In general, we prefer using Juno. Jupyter notebooks with IJulia kernel is suited for writting simple code, but it is well known as hard to be version controlled.
Coding in vim
directly is not recommended since running code line by line is nessesary for debuging Julia programs (There is no jdb
activate .
sould be used when you are going to change the dependancy of a project in current folder (i.e. changing./Project.toml
contains the information of both package name and version number.
To run a test, type julia test/runtests.jl
To setup continuous integration for your tests and documents, you need
- get started with Travis-ci,
- configure
- setup julia build,
- add building status badge
- setup CodeCov to ensure test coverage,
- use Documenter to deploy documents.
- it is interesting to see how other projects (e.g. FunnyTN) works.
See METADATA for detail.