit.cs @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using UnityEngine; + +namespace DummyStuff +{ + public class DummySit : MonoBehaviour + { + + public DummyAnimatorController animatorController; + + public DummyMovement movement; + + private void Update() + { + if (!Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.J)) + return; + + if (GetComponent().Position == PositionType.Standing) + { + TrySit(); + } + else if (GetComponent().Position == PositionType.Sitting) + { + StopSitting(); + } + + } + + private void TrySit() + { + // Cast a ray from the mouse position into the scene + Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); + + // Check if the ray hits any collider + if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out RaycastHit hit)) + { + // Check if the collider belongs to a GameObject + GameObject obj = hit.collider.gameObject; + + if (obj.TryGetComponent(out DummySittable sit) && GoodDistanceFromRootToSit(sit.transform)) + { + StartCoroutine(Sit(sit.orientation)); + } + + } + } + + private IEnumerator Sit(Transform sitOrientation) + { + movement.enabled = false; + + animatorController.Sit(true); + + Vector3 initialRotation = transform.eulerAngles; + + Vector3 initialPosition = transform.position; + + StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.ModifyVector3OverTime(x => transform.eulerAngles = x, initialRotation, sitOrientation.eulerAngles, 0.5f)); + + yield return (CoroutineHelper.ModifyVector3OverTime(x => transform.position = x, initialPosition, sitOrientation.position, 0.5f)); + + GetComponent().Position = PositionType.Sitting; + } + + private void StopSitting() + { + movement.enabled = true; + animatorController.Sit(false); + GetComponent().Position = PositionType.Standing; + } + + private bool GoodDistanceFromRootToSit(Transform sit) + { + return Vector3.Distance(transform.position, sit.position) < 0.8f; + } + } +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummySit.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummySit.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..16833b7963 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummySit.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 7f3f38cca4120a24682aebbbe72ef018 +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummySittable.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummySittable.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3975b866f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummySittable.cs @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using UnityEngine; + +public class DummySittable : MonoBehaviour +{ + public Transform orientation; +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummySittable.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummySittable.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4a258e6dae --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummySittable.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: a6c322248b2bbd746911650f246c1501 +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummySteelWall.prefab b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummySteelWall.prefab new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6d5d9cfd52 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummySteelWall.prefab @@ -0,0 +1,284 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!1 &120633093580714692 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 9190898916928435855} + - component: {fileID: 4570944685185374244} + m_Layer: 8 + m_Name: ForwardViewObstacle + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 0 +--- !u!4 &9190898916928435855 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 120633093580714692} + m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 3197388170385834841} + m_RootOrder: 2 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!65 &4570944685185374244 +BoxCollider: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 120633093580714692} + m_Material: {fileID: 0} + m_IsTrigger: 0 + m_Enabled: 1 + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Size: {x: 0.35, y: 2.486229, z: 0.5} + m_Center: {x: 0, y: 1.2431145, z: 0.25} +--- !u!1 &4897310813323786822 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 3424385542088007032} + - component: {fileID: 6406329866161036708} + m_Layer: 8 + m_Name: LeftViewObstacle + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 0 +--- !u!4 &3424385542088007032 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 4897310813323786822} + m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 3197388170385834841} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!65 &6406329866161036708 +BoxCollider: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 4897310813323786822} + m_Material: {fileID: 0} + m_IsTrigger: 0 + m_Enabled: 1 + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Size: {x: 0.5, y: 2.5039096, z: 0.35} + m_Center: {x: -0.25, y: 1.2519548, z: 0} +--- !u!1 &6658246051973030317 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 3197388170385834841} + - component: {fileID: 2806807345023498609} + - component: {fileID: 3548988592371138824} + - component: {fileID: 876958240177440098} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: DummySteelWall + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &3197388170385834841 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 6658246051973030317} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: -1.325, y: 0, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: + - {fileID: 3424385542088007032} + - {fileID: 2883520216805410019} + - {fileID: 9190898916928435855} + - {fileID: 4009696529807953777} + m_Father: {fileID: 0} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!33 &2806807345023498609 +MeshFilter: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 6658246051973030317} + m_Mesh: {fileID: -6490088118889457342, guid: 9c0b392ffb24ca248a002fe36b08bae8, type: 3} +--- !u!23 &3548988592371138824 +MeshRenderer: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 6658246051973030317} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_CastShadows: 1 + m_ReceiveShadows: 1 + m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 + m_MotionVectors: 1 + m_LightProbeUsage: 1 + m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 + m_RayTracingMode: 2 + m_RayTraceProcedural: 0 + m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 + m_RendererPriority: 0 + m_Materials: + - {fileID: 2100000, guid: 695c4de41b9578049a93f19b1eef7213, type: 2} + - {fileID: 2100000, guid: 6430227ac2f6b734f89160acf9727ee9, type: 2} + m_StaticBatchInfo: + 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m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 4009696529807953777} + - component: {fileID: 4657109870918489407} + m_Layer: 8 + m_Name: BackViewObstacle + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 0 +--- !u!4 &4009696529807953777 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 9098060603191566405} + m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 3197388170385834841} + m_RootOrder: 3 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!65 &4657109870918489407 +BoxCollider: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 9098060603191566405} + m_Material: {fileID: 0} + m_IsTrigger: 0 + m_Enabled: 1 + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Size: {x: 0.35, y: 2.486229, z: 0.5} + m_Center: {x: 0, y: 1.2431145, z: -0.25} +--- !u!1 &9175149574319777028 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 2883520216805410019} + - component: {fileID: 508057575330528362} + m_Layer: 8 + m_Name: RightViewObstacle + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 0 +--- !u!4 &2883520216805410019 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 9175149574319777028} + m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 3197388170385834841} + m_RootOrder: 1 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!65 &508057575330528362 +BoxCollider: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 9175149574319777028} + m_Material: {fileID: 0} + m_IsTrigger: 0 + m_Enabled: 1 + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Size: {x: 0.5, y: 2.4773884, z: 0.35} + m_Center: {x: 0.25, y: 1.2386942, z: 0} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummySteelWall.prefab.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummySteelWall.prefab.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0308407600 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummySteelWall.prefab.meta @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: cd482cb34628ac14e9af1fbff1e7fa93 +PrefabImporter: + externalObjects: {} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyTableGlass.prefab b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyTableGlass.prefab new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..06b2d45cb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyTableGlass.prefab @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!1 &7653260483675679172 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 2686259931818014247} + - component: {fileID: 6836517700590184165} + - component: {fileID: 7300807240521179414} + - component: {fileID: 4010473874124831031} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: DummyTableGlass + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &2686259931818014247 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 7653260483675679172} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 0} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!33 &6836517700590184165 +MeshFilter: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 7653260483675679172} + m_Mesh: {fileID: -6474879442438147634, guid: 32ccf9db762cc7c4f8f4af524e3e7ee7, type: 3} +--- !u!23 &7300807240521179414 +MeshRenderer: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 7653260483675679172} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_CastShadows: 0 + m_ReceiveShadows: 1 + m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 + m_MotionVectors: 1 + m_LightProbeUsage: 1 + m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 + m_RayTracingMode: 2 + m_RayTraceProcedural: 0 + m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 + m_RendererPriority: 0 + m_Materials: + - {fileID: 2100000, guid: 695c4de41b9578049a93f19b1eef7213, type: 2} + - {fileID: 2100000, guid: 74425a37eae99c946a92da0339e05c48, type: 2} + m_StaticBatchInfo: + firstSubMesh: 0 + subMeshCount: 0 + m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0} + m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0} + m_LightProbeVolumeOverride: {fileID: 0} + m_ScaleInLightmap: 1 + m_ReceiveGI: 1 + m_PreserveUVs: 0 + m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0 + m_ImportantGI: 0 + m_StitchLightmapSeams: 1 + m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 3 + m_MinimumChartSize: 4 + m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5 + m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89 + m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} + m_SortingLayerID: 0 + m_SortingLayer: 0 + m_SortingOrder: 0 + m_AdditionalVertexStreams: {fileID: 0} +--- !u!65 &4010473874124831031 +BoxCollider: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 7653260483675679172} + m_Material: {fileID: 0} + m_IsTrigger: 0 + m_Enabled: 1 + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Size: {x: 1, y: 0.75, z: 1} + m_Center: {x: 0, y: 0.375, z: 0} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyTableGlass.prefab.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyTableGlass.prefab.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..80d95aa436 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyTableGlass.prefab.meta @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 4268885ccf3d48e4b9b845f21690e7d1 +PrefabImporter: + externalObjects: {} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyThrow.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyThrow.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5ceaa11f70 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyThrow.cs @@ -0,0 +1,228 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using Unity.Mathematics; +using UnityEngine; +using UnityEngine.Animations.Rigging; +using Object = System.Object; + +namespace DummyStuff +{ + + public class DummyThrow : MonoBehaviour + { + public DummyHands hands; + public DummyAnimatorController animatorController; + + [SerializeField] + private DummyMovement movementController; + + [SerializeField] + private Transform aimTarget; + + [SerializeField] + private float maxForce = 20; + + [SerializeField] + private float secondPerMeterFactorDef = 0.22f; + + [SerializeField] + private float secondPerMeterFactorHarm = 0.15f; + + private bool _canAim; + + private bool _isAiming; + + public HoldController holdController; + + public Rig bodyAimRig; + + [SerializeField] + private IntentController intents; + + public bool IsAiming => _isAiming; + + public event EventHandler OnAim; + + + + + + // Update is called once per frame + private void Update() + { + UpdateAimAbility(hands.SelectedHand); + + if (_canAim && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) + { + if (!_isAiming) + { + Aim(); + } + else + { + StopAiming(hands.SelectedHand); + } + } + + if (_isAiming) + { + UpdateAimTargetPosition(); + + if (GetComponent().Position != PositionType.Sitting) + { + movementController.RotatePlayerTowardTarget(); + } + } + + if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Y) && hands.SelectedHand.Full && _isAiming) + { + StartCoroutine(Throw()); + } + } + + private IEnumerator Throw() + { + IHoldProvider item = hands.SelectedHand.Item; + hands.SelectedHand.itemPositionConstraint.weight = 0f; + hands.SelectedHand.holdIkConstraint.weight = 0f; + hands.SelectedHand.pickupIkConstraint.weight = 0f; + + if (item.CanHoldTwoHand && hands.UnselectedHand.Empty) + { + hands.UnselectedHand.itemPositionConstraint.weight = 0f; + hands.UnselectedHand.holdIkConstraint.weight = 0f; + hands.UnselectedHand.pickupIkConstraint.weight = 0f; + } + + item.GameObject.transform.parent = hands.SelectedHand.handBone.transform; + + animatorController.Throw(hands.SelectedHand.handType); + + StartCoroutine(DummyTransformHelper.OrientTransformTowardTarget(transform, aimTarget.transform, 0.18f, false, true)); + + yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.18f); + + AddForceToItem(item.GameObject); + + StopAiming(hands.SelectedHand); + } + + private Vector2 ComputeInitialVelocity(float timeToReachTarget, Vector2 targetCoordinates, float initialHeight, float initialHorizontalPosition) + { + // Those computations assume gravity is pulling in the same plane as the throw. + // it works with any vertical gravity but not if there's a horizontal component to it. + // be careful as g = -9.81 and not 9.81 + float g = Physics.gravity.y; + float initialHorizontalVelocity = (targetCoordinates.x - initialHorizontalPosition) / timeToReachTarget; + + float initialVerticalVelocity = (targetCoordinates.y - initialHeight - 0.5f * g * (math.pow(targetCoordinates.x - initialHorizontalPosition, 2) / math.pow(initialHorizontalVelocity, 2))) * initialHorizontalVelocity / (targetCoordinates.x - initialHorizontalPosition); + + return new Vector2(initialHorizontalVelocity, initialVerticalVelocity); + + } + + /// + /// Compute coordinates in the local coordinate system of the throwing hand + /// This method assumes that the target position is in the same plane as the plane defined by the + /// player y and z local axis. + /// return vector2 with components in order z and y, as z is forward and y upward. + /// + private Vector2 ComputeTargetCoordinates(Vector3 targetPosition, Transform playerRoot) + { + Vector3 rootRelativeTargetPosition = playerRoot.InverseTransformPoint(targetPosition); + + if (rootRelativeTargetPosition.x > 0.1f) + { + Debug.LogError("target not in the same plane as the player root : " + rootRelativeTargetPosition.x); + } + + return new Vector2(rootRelativeTargetPosition.z, rootRelativeTargetPosition.y); + } + + private Vector2 ComputeItemInitialCoordinates(Vector3 itemPosition, Transform playerRoot) + { + Vector3 rootRelativeItemPosition = playerRoot.InverseTransformPoint(itemPosition); + + return new Vector2(rootRelativeItemPosition.z, rootRelativeItemPosition.y); + } + + private void UpdateAimTargetPosition() + { + // Cast a ray from the mouse position into the scene + Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); + + // Check if the ray hits any collider + if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out RaycastHit hit)) + { + aimTarget.position = hit.point; + } + } + + private void Aim() + { + _isAiming = true; + bodyAimRig.weight = 0.3f; + + if (intents.Intent == Intent.Harm) + { + holdController.UpdateItemPositionConstraintAndRotation(hands.SelectedHand, + hands.SelectedHand.Item, false, 0.2f, true); + } + + OnAim?.Invoke(this, true); + } + + private void StopAiming(DummyHand hand) + { + _isAiming = false; + bodyAimRig.weight = 0f; + holdController.UpdateItemPositionConstraintAndRotation(hands.SelectedHand, + hands.SelectedHand.Item,false, 0.2f, false); + OnAim?.Invoke(this, false); + } + + private void UpdateAimAbility(DummyHand selectedHand) + { + if (selectedHand.Full) + { + _canAim = true; + } + else + { + _canAim = false; + } + } + + private void AddForceToItem(GameObject item) + { + Vector2 targetCoordinates = ComputeTargetCoordinates(aimTarget.position, transform); + + Vector2 initialItemCoordinates = ComputeItemInitialCoordinates(item.transform.position, transform); + + Vector2 initialVelocity = ComputeInitialVelocity( ComputeTimeToReach(intents.Intent, aimTarget.position), + targetCoordinates, initialItemCoordinates.y, initialItemCoordinates.x); + + Vector3 initialVelocityInRootCoordinate = new Vector3(0, initialVelocity.y, initialVelocity.x); + + Vector3 initialVelocityInWorldCoordinate = transform.TransformDirection(initialVelocityInRootCoordinate); + + hands.SelectedHand.RemoveItem(); + + if (initialVelocityInWorldCoordinate.magnitude > maxForce) + { + initialVelocityInWorldCoordinate = initialVelocityInWorldCoordinate.normalized * maxForce; + } + + item.GetComponent().AddForce(initialVelocityInWorldCoordinate, ForceMode.VelocityChange); + } + + private float ComputeTimeToReach(Intent intent, Vector3 targetPosition) + { + float distanceToTarget = Vector3.Distance(targetPosition, transform.position); + + return intent == Intent.Def ? + distanceToTarget * secondPerMeterFactorDef : distanceToTarget * secondPerMeterFactorHarm; + } + } +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyThrow.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyThrow.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6e1c58d11a --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyThrow.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 1dcb90a34027ab84d9db16533eeb0d25 +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyTileBar.mat b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyTileBar.mat new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..de873620a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyTileBar.mat @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!21 &2100000 +Material: + serializedVersion: 8 + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: DummyTileBar + m_Shader: {fileID: 46, guid: 0000000000000000f000000000000000, type: 0} + m_ValidKeywords: + - _NORMALMAP + - _SPECULARHIGHLIGHTS_OFF + m_InvalidKeywords: [] + m_LightmapFlags: 4 + m_EnableInstancingVariants: 0 + m_DoubleSidedGI: 0 + m_CustomRenderQueue: 2002 + stringTagMap: {} + disabledShaderPasses: [] + m_SavedProperties: + serializedVersion: 3 + m_TexEnvs: + - _BumpMap: + m_Texture: {fileID: 2800000, guid: 7fbb27092ffe64b489ecd2b5cd832daf, type: 3} + m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} + m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} + - _DetailAlbedoMap: + m_Texture: {fileID: 0} + m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} + m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} + - _DetailMask: + m_Texture: {fileID: 0} + m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} + m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} + - _DetailNormalMap: + m_Texture: {fileID: 0} + m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} + m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} + - _EmissionMap: + m_Texture: {fileID: 0} + m_Scale: {x: 100, y: 100} + m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} + - _MainTex: + m_Texture: {fileID: 2800000, guid: 0a9752e38343fdc4d9d1d0a340e90c8b, type: 3} + m_Scale: {x: 100, y: 100} + m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} + - _MetallicGlossMap: + m_Texture: {fileID: 0} + m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} + m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} + - _OcclusionMap: + m_Texture: {fileID: 0} + m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} + m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} + - _ParallaxMap: + m_Texture: {fileID: 0} + m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} + m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} + m_Ints: [] + m_Floats: + - _BumpScale: 1 + - _Cutoff: 0.5 + - _DetailNormalMapScale: 1 + - _DstBlend: 0 + - _GlossMapScale: 1 + - _Glossiness: 0.1 + - _GlossyReflections: 1 + - _Metallic: 0 + - _Mode: 0 + - _OcclusionStrength: 1 + - _Parallax: 0.02 + - _SmoothnessTextureChannel: 0 + - _SpecularHighlights: 0 + - _SrcBlend: 1 + - _UVSec: 0 + - _ZWrite: 1 + m_Colors: + - _Color: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 0} + - _EmissionColor: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1} + m_BuildTextureStacks: [] diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyTileBar.mat.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyTileBar.mat.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6dff33fa46 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyTileBar.mat.meta @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: c121fe3fd9030514798ff666c5eb1031 +NativeFormatImporter: + externalObjects: {} + mainObjectFileID: 2100000 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyTool.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyTool.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..59e9ac85b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyTool.cs @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using UnityEngine; + +public class DummyTool : MonoBehaviour +{ + + [SerializeField] + private Transform interactionPoint; + + public Transform InteractionPoint => interactionPoint; +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyTool.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyTool.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ba15acd7d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyTool.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 85e2402d4e97e674f8b10465445380ef +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyToolBox.prefab b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyToolBox.prefab new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..31a0db6987 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyToolBox.prefab @@ -0,0 +1,322 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!1 &572493191978923640 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 8845966927206388581} + - component: {fileID: 8672899423132980562} + - component: {fileID: 293412812720678293} + m_Layer: 10 + m_Name: Lid + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &8845966927206388581 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 572493191978923640} + m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 7184709795803183432} + m_RootOrder: 1 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!33 &8672899423132980562 +MeshFilter: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 572493191978923640} + m_Mesh: {fileID: 6930760489593810904, guid: 405bb40603e6f0d408b6746be285f095, type: 3} +--- !u!23 &293412812720678293 +MeshRenderer: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 572493191978923640} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_CastShadows: 0 + m_ReceiveShadows: 1 + m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 + m_MotionVectors: 1 + m_LightProbeUsage: 1 + m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 + m_RayTracingMode: 2 + m_RayTraceProcedural: 0 + m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 + m_RendererPriority: 0 + m_Materials: + - {fileID: 2100000, guid: 695c4de41b9578049a93f19b1eef7213, type: 2} + m_StaticBatchInfo: + firstSubMesh: 0 + subMeshCount: 0 + m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0} + m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0} + m_LightProbeVolumeOverride: {fileID: 0} + m_ScaleInLightmap: 1 + m_ReceiveGI: 1 + m_PreserveUVs: 0 + m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0 + m_ImportantGI: 0 + m_StitchLightmapSeams: 1 + m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 3 + m_MinimumChartSize: 4 + m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5 + m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89 + m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} + m_SortingLayerID: 0 + m_SortingLayer: 0 + m_SortingOrder: 0 + m_AdditionalVertexStreams: {fileID: 0} +--- !u!1 &2109958166347672068 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 4602652067006472687} + m_Layer: 10 + m_Name: LeftHold + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &4602652067006472687 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 2109958166347672068} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -0.00000004371139} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.015, y: 0.22, z: 0.15} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 7184709795803183432} + m_RootOrder: 3 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: -20, y: -90, z: 0} +--- !u!1 &4219465967979283949 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 9177524430078476537} + - component: {fileID: 967826655490535346} + - component: {fileID: 8448102553054905536} + m_Layer: 10 + m_Name: Box + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &9177524430078476537 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 4219465967979283949} + m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 7184709795803183432} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!33 &967826655490535346 +MeshFilter: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 4219465967979283949} + m_Mesh: {fileID: 6733806050834573089, guid: 405bb40603e6f0d408b6746be285f095, type: 3} +--- !u!23 &8448102553054905536 +MeshRenderer: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 4219465967979283949} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_CastShadows: 0 + m_ReceiveShadows: 1 + m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 + m_MotionVectors: 1 + m_LightProbeUsage: 1 + m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 + m_RayTracingMode: 2 + m_RayTraceProcedural: 0 + m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 + m_RendererPriority: 0 + m_Materials: + - {fileID: 2100000, guid: 695c4de41b9578049a93f19b1eef7213, type: 2} + m_StaticBatchInfo: + firstSubMesh: 0 + subMeshCount: 0 + m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0} + m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0} + m_LightProbeVolumeOverride: {fileID: 0} + m_ScaleInLightmap: 1 + m_ReceiveGI: 1 + m_PreserveUVs: 0 + m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0 + m_ImportantGI: 0 + m_StitchLightmapSeams: 1 + m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 3 + m_MinimumChartSize: 4 + m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5 + m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89 + m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} + m_SortingLayerID: 0 + m_SortingLayer: 0 + m_SortingOrder: 0 + m_AdditionalVertexStreams: {fileID: 0} +--- !u!1 &6192008200523926363 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 7184709795803183432} + - component: {fileID: 416170121993900778} + - component: {fileID: 7184709795803183433} + - component: {fileID: 8946848574263333465} + m_Layer: 10 + m_Name: DummyToolBox + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &7184709795803183432 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 6192008200523926363} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: + - {fileID: 9177524430078476537} + - {fileID: 8845966927206388581} + - {fileID: 5671188440365690712} + - {fileID: 4602652067006472687} + m_Father: {fileID: 0} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!54 &416170121993900778 +Rigidbody: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 6192008200523926363} + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Mass: 2.35 + m_Drag: 0 + m_AngularDrag: 0.05 + m_UseGravity: 1 + m_IsKinematic: 0 + m_Interpolate: 0 + m_Constraints: 0 + m_CollisionDetection: 0 +--- !u!65 &7184709795803183433 +BoxCollider: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 6192008200523926363} + m_Material: {fileID: 0} + m_IsTrigger: 0 + m_Enabled: 1 + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Size: {x: 0.45166948, y: 0.30369738, z: 0.28481576} + m_Center: {x: -0.0014289767, y: -0.016240343, z: 0.12481372} +--- !u!114 &8946848574263333465 +MonoBehaviour: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 6192008200523926363} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_EditorHideFlags: 0 + m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 31f69105775d221409591f2e3dcf4c98, type: 3} + m_Name: + m_EditorClassIdentifier: + singleHandHold: 1 + twoHandHold: 0 + singleHandHoldHarm: 1 + twoHandHoldHarm: 0 + singleHandHoldThrow: 6 + twoHandHoldThrow: 0 + primaryRightHandHold: {fileID: 5671188440365690712} + secondaryRightHandHold: {fileID: 5671188440365690712} + primaryLeftHandHold: {fileID: 4602652067006472687} + secondaryLeftHandHold: {fileID: 4602652067006472687} + interactionPoint: {fileID: 0} + canHoldTwoHand: 0 + canHoldOneHand: 1 +--- !u!1 &8561565687139493617 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 5671188440365690712} + m_Layer: 10 + m_Name: RightHold + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &5671188440365690712 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 8561565687139493617} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -0.00000004371139} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.015, y: 0.22, z: 0.15} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 7184709795803183432} + m_RootOrder: 2 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: -20, y: 90, z: 0} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyToolBox.prefab.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyToolBox.prefab.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..37648e4b92 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyToolBox.prefab.meta @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: b2527e259e3b63544a9641a16aa4f2fa +PrefabImporter: + externalObjects: {} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyTransformHelper.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyTransformHelper.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..06317b092a --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyTransformHelper.cs @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using UnityEngine; + +public static class DummyTransformHelper +{ + + public static IEnumerator LerpTransform(Transform transform, Transform destination, float duration, + bool lerpPosition = true, bool lerpRotation = true, bool parent = true) + { + Vector3 initialPosition = transform.position; + Quaternion initialRotation = transform.rotation; + float timer = 0.0f; + + while (timer < duration) + { + float t = timer / duration; + if(lerpPosition) + transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(initialPosition, destination.position, t); + if(lerpRotation) + transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(initialRotation, destination.rotation, t); + + timer += Time.deltaTime; + yield return null; + } + + // Ensure final transform matches the target values exactly + if(lerpPosition) + transform.position = destination.position; + if(lerpRotation) + transform.rotation = destination.rotation; + + if (parent) + { + transform.parent = destination; + transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero; + transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; + } + } + + public static IEnumerator OrientTransformTowardTarget(Transform transform, Transform target, float duration, + bool ignoreX = false, bool ignoreY = false, bool ignoreZ = false) + { + float elapsedTime = 0f; + + Vector3 directionFromTransformToTarget = target.position - transform.position; + + if(ignoreX) + directionFromTransformToTarget.x = 0f; + if(ignoreY) + directionFromTransformToTarget.y = 0f; + if(ignoreZ) + directionFromTransformToTarget.z = 0f; + + Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(directionFromTransformToTarget); + + while (elapsedTime < duration) + { + transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, rotation, elapsedTime/duration); + + elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; + yield return null; + } + } +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyTransformHelper.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyTransformHelper.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ae59d2fb07 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyTransformHelper.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 4146c4b310a0bf142b95531d7c8eb042 +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyWelder.prefab b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyWelder.prefab new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..276aa7c28d --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyWelder.prefab @@ -0,0 +1,283 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!1 &5284411384313626 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 5284411384313607} + - component: {fileID: 5284411384313604} + - component: {fileID: 5284411384313605} + - component: {fileID: 587959644228320536} + - component: {fileID: 5918207052065307811} + - component: {fileID: 6653232152737378620} + - component: {fileID: -573867884372606775} + m_Layer: 10 + m_Name: DummyWelder + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &5284411384313607 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 5284411384313626} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: + - {fileID: 3082347358770487398} + - {fileID: 1845819167083146520} + - {fileID: 6061226514504239541} + - {fileID: 1069146344874451862} + m_Father: {fileID: 0} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!33 &5284411384313604 +MeshFilter: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 5284411384313626} + m_Mesh: {fileID: -5770758855193550793, guid: 097a67ac9e6daf2489d778ffa8b6fcb8, type: 3} +--- !u!23 &5284411384313605 +MeshRenderer: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 5284411384313626} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_CastShadows: 0 + m_ReceiveShadows: 1 + m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 + m_MotionVectors: 1 + m_LightProbeUsage: 1 + m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 + m_RayTracingMode: 2 + m_RayTraceProcedural: 0 + m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 + m_RendererPriority: 0 + m_Materials: + - {fileID: 2100000, guid: 695c4de41b9578049a93f19b1eef7213, type: 2} + m_StaticBatchInfo: + firstSubMesh: 0 + subMeshCount: 0 + m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0} + m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0} + 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canHoldOneHand: 0 +--- !u!114 &-573867884372606775 +MonoBehaviour: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 5284411384313626} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_EditorHideFlags: 0 + m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 85e2402d4e97e674f8b10465445380ef, type: 3} + m_Name: + m_EditorClassIdentifier: +--- !u!1 &247595367122041715 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 3082347358770487398} + m_Layer: 10 + m_Name: Attachment + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &3082347358770487398 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 247595367122041715} + m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 5284411384313607} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!1 &4481140858853779546 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 6061226514504239541} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: LeftHold + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &6061226514504239541 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 4481140858853779546} + m_LocalRotation: {x: -0.29315257, y: 0.24598421, z: 0.7077328, w: -0.59385836} + m_LocalPosition: {x: -0.1, y: 0, z: -0.06} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 5284411384313607} + m_RootOrder: 2 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!1 &9083170411547714193 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 1845819167083146520} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: RightHold + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &1845819167083146520 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 9083170411547714193} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0.37992823, y: 0.37992823, z: 0.59636784, w: 0.59636784} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.1, y: -0.025, z: -0.1} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 5284411384313607} + m_RootOrder: 1 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!1 &9116682898016336106 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 1069146344874451862} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: InteractionPoint + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &1069146344874451862 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 9116682898016336106} + m_LocalRotation: {x: -0.35355344, y: -0.35355344, z: -0.61237246, w: 0.61237246} + m_LocalPosition: {x: -0, y: 0.538, z: 0.156} + m_LocalScale: {x: 0.99999976, y: 0.99999976, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 5284411384313607} + m_RootOrder: 3 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: -35.792, y: 0, z: -90} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyWelder.prefab.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyWelder.prefab.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f78682929c --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyWelder.prefab.meta @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 6c869a6c560ac344e84e89727be848f1 +PrefabImporter: + externalObjects: {} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyWrench.prefab b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyWrench.prefab new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..11e066b723 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyWrench.prefab @@ -0,0 +1,282 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!1 &4635811439947007248 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 6218400955019612656} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: LeftHold + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &6218400955019612656 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 4635811439947007248} + m_LocalRotation: {x: -0.29315257, y: 0.24598421, z: 0.7077328, w: -0.59385836} + m_LocalPosition: {x: -0.1, y: 0, z: -0.06} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 6059231077323018679} + m_RootOrder: 2 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!1 &5844130309077615557 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 5420361769342515430} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: InteractionPoint + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &5420361769342515430 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 5844130309077615557} + m_LocalRotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0.7071068} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.001, y: 0.327, z: 0.026164293} + m_LocalScale: {x: 0.99999976, y: 0.99999976, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 6059231077323018679} + m_RootOrder: 3 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!1 &6676720362692273659 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 3313897813367017910} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: Attachment + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &3313897813367017910 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 6676720362692273659} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0.70710677, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0.70710677} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.0017, y: 0.0001, z: -0.0003} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 6059231077323018679} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 90, y: -90, z: -90} +--- !u!1 &7083580946541077412 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 6059231077323018679} + - component: {fileID: 2976228652474674049} + - component: {fileID: 8822896210648782712} + - component: {fileID: 4227944060426733218} + - component: {fileID: 126800847365310216} + - component: {fileID: 8151888909205555184} + - component: {fileID: 8406273259132062593} + m_Layer: 10 + m_Name: DummyWrench + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &6059231077323018679 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 7083580946541077412} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: + - {fileID: 3313897813367017910} + - {fileID: 710180646302904240} + - {fileID: 6218400955019612656} + - {fileID: 5420361769342515430} + m_Father: {fileID: 0} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!33 &2976228652474674049 +MeshFilter: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 7083580946541077412} + m_Mesh: {fileID: -3136520972594206927, guid: 0a36124d4c0f5344f8caa101dd9698bc, type: 3} +--- !u!23 &8822896210648782712 +MeshRenderer: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 7083580946541077412} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_CastShadows: 0 + m_ReceiveShadows: 1 + m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 + m_MotionVectors: 1 + m_LightProbeUsage: 1 + m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 + m_RayTracingMode: 2 + m_RayTraceProcedural: 0 + m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 + m_RendererPriority: 0 + m_Materials: + - {fileID: 2100000, guid: 695c4de41b9578049a93f19b1eef7213, type: 2} + m_StaticBatchInfo: + firstSubMesh: 0 + subMeshCount: 0 + m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0} + m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0} + m_LightProbeVolumeOverride: {fileID: 0} + m_ScaleInLightmap: 1 + m_ReceiveGI: 1 + m_PreserveUVs: 0 + m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0 + m_ImportantGI: 0 + m_StitchLightmapSeams: 1 + m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 3 + m_MinimumChartSize: 4 + m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5 + m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89 + m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} + m_SortingLayerID: 0 + m_SortingLayer: 0 + m_SortingOrder: 0 + m_AdditionalVertexStreams: {fileID: 0} +--- !u!65 &4227944060426733218 +BoxCollider: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 7083580946541077412} + m_Material: {fileID: 0} + m_IsTrigger: 0 + m_Enabled: 1 + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Size: {x: 0.0401574, y: 0.55074775, z: 0.19200845} + m_Center: {x: 0.0010162629, y: 0.11615805, z: 0.026164286} +--- !u!54 &126800847365310216 +Rigidbody: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 7083580946541077412} + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Mass: 1 + m_Drag: 0 + m_AngularDrag: 0.05 + m_UseGravity: 1 + m_IsKinematic: 0 + m_Interpolate: 0 + m_Constraints: 0 + m_CollisionDetection: 0 +--- !u!114 &8151888909205555184 +MonoBehaviour: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 7083580946541077412} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_EditorHideFlags: 0 + m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 31f69105775d221409591f2e3dcf4c98, type: 3} + m_Name: + m_EditorClassIdentifier: + singleHandHold: 5 + twoHandHold: 0 + singleHandHoldHarm: 5 + twoHandHoldHarm: 0 + singleHandHoldThrow: 0 + twoHandHoldThrow: 0 + primaryRightHandHold: {fileID: 710180646302904240} + secondaryRightHandHold: {fileID: 0} + primaryLeftHandHold: {fileID: 6218400955019612656} + secondaryLeftHandHold: {fileID: 0} + canHoldTwoHand: 0 +--- !u!114 &8406273259132062593 +MonoBehaviour: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 7083580946541077412} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_EditorHideFlags: 0 + m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 85e2402d4e97e674f8b10465445380ef, type: 3} + m_Name: + m_EditorClassIdentifier: + interactionPoint: {fileID: 5420361769342515430} +--- !u!1 &7657702119968330138 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 710180646302904240} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: RightHold + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &710180646302904240 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 7657702119968330138} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0.37992823, y: 0.37992823, z: 0.59636784, w: 0.59636784} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.1, y: -0.025, z: -0.1} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 6059231077323018679} + m_RootOrder: 1 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyWrench.prefab.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyWrench.prefab.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eb9bade2e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/DummyWrench.prefab.meta @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 1d33613236e95b84eae931dfa0e9cd81 +PrefabImporter: + externalObjects: {} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/Grab.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/Grab.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ac5db8f6aa --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/Grab.cs @@ -0,0 +1,194 @@ +using DummyStuff; +using System; +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using UnityEngine; +using UnityEngine.Animations.Rigging; + +public class Grab : MonoBehaviour +{ + public float grabRange = 2f; + public LayerMask grabbableLayer; + + private GameObject grabbedObject; + + private FixedJoint fixedJoint; + + [SerializeField] + private float _jointBreakForce = 250f; + + [SerializeField] + private DummyHands _hands; + + [SerializeField] + private HoldController holdController; + + [SerializeField] + private float itemReachDuration; + + [SerializeField] + private float itemMoveDuration; + + [SerializeField] + private DummyHands hands; + + [SerializeField] + private Transform lookAtTargetLocker; + + public MultiAimConstraint lookAtConstraint; + + public event EventHandler OnGrab; + + void Update() + { + if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.G)) + { + if (grabbedObject == null) + { + TryGrab(); + } + else + { + ReleaseGrab(); + } + } + } + + void TryGrab() + { + RaycastHit hit; + Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); + + if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, grabbableLayer)) + { + + Debug.DrawRay(ray.origin, ray.direction*5, Color.green, 2f); + + grabbedObject = hit.transform.gameObject; + Debug.Log("grabbed object = " + grabbedObject); + + if (grabbedObject.TryGetComponent(out GrabbableBodyPart bodyPart)) + { + StartCoroutine(GrabObject(_hands.SelectedHand, _hands.UnselectedHand, bodyPart)); + } + + } + } + + + private IEnumerator GrabObject(DummyHand mainHand, DummyHand secondaryHand, GrabbableBodyPart bodyPart) + { + SetUpGrab(bodyPart, mainHand, secondaryHand, false); + + yield return GrabReach(bodyPart, mainHand, secondaryHand, false); + yield return GrabPullBack(bodyPart, mainHand, secondaryHand, false); + + } + + private void OnJointBreak(float breakForce) + { + Debug.Log("A joint has just been broken!, force: " + breakForce); + ReleaseGrab(); + } + + void ReleaseGrab() + { + if (grabbedObject != null) + { + Rigidbody grabbedRb = grabbedObject.GetComponent(); + if (grabbedRb != null) + { + grabbedRb.detectCollisions = true; // Enable collisions again + } + Destroy(fixedJoint); + //grabbedObject.transform.parent = null; + grabbedObject = null; + + OnGrab?.Invoke(this, false); + } + } + + private void SetUpGrab(GrabbableBodyPart item, DummyHand mainHand, DummyHand secondaryHand, bool withTwoHands) + { + + mainHand.SetParentTransformTargetLocker(TargetLockerType.Pickup, grabbedObject.transform); + + // Needed if this has been changed elsewhere + mainHand.pickupIkConstraint.data.tipRotationWeight = 1f; + + // Reproduce changes on secondary hand if necessary. + if (withTwoHands) + { + secondaryHand.pickupIkConstraint.data.tipRotationWeight = 1f; + } + + // Set up the look at target locker on the item to pick up. + lookAtTargetLocker.parent = item.transform; + lookAtTargetLocker.localPosition = Vector3.zero; + lookAtTargetLocker.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; + + OrientTargetForHandRotation(mainHand); + } + + private IEnumerator GrabReach(GrabbableBodyPart item, DummyHand mainHand, DummyHand secondaryHand, bool withTwoHands) + { + if (GetComponent().Position != PositionType.Sitting) + { + StartCoroutine(DummyTransformHelper.OrientTransformTowardTarget(transform, item.transform, itemReachDuration, false, true)); + } + + if (mainHand.handBone.transform.position.y - item.transform.position.y > 0.3) + { + GetComponent().Crouch(true); + + yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.25f); + } + + StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.ModifyValueOverTime(x => lookAtConstraint.weight = x, 0f, 1f, itemReachDuration)); + + yield return CoroutineHelper.ModifyValueOverTime(x => mainHand.pickupIkConstraint.weight = x, + 0f, 1f, itemReachDuration); + } + + private IEnumerator GrabPullBack(GrabbableBodyPart item, DummyHand mainHand, DummyHand secondaryHand, bool withTwoHands) + { + // those two lines necessary to smooth pulling back + mainHand.SetParentTransformTargetLocker(TargetLockerType.Pickup, null, false, false); + mainHand.pickupTargetLocker.transform.position = item.transform.position; + + GetComponent().Crouch(false); + grabbedObject.transform.position = mainHand.holdTransform.position; + fixedJoint = mainHand.handBone.gameObject.AddComponent(); + Rigidbody grabbedRb = grabbedObject.GetComponent(); + fixedJoint.connectedBody = grabbedRb; + grabbedRb.velocity = Vector3.zero; + fixedJoint.breakForce = _jointBreakForce; + grabbedRb.detectCollisions = false; // Disable collisions between the two characters + + StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.ModifyValueOverTime(x => lookAtConstraint.weight = x, 1f, 0f, itemReachDuration)); + + yield return CoroutineHelper.ModifyValueOverTime(x => mainHand.pickupIkConstraint.weight = x, + 1f, 0f, itemMoveDuration); + + Debug.Log("Grabbed object is " + grabbedObject.name); + OnGrab?.Invoke(this, true); + + } + + /// + /// Create a rotation of the IK target to make sure the hand reach in a natural way the item. + /// The rotation is such that it's Y axis is aligned with the line crossing through the character shoulder and IK target. + /// + private void OrientTargetForHandRotation(DummyHand hand) + { + Vector3 armTargetDirection = hand.pickupTargetLocker.position - hand.upperArm.position; + + Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(armTargetDirection.normalized, Vector3.down); + + targetRotation *= Quaternion.AngleAxis(90f, Vector3.right); + + hand.pickupTargetLocker.rotation = targetRotation; + } + + +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/Grab.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/Grab.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6d735cdc2f --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/Grab.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: ef0c8ff544750ff4390400a1a6276bcf +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/GrabbableBodyPart.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/GrabbableBodyPart.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9196984a13 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/GrabbableBodyPart.cs @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using UnityEngine; + +namespace DummyStuff +{ + public class GrabbableBodyPart : MonoBehaviour, IHoldProvider + { + public HandHoldType handHold = HandHoldType.DoubleHandGun; + + public Transform GetHold(bool primary, HandType handType) + { + return transform; + } + + public HandHoldType GetHoldType(bool withTwoHands, Intent intent, bool toThrow) + { + return handHold; + } + + public bool CanHoldTwoHand => true; + + public GameObject GameObject => gameObject; + } +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/GrabbableBodyPart.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/GrabbableBodyPart.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7e7b2504bc --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/GrabbableBodyPart.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: e2dc83a277ae1b64fa0aafb202cb52a3 +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/HandHoldType.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/HandHoldType.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4844c4efff --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/HandHoldType.cs @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using UnityEngine; + +public enum HandHoldType +{ + None, + Toolbox, + Shoulder, + DoubleHandGun, + DoubleHandGunHarm, + SmallItem, + ThrowToolBox, +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/HandHoldType.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/HandHoldType.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c3f0ebc09d --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/HandHoldType.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 32bc99ed53f5f6a4fb70a5d8cea2552d +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/HandType.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/HandType.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ba81932ce0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/HandType.cs @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using UnityEngine; + +public enum HandType +{ + LeftHand = 0, + RightHand = 1, +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/HandType.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/HandType.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e88457ed11 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/HandType.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 7f3fcefccd737ba42a907405bd444216 +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/HoldController.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/HoldController.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..97d519b9fb --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/HoldController.cs @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using UnityEngine; + + +namespace DummyStuff +{ + /// + /// Handle moving around the hold target lockers. + /// + public class HoldController : MonoBehaviour + { + public IntentController intents; + + public DummyHands hands; + + public DummyPickUp pickup; + + // Hold positions + + public Transform gunHoldRight; + + public Transform gunHoldLeft; + + public Transform toolboxHoldRight; + + public Transform toolBoxHoldLeft; + + public Transform shoulderHoldRight; + + public Transform shoulderHoldLeft; + + public Transform gunHoldHarmRight; + + public Transform gunHoldHarmLeft; + + public Transform throwToolboxLeft; + + public Transform throwToolboxRight; + + public Transform smallItemRight; + + public Transform smallItemLeft; + + private sealed record HoldAndOffset(HandHoldType HandHoldType, Transform HoldTarget, Vector3 Offset, HandType PrimaryHand); + + private readonly List _holdData = new List(); + + [SerializeField] + private DummyThrow throwController; + + private void Start() + { + Debug.Log("start hold controller"); + + intents.OnIntentChange += HandleIntentChange; + + _holdData.Add(new(HandHoldType.DoubleHandGun, gunHoldLeft, new Vector3(0.15f, -0.08f, 0.26f), HandType.LeftHand)); + _holdData.Add(new(HandHoldType.DoubleHandGun, gunHoldRight, new Vector3(-0.15f, -0.08f, 0.26f), HandType.RightHand)); + _holdData.Add(new(HandHoldType.Toolbox, toolBoxHoldLeft, new Vector3(-0.1f, -0.4f, 0.1f), HandType.LeftHand)); + _holdData.Add(new(HandHoldType.Toolbox, toolboxHoldRight, new Vector3(0.1f, -0.4f, 0.1f), HandType.RightHand)); + _holdData.Add(new(HandHoldType.Shoulder, shoulderHoldLeft, new Vector3(0f, 0.18f, 0f), HandType.LeftHand)); + _holdData.Add(new(HandHoldType.Shoulder, shoulderHoldRight, new Vector3(0f, 0.18f, 0f), HandType.RightHand)); + _holdData.Add(new(HandHoldType.DoubleHandGunHarm, gunHoldHarmLeft, new Vector3(0f, -0.07f, 0.18f), HandType.LeftHand)); + _holdData.Add(new(HandHoldType.DoubleHandGunHarm, gunHoldHarmRight, new Vector3(0f, -0.07f, 0.18f), HandType.RightHand)); + _holdData.Add(new(HandHoldType.SmallItem, smallItemLeft, new Vector3(0f, -0.35f, 0.25f), HandType.LeftHand)); + _holdData.Add(new(HandHoldType.SmallItem, smallItemRight, new Vector3(0f, -0.35f, 0.25f), HandType.RightHand)); + _holdData.Add(new(HandHoldType.ThrowToolBox, throwToolboxLeft, new Vector3(-0.23f, 0.3f, -0.03f), HandType.LeftHand)); + _holdData.Add(new(HandHoldType.ThrowToolBox, throwToolboxRight, new Vector3(0.23f, 0.3f, -0.03f), HandType.RightHand)); + } + + // TODO : add a handle for selected hand change, and update only visually the intent for selected hand + private void HandleIntentChange(object sender, Intent e) + { + DummyHand mainHand = hands.SelectedHand; + DummyHand secondaryHand = hands.GetOtherHand(hands.SelectedHand.handType); + + if (mainHand.Full && secondaryHand.Empty && mainHand.Item.CanHoldTwoHand) + { + UpdateItemPositionConstraintAndRotation(mainHand, mainHand.Item, + true, 0.25f, throwController.IsAiming); + } + else if (mainHand.Full) + { + UpdateItemPositionConstraintAndRotation(mainHand,mainHand.Item, + false, 0.25f, throwController.IsAiming); + } + + + if (secondaryHand.Full && mainHand.Empty && secondaryHand.Item.CanHoldTwoHand) + { + UpdateItemPositionConstraintAndRotation(secondaryHand, secondaryHand.Item, + true, 0.25f, throwController.IsAiming); + } + else if (secondaryHand.Full) + { + UpdateItemPositionConstraintAndRotation(secondaryHand, secondaryHand.Item, + false, 0.25f, throwController.IsAiming); + + } + + } + + public void UpdateItemPositionConstraintAndRotation(DummyHand hand, IHoldProvider item, bool withTwoHands, + float duration, bool toThrow) + { + if (item == null) + return; + + HandHoldType itemHoldType = item.GetHoldType(withTwoHands, intents.Intent, toThrow); + + Transform hold = TargetFromHoldTypeAndHand(itemHoldType, hand.handType); + + Vector3 startingOffset = hand.itemPositionConstraint.data.offset; + Vector3 finalOffset = OffsetFromHoldTypeAndHand(itemHoldType, hand.handType); + + StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.ModifyVector3OverTime(x => hand.itemPositionConstraint.data.offset = x, startingOffset, finalOffset, duration)); + + Quaternion startingRotation = hand.itemPositionConstraint.data.constrainedObject.localRotation; + Quaternion finalRotation = hold.localRotation; + + StartCoroutine(CoroutineHelper.ModifyQuaternionOverTime(x => hand.itemPositionConstraint.data.constrainedObject.localRotation = x, startingRotation, finalRotation, duration)); + } + + + public void MovePickupAndHoldTargetLocker(DummyHand hand, bool secondary, IHoldProvider holdProvider) + { + Transform parent = holdProvider.GetHold(!secondary, hand.handType); + + hand.SetParentTransformTargetLocker(TargetLockerType.Pickup, parent); + hand.SetParentTransformTargetLocker(TargetLockerType.Hold, parent); + } + + private Transform TargetFromHoldTypeAndHand(HandHoldType handHoldType, HandType selectedHand) + { + return _holdData.First(x => x.HandHoldType == handHoldType && x.PrimaryHand == selectedHand).HoldTarget; + } + + private Vector3 OffsetFromHoldTypeAndHand(HandHoldType handHoldType, HandType selectedHand) + { + return _holdData.First(x => x.HandHoldType == handHoldType && x.PrimaryHand == selectedHand).Offset; + } + + + } +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/HoldController.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/HoldController.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4d41d2a4d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/HoldController.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 3e8bd2aad239e974bb1bc493f8db6eeb +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/IHoldProvider.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/IHoldProvider.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eebd585e76 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/IHoldProvider.cs @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using UnityEngine; + +namespace DummyStuff +{ + public interface IHoldProvider + { + public Transform GetHold(bool primary, HandType handType); + + public HandHoldType GetHoldType(bool withTwoHands, Intent intent, bool toThrow); + + public bool CanHoldTwoHand + { + get; + } + + public GameObject GameObject + { + get; + } + } +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/IHoldProvider.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/IHoldProvider.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8ca5b5bf30 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/IHoldProvider.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 2d75cc2d41e07504fbccac4cc4b1ea51 +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/Intent.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/Intent.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..acfcbfc9e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/Intent.cs @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using UnityEngine; + +public enum Intent +{ + Def, + Harm, +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/Intent.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/Intent.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6dce36049a --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/Intent.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: ed7ba18dd252ce84aa6d42d50d2412d8 +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/IntentController.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/IntentController.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..15103aab54 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/IntentController.cs @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using UnityEngine; + +public class IntentController : MonoBehaviour +{ + private Intent _intent; + + public Intent Intent => _intent; + + public event EventHandler OnIntentChange; + + // Update is called once per frame + private void Update() + { + if (!Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) + return; + + _intent = _intent == Intent.Def ? Intent.Harm : Intent.Def; + + OnIntentChange?.Invoke(this, _intent); + + Debug.Log($"Selected intent is {_intent}"); + } +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/IntentController.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/IntentController.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..063e63b39f --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/IntentController.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: db6af52064ed47940b6006e55ae72e8c +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/Lockbox.prefab b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/Lockbox.prefab new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5205e87308 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/Lockbox.prefab @@ -0,0 +1,374 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!1 &1752000269568776668 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 2204406063454447091} + m_Layer: 10 + m_Name: LeftHold + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &2204406063454447091 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 1752000269568776668} + m_LocalRotation: {x: -0.00000003090862, y: -0.7071068, z: 0.7071067, w: -0.000000030908616} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.00015, y: -0.00001, z: 0.00016} + m_LocalScale: {x: 0.01, y: 0.0100000035, z: 0.0100000035} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: 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singleHandHold: 1 + twoHandHold: 0 + singleHandHoldHarm: 1 + twoHandHoldHarm: 0 + singleHandHoldThrow: 6 + twoHandHoldThrow: 0 + primaryRightHandHold: {fileID: 7953447399335132088} + secondaryRightHandHold: {fileID: 7953447399335132088} + primaryLeftHandHold: {fileID: 2204406063454447091} + secondaryLeftHandHold: {fileID: 2204406063454447091} + interactionPoint: {fileID: 0} + canHoldTwoHand: 0 + canHoldOneHand: 1 +--- !u!1 &4390076505740147651 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 7953447399335132088} + m_Layer: 10 + m_Name: RightHold + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &7953447399335132088 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 4390076505740147651} + m_LocalRotation: {x: -0.00000003090862, y: -0.7071068, z: 0.7071067, w: -0.000000030908616} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.00015, y: 0.00003, z: -0.0001} + m_LocalScale: {x: 0.01, y: 0.0100000035, z: 0.0100000035} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 4311050755561449067} + m_RootOrder: 1 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: -20, y: 90, z: 0} +--- !u!1 &5027841859544899195 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 6043879427726391691} + - component: {fileID: 8460507463974069973} + - component: {fileID: 8575520750674287239} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: LockboxLid + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &6043879427726391691 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + 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m_ScaleInLightmap: 1 + m_ReceiveGI: 1 + m_PreserveUVs: 0 + m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0 + m_ImportantGI: 0 + m_StitchLightmapSeams: 1 + m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 3 + m_MinimumChartSize: 4 + m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5 + m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89 + m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} + m_SortingLayerID: 0 + m_SortingLayer: 0 + m_SortingOrder: 0 + m_AdditionalVertexStreams: {fileID: 0} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/Lockbox.prefab.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/Lockbox.prefab.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..73446d115d --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/Lockbox.prefab.meta @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 7a6fb87ec553b4941bde46759daec513 +PrefabImporter: + externalObjects: {} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/M4.fbx 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animationImportWarnings: + animationRetargetingWarnings: + animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0 + importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0 + importConstraints: 0 + animationCompression: 1 + animationRotationError: 0.5 + animationPositionError: 0.5 + animationScaleError: 0.5 + animationWrapMode: 0 + extraExposedTransformPaths: [] + extraUserProperties: [] + clipAnimations: [] + isReadable: 0 + meshes: + lODScreenPercentages: [] + globalScale: 1 + meshCompression: 0 + addColliders: 0 + useSRGBMaterialColor: 1 + sortHierarchyByName: 1 + importVisibility: 1 + importBlendShapes: 1 + importCameras: 1 + importLights: 1 + nodeNameCollisionStrategy: 1 + fileIdsGeneration: 2 + swapUVChannels: 0 + generateSecondaryUV: 0 + useFileUnits: 1 + keepQuads: 0 + weldVertices: 1 + bakeAxisConversion: 0 + preserveHierarchy: 0 + skinWeightsMode: 0 + maxBonesPerVertex: 4 + minBoneWeight: 0.001 + optimizeBones: 1 + meshOptimizationFlags: -1 + indexFormat: 0 + secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 + secondaryUVAreaDistortion: 15.000001 + secondaryUVHardAngle: 88 + secondaryUVMarginMethod: 1 + secondaryUVMinLightmapResolution: 40 + secondaryUVMinObjectScale: 1 + secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 + useFileScale: 1 + tangentSpace: + normalSmoothAngle: 60 + normalImportMode: 0 + tangentImportMode: 3 + normalCalculationMode: 4 + legacyComputeAllNormalsFromSmoothingGroupsWhenMeshHasBlendShapes: 0 + blendShapeNormalImportMode: 1 + normalSmoothingSource: 0 + referencedClips: [] + importAnimation: 1 + humanDescription: + serializedVersion: 3 + human: [] + skeleton: [] + armTwist: 0.5 + foreArmTwist: 0.5 + upperLegTwist: 0.5 + legTwist: 0.5 + armStretch: 0.05 + legStretch: 0.05 + feetSpacing: 0 + globalScale: 1 + rootMotionBoneName: + hasTranslationDoF: 0 + hasExtraRoot: 0 + skeletonHasParents: 1 + lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {instanceID: 0} + autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1 + animationType: 2 + humanoidOversampling: 1 + avatarSetup: 0 + addHumanoidExtraRootOnlyWhenUsingAvatar: 1 + 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UnityEngine.CoreModule + name: Palette05 + second: {fileID: -8532224439395276194, guid: 55bfb87dbe7c9a649a038d4302dd1ee4, type: 3} + materials: + materialImportMode: 2 + materialName: 0 + materialSearch: 1 + materialLocation: 1 + animations: + legacyGenerateAnimations: 4 + bakeSimulation: 0 + resampleCurves: 1 + optimizeGameObjects: 0 + removeConstantScaleCurves: 1 + motionNodeName: + rigImportErrors: + rigImportWarnings: + animationImportErrors: + animationImportWarnings: + animationRetargetingWarnings: + animationDoRetargetingWarnings: 0 + importAnimatedCustomProperties: 0 + importConstraints: 0 + animationCompression: 1 + animationRotationError: 0.5 + animationPositionError: 0.5 + animationScaleError: 0.5 + animationWrapMode: 0 + extraExposedTransformPaths: [] + extraUserProperties: [] + clipAnimations: [] + isReadable: 0 + meshes: + lODScreenPercentages: [] + globalScale: 1 + meshCompression: 0 + addColliders: 0 + useSRGBMaterialColor: 1 + sortHierarchyByName: 1 + importVisibility: 1 + importBlendShapes: 1 + importCameras: 1 + importLights: 1 + nodeNameCollisionStrategy: 1 + fileIdsGeneration: 2 + swapUVChannels: 0 + generateSecondaryUV: 0 + useFileUnits: 1 + keepQuads: 0 + weldVertices: 1 + bakeAxisConversion: 0 + preserveHierarchy: 0 + skinWeightsMode: 0 + maxBonesPerVertex: 4 + minBoneWeight: 0.001 + optimizeBones: 1 + meshOptimizationFlags: -1 + indexFormat: 0 + secondaryUVAngleDistortion: 8 + secondaryUVAreaDistortion: 15.000001 + secondaryUVHardAngle: 88 + secondaryUVMarginMethod: 1 + secondaryUVMinLightmapResolution: 40 + secondaryUVMinObjectScale: 1 + secondaryUVPackMargin: 4 + useFileScale: 1 + tangentSpace: + normalSmoothAngle: 60 + normalImportMode: 0 + tangentImportMode: 3 + normalCalculationMode: 4 + legacyComputeAllNormalsFromSmoothingGroupsWhenMeshHasBlendShapes: 0 + blendShapeNormalImportMode: 1 + normalSmoothingSource: 0 + referencedClips: [] + importAnimation: 1 + humanDescription: + serializedVersion: 3 + human: [] + skeleton: [] + armTwist: 0.5 + foreArmTwist: 0.5 + upperLegTwist: 0.5 + legTwist: 0.5 + armStretch: 0.05 + legStretch: 0.05 + feetSpacing: 0 + globalScale: 1 + rootMotionBoneName: + hasTranslationDoF: 0 + hasExtraRoot: 0 + skeletonHasParents: 1 + lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {instanceID: 0} + autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1 + animationType: 2 + humanoidOversampling: 1 + avatarSetup: 0 + addHumanoidExtraRootOnlyWhenUsingAvatar: 1 + remapMaterialsIfMaterialImportModeIsNone: 0 + additionalBone: 0 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/M41APulseRifle.prefab b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/M41APulseRifle.prefab new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cc2beb660b --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/M41APulseRifle.prefab @@ -0,0 +1,565 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!1 &2102241131179723173 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 578775225469857158} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: LeftHandHold + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &578775225469857158 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 2102241131179723173} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0.7133665, y: -0.58096975, z: -0.23146646, w: 0.31623688} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.049, y: -0.017, z: -0.24} + m_LocalScale: {x: 0.87000006, y: 0.87000006, z: 0.87000006} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 2473403743414239438} + m_RootOrder: 4 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: -1.923, y: -222.993, z: -255.334} +--- !u!1 &2388702314099434615 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 9032172292944705145} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: RightHandHold + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &9032172292944705145 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 2388702314099434615} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0.7326517, y: 0.573351, z: 0.29957002, w: 0.21153696} + m_LocalPosition: {x: -0.063, y: 0, z: -0.202} + m_LocalScale: {x: 0.8700001, y: 0.8700003, z: 0.8700004} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 2473403743414239438} + m_RootOrder: 3 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: -1.923, y: -222.993, z: -255.334} +--- !u!1 &2611516039811602363 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 4608437837367013180} + - component: {fileID: 4167166303248395878} + - component: {fileID: 2271473958189411704} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: M41A + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &4608437837367013180 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 2611516039811602363} + m_LocalRotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 100, y: 100, z: 100} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 2473403743414239438} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!33 &4167166303248395878 +MeshFilter: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 2611516039811602363} + m_Mesh: {fileID: 6671553594780991141, guid: b8f7f1ba9607e994cb1565d3efdddfb7, type: 3} +--- !u!23 &2271473958189411704 +MeshRenderer: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 2611516039811602363} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_CastShadows: 1 + m_ReceiveShadows: 1 + m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 + m_MotionVectors: 1 + m_LightProbeUsage: 1 + m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 + m_RayTracingMode: 2 + m_RayTraceProcedural: 0 + m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 + m_RendererPriority: 0 + m_Materials: + - {fileID: -8532224439395276194, guid: 55bfb87dbe7c9a649a038d4302dd1ee4, type: 3} + m_StaticBatchInfo: + firstSubMesh: 0 + subMeshCount: 0 + m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0} + m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0} + m_LightProbeVolumeOverride: {fileID: 0} + m_ScaleInLightmap: 1 + m_ReceiveGI: 1 + 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0.39905524, y: 0.61362803, z: -0.40032518, w: 0.5513215} + m_LocalPosition: {x: -0.135, y: -0.121, z: 0.219} + m_LocalScale: {x: 0.87, y: 0.87, z: 0.87} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 2473403743414239438} + m_RootOrder: 6 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 111.35901, y: -438.667, z: -532.375} +--- !u!1 &2961287406980143732 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 2473403743414239438} + - component: {fileID: 6958633165498141930} + - component: {fileID: 5173210244780907538} + - component: {fileID: 3833387326287817298} + - component: {fileID: 6781624455850948555} + - component: {fileID: 7724723838946711481} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: M41APulseRifle + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &2473403743414239438 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 2961287406980143732} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: + - {fileID: 4608437837367013180} + - {fileID: 1962784628461248722} + - {fileID: 5441602990394467797} + - {fileID: 9032172292944705145} + - {fileID: 578775225469857158} + - {fileID: 3556878506697705688} + - {fileID: 2525255604296202406} + - {fileID: 2876824034063606500} + - {fileID: 717531480084463884} + m_Father: {fileID: 0} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!54 &6958633165498141930 +Rigidbody: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 2961287406980143732} + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Mass: 15 + m_Drag: 0 + 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z: 0.188} + m_LocalScale: {x: 0.87, y: 0.87, z: 0.8699999} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 2473403743414239438} + m_RootOrder: 5 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 37.431, y: -22.778, z: 60.502} +--- !u!1 &6363716211782442514 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 5441602990394467797} + - component: {fileID: 8574530815997003606} + - component: {fileID: 3855106966642431167} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: M41A.Magazine + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &5441602990394467797 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 6363716211782442514} + m_LocalRotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: 0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + 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&2073981165380953066 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 1417288301223159961} + m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: 1, w: -0.00000004371139} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.009, y: 0.338, z: 0.01} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 224735173051271293} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: -20, y: 90, z: 0} +--- !u!1 &3788856096106637085 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 7823567179688697144} + - component: {fileID: 936307700466604777} + - component: {fileID: 8433036495006039943} + m_Layer: 10 + m_Name: Front + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 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-0.00000004371139} + m_LocalPosition: {x: -0.093, y: 0.31, z: 0.047} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 224735173051271293} + m_RootOrder: 1 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: -20, y: -90, z: 0} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/Medkit.prefab.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/Medkit.prefab.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c4f32b4beb --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/Medkit.prefab.meta @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: dceec64367f0f7749b49faf42b98df04 +PrefabImporter: + externalObjects: {} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/MovementController.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/MovementController.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a9cbc7091c --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/MovementController.cs @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +using System; +using UnityEngine; + +namespace DummyStuff +{ + public class MovementController : MonoBehaviour + { + public float moveSpeed = 5f; + + private Rigidbody rb; + + [SerializeField] + private Transform _camera; + + + public event Action OnSpeedChangeEvent; + + private void Start() + { + rb = GetComponent(); + } + + private void LateUpdate() + { + // Movement + float horizontalInput = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"); + float verticalInput = Input.GetAxis("Vertical"); + + Vector3 moveDirection = verticalInput * Vector3.Cross(_camera.transform.right, Vector3.up).normalized + + horizontalInput * Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, _camera.transform.forward).normalized; + + Vector3 moveVelocity = moveDirection * moveSpeed; + + OnSpeedChangeEvent?.Invoke(moveDirection.magnitude); + + rb.velocity = new Vector3(moveVelocity.x, rb.velocity.y, moveVelocity.z); + + if (rb.velocity.magnitude > 0.1f) + { + transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(rb.velocity.normalized, Vector3.up); + } + } + } +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/MovementController.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/MovementController.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8622ed88ba --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/MovementController.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: f39894eea07f00347a9921a9bfb62f8a +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/MovementType.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/MovementType.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3ff3451a3d --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/MovementType.cs @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using UnityEngine; + +namespace DummyStuff +{ + public enum MovementType + { + Normal, + Aiming, + Dragging, + } +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/MovementType.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/MovementType.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c2b5abf35f --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/MovementType.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: b79eb7739dea7474ebf8eb8241887048 +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/PositionType.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/PositionType.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2fef260114 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/PositionType.cs @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using UnityEngine; + +public enum PositionType +{ + Standing, + Sitting, + Crawling +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/PositionType.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/PositionType.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8fc16468d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/PositionType.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: ac5f5d765a785b34c8662cd8a6e41c02 +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/RagdollHuman.prefab b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/RagdollHuman.prefab new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c1b9ce4193 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/RagdollHuman.prefab @@ -0,0 +1,6890 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!1 &28553505085136710 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 5214808423015347675} + - component: {fileID: 6395802226842560218} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: Human Head + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &5214808423015347675 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 28553505085136710} + m_LocalRotation: {x: -0.7071068, y: -0, z: -0, w: 0.7071067} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 1.4351747, z: 0.045652077} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + 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+ m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 + m_RendererPriority: 0 + m_Materials: + - {fileID: 2100000, guid: 695c4de41b9578049a93f19b1eef7213, type: 2} + m_StaticBatchInfo: + firstSubMesh: 0 + subMeshCount: 0 + m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0} + m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0} + m_LightProbeVolumeOverride: {fileID: 0} + m_ScaleInLightmap: 1 + m_ReceiveGI: 1 + m_PreserveUVs: 0 + m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0 + m_ImportantGI: 0 + m_StitchLightmapSeams: 1 + m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 3 + m_MinimumChartSize: 4 + m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5 + m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89 + m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} + m_SortingLayerID: 0 + m_SortingLayer: 0 + m_SortingOrder: 0 + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Quality: 0 + m_UpdateWhenOffscreen: 0 + m_SkinnedMotionVectors: 1 + m_Mesh: {fileID: 2967092149522876847, guid: f553c8289710b5e4dab99c3bcbbb802e, type: 3} + m_Bones: + - {fileID: 4908245572900518650} + - {fileID: 4935685690153203268} + - {fileID: 1017775143734257863} + - {fileID: 253132330506228819} + - {fileID: 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+ m_EnableProjection: 1 + m_ProjectionDistance: 0.1 + m_ProjectionAngle: 180 + m_BreakForce: Infinity + m_BreakTorque: Infinity + m_EnableCollision: 0 + m_EnablePreprocessing: 0 + m_MassScale: 1 + m_ConnectedMassScale: 1 +--- !u!114 &4403542986211833573 +MonoBehaviour: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 4244204536568585990} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_EditorHideFlags: 0 + m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: b4bbceddada87bc41b3e8ce5e6910209, type: 3} + m_Name: + m_EditorClassIdentifier: +--- !u!1 &4290570655108936960 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 1356062289102228163} + - component: {fileID: 6806694618410802931} + - component: {fileID: 9174750253558689685} + - component: {fileID: 8744853851640751040} + - 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5019523416897727188} + - {fileID: 7351323762858869663} + - {fileID: 5509750715845866455} + - {fileID: 4769492535242607855} + - {fileID: 3004353464361036338} + m_BlendShapeWeights: [] + m_RootBone: {fileID: 4908245572900518650} + m_AABB: + m_Center: {x: 0.0000007748604, y: -0.07721457, z: 0.03935805} + m_Extent: {x: 0.7920502, y: 0.8325167, z: 0.20210114} + m_DirtyAABB: 0 +--- !u!1 &4947274096606166738 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 8394134953737797165} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: c_middle3_l + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &8394134953737797165 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 4947274096606166738} + 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m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 8961057847220333757} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0.16982016, y: 0.068780504, z: -0.06667549, w: 0.98080826} + m_LocalPosition: {x: -0.000000078231096, y: 0.03458134, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1.0000002, z: 1.0000001} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 9053964615896966728} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!1 &9049902906925560918 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 471770452584335936} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: c_ring1_l + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &471770452584335936 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + 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&3004353464361036338 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 9193960460095525026} + m_LocalRotation: {x: -0.000018898356, y: -0.0012340068, z: 0.00016188105, w: 0.9999992} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.00001617195, y: 0.12847266, z: -0.000006655231} + m_LocalScale: {x: 0.99999994, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 8904756633781769442} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/RagdollHuman.prefab.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/RagdollHuman.prefab.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1beb425f80 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/RagdollHuman.prefab.meta @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: b44efd6affb3eb142aa0695994066860 +PrefabImporter: + externalObjects: {} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/RigBuild.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/RigBuild.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cfe7d3e9df --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/RigBuild.cs @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using UnityEngine; +using UnityEngine.Animations.Rigging; + +/// +/// Necessary class to initialize the rig builder, because some target for the rigs need to be taken +/// out of the Human prefab, as they should not depend on the player movement, but also it's convenient to +/// pack them in the human prefab. +/// +public class RigBuild : MonoBehaviour +{ + [SerializeField] + private Transform rightPickupTargetLocker; + + [SerializeField] + private Transform leftPickupTargetLocker; + + [SerializeField] + private Transform rightHoldTargetLocker; + + [SerializeField] + private Transform leftHoldTargetLocker; + + [SerializeField] + private Transform lookAtTargetLocker; + + [SerializeField] + private Transform leftPlaceTarget; + + [SerializeField] + private Transform rightPlaceTarget; + + // Start is called before the first frame update + void Start() + { + rightPickupTargetLocker.transform.parent = null; + leftPickupTargetLocker.transform.parent = null; + rightHoldTargetLocker.transform.parent = null; + leftHoldTargetLocker.transform.parent = null; + lookAtTargetLocker.transform.parent = null; + leftPlaceTarget.transform.parent = null; + rightPlaceTarget.transform.parent = null; + + var animator = GetComponent(); + var rigBuilder = GetComponent(); + + rigBuilder.Build(); + animator.Rebind(); + + } + + // Update is called once per frame + void Update() + { + + } +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/RigBuild.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/RigBuild.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1f644cc9dc --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/RigBuild.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 8df1dc343eea91c43959b82be0531a3b +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/TargetLockerType.cs b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/TargetLockerType.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dfcb70df94 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/TargetLockerType.cs @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using UnityEngine; + +public enum TargetLockerType +{ + Pickup, + Hold, + ItemPosition, +} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/TargetLockerType.cs.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/TargetLockerType.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ba3027d7ba --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/TargetLockerType.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 1fe0b1350c4443c4ca6678ceea25951d +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/UnboltedGirder.prefab b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/UnboltedGirder.prefab new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..349d9e11b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/UnboltedGirder.prefab @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!1 &5738930964600721757 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 6236848257757615588} + - component: {fileID: -2761067114669920308} + - component: {fileID: -1884791779627940337} + - component: {fileID: -3829596297792488873} + - component: {fileID: 956685593046900742} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: UnboltedGirder + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!4 &6236848257757615588 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 5738930964600721757} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: -2.1537132, y: 0.71510947, z: 1.2442703} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 0} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!33 &-2761067114669920308 +MeshFilter: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 5738930964600721757} + m_Mesh: {fileID: -3462111060628849216, guid: 9c0b392ffb24ca248a002fe36b08bae8, type: 3} +--- !u!23 &-1884791779627940337 +MeshRenderer: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 5738930964600721757} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_CastShadows: 1 + m_ReceiveShadows: 1 + m_DynamicOccludee: 1 + m_StaticShadowCaster: 0 + m_MotionVectors: 1 + m_LightProbeUsage: 1 + m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 1 + m_RayTracingMode: 2 + m_RayTraceProcedural: 0 + m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 + m_RendererPriority: 0 + m_Materials: + - {fileID: 2100000, guid: 695c4de41b9578049a93f19b1eef7213, type: 2} + m_StaticBatchInfo: + firstSubMesh: 0 + subMeshCount: 0 + m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0} + m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0} + m_LightProbeVolumeOverride: {fileID: 0} + m_ScaleInLightmap: 1 + m_ReceiveGI: 1 + m_PreserveUVs: 0 + m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0 + m_ImportantGI: 0 + m_StitchLightmapSeams: 1 + m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 3 + m_MinimumChartSize: 4 + m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5 + m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89 + m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} + m_SortingLayerID: 0 + m_SortingLayer: 0 + m_SortingOrder: 0 + m_AdditionalVertexStreams: {fileID: 0} +--- !u!54 &-3829596297792488873 +Rigidbody: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 5738930964600721757} + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Mass: 700 + m_Drag: 0 + m_AngularDrag: 0.91 + m_UseGravity: 1 + m_IsKinematic: 0 + m_Interpolate: 0 + m_Constraints: 0 + m_CollisionDetection: 0 +--- !u!64 &956685593046900742 +MeshCollider: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 5738930964600721757} + m_Material: {fileID: 0} + m_IsTrigger: 0 + m_Enabled: 1 + serializedVersion: 4 + m_Convex: 1 + m_CookingOptions: 30 + m_Mesh: {fileID: -3462111060628849216, guid: 9c0b392ffb24ca248a002fe36b08bae8, type: 3} diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/UnboltedGirder.prefab.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/UnboltedGirder.prefab.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3ba704b2dd --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/DummyAnimationTestsObjects/UnboltedGirder.prefab.meta @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 91cc6db2c9e25ce4a83bc3633113536d +PrefabImporter: + externalObjects: {} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/Human.prefab b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/Human.prefab index 125db70905..15a2693556 100644 --- a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/Human.prefab +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/Human.prefab @@ -3302,7 +3302,7 @@ GameObject: m_Icon: {fileID: 0} m_NavMeshLayer: 0 m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 - m_IsActive: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 --- !u!4 &282733360052666326 Transform: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/LeftArmMask.mask b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/LeftArmMask.mask new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c265d6be17 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/LeftArmMask.mask @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!319 &31900000 +AvatarMask: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: LeftArmMask + m_Mask: 00000000010000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000 + m_Elements: [] diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/LeftArmMask.mask.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/LeftArmMask.mask.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..17ff9e9454 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/LeftArmMask.mask.meta @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 5cde902fbe463f94b95468009c1b9502 +NativeFormatImporter: + externalObjects: {} + mainObjectFileID: 31900000 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/LeftFingersMask.mask b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/LeftFingersMask.mask new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..78a9149d70 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/LeftFingersMask.mask @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!319 &31900000 +AvatarMask: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: LeftFingersMask + m_Mask: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000 + m_Elements: [] diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/LeftFingersMask.mask.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/LeftFingersMask.mask.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dd146bce50 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/LeftFingersMask.mask.meta @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: cb43d5a48f2f2cb4d9baa4c74243e31d +NativeFormatImporter: + externalObjects: {} + mainObjectFileID: 31900000 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/LegsMask.mask b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/LegsMask.mask new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5956083d51 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/LegsMask.mask @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!319 &31900000 +AvatarMask: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: LegsMask + m_Mask: 01000000000000000000000001000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000010000000100000000000000 + m_Elements: [] diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/LegsMask.mask.