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697 lines (556 loc) · 37.5 KB

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697 lines (556 loc) · 37.5 KB

Change Log

[V0.5.1] - 2024-09-26


  • Automatically use the default configuration if the Profile does not exist on Windows
  • Add ToolTip to the connection bar
  • Add system beep support
  • Add record script feature
  • Add recently loaded script feature
  • Add disable plugin command line option
  • Add reconfirm when closing the floating window
  • Improve the default path of recording logs, etc. to the last saved path
  • Improve the appearance of the session tabs
  • Fix the small probability memory leak problem
  • Update pre-built plugin ListSerial to V0.0.5


  • Windows下Profile如果不存在则自动使用默认配置
  • 增加连接条ToolTip显示
  • 增加系统响铃支持
  • 增加记录脚本功能
  • 增加最近加载的脚本功能
  • 增加禁用插件命令行选项
  • 增加浮动窗口关闭时二次确认
  • 改进记录日志等默认路径为上次保存路径
  • 改进会话标签外观
  • 修复可能存在的小概率内存泄漏问题
  • 更新预构建插件ListSerial到V0.0.5版本

[V0.5.0] - 2024-08-26


  • Add Python scripting engine for scripting feature #31
  • Add the feature of selecting end-of-line sequence
  • Add status bar log information, SSH ciphers information
  • Add emphasized color border to the activated session in split screen mode
  • Add custom color feature to the highlight
  • Allow editing the text to be pasted when confirming multiple lines of paste
  • Allow the tab title to display a custom session name
  • Add custom Local Shell Profile path feature for Windows
  • Fix the issue that clicking the new tab button in split screen mode may not create the session correctly or be located under the wrong tab group
  • Fix the issue that the SSH connection cannot be reconnected by tapping the Enter key in some cases
  • Fix the issue that the target session object is inaccurate when locking/unlocking the session
  • Fix the issue that some functions in the context menu of the floating window cannot be used
  • Fix the issue of inconsistent new session names in different situations #45
  • Update pre-built plugin timestamp to V0.0.3


  • 为脚本功能添加Python脚本引擎 #31
  • 增加选择行尾序列功能
  • 增加状态栏日志信息,SSH加密算法信息
  • 分屏模式下激活的会话增加强调色边框
  • 高亮功能增加自定义颜色功能
  • 多行粘贴确认时允许编辑待粘贴文本
  • 标签栏标题允许显示自定义会话名称
  • Windows增加自定义Local Shell Profile路径功能
  • 修复分屏模式下某些情况点击新标签按钮会话未正确创建或位于错误的标签页组下
  • 修复ssh连接部分情况下无法通过敲击回车键发起重连的问题
  • 修复锁定/解锁会话时目标会话对象不准确
  • 修复浮动窗口上下文菜单中部分功能无法使用的问题
  • 修复不同情况下新建会话名称不一致问题 #45
  • 更新预构建插件timestamp到V0.0.3版本

[V0.4.8] - 2024-07-26


  • Add echo feature
  • Fix the problem that some session types cannot reconnect
  • Add the feature that the session in a non-connected state can automatically reconnect by clicking the Enter key
  • Add the feature that the serial port automatically detects the physical connection disconnection
  • Add a refresh serial port button in the serial port selection page
  • Add up to four window split screen mode and multiple layout modes
  • Add single/group/all session three modes in the send command window
  • Add the plugin information page to display the plugin website
  • Add notification center
  • Add internal command window
  • Improve the context menu of URL recognition links
  • Improve the find window to automatically fill in the currently selected text each time it is opened
  • Improve status bar
  • Fix the Telnet session storage configuration error in non-English environments, which causes connection problems #IAADHZ
  • Add pre-built plugins timestamp, and update pre-built plugin ListSerial to V0.0.3, update pre-built plugin CharacterCode to V0.0.4 version


