React, MongoDb,, Java, Javascript, Tone.js, P5.js, HTML, CSS | A full-stack, interactive Audio Visual Synthesiser utilising dynamically loaded XY touch and mouse data - includes load and save functionality for user settings | CodeClan Capstone Project
- Install MongoDB:
- Clone repository onto local machine
- Open database folder in IntelliJ
- Run to start the backend
- In terminal cd into javascript/dramm and use command npm install to install dependencies
- Also within javascipt/dramm use command npm start to run the frontend
A user can:
- Create a sound
- Alter pitch,volume,reverb & distortion settings
- Save and Load user settings from database
- View visual which responds to user actions (mouse and touch events)
- Responsive screen size (desktop and mobile)
- Volume and pitch controlled by mouse and touch events
- Additional visual options
- Hosting (Vercel for frontend)