Releases: Puzzlepart/prosjektportalen
New features in this release
- Resource allocation module #586
Fixes in this release
- Phase check list filters does not work in IE/Edge with special characters in modern experience (e.g. Gjennomføre) #603
- Hide edit-options when browsing the project info form when selecting the arrow-link from project status page enhancement #624
- Avoid multiple login prompts when using WebLogin with MFA #627
How to upgrade
The upgrade is more or less like before, but we have added a couple of new managed search properties that needs to be manually configured before resource allocation module will work.
First, rundt Upgrade.ps1 like normal, see Then you need to perform a manual step:
SharePoint Online
Go to SharePoint admin center, Search, Import search configuration, upload the file (from the release-zip) SearchConfiguration_tenant.xml.
SharePoint On-Premises
NB: Needs to be done after you've added a resource allocation item with values in all fields, and a crawl has been performed.
Go to the search service application. Manually configure the following mappings in the Search Schema settings:
Managed Property | Crawled Property |
"RefinableString70" | "ows_GtGainsResponsible" |
"RefinableString71" | "ows_GtResourceUser" |
"RefinableString72" | "ows_GtResourceRole" |
"RefinableDate05" | "ows_GtStartDate" |
"RefinableDate06" | "ows_GtEndDate" |
Upgrade existing sites
If you would like the resource allocation on all existing project sites as well, you will need to run this script manually:
Fixes in this release
- Error installing root-package: Specified method is not supported #609
- Project logos does not render in the same format on the project portal homepage #602
- Project status report visuals can be a bit better
- Upgrade sp-pnp-js to @pnp #610
NB; The first version of this release (available for about 8 hours) had an issue. This has now been fixed. See #614
New features
- Portfolio insight module using Highcharts for visualising portfolio
- Search data sources now backed by list items, not search schema #534
- New overview page for project deliveries (Prosjektleveranser) #540
- New risk overview page for risks marked to be shown on portfolio level #559
- Benefit overview (Gevinstoversikt) and Lessons log (Erfaringslogg) can now be exported to Excel #539
- Alphabetic sorting of filter values #530
- Updated a bunch of dependendent development packages (react 16, office ui fabric, etc.)
- Fixed issues with status page and snapshotting #547
- Fixed an issue where taxonomy fields would sometimes bug out due to wrong web reference #567
- All PnP bundles binaries updated to latest version (june 2018)
- Fixed issue with project status / risk section was of wrong content type #533
Breaking changes
- If you've changed the default search query you will need to do this again in the new search data sources as lists, see #534