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Automated OpenShift v4 installation on AWS

This project automates the Red Hat Openshift Container Platform 4.2 installation on Amazon AWS platform. It focuses on the Openshift User-provided infrastructure installation (UPI) where end users provide pre-existing infrastructure including VMs, networking, load balancers, DNS configuration etc.

Infrastructure Architecture

For detail on OpenShift UPI, please reference the following:

The following diagram outlines the infrastructure architecture. OpenShift 4 on AWS

Terraform Automation

This project uses mainly Terraform as infrastructure management and installation automation driver. All the user provisioned resource are created via the terraform scripts in this project.


  1. To use Terraform automation, download the Terraform binaries here.

    We recommend to run Terraform automation from an AWS bastion host because the installation will place the entire OpenShift cluster in a private network where you might not have easy access to validate the cluster installation from your laptop.

    Provision an EC2 bastion instance (with public and private subnets). Install Terraform binary. Install git Install tree

    sudo yum install git-all
    git --version
   sudo yum install tree

Install OpenShift command line oc cli:

tar -xvf openshift-client-linux-4.2.14.tar.gz
chmod u+x oc kubectl
sudo mv oc /usr/local/bin
sudo mv kubectl /usr/local/bin
oc version

tar -xvf openshift-install-linux-4.2.14.tar.gz
chmod u+x openshift-install
sudo mv openshift-install /usr/local/bin

You'll also need the [AWS CLI]( to do this.

2. Get the Terraform code

git clone
  1. Prepare the DNS

    OpenShift requires a valid DNS doamin, you can get one from AWS Route53 or using existing domain and registrar.
  2. Prepare AWS Account Access

    Please reference the Required AWS Infrastructure components to setup your AWS account before installing OpenShift 4. This step is very important.

    We suggest to create an AWS IAM user dedicated for OpenShift installation with permissions documented above. On the bastion host, configure your AWS user credential as environment variables:

    export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-2
    aws s3 ls
  3. Install: User Provided Infrastructure (UPI) - This Step is bigger.

The steps for performing a UPI-based install are outlined here.

Create Configuration

Create an install configuration as for the usual approach - IPI Installation (which is not recommended here):

$ openshift-install create install-config
? SSH Public Key /home/user_id/.ssh/
? Platform aws
? Region us-east-2
? Base Domain
? Cluster Name openshift
? Pull Secret [? for help]

Optional: Create Encrypted AMIs - This step is FYI only can be ommitted.

The IPI-based installer creates an encrypted AMI by default. If you wish to have an encrypted AMI for UPI-based installs, you will need to create it directly. You can find a list of the appropriate base AMIs here.

You will make an encrypted copy of the AMI according to the AWS documentation.

With the new AMI, you can customize the install-config created on the previous step to override the default. Additionally, you would pass it to the templates or EC2 launch instance commands according to how you intend to launch your hosts.

Empty Compute Pools

We'll be providing the control-plane and compute machines ourselves, so edit the resulting install-config.yaml to set replicas to 0 for the compute pool: Run this Python command from your Host Machine (where you have cloned this Code).

python -c '
import yaml;
path = "install-config.yaml";
data = yaml.load(open(path));
data["compute"][0]["replicas"] = 0;
open(path, "w").write(yaml.dump(data, default_flow_style=False))'

Edit Manifests

Use a staged install to make some adjustments which are not exposed via the install configuration.

$ openshift-install create manifests
INFO Consuming "Install Config" from target directory

Remove Machines and MachineSets

Remove the control-plane Machines and compute MachineSets, because we'll be providing those ourselves and don't want to involve the machine-API operator:

$ rm -f openshift/99_openshift-cluster-api_master-machines-*.yaml openshift/99_openshift-cluster-api_worker-machineset-*.yaml

You are free to leave the compute MachineSets in if you want to create compute machines via the machine API, but if you do you may need to update the various references (subnet, etc.) to match your environment.

Make control-plane nodes unschedulable

Currently emptying the compute pools makes control-plane nodes schedulable. But due to a Kubernetes limitation, router pods running on control-plane nodes will not be reachable by the ingress load balancer. Update the scheduler configuration to keep router pods and other workloads off the control-plane nodes: Run this Python command from your Host Machine (where you have cloned this Code).

python -c '
import yaml;
path = "manifests/cluster-scheduler-02-config.yml"
data = yaml.load(open(path));
data["spec"]["mastersSchedulable"] = False;
open(path, "w").write(yaml.dump(data, default_flow_style=False))'

Create Ignition Configs

Now we can create the bootstrap Ignition configs:

$ openshift-install create ignition-configs

After running the command, several files will be available in the directory. Tree command you have to install to get a look like this. But this is Optional.

$ yum install tree 
$ tree
├── auth
│   └── kubeconfig
├── bootstrap.ign
├── master.ign
├── metadata.json
└── worker.ign

Extract Infrastructure Name from Ignition Metadata

Many of the operators and functions within OpenShift rely on tagging AWS resources. By default, Ignition generates a unique cluster identifier comprised of the cluster name specified during the invocation of the installer and a short string known internally as the infrastructure name. These values are seeded in the initial manifests within the Ignition configuration. To use the output of the default, generated ignition-configs extracting the internal infrastructure name is necessary.

An example of a way to get this is below:

$ jq -r .infraID metadata.json

Installation Procedure using Terraform

This project installs the OpenShift 4 in several stages where each stage automates the provisioning of different components from infrastructure to OpenShift installation. The design is to provide the flexibility of different topology and infrastructure requirement.

  1. The deployment assumes that you run the terraform deployment from a Linux based environment. This can be performed on an AWS-linux2 EC2 instance. The deployment machine has the following requirements:

    • git cli
    • terraform 0.12 or later
    • aws client
    • jq command (Optional)
    • wget command
    • tree command
  2. Deploy the private network and OpenShift 4 cluster through the connection using transit gateway to the public environment. You can use all the automation in a single deployment or you can use the individual folder in the git repository sequentially. The folders are:

    • 1_vpc_configuration: Create the VPC and subnets for the OpenShift cluster
    • 2_load_balancer_configuration: Create the system loadbalancer for the API and machine config operator
    • 3_dns_configuration: generate a private hosted zone using route 53
    • 4_security_group_configuration: defines network access rules for masters and workers
    • 5_iam_configuration: define AWS authorities for the masters and workers
    • 6_bootstrap_ignition_configuration: main module to provision the bootstrap node and generates OpenShift installation files and resources
    • 7_control_plane_RHCS_configuration: create master nodes manually (UPI)
    • 8_postinstall_operations: defines public DNS for application load balancer (optional)

    You can also provision all the components in a single terraform main module, to do that, you need to use a terraform.tfvars, that is copied from the terraform.tfvars.example file. The variables related to that are:

    Create a terraform.tfvars file with following content:

aws_region = "us-east-2"
aws_azs = ["a", "b", "c"]
default_tags = { "owner" = "ocp42" }
infrastructure_id = "ocp42"
clustername = "ocp4"
domain = ""
ami = "ami-0bc59aaa7363b805d"
aws_access_key_id = ""
aws_secret_access_key = ""
bootstrap = { type = "i3.xlarge" }
control_plane = { count = "3" , type = "m4.xlarge", disk = "120" }
use_worker_machinesets = true
# worker = {        count = "3" , type = "m4.large" , disk = "120" }
openshift_pull_secret = "./openshift_pull_secret.json"
openshift_installer_url = ""
name required description and value
aws_region no AWS region that the VPC will be created in. By default, uses us-east-2. Note that for an HA installation, the AWS selected region should have at least 3 availability zones.
aws_azs no AWS Availability Zones that the VPC will be created in, e.g. [ "a", "b", "c"] to install in three availability zones. By default, uses ["a", "b", "c"]. Note that the AWS selected region should have at least 3 availability zones for high availability. Setting to a single availability zone will disable high availability and not provision EFS, in this case, reduce the number of master and proxy nodes to 1.
default_tags no AWS tag to identify a resource for example owner:gchen
infrastructure_id yes This id will be prefixed to all the AWS infrastructure resources provisioned with the script - typically using the clustername as its prefix.
clustername yes The name of the OpenShift cluster you will install
domain yes The domain that has been created in Route53 public hosted zone
ami no Red Hat CoreOS ami for your region (see
aws_secret_access_key yes adding aws_secret_access_key to the cluster
aws_access_key_id yes adding aws_access_key_id to the cluster
bootstrap no
control_plane no
use_worker_machinesets no if set to true, then workers are created using machinesets otherwise use the worker variable
worker no if not using the machinesets, this variable is used to size the worker machines
openshift_pull_secret no The value refers to a file name that contain downloaded pull secret from; the default name is openshift_pull_secret.json
openshift_installer_url no The URL to the download site for Red Hat OpenShift installation and client codes.
private_vpc_cidr no VPC private netwrok CIDR range default
vpc_private_subnet_cidrs no CIDR range for the VPC private subnets default ["", "", "" ]
vpc_public_subnet_cidrs no default to ["","",""]
cluster_network_cidr no The pod network CIDR, default to ""
cluster_network_host_prefix no The prefix for the pod network, default to "23"
service_network_cidr no The service network CIDR, default to ""

See Terraform documentation for the format of this file.

Initialize the Terraform:

terraform init

Recommended Installation You navigate to the Individual folder (Modules) and perform these operations for better understanding and debugging.

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-13-179 1_vpc_configuration]$ terraform init
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-13-179 1_vpc_configuration]$ terraform plan
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-13-179 1_vpc_configuration]$ terraform apply

You can take the Output values of each module and apply to your prompts to you next module, for example like this

aws_route.ocp_pri_net_route_ngw[2]: Creation complete after 2s [id=r-rtb-05621326f0a3192b11080289494]
aws_vpc_endpoint.private_ec2: Creation complete after 1m53s [id=vpce-0c2ea2a7ee4cce9e2]

Apply complete! Resources: 41 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


clustername = ocp4
infrastructure_id = ocp4-f0f9
private_vpc_id = vpc-0721cc2575910c2d6
private_vpc_private_subnet_ids = [
private_vpc_public_subnet_ids = [
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-13-179 2_load_balancer_configuration]$terraform init

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-13-179 2_load_balancer_configuration]$ terraform plan
  Enter a value: vpc-0721cc2575910c2d6

  List of subnet ids
  Enter a value: ["subnet-03ed5a72f6a970bce","subnet-03d0f5de0e38e725a","subnet-00e5ca4992f240cfd"]
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-13-179 2_load_balancer_configuration]$ terraform apply

Run the terraform provisioning:

terraform plan
terraform apply

Ending Notes -- Monitor for bootstrap-complete and Initialization

$ bin/openshift-install wait-for bootstrap-complete
INFO Waiting up to 30m0s for the Kubernetes API at
INFO API v1.12.4+c53f462 up
INFO Waiting up to 30m0s for the bootstrap-complete event...

Destroy Bootstrap Resources

At this point, you should delete the bootstrap resources. If using the CloudFormation template, you would delete the stack created for the bootstrap to clean up all the temporary resources.

Launch Additional Compute Nodes

You may create compute nodes by launching individual EC2 instances discretely or by automated processes outside the cluster (e.g. Auto Scaling Groups). You can also take advantage of the built in cluster scaling mechanisms and the machine API in OpenShift, as mentioned above. In this example, we'll manually launch instances via the CloudFormatio template here. You can launch a CloudFormation stack to manage each individual compute node (you should launch at least two for a high-availability ingress router). A similar launch configuration could be used by outside automation or AWS auto scaling groups.

Approving the CSR requests for nodes

The CSR requests for client and server certificates for nodes joining the cluster will need to be approved by the administrator. You can view them with:

$ oc get csr
NAME        AGE     REQUESTOR                                                                   CONDITION
csr-8b2br   15m     system:serviceaccount:openshift-machine-config-operator:node-bootstrapper   Approved,Issued
csr-8vnps   15m     system:serviceaccount:openshift-machine-config-operator:node-bootstrapper   Approved,Issued
csr-b96j4   25s                       Approved,Issued
csr-bfd72   5m26s                       Pending
csr-c57lv   5m26s                       Pending

Administrators should carefully examine each CSR request and approve only the ones that belong to the nodes created by them. CSRs can be approved by name, for example:

oc adm certificate approve csr-bfd72

Add the Ingress DNS Records

If you removed the DNS Zone configuration earlier, you'll need to manually create some DNS records pointing at the ingress load balancer. You can create either a wildcard *.apps.{baseDomain}. or specific records (more on the specific records below). You can use A, CNAME, alias, etc. records, as you see fit. For example, you can create wildcard alias records by retrieving the ingress load balancer status:

$ oc -n openshift-ingress get service router-default
NAME             TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP                                                              PORT(S)                      AGE
router-default   LoadBalancer   80:31499/TCP,443:30693/TCP   5m

Then find the hosted zone ID for the load balancer (or use this table):

$ aws elb describe-load-balancers | jq -r '.LoadBalancerDescriptions[] | select(.DNSName == "").CanonicalHostedZoneNameID'

And finally, add the alias records to your private and public zones:

$ aws route53 change-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id "${YOUR_PRIVATE_ZONE}" --change-batch '{
>   "Changes": [
>     {
>       "Action": "CREATE",
>       "ResourceRecordSet": {
>         "Name": "\\",
>         "Type": "A",
>         "AliasTarget":{
>           "HostedZoneId": "Z3AADJGX6KTTL2",
>           "DNSName": "",
>           "EvaluateTargetHealth": false
>         }
>       }
>     }
>   ]
> }'
$ aws route53 change-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id "${YOUR_PUBLIC_ZONE}" --change-batch '{
>   "Changes": [
>     {
>       "Action": "CREATE",
>       "ResourceRecordSet": {
>         "Name": "\\",
>         "Type": "A",
>         "AliasTarget":{
>           "HostedZoneId": "Z3AADJGX6KTTL2",
>           "DNSName": "",
>           "EvaluateTargetHealth": false
>         }
>       }
>     }
>   ]
> }'

If you prefer to add explicit domains instead of using a wildcard, you can create entries for each of the cluster's current routes:

$ oc get --all-namespaces -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{range .status.ingress[*]}{.host}{"\n"}{end}{end}' routes

Monitor for Cluster Completion

$ bin/openshift-install wait-for install-complete
INFO Waiting up to 30m0s for the cluster to initialize...

Also, you can observe the running state of your cluster pods:

$ oc get pods --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE                                               NAME                                                                READY     STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system                                                   1/1       Running     0          35m
kube-system                                                   1/1       Running     0          37m
kube-system                                                    1/1       Running     0          35m
openshift-apiserver-operator                            openshift-apiserver-operator-6d6674f4f4-h7t2t                       1/1       Running     1          37m
openshift-apiserver                                     apiserver-fm48r                                                     1/1       Running     0          30m
openshift-apiserver                                     apiserver-fxkvv                                                     1/1       Running     0          29m
openshift-apiserver                                     apiserver-q85nm                                                     1/1       Running     0          29m
openshift-service-ca-operator                           openshift-service-ca-operator-66ff6dc6cd-9r257                      1/1       Running     0          37m
openshift-service-ca                                    apiservice-cabundle-injector-695b6bcbc-cl5hm                        1/1       Running     0          35m
openshift-service-ca                                    configmap-cabundle-injector-8498544d7-25qn6                         1/1       Running     0          35m
openshift-service-ca                                    service-serving-cert-signer-6445fc9c6-wqdqn                         1/1       Running     0          35m
openshift-service-catalog-apiserver-operator            openshift-service-catalog-apiserver-operator-549f44668b-b5q2w       1/1       Running     0          32m
openshift-service-catalog-controller-manager-operator   openshift-service-catalog-controller-manager-operator-b78cr2lnm     1/1       Running     0          31m