This page is adapted from TutorialForPhysicists. Please help us benchmark these packages [:thumbsup: or :thumbsdown:?] under issue #1)
There are some useful tools (Packages) that will help you work with Julia in Physics, but you might want to find what you want first inJulia.jl.
- Julia.jl Curated decibans of Julia language.
Standard library in Julia is consist of
and many other useful modules.
- 👍OMEinsum A Julia package for einsum and its contraction order optimization.
- 👍TensorOperations A Julia package for tensor contractions and related operations
- 👎Einsum.jl Einstein summation notation in Julia
- CuArrays.jl A Curious Cumulation of CUDA Cuisine
- 👍StaticArrays.jl Statically sized arrays for Julia
- LuxurySparse.jl High performance extensions for sparse matrices.
- IterativeSolvers.jl Iterative algorithms for solving linear systems, eigensystems, and singular value problems
- 👍KrylovKit.jl A Julia package collecting a number of Krylov-based algorithms for linear problems, singular value and eigenvalue problems and the application of functions of linear maps or operators to vectors.
- JacobiDavidson.jl An implementation of Jacobi-Davidson in Julia.
- ArnoldiMethod.jl The Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Method, natively in Julia.
- Krylov.jl: part of the JuliaSmoothOptimizers organisation, solves linear systems and least square problems, specific for linear operators from LinearOperators.jl.
- KrylovMethods.jl: specific for sparse matrices
👍Expokit.jl This package provides Julia implementations of some routines contained in EXPOKIT.
ExpmV.jl This is a Julia translation of the MATLAB implementation of Al-Mohy and Higham's function for computing expm(t*A)*v when A is sparse, without explicitly computing expm(A).
JuMP.jl Modeling language for Mathematical Optimization (linear, mixed-integer, conic, semidefinite, nonlinear)
LowRankModels.jl LowRankModels.jl is a julia package for modeling and fitting generalized low rank models.
Cliffords.jl Efficient calculation of Clifford circuits in Julia.
👍StatsBase.jl StatsBase.jl is a Julia package that provides basic support for statistics.
Symata.jl language for symbolic mathematics
👍Yao.jl Extensible, Efficient Quantum Algorithm Design for Humans.
QuantumLab.jl A workbench for Quantum Chemistry and Quantum Physics in Julia
QuantumOptics.jl Library for the numerical simulation of closed as well as open quantum systems.
- 👍Knet.jl Koç University deep learning framework.
- TensorFlow.jl A Julia wrapper for TensorFlow
- MXNet.jl MXNet Julia Package - flexible and efficient deep learning in Julia
- ForwardDiff.jl Forward Mode Automatic Differentiation for Julia
- ReverseDiffSource.jl Reverse automated differentiation from source
- AutoDiffSource.jl Julia automatic differentiation with source code transformation
- MLKernels.jl A Julia package for Mercer kernel functions (or the covariance functions used in Gaussian processes) that are used in the kernel methods of machine learning
- LightGraphs.jl An optimized graphs package for Julia
- AbstractTrees.jl Abstract julia interfaces for working with trees
- Dendriform.jl Dendriform di-algebra algorithms to compute using Loday's arithmetic on groves of planar binary trees.
- JLD.jl Saving and loading julia variables while preserving native types
- JLD2.jl HDF5-compatible file format in pure Julia
- Interact.jl Interactive widgets to play with your Julia code
- Plots.jl Powerful convenience for Julia visualizations and data analysis
- 👍PyPlot.jl This module provides a Julia interface to the Matplotlib plotting library from Python, and specifically to the matplotlib.pyplot module.
- 👍BenchmarkTools.jl BenchmarkTools makes performance tracking of Julia code easy by supplying a framework for writing and running groups of benchmarks as well as comparing benchmark results.
- PackageCompiler.jl Compile your Julia Package
- StatProfilerHTML.jl Show Julia profiling data in an explorable HTML page
- Cxx.jl The Julia C++ Interface
- 👍PyCall.jl This package provides the ability to directly call and fully interoperate with Python from the Julia language.
- 👍Lazy.jl provides Julia with the cornerstones of functional programming