This is a blogging tool based off of Low Fat CMS. This tool is made specifically for podcasts who are wanting an easy to use podcast tool, without having all of the issues that come with WordPress.
Currently this tool does expect you know something about uploading, and managing database tools, this will soon be rectified however.
To install:
- create a database on your server
- create the database tables from the /_db/db.sql file
- upload all folders and files (except the /_db folder)
- change the settings in the config.ini file.
A manual will be available on your new site. You can login with admin/FatFree123
The CMS allows to manage:
- pages: page content
- metatags: tags linked to pages
- chunks: html code that can be used on pages
- news: news items
- contact requests: when a contact form gets filled out it will not only be sent to the email set in the config file, but also stored in the database
- users
The site menu gets generated automatically. Templates can be changed in the /app/views/ folder.
Contact, news pages, news overview and sitemap.xml are available out of the box.
The following placeholder functions or snippets can be used on all pages. [[children?id=parent_page_id&list=true]] to list all child pages of a specific page
[[gallery?"description"=>"path/to/image/jpg","description img 2"=>"path/to/image2/jpg"]] for a picture gallery (clickable and opens in bootstrap modal)
[[listpics?/assets/images/listpics/]] to list all pictures in the specified folder (clickable and opens in bootstrap modal)
[[metatag?id=1]] list all pages linked to the specified metatag
More information will be shown in the manual when the site is installed.