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/LegsMask.mask.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fc15dd1308 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/LegsMask.mask.meta @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 755ec31e4191f4640942598d102c7303 +NativeFormatImporter: + externalObjects: {} + mainObjectFileID: 31900000 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/RightArmMask.mask b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/RightArmMask.mask new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..99d1c90a37 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/RightArmMask.mask @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!319 &31900000 +AvatarMask: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: RightArmMask + m_Mask: 00000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000001000000 + m_Elements: [] diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/RightArmMask.mask.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/RightArmMask.mask.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1e5feeaee5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/RightArmMask.mask.meta @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: bcc43ec4efce72d4da9a9c8cc1a5863a +NativeFormatImporter: + externalObjects: {} + mainObjectFileID: 31900000 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/RightFingersMask.mask b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/RightFingersMask.mask new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eb070dfa05 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/RightFingersMask.mask @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!319 &31900000 +AvatarMask: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: RightFingersMask + m_Mask: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000001000000 + m_Elements: [] diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/RightFingersMask.mask.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/RightFingersMask.mask.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..024ce6f95d --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/RightFingersMask.mask.meta @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: a059fc88e3be94842b9282a5247498d9 +NativeFormatImporter: + externalObjects: {} + mainObjectFileID: 31900000 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/TorsoMask.mask b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/TorsoMask.mask new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8385df6b19 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/TorsoMask.mask @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!319 &31900000 +AvatarMask: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: TorsoMask + m_Mask: 00000000010000000100000000000000000000000100000001000000010000000100000000000000000000000100000001000000 + m_Elements: [] diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/TorsoMask.mask.meta b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/TorsoMask.mask.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..523aabdb25 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Humanoids/Human/TorsoMask.mask.meta @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: cf7b56e1f9024b245af9b60d6f994c39 +NativeFormatImporter: + externalObjects: {} + mainObjectFileID: 31900000 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Silicon/EngineeringBorg/EngineeringBorg.prefab b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Silicon/EngineeringBorg/EngineeringBorg.prefab index 40d1a4f5c5..70237a211b 100644 --- a/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Silicon/EngineeringBorg/EngineeringBorg.prefab +++ b/Assets/Content/WorldObjects/Entities/Silicon/EngineeringBorg/EngineeringBorg.prefab @@ -1359,7 +1359,7 @@ MonoBehaviour: _initializeOrder: 0 _defaultDespawnType: 0 NetworkObserver: {fileID: 0} - k__BackingField: 85 + k__BackingField: 90 k__BackingField: 0 _scenePathHash: 0 k__BackingField: 0 diff --git a/Assets/DefaultPrefabObjects.asset b/Assets/DefaultPrefabObjects.asset index 91afdb00b3..02f9b08494 100644 --- a/Assets/DefaultPrefabObjects.asset +++ b/Assets/DefaultPrefabObjects.asset @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ MonoBehaviour: - {fileID: 3714168549636017425, guid: d32855055305ce5489c69379e2219a7d, type: 3} - {fileID: -5414623717715724467, guid: b38ae683afaacc4419ac13936cecd1a5, type: 3} - {fileID: -5414623717715724467, guid: 50405f05821f58c49a8badc89506b019, type: 3} - - {fileID: -5215510890969621206, guid: 9c456c77e7b9ff943ba4d4235e306722, type: 3} + - {fileID: -3164981917704815112, guid: 9f028e95d4196b141acf363c01d24806, type: 3} - {fileID: 8095612838085175437, guid: 5a09b3e93f0022b468da150e3c4a78c6, type: 3} - {fileID: 4589576845049422419, guid: ad055c3d74a711a4b9d9b31217883a03, type: 3} - {fileID: -6797522191161373784, guid: 11d64ed349b96ec4780c4dda0ad89daf, type: 3} diff --git a/Assets/FishNet/Demos/SceneManager (Old Examples)/Materials/Red.mat b/Assets/FishNet/Demos/SceneManager (Old Examples)/Materials/Red.mat index 19a839c609..59b69ceb7d 100644 --- a/Assets/FishNet/Demos/SceneManager (Old Examples)/Materials/Red.mat +++ b/Assets/FishNet/Demos/SceneManager (Old Examples)/Materials/Red.mat @@ -2,14 +2,16 @@ %TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: --- !u!21 &2100000 Material: - serializedVersion: 6 + serializedVersion: 8 m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} m_Name: Red m_Shader: {fileID: 46, guid: 0000000000000000f000000000000000, type: 0} - m_ShaderKeywords: _ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON + m_ValidKeywords: + - _ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON + m_InvalidKeywords: [] m_LightmapFlags: 4 m_EnableInstancingVariants: 0 m_DoubleSidedGI: 0 @@ -56,6 +58,7 @@ Material: m_Texture: {fileID: 0} m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} + m_Ints: [] m_Floats: - _BumpScale: 1 - _Cutoff: 0.5 @@ -74,5 +77,6 @@ Material: - _UVSec: 0 - _ZWrite: 0 m_Colors: - - _Color: {r: 1, g: 0.018451946, b: 0, a: 0.39215687} + - _Color: {r: 1, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1} - _EmissionColor: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1} + m_BuildTextureStacks: [] diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/EditorTools/ComponentsCopier.cs b/Assets/Scripts/EditorTools/ComponentsCopier.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..78fd5cc318 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Scripts/EditorTools/ComponentsCopier.cs @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +/* + A simple little editor extension to copy and paste all components + Help from http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/541045/copy-all-components-from-one-character-to-another.html + license: WTFPL (http://www.wtfpl.net/) + author: aeroson + advise: ChessMax + editor: frekons +*/ + +#if UNITY_EDITOR +using UnityEngine; +using UnityEditor; +using System.Collections; + +public class ComponentsCopier +{ + + static Component[] copiedComponents; + + [MenuItem("GameObject/Copy all components %&C")] + static void Copy() + { + if (UnityEditor.Selection.activeGameObject == null) + return; + + copiedComponents = UnityEditor.Selection.activeGameObject.GetComponents(); + } + + [MenuItem("GameObject/Paste all components %&P")] + static void Paste() + { + if (copiedComponents == null) + { + Debug.LogError("Nothing is copied!"); + return; + } + + foreach (var targetGameObject in UnityEditor.Selection.gameObjects) + { + if (!targetGameObject) + continue; + + Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(targetGameObject, targetGameObject.name + ": Paste All Components"); // sadly does not record PasteComponentValues, i guess + + foreach (var copiedComponent in copiedComponents) + { + if (!copiedComponent) + continue; + + UnityEditorInternal.ComponentUtility.CopyComponent(copiedComponent); + + var targetComponent = targetGameObject.GetComponent(copiedComponent.GetType()); + + if (targetComponent) // if gameObject already contains the component + { + if (UnityEditorInternal.ComponentUtility.PasteComponentValues(targetComponent)) + { + Debug.Log("Successfully pasted: " + copiedComponent.GetType()); + } + else + { + Debug.LogError("Failed to copy: " + copiedComponent.GetType()); + } + } + else // if gameObject does not contain the component + { + if (UnityEditorInternal.ComponentUtility.PasteComponentAsNew(targetGameObject)) + { + Debug.Log("Successfully pasted: " + copiedComponent.GetType()); + } + else + { + Debug.LogError("Failed to copy: " + copiedComponent.GetType()); + } + } + } + } + + copiedComponents = null; // to prevent wrong pastes in future + } + +} +#endif diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/EditorTools/ComponentsCopier.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/EditorTools/ComponentsCopier.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1812ce2474 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Scripts/EditorTools/ComponentsCopier.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: d04b67abae7726b48acedc14e6993a23 +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/SS3D/Systems/Entities/Data/Animations.cs b/Assets/Scripts/SS3D/Systems/Entities/Data/Animations.cs index acdb4ce93f..298e6f601e 100644 --- a/Assets/Scripts/SS3D/Systems/Entities/Data/Animations.cs +++ b/Assets/Scripts/SS3D/Systems/Entities/Data/Animations.cs @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ public static class Animations public static class Humanoid { public static readonly int MovementSpeed = Animator.StringToHash("Speed"); + public static readonly int StartMoving = Animator.StringToHash("StartMoving"); + public static readonly int EndMoving = Animator.StringToHash("EndMoving"); } public static class Silicon diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/SS3D/Systems/Entities/Humanoid/RagdollPart.cs b/Assets/Scripts/SS3D/Systems/Entities/Humanoid/RagdollPart.cs index e4ee2572f7..10ae83535c 100644 --- a/Assets/Scripts/SS3D/Systems/Entities/Humanoid/RagdollPart.cs +++ b/Assets/Scripts/SS3D/Systems/Entities/Humanoid/RagdollPart.cs @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ /// /// Component, that identifies GameObjects that are parts of a ragdoll /// -[RequireComponent(typeof(Collider), typeof(Rigidbody), typeof(NetworkTransform))] public class RagdollPart : MonoBehaviour { diff --git a/Assets/ThirdParty.meta b/Assets/ThirdParty.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ab1c490a47 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/ThirdParty.meta @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 48dd8517a03856b40808d2ff038f467d +folderAsset: yes +DefaultImporter: + externalObjects: {} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver.meta b/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8dde8ceb66 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver.meta @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: fad9a4356a2ce334aad0a2263aedc31c +folderAsset: yes +DefaultImporter: + externalObjects: {} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/Editor.meta b/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/Editor.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a5cd1110ab --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/Editor.meta @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 32117d16d1ddd6b4982fc72cf9403628 +folderAsset: yes +timeCreated: 1510520685 +licenseType: Store +DefaultImporter: + externalObjects: {} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/Editor/UnityPlayModeSaver.cs b/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/Editor/UnityPlayModeSaver.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e469435013 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/Editor/UnityPlayModeSaver.cs @@ -0,0 +1,2228 @@ +#if UNITY_EDITOR + +using UnityEditor; +using UnityEngine; +using UnityEngine.UI; +using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; +using UnityEditor.SceneManagement; + +using System.Reflection; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System; + +using Object = UnityEngine.Object; + +namespace Framework +{ + namespace Utils + { + namespace Editor + { + [InitializeOnLoad] + public static class UnityPlayModeSaver + { + #region Constants + private const string kSaveMenuString = "\U0001F5AB Save Play Mode Changes"; + private const string kSaveSnapshotMenuString = "\U0001F5AB Save Play Mode Snapshot"; + private const string kRevertMenuString = "\U0001F5D9 Forget Play Mode Changes"; + + private const int kSaveComponentMenuPriority = 12; + private const string kSaveComponentMenuString = "CONTEXT/Component/" + kSaveMenuString; + private const string kSaveComponentSnapshotMenuString = "CONTEXT/Component/" + kSaveSnapshotMenuString; + private const string kRevertComponentMenuString = "CONTEXT/Component/" + kRevertMenuString; + + private const int kSaveGameObjectMenuPriority = -100; + private const string kSaveGameObjectMenuString = "GameObject/" + kSaveMenuString; + private const string kSaveGameObjectSnapshotMenuString = "GameObject/" + kSaveSnapshotMenuString; + private const string kRevertGameObjectMenuString = "GameObject/" + kRevertMenuString; + + private const string kWindowMenuString = "Window/Play Mode Saver"; + + private const string kUndoText = "Play Mode Changes"; + private const string kEditorPrefsKey = "UnityPlayModeSaver."; + private const string kEditorPrefsObjectCountKey = kEditorPrefsKey + "SavedObjects"; + + private const string kEditorPrefsObjectDeleted = ".Deleted"; + private const string kEditorPrefsObjectScene = ".Scene"; + private const string kEditorPrefsObjectSceneId = ".SceneId"; + private const string kEditorPrefsSceneObjectChildren = ".Children"; + private const string kEditorPrefsScenePrefabInstanceId = ".PrefabInstId"; + private const string kEditorPrefsScenePrefabInstanceChildPath = ".PrefabInstPath"; + private const string kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectId = ".RuntimeId"; + private const string kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectType = ".RuntimeType"; + private const string kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectParentId = ".RuntimeParentId"; + private const string kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectSceneRootIndex = ".RuntimeSceneRootIndex"; + private const string kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectPrefab = ".Prefab"; + private const string kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectPrefabObjIndex = ".PrefabObjIndex"; + private const string kEditorPrefsObjectJson = ".Json"; + private const string kEditorPrefsObjectRefs = ".ObjRefs"; + private const string kEditorPrefsObjectMaterialRefs = ".Materials"; + private const string kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectRefs = ".RuntimeRefs"; + + private const char kItemSplitChar = '?'; + private const char kObjectPathSplitChar = ':'; + private const string kIdentifierProperty = "m_LocalIdentfierInFile"; //note the misspelling! + private const string kInspectorProperty = "inspectorMode"; + + private const string kPrefabUnpackWarningTitle = "Play Mode Saver"; + private const string kPrefabUnpackWarningMsg = "You removed a Component or child GameObject from a prefab during Play Mode which can't be applied without unpacking the prefab.\nDo you want to do this or ignore this change?"; + private const string kPrefabUnpackWarningUnpack = "Unpack"; + private const string kPrefabUnpackWarningIgnore = "Ignore"; + #endregion + + #region Interanl Properties (For Editor Window) + internal static PlayModeStateChange CurrentPlayModeState + { + get + { + return _currentPlayModeState; + } + } + + internal static List SavedObjects + { + get + { + return _savedObjects; + } + } + #endregion + + #region Helper Structs + internal struct SavedObject + { + public Object _object; + public int _sceneIdentifier; + public string _scenePath; + public string _name; + public Type _type; + public string _path; + public bool _hasSnapshot; + public string _snapshotEditorPrefKey; + } + + private struct RestoredObjectData + { + public Object _object; + public Type _createdObjectType; + public Object _parentObject; + public GameObject _rootGameObject; + public bool _deleted; + public string _json; + public string _scenePath; + public string _missingObjectRefs; + public string _missingMaterials; + public string _runtimeInternalRefs; + } + + private struct MaterialRef + { + public string _propertyPath; + public Material _material; + } + #endregion + + #region Private Data + private enum State + { + Idle, + Busy, + } + + private static State _state; + private static PlayModeStateChange _currentPlayModeState; + private static List _savedObjects = new List(); + #endregion + + #region Constructor + static UnityPlayModeSaver() + { + _currentPlayModeState = Application.isPlaying ? PlayModeStateChange.EnteredPlayMode : PlayModeStateChange.EnteredEditMode; + + EditorApplication.playModeStateChanged += OnModeChanged; + EditorSceneManager.sceneSaving += OnSceneSaved; + SceneManager.sceneUnloaded += delegate (Scene scene) { OnSceneUnload(scene); }; + + ClearCache(); + } + #endregion + + #region Menu Functions + [MenuItem(kSaveComponentMenuString, false, kSaveComponentMenuPriority)] + public static void SaveComponent(MenuCommand command) + { + Component component = command.context as Component; + + if (Application.isPlaying && component != null) + { + if (!IsObjectRegistered(component, out _)) + { + RegisterSavedObject(component); + } + + UnityPlayModeSaverWindow.Open(false); + } + } + + [MenuItem(kSaveComponentSnapshotMenuString, false, kSaveComponentMenuPriority)] + public static void SaveComponentSnapshot(MenuCommand command) + { + Component component = command.context as Component; + + if (Application.isPlaying && component != null) + { + if (!IsObjectRegistered(component, out int index)) + { + index = RegisterSavedObject(component); + } + + SaveSnapshot(index); + UnityPlayModeSaverWindow.Open(false); + } + } + + [MenuItem(kSaveComponentMenuString, true)] + [MenuItem(kSaveComponentSnapshotMenuString, true)] + public static bool ValidateSaveComponent(MenuCommand command) + { + Component component = command.context as Component; + + if (Application.isPlaying && component != null) + return !IsObjectRegistered(component, out _); + + return false; + } + + [MenuItem(kRevertComponentMenuString, false, kSaveComponentMenuPriority)] + public static void RevertComponent(MenuCommand command) + { + Component component = command.context as Component; + + if (Application.isPlaying && component != null) + { + UnregisterObject(component); + UnityPlayModeSaverWindow.Open(false); + } + } + + [MenuItem(kRevertComponentMenuString, true)] + public static bool ValidateRevertComponent(MenuCommand command) + { + Component component = command.context as Component; + + if (Application.isPlaying && component != null) + return IsObjectRegistered(component, out _); + + return false; + } + + [MenuItem(kSaveGameObjectMenuString, false, kSaveGameObjectMenuPriority)] + public static void SaveGameObject() + { + if (Application.isPlaying && Selection.gameObjects != null) + { + foreach (GameObject gameObject in Selection.gameObjects) + { + if (!IsObjectRegistered(gameObject, out _)) + { + RegisterSavedObject(gameObject); + } + } + + UnityPlayModeSaverWindow.Open(false); + } + } + + [MenuItem(kSaveGameObjectSnapshotMenuString, false, kSaveGameObjectMenuPriority)] + public static void SaveGameObjectSnapshot() + { + if (Application.isPlaying && Selection.gameObjects != null) + { + foreach (GameObject gameObject in Selection.gameObjects) + { + if (!IsObjectRegistered(gameObject, out int index)) + { + index = RegisterSavedObject(gameObject); + } + + SaveSnapshot(index); + } + + UnityPlayModeSaverWindow.Open(false); + } + } + + [MenuItem(kSaveGameObjectMenuString, true)] + [MenuItem(kSaveGameObjectSnapshotMenuString, true)] + public static bool ValidateSaveGameObject() + { + if (Application.isPlaying && Selection.gameObjects != null) + { + foreach (GameObject go in Selection.gameObjects) + { + if (!IsObjectRegistered(go, out _)) + return true; + } + } + + return false; + } + + [MenuItem(kRevertGameObjectMenuString, false, kSaveGameObjectMenuPriority)] + public static void RevertGameObject() + { + if (Application.isPlaying && Selection.gameObjects != null) + { + foreach (GameObject go in Selection.gameObjects) + { + UnregisterObject(go); + } + + UnityPlayModeSaverWindow.Open(false); + } + } + + [MenuItem(kRevertGameObjectMenuString, true)] + public static bool ValidateRevertGameObject() + { + if (Application.isPlaying && Selection.gameObjects != null) + { + foreach (GameObject go in Selection.gameObjects) + { + if (IsObjectRegistered(go, out _)) + return true; + } + } + + return false; + } + + + [MenuItem(kWindowMenuString)] + public static void OpenWindow() + { + UnityPlayModeSaverWindow.Open(true); + } + #endregion + + #region Internal Interface (For Editor Window) + internal static string GetObjectName(Object obj) + { + string objectName = null; + + if (obj is GameObject gameObject) + { + objectName = gameObject.name; + } + else if (obj is Component component) + { + objectName = component.gameObject.name + '.' + component.GetType().Name; + } + + return objectName; + } + + internal static bool IsObjectRegistered(Object obj, out int saveObjIndex) + { + saveObjIndex = _savedObjects.FindIndex(x => x._object == obj); + return saveObjIndex != -1; + } + + internal static int RegisterSavedObject(Object obj) + { + SavedObject savedObject = new SavedObject + { + _object = obj, + _sceneIdentifier = GetSceneIdentifier(obj), + _scenePath = GetScenePath(obj), + _name = GetObjectName(obj), + _type = obj.GetType(), + _path = GetObjectPath(obj), + }; + + _savedObjects.Add(savedObject); + return _savedObjects.Count - 1; + } + + internal static void UnregisterObject(Object obj) + { + if (IsObjectRegistered(obj, out int index)) + { + ClearSavedObject(index); + } + } + + internal static void ClearSavedObject(int saveObjIndex) + { + //Remove values from prefs + if (_savedObjects[saveObjIndex]._hasSnapshot) + { + ClearSnapshot(saveObjIndex); + } + + _savedObjects.RemoveAt(saveObjIndex); + } + + internal static void ClearCache() + { + _savedObjects.Clear(); + + int numSavedObjects = EditorPrefs.GetInt(kEditorPrefsObjectCountKey, 0); + + for (int i = 0; i < numSavedObjects; i++) + { + string editorPrefKey = kEditorPrefsKey + Convert.ToString(i); + DeleteObjectEditorPrefs(editorPrefKey); + } + + SafeDeleteEditorPref(kEditorPrefsObjectCountKey); + + _state = State.Idle; + } + + internal static void SaveSnapshot(int saveObjIndex) + { + SavedObject savedObject = _savedObjects[saveObjIndex]; + + if (savedObject._object != null) + { + //Delete current snapshot + if (savedObject._hasSnapshot) + { + DeleteObjectEditorPrefs(savedObject._snapshotEditorPrefKey); + } + + //Save values to prefs + string editorPrefKey = SaveObjectValues(savedObject); + + savedObject._hasSnapshot = true; + savedObject._snapshotEditorPrefKey = editorPrefKey; + + _savedObjects[saveObjIndex] = savedObject; + } + } + + internal static void ClearSnapshot(int saveObjIndex) + { + SavedObject savedObject = _savedObjects[saveObjIndex]; + + DeleteObjectEditorPrefs(savedObject._snapshotEditorPrefKey); + + savedObject._hasSnapshot = false; + savedObject._snapshotEditorPrefKey = null; + + _savedObjects[saveObjIndex] = savedObject; + } + #endregion + + #region Private Functions + + #region Editor Functions + private static void OnModeChanged(PlayModeStateChange state) + { + _currentPlayModeState = state; + + switch (state) + { + case PlayModeStateChange.ExitingEditMode: + { + //If restore or save failed, delete the cache + if (_state != State.Idle) + { + ClearCache(); + } + + CacheScenePrefabs(); + } + break; + case PlayModeStateChange.ExitingPlayMode: + { + SaveObjectValues(); + } + break; + case PlayModeStateChange.EnteredEditMode: + { + //If save completed ok, restore objects + if (_state == State.Idle) + { + RestoreSavedObjects(); + } + //otherwise delete the cache + else + { + ClearCache(); + } + + RepaintEditorWindows(); + } + break; + default: break; + } + } + + private static void OnSceneSaved(Scene scene, string path) + { + UnityPlayModeSaverSceneUtils.CacheScenePrefabInstances(scene); + } + + private static void OnSceneUnload(Scene scene) + { + //Remove all saved objects from this scene that don't have snapshots + for (int i = 0; i < _savedObjects.Count;) + { + if (!