  • 增加回显功能
  • 修复部分会话类型无法重连问题
  • 增加非连接状态下的会话可以通过单击回车键自动重连功能
  • 增加串口自动检测物理连接断开功能
  • 增加刷新串口按钮在选择串口页面中
  • 增加了至多四窗口分屏模式以及多种布局模式
  • 发送命令窗口增加单会话/组会话/全部会话三种模式
  • 插件信息页面增加插件网站主页显示
  • 增加通知中心
  • 增加内部命令窗口
  • 改进URL识别链接的上下文菜单
  • 改进查找窗口在每次打开时自动填入当前选择的文本
  • 改进状态栏
  • 修复非英文环境下Telnet会话存储配置错误导致无法连接问题 #IAADHZ
  • 新增预构建插件timestamp,更新预构建插件ListSerial到V0.0.3版本,更新预构建插件CharacterCode到V0.0.4版本

[V0.4.7] - 2024-06-26


  • Add broadcast session feature #36
  • Add label tag color feature
  • Add block selection (Shift+click) and column selection (Alt+Shift+click) feature
  • Add user-defined cursor color setting
  • Add tooltip for optional items in settings
  • Add advanced options to set the default startup shell for local terminal (default to $SHELL on Linux/MacOS, and default to the system built-in powershell on Windows, this function is only used to adjust the PowerShell version on Windows, not to start other shells, other shells please use LocalShell session to set specific commands)
  • Fix the crash problem caused by modifying the configuration of the currently running session
  • Fix the problem of incorrect pop-up position of the context menu in the case of multiple screens
  • Modify to switch to the tab when right-clicking on a non-current tab
  • Fix the cursor alignment error in the local shell on the windows msvc version, need to disable resizeQuirk #39
  • Fix the invalid problem of confirming multiple lines of text paste, and allow users to set enable/disable by themselves
  • Fix the problem of automatically trimming empty lines in the pasted content of text, and allow users to set enable/disable by themselves
  • Fix the unstable SSH initialization terminal size problem #40
  • Fix the probability crash problem after the SSH remote actively ends
  • Fix font display abnormalities when restoring font settings to built-in fonts
  • Fix the abnormal window position problem caused by window movement/resize operations on Linux with multiple screens
  • Add pre-built plugins TextStatistics, and update pre-built plugin CharacterCode to V0.0.3


  • 增加广播会话功能 #36
  • 增加标签标记颜色功能
  • 增加块选择(Shift+click)和列选择(Alt+Shift+click)功能
  • 增加用户自定义光标颜色设置
  • 增加设置中可选项的工具提示
  • 增加高级选项可以设置默认启动本地终端使用的Shell(Linux/MacOS下默认为$SHELL,Windows下默认为系统内置powershell,Windows下此功能仅用于调整PowerShell版本,而非启动其他Shell,其他Shell请使用本地Shell会话设定特定命令启动)
  • 修复修改当前正在运行中的会话配置导致的崩溃问题
  • 修复多屏幕的情况下,上下文菜单弹出位置错误问题
  • 修改右击非当前标签页时,切换到该标签页
  • 修复在windows msvc版本local shell光标对齐错误问题,需要禁用resizeQuirk #39
  • 修复多行文本粘贴确认无效问题,并允许用户自行设置启用/禁用
  • 修复自动修剪文本粘贴内容中的空行问题,并允许用户自行设置启用/禁用
  • 修复不稳定的SSH初始化终端大小问题 #40
  • 修复SSH远端主动结束后,概率崩溃问题
  • 修复恢复字体设置到内建字体时,字体显示异常
  • 修复在Linux上使用多屏幕时,窗口移动/大小调整等操作导致的窗口位置异常问题
  • 新增集成预构建插件TextStatistics,更新预构建插件CharacterCode到V0.0.3版本

[V0.4.6] - 2024-05-26


  • Add setting main window theme color feature
  • Add status bar display session information feature
  • Add WSL terminal toolbar button on Windows
  • Add user-defined plugin loading path setting
  • Fix the issue that the working directory is not correctly cloned when cloning the tab in some shell environments
  • Fix the issue that the modification is saved when canceling the modification in the keyboard binding settings
  • Fix the issue that the confirmation dialog cannot select cancel when closing all tabs
  • Fix the issue that the session manager switches the current selected session incorrectly after modifying the session properties
  • Fix the issue that the new session may be created on the hidden tab group
  • Add pre-built plugins CharacterCode, ListSerial, and update pre-built plugin SearchOnWeb to V0.0.4


  • 增加设置主界面主题色功能
  • 增加状态栏显示会话信息功能
  • 在Windows增加启动WSL终端工具栏按钮
  • 增加用户自定义插件加载路径设置
  • 修复某些shell环境下克隆标签时工作目录未能正确克隆的问题
  • 修复键盘绑定设置中取消修改时也会保存的问题
  • 修复关闭全部标签页时确认对话框无法选择取消的问题
  • 修复会话管理器中修改会话属性后会话管理器内当前选中会话被错误切换问题
  • 修复新会话可能创建在被隐藏的标签页组上的问题
  • 新增集成预构建插件CharacterCodeListSerial,更新预构建插件SearchOnWeb到V0.0.4版本

[V0.4.5] - 2024-04-26


  • Modify the terminal to select the text after the text is emphasized with a transparency of 50%, rather than the original 100%
  • Fix the issue of abnormal width of rendering symbols '×' '÷' and '‖'
  • Fix the issue of program crash in a small probability situation
  • Fix cursor positioning issues #I8RB90
  • Remove the dependency on core5compat in Qt (Refer to the pr upstream of qtermwidget, but with modifications).
  • Prohibit to look up the historical information with the middle mouse scrolling (Refer to the pr upstream of qtermwidget, but with modifications).
  • Fix rendering issue with abnormal width of some symbols
  • Add ANSI OSC52 sequence support
  • Fix the issue that disconnecting the session will directly close the tab instead of disconnecting the session
  • Fix the issue that some UI in the quick connection window does not refresh when switching languages
  • Improve the session manager page width can be freely adjusted
  • The version built with MSVC on Windows uses ConPty instead of WinPty, and the version built with Mingw continues to use WinPty
  • Improve the behavior of selecting CJK characters when double-clicking
  • Improve the display of the input method pre-edit area
  • Add terminal color scheme color palette feature setting
  • Add the feature of switching terminal color scheme automatically when switching themes
  • Add confirmation dialog when deleting a session
  • Fix the issue that the context menu is too long to display completely and difficult to operate
  • Fix the display abnormality caused by some theme switching on Windows
  • Update pre-built plugin onestep to V0.0.3


  • 修改终端选中后文本强调色透明度50%,而非原本的100%
  • 修复渲染符号'×' '÷' '‖'宽度异常问题
  • 修复存在一小概率情况下程序崩溃的问题
  • 修复光标定位问题 #I8RB90
  • 删除对Qt中core5compat的依赖(参考qtermwidget上游pr,但有修改)
  • 禁止使用中键滚动查看历史信息(参考qtermwidget上游pr,但有修改)
  • 修复渲染某些符号宽度异常问题
  • 增加 ANSI OSC52 sequence 支持
  • 修复断开会话会直接关闭标签而不是断开会话的问题
  • 修复切换语言时快速连接窗口部分UI未能刷新问题
  • 改进会话管理器页面宽度可自由调整
  • Windows下通过MSVC构建的版本采用ConPty代替WinPty,Mingw构建版本继续使用WinPty
  • 改进双击选中CJK字符时的表现
  • 改进输入法预编辑区域的显示表现
  • 增加终端配色方案调色板设置功能
  • 增加切换主题时自动切换终端配色方案功能
  • 增加删除会话时的确认对话框
  • 修复上下文菜单过长时显示不全难以操作的问题
  • 修复windows下的一些主题切换引起的显示异常问题
  • 更新预构建插件onestep到V0.0.3版本

