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72 lines (60 loc) · 2.81 KB

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72 lines (60 loc) · 2.81 KB


  • Enabling address: int8, 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
  • Ammo address: int32
  • Gold address: int8, 1 = gold, 0 = normal
Name Enabled Ammo Gold
Suck Cannon 2013d5d1 2013e629
Bomb Glove 2013d5d2 2013d558 2013e62a
Devastator 2013d5d3 2013d55c 2013e62b
Visibomb Gun 2013d5d5 2013d564 2013e62d
Taunter 2013d5d6 2013e62e
Blaster 2013d5d7 2013d56c 2013e62f
Pyrocitor 2013d5d8 2013d570 2013e630
Mine Glove 2013d5d9 2013d574 2013e631
Walloper 2013d5da 2013e632
Tesla Claw 2013d5db 2013d57c 2013e633
Glove of Doom 2013d5dc 2013d580 2013e634
Morph-o-ray 2013d5dd 2013e635
R.Y.N.O. 2013d5df 2013d58c 2013e637
Drone Device 2013d5e0 2013d590 2013e638
Decoy Glove 2013d5e1 2013d594 2013e639

Note: Gold state of R.Y.N.O. only changes the color.


  • Enabling address: int8, 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
  • Gold address: int8, 1 = gold, 0 = normal
Name Enabled Gold
Heli-Pack 2013d5ca 2013e622
Thruster-Pack 2013d5cb 2013e623
Hydro-Pack 2013d5cc 2013e624
Sonic Summoner 2013d5cd 2013e625
O2 Mask 2013d5ce 2013e626
Pilot's Helmet 2013d5cf 2013e627
Swingshot 2013d5d4 2013e62c
Hydrodisplacer 2013d5de 2013e636
Trespasser 2013d5e2 2013e63a
Metal Detector 2013d5e3 2013e63b
Magneboots 2013d5e4 2013e63c
Grindboots 2013d5e5 2013e63d
Hologuise 2013d5e7 2013e63f
Gadgetron PDA 2013d5e8 2013e640

Note: The gold state only changes the color which also does not have any effect on most gadgets (e.g. boots).


  • Enabling address: int8, 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
Name Enabled
Hoverboard 2013d5e6
Map-o-matic 2013d5e9
Bolt Grabber 2013d5ea
Persuader 2013d5eb


Address Type Description Values
2015ee98 int32 Bolts
2015f6a8 int32 Debug menu 0 = disabled, 4294967295 = active
201416f8 int16 Health
2014bfc4 bytearray[40] Gold Bolts 1 = found, 0 = not found
2013f4d0 float32 Position X
2013f4d4 float32 Position Y
2013f4d8 float32 Position Z