_savedObjects[i]._hasSnapshot && _savedObjects[i]._scenePath == scene.path) + { + _savedObjects.RemoveAt(i); + } + else + { + i++; + } + } + } + + private static void RepaintEditorWindows() + { + SceneView.RepaintAll(); + + Type inspectorWindowType = Type.GetType("UnityEditor.InspectorWindow, UnityEditor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"); + if (inspectorWindowType != null) + { + EditorWindow.GetWindow(inspectorWindowType).Repaint(); + } + + Type gameViewType = Type.GetType("UnityEditor.GameView, UnityEditor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"); + + if (gameViewType != null) + { + BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy; + MethodInfo methodInfo = gameViewType.GetMethod("RepaintAll", bindingFlags, null, new Type[] { }, null); + + if (methodInfo != null) + { + methodInfo.Invoke(null, null); + } + } + } + #endregion + + #region Object Registering + private static int AddSaveObject() + { + int objectCount = EditorPrefs.GetInt(kEditorPrefsObjectCountKey); + int saveObjIndex = objectCount; + objectCount++; + EditorPrefs.SetInt(kEditorPrefsObjectCountKey, objectCount); + return saveObjIndex; + } + + private static int AddChildSaveObject(string parentEditorPrefKey) + { + int childCount = EditorPrefs.GetInt(parentEditorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsSceneObjectChildren, 0); + int saveObjIndex = childCount; + childCount++; + EditorPrefs.SetInt(parentEditorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsSceneObjectChildren, childCount); + + return saveObjIndex; + } + + #region Scene Objects + private static string RegisterSceneObject(Object obj, string scenePath, int identifier) + { + //Check scene object is a prefab instance... + if (IsScenePrefab(obj, scenePath, out GameObject prefabInstance, out int prefabSceneId)) + { + return RegisterScenePrefabObject(scenePath, identifier, prefabInstance, prefabSceneId, obj); + } + else + { + int saveObjIndex = GetSavedSceneObjectIndex(identifier, scenePath); + + if (saveObjIndex == -1) + { + saveObjIndex = AddSaveObject(); + } + + string editorPrefKey = kEditorPrefsKey + Convert.ToString(saveObjIndex); + + EditorPrefs.SetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectScene, scenePath); + EditorPrefs.SetInt(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectSceneId, identifier); + + return editorPrefKey; + } + } + + private static string RegisterChildSceneObject(string parentEditorPrefKey, Object obj, string scenePath, int identifier) + { + //Check scene object is a prefab instance... + if (IsScenePrefab(obj, scenePath, out GameObject prefabInstance, out int prefabSceneId)) + { + string prefabObjPath = GetScenePrefabChildObjectPath(prefabInstance, obj); + + //First check object is already saved + int saveObjIndex = GetSavedScenePrefabObjectIndex(identifier, scenePath, prefabObjPath, prefabSceneId); + + if (saveObjIndex != -1) + { + //If so delete the origanal saved object (save in heirachy instead) + string origEditorPrefKey = kEditorPrefsKey + Convert.ToString(saveObjIndex); + DeleteObjectEditorPrefs(origEditorPrefKey); + } + + int childObjIndex = AddChildSaveObject(parentEditorPrefKey); + string editorPrefKey = parentEditorPrefKey + '.' + Convert.ToString(childObjIndex); + + EditorPrefs.SetInt(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectSceneId, identifier); + EditorPrefs.SetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsScenePrefabInstanceChildPath, prefabObjPath); + EditorPrefs.SetInt(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsScenePrefabInstanceId, prefabSceneId); + + return editorPrefKey; + } + else + { + //First check object is already saved + int saveObjIndex = GetSavedSceneObjectIndex(identifier, scenePath); + + if (saveObjIndex != -1) + { + //If so delete the origanal saved object (save in heirachy instead) + string origEditorPrefKey = kEditorPrefsKey + Convert.ToString(saveObjIndex); + DeleteObjectEditorPrefs(origEditorPrefKey); + } + + int childObjIndex = AddChildSaveObject(parentEditorPrefKey); + string editorPrefKey = parentEditorPrefKey + '.' + Convert.ToString(childObjIndex); + + EditorPrefs.SetInt(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectSceneId, identifier); + + return editorPrefKey; + } + } + + private static string RegisterDeletedSceneObject(string scenePath, int identifier) + { + int saveObjIndex = GetSavedSceneObjectIndex(identifier, scenePath); + + if (saveObjIndex == -1) + { + saveObjIndex = AddSaveObject(); + } + + string editorPrefKey = kEditorPrefsKey + Convert.ToString(saveObjIndex); + + EditorPrefs.SetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectScene, scenePath); + EditorPrefs.SetInt(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectSceneId, identifier); + EditorPrefs.SetBool(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectDeleted, true); + + return editorPrefKey; + } + + private static int GetSavedSceneObjectIndex(int localIdentifier, string scenePath) + { + int numSavedObjects = EditorPrefs.GetInt(kEditorPrefsObjectCountKey, 0); + + for (int i = 0; i < numSavedObjects; i++) + { + string editorPrefKey = kEditorPrefsKey + Convert.ToString(i); + + string sceneStr = EditorPrefs.GetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectScene); + int identifier = EditorPrefs.GetInt(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectSceneId, -1); + + if (sceneStr == scenePath && localIdentifier == identifier) + { + return i; + } + } + + return -1; + } + #endregion + + #region Scene Prefab Objects + private static bool IsScenePrefab(Object obj, string scenePath, out GameObject prefab, out int prefabSceneId) + { + if (GetActiveScene(scenePath, out Scene scene)) + { + return UnityPlayModeSaverSceneUtils.IsScenePrefabInstance(obj, scene, out prefab, out prefabSceneId); + } + + prefab = null; + prefabSceneId = -1; + return false; + } + + private static string RegisterScenePrefabObject(string scenePath, int identifier, GameObject prefabInstance, int prefabSceneId, Object obj) + { + string prefabObjPath = GetScenePrefabChildObjectPath(prefabInstance, obj); + + int saveObjIndex = GetSavedScenePrefabObjectIndex(identifier, scenePath, prefabObjPath, prefabSceneId); + + if (saveObjIndex == -1) + { + saveObjIndex = AddSaveObject(); + } + + string editorPrefKey = kEditorPrefsKey + Convert.ToString(saveObjIndex); + + EditorPrefs.SetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectScene, scenePath); + EditorPrefs.SetInt(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectSceneId, identifier); + EditorPrefs.SetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsScenePrefabInstanceChildPath, prefabObjPath); + EditorPrefs.SetInt(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsScenePrefabInstanceId, prefabSceneId); + + return editorPrefKey; + } + + private static int GetSavedScenePrefabObjectIndex(int localIdentifier, string scenePath, string prefabPath, int prefabId) + { + int numSavedObjects = EditorPrefs.GetInt(kEditorPrefsObjectCountKey, 0); + + for (int i = 0; i < numSavedObjects; i++) + { + string editorPrefKey = kEditorPrefsKey + Convert.ToString(i); + + string sceneStr = EditorPrefs.GetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectScene); + int identifier = EditorPrefs.GetInt(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectSceneId, -1); + string prefabObjPathStr = EditorPrefs.GetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsScenePrefabInstanceChildPath); + int prefabObjId = EditorPrefs.GetInt(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsScenePrefabInstanceId, -1); + + if (sceneStr == scenePath && localIdentifier == identifier && prefabObjPathStr == prefabPath && prefabId == prefabObjId) + { + return i; + } + } + + return -1; + } + #endregion + + #region Runtime Objects + private static string RegisterRuntimeObject(string scenePath, int instanceId) + { + int saveObjIndex = GetSavedRuntimeObjectIndex(instanceId, scenePath); + + if (saveObjIndex == -1) + { + saveObjIndex = AddSaveObject(); + } + + string editorPrefKey = kEditorPrefsKey + Convert.ToString(saveObjIndex); + + EditorPrefs.SetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectScene, scenePath); + EditorPrefs.SetInt(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectId, instanceId); + + return editorPrefKey; + } + + private static int GetSavedRuntimeObjectIndex(int instanceId, string scenePath) + { + int numSavedObjects = EditorPrefs.GetInt(kEditorPrefsObjectCountKey, 0); + + for (int i = 0; i < numSavedObjects; i++) + { + string editorPrefKey = kEditorPrefsKey + Convert.ToString(i); + + string sceneStr = EditorPrefs.GetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectScene); + int instance = EditorPrefs.GetInt(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectId, -1); + + if (sceneStr == scenePath && instanceId == instance) + { + return i; + } + } + + return -1; + } + #endregion + + #endregion + + #region Object Saving + private static void SaveObjectValues() + { + _state = State.Busy; + + //Save all saved objects into editor prefs (might also add children) + foreach (SavedObject obj in _savedObjects) + { + if (!obj._hasSnapshot) + { + SaveObjectValues(obj); + } + } + + _savedObjects.Clear(); + + _state = State.Idle; + } + + private static string SaveObjectValues(SavedObject obj) + { + string editorPrefKey = null; + + //Save scene object + if (obj._sceneIdentifier != -1) + { + //Object is still valid + if (obj._object != null) + { + editorPrefKey = RegisterSceneObject(obj._object, obj._scenePath, obj._sceneIdentifier); + + SaveObjectValues(editorPrefKey, obj._object); + + //If its a GameObject then add its components and child GameObjects (some of which might be runtime) + if (obj._object is GameObject gameObject) + { + AddSceneGameObjectChildObjectValues(editorPrefKey, gameObject); + } + } + //Object has been deleted + else + { + RegisterDeletedSceneObject(obj._scenePath, obj._sceneIdentifier); + } + } + //Save runtime object + else + { + //Object is still valid + if (obj._object != null) + { + int instanceId = GetInstanceId(obj._object); + editorPrefKey = RegisterRuntimeObject(obj._scenePath, instanceId); + + GameObject sceneParent; + GameObject topOfHieracy; + + if (obj._object is Component component) + { + topOfHieracy = component.gameObject; + FindRuntimeObjectParent(component.gameObject, out sceneParent, ref topOfHieracy); + + //If the new component belongs to a scene object, just save the new component + if (component.gameObject == sceneParent) + { + SaveRuntimeComponent(editorPrefKey, component, sceneParent, sceneParent); + } + //Otherwise need to save the whole new gameobject hierarchy + else + { + SaveRuntimeGameObject(editorPrefKey, topOfHieracy, topOfHieracy, sceneParent, null); + } + } + else if (obj._object is GameObject gameObject) + { + topOfHieracy = gameObject; + FindRuntimeObjectParent(gameObject, out sceneParent, ref topOfHieracy); + + if (topOfHieracy != gameObject) + { + EditorPrefs.SetInt(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectId, GetInstanceId(topOfHieracy)); + } + + SaveRuntimeGameObject(editorPrefKey, topOfHieracy, topOfHieracy, sceneParent, null); + } + } + } + + return editorPrefKey; + } + + private static void SaveObjectValues(string editorPrefKey, Object obj, bool runtimeObject = false, GameObject runtimeObjectTopOfHeirachy = null) + { + RestoredObjectData data = GetObjectData(obj, runtimeObject, runtimeObjectTopOfHeirachy); + + EditorPrefs.SetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectJson, data._json); + EditorPrefs.SetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectRefs, data._missingObjectRefs); + EditorPrefs.SetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectMaterialRefs, data._missingMaterials); + EditorPrefs.SetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectRefs, data._runtimeInternalRefs); + } + + private static bool ShouldUseEditorSerialiser(Object obj) + { + if ((obj is Component && !(obj is MonoBehaviour)) || (obj is GameObject)) + return true; + + return false; + } + + private static RestoredObjectData GetObjectData(Object obj, bool runtimeObject, GameObject runtimeObjectTopOfHierarchy) + { + RestoredObjectData data = new RestoredObjectData(); + + bool unityType = ShouldUseEditorSerialiser(obj); + + SerializedObject serializedObject = new SerializedObject(obj); + SerializedProperty propertry = serializedObject.GetIterator(); + + while (propertry.NextVisible(true)) + { + //Store material properties that now point at a runtime instance of a material (they will get reverted to original values) + if (propertry.type == "PPtr") + { + if (propertry.objectReferenceValue != null && propertry.objectReferenceValue.name.EndsWith("(Instance)")) + { + if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data._missingMaterials)) + data._missingMaterials += kItemSplitChar; + + data._missingMaterials += propertry.propertyPath; + } + } + //Save any object ptr properties that point at scene objects + else if (propertry.type.StartsWith("PPtr<") && propertry.objectReferenceValue != null) + { + if (unityType) + { + //Only store the object if the reference is within the same scene + Scene objScne = GetObjectScene(obj); + + if (objScne.IsValid() && objScne == GetObjectScene(propertry.objectReferenceValue)) + { + int objId = GetSceneIdentifier(propertry.objectReferenceValue); + + if (objId != -1) + { + if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data._missingObjectRefs)) + data._missingObjectRefs += kItemSplitChar; + + data._missingObjectRefs += Convert.ToString(objId) + kObjectPathSplitChar + propertry.propertyPath; + } + } + } + + if (runtimeObject) + { + //If object ref is part of hierachy then need to tsav + if (GetChildObjectPath(string.Empty, runtimeObjectTopOfHierarchy, propertry.objectReferenceValue, false, out string path)) + { + if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data._runtimeInternalRefs)) + data._runtimeInternalRefs += kItemSplitChar; + + data._runtimeInternalRefs += path + kObjectPathSplitChar + propertry.propertyPath; + } + } + } + } + + //If Object is a Unity builtin Component we have to restore any scene links as they won't be serialized by EditorJsonUtility + if (unityType) + { + data._json = EditorJsonUtility.ToJson(obj); + } + else + { + data._json = JsonUtility.ToJson(obj); + } + + return data; + } + + #region Scene Objects + private static Object FindSceneObject(string scenePath, int localIdentifier, bool loadSceneIfNeeded = false) + { + if (localIdentifier != -1) + { + if (GetActiveScene(scenePath, out Scene scene, loadSceneIfNeeded)) + { + foreach (GameObject rootObject in scene.GetRootGameObjects()) + { + Object obj = FindSceneObject(rootObject, localIdentifier); + + if (obj != null) + { + return obj; + } + } + } + } + + return null; + } + + private static Object FindSceneObject(GameObject gameObject, int localIdentifier) + { + if (gameObject != null && localIdentifier != -1) + { + //Check game object + if (GetSceneIdentifier(gameObject) == localIdentifier) + return gameObject; + + //Check components + Component[] components = gameObject.GetComponents(); + + foreach (Component component in components) + { + if (GetSceneIdentifier(component) == localIdentifier) + return component; + } + + //Check children + foreach (Transform child in gameObject.transform) + { + Object obj = FindSceneObject(child.gameObject, localIdentifier); + + if (obj != null) + return obj; + } + } + + return null; + } + + private static void AddSceneGameObjectChildObjectValues(string parentEditorPrefKey, GameObject gameObject) + { + Component[] components = gameObject.GetComponents(); + + //Save each component + for (int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++) + { + int identifier = GetSceneIdentifier(components[i]); + + //Scene component + if (identifier != -1) + { + string editorPrefKey = RegisterChildSceneObject(parentEditorPrefKey, components[i], gameObject.scene.path, identifier); + SaveObjectValues(editorPrefKey, components[i]); + } + //Runtime component + else + { + int instanceId = GetInstanceId(components[i]); + string scenePath = gameObject.scene.path; + string editorPrefKey = RegisterRuntimeObject(scenePath, instanceId); + SaveRuntimeComponent(editorPrefKey, components[i], gameObject, gameObject); + } + } + + //Save each child object + foreach (Transform child in gameObject.transform) + { + int identifier = GetSceneIdentifier(child.gameObject); + + //Scene gameobject + if (identifier != -1) + { + string editorPrefKey = RegisterChildSceneObject(parentEditorPrefKey, child.gameObject, child.gameObject.scene.path, identifier); + SaveObjectValues(editorPrefKey, child.gameObject); + AddSceneGameObjectChildObjectValues(parentEditorPrefKey, child.gameObject); + } + //Runtime gameobject + else + { + int instanceId = GetInstanceId(child.gameObject); + string scenePath = gameObject.scene.path; + string editorPrefKey = RegisterRuntimeObject(scenePath, instanceId); + SaveRuntimeGameObject(editorPrefKey, child.gameObject, child.gameObject, gameObject, null); + } + } + } + #endregion + + #region Scene Prefab Objects + private static Object FindScenePrefabObject(string scenePath, int instanceId, string prefabObjPath, bool loadSceneIfNeeded = false) + { + if (GetActiveScene(scenePath, out Scene scene, loadSceneIfNeeded)) + { + GameObject prefabInstance = UnityPlayModeSaverSceneUtils.GetScenePrefabInstance(scene, instanceId); + + if (prefabInstance != null) + { + return GetChildObject(prefabInstance, prefabObjPath); + } + } + + return null; + } + #endregion + + #region Runtime Objects + private static Object FindRuntimeObject(string scenePath, int instanceId) + { + if (GetActiveScene(scenePath, out Scene scene)) + { + foreach (GameObject rootObject in scene.GetRootGameObjects()) + { + Object obj = FindRuntimeObject(rootObject, instanceId); + + if (obj != null) + { + return obj; + } + } + } + + return null; + } + + private static Object FindRuntimeObject(GameObject gameObject, int instanceId) + { + //Check game object + if (GetInstanceId(gameObject) == instanceId) + return gameObject; + + //Check components + Component[] components = gameObject.GetComponents(); + + foreach (Component component in components) + { + if (GetInstanceId(component) == instanceId) + return component; + } + + //Check children + foreach (Transform child in gameObject.transform) + { + Object obj = FindRuntimeObject(child.gameObject, instanceId); + + if (obj != null) + return obj; + } + + return null; + } + + private static void SaveRuntimeGameObject(string editorPrefKey, GameObject gameObject, GameObject topOfHieracy, GameObject parentSceneObject, GameObject parentPrefab) + { + EditorPrefs.SetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectType, GetTypeString(gameObject.GetType())); + SaveObjectValues(editorPrefKey, gameObject, true, topOfHieracy); + + SaveRuntimeGameObjectParent(editorPrefKey, gameObject, parentSceneObject); + + //Check if this game object is a prefab + GameObject prefabRoot = PrefabUtility.GetNearestPrefabInstanceRoot(gameObject); + + if (prefabRoot == gameObject) + { + Object parentObject = PrefabUtility.GetCorrespondingObjectFromSource(prefabRoot); + string prefabPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(parentObject); + EditorPrefs.SetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectPrefab, prefabPath); + parentPrefab = prefabRoot; + } + + //Save all components and child GameObjects + int childObjectIndex = 0; + + Component[] components = gameObject.GetComponents(); + + for (int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++) + { + bool isPartOfCurrentPrefabHieracy = parentPrefab != null && PrefabUtility.GetNearestPrefabInstanceRoot(components[i]) == parentPrefab; + + SaveRuntimeComponent(editorPrefKey + "." + Convert.ToString(childObjectIndex), components[i], topOfHieracy, null); + + if (isPartOfCurrentPrefabHieracy) + EditorPrefs.SetInt(editorPrefKey + "." + Convert.ToString(childObjectIndex) + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectPrefabObjIndex, GetPrefabComponentIndex(parentPrefab, components[i])); + + childObjectIndex++; + } + + foreach (Transform child in gameObject.transform) + { + bool isPartOfCurrentPrefabHieracy = parentPrefab != null && PrefabUtility.GetNearestPrefabInstanceRoot(child.gameObject) == parentPrefab; + + SaveRuntimeGameObject(editorPrefKey + "." + Convert.ToString(childObjectIndex), child.gameObject, topOfHieracy, null, isPartOfCurrentPrefabHieracy ? parentPrefab : null); + + if (isPartOfCurrentPrefabHieracy) + EditorPrefs.SetInt(editorPrefKey + "." + Convert.ToString(childObjectIndex) + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectPrefabObjIndex, GetPrefabChildIndex(parentPrefab, child.gameObject)); + + childObjectIndex++; + } + + //If a component contains object ref and ref is part of this runtime objects heiracy then save a ref to it somehow? + } + + private static void SaveRuntimeComponent(string editorPrefKey, Component component, GameObject topOfHieracy, GameObject parentSceneObject) + { + EditorPrefs.SetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectType, GetTypeString(component.GetType())); + SaveObjectValues(editorPrefKey, component, true, topOfHieracy); + SaveRuntimeGameObjectParent(editorPrefKey, component.gameObject, parentSceneObject); + } + + private static void SaveRuntimeGameObjectParent(string editorPrefKey, GameObject gameObject, GameObject parentSceneObject) + { + if (parentSceneObject != null) + { + int identifier = GetSceneIdentifier(parentSceneObject); + + if (identifier != -1) + { + if (UnityPlayModeSaverSceneUtils.IsScenePrefabInstance(parentSceneObject, parentSceneObject.scene, out GameObject prefabInstance, out int prefabSceneId)) + { + string prefabPath = GetScenePrefabChildObjectPath(prefabInstance, parentSceneObject); + + EditorPrefs.SetInt(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsScenePrefabInstanceId, prefabSceneId); + EditorPrefs.SetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsScenePrefabInstanceChildPath, prefabPath); + } + + EditorPrefs.SetInt(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectParentId, identifier); + } + } + else + { + EditorPrefs.SetInt(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectSceneRootIndex, gameObject.transform.GetSiblingIndex()); + } + } + + private static void FindRuntimeObjectParent(GameObject gameObject, out GameObject sceneParent, ref GameObject topOfHieracy) + { + if (GetSceneIdentifier(gameObject) != -1) + { + sceneParent = gameObject; + } + else if (gameObject.transform.parent == null) + { + sceneParent = null; + topOfHieracy = gameObject; + } + else + { + topOfHieracy = gameObject; + FindRuntimeObjectParent(gameObject.transform.parent.gameObject, out sceneParent, ref topOfHieracy); + } + } + + private static GameObject GetRuntimeObjectParent(string editorPrefKey, string sceneStr, bool loadSceneIfNeeded = false) + { + //Parent is Scene Prefab Instance + if (EditorPrefs.HasKey(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsScenePrefabInstanceId)) + { + //Get prefab from scene + int prefabId = EditorPrefs.GetInt(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsScenePrefabInstanceId, -1); + string prefabObjPathStr = EditorPrefs.GetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsScenePrefabInstanceChildPath); + + Object obj = FindScenePrefabObject(sceneStr, prefabId, prefabObjPathStr, loadSceneIfNeeded); + return obj as GameObject; + } + //Parent is Scene object + else + { + int identifier = EditorPrefs.GetInt(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectParentId, -1); + Object obj = FindSceneObject(sceneStr, identifier, loadSceneIfNeeded); + return obj as GameObject; + } + } + #endregion + + #endregion + + #region Object Restoring + private static void RestoreSavedObjects() + { + _state = State.Busy; + + int numSavedObjects = EditorPrefs.GetInt(kEditorPrefsObjectCountKey, 0); + + List restoredObjects = new List(); + List restoredObjectsData = new List(); + + for (int i = 0; i < numSavedObjects; i++) + { + string editorPrefKey = kEditorPrefsKey + Convert.ToString(i); + string sceneStr = EditorPrefs.GetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectScene, null); + + //Scene object + if (EditorPrefs.HasKey(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectSceneId)) + { + //Has object been deleted? + if (EditorPrefs.GetBool(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectDeleted, false)) + { + int