[V0.4.4] - 2024-03-26


  • Add ascii send/receive, Kermit send/receive, xyzmodem send/receive features
  • Fix the problem that the status indicated by the start tftp menu item may be incorrect
  • Fix the problem that the program crashes when the terminal displays Unicode characters beyond the first plane
  • Fix the problem that the terminal area rendering does not refresh after drag the window to the screen edge to trigger the window size adjustment on linux


  • 增加ascii发送/接收、Kermit发送/接收、xyzmodem发送/接收功能
  • 修复启动tftp菜单项指示的状态可能出现错误问题
  • 修复终端显示超过第一平面的Unicode字符时程序崩溃的问题
  • 修复linux上拖拽窗口到屏幕边缘触发窗口大小调整后终端界面渲染不刷新的问题

[V0.4.3] - 2024-02-26


  • Add a tooltip to the terminal link, and modify the mouse shape to the corresponding shape after pressing ctrl
  • Modify the default LC_CTYPE configuration to UTF-8 on macos, and do not make default configuration on other platforms. You can modify whether to make configuration through the setting file
  • Fix the problem that the pre-built version on macos missed part of the packaged translation files
  • Fix the problem that the terminal area rendering is not refreshed in time when the window is maximized on linux
  • The plugin system completes multi-language support
  • Partial UI details beautification
  • Add a new help document
  • Add German/Portuguese (Brazil)/Czech/Arabic support


  • 终端链接增加tooltip,以及按下ctrl后鼠标形状修改对应形状
  • 修改macos上默认LC_CTYPE配置为UTF-8,其他平台不做默认配置,可通过setting文件修改是否做配置
  • 修复macos上预编译的版本遗漏打包部份翻译文件问题
  • 修复linux上最大化窗口终端界面渲染未及时刷新问题
  • 插件系统完成多语言支持
  • 部分UI细节美化
  • 新增一个新的帮助文档界面
  • 增加德语/葡萄牙语(巴西)/捷克语/阿拉伯语支持

[V0.4.2] - 2024-01-28


  • Add ESC to exit full screen mode in full screen mode
  • The plugin platform supports dynamic enable/disable plugin features
  • Optimize and solve the problem of fixed CPU load after software startup
  • Optimize the problem of incorrect cursor position when searching up and down the history command in the local terminal under windows
  • Fix the possible error ack processing problem of tftpsever
  • Fix the crash problem under full screen on macos
  • Fix the title button does not switch to the macos style problem in the native UI mode on macos
  • Fix the problem that the title button full screen on macos through the native UI style cannot display the exit full screen option in the context menu on the main window
  • Pre-built versions add pre-built plugin packaging for the plugin ecosystem platform, including plugins SearchOnWeb, onestep, quickcomplete for the first time


  • 全屏模式下增加ESC退出全屏功能
  • 插件平台支持动态启用/禁用插件功能
  • 优化解决软件启动后固定占用CPU负载问题
  • 优化windows下本地终端上下搜索历史命令时光标位置错误问题
  • 修复tftpsever可能的错误ack处理问题
  • 修复macos下全屏导致程序崩溃问题
  • 修复macos native UI模式下标题按钮没有切换为macos风格问题
  • 修复macos通过native UI样式标题按钮全屏后,无法显示界面上上下文菜单中退出全屏选项问题
  • 预构建版本增加对于插件生态平台的预构建插件的打包,首次包含插件SearchOnWebonestepquickcomplete

[V0.4.1] - 2024-01-13


  • Add the feature of opening a session in a new window in the session manager
  • Add the setting label tab plus button mode optional for new session/clone session/local shell session three ways
  • Add filtering feature in session manager
  • Fix the window flashing problem caused by the preview window when dragging the label


  • 增加会话管理器中在新窗口打开会话功能
  • 增加设置标签页加号按钮位模式可选为 新建会话/克隆会话/本地Shell会话 三种方式
  • 增加会话管理器中过滤功能
  • 修复在拖拽标签时预览窗口存在导致的窗口闪烁问题

