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Release documentation

Norbert Schuler edited this page Jul 7, 2019 · 24 revisions

How to release the app

Create a release branch and increase the version number

Release the Android app

  • use Android Studio with the menu Build->Generate Signed Bundle/APK to generate signed APKs
    • this results into five APK files for different architectures
    • we omit the universal APK and only upload the other four APK into Google Play Store Console as the universal binary would be marked as redundant by Google
  • create a new Alpha, Beta or Production release in the Google Play Store console
    • upload the four APK mentioned above
    • add a release note
    • publish the release

Release the iOS app

  • Use menu Product->Archive to create a new archive for releasing the app
    • use the Organizer to distribute the app (method iOS App Store) to App Store Connect
    • wait for the build to be processed by Apple
  • for TestFlight the processed build has to be activated by added a declaration (TODO: how is the name?)
  • for distribution a new version with <next_version_number> has to be created
    • choose the processed build for this version
    • add a release note
    • push the release into the review process with automatic release

Release of the web client

  • Merge the release branch into the master branch. This should be done anyway after the release is completed.

Source Maps

  • Run the script ./ (in the app repository) to upload source maps to Bugsnag for the native client.
  • Source maps for the web client will be uploaded automatically within the CircleCI build of the master branch.
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