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mcdonc edited this page Oct 9, 2011 · 5 revisions

Help me (Chris) create a resource for new users to learn PDB effectively. I'll use the result of our efforts as a PyCon talk, to be recorded, so we can point new users at the result. Here's the beginnings of an outline for such a talk:

PDB is an interactive debugging environment for Python programs. It allows you to pause your program, look at the values of variables, and watch program execution step-by-step, so you can understand what your program is actually doing, as opposed to what you think it's doing.

Effectively using PDB is arguably the most important skill a new Python developer can learn. This talk will show novice and intermediate Python users how to use PDB to troubleshoot existing code.

  • When is it reasonable to use PDB?

    • "I don't use a debugger"

    • When is it really not reasonable?

  • Modes of pdb usage

    • set_trace mode, e.g. pdb.set_trace()

    • postmortem mode, e.g. python -m pdb or

    • run mode, .e.g.'some.expression()').

  • Getting help

  • Shortcut aliases (c vs. continue)

  • The workhorse commands (list, print, pretty-print, next, continue, step, return, until, where, up, down):

    • list: displaying code in your current execution context

    • p and pp: displaying objects

    • continue, step, return, next, return, until: execution control

    • where: showing the current location in the frame stack

    • up, down: navigating the frame stack

  • Managing breakpoints (break, tbreak, ignore, enable, disable, clear):

    • break, tbreak, ignore, enable, disable, and clear: Managing breakpoints
  • Lesser-used commands (args, !-prefixing, debug)

    • debug: recursive debugging

    • !-prefixing: modifying variables

    • args: printing args to the current function

    • commands: scripting pdb

  • ~/.pdbrc and PDB aliases

  • Debugging in the face of threads (ie. web apps).

  • "Purple bags"

    • Enhanced shells: ipdb, pudb, winpdb

    • In-editor debugger integration (Wing, Eclipse PyDev, PyCharm, etc)