[V0.4.0] - 2023-12-20


  • The main UI is fully updated, the overall style is more modern, and the matching light/dark theme is more beautiful
  • Add the feature of opening the current setting file in the setting option
  • Add the experimental feature in the upper right corner, and the SSH scan is migrated to the laboratory, and the plugin interface is opened to add more specific features to the laboratory, visit plugin platform
  • The SFTP window adds a bookmark feature and improves the SFTP operation logic.
  • Improve and optimize the HexView window
  • Improve the session cloning feature, the session type that can be cloned (SSH, Telent, etc.) is directly cloned, and the session type that cannot be cloned (serial port, etc.) will pop up the session setting window
  • Improve the style when dragging the label, now the mouse can be correctly displayed as a grip gesture
  • Fix the problem that the history page is not refreshed when opening the session properties
  • Fix the rendering error of the line character in the session
  • Fix the default terminal size is incorrect when opening the SSH session without changing the window size
  • Fix the Tab Add New button style is not updated when switching the theme
  • Fix the problem that the terminal color scheme cannot be persistently saved after modification #I8PLTP


  • 主UI全面更新,整体风格更现代化,配套亮色/暗色主题更加美观
  • 增加设置选项里打开当前设置文件功能
  • 右上角增加实验室功能,SSH扫描迁移至实验室,开放插件接口以增加更多特定功能到实验室,访问插件平台
  • SFTP窗口增加书签功能,改进SFTP操作逻辑。
  • 改进优化HexView窗口
  • 改进会话克隆功能,可克隆的会话类型(SSH、Telent等)直接克隆,不可克隆的会话类型(串口等)会弹出会话设置窗口
  • 改进在拖拽标签时样式,现在鼠标能正确显示为抓握手势
  • 修复打开会话属性存在历史页面未刷新
  • 修复会话内line字符渲染错误
  • 修复打开SSH会话后未变化过窗口大小的情况下,默认的终端大小不正确
  • 修复切换主题时Tab Add New按钮样式未更新
  • 修复终端配色方案修改后无法持久保存 #I8PLTP

[V0.3.1] - 2023-12-05


  • Add password input box support display/hide feature
  • Add common baud rate prompt
  • Add right-click menu request translation feature
  • Add practical tools, scan local network SSH service
  • SFTP file transfer window adds transfer progress display
  • Add vnc protocol support
  • Fix the problem that the port information of the serial port session cannot be correctly connected after being stored
  • Fix the problem that the keychain authorization fails to use the wrong information
  • Fix the problem that the maximum value of the port number input box is incorrect, resulting in the inability to correctly save the session information


  • 增加密码输入框支持显示/隐藏功能
  • 增加常用波特率提示
  • 增加右键菜单请求翻译功能
  • 增加实用工具,扫描本地网络SSH服务
  • SFTP文件传输窗口增加传输进度显示
  • 增加vnc协议支持
  • 修复二次编辑存储串口会话port信息后无法正确连接问题
  • 修复钥匙串授权失败使用错误信息的问题
  • 修复端口号输入框最大值错误导致的无法正确保存会话信息问题

[V0.3.0] - 2023-11-28


  • Add SSH2 protocol support (currently only supports password authentication, user passwords are stored in the local system keychain, not stored in the software configuration file)
  • Add SSH2 session open SFTP file transfer window feature
  • Add custom setting word characters feature, you can set which characters are considered as word characters, which is convenient for quickly selecting words
  • Add double-click session management session to connect feature
  • Add session manager close button
  • Fix the problem that the session manager session sorting is rearranged after modifying the session properties
  • Fix the problem that the serial port connection is normal but an error prompt "No Error" pops up
  • Fix the problem that the session that failed to connect cannot be closed


  • 增加SSH2协议支持(目前仅支持密码认证,用户密码存储在本地系统密钥链中,不存储在本软件配置文件中)
  • 增加SSH2会话打开SFTP文件传输窗口功能
  • 增加自定义设置单词字符(Word Characters)功能,可以设置哪些字符为视为单词字符,方便快速选中单词
  • 增加双击会话管理器内会话进行连接功能
  • 增加会话管理器关闭按钮
  • 修复修改会话属性后会话管理器内会话排序重新排列问题
  • 修复串口连接正常但弹出错误提示“No Error”问题
  • 修复连接失败的会话无法关闭问题

