SharePoint Provisioning engine with pure JavaScript inspired by
Size: 105 kB (43 kB minified)
Can be as simple as
jQuery.getScript(`${_spPageContextInfo.siteAbsoluteUrl}/SiteAssets/js/pzl.sites.core.js`, () => {
Pzl.Sites.Core.init(siteTemplateConfig, { "Logging": { "On": true } }).then(() => {
or with logging to file
jQuery.getScript(`${_spPageContextInfo.siteAbsoluteUrl}/SiteAssets/js/pzl.sites.core.js`, () => {
Pzl.Sites.Core.init(siteTemplateConfig, { "Logging": { "On": true, "LoggingFolder": _spPageContextInfo.siteServerRelativeUrl + "/SiteAssets/logs" } }).then(() => {
with customized wait message
jQuery.getScript(`${_spPageContextInfo.siteAbsoluteUrl}/SiteAssets/js/pzl.sites.core.js`, () => {
"WaitMessage": { "Header": "Working on it..", "Content": "Won't take long mate!" },
"Logging": { "On": true, "LoggingFolder": _spPageContextInfo.siteServerRelativeUrl + "/SiteAssets/logs" }
).then(() => {
js-sites-core is available through bower.
Package information
bower info js-sites-core
Install package
bower install js-sites-core
Schema is inspired by
Most of the differences are due to the available CSOM attributes and functions.
Your template can be tested here: