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CI/CD Pipeline


We use CircleCI to automate the build and deployment of our subsystems.

Environment variables

CircleCI is configured with several environment variables that provide information and credentials necessary to automate deployment to Azure.

Environment variable Value
AZURE_SP Service principal appId (aka clientId)
AZURE_SP_PASSWORD Service principal password (aka clientSecret)
AZURE_SP_TENANT Service principal appOwnerTenantId
CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID Code Climate test reporter ID

The three environment variables beginning with AZURE_SP provide CircleCI with credentials for an Azure service principal. The credentials are used to log in to the Azure CLI via a user ID and password that are provided to the circleci/azure-cli orb.

A service principal named piipan-cicd (note, this is the display name and not the appId) is created as part of the IaC process and intended to be used by CircleCI.

Retrieving Azure service principal credentials

Service principal credentials are not stored outside of CircleCI and can not be retrieved after they are created. To get credentials, follow the process for refreshing credentials in

    cd iac
    ./create-service-principal.bash piipan-cicd

Note: Refreshing credentials will invalidate existing credentials and the AZURE_SP and AZURE_SP_PASSWORD environment variables will need to be updated.

Dependency Analysis

Both Snyk and Dependabot are enabled on this repository to identify known vulnerabilities in software dependencies.

Each repo subdirectory with package references (e.g., a .csproject file) should be explicitly configured in both Snyk and Dependabot.

Dependabot is configured via .github/dependabot.yml. Snyk can be configured by project administrators via its web console.

Code Coverage

Code Climate is enabled on this repository to report test coverage results from automated testing in CircleCI. The Code Climate test reporter ID is stored in CircleCI using the CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID environment variable, allowing CircleCI to automatically upload coverage reports. The test reporter ID can be found in the Repo Settings section of Code Climate's web console.