[V0.2.6] - 2023-11-15


  • Add label tab hover preview feature
  • Windows local terminal enhancement, now you can use the Tab key to complete the command like linux
  • Add session status query, view session status through session settings/properties-status, currently only support local Shell session query process information
  • Terminal content matching supports path matching, you can right-click to quickly open files/directories
  • Add highlight matching content feature
  • Fix the problem of rendering position error of Chinese full-width quotation marks
  • Fix the problem that macOS incorrectly binds the copy and paste shortcut keys, causing the terminal to be unable to kill the process
  • Add more language (Spanish/French/Korean/Russian/Traditional Chinese) support (provided by GitHub Copilot)


  • 增加标签卡悬浮预览功能
  • windows本地终端增强,现在可以像linux一样使用Tab键选择补全命令
  • 增加会话状态查询,通过会话设置/属性-状态查看会话状态,目前仅支持本地Shell会话查询进程信息
  • 终端内容匹配支持路径匹配,可以右键快速打开文件/目录
  • 增加高亮显示匹配内容功能
  • 修复中文全角引号渲染位置错误问题
  • 修复macOS错误绑定了复制粘贴快捷键占用导致无法kill终端内进程问题
  • 增加更多语言(西班牙语/法语/韩语/俄语/繁体中文)支持(由GitHub Copilot提供)

[V0.2.5] - 2023-11-09


  • Add floating window mode, and support moving back to the main window
  • Add tab page free drag (drag to floating window or drag to split screen)
  • Fix the serious crash problem caused by moving the label/label title display error problem
  • Add advanced settings to select the UI style as the native style (single platform users may want to use the native style, multi-platform users may want to use the unified style)
  • Add one-click cleaning of selected background images in settings
  • Optimize the secondary confirmation feature when exiting the application/closing the session, now the local Shell session will decide whether to require secondary confirmation based on whether there are child processes, and other session types remain unchanged
  • Add setting label title mode, you can choose to display the session title in brief/complete/scrolling, three ways


  • 增加浮动窗口模式,且支持移回主窗口
  • 增加标签页自由拖拽(拖拽成浮动窗口或拖拽至分屏)
  • 修复移动标签后可能导致的严重崩溃问题/标签标题显示错误问题
  • 增加高级设置选择UI样式为原生风格(单平台用户可能希望使用原生风格,多平台用户可能希望使用统一风格)
  • 增加设置中一键清理选择的背景图片功能
  • 优化退出应用/关闭会话时的二次确认功能,现在本地Shell会话根据是否有子进程决定是否需要二次确认,其他会话类型不变
  • 增加设置标签标题模式,可以选择以简要/完整/滚动,三种方式显示会话标题

[V0.2.4] - 2023-11-03


  • Add windows NamedPipe protocol support (unix domain socket corresponding to linux/macos)
  • Fix the problem that the printer service cannot be started on windows
  • Fix the problem that part of the memory is not released when closing the tab
  • Add secondary confirmation feature when exiting the application/closing the session
  • Add session link status display feature (the tab displays in the form of an icon)
  • Add terminal font setting feature
  • Add terminal scroll line number setting
  • Add setting cursor shape and blink feature
  • Terminal background supports Gif animation format files (need to enable animation support in advanced settings)
  • Terminal background supports mp4/avi/mkv/mov video format files (need to enable animation support in advanced settings)
  • Update the global settings window, categorize the settings
  • Add session settings window, now you can modify and edit session properties
  • Add separate start new window feature
  • Add software's own debugging information log system, which is not turned on by default, and must be manually written to the config file to start


