@def title = "Jin-Guo Liu Group" @def tags = ["training", "Jinguo Liu"]
The selected lectures and codes may not be the best, but they are closely related to our group. That means, if you are a student in our group, you can easily find a group member to seek for help.
- Machine learning for physicists (Lei Wang)
- Modern Scientific Computing (Jinguo Liu)
- Computational Physics (Anders Sandvik)
- Steve Brunton's lecture seies
- Songshang Lake Spring School (Lei Wang, Pan Zhang, Jinguo Liu and Roger Luo)
- Git, Shell and Github
- Submit a job to HKUST-GZ cluster
- Access HKUST-GZ cluster (TBW)
- Setup Julia
- Julia Programming
- Parallel computing with MPI
- Communication
- Get the ground state energy of a J1-J2 model (using Yao.jl)
- Differential programming tensor renormalization group
- Multi-GPU contraction of tensor networks
- A naive implementation of einsum and its CUDA implementation
- Spin-glass solver with Tropical numbers and Yao
- Implement CUDA version argsort function
- Fast matrix multiplication with Strassen algorithm
- Computing 2D Fibonacci number with GenericTensorNetworks.jl
- Compressed Sensing
- Kernel principle component analysis (Kernel PCA)
- Lattice gas cellular automata
- Simulated Annealing
- How to write a blog website
- My first molecular dynamics program
- Quantum algorithms: QuAlgorithmZoo.jl
- Differential programming tensor networks (in python)
- Quantum simulator: Yao.jl
- Tensor networks: OMEinsum.jl, GenericTensorNetworks.jl, TensorInference.jl and ZXCalculus.jl