identifier = EditorPrefs.GetInt(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectSceneId, -1); + + Object obj = FindSceneObject(sceneStr, identifier, true); + + if (obj != null) + { + restoredObjects.Add(obj); + restoredObjectsData.Add(CreateDeletedSceneObjectRestoredData(obj, sceneStr)); + } + } + //Otherwise restore as normal + else + { + //Scene Prefab object + if (EditorPrefs.HasKey(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsScenePrefabInstanceId)) + { + //Get prefab from scene + int prefabId = EditorPrefs.GetInt(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsScenePrefabInstanceId, -1); + string prefabObjPathStr = EditorPrefs.GetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsScenePrefabInstanceChildPath); + + Object obj = FindScenePrefabObject(sceneStr, prefabId, prefabObjPathStr, true); + + if (obj != null) + { + restoredObjects.Add(obj); + restoredObjectsData.Add(CreateSceneObjectRestoredData(editorPrefKey, obj, sceneStr)); + + //If its a game object also restore any saved child objects + if (obj is GameObject gameObject) + { + RestoreSavedObjectChildren(editorPrefKey, gameObject, sceneStr, ref restoredObjects, ref restoredObjectsData); + } + } + } + //Normal Scene object + else + { + int identifier = EditorPrefs.GetInt(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectSceneId, -1); + + Object obj = FindSceneObject(sceneStr, identifier, true); + + if (obj != null) + { + restoredObjects.Add(obj); + restoredObjectsData.Add(CreateSceneObjectRestoredData(editorPrefKey, obj, sceneStr)); + + //If its a game object also restore any saved child objects + if (obj is GameObject gameObject) + { + RestoreSavedObjectChildren(editorPrefKey, gameObject, sceneStr, ref restoredObjects, ref restoredObjectsData); + } + } + } + } + } + //Runtime Object + else + { + string typeStr = EditorPrefs.GetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectType); + + Type objType = GetType(typeStr); + GameObject parentObj = GetRuntimeObjectParent(editorPrefKey, sceneStr, true) as GameObject; + + //New runtime gameobject hierachy + if (objType == typeof(GameObject)) + { + GameObject gameObject = null; + Scene scene; + bool isPrefab = false; + + //If the object is a prefab, instantiate it + if (EditorPrefs.HasKey(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectPrefab)) + { + string prefabPath = EditorPrefs.GetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectPrefab); + GameObject prefab = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(prefabPath); + + if (prefab != null) + { + gameObject = PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(prefab) as GameObject; + isPrefab = gameObject != null; + } + } + + //Otherwise create blank game object + if (!isPrefab) + { + gameObject = new GameObject(); + } + + //If we have a parent scene object, move it to become a child + if (parentObj != null) + { + gameObject.transform.parent = parentObj.transform; + } + //otherwise make sure its in the correct scene + else if (GetActiveScene(sceneStr, out scene, true)) + { + SceneManager.MoveGameObjectToScene(gameObject, scene); + int sceneRootIndex = EditorPrefs.GetInt(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectSceneRootIndex, 0); + gameObject.transform.SetSiblingIndex(sceneRootIndex); + } + + List runtimeRestoredObjects = new List + { + CreateRuntimeObjectRestoredData(editorPrefKey, gameObject, gameObject, sceneStr) + }; + + //Create the new objects heirachy + gameObject = RestoreRuntimeGameObject(gameObject, editorPrefKey, sceneStr, gameObject, runtimeRestoredObjects); + + //Then restore all the new objects data + for (int j = 0; j < runtimeRestoredObjects.Count; j++) + { + RestoreObjectFromData(runtimeRestoredObjects[j]); + } + + Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(gameObject, kUndoText); + } + //New runtime component on an existing scene object + else if (typeof(Component).IsAssignableFrom(objType)) + { + if (parentObj != null) + { + restoredObjectsData.Add(CreateRuntimeCopmonentRestoredData(editorPrefKey, objType, parentObj, sceneStr)); + } + } + } + + DeleteObjectEditorPrefs(editorPrefKey); + } + + if (restoredObjectsData.Count > 0) + { + Undo.RecordObjects(restoredObjects.ToArray(), kUndoText); + + for (int i = 0; i < restoredObjectsData.Count; i++) + { + RestoreObjectFromData(restoredObjectsData[i]); + } + } + + SafeDeleteEditorPref(kEditorPrefsObjectCountKey); + _state = State.Idle; + } + + private static void RestoreObjectFromData(RestoredObjectData data) + { + if (data._object == null) + { + GameObject parent = data._parentObject as GameObject; + + if (typeof(Component).IsAssignableFrom(data._createdObjectType) && parent != null) + { + data._object = Undo.AddComponent(parent, data._createdObjectType); + } + } + + if (data._object != null) + { + if (data._deleted) + { + //If object is part of prefab instance then cant destory it without breaking prefab instance + GameObject prefabInstance = PrefabUtility.GetNearestPrefabInstanceRoot(data._object); + + if (prefabInstance != null) + { + if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(kPrefabUnpackWarningTitle, kPrefabUnpackWarningMsg, kPrefabUnpackWarningUnpack, kPrefabUnpackWarningIgnore)) + { + //Unpack prefab. + PrefabUtility.UnpackPrefabInstance(prefabInstance, PrefabUnpackMode.OutermostRoot, InteractionMode.UserAction); + + //Destory object + Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate(data._object); + } + } + else + { + Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate(data._object); + } + } + else + { + bool unityType = ShouldUseEditorSerialiser(data._object); + + //Find any lost material refs + List materialRefs = FindOriginalMaterials(data._object, data._missingMaterials); + + if (unityType) + { + EditorJsonUtility.FromJsonOverwrite(data._json, data._object); + ApplyObjectRefs(data._object, data._scenePath, data._missingObjectRefs); + } + else + { + JsonUtility.FromJsonOverwrite(data._json, data._object); + } + + //Apply runtime internal refs + ApplyRuntimeObjectRefs(data._object, data._rootGameObject, data._runtimeInternalRefs); + + //Revert any lost material refs + ApplyMaterialsRefs(data._object, materialRefs); + + //Refresh Canvas renderers + DirtyCanvasRenderers(data._object); + + EditorUtility.SetDirty(data._object); + } + } + } + + private static void RestoreSavedObjectChildren(string parentEditorPrefKey, GameObject gameObject, string sceneStr, ref List restoredObjects, ref List restoredObjectsData) + { + //First build a dictionary of saved object data for child objects (components / gameobjects) + Dictionary childrenData = new Dictionary(); + + int children = EditorPrefs.GetInt(parentEditorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsSceneObjectChildren, 0); + + for (int i = 0; i < children; i++) + { + string editorPrefKey = parentEditorPrefKey + '.' + Convert.ToString(i); + + //Scene Prefab object + if (EditorPrefs.HasKey(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsScenePrefabInstanceId)) + { + //Get prefab from scene + int prefabId = EditorPrefs.GetInt(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsScenePrefabInstanceId, -1); + string prefabObjPathStr = EditorPrefs.GetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsScenePrefabInstanceChildPath); + + Object obj = FindScenePrefabObject(sceneStr, prefabId, prefabObjPathStr, true); + + if (obj != null) + { + childrenData.Add(obj, CreateSceneObjectRestoredData(editorPrefKey, obj, sceneStr)); + } + } + //Normal Scene object + else + { + int identifier = EditorPrefs.GetInt(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectSceneId, -1); + + Object obj = FindSceneObject(sceneStr, identifier, true); + + if (obj != null) + { + childrenData.Add(obj, CreateSceneObjectRestoredData(editorPrefKey, obj, sceneStr)); + } + } + } + + //Then go through heirachy and restore all child components / gameobejcts from this dictionary + RestoreChildSavedObject(gameObject, sceneStr, childrenData, ref restoredObjects, ref restoredObjectsData); + } + + private static void RestoreChildSavedObject(GameObject gameObject, string sceneStr, Dictionary childrenData, ref List restoredObjects, ref List restoredObjectsData) + { + Component[] components = gameObject.GetComponents(); + + //Save each component + for (int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++) + { + restoredObjects.Add(components[i]); + + if (childrenData.TryGetValue(components[i], out RestoredObjectData componentRestoredObjectData)) + { + restoredObjectsData.Add(componentRestoredObjectData); + } + //If don't have saved data for the component then delete it (unless its a Transform which can't be deleted) + else if (components[i].GetType() != typeof(Transform)) + { + restoredObjectsData.Add(CreateDeletedSceneObjectRestoredData(components[i], sceneStr)); + } + } + + //Save each child object + foreach (Transform child in gameObject.transform) + { + restoredObjects.Add(child.gameObject); + + if (childrenData.TryGetValue(child.gameObject, out RestoredObjectData restoredObjectData)) + { + restoredObjectsData.Add(restoredObjectData); + + RestoreChildSavedObject(child.gameObject, sceneStr, childrenData, ref restoredObjects, ref restoredObjectsData); + } + //If don't have saved data for the child GameObject then delete it + else + { + restoredObjectsData.Add(CreateDeletedSceneObjectRestoredData(child.gameObject, sceneStr)); + } + } + } + + private static List FindOriginalMaterials(Object obj, string materialStr) + { + List materialRefs = new List(); + + SerializedObject serializedObject = new SerializedObject(obj); + string[] materials = materialStr.Split(kItemSplitChar); + + foreach (string material in materials) + { + SerializedProperty materialProp = serializedObject.FindProperty(material); + + if (materialProp != null) + { + MaterialRef materialRef = new MaterialRef + { + _material = materialProp.objectReferenceValue as Material, + _propertyPath = material + + }; + materialRefs.Add(materialRef); + } + } + + return materialRefs; + } + + private static void ApplyObjectRefs(Object obj, string sceneStr, string objectRefStr) + { + if (objectRefStr != null) + { + SerializedObject serializedObject = new SerializedObject(obj); + string[] objectRefs = objectRefStr.Split(kItemSplitChar); + + foreach (string objectRef in objectRefs) + { + int split = objectRef.IndexOf(kObjectPathSplitChar); + + if (split != -1) + { + int id = SafeConvertToInt(objectRef.Substring(0, split)); + + if (id != -1) + { + string objPath = objectRef.Substring(split + 1, objectRef.Length - split - 1); + + SerializedProperty localIdProp = serializedObject.FindProperty(objPath); + + if (localIdProp != null) + { + localIdProp.objectReferenceValue = FindSceneObject(sceneStr, id); + } + } + } + } + + serializedObject.ApplyModifiedPropertiesWithoutUndo(); + } + } + + private static void ApplyRuntimeObjectRefs(Object obj, GameObject rootGameObject, string objectRefStr) + { + if (objectRefStr != null) + { + SerializedObject serializedObject = new SerializedObject(obj); + string[] objectRefs = objectRefStr.Split(kItemSplitChar); + + foreach (string objectRef in objectRefs) + { + int split = objectRef.IndexOf(kObjectPathSplitChar); + + if (split != -1) + { + string runtimeHierarchyPath = objectRef.Substring(0, split); + string objPath = objectRef.Substring(split + 1, objectRef.Length - split - 1); + + SerializedProperty localIdProp = serializedObject.FindProperty(objPath); + + if (localIdProp != null) + { + localIdProp.objectReferenceValue = GetChildObject(rootGameObject, runtimeHierarchyPath); + } + } + } + + serializedObject.ApplyModifiedPropertiesWithoutUndo(); + } + } + + private static void ApplyMaterialsRefs(Object obj, List materialRefs) + { + SerializedObject serializedObject = new SerializedObject(obj); + + foreach (MaterialRef materialRef in materialRefs) + { + SerializedProperty materialProp = serializedObject.FindProperty(materialRef._propertyPath); + + if (materialProp != null) + { + materialProp.objectReferenceValue = materialRef._material; + } + } + + serializedObject.ApplyModifiedPropertiesWithoutUndo(); + } + + private static void DirtyCanvasRenderers(Object obj) + { + if (obj is Graphic graphic) + { + graphic.SetAllDirty(); + } + else if (obj is GameObject gameObject) + { + DirtyCanvasRenderers(gameObject); + } + } + + private static void DirtyCanvasRenderers(GameObject gameObject) + { + Graphic[] graphicComponents = gameObject.GetComponents(); + + for (int i = 0; i < graphicComponents.Length; i++) + { + graphicComponents[i].SetAllDirty(); + } + + foreach (Transform child in gameObject.transform) + { + DirtyCanvasRenderers(child.gameObject); + } + } + + #region Scene Objects + private static RestoredObjectData CreateSceneObjectRestoredData(string editorPrefKey, Object obj, string sceneStr) + { + return new RestoredObjectData + { + _object = obj, + _createdObjectType = null, + _parentObject = null, + _rootGameObject = null, + _json = EditorPrefs.GetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectJson), + _scenePath = sceneStr, + _missingObjectRefs = EditorPrefs.GetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectRefs), + _missingMaterials = EditorPrefs.GetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectMaterialRefs), + _runtimeInternalRefs = null + }; + } + + private static RestoredObjectData CreateDeletedSceneObjectRestoredData(Object obj, string sceneStr) + { + return new RestoredObjectData + { + _object = obj, + _deleted = true, + _createdObjectType = null, + _parentObject = null, + _rootGameObject = null, + _json = null, + _scenePath = sceneStr, + _missingObjectRefs = null, + _missingMaterials = null, + _runtimeInternalRefs = null + }; + } + #endregion + + #region Runtime Objects + private static RestoredObjectData CreateRuntimeObjectRestoredData(string editorPrefKey, Object obj, GameObject rootObject, string sceneStr) + { + return new RestoredObjectData + { + _object = obj, + _createdObjectType = null, + _parentObject = null, + _rootGameObject = rootObject, + _json = EditorPrefs.GetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectJson), + _scenePath = sceneStr, + _missingObjectRefs = EditorPrefs.GetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectRefs), + _missingMaterials = EditorPrefs.GetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectMaterialRefs), + _runtimeInternalRefs = EditorPrefs.GetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectRefs) + }; + } + + private static RestoredObjectData CreateRuntimeCopmonentRestoredData(string editorPrefKey, Type componentType, GameObject parentGameObject, string sceneStr) + { + return new RestoredObjectData + { + _object = null, + _createdObjectType = componentType, + _parentObject = parentGameObject, + _rootGameObject = null, + _json = EditorPrefs.GetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectJson), + _scenePath = sceneStr, + _missingObjectRefs = EditorPrefs.GetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectRefs), + _missingMaterials = EditorPrefs.GetString(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectMaterialRefs), + _runtimeInternalRefs = null + }; + } + + private static GameObject RestoreRuntimeGameObject(GameObject gameObject, string editorPrefKey, string sceneStr, GameObject runtimeObjectRoot, List restoredObjectsData) + { + int childIndex = 0; + string childeditorPrefKey; + + while (EditorPrefs.HasKey((childeditorPrefKey = editorPrefKey + "." + Convert.ToString(childIndex)) + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectType)) + { + string typeStr = EditorPrefs.GetString(childeditorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectType); + Type objType = GetType(typeStr); + + Object obj = null; + + if (objType == typeof(Transform)) + { + obj = gameObject.transform; + } + else if (typeof(Component).IsAssignableFrom(objType)) + { + //If a prefab component.. + if (EditorPrefs.HasKey(childeditorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectPrefabObjIndex)) + { + int componentIndex = EditorPrefs.GetInt(childeditorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectPrefabObjIndex, -1); + obj = GetPrefabComponent(runtimeObjectRoot, gameObject, objType, componentIndex); + } + + if (obj == null) + { + obj = gameObject.AddComponent(objType); + } + } + else if(objType == typeof(GameObject)) + { + GameObject childGameObject = null; + + //Check is a new prefab instance + if (EditorPrefs.HasKey(childeditorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectPrefab)) + { + string prefabPath = EditorPrefs.GetString(childeditorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectPrefab); + GameObject prefab = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(prefabPath); + + if (prefab != null) + { + childGameObject = PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(prefab) as GameObject; + childGameObject.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; + runtimeObjectRoot = childGameObject; + } + } + + //If a prefab child.. + if (EditorPrefs.HasKey(childeditorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectPrefabObjIndex)) + { + int childGameObjectIndex = EditorPrefs.GetInt(childeditorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectPrefabObjIndex, -1); + childGameObject = GetPrefabChild(runtimeObjectRoot, gameObject, childGameObjectIndex); + } + + if (childGameObject == null) + { + childGameObject = new GameObject(); + childGameObject.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; + } + + obj = childGameObject; + RestoreRuntimeGameObject(childGameObject, childeditorPrefKey, sceneStr, runtimeObjectRoot, restoredObjectsData); + } + + restoredObjectsData.Add(CreateRuntimeObjectRestoredData(childeditorPrefKey, obj, runtimeObjectRoot, sceneStr)); + + DeleteObjectEditorPrefs(childeditorPrefKey); + + childIndex++; + } + + return gameObject; + } + + private static void DeleteObjectEditorPrefs(string editorPrefKey) + { + SafeDeleteEditorPref(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectScene); + SafeDeleteEditorPref(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectSceneId); + SafeDeleteEditorPref(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectDeleted); + SafeDeleteEditorPref(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsScenePrefabInstanceId); + SafeDeleteEditorPref(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsScenePrefabInstanceChildPath); + SafeDeleteEditorPref(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectId); + SafeDeleteEditorPref(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectParentId); + SafeDeleteEditorPref(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectSceneRootIndex); + SafeDeleteEditorPref(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectType); + SafeDeleteEditorPref(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectPrefab); + SafeDeleteEditorPref(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectPrefabObjIndex); + SafeDeleteEditorPref(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectJson); + SafeDeleteEditorPref(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectRefs); + SafeDeleteEditorPref(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsObjectMaterialRefs); + SafeDeleteEditorPref(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsRuntimeObjectRefs); + + int children = EditorPrefs.GetInt(editorPrefKey + kEditorPrefsSceneObjectChildren, 0); + + for (int i=0; i(); + + int index = 0; + + for (int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++) + { + if (components[i] == component) + { + return index; + } + + if (components[i].GetType() == component.GetType() && PrefabUtility.GetNearestPrefabInstanceRoot(components[i]) == prefabRoot) + { + index++; + } + } + + return index; + + } + + private static Component GetPrefabComponent(GameObject prefabRoot, GameObject gameObject, Type type, int index) + { + if (index != -1) + { + Component[] components = gameObject.GetComponents(); + + int count = 0; + + for (int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++) + { + if (PrefabUtility.GetNearestPrefabInstanceRoot(components[i]) == prefabRoot && components[i].GetType() == type) + { + if (count == index) + { + return components[i]; + } + + count++; + } + } + } + + return null; + } + + private static GameObject GetPrefabChild(GameObject prefabRoot, GameObject gameObject, int index) + { + if (index != -1) + { + int count = 0; + + foreach (Transform child in gameObject.transform) + { + if (PrefabUtility.GetNearestPrefabInstanceRoot(child) == prefabRoot) + { + if (count == index) + { + return child.gameObject; + } + + count++; + } + } + } + + return null; + } + + private static bool GetChildObjectPath(string path, GameObject rootObject, Object obj, bool sceneObjectsOnly, out string fullPath) + { + //Check gameobject itself matches object + if (rootObject == obj) + { + fullPath = path; + return true; + } + + //Check any of the gameobjects components matches object + Component[] components = rootObject.GetComponents(); + int componentIndex = 0; + + for (int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++) + { + if (!sceneObjectsOnly || GetSceneIdentifier(obj) != -1) + { + if (components[i] == obj) + { + fullPath = path + '.' + Convert.ToString(componentIndex); + return true; + } + + componentIndex++; + } + } + + //Check any of the child's children matches object + int childIndex = 0; + + foreach (Transform child in rootObject.transform) + { + //Only index scene gameobjects (not ones created at runtime) + if (!sceneObjectsOnly || GetSceneIdentifier(obj) != -1) + { + string childPath = path + '[' + Convert.ToString(childIndex) + ']'; + + //Check this child's children + if (GetChildObjectPath(childPath, child.gameObject, obj, sceneObjectsOnly, out fullPath)) + return true; + + childIndex++; + } + + } + + fullPath = string.Empty; + return false; + } + + private static Object GetChildObject(GameObject rootObject, string path) + { + if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) + return rootObject; + + GameObject gameObject = rootObject; + int j = 0; + + while (j < path.Length) + { + int i = path.IndexOf('[', j); + + if (i == -1) + break; + + j = path.IndexOf(']', i); + + if (j == -1) + break; + + string childIndexStr = path.Substring(i + 1, j - i - 1); + int childIndex = SafeConvertToInt(childIndexStr); + + if (childIndex >= 0 && childIndex < gameObject.transform.childCount) + { + gameObject = gameObject.transform.GetChild(childIndex).gameObject; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + + int dotIndex = path.LastIndexOf('.'); + + if (dotIndex != -1) + { + int componentIndex = SafeConvertToInt(path.Substring(dotIndex + 1)); + + Component[] components = gameObject.GetComponents(); + + if (componentIndex >= 0 && componentIndex < components.Length) + { + return components[componentIndex]; + } + else + { + return null; + } + } + else + { + return gameObject; + } + } + #endregion + + #endregion + } + } + } +} + +#endif \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/Editor/UnityPlayModeSaver.cs.meta b/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/Editor/UnityPlayModeSaver.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9243ec6a4f --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/Editor/UnityPlayModeSaver.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: d3914c95537c6c148841418f76eda22c +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/Editor/UnityPlayModeSaverEditor.asmdef b/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/Editor/UnityPlayModeSaverEditor.asmdef new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5617787aeb --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/Editor/UnityPlayModeSaverEditor.asmdef @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "name": "UnityPlayModeSaverEditor", + "references": [ + "GUID:9e04453c0b3628643a36c7b3920a37e8" + ], + "optionalUnityReferences": [], + "includePlatforms": [ + "Editor" + ], + "excludePlatforms": [], + "allowUnsafeCode": false, + "overrideReferences": false, + "precompiledReferences": [], + "autoReferenced": true, + "defineConstraints": [], + "versionDefines": [] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/Editor/UnityPlayModeSaverEditor.asmdef.meta b/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/Editor/UnityPlayModeSaverEditor.asmdef.