  • 增加windows上NamedPipe协议支持(linux/macos上对应unix domain socket)
  • 修复windows上无法启动打印机服务问题
  • 修复关闭标签页部份内存未释放问题
  • 增加退出应用/关闭会话时需要二次确认功能
  • 增加会话链接状态显示功能(标签页以图标形式显示)
  • 增加设置终端字体功能
  • 增加设置终端滚动行数设置
  • 增加设置光标形状和闪烁功能
  • 终端背景支持Gif动画格式文件(需要在高级设置中启用动画支持)
  • 终端背景支持mp4/avi/mkv/mov视频格式文件(需要在高级设置中启用动画支持)
  • 更新全局设置界面,分类显示设置项
  • 增加会话设置界面,现在可以修改编辑会话属性
  • 增加分离启动新窗口功能
  • 增加软件自身调试信息日志系统,用户默认上不打开的,必须手写config文件才会启动

[V0.2.3] - 2023-10-26


  • Fix the error ci environment, no substantial changes from V0.2.2


  • 修复错误ci环境,与V0.2.2无实质改动

[V0.2.2] - 2023-10-26


  • Fix the session information storage error that caused the right session manager to fail to connect correctly #I8AJN1
  • Quick connection supports selecting only open session and only save session
  • Improve bookmark management feature
  • Implement save settings and real-time save settings button feature
  • Add ALT+'-' and ALT+'=' global shortcut keys to switch the current tab
  • Add ALT+'{num}' global shortcut key to switch to the specified tab
  • Add ALT+LEFT, ALT+RIGHT global shortcut keys mapped to home and end keys (considering that macbook does not have home and end keys)
  • Add high-definition screenshot current terminal feature
  • Add export current terminal session content (pdf/txt) feature
  • Add printer print current terminal session feature
  • Add lock session feature
  • Add configuration to start a new local terminal with the default working path
  • Terminal background image supports tile mode
  • Persistently store the main window layout information
  • Optimize the context menu on the main window
  • Optimize the open file dialog UI
  • Modify the rendering bold font on windows to cause the cursor to be abnormal, temporarily not supporting bold rendering to ensure that the cursor position is correct
  • Fix the problem that the working path set after executing the command on windows is incorrect
  • Add cmd+delete as delete key feature on macos (because the delete key is backspace on macos)


  • 修复会话信息保存错误导致右侧会话管理器内无法正确连接会话问题 #I8AJN1
  • 快速连接支持选择仅打开会话和仅保存会话
  • 改进书签管理功能
  • 实现保存设置和实时保存设置按钮功能
  • 增加ALT+'-'和ALT+'='全局快捷键切换当前标签
  • 增加ALT+'{num}'全局快捷键切换到指定标签
  • 增加ALT+LEFT、ALT+RIGHT全局快捷键映射到home和end按键(考虑macbook没有home和end按键)
  • 增加高清截图当前终端功能
  • 增加导出当前终端会话内容(pdf/txt)功能
  • 增加打印机打印当前终端会话功能
  • 增加锁定会话功能
  • 增加配置启动新的本地终端默认的工作路径
  • 终端背景图片支持平铺模式
  • 持久化存储主界面布局信息
  • 优化界面上下文菜单
  • 优化打开文件对话框UI
  • 修改windows上渲染粗体字体导致光标异常,暂时不支持粗体渲染保证光标位置正确
  • 修复windows上执行命令后设置的工作路径不正确问题
  • 增加macos上cmd+delete为delete按键功能(因为通常macos上delete按键为backspace)

[V0.2.1] - 2023-10-19


  • linux package fcit plugin to support more Chinese input methods
  • Fix the rendering cursor error of Chinese characters on linux
  • Fix HEX view format rendering error and data acquisition failure problem
  • Persistently store session information


  • linux打包fcit插件以支持更多中文输入法
  • linux修复中文字符渲染光标错误
  • 修复HEX视图格式渲染错误和数据获取失败问题
  • 持久化存储会话信息

