This repository contains a Tensorflow 2.3 implementation of Encoder-Decoder with Atrous Separable Convolution for Semantic Image Segmentation algorithm. Code for training and evaluating algorithm on VOC2012 segmentation competition is also provided.
This implementation has a few minor differences from original paper:
- Resnet-50 pretrained on ImageNet is used for base network - original paper replaces Resnet-50 with an alternative implementation based on separable convolutions. Since no weights, nor easily accessible implementations, are provided for that model, we use Resnet-50 instead.
- less convolutional filters are used throughout the model, especially in atrous spatial pyramid pooling module - this is only to keep GPU memory and computational time reasonable given hardware available to us.
- training schema - original paper first trains on VOC2012 + Hariharan datasets, then performs fine-tuning on VOC2012 dataset only, because Hariharan samples have worse quality segmentations for difficult categories, e.g. bicycles. We instead upsample number of difficult categories samples from both VOC2012 and Hariharan datasets, and don't perform fine tuning on VOC2012 dataset only. While schema from the paper is likely to give better results, we chose to go with a simpler implementation instead.
We present three sets of images to show some of the best results, average results and failure cases. For each collage top row shows input images, middle row shows ground truth segmentations, and bottom row shows our predictions.
Mean intersection over union of the best trained model for the validation dataset was 0.7408, with performance on each category provided in table below.
Category | Intersection over union |
aeroplane | 0.8641 |
background | 0.9621 |
bicycle | 0.4112 |
bird | 0.8431 |
boat | 0.6836 |
bottle | 0.7946 |
bus | 0.9014 |
car | 0.8560 |
cat | 0.9028 |
chair | 0.4297 |
cow | 0.7950 |
diningtable | 0.4203 |
dog | 0.7963 |
horse | 0.7890 |
motorbike | 0.8111 |
person | 0.8484 |
pottedplant | 0.6055 |
sheep | 0.8004 |
sofa | 0.5065 |
train | 0.7990 |
tvmonitor | 0.7370 |
A docker container is provided to run the project, along with a few helper host-side invoke tasks to start and manage the environment.
Almost every task accepts --config-path
argument, a path to configuration file that defines paths to data, batch size to use, etc.
You can refer to config.yaml
for a sample configuration file.
Host-side invoke tasks are:
- builds main container inside which train, analysis, and visualization tasks can be rundocker.compose-up
- this is a thin wrapper around docker-compose task that startsnginx
container for serving data visualizations, andmlflow
container for storing and serving training and evaluation
- runs app container. This is kept separate fromdocker.compose-up
task, because at the time of this writingdocker-compose
can't start a container with access to GPU, whiledocker
Inside the container, the most important invoke
tasks are:
- trains modelanalysis.analyze-model
- computes mean intersection over union of ground truth segmentations and model predictionsvisualize.visualize-predictions
- visualizes model predictions
To use this project with a different dataset than VOC2012:
- implement a new data loader class - look at e.g.
for a sample implementation - write configuration file that specifies data paths and other configuration details - refer to
for an example