This is more of a tool than an API example. It will visualize LiDAR, RADAR, and object data from multiple sources on the PolySync bus.
This example has tools to freeze-frame, measure distance, color by source or type, and is great for building sensor fusion applications.
The graphics were built with OpenGL and are very extendable. It has a built in system/node management tool to dynamically handle nodes coming on/off bus.
Sensors: LiDAR, RADAR
Packages: libglib2.0-dev freeglut3-dev
To install on Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev freeglut3-dev
$ cd viewer_lite
$ make
$ ./bin/polysync-viewer-lite
For more API examples, visit the "Tutorials" and "Development" sections in the PolySync Help Center here.