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149 lines (110 loc) · 11.7 KB

Upgrading from 2.x to 3.x

Removal of LanguageAlpha3Common; merged into LanguageAlpha3Bibliographic and LanguageAlpha3Terminology

LanguageAlpha3Common contained all the cases that were present in both LanguageAlpha3Bibliographic and LanguageAlpha3Terminology. That resulted in complicated type hints. For the sake of simplicity these have now been merged. All the cases that were present in the LanguageAlpha3Common enum are now also present in the LanguageAlpha3Bibliographic and LanguageAlpha3Terminology enums, and the LanguageAlpha3Common class has been removed.

This change also results in the return types of the methods on language classes 'toLanguageAlpha3Terminology' changing from an intersection type with the common class to just an instance of LanguageAlpha3Terminology or null and the 'toLanguageAlpha3Bibliographic' changing from an intersection type with the common class to just an instance of LanguageAlpha3Bibliographic or null.

To process this change, simply remove all references to the following class:

- LanguageAlpha3Common

ScriptCode and ScriptNumber naming inverted

In the previous release 2.5.0, the naming for scriptCode and ScriptNumber were swapped. In this release the naming has been fixed. If you used any of these classes already, please swap them in your code as well:

- ScriptCode
+ ScriptName
- ScriptName
+ ScriptCode

Typo fixed in CountryCallingCode enum case

A typo in the name of Global Mobile Satellite System has been fixed. If you were using the Global_Mobile_Satelite_System_shared_code case of CountryCallingCode as a hardcoded value in your codebase, you schould change it: (Note the extra letter 'l')

- CountryCallingCode::Global_Mobile_Satelite_System_shared_code;
+ CountryCallingCode::Global_Mobile_Satellite_System_shared_code;

BackedEnum and UnitEnum are now marked internal

These classes should not be used outside of this package, as the method signature might change between minor versions. As such, these classes are now marked internal. If you use the classes in your code you can continue to do so at your own risk, or you might want to remove their usages.

Ugrading from 1.x to 2.x

As this package is getting adopted and more people start using it, I got some valid feedback on the readability of the standards in codebases.

  • If you want to use a country code in code, you need to navigate the namespaces or know the ISO code of the spec for the country codes
  • If a country has a long formal name, using the enum name may span an entire line of code decreasing readability.

Enum renames for readability

Both of the above issues have been solved by renaming the different specifications for readability. If you are currently using any of these classes below, you can find/replace the name in the left one with the one on the right;

Old ClassName New ClassName
ISO3166_1_Alpha_2 CountryAlpha2
ISO3166_1_Alpha_3 CountryAlpha3
ISO3166_1_Name CountryName
ISO3166_1_Numeric CountryNumeric
ITU_T_E_164 CountryCallingCode
ISO4217_Alpha_3 CurrencyAlpha3
ISO4217_Name CurrencyName
ISO4217_Numeric CurrencyNumeric
ISO639_1_Alpha_2 LanguageAlpha2
ISO639_2_Alpha_3_Bibliographic LanguageAlpha3Bibliographic
ISO639_2_Alpha_3_Common LanguageAlpha3Common
ISO639_2_Alpha_3_Terminology LanguageAlpha3Terminology
ISO639_Name LanguageName

Renaming of some very long Country enum cases

Some enum cases were unnecessarily using the full country name as their name, which resulted in them taking up a full line of code. These have been renamed. If you were using any explicit names in your codebase, you should change them from their old value to the new values on the left;

