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An attempt at an all-in-one steganography project using multimedia covers.

Build Status

You may find more information regarding the results of the application along with the thesis that goes more in-depth about the theory behind the project on my website.

Used libraries

Many thanks go to these special projects that I have used in Steganos to make it better.


Any OS should be fine in theory as long as it can install the following requirements:

  • cmake >=3.8
  • A C++ compiler that supports the C++17 standard (preferably latest version of gcc/g++ on Linux and anything newer than MSVC2015 on Windows devices)

Building the application

Clone this repository on your computer.

git clone

On Linux

Just run these commands

~ $ cd Steganos
~/Steganos $ mkdir build && cd build
~/Steganos/build $ cmake ..
~/Steganos/build $ cmake --build . # could also simply run make

On Windows

  1. If you have Visual Studio installed, open Developer Command Prompt for VS. Otherwise open a normal command prompt (be sure to have cmake included in your path)
  2. Run these commands
D:> cd Steganos
D:/Steganos> mkdir build
D:/Steganos/build> cd build
D:/Steganos/build> cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A Win32 -S ..
D:/Steganos/build> cmake --build . --config Release

Usage examples

After you have successfully compiled Steganos, you are now ready to encode/decode secret messages inside cover files.

For encoding you must always have the cover flag and the secret flag in the command. For decoding you must specify only the cover.

# Using long arguments for encoding
$ ./Steganos --cover cover.png --secret secret.txt

# Shortened
$ ./Steganos -c cover.png -s secret.txt

# Verbose and custom output file
$ ./Steganos -c cover.bmp -s secret.txt -o super_secret_cover.png -v
BMP Image data is found beginning at 54
Ignoring 0 bytes to get to the actual image data
Available methods:
SEQUENTIAL (default)
No encoding method specified! Picking default option.
Deleted image data and its associated stream

# You can get list of available options for a pair 
# of cover-secret files by adding the -h flag.
$ ./Steganos -c cover.bmp -s secret.ppm -h
Available steganography methods when using BMP files as cover:
Special option because secret file is .ppm : SSTV (and decoded via SEQUENTIAL)

# after knowing the available methods, we can use either one
$ ./Steganos -c cover.bmp -s secret.ppm -m sstv

# to decode, you must only have the cover flag 
# enabled and you can specify the mode
$ ./Steganos -c suspicious_image.bmp -m sequential
# result is now in output.bin (default output file name)

# in the case of the personal_scramble algorithm
# you can also specify a password using -p
$ ./Steganos -c cover.bmp -s secret.txt -m personal_scramble -p super_secret_key

# decoding it with the wrong password will work 
# but it will produce random invalid data
$ ./Steganos -c suspicious_image.bmp -m personal_scramble -p invalid_key
$ file output.bin
# using the right password will get us the right file
$ ./Steganos -c suspicious_image.bmp -m personal_scramble -p super_secret_key
$ file output.bin
output.bin:ASCII text, with no line terminators
$ mv output.bin message.txt
$ cat message.txt
Hello world!

Possible issues

  1. Sometimes installing cmake via the apt package manager will install a version <3.8 which will not work with Steganos. Possible fixes I have found if this happens:
  • Download CMake directly from source. [Harder but less overhead]
  • If you have python3 installed, they have a more recent CMake version available. Running the commands below will install cmake on the system. [Easier but more used space]
# if python3 is not installed
$ sudo apt -y update && sudo apt -y upgrade
$ sudo apt -y install python3 && sudo apt -y install python3-pip
# after python3 is installed
$ sudo pip3 install cmake
  1. Please submit any issues you find on GitHub so I can check them out.

Further work

  • In the near future I will try to configure Jenkins such that it will also build and compile the Steganos binaries.
  • More supported file formats (mainly JPEG).
  • Some code refactorization.