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..55a555c492 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/Editor/UnityPlayModeSaverEditor.asmdef.meta @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 3678a14500f4bc0468914bb3ea2537d7 +AssemblyDefinitionImporter: + externalObjects: {} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/Editor/UnityPlayModeSaverWindow.cs b/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/Editor/UnityPlayModeSaverWindow.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..13e5357709 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/Editor/UnityPlayModeSaverWindow.cs @@ -0,0 +1,537 @@ +#if UNITY_EDITOR + +using UnityEditor; +using UnityEngine; +using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; +using System; + +using Object = UnityEngine.Object; + +namespace Framework +{ + namespace Utils + { + namespace Editor + { + public class UnityPlayModeSaverWindow : EditorWindow + { + #region Constants + private const float kClearButtonWidth = 24f; + private const float kClearAllButtonWidth = 220f; + private const float kSaveModeWidth = 102f; + private const float kSnapshotButtonWidth = 116f; + private const float kDefaultNameWidth = 280f; + private const float kMinNameWidth = 50f; + private const string kWindowTitle = "Play Mode Saver"; + private static readonly GUIContent kObjectLabel = new GUIContent("Saved Object"); + private static readonly GUIContent kObjectPathLabel = new GUIContent("Object Path"); + private static readonly GUIContent kNoObjectsLabel = new GUIContent("Either right click on any Game Object or Component and click 'Save Play Mode Changes'\nor drag any Game Object or Component into this window."); + private static readonly GUIContent kObjectsDetailsLabel = new GUIContent("These objects will have their values saved upon leaving Play Mode.\nIf an object has a snapshot saved it will restore to that, otherwise it will keep the values it had upon exiting Play Mode."); + private static readonly GUIContent kNotInEditModeLabel = new GUIContent("Not in Play Mode."); + private static readonly string[] kSaveModeOptions = new string[] { "Save on Exit", "Snapshot" }; + private const string kDeletedObj = " (Deleted)"; + private const string kSceneNotLoadedObj = " (Scene not loaded)"; + private const string kSaveSnapshot = " Save Snapshot"; + private const string kClearAllButton = "Clear All Saved Objects"; + private static readonly float kResizerWidth = 6.0f; + private static readonly float kTextFieldSpace = 6.0f; + #endregion + + #region Private Data + private Vector2 _scrollPosition = Vector2.zero; + private float _nameWidth = kDefaultNameWidth; + private Rect _nameResizerRect; + private bool _needsRepaint; + private enum ResizingState + { + NotResizing, + ResizingName, + } + private ResizingState _resizing; + private int _controlID; + private float _resizingOffset; + private GUIStyle _bottomBarInfoStyle; + private GUIStyle _bottomBarInfoTextStyle; + private GUIStyle _headerStyle; + private GUIStyle _itemNameStyle; + private GUIStyle _itemButtonStyle; + private GUIStyle _itemPathStyle; + private GUIStyle _itemSpaceStyle; + private GUIStyle _noObjectsStyle; + + private GUIContent _clearButtonContent; + private GUIContent _clearAllButtonContent; + private GUIContent _saveSnapshotContent; + private Texture _scriptIcon; + #endregion + + #region Internal Interface + internal static UnityPlayModeSaverWindow Open(bool focus) + { + UnityPlayModeSaverWindow window = (UnityPlayModeSaverWindow)GetWindow(typeof(UnityPlayModeSaverWindow), false, kWindowTitle, focus); + + if (!focus) + window.Repaint(); + + return window; + } + #endregion + + #region Unity Messages + private void OnGUI() + { + Initialize(); + + _needsRepaint = false; + + if (UnityPlayModeSaver.CurrentPlayModeState == PlayModeStateChange.EnteredPlayMode) + { + EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); + { + DrawTitleBar(); + DrawTable(); + DrawBottomButton(); + } + EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); + + HandleInput(); + } + else + { + EditorGUILayout.LabelField(kNotInEditModeLabel, _noObjectsStyle, GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true)); + } + + if (_needsRepaint) + Repaint(); + } + #endregion + + #region Private Functions + private void Initialize() + { + if (_headerStyle == null) + { + _headerStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.toolbarButton) + { + alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, + padding = new RectOffset(8, 8, 0, 0), + fontStyle = FontStyle.Italic, + }; + } + + if (_itemNameStyle == null) + { + _itemNameStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.toolbarTextField) + { + alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, + margin = new RectOffset(0, 0, 2, 3), + padding = new RectOffset(8, 8, 0, 0), + fixedHeight = 0, + stretchHeight = true, + stretchWidth = true, + richText = true, + }; + } + + if (_itemButtonStyle == null) + { + _itemButtonStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.toolbarButton) + { + alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, + }; + } + + if (_itemPathStyle == null) + { + _itemPathStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.toolbarSearchField) + { + fontSize = 12, + margin = new RectOffset(0, 0, 2, 3), + padding = new RectOffset(16, 8, 0, 0), + fixedHeight = 0, + stretchHeight = true, + stretchWidth = true, + }; + } + + if (_itemSpaceStyle == null) + { + _itemSpaceStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label) + { + margin = new RectOffset(0, 0, 0, 0), + padding = new RectOffset(0, 0, 0, 0), + }; + } + + if (_noObjectsStyle == null) + { + _noObjectsStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label) + { + alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, + stretchWidth = true, + stretchHeight = true + }; + } + + if (_bottomBarInfoStyle == null) + { + _bottomBarInfoStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.toolbar) + { + fixedHeight = 42, + }; + } + + if (_bottomBarInfoTextStyle == null) + { + _bottomBarInfoTextStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.toolbarButton) + { + alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, + fixedHeight = 40, + fontStyle = FontStyle.Italic + }; + } + + if (_saveSnapshotContent == null) + { + titleContent = new GUIContent(kWindowTitle, EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("SaveAs").image); + minSize = new Vector2(kDefaultNameWidth, kDefaultNameWidth); + + _saveSnapshotContent = new GUIContent(kSaveSnapshot, EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("SaveAs").image); + } + + if (_clearButtonContent == null) + { + _clearButtonContent = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("d_winbtn_win_close"); + } + + if (_clearAllButtonContent == null) + { + _clearAllButtonContent = new GUIContent(kClearAllButton); + } + + if (_scriptIcon == null) + { + _scriptIcon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("cs Script Icon").image; + } + } + + private void DrawTitleBar() + { + EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(EditorStyles.toolbar); + { + //Clear Button + EditorGUILayout.Space(kClearButtonWidth, false); + + //Object name + GUILayout.Label(kObjectLabel, _headerStyle, GUILayout.Width(_nameWidth - _scrollPosition.x)); + + //Name Resizer + RenderResizer(ref _nameResizerRect); + + //Save Mode + GUILayout.Label("Save Mode", _headerStyle, GUILayout.Width(kSaveModeWidth)); + + //Snapshot buttons + GUILayout.Label(GUIContent.none, _headerStyle, GUILayout.Width(kSnapshotButtonWidth)); + + //Object Path + GUILayout.Label(kObjectPathLabel, _headerStyle); + } + EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); + } + + private void DrawTable() + { + bool origGUIenabled = GUI.enabled; + + _scrollPosition = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(_scrollPosition, false, false); + { + for (int i=0; i< UnityPlayModeSaver.SavedObjects.Count;) + { + bool itemRemoved = false; + + UnityPlayModeSaver.SavedObject savedObject = UnityPlayModeSaver.SavedObjects[i]; + + EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(EditorStyles.toolbar); + { + //Clear object button + if (GUILayout.Button(_clearButtonContent, EditorStyles.toolbarButton, GUILayout.Width(kClearButtonWidth))) + { + itemRemoved = true; + } + + //Spacer + GUILayout.Label(GUIContent.none, _itemSpaceStyle, GUILayout.Width(kTextFieldSpace)); + + // Object button + { + string name = " " + GetObjectName(savedObject); + + if (savedObject._object == null) + { + GUI.enabled = false; + + Scene scene = SceneManager.GetSceneByPath(savedObject._scenePath); + + if (!scene.IsValid() || !scene.isLoaded) + { + name += kSceneNotLoadedObj; + } + else + { + name += kDeletedObj; + } + } + + Texture icon = EditorGUIUtility.ObjectContent(null, savedObject._type).image; + + if (icon == null) + { + icon = _scriptIcon; + } + + GUIContent buttonContent = new GUIContent(name, icon); + + if (GUILayout.Button(buttonContent, _itemNameStyle, GUILayout.Width(_nameWidth - kResizerWidth))) + { + FocusOnObject(savedObject._object); + } + + GUI.enabled = origGUIenabled; + } + + //Spacer + GUILayout.Label(GUIContent.none, _itemSpaceStyle, GUILayout.Width(kResizerWidth)); + + //Save Mode + { + int selected = savedObject._hasSnapshot ? 1 : 0; + int newSelected = EditorGUILayout.Popup(selected, kSaveModeOptions, EditorStyles.toolbarDropDown, GUILayout.Width(kSaveModeWidth)); + + if (selected != newSelected) + { + if (newSelected == 1) + { + UnityPlayModeSaver.SaveSnapshot(i); + } + else + { + UnityPlayModeSaver.ClearSnapshot(i); + + //Check objects scene is still loaded, if not remove object + Scene scene = SceneManager.GetSceneByPath(savedObject._scenePath); + + if (!scene.IsValid() || !scene.isLoaded) + { + itemRemoved = true; + } + } + } + } + + //Snap shot button + { + if (savedObject._object == null) + { + GUI.enabled = false; + } + + if (GUILayout.Button(_saveSnapshotContent, _itemButtonStyle, GUILayout.Width(kSnapshotButtonWidth))) + { + UnityPlayModeSaver.SaveSnapshot(i); + } + + GUI.enabled = origGUIenabled; + } + + //Spacer + GUILayout.Label(GUIContent.none, _itemSpaceStyle, GUILayout.Width(kTextFieldSpace)); + + //Object path + if (GUILayout.Button(savedObject._path + GetObjectName(savedObject), _itemPathStyle, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true))) + { + FocusOnObject(savedObject._object); + } + + GUILayout.Label(GUIContent.none, _itemSpaceStyle, GUILayout.Width(kTextFieldSpace)); + } + EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); + + if (itemRemoved) + { + UnityPlayModeSaver.ClearSavedObject(i); + _needsRepaint = true; + } + else + { + i++; + } + } + + if (UnityPlayModeSaver.SavedObjects.Count == 0) + { + EditorGUILayout.LabelField(kNoObjectsLabel, _noObjectsStyle, GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true)); + } + } + EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); + } + + private void DrawBottomButton() + { + EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(_bottomBarInfoStyle); + { + GUILayout.Label(kObjectsDetailsLabel, _bottomBarInfoTextStyle); + } + EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); + + EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(EditorStyles.toolbar); + { + GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); + + if (GUILayout.Button(_clearAllButtonContent, GUILayout.Width(kClearAllButtonWidth))) + { + UnityPlayModeSaver.ClearCache(); + _needsRepaint = true; + } + + GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); + } + EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); + } + + private void HandleInput() + { + Event inputEvent = Event.current; + + if (inputEvent == null) + return; + + EventType controlEventType = inputEvent.GetTypeForControl(_controlID); + + if (_resizing != ResizingState.NotResizing && inputEvent.rawType == EventType.MouseUp) + { + _resizing = ResizingState.NotResizing; + _needsRepaint = true; + } + + switch (controlEventType) + { + case EventType.MouseDown: + { + if (inputEvent.button == 0) + { + if (_nameResizerRect.Contains(inputEvent.mousePosition)) + { + _resizing = ResizingState.ResizingName; + } + else + { + _resizing = ResizingState.NotResizing; + } + + if (_resizing != ResizingState.NotResizing) + { + inputEvent.Use(); + _resizingOffset = inputEvent.mousePosition.x; + } + } + } + break; + + case EventType.MouseUp: + { + if (_resizing != ResizingState.NotResizing) + { + inputEvent.Use(); + _resizing = ResizingState.NotResizing; + } + } + break; + + case EventType.MouseDrag: + { + if (_resizing != ResizingState.NotResizing) + { + if (_resizing == ResizingState.ResizingName) + { + _nameWidth += (inputEvent.mousePosition.x - _resizingOffset); + _nameWidth = Math.Max(_nameWidth, kMinNameWidth); + } + + _resizingOffset = inputEvent.mousePosition.x; + _needsRepaint = true; + } + } + break; + case EventType.DragUpdated: + { + bool objectsAreAllowed = true; + + foreach (Object obj in DragAndDrop.objectReferences) + { + if (!(obj is GameObject) && !(obj is Component)) + { + objectsAreAllowed = false; + break; + } + } + + DragAndDrop.visualMode = objectsAreAllowed ? DragAndDropVisualMode.Copy : DragAndDropVisualMode.Rejected; + } + break; + + case EventType.DragPerform: + { + foreach (Object obj in DragAndDrop.objectReferences) + { + if (!UnityPlayModeSaver.IsObjectRegistered(obj, out _)) + { + if (obj is GameObject gameObject) + { + UnityPlayModeSaver.RegisterSavedObject(gameObject); + } + else if (obj is Component component) + { + UnityPlayModeSaver.RegisterSavedObject(component); + } + } + } + + DragAndDrop.AcceptDrag(); + } + break; + } + } + + private void RenderResizer(ref Rect rect) + { + GUILayout.Box(GUIContent.none, EditorStyles.toolbar, GUILayout.Width(kResizerWidth), GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true)); + rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); + EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(rect, MouseCursor.SplitResizeLeftRight); + } + + private static void FocusOnObject(Object obj) + { + Selection.activeObject = obj; + SceneView.FrameLastActiveSceneView(); + EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(obj); + } + + private string GetObjectName(UnityPlayModeSaver.SavedObject savedObject) + { + if (savedObject._object == null) + { + return savedObject._name; + } + else + { + return UnityPlayModeSaver.GetObjectName(savedObject._object); + } + } + #endregion + } + } + } +} + +#endif \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/Editor/UnityPlayModeSaverWindow.cs.meta b/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/Editor/UnityPlayModeSaverWindow.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c0aa391eea --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/Editor/UnityPlayModeSaverWindow.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 430e8aa46ba65b74ea0d086d32253639 +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/ReadMe.txt b/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/ReadMe.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4988b82de5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/ReadMe.txt @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +#### Play Mode Saver ### + +## To Use: + +First make sure UnityPlayModeSaver.cs is inside a folder called 'Editor' somewhere in your projects Assets folder. + +Then whilst the game is playing in the editor either drag any GameObject / Component onto the Play Mode Saver window +or right click on any GameObject / Component in the Inspector Panel or hierarchy view and select +'Save Play Mode Changes' or 'Save Play Mode Snapshot'. + +You can undo/re-apply any saved changes with Ctrl-Z and Ctrl-Y after leaving Play Mode. + +If an object has a snapshot saved it will keep those values upon leaving Play Mode*. +Otherwise objects will keep the values they had when leaving Play Mode. + + +* note this means you can save objects even after their scenes have unloaded during a play session. + + diff --git a/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/ReadMe.txt.meta b/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/ReadMe.txt.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ba83315e6e --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/ReadMe.txt.meta @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 46e7f660a9a54104184eb4bc41801994 +timeCreated: 1510581610 +licenseType: Store +TextScriptImporter: + externalObjects: {} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/UnityPlayModeSaver.asmdef b/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/UnityPlayModeSaver.asmdef new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ba2e6d3c92 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/UnityPlayModeSaver.asmdef @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +{ + "name": "UnityPlayModeSaver" +} diff --git a/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/UnityPlayModeSaver.asmdef.meta b/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/UnityPlayModeSaver.asmdef.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f66bcc89bf --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/UnityPlayModeSaver.asmdef.meta @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 9e04453c0b3628643a36c7b3920a37e8 +AssemblyDefinitionImporter: + externalObjects: {} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/UnityPlayModeSaverSceneUtils.cs b/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/UnityPlayModeSaverSceneUtils.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3ecde54bd0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/UnityPlayModeSaverSceneUtils.cs @@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ +using System.Collections.Generic; + +using UnityEngine; +using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; + +#if UNITY_EDITOR +using UnityEditor; +#endif + +namespace Framework +{ + namespace Utils + { + public class UnityPlayModeSaverSceneUtils : MonoBehaviour + { + #region Public Data + [System.Serializable] + public class PrefabInstance + { + public GameObject _gameObject; + public string _prefab; + } + + [HideInInspector] + public PrefabInstance[] _scenePrefabInstances; + #endregion + +#if UNITY_EDITOR + #region Public Interface + public static void CacheScenePrefabInstances(Scene scene) + { + UnityPlayModeSaverSceneUtils prefabIndexer = GetPrefabIndexer(scene); + + if (prefabIndexer == null) + { + GameObject gameObject = new GameObject("Prefab Indexer", typeof(UnityPlayModeSaverSceneUtils)) + {hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy | HideFlags.HideInInspector | HideFlags.NotEditable + + }; + SceneManager.MoveGameObjectToScene(gameObject, scene); + prefabIndexer = gameObject.GetComponent(); + } + + prefabIndexer.BuildScenePrefabMap(); + } + + public static bool IsScenePrefabInstance(Object obj, Scene scene, out GameObject prefab, out int id) + { + UnityPlayModeSaverSceneUtils prefabIndexer = GetPrefabIndexer(scene); + + if (prefabIndexer != null) + { + return prefabIndexer.IsScenePrefabInstance(obj, out prefab, out id); + } + + prefab = null; + id = -1; + return false; + } + + public static GameObject GetScenePrefabInstance(Scene scene, int id) + { + UnityPlayModeSaverSceneUtils prefabIndexer = GetPrefabIndexer(scene); + + if (prefabIndexer != null) + { + return prefabIndexer.GetScenePrefabInstance(id); + } + + return null; + } + #endregion + + #region Private Functions + private void BuildScenePrefabMap() + { + Scene scene = this.gameObject.scene; + + List prefabInstances = new List(); + + foreach (GameObject rootObject in scene.GetRootGameObjects()) + { + CheckGameObjectForPrefabs(rootObject, null, ref prefabInstances); + } + + _scenePrefabInstances = prefabInstances.ToArray(); + } + + private bool IsScenePrefabInstance(Object obj, out GameObject prefab, out int id) + { + Component component = obj as Component; + GameObject gameObject = obj as GameObject; + + for (int i = 0; i < _scenePrefabInstances.Length; i++) + { + //Check scene prefab still exists + if (_scenePrefabInstances[i]._gameObject != null) + { + if (component != null) + { + if (CheckForComponent(_scenePrefabInstances[i]._gameObject, component)) + { + prefab = _scenePrefabInstances[i]._gameObject; + id = i; + return true; + } + } + else if (gameObject != null) + { + if (CheckForGameObject(_scenePrefabInstances[i]._gameObject, gameObject)) + { + prefab = _scenePrefabInstances[i]._gameObject; + id = i; + return true; + } + } + } + } + + prefab = null; + id = -1; + return false; + } + + private void CheckGameObjectForPrefabs(GameObject gameObject, GameObject parentPrefabRoot, ref List prefabInstances) + { + GameObject prefabRoot = PrefabUtility.GetNearestPrefabInstanceRoot(gameObject); + + if (prefabRoot != null && prefabRoot != parentPrefabRoot) + { + PrefabInstance prefabInstance = new PrefabInstance + { + _gameObject = prefabRoot, + _prefab = PrefabUtility.GetPrefabAssetPathOfNearestInstanceRoot(prefabRoot) + }; + prefabInstances.Add(prefabInstance); + parentPrefabRoot = prefabRoot; + } + + foreach (Transform child in gameObject.transform) + { + CheckGameObjectForPrefabs(child.gameObject, parentPrefabRoot, ref prefabInstances); + } + } + + private bool CheckForComponent(GameObject prefabGameObject, Component component) + { + Component[] components = prefabGameObject.GetComponents(); + + for (int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++) + { + if (components[i] == component) + { + return true; + } + } + + foreach (Transform child in prefabGameObject.transform) + { + if (CheckForComponent(child.gameObject, component)) + return true; + } + + return false; + } + + private bool CheckForGameObject(GameObject prefabGameObject, GameObject gameObject) + { + if (prefabGameObject == gameObject) + return true; + + foreach (Transform child in prefabGameObject.transform) + { + if (CheckForGameObject(child.gameObject, gameObject)) + return true; + } + + return false; + } + + private GameObject GetScenePrefabInstance(int id) + { + if (id < 0 || id >= _scenePrefabInstances.Length) + return null; + + return _scenePrefabInstances[id]._gameObject; + } + + private static UnityPlayModeSaverSceneUtils GetPrefabIndexer(Scene scene) + { + foreach (GameObject rootObject in scene.GetRootGameObjects()) + { + UnityPlayModeSaverSceneUtils prefabIndexer = rootObject.GetComponentInChildren(); + + if (prefabIndexer != null) + return prefabIndexer; + } + + return null; + } + #endregion +#endif + } + } +} diff --git a/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/UnityPlayModeSaverSceneUtils.cs.meta b/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/UnityPlayModeSaverSceneUtils.cs.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c466f53b19 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/ThirdParty/PlayModeComponentSaver/UnityPlayModeSaverSceneUtils.cs.meta @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 05a7c62fccbafd342991629222351294 +MonoImporter: + externalObjects: {} + serializedVersion: 2 + defaultReferences: [] + executionOrder: 0 + icon: {instanceID: 0} + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Packages/manifest.json b/Packages/manifest.json index a8c2848011..862d0c57ff 100644 --- a/Packages/manifest.json +++ b/Packages/manifest.json @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ "com.cysharp.unitask": "https://github.com/Cysharp/UniTask.git?path=src/UniTask/Assets/Plugins/UniTask", "com.johannesmp.unityscenereference": "1.1.1", "com.unity.2d.sprite": "1.0.0", + "com.unity.animation.rigging": "1.1.1", "com.unity.collab-proxy": "1.17.7", "com.unity.ide.rider": "3.0.16", "com.unity.ide.visualstudio": "2.0.16", diff --git a/Packages/packages-lock.json b/Packages/packages-lock.json index fb3b0a9fbe..bdb8a4c98b 100644 --- a/Packages/packages-lock.json +++ b/Packages/packages-lock.json @@ -48,6 +48,25 @@ }, "url": "https://packages.unity.com" }, + "com.unity.animation.rigging": { + "version": "1.1.1", + "depth": 0, + "source": "registry", + "dependencies": { + "com.unity.burst": "1.4.1", + "com.unity.test-framework": "1.1.24" + }, + "url": "https://packages.unity.com" + }, + "com.unity.burst": { + "version": "1.6.6", + "depth": 1, + "source": "registry", + "dependencies": { + "com.unity.mathematics": "1.2.1" + }, + "url": "https://packages.unity.com" + }, "com.unity.collab-proxy": { "version": "1.17.7", "depth": 0, @@ -98,6 +117,13 @@ }, "url": "https://packages.unity.com" }, + "com.unity.mathematics": { + "version": "1.2.6", + "depth": 2, + "source": "registry", + "dependencies": {}, + "url": "https://packages.unity.com" + }, "com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json": { "version": "3.0.2", "depth": 2,