Old name New name
Bahamas_the Bahamas
Bolivia_Plurinational_State_of Bolivia
British_Indian_Ocean_Territory_the British_Indian_Ocean_Territory
Cayman_Islands_the Cayman_Islands
Central_African_Republic_the Central_African_Republic
Cocos_Keeling_Islands_the Cocos_Islands
Comoros_the Comoros
Congo_the Congo
Congo_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the Congo_Democratic_Republic
Cook_Islands_the Cook_Islands
Dominican_Republic_the Dominican_Republic
Falkland_Islands_the_Malvinas Falkland_Islands
Faroe_Islands_the Faroe_Islands
French_Southern_Territories_the French_Southern_Territories
Gambia_the Gambia
Holy_See_the Holy_See
Iran_Islamic_Republic_of Iran
Korea_the_Democratic_People_s_Republic_of Korea_Democratic_Peoples_Republic
Korea_the_Republic_of Korea_Republic
Lao_People_s_Democratic_Republic_the Lao_Peoples_Democratic_Republic
Marshall_Islands_the Marshall_Islands
Micronesia_Federated_States_of Micronesia
Moldova_the_Republic_of Moldova
Netherlands_the Netherlands
Niger_the Niger
Northern_Mariana_Islands_the Northern_Mariana_Islands
Palestine_State_of Palestine
Philippines_the Philippines
Russian_Federation_the Russian_Federation
Saint_Helena_Ascension_and_Tristan_da_Cunha Saint_Helena_Ascension_Tristan_da_Cunha
South_Georgia_and_the_South_Sandwich_Islands South_Georgia_South_Sandwich_Islands
Sudan_the Sudan
Svalbard_and_Jan_Mayen Svalbard_Jan_Mayen
Syrian_Arab_Republic_the Syrian_Arab_Republic
Tanzania_the_United_Republic_of Tanzania
Turks_and_Caicos_Islands_the Turks_and_Caicos_Islands
United_Arab_Emirates_the United_Arab_Emirates
United_Kingdom_of_Great_Britain_and_Northern_Ireland_the United_Kingdom
United_States_Minor_Outlying_Islands_the United_States_Outlying_Islands
United_States_of_America_the United_States_of_America
Venezuela_Bolivarian_Republic_of Venezuela

Merging of Country and CountryShort enums

As the Country enum has now been optimized for readability, the CountryShort enums have been removed. If you were using these from release 1.6, you can simply find/replace the '/CountryShort/' namespace usages with '/Country/'

Upgrading from 0.x to 1.x

As this package reaches maturity and a first stable version is released, some breaking changes were introduced. As this package is now stable, the amount of breaking changes will be very low in the future.

ISO4217_Alpha3 class rename to ISO4217_Alpha_3

To make classnames consistent, ISO4217_Alpha3 got renamed to ISO4217_Alpha_3. If you are already using this class, a simple find & replace on the old and new classnames should get you up and running again.

toISO4217_Alpha3 method rename on ISO4217_Numeric class

In keeping everything consistent, as the ISO4217_Alpha_3 class got its new name, so has this method. The method toISO4217_Alpha3 has now been renamed to toISO4217_Alpha_3 for enum class ISO4217_Numeric. Again, a simple find and replace for the old and new method should get you up and running again.

Internal Enum class renamed to BackedEnum

The class Enum is mostly intended for internal use, but you might have used it to implement your own logic. If so, it has been renamed to BackedEnum.

Added missing Quechua language

You might have noticed the Quechua language was not present, even though it should have been. It is represented by 'qu' or 'que'.

Official country names in ISO3166_1_Alpha_2, ISO3166_1_Alpha_3 and ISO3166_1_Numeric

For about a quarter of the keys in the ISO3166_1_Alpha_2, ISO3166_1_Alpha_3 and ISO3166_1_Numeric, a shortened version of the country name was used as an unofficial source for this standard was used. This issue has now been corrected. If you use references to keys in these enums, please check they still exist. If you only use values you don't have to do anything, as the values are still the same.

If you do have references to keys on these enums in your codebase, you could trust static analysis tools like PHPStan to make sure all the references are still correct, or you could walk through your codebase manually by searching for these three classes and using your IDE to see if the references are still correct. You can also rely on your IDE to find the new name of any renamed keys, as in all cases the new keys start with the old ones.

ISO_4217 currencies now follow official naming schemes

Previously, the currencies were preceded by the country name they were used in, but that was not always correct. Now, if a currency with the same name is used in multiple countries the name still references the country of use, otherwise the country name is omitted. This is the way the official specification specifies currencies, so we are now following spec.

If you do have references to keys on these enums in your codebase, you could trust static analysis tools like PHPStan to make sure all the references are still correct, or you could walk through your codebase manually by searching for these three classes and using your IDE to see if the references are still correct. You can also rely on your IDE to find the new name of any renamed keys, as in most cases the new keys contain the last section of the old ones.