[V0.2.0] - 2023-10-18


  • Add the feature of switching simple/standard UI with alt+n/alt+J
  • Add the practical feature of starting tftp server
  • Optimize hex view display window
  • The window installation program adds the system-integrated right-click menu opened with quardCRT
  • The tab bar right-click menu adds multiple practical features
  • Fix the position error of wide characters such as Chinese on window
  • Add terminal background image configuration feature
  • Add directory bookmark feature
  • Add persistent storage of user settings feature
  • Fix some UI details error
  • Fix some small probability of possible crash problems


  • 增加使用alt+n/alt+J切换简约/标准UI
  • 增加启动tftp服务器实用功能
  • 优化hex view显示界面
  • window安装程序增加使用quardCRT打开的系统集成的右键菜单
  • 标签栏右键菜单增加个多个实用功能
  • 修复window上中文等其他宽字符光标位置错误
  • 增加配置终端背景图片功能
  • 增加目录书签功能
  • 增加持久存储用户设置功能
  • 修复了一些UI细节错误
  • 修复了一些小概率的可能崩溃问题

[V0.1.5] - 2023-10-09


  • Add terminal right scroll bar
  • Fix the problem that the middle mouse button cannot execute copy and paste on window/mac
  • Add dual terminal session split display
  • Add simple UI options


  • 增加终端右侧滚动条
  • 修复window/mac上鼠标中键不能执行复制并粘贴
  • 增加双终端会话分屏显示
  • 增加简约UI界面选项

[V0.1.4] - 2023-10-08


  • Add sidebar session manager
  • Add status bar prompt information
  • Add command input bar
  • Improve shortcut key feature
  • Fix the problem that the session clone has inconsistent working paths
  • Add dynamic parsing of terminal URL content
  • Fix possible crash problems


  • 增加侧边栏会话管理器
  • 增加状态栏提示信息
  • 增加命令输入栏
  • 完善快捷键功能
  • 修复会话克隆存在工作路径不一致问题
  • 增加终端URL内容动态解析
  • 修复可能的崩溃问题

[V0.1.3] - 2023-09-29


  • Re-fix the problem that windows cannot start (introduced in V0.1.0) (this version completely fixes the problem introduced in V0.1.0)


  • 再修复windows存在无法启动问题(V0.1.0引入)(这个版本彻底修复了V0.1.0问题)

[V0.1.2] - 2023-09-29


  • Re-fix the problem that windows cannot start (introduced in V0.1.0)


  • 再修复windows存在无法启动问题(V0.1.0引入)

[V0.1.1] - 2023-09-29


  • Fix the problem that windows cannot start (introduced in V0.1.0)


  • 修复windows存在无法启动问题(V0.1.0引入)

[V0.1.0] - 2023-09-29


  • Add the feature of switching long/short names by double-clicking the label tab name
  • Add storage log feature
  • Add quick open local Shell shortcut key and clone session shortcut key
  • Add windows to perceive the current real-time working path (the same experience as linux and mac)
  • Add HEX viewer


  • 标签卡名称可双击切换长/短名称
  • 增加存储log功能
  • 增加快速打开本地Shell快捷键和克隆会话快捷键
  • 增加windows下感知当前实时工作路径(像linux和mac一样的体验)
  • 增加HEX查看器

[V0.0.2] - 2023-09-27


  • Add menu bar and toolbar to the main window, and improve more right-click menus
  • Add more terminal theme styles
  • Add dynamic switching language feature
  • Add dynamic switching theme feature


  • 主界面增加菜单栏、工具栏,完善更多右键菜单
  • 增加更多终端界面配色风格
  • 增加动态切换语言功能
  • 增加动态切换主题功能

[V0.0.1] - 2023-09-26


  • Realize the main window terminal feature
  • Add label tab paging management
  • Support telnet protocol
  • Support serial port protocol
  • Support RAW protocol
  • Support local Shell
  • UI supports simplified Chinese/English/Japanese


  • 实现主界面终端功能
  • 增加标签卡分页管理
  • 支持telnet协议
  • 支持串口协议
  • 支持RAW协议
  • 支持本地Shell
  • 界面支